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Bug Report Summary

Test Cases Summary

Status Deferred
Type of test cases Grand Total
Fail Pass P1(Highest) 2
Negative 5 18 23 P2(High)
Positive 35 68 103 P3(Medium)
Grand Total 40 86 126 Grand Total 2
Bug Report Summary Bugs Status Along with Types
Status Status Bug Type Count
Grand Total
Fixed/Resolved Open Reopen TBD Need to discuss 2
26 24 4 56 New occurred 31
7 5 1 13 Open Unable to test 1
7 7 Still to be resolved 9
33 36 5 76 Fixed Resolved 33
Grand Total 76
with Types


Project Name Qweigh
Module Name Admin
Reference Document Observation Sheet After Go-Live
Created by Pradeep Carpenter
Date of creation 22-Feb-22
Date of review

Test scenario ID Application Module

TS_01 Qweigh Web In-Process

TS_02 Qweigh Web In-Process
TS_03 Qweigh Web Out-Process
TS_04 Qweigh Web Out-Process
TS_05 Qweigh Web Out-Process
TS_06 Qweigh Web Out-Process
TS_07 Qweigh Mobile App Both
TS_08 Qweigh Mobile App Both
TS_09 Qweigh Web Both
TS_10 Qweigh Web Audit
TS_11 Qweigh SWB Both
TS_12 Qweigh Web Reporting
TS_13 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_14 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_15 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_16 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_17 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_18 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_19 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_20 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_21 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_22 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_23 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_24 Qweigh Web Configuration
TS_25 SAP SAP trip report
TS_26 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_27 Qweigh Web Admin
TS_28 Qweigh Web Out-Process
TS_29 Qweigh Web Home page
TS_30 Qweigh Web Home page
TS_31 Qweigh Mobile App Home page
Observation Sheet After Go-Live
Pradeep Carpenter

Form/Page Name reference
document index
In process-Plant process-Reported at Gate NA
In process-Plant process-Plant unloading NA
Out process-Trip process-Trip Creation NA
Out process-Trip process-Plant loading NA
Out process-Trip process-Gate Out NA
Out process-Trip process-Lab NA
Site Unloading NA
Plant Unloading & Plant Loading NA
Approval NA
Audit-Both Process Review page NA
SWB Application NA
Reporting-General-Weighbridge transaction report NA
Admin-SAP-Purchase Order NA
Admin-SAP-Reservation NA
Admin-SAP-Sale order NA
Admin-SAP-Material NA
Admin-SAP NA
Admin-General-Outward WT NA
Admin-General-Work Category NA
Admin-General-Category Component NA
Admin-General-Chainage From NA
Admin-General-Chainage to NA
Admin-User Details-New User NA
Configuration-Hardware-Hardware Detail NA
SAP report NA
Admin-User details-User plant NA
Admin - SAP - sales order & Inward GRN NA
Out process-Site process-Site unload NA
Home screen NA
In process,out process and Audit NA
In and Out process gateout NA

Test scenario description

Trip creation functionality testing & Gate out

Unloading functionality testing
Trip creation functionality testing
Plant loading functionality testing
Gate out functionality testing
LAB page functionality testing
Site unloading functionality testing for In-Process & Out-Process through mobile app
Plant unloading & Plant Loading functionality testing through mobile app
Approval page functionality testing
Audit module functionality testing
SWB App functionality testing
Report functionality testing for both processes
Purchase order functionality testing
Reservation functionality testing
Sale order functionality testing
Material functionality testing
Check other admin modules pages functionality
Outward WT functionality testing
Work category functionality testing
Category component page functionality testing for both processes
ChainageF page functionality testing for both processes
ChainageT page functionality testing for both processes
User creation functionality testing
Check replace Bound rate with Boud rate
In SAP the trip type and trip weighment is not getting updated.
Not able to give user an access of multiple plants.
Date filter functionality.
After site unloading the category component data is not showing .
Blank window while user is Idle.
Nomeclature of PO and Doc change
Mobile Out-process gate out not working
1st Test 2nd Test 3rd Test 4th Test 5th Test 6th Test
Importance No. of test cases
Date Date Date Date Date Date

High 16 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022

High 3 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
High 3 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
High 17 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
High 2 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
Very High 7 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
High 8 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
High 2 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
Very High 7 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
Very High 15 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
High 3 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
Very High 22 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
High 4 01.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
High 5 02.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
High 5 02.10.2021 01.11.2021 22.12.2021 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
High 1 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
High 2 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
High 3 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
Very High 2 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
Very High 1 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
Very High 1 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
Very High 1 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
Medium 1 03.01.2022 06.01.2022 13.01.2022
Medium 1
High 1
High 1
Medium 2
Medium 1
Low 1
Medium 1
High 3
7th Test 8th Test
Date Date

19.01.2022 02.02.2022
19.01.2022 02.02.2022
19.01.2022 02.02.2022
19.01.2022 02.02.2022
19.01.2022 02.02.2022
19.01.2022 02.02.2022
19.01.2022 02.02.2022
19.01.2022 02.02.2022
19.01.2022 02.02.2022
20.01.2022 05.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
20.01.2022 03.02.2022
Test Case Id Test Scenario Id Test Case Description

Challan or Bill number mandatory for in process

TC001 TS_01 trip creation
(one field should be mandatory)

Check trip creation if user entered '0' in challan

TC002 TS_01
number & bill number fields

To check trip creation different base document

TC003 TS_01
type in different scenario

Without material code (Asset PO) trip getting

TC004 TS_01
created for in-process

Change the material after trip creation & before

TC005 TS_01 next stage if user selected wrong material while
trip creation

Material description change in SAP in Supplier to

TC006 TS_01
camp weighment in In process trip

TC007 TS_01 To check the trip creation without scenario

TC008 TS_01 To check the trip creation without vendor

TC009 TS_01 To check the trip creation without material

to check In process trip creation of Return Receipt

TC010 TS_01
From Repair

To check Trip Creation of Return without Vendor-

TC011 TS_01
222 scenario

TC012 TS_01 Wrong msg showing after transaction (Gate Out)

TC013 TS_02 To check unloading page functionality

Unloading system is allowing to change the

TC014 TS_02
material for in process

Check dispute functionality at plant unloading

TC015 TS_02

TC016 TS_03 Check the trip creation functionality

Check trip creation without criteria or wrong

TC017 TS_03

Check trip creation without transporter or wrong

TC018 TS_03
TC019 TS_04 To check Sales order trip plant loading

TC020 TS_04 To check Stock Transfer trip plant loading

To check Stock Transfer trip plant loading for MIX

TC021 TS_04

To check out process out side repair trip plant

TC022 TS_04

To check 00 quantity in loading qty field while

TC023 TS_04
material loading

Mix scenario reservation at loading Page for Out

TC024 TS_04

Non weighment material not loading before

TC025 TS_04
weighment material in mix scenario
Second material not loading in Out-process
TC026 TS_04
without document trip

Load weighment material in non weighment trip

TC027 TS_04
for out process (Without document)

TC028 TS_04 Check plant loading without scenario

Check plant loading without material or wrong

TC029 TS_04

To check non-weighment base document qty at

TC030 TS_04 plant loading

To check weighment base document qty at plant

TC031 TS_04

TC032 TS_04 Unable to tick all material loading check box after
plant loading and check loading qty after that

Unable to load non weighment material before

TC033 TS_04
weighment material in stock transfer mix scenario
TC034 TS_04 To check plant loading for out-side replacement

TC035 TS_05 To check gate out functionality

Vehicle gate out without PGI no. (For mix

TC036 TS_05
scenario) for Out process

To check vehicle no, loading & site unloading

TC037 TS_06
remark columns in LAB report

TC038 TS_06 Columns data & LAB report behavior

0 quantity save in material consumption in LAB
TC039 TS_06

TC040 TS_06 Duplicate Trip issue in LAB report

Work category, Category component and

TC041 TS_06 chainage data not showing in LAB page which is
selected at site unloading page/Mobile app

TC042 TS_06 To check LAB report download in excel

To check duplicate entries if site unloading
TC043 TS_07
happen multiple times for out process

Dispute Check Box at site unloading for Out

TC044 TS_07

Site unloading done by mobile app without Gross

TC045 TS_07
weight & Gate out for out process

Offline mobile app (Site unloading for Out-

TC046 TS_07

Checked site unloading functionality other than

TC047 TS_07
Issue to project scenario by mobile app

TC048 TS_07 Offline mobile app (Site unloading for In-process)

Supplier to Site Unloading Point scenario working
TC049 TS_07

To check duplicate entries if site unloading

TC050 TS_07
happen multiple times for in process

TC051 TS_08 To check plant loading with mobile app

TC052 TS_08 To check plant unloading with mobile app

Moisture content edit & dispute check-box

TC053 TS_09
remove from approval Page for In-Process

Dispute check box un-check through approval

TC054 TS_09
Page for out-process

TC055 TS_09 Recv qty change in Approval Page for In-Process

Approval page remark not showing in trip for in
TC056 TS_09

To check approval functionality if a material is

TC057 TS_09
rejected at plant unloading stage

To check duplicate entries after multiple approval

TC058 TS_09
for in process

To check duplicate entries after multiple approval

TC059 TS_09
for out process

Received qty = Actual net qty for weighment

TC060 TS_10
material for In-Process

Received qty = Actual net qty for weighment

TC061 TS_10
material for Out-Process
Base document changed through Audit Page in
TC062 TS_10 with base doc trip & with same material for In-

Base document changed through Audit Page in

TC063 TS_10 with base doc trip & with different material for In-

Base document changed through Audit Page in

TC064 TS_10 with base doc trip & with same material for Out-

Documents changed through Audit Page in with

TC065 TS_10 base doc trip & with different material for Out-

TC066 TS_10 Change Transporter, Challan No, Bill No, Challan

Qty & RCVD qty for In-Process by Audit Page

Change Transporter, Item No, Loading Qty and

TC067 TS_10
Received Qty for Out-Process by Audit Page

TC068 TS_10 Reprint page functionality for Trip search and print
To check base document changed through audit
TC069 TS_10 Page in multiple base document case for In-

Material changed by audit Page (With base

TC070 TS_10
documents) for In-process

Line item is not getting updated while replacing

TC071 TS_10
the material and line item

Not able to bind different vendor base document

TC072 TS_10 if trip created without base doc & with different

Trip status is showing pending while trip is

TC073 TS_10 completed (Gate out) in Camp to Camp transfer
scenario in Out process Audit page

User signature and final weighment date in WB

TC074 TS_11
TC075 TS_11 Orientation of swb print slip

Moisture Deduction Qty field to be added in WB

TC076 TS_11

Non-Weighment/Verified Received Qty column for

TC077 TS_12
In-Process report

TC078 TS_12 Dispute approved by column for In-Process report

TC079 TS_12 WB operator 2 column for In-Process report

Column of Net wt. after moisture deduction for In-

TC080 TS_12
Process report
TC081 TS_12 Need data in TAT columns for In-Process report

Missing columns (Item no and Modification by-in

TC082 TS_12
audit) for In-Process report

WB ID and weighbridge description column for

TC083 TS_12
Out-Process report

Trip Status & trip Stage column for Out-Process

TC084 TS_12

Non-Weighment/Verified Received Qty column for

TC085 TS_12
Out-Process report

WB operator 1 & WB operator 2 column for Out-

TC086 TS_12
Process report
Missing Column (Item no. and modification by (In
TC087 TS_12
Audit)) for Out-Process report

Challan No & Bill No Columns Not Required for

TC088 TS_12
Out-Process report

TC089 TS_12 Challan qty and loading qty field in both report

TC090 TS_12 Cancel trip data in reports for both process

Trip status column in both In and Out process

TC091 TS_12

TC092 TS_12 Vehicle frequency report

TC093 TS_12 Tare weight difference report

TC094 TS_12 Challan qty and loading qty field in SAP trip report

To check purchase order page date filter & search

TC095 TS_13

To check purchase order page Vendor & Trip

TC096 TS_13
search option

To check purchase order page date filter more

TC097 TS_13
than one month

TC098 TS_13 To check trip detail in purchase order page

To check Reservation page date filter & search

TC099 TS_14

TC100 TS_14 To check date filter more than one month

TC101 TS_14 To check reservation page response

TC102 TS_14 Reservation page data export in excel

TC103 TS_14 To check view details arrow functionality

To check Sale order page date filter & search

TC104 TS_15
TC105 TS_15 Sale order page data export in excel

TC106 TS_16 To check material page search option

To check other admin module page search option

TC107 TS_17

To check data export in excel other admin

TC108 TS_17 modules like Project, plant, storage location,
customer, vendor, UOM & etc

Outward WT (Weighment) option (appearing 2

TC109 TS_18
times in app)

TC110 TS_18 Date filter is not working in Outward WT page

TC111 TS_19 Check & configure the work category

TC112 TS_20 Check & configure the category component

TC113 TS_21 Check & configure the ChainageF

TC114 TS_22 Check & configure the ChainageT

TC115 TS_23 Check user creation functionality

TC116 TS_11 To check fail to save error in SWB app

TC117 TS_10 To check material change functionality in issue to

project trip through audit

TC118 TS_12 To check verified rcvd qty in report for KG UOM

To check royalty qty field at gate registration page

TC119 TS_01
for in-process

TC120 TS_19 Unable to configure work category

TC121 TS_12 Check calibration report

TC122 TS_12
To check GRN Date/ ISSUE Posting date in reports
for non wt.

TC123 TS_12
To check GRN Ageing (GRN Time - Gate Out time)
for in-process

Base Document Type not showing for weighment

TC124 TS_12

Trip not getting created when remaining qty is

TC125 'TS_01
Zero for one item

TC126 TS_16 To check Add material and Material list option

TC127 TS_24 Check replace Bound rate with Boud rate

TC128 TS_08 After plant loading trip data is not showing.

In SAP the trip type and trip weighment is not

TC129 TS_25
getting updated.

TC130 TS_26 Not able to give user an access of multiple plants.

TC131 TS_27 Date filter is not present .

Default date filter should be the first day of the

TC132 TS_27
month to current day.

After site unloading the category component data

TC133 TS_28
is not showing .

Audit page remark is not showing in, in and out

TC134 TS_10
TC135 TS_29 Blank window while user is Idle.

TC136 TS_30 Nomeclature of PO and Doc change

TC137 TS_31 Mobile Out-process gate out not working

TC138 TS_31 In-process gate out is not working

TC139 TS_31 Weight not showing in in process gate out
Page/Module Testing Type Movement type App Scenario

101-Supplier to
In-Process Report at Gate Positive In-Process

101-Supplier to
In-Process Report at Gate Negative In-Process

Supplier to Camp
In-Process Report at Gate Negative In-Process

Supplier to Camp
In-Process Report at Gate Positive in-Process

Supplier to Camp
In-Process Report at Gate Positive In-Process

Supplier to Camp-
In-Process Report at Gate Positive In-Process

In-Process Report at Gate Negative In-Process NA

In-Process Report at Gate Negative In-Process NA

In-Process Report at Gate Negative In-Process NA

In-Process Report at Gate Positive Out-Process Out Side Repair

Return without
In-Process Report at Gate Positive In-Process

All Scenario (In-

In-Process Report at Gate Positive In-Process

All Scenario (In-

 In-Process-Unloading Positive In-Process

All Scenario (In-

 In-Process-Unloading Negative In-Process

All Scenario (In-

 In-Process-Unloading Positive In-Process

Out-Process-Gate Report Positive Out-Process NA

Out-Process-Gate Report Negative Out-Process NA

Out-Process-Gate Report Negative Out-Process NA

 Out-Process-Plant Loading Positive Out-Process Sales Order

 Out-Process-Plant Loading Positive Out-Process Stock Transfer

Stock Transfer
 Out-Process-Plant Loading Positive Out-Process

 Out-Process-Plant Loading Positive Out-Process Out Side Repair

Issue to
 Out-Process-Plant Loading Negative Out-Process Project ,Issue to
Vendor and Mix

 Out-Process-Plant Loading Positive Out-Process Mix Scenario

 Out-Process-Plant Loading Positive Out-Process Issue to Vendor

 Out-Process-Plant Loading Positive Out-Process Issue to Vendor

 Out-Process-Plant Loading Negative Out-Process Issue to Vendor

 Out-Process-Plant Loading Negative Out-Process NA

 Out-Process-Plant Loading Negative Out-Process NA

 Out-Process-Plant Loading Positive Out-Process Issue to Vendor

 Out-Process-Plant Loading Positive Out-Process NA

 Out-Process-Plant Loading Positive Out-Process Issue to Vendor

Stock Transfer
 Out-Process-Plant Loading Positive Out-Process
Out Side
 Out-Process-Plant Loading Positive Out-Process

Out-Process Gate Out Positive Out-Process NA

Out-Process Gate Out Negative Out-Process Mix Scenario

 Out-Process-LAB Positive Out-Process Issue to Project

 Out-Process-LAB Positive Out-Process Issue to Project

 Out-Process-LAB Positive Out-Process Issue to Project

 Out-Process-LAB Negative Out-Process Issue to Project

 Out-Process-LAB Positive Out-Process Issue to Project

 Out-Process-LAB Positive Out-Process Issue to Project

mobile app-site unloading Negative Out-Process Issue to Project

mobile app-site unloading Positive Out-Process Issue to Project

mobile app-site unloading Negative Out-Process Issue to Project

mobile app-site unloading Positive Out-Process Issue to Project

mobile app-site unloading Negative Out-Process NA

mobile app-site unloading Positive In-Process NA

Supplier to Site
mobile app-site unloading Positive In-Process
Unloading Point

Supplier to Site
mobile app-site unloading Negative In-Process
Unloading Point

mobile app - plant loading Positive Out-Process NA

mobile app - plant unloading Positive In-Process NA

101-Supplier to
Approval Page Positive In-Process

Issue to
Approval Page Positive Out-Process Project ,Issue to
Vendor and Mix

101-Supplier to
Approval Page Positive In-Process
All Scenario (In-
Approval Page Positive In-Process

Supplier to Camp
Approval Page Positive In-Process

Supplier to Site
Approval Page Negative In-Process
Unloading Point

Approval Page Negative Out-Process Issue to project

Audit Module Positive Both All

Audit Module Positive Both All

101-Supplier to
Audit Module Positive In-Process

101-Supplier to
Audit Module Positive In-Process

Issue to Vendor
Audit Module Positive Out-Process
and Mix

Audit Module Positive Out-Process Issue to Vendor

and Mix

Audit Module Positive In-Process All Scenario (In-


All Scenario (Out-

Audit Module Positive Out-Process

All Scenario (In-

Audit Module Positive Both Process and Out-
All Scenario (In-
Audit Module Positive In-Process

All Scenario (In-

Audit Module Positive In-Process

Audit Module Positive Both NA

Audit Module Positive Out-Process Issue to Vendor

Camp To Camp
Audit Module Positive Out-Process

All Scenario (In-

SWB App Positive Both Process and Out-
All Scenario (In-
SWB App Positive In-Process

All Scenario (In-

SWB App Positive In-Process

All Scenario (In-

Reporting Positive In-Process

Reporting Positive In-Process All Scenario (In-


Reporting Positive In-Process All Scenario (In-


All Scenario (In-

Reporting Positive In-Process
All Scenario (In-
Reporting Positive In-Process

All Scenario (In-

Reporting Positive In-Process

All Scenario (Out-

Reporting Positive Out-Process

All Scenario (Out-

Reporting Positive Out-Process

All Scenario (Out-

Reporting Positive Out-Process

All Scenario (Out-

Reporting Positive Out-Process
All Scenario (Out-
Reporting Positive Out-Process

All Scenario (Out-

Reporting Positive Out-Process

All Scenario (In-

Reporting Positive Both Process and Out

All Scenario (In-

Reporting Positive Both Process and Out

All Scenario (In-

Reporting Positive Both Process and Out

All Scenario (In-

Reporting Positive Both Process and Out
All Scenario (In-
Reporting Positive Both Process and Out

Reporting Positive Both NA

Admin-SAP-PO Positive Both NA

Admin-SAP-PO Positive Both NA

Admin-SAP-PO Negative Both NA

Admin-SAP-PO Positive Both NA

Admin-SAP-Reservation Positive Both NA

Admin-SAP-Reservation Negative Both NA

Admin-SAP-Reservation Positive Both NA

Admin-SAP-Reservation Positive Both NA

Admin-SAP-Reservation Positive Both NA

Admin-SAP-Sale Order Positive Both NA

Admin-SAP-Sale Order Positive Both NA

Admin-SAP-Material Positive Both NA

Admin-SAP Positive Both NA

Admin-SAP Positive Both NA

Admin-General-Outward WT Positive Out-Process NA

Admin-General-Outward WT Positive Out-Process NA

Admin-General-Work Category Positive Out-Process NA

Admin-General-Category Component Positive Out-Process NA

Admin-General-ChainageF Positive Out-Process NA

Admin-General-ChainageT Positive Out-Process NA

Admin-General-User Details Positive NA NA

SWB App Negative Both NA

Audit Module Positive Out-Process Issue to Project

Reporting Positive Both NA

In-Process Report at Gate Positive In-Process Supplier to Camp

Admin General Positive NA NA

Reporting Positive NA NA

Reporting Positive NA NA

Reporting Positive NA NA

Reporting Positive NA NA

In-Process Report at Gate Positive In-Process Supplier to Camp

Admin-SAP-Material Positive Both NA

Configuration-Hardware-Hardware Detail Positive Both NA

Out process -Plant loading Positive Out-Process Issue to vendor

SAP trip report Positive Out-Process Issue to vendor

Admin-User details-User plant Positive NA NA

Admin - SAP - sales order & Inward GRN Positive NA NA

Admin -1. SAP -

iii)Purchase order
Positive NA NA
i)Outward NW
ii)Outward WT

Out process-Site process-Site unload Positive NA NA

All scenario(in and

Audit-Trip-In and out process review Positive Both
out process)
Home page Positive NA NA

Out-Process Positive NA NA

All scenario( out

Out process gate out Positive Out-Process

In process -supplier
In process gate out Positive In-Process
to site unloading
In process gate out Positive In-Process NA
Test Steps Test data

Enter URL in browser :-

Enter User Name :- Vikram
Enter password :- admin@321
Click on Get OTP tab Trip - IN64MOBI0110210955129
Enter OTP field :- 0000 Trip - IN64MOBI0110210959130
After that click on login tab Trip - IN64MOBI0202221151408
1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Enter all the details except challan and bill no.
3.Check Without challan or bill trip should be not be created

Login steps same as above

Trip - IN64MOBI0110210955129
1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
Trip - IN64MOBI0110210959130
2. Create the trip on weighment or non-weighment criteria
Trip - IN64MOBI0202221151408
3. Check 0 value save in challan or bill no.

Login steps same as above

1. Check error msg while select the wrong base document with
different scenario at Reported at Gate

Asset PO - 3100018385
Login steps same as above
Trip - IN64MOBI2112211300307
1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
Trip - IN64MOBI3112211243358
2. Create trip for non-weighment criteria
PO - 3600136897
3. Insert scenario and PO number Trip - IN64MOBI0202221158409
4. Check trip not getting created without material code
PO - 3600136897

Trip - IN64MOBI1512211943288
PO - 3400106274
Trip - IN64MOBI1512211947289
PO - 3400106274
Login steps same as above
1. Go to create the trip for in process Trip - IN64MOBI2912211301338
PO - 6900000272
2. Remove one material from reported at gate page
3. Check material not remove after save trip Trip - IN64MOBI3112211510359
PO- 3600136892
Trip - IN64MOBI0901221428386
Trip - IN64MOBI0202221151408
PO - 6900000272

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create the trip for in process Trip - IN64MOBI0301221725374
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine PO - 6900000273
3. Unloading the material Trip - IN64MOBI0301221731375
4. take tare weight from SWB machine PO - 6900000273
5. Check material description change in SAP

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Try to create the trip without scenario

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Try to create the trip without vendor
Login steps same as above
1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Try to create the trip without material

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create the trip for in process non wt. Trip - IN64MOBI0301221652372
2. Unload the material PO - 1496420
3. Gate out the vehicle

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create the trip for in process
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI3112211621361
3. Unloading the material Doc - 1496371
4. Take tare weight from SWB machine
5. Gate out the vehicle

Login steps same as above Trip - IN64MOBI0111211102190

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
Trip - IN64MOBI0111211700195
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - IN64MOBI0912210921275
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - IN64MOBI0601221443385
4. Unloading the material
Trip - IN64MOBI0202221225410
5. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - IN64MOBI0302221311421
6. Check wrong msg showing at the time of gate out

Login steps same as above Trip - IN64MOBI0110211520138

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate Trip - IN64MOBI0210211222142
2. Create the trip on weighment or non-weighment criteria Trip - IN64MOBI0210211347144
3. Take Gross weight on SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI0810211310151
4. Try to unload the material Trip - IN64MOBI0202221230411

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate Trip - IN64MOBI0110211520138
2. Create the trip on weighment or non-weighment criteria Trip - IN64MOBI0210211222142
3. Take Gross weight on SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI0210211347144
4. Check unload the material by unloading Page Trip - IN64MOBI0810211310151
5. Check material changed by unloading Page Trip - IN64MOBI0202221230411
6. Check no record found msg after changed material

Login steps same as above Trip - IN64MOBI3112211204353

1. Create trip for non wt. in in-process Trip - IN64MOBI3112211227355
2. Unload the material Trip - IN64MOBI3112211236357
3. Check dispute material check box Trip - IN64MOBI0202221241412

Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI0110211039170

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab Trip - O64MOBI0510210905188
2. Create the trip in desired criteria Trip - O64MOBI1110210919199

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Try to create the trip in without criteria

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Try to create the trip in without transporter
Trip - O64MOBI0501221235604
Login steps same as above
Doc - 47613
1. Go to create the trip for out process non wt.
2. Plant loading the material
Trip - O64MOBI0501221308605
3. Gate out the vehicle
Non wt.

Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI0501221417606

1. Go to create the trip for out process non wt. Doc - 3900016096
2. Plant loading the material Trip - O64MOBI0501221429607
3. Gate out the vehicle Doc - 3900016097

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process mix scenario
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI0501221638608
3. Load weighment material
Doc - 3900016098
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine
5. Load non weighment material
6. Gate out the vehicle

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create the trip for out process non wt. Trip - O64MOBI0301221639591
2. Plant loading the material Doc - 1496419
3. Gate out the vehicle

Login steps same as above

Trip - O64MOBI0110211036169
1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
Trip - O64MOBI0110211039170
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - O64MOBI0510210905188
3. Capture the tare weight from SWB app Trip - O64MOBI1110210919199
4.Check 00 quantity save in loading qty while material loading

Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI1210211706210

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
Trip - O64MOBI1210211545209
2. Create the trip on mix criteria
Doc no. - 1493326
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine for weighment material
Trip - O64MOBI0111211031256
4. At the loading Page scan the trip & select the scenario (issue to
vendor) Doc no. - 1495201
Trip - O64MOBI2611211308338
5. Enter reservation number in base doc field
6. Check reservation data in material grid Doc no. - 1495598

Trip - O64MOBI1312211705412
Trip - O64MOBI2112211313469
Doc - 1495864
Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI2112211313469
1. Go to create the trip for Out process for mix scenario
Trip - O64MOBI2112211317470
2. Firstly load non-weighment material
Doc - 1495864
3. Check non weighment material not loading
Trip - O64MOBI2912211250544
Doc - 1495867
Trip - O64MOBI3112211450567
Trip - O64MOBI1512212020419
Login steps same as above
Trip - O64MOBI1612211515423
1. Go to create the trip for out process (Wt. & non Wt.)
Trip - O64MOBI1712211110426
2. Take tare weight from swb machine
3. Loading first material from plant loading Page
Trip - O64MOBI1512212043420
4. Take gross weight from swb machine
(Non Weighment)
5. Check second material load in plant loading Page
Trip - O64MOBI1712211122427

Login steps same as above

After that click on login tab Trip - O64MOBI2212211218479
1. Create trip for non wt. in Out-process Trip - O64MOBI2312211132509
2. Loading weighment material Trip - O64MOBI0202221547640
3. Check weighment material load in non wt. trip

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip in desired criteria for Out-process
2. Capture the tare weight if trip created in weighment criteria
3. Check material loading without scenario

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip in desired criteria for Out-process
2. Capture the tare weight if trip created in weighment criteria
3. Check material loading without material

Trip - O64MOBI2312211158512
Doc - 1496213
Trip - O64MOBI2912211514546
Login steps same as above Doc - 1496337
1. Create trip for non wt. in Out-process Trip - O64MOBI0101221428575
2. Loading the material Doc - 1496213
3. Check loading qty field data Trip - O64MOBI0301221559588
Doc - 1496418
Trip - O64MOBI0202221549641
Doc - 1496418

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process Trip - O64MOBI020921114675
2. Capture the tare weight Trip - O64MOBI0302221318647
3. Scan the trip at plant loading stage & check loading qty field data

Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI2212211434490

1. Create trip for non wt. in Out-process Doc - 1496196
2. Loading the material Trip - O64MOBI0101221209573
3. Check are all material check box in plant loading Page Doc - 1496337

Login steps same as above

After that click on login tab
Trip - O64MOBI0501221638608
1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process mix scenario
Doc - 3900016098
2. Load non weighment material
Trip - O64MOBI0302221254646
3. Check non weighment material not loaded in Stock transfer mix
Login steps same as above
Doc - 3600136899
1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process non-weighment scenario
Trip - O64MOBI0302221323648
2. Load material at plant loading page
Doc - 3600136899

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab

2. Create the trip in desired criteria
Trip - O64MOBI0501221638608
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine (if weighment material)
4. Loading the material and take gross weight from swb machine
5. Do the PGI in SAP (if applicable)
6. Check Gate out

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab Trip - O64MOBI1210211706210
2. Create the trip on mix criteria Trip - O64MOBI1210211545209
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine for weighment material Doc no. - 1493326
4. Loading the material and take gross weight from swb machine Trip - O64MOBI0111211031256
5. After that loading non weighment material Doc no. - 1495201
6. Check Gate out without challan no. in mix scenario

Login steps same as above

Trip - O64MOBI3009211417163
1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab Trip - O64MOBI0110210942165
2. Click on Trip Process Tab
Trip - O64MOBI0111211150259
3. Click on LAB & report is being open
Trip - O64MOBI2001221402617
4. Check the columns

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Capture the tare weight from SWB app
4. Load the vehicle & enter the loading remarks & tick mark the
Trip - O64MOBI3009211417163
complete loading check box before submitting
Trip - O64MOBI0110210942165
5.Take the gross wt. from SWB app after that gate out the vehicle
Trip - O64MOBI0111211150259
6. Site unloading the vehicle & enter the remarks on remark box &
Trip - O64MOBI2001221402617
submit the trip
7. Go to Trip Process & click on LAB
8. Check the Vehicle Number, Loading Remark & Unloading Remark
Columns data
9. Select the particular trips & update the RM details
Login steps same as above
1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment or non weighment criteria
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
4. Loading the material from plant loading Page Trip - O64MOBI2009211500134
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out Trip - O64MOBI1310210933212
6. Unload the material by mobile app Trip - O64MOBI2001221402617
7. Go to Out-Process-Trip-Process & then click Lab module
8. Select date and search by same material code
9. Select version and reservation
10. Check 0 value save in material consumption

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Capture the tare weight from SWB app
Trip - O64MOBI3009211417163
4. Load the vehicle & enter the loading remarks & tick mark the
Trip - O64MOBI0110210942165
complete loading check box before submitting
Trip - O64MOBI0111211150259
5.Take the gross wt. from SWB app after that gate out the vehicle
Trip - O64MOBI2001221402617
6. Site unloading the vehicle & enter the remarks on remark box &
submit the trip
7. Go to Trip Process & click on LAB
8. Check the Lab Module

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI3112211435565
3. Loading the material Trip - O64MOBI3112211442566
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI0202221611642
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Site unload the vehicle
7. Check Category and Chainage data in LAB page

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Loading the material
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Site unloading by mobile app
7. Check lab page for export option
Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab

2. Create the trip on weighment criteria Trip - O64MOBI0401221225595
3. Capture the tare weight from SWB app Trip - IN64MOBI0202221511416
4. Load the vehicle & enter the loading remarks & tick mark the Trip - O64MOBI0202221533638
complete loading check box before submitting
5.Take the gross wt. from SWB app after that gate out the vehicle
6.Try to site unloading multiple times on mobile app in offline mode

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Capture the tare weight from SWB app
Trip - O64MOBI0110211025168
4. Load the vehicle & enter the loading remarks & tick mark the
Trip - O64MOBI0111211150259
complete loading check box before submitting
5.Take the gross wt. from SWB app after that gate out the vehicle
6.Check box required at site unloading stage for out process trip for

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - O64MOBI0110211534174
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
4. Loading the material
5. Check site unloading done by mobile app without GW & Gate out

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria Trip - O64MOBI2510211446237
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine Trip - O64MOBI2510211725239
4. Loading the material and take gross weight from swb machine Trip - O64MOBI1211211148277
5. After that gate out the vehicle
6. Check loading or site unloading by offline mobile app

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - O64MOBI2312211228514
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
4. Loading the material and take gross weight from swb machine
5. Check site unloading done in Issue to vendor by mob app

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
Trip - IN64MOBI1211211157207
2. Create trip for weighment criteria
Trip - IN64MOBI1211211216208
3. Take Gross weight on SWB machine
4. Check site unload for offline mob app
Login steps same as above
1. Go to create the trip for in process site unloading
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine
3. Gate out for Site unloading Trip - IN64MOBI0101221217364
4. Site unloading done by offline mobile app PO - 6900000267
5. Gate in for SWB activity
6. Take tare weight from SWB machine
7. Gate out the vehicle

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create the trip for in process site unloading
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI0101221217364
3. Gate out for Site unloading PO - 6900000267
4. Try to do site unloading multiple times by offline mobile app

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create the trip for out process
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Try to plant loading with mobile app

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create the trip for in process
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine
3. Try to plant unloading with mobile app

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Capture the gross weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI0110211045133
3. Unloading the material Trip - IN64MOBI0110211106134
4. Capture the tare from SWB machine and Gate out
5. Check the changes in Approval Page

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Capture the tare weight from SWB app
Trip - O64MOBI0110211123171
3. Loading the material
Trip - O64MOBI0111211107257
4. Capture the gross weight from SWB app
5. Go to Out-process-Trip-Process and Gate out the vehicle
6. Check the changes in Approval Page

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211149135
2. Create the trip on non-weighment criteria
Trip - IN64MOBI0111211103191
3. Unloading the material
4. Check the changes in Approval Page
Login steps same as above
1. Create trip for wt. in in-process Trip - IN64MOBI0101221545366
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI3112211204353
3. Unload the material Trip - IN64MOBI3112211213354
4. Update moisture and remark Trip - IN64MOBI0202221601417
5. Check approval remark

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. or non wt. for in process
Trip - IN64MOBI3112211213354
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - IN64MOBI0202221622419
3. Reject material by unloading page
4. Check approval page in rejected case

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create the trip for in process site unloading
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine
3. Gate out for Site unloading
Trip - IN64MOBI0401221243378
4. Site unloading done by offline mobile app
PO - 6900000267
5. Gate in for SWB activity
6. Take tare weight from SWB machine
7. Gate out the vehicle
8. Done multiple approval in the trip

login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
4. Loading the material & missed the tick on all material loaded check Trip - O64MOBI0401221225595
box Trip - O64MOBI0202221258635
5. Check site unloading done by mobile app without GW
6. All material loaded check box tick mark on approval
7. Gate the vehicle & site unloading the & tick on disputed check box
8. Dispute check box removed from approval

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211004131
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria and supplier to camp scenario
Trip - IN64MOBI2010211153169
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - IN64MOBI3110211217188
4. Unloading the material
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211004131
5. Capture the tare weight from SWB app and gate out vehicle
6. Check received and actual net qty should be same

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
Trip - O64MOBI0110211010166
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - O64MOBI0110211017167
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI0110211010166
4. Plant loading the material
Trip - O64MOBI0110211017167
5. Capture the gross weight from SWB app and gate out vehicle
6. Check received and actual net qty should be same
Login steps same as above
1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria Trip - IN64MOBI0110211149135
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine Old PO - 6900000267
4. Unloading the material New PO - 6900000269
5. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
6. Check the PO changes by Audit Page

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211210136
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - IN64MOBI0810211413153
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine
Old PO - 6900000267
4. Unloading the material
New PO - 6900000266
5. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
6. Check the PO changes by Audit Page

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Capture the tare weight from SWB app Trip - O64MOBI1910211717223
4. Loading the material
5. Take the gross weight from SWB machine
6. Check the document changes by Audit Page

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Capture the tare weight from SWB app Trip - O64MOBI1910211717223
4. Loading the material
5. Take the gross weight from SWB machine
6. Check the document changes by Audit Page

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment or non-weighment criteria
3. Take Gross weight on SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI0510211436146
Trip - IN64MOBI0202221304413
4. Unloading the material
5. Take Tare weight from SWB machine and Gate Out
6. Check Audit Page functionality for In-Process

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment or non weighment criteria
Trip - O64MOBI0510211440189
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI0202221312636
4. Loading the material from plant loading Page
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check Audit Page functionality for Out-Process

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Audit--Trip--Reprint
2. Search the trip for print
3. Check in process page
Login steps same as above
1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria Trip - IN64MOBI3010211604182
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine 6900000267 & 6900000268
4. Unloading the material 3600101401 & 6900000268
5. Take the tare weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check the PO & material changes by Audit Page

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria Trip - IN64MOBI3010211732183
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine 6900000268
4. Unloading the material 6900000267 & 6900000268
5. Take the tare weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check the material changes by Audit Page

Trip -O64MOBI0301221407585
Login steps same as above Doc - 1496368
1. Create the trip of in process without base document Trip - O64MOBI0301221453587
2. Take Gross weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI0301221544369
3. Unload all the materials PO - 1496416
4. Take tare weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI0301221554370
5. gate out the vehicle PO - 1496416
6. Check change material with line item from Audit in process review Trip - O64MOBI0302221209644
page Trip - IN64MOBI0302221246420
PO - 1496416

Login steps same as above

1. Create the trip of out process without base document
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI0301221453587
3. Loading all the materials
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine Trip - O64MOBI0302221234645
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Check bind base document with different vendor

Login steps same as above

1. Create the trip of out process
2. Select scenario camp to camp transfer
Trip - O64MOBI0301221255584
3. Take tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI2212211641497
4. Loading the material Trip - O64MOBI0302221155643
5. Take gross weight from SWB machine
6. Gate out the vehicle
7. Check vehicle status in Audit out process review page

Login steps same as above

1. Go to trip creation and gate report
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine Trip - -IN64MOBI3009210937123
4. Loading the material
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check SWB print slip
Login steps same as above
1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI3009210937123
4. Loading the material
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check SWB print slip

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI3009210937123
4. Loading the material
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check SWB print slip

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211210136
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211149135
4. Unloading the material
5. Take the tare weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check the report of In-process

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI3009211213127
Trip - IN64MOBI3110211201185
4. Unloading the material
5. Take the tare weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check the dispute approved by column

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI0110211149135
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211210136
4. Unloading the material
5. Take the tare weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check the WB operator 2 column

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211149135
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211210136
4. Unloading the material
5. Take the tare weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check the Net wt. after moisture deduction column
Login steps same as above
1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211149135
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211210136
4. Unloading the material
5. Take the tare weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check the Need data in TAT column

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211149135
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - IN64MOBI0110211210136
4. Unloading the material
5. Take the tare weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check missing column in In-Process report

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - O64MOBI0110211229172
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI3010211627246
4. Loading the material
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check WB ID and weighbridge description in Out-Process

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - O64MOBI0110211229172
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
4. Loading the material Trip - O64MOBI3009211048159
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check trip status and trip stage column in Out-Process report

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI0110211017167
4. Loading the material
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check Non-Weighment/Verified Received Qty column in Out-
Process report

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI0110211229172
4. Loading the material
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check WB operator 1 & WB Operator 2 column in Out-Process
Login steps same as above
1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine Trip - O64MOBI0110211417173
4. Loading the material
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check missing column in Out-Process report

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine Trip - O64MOBI0110211417173
4. Loading the material
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check missing column in Out-Process report

Login steps same as above

1. Go to reporting module
2. Click on General tab
Trip - IN64MOBI3010211732183
3. After that click on Weighbridge Transaction report
Trip - O64MOBI3010211627246
4. Select report name, select common report and select date
5. Select transaction type and search
6. Check challan qty and loading qty in report

Login steps same as above

1. Go to reporting module
2. Click on General tab
3. After that click on Weighbridge Transaction report Trip - IN64MOBI2110211119170
4. Select report name, select common report and then select date Trip - O64MOBI2110211152224
5. Select transaction type and search
6. Check trip cancel by column in both In and Out process report

Login steps same as above

1. Go to reporting module
2. Click on General tab
Trip - IN64MOBI2110211119170
3. After that click on Weighbridge Transaction report
Trip - O64MOBI2110211152224
4. Select report name, select common report and then select date
5. Select transaction type and search
6. Check Trip status column in both In and Out process report

Login steps same as above
1. Go to reporting module
2. Click on General tab
3. After that click on vehicle frequency report
RJ32GB1234 - 12000
4. Select from date and to date
RJ32GB1234 - 15000
5. Input vehicle number and search
MP14RM2345 - 11000
6. Check vehicle frequency report for In and Out process vehicle
MP14RM2345 - 16000
Login steps same as above
1. Go to reporting module
2. Click on General tab
3. After that click on vehicle frequency report
RJ32GB1234 - 12000
4. Select from date and to date
RJ32GB1234 - 15000
5. Input vehicle number and search
MP14RM2345 - 11000
6. Check Tare weight diff report for In and Out process vehicle
MP14RM2345 - 16000

Login steps same as above

1. Go to reporting module
2. Click on General tab
Trip - IN64MOBI2010211153169
3. After that click on Weighbridge Transaction report
Trip - O64MOBI1210211706210
4. Select report name, select common report and select date
5. Select transaction type and search
6. Check challan qty and loading qty in SAP trip report

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Purchase order page
2. Apply date filter & check the search functionality

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Purchase order page
2. Apply date filter & check the Vendor & Trip search option

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Purchase order page
2. Apply date filter more than one month & check

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Purchase order page
2. Check completed trip details in the page

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Reservation
2. Apply date filter & check the search functionality

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Reservation
2. Apply date filter more than one month & check

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Reservation
2.Check the page response

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Reservation
2.Try to download the data in excel

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Reservation
2.Click on arrow against the reservation to view the line item details

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Sale order
2. Apply date filter & check the search functionality
Login steps same as above
1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Sale order
2.Try to download the data in excel

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on material
2.Apply date filter & search the material code

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on desired page where we want to check

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on desired page where we want to check
data export functionality

Login steps same as above

1. Go to audit module
2. Click on trip tab after that click on Outward WT tab
3. Check Outward WT tab
4. Go to admin module
5. Click on general tab after that click on Outward WT tab

Login steps same as above

1. Go to amin module
2. Click on SAP
3. Click on general tab after that click on Outward WT tab
4. Apply date filter & search

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin module
2. Click on general & click on work category
3. Try to configure work category master

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin module
2. Click on general & click on category component
3. Try to configure category component master

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin module
2. Click on general & click on Chainage
3. Try to configure Chainage master

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin module
2. Click on general & click on ChainageT
3. Try to configure ChainageT master
Login steps same as above
1. Go to admin module
2. Click on user details & click on requisition
3. Fill the all required details & submit
4. Login to UAT cloud application
5. Go to admin module
6. Click on user details & click on new user User : Pranay_G
7. Tick mark on requisition user are approval pending & search the
user which requisition raise
8. Click on edit button & open the user details which entered at SLOC
9. Now tick mark on make this record active check box in bottom of
the page & submit.
10. Check the user login after two minute

This error is coming sometime at all PAHR SWB App & Currently app is
running with directly DLL file
Note: - The Issue is never occurred on UAT

Wrong Material - RMC M 30
Login steps same as above Correct Material - RMC M 35
1. Click audit module, go the trip & click on Out-Process Review O64MOBI1911211236294
2. Search desired trip which need to modify Trip - O64MOBI2311211822321
3. Try to change material in the trip
Trip - O64MOBI1312211548411
Trip - O64MOBI0202221312636

Enter URL in browser :-

Enter User Name :- Vikram
Enter password :- admin@321 Trip - IN64MOBI1612211650294
Click on Get OTP tab PO - 3600136867
Enter OTP field :- 0000 Trip - IN64MOBI1612211611293
After that click on login tab PO - 3600101376
1. Go to create the trip for in-process Trip - IN64MOBI3112211535360
2. Take gross weight from swb machine PO - 3600101376
3. Unloading material from unloading Page Trip - IN64MOBI1001220930387
4. Take tare weight from swb machine Trip - IN64MOBI0202221442415
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Check race, verified qty in report and SAP

Enter URL in browser :-

Enter User Name :- Vikram
Enter password :- admin@321
Click on Get OTP tab
Enter OTP field :- 0000
After that click on login tab
1. Go to create In process trip
2. Please add royalty qty and royalty UOM field

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin module
2. Click on general & click on work category
3. Try to configure work category master
Login steps same as above
1. Go to reporting
2. Click on calibration report

Login steps same as above

1. Go to reporting Trip - IN64MOBI0601221443385
2. Click on weighbridge transaction report Trip - IN64MOBI1301221331389
3. Check In-process common report after GRN

Login steps same as above

1. Go to reporting Trip - IN64MOBI0601221443385
2. Click on weighbridge transaction report Trip - IN64MOBI1301221331389
3. Check In-process common report after GRN

Login steps same as above

Trip - O64MOBI1301221220612
1. Go to reporting
Trip - O64MOBI1301221247613
2. Click on weighbridge transaction report
Trip - O64MOBI0302221209644
3. Check out-process common report
Login steps same as above
1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create trip for weighment criteria
3. Insert scenario and PO number PO - 6900000272
4. Check trip not getting created when remaining qty is Zero for one

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on material
2. Check Add material and Material list option

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Configuration - Hardware & Click on Hardware detail
2. Check Bound rate

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI0402221204649
3.Load non weighment material
4.Check trip not available in qweigh

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
Trip -
3.Load non weighment material
4.Take gross wt from SWB machine
Doc no. -1496316
5.Change the reservation from audit page
6.Check the trip data in SAP

Login steps same as above

1.Go to admin module
2.Go to user detail
3. Then select user plant
Login steps same as above
1.Go to admin module
2.Then select SAP
3. Then select(i) Sales order
(ii) Inward GRN

Login steps same as above

1.Go to admin module
2.Then select SAP
3. Then select i)Material
iii)Purchase order
4. Then select General
5.Go to these pages
i)Outward NW
ii)Outward WT

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Loading weighment material Trip No. -
4. Take tare weight from SWB machine O64MOBI0202221611642
5.Gate out the vehicle .
6.Do site unload
7.Check category component data

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Audit--Trip Trip - IN64MOBI0402221712432
2. Then select In process and out process review Trip -O64MOBI0402221214650
3. Update the remark
- NA

Login steps same as above

1. Go to(i) In -Process
(ii) Out -process NA

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create the trip for out process .
2. Check outprocess gateout page.

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create the trip for in process .
2. Check inprocess gateout page for supplier to site unloading.
Login steps same as above
1. Go to create the trip for in process .
2. Check inprocess gateout page.
Expected Results

A field should be mandatory whether challan number or bill

No. & system should allow to create the trip if user entered
data in one of the field

The system should be restricted to save 0 value in challan or

bill no. field

Error msg should be display if user has select the wrong type of
base document while trip creation or plant loading.
Like Scenario - Supplier to Camp & Base Doc type - Z12

Without material code (Asset PO) trip should be created

System should allow to change the material in the trip if next

stage is pending/not completed.

Material description change in SAP in Supplier to camp

weighment in In process trip

System should not allow to create the trip without Scenario

System should not allow to create the trip without vendor

System should not allow to create the trip without material

In process Return Receipt From Repair trip completed


Return without Vendor-222 scenario should work properly for

in process

Message should be show according to the transaction

System should allow to unload the material from unloading


System should not be allowed to change material from

unloading Page

System should allow to dispute a trip at plant unloading stage

System should allow to create the trip in defined criteria

System should not allow to create the trip in without criteria

System should not allow to create the trip in without

System should allow to plant loading on Sales

System should allow to plant loading on STO

System should allow to plant loading with STO MIX criteria

System should allow to plant loading on outside repair


System should show the error msg "00 quantity not allowed
please fill correct quantity' if user enter '00' qty in loading qty

System should show the reservation data in material grid

whenever reservation number is entered

Non weighment material should be loaded before weighment

material & after tare system should allow to load weighment
material in mix scenario
The second material must be loaded in out-process without a
document trip and on loading the second material, the loading
quantity of the first material must not be 0 and the trip must
be saved

If we make trip of non weighment then only non weighment

material should be loaded

System should not allow to load the material without scenario

& it should give the error 'please select valid scenario'

System should not allow to load the material without material

& it should give the error msg for the same

The non-weighment base document qty should be bind as per

PGI data at plant loading stage & it should disabled mode (out
process-with document)

The loading qty field should be zero if we enter weighment

base document at plant loading page

System should allow to tick mark the check-box (are all

material loading) on plant loading page if user missed during
plant loading

System should allow to load the non-weighment material 1st in

mix criteria trip for all out-process scenario
System should allow to load the material in out-side
replacement scenario (with base doc)

System should allow to gate out the trip if all criteria is fulfil for
gate out

System should be restricted gate out without PGI no. in mix

for issue to vendor scenario

Vehicle Number, Loading Remark & Unloading Remark

columns should be showing in LAB Report

Vehicle Number, Loading Remark & Unloading Remark

columns data should be showing in LAB Report
RM details should be updated
0 value should not be saved at the time of material
consumption And if user enter 0 value then an error message
should come that 0 value will not be saved

Duplicate entry should not be generated even though multiple

transaction is performed at loading stage

Work category and chainage data should show in lab page

System should allow to download the LAB report in excel

System should not generate the duplicate entries if site
unloading happened multiple times

If we dispute the trip then it should go for approval & after

approval it's moved to LAB report

System should be restrict site unloading without Gross weight

or Gate out through mobile app

Site unloading should be done from offline mobile app and on

coming online data should be automatically sent and visible in
the application

System should be restricted site unloading in other than issue

to project scenario through mobile app

Site unloading should be done from offline mobile app and on

coming online data should be automatically sent and visible in
the application
Supplier to Site Unloading Point scenario should work properly

System should not generate the duplicate entries if site

unloading happened multiple times

System should allow to loading with mobile app

System should allow to unloading with mobile app

System should be allow below changes in trip through

Approval Page
1. Change or add Moisture
2. Uncheck dispute material

System should allow to un-check the dispute check box

through approval Page

System should be restrict to change race qty in trip through

Approval Page
Approval remark and time stamp should be displayed in the
remarks box whether approval done multiple times

If a material rejected at plant unloading stage then it's reject

status should be removed from approval page

Duplicate entry should not be generated even though multiple

transaction is performed at approval page

Duplicate entries should not be generated even though

multiple transaction is performed at approval page

Received qty should be actual net qty (if there any deduction
in net qty) & same should be pushed to SAP for GRN

System should be showing correct received qty in audit

System should allow to changed base document with same
material through audit Page in In-Process

System should allow to changed base document and material

in the trip through audit Page for In-Process

System should allow to changed base document with same

material through audit Page in Out-Process

System should allow to changed base document and material

in the trip through audit Page in Out-Process

Transporter, Challan No, Bill No, Challan Qty & RCVD qty for
non weighmen. All details should change from the audit Page

Transporter, Item No, Loading Qty and Received Qty for non
weighment. All this should change from audit Page

Direct trip search page should be available for in-process and

out-process and it should be allowed to take reprint the trip
along with QR code
If there are two PO in the trip and if one PO is wrong then the
system should allow to change that one from audit page

If PO has two line item and one line item is wrong then line
item should be added by adding PO from audit Page

If user add/replace the base document in trip through audit

page then the line item number should be updated as per base

If user create the trip with 'x' vendor by mistake & after that
he/she try to add the base document which is for 'y' then
system should allow to add the base document through audit

Trip status should be completed is trip is gate out in camp to

camp scenario

User signature tab and final weighment date should be added

in SWB print slip
All fields should be printed properly

Moisture deduction quantity field should be added in SWB

print slip

It should be renamed after verified received qty & the correct

data should be showing in the column

Need user name in dispute approved by column if trip disputed

removed from approver & if trip not disputed then it should be

System should be showing WB operator user name which has

performed Tare wt. for the trip

System should be showing net qty after moisture deduction

System should be showing correct TAT data

Item no. and modification by (In Audit) column data should be

in report

Correct WB ID and weighbridge description should be shown in


Correct trip status and trip stage should be shown in column

Correct received qty should be shown & it should be renamed

after verified received qty

It should be showing weigh bridge operator user name in both

Item no. and modification by (In Audit) data should be showing
in report

Challan no. and bill no. should not be required in Out-Process


Challan qty column should be added in In-process report and

Loading qty column should be added in Out-process report

If there any trip is cancelled during process then it should be

showing in reports along with user details which has cancel the

If trip is open then the status should be open, if closed then

the status should be closed and if we have cancelled trip then
the status should should be cancelled

It should show the correct vehicle frequency data

It should show correct data of tare weight difference of in and
out process

Challan qty and loading qty column should be showing in SAP

trip report

System should search the PO between applied dates

System should search the vendor & trip in purchase order page

System should give the error if user try to apply more than one
month filter

Trip details should be showing in the details tab

System should search the reservation between applied dates

System should give the error if user try to apply more than one
month filter

Page should be responsive

Reservation should be downloaded in excel as per applied

dates filter

Line item details should be displayed if user click on arrow

System should search the Sale order between applied dates

Sale order should be downloaded in excel as per applied dates

System should search the material between applied dates

System should search the desired details

Data should be export in excel

Outward tab should be showing only admin module

Date filter should be applied on Outward WT page & search

option should be working on applied dates

System should allow to configure work category master

System should allow to configure category component master

System should allow to configure ChainageF master

System should allow to configure ChainageT master

System Should allow to raise the user creation request through
requisition page & after approval from cloud application user
should be created

System should be captured the weight seamlessly

System allow to change material issue to project through audit


System should be showing verified received qty as per challan

qty or input given at unloading stage for KG UOM material

We required royalty qty & Royalty UOM fields at gate

registration page

work category should be configure

Calibration report should be appeared in reporting module

GRN date should appear in GRN/Issue posting date

GRN Ageing should be calculated from Gate Out timestamps -

GRN timestamps

Base document type should be showing in reports

Trip should be created when remaining qty is Zero for one item

System should show the correct page while click on add

material or material list tab

Spelling should be correct

While entering the trip data, it should reflect the trip details.

If we are changing the reservation with WT material, the final

data in SAP of Trip type and Trip weighment should also
change .

If we are giving rights to user for log in to multiple plants it

should allow to login.
Date filter on both pages, sales order and inward GRN should
be present

Default date filter should be the first day of the month to

current day.

During out process site unload the category component data

should show.

The remark updated should show in all the pages .

Redirect to Login window directly.

Name should be same as base document number for all the

three pages.

In mobile app out process gate out should have option of save.

Save option should be working both time.

Weight should be visible.
Actual Results Status Last Tested On Type

Trip getting created if user entered the detail in challan/bill


System is not allowing 0 value in challan or bill no. Pass

While selecting the wrong base document type in any scenario

no error msg is getting display at the time of gate registration Fail 2/2/2022 Bug
& plant loading

Without material code (Asset PO) trip getting created for in-

System is not allowing to change the material after trip

Fail 2/2/2022

Material description change in SAP in Supplier to camp

weighment in In process trip

System is not allowing to create the trip without scenario Pass

System is not allowing to create the trip without vendor Pass

System is not allowing to create the trip without material Pass

In process Return Receipt From Repair trip completed


Return without Vendor-222 scenario working properly for in


Wrong msg showing at the time of Gate out (Trip number

Fail 2/3/2022
(IN64MOBI0111211102190) has been generated successfully)

System is allowing to unload material through unloading Page pass

System is not allowing change material through unloading


Dispute check-box is disabled for all in-process trips Fail 2/2/2022

System is allowing to create the trip defined criteria Pass

System is not allowing to create the trip without criteria Pass

System is not allowing to create the trip without transporter Pass

Sales trip generated successfully for Out process Pass

Stock Transfer trip generated successfully for Out process Pass

Stock Transfer mix trip plant loading successfully done Pass

Outside repair trip plant loading successfully done Pass

System is not allowing 00 quantity save in loading qty while

plant loading

Now If we entered reservation number & press enter button

then reservation data showing in grid

Note :- Before (When we scan the trip & select the scenario & pass
after that we need to tick mark on weighment check box, enter
reservation number, press TAB button then the reservation
data is showing in GRID )

System is allowing non weighment material loading before

weighment material in mix scenario while plant loading
Second material not loading in Out-process without document
trip and On loading the second material, the loading quantity Pass
of the first material becomes 0 and the trip is not saved.

We are able to load weighment material in non weighment trip

Fail 2/2/2022
for out process (Without document)

System is not allowing to create the trip without scenario & it

give 'scenario required' error msg

System is not allowing to create the trip without material & it

give 'material not match' error

Non-weighment base doc qty not binding as per PGI & the field
is editable Fail 2/2/2022

Total base doc qty getting bind in loading qty field after
Fail 2/3/2022
selecting base document

System is allowing to tick mark the allow all material loading Pass
check box & loading qty is not getting changed after that

System is not allowing to load non-weighment material 1st in

Fail 2/3/2022
STO MIX scenario even though it's working for issue to vendor
Base document not getting bind at the time of plant loading Fail 2/3/2022

System is allowing to gate out the trip Pass

System is not allowing gate out without PGI no. in mix for issue
to vendor scenario

All column is showing in lab report Pass

Working fine Pass

0 value not save in Quantity field at the time of material
consumption in lab module

Duplicate entries not getting generated after multiple loading


Work category and chainage data not showing in LAB page for Fail 2/2/2022
Out process

Export to excel tab is not working in Out process LAB page Fail 2/3/2022
System is generating duplicate entries if site unloading
happened multiple times Fail 2/2/2022
**Currently duplicate entries showing in reports

The disputed trip showing in approval Page and we can

remove the dispute check from approval Page after approval Pass
trip send to Lab report

System is not allowing site unloading without gross weight or

gate out through mobile app

Currently loading and site unloading is working from offline

mobile application and data is also being sent automatically Pass
and is visible in the application.

System is not allowing site unloading in other than issue to

project scenario through mobile app

Trip data is getting fetched on scanning and working fine pass

Supplier to Site Unloading Point scenario working properly Pass

System is not generating duplicate entries if site unloading

happened multiple times

System is allowing to loading with mobile app Pass

System is allowing to unloading with mobile app Pass

The system is allowing to add or change moisture content and

uncheck disputed material through approval Page.

System is allowing to un-check the dispute check box through

Approval Page

System is not allowing to change in rcvd qty Pass

Approval page remark and time stamp not showing in remarks
Fail 2/2/2022
box for the trip (Gate out, Audit and Approval page)

We need to do two time approval for remove the reject status

in a trip.
Fail 2/2/2022
1. Change the reject status into unload & submit
2. Scan the trip again on approval page & submit

Duplicate entries are not generation after multiple time

approval on approval page

Duplicate entries are getting generated after multiple

transaction performed on approval page for a trip
Fail 2/2/2022
**Currently duplicate entries showing reports

Correct data showing for weighment and non weighment


Correct data showing in Audit module Pass

System is allowing to change base document with same
material through audit Page

System is allowing to change base document with different

material through audit Page

System is allowing to change base document with same

material through audit Page

System is allowing to change base document with same Pass

material through audit Page

System is not allowing changes like Transporter, Challan No,

Bill No, Challan Qty & RCVD qty for non weighmen by audit
Page Fail 2/2/2022

**Earlier this functionality is working on approval page

System is not allowing changes like Transporter, Item No,

Loading Qty and Received Qty for non weighment by audit
Page Fail 2/2/2022

**Earlier this functionality is working on approval page

Now Page is not available for In process and out process Fail 2/3/2022
System is allowing to change the base document thorough
audit page

Material is changing from the audit Page Pass

Line item is not getting updated as per base document while

replacing the material and line item for In process and out Fail 2/3/2022

Not able to search the base document in different vendor case Fail 2/3/2022

Trip status is showing pending while trip is completed (Gate

out) in Camp to Camp transfer scenario in Out process Audit Fail 2/3/2022

User signature and final weighment date are showing in WB

print slip
Moisture deduction quantity field is showing in last & it's name
Fail 2/3/2022
is also in small letter even though all field name in capital letter

Moisture deduction quantity field showing in WB slip pass

Correct received qty showing for open status trip & Column
name also showing correct

System is showing correct data in this column Pass

Tare wt. operator name (WB 2 operator) is showing in WB 2 Pass

operator column

After moisture deduction correct quantity is showing in column Pass

Correct data showing in TAT column Pass

Correct Data showing in both column Pass

Correct Data showing in both column Pass

Correct Data showing in both column Pass

Correct data showing for weighment and non weighment


Now currently showing (WB operator 1 & WB operator 2)

operator name in both column
Data showing in item no. column and modification by (in Audit)

Not showing both column pass

Currently both column added in report Pass

Currently cancel trips data is showing in the rejected reports pass

1. If the trip is open then it is showing open.

2. If the trip is closed, then it is showing close. Pass
3. No details of cancelled trip are showing in the report

1. Currently showing in-process vehicle data & that is also

showing wrong data Fail 2/3/2022
Currently showing wrong data for in and out process vehicle Fail 2/3/2022

Both column showing in SAP trip report Pass

Search option working as expected Pass

Vendor & Trip Search option not working Fail 2/3/2022

System is giving error if user applied more than one month

date filter

Trip details is showing in the tab with two remarks box Fail 2/3/2022

Search option working as expected Pass

System is giving error if user applied more than one month

date filter

Page response is as expected Pass

Data is exporting in excel Pass

Line item details getting displayed after click on arrow button Pass

Search option is available without dates filter Fail 2/3/2022

Data is exporting in excel Pass

Search option is not working Fail 2/3/2022

Search option is working as expected Pass

Data is exporting in excel Pass

Currently Outward tab showing in general module pass

Date filter is not working in Outward WT page Fail 2/3/2022

System is allowing to work category master Pass

System is allowing to category component master Pass

System is allowing to ChainageF master Pass

System is allowing to ChainageT master Pass

User creation request raised through requisition page & user
getting created after approved from cloud application

Fail to save error is only occurring on production never observed in UAT

Fail 2/3/2022

When we try to change material in the trip through audit page Fail 2/2/2022
in Issue to Project trip then it giving 'material not match' error

Wrong received qty showing for KG UOM case.

Fail 2/2/2022
**Currently it's showing in reports

Royalty Qty & Royalty UOM fields not available in gate

registration page
Fail 2/2/2022
** This will be added in next build

Work category tab/icon is not available in admin general Fail 2/3/2022

Calibration report is appeared in reporting & audit module Fail 2/3/2022

GRN timestamp is coming GRN/Issue posting date Fail 2/3/2022

GRN ageing data is not coming Fail 2/3/2022

Base document type is not showing in report for out-process

Fail 2/3/2022
weighment trips

Trip not getting created when remaining qty is Zero for one
Fail 2/2/2022

Wrong page showing (Add material and Material list) Fail 2/3/2022

Wrong spelling showing (Bound rate) Fail 2/3/2022

No trip data is available . Fail 2/4/2022

Trip type and trip weighment is showing the data of previous

Fail 2/4/2022

Its not allowing the user to log in . Fail 2/4/2022

No date filter is available on both pages . Fail 2/5/2022

The system is taking some random default date . Fail 2/5/2022

Category component data is showing blank. Fail 2/5/2022

Remark is not showing Fail 2/5/2022

When user is logging in after a long interval.Currently it is
Fail 2/10/2022
showing blank form.

The name is showing as Doc for out process and PO for in

Fail 2/17/2022

In Mobile Out-process gate out no save option is present . Fail 2/22/2022

In-process gate out is not working in case of Supplier to Site

Fail 2/22/2022
unloading .
Weight is not showing in In-process gate out page Fail 2/22/2022
Bug ID Relevant Test Case ID Bug Creation Date Product Version

101 TC060 11/19/2021 Qweigh

102 TC039 11/19/2021 Qweigh

103 TC059 11/19/2021 Qweigh

104 TC062 11/19/2021 Qweigh

105 TC054 11/19/2021 Qweigh

106 NA 11/19/2021 Qweigh

107 NA 11/19/2021 Qweigh

108 TC116 11/19/2021 Qweigh

109 NA 11/19/2021 Qweigh

110 NA 11/19/2021 Qweigh

111 TC117 11/19/2021 Qweigh

112 NA 11/19/2021 Qweigh

113 NA 11/19/2021 Qweigh

114 NA 11/19/2021 Qweigh

115 NA 11/24/2021 Qweigh

116 NA 11/24/2021 Qweigh

117 NA 11/24/2021 Qweigh

118 NA 11/25/2021 Qweigh

119 NA 11/25/2021 Qweigh

120 TC090 11/25/2021 Qweigh

121 TC066 11/26/2021 Qweigh

122 TC067 11/26/2021 Qweigh

123 NA 12/4/2021 Qweigh

124 NA 12/4/2021 Qweigh

125 NA 11/26/2021 Qweigh

126 NA 12/4/2021 Qweigh

127 NA 12/13/2021 Qweigh

128 NA 12/15/2021 Qweigh

129 TC005 12/15/2021 Qweigh

130 NA 12/15/2021 Qweigh

131 TC118 12/16/2021 Qweigh

132 NA 12/17/2021 Qweigh

133 TC104 12/17/2021 Qweigh

134 NA 12/20/2021 Qweigh

135 TC043 12/20/2021 Qweigh

136 NA 12/21/2021 Qweigh

137 TC119 12/21/2021 Qweigh

138 NA 12/21/2021 Qweigh

139 NA 12/21/2021 Qweigh

140 TC063 12/22/2021 Qweigh

141 NA 12/22/2021 Qweigh

142 TC027 12/23/2021 Qweigh

143 TC027 12/23/2021 Qweigh

144 NA 12/23/2021 Qweigh

145 TC030 12/23/2021 Qweigh

146 NA 12/23/2021 Qweigh

147 TC015 1/1/2022 Qweigh

148 TC056 1/1/2022 Qweigh

149 TC041 1/1/2022 Qweigh

150 TC057 1/3/2022 Qweigh

151 TC003 1/3/2022 Qweigh

152 TC073 1/3/2022 Qweigh

153 TC071 1/3/2022 Qweigh

154 TC072 1/3/2022 Qweigh

155 TC071 1/3/2022 Qweigh

156 TC033 1/5/2022 Qweigh

157 TC012 1/7/2022 Qweigh

158 TC031 1/7/2022 Qweigh

159 TC034 1/7/2022 Qweigh

160 TC042 1/7/2022 Qweigh

161 TC068 1/7/2022 Qweigh

162 TC075 1/7/2022 Qweigh

163 TC092 1/7/2022 Qweigh

164 TC093 1/7/2022 Qweigh

165 TC096 1/7/2022 Qweigh

166 TC098 1/7/2022 Qweigh

167 TC104 1/7/2022 Qweigh

168 TC106 1/7/2022 Qweigh

169 TC110 1/7/2022 Qweigh

170 TC120 1/13/2022 Qweigh

171 TC121 1/13/2022 Qweigh

172 TC122 1/13/2022 Qweigh

173 TC123 1/13/2022 Qweigh

174 TC124 1/13/2022 Qweigh

175 TC125 2/2/2022 Qweigh

176 TC126 2/2/2022 Qweigh

177 TC127 2/3/2022 Qweigh

178 TC128 2/4/2022 Qweigh

179 TC129 2/4/2022 Qweigh

180 TC130 2/4/2022 Qweigh

181 TC131 2/5/2022 Qweigh

182 TC132 2/5/2022 Qweigh

183 TC133 2/5/2022 Qweigh

184 TC134 2/5/2022 Qweigh

185 TC135 2/10/2022 Qweigh

186 TC136 2/17/2022 Qweigh

187 TC137 2/22/2022 Qweigh

188 TC138 2/22/2022 Qweigh

189 TC139 2/22/2022 Qweigh

Component/Sub Modules Platform OS Priority

Audit Page PC CentOS P2(High)

Lab module PC CentOS P2(High)

Approval Page PC CentOS P2(High)

Audit Page PC CentOS P2(High)

Approval Page PC CentOS P2(High)

Lab module PC CentOS P2(High)

Admin - SAP - Reservation PC CentOS P2(High)

SWB PC Ubuntu P1(Highest)

Mobile application Mobile Android P2(High)

In-Process Report at gate PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Audit Page PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Lab module PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Approval Page PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out process-Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out process-Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Reporting-General-Weighbridge Transaction report PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out Process-Trip Process-Lab PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Reporting-General-Weighbridge Transaction report PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Reporting-General-Weighbridge Transaction report PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Reporting-General-Weighbridge Transaction report PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Audit Page PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Audit Page PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Offline Mobile application Mobile Android P1(Highest)

Offline Mobile application Mobile Android P1(Highest)

In-Process Report at gate PC CentOS P1(Highest)

UAT Online mobile application Mobile Android P1(Highest)

Out process-Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Reporting-General-Weighbridge Transaction report PC CentOS P1(Highest)

In-Process Report at gate PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out process-Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Reporting-General-Weighbridge Transaction report and

PC CentOS P1(Highest)
Audit report

Out process- Trip process -Gate out PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Reservation Page
Purchase order PC CentOS P1(Highest)
Sales Order
Out process-Site process-Site unload PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Offline Mobile application Mobile Android P1(Highest)

Admin-General-Work Category PC CentOS P1(Highest)

In-Process Report at gate PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out process-trip Process-Gate out and Approval Page PC CentOS P1(Highest)

SAP PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Audit-Trip-In process review PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Site unloading by offline mobile app Mobile Android P1(Highest)

Out process-Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out process-Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out process-Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out process-Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Offline Mobile application Mobile Android P1(Highest)

In process-Plant process-Unloading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

In process-Plant process-Approval PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out process-Trip Process-Lab PC CentOS P1(Highest)

In process-Plant process-Approval PC CentOS P1(Highest)

In process-Reported at Gate PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Audit-Trip-Out process review PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Audit-Trip-Out process review PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Audit-Trip-Out process review PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Audit-Trip-In process review PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out process-Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

In-Process Report at gate PC CentOS P3(Medium)

Out-Process Trip-Process Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out-Process Trip-Process Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out-Process Trip-Process LAB PC CentOS P2(High)

Audit-Trip Reprint PC CentOS P1(Highest)

SWB PC Ubuntu P3(Medium)

Reporting-Vehicle Frequency Report PC CentOS P2(High)

Reporting-TareWt Report PC CentOS P2(High)

Admin-SAP-Purchase Order PC CentOS P3(Medium)

Admin-SAP-Purchase Order PC CentOS P3(Medium)

Admin-SAP-Sale Order PC CentOS P2(High)

Admin-SAP-Material PC CentOS P2(High)

Admin-General-Outward WT PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Admin-General-Work Category PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Reporting-Calibration Report PC CentOS P3(Medium)

Reporting-general Weighbridge transaction report PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Reporting-general Weighbridge transaction report PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Reporting-general Weighbridge transaction report PC CentOS P1(Highest)

In-Process Report at gate PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Admin-SAP-Material PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Configuration-Hardware-Hardware Detail PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out process -Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Out process -Plant loading PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Admin-User details-User plant PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Admin - SAP - sales order & Inward GRN PC CentOS P1(Highest)

Admin -1. SAP -

iii)Purchase order
PC CentOS P3(Medium)
i)Outward NW
ii)Outward WT

Out process-Site process-Site unload PC CentOS P3(Medium)

Audit-Trip-In and out process review PC CentOS P3(Medium)

Home page PC CentOS P3(Medium)

In Process
Out Process PC CentOS P3(Medium)

Out process gate out Mobile Android P2(High)

In process gate out Mobile Android P2(High)

In process gate out Mobile Android P2(High)

Severity Status Assign To Assigned From

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Reopen

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Critical(Application crash, Loss of data.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Reopen

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Reopen

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Deferred

Major(Major loss of function.) Deferred

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Reopen

Major(Major loss of function.) Fixed/Resolved

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Minor(Minor loss of function.) Open

Critical(Application crash, Loss of data.) Open

Blocker(No further testing work can be done) Open

Critical(Application crash, Loss of data.) Open

Blocker(No further testing work can be done) Reopen

Minor(Minor loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Minor(Minor loss of function.) Open

Minor(Minor loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Critical(Application crash, Loss of data.) Open

Critical(Application crash, Loss of data.) Open

Blocker(No further testing work can be done) Open

Trivial(Some UI enhancements) Open

Critical(Application crash, Loss of data.) Open

Critical(Application crash, Loss of data.) Open

Critical(Application crash, Loss of data.) Open

Critical(Application crash, Loss of data.) Open

Critical(Application crash, Loss of data.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Critical(Application crash, Loss of data.) Open

Critical(Application crash, Loss of data.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Minor(Minor loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Trivial(Some UI enhancements) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

Major(Major loss of function.) Open

URL GRIL Status resolved resolved still to be resolved resolved resolved resolved resolved not able to test in UAT resolved resolved still to be resolved resolved resolved resolved resolved resolved resolved resolved resolved resolved still to be resolved still to be resolved resolved resolved resolved resolved resolved resolved new occurred resolved still to be resolved resolved new occurred resolved new occurred resolved still to be resolved resolved resolved resolved resolved need to discuss need to discuss resolved new occurred resolved new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred still to be resolved still to be resolved still to be resolved new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred new occurred


Wrong received qty is showing in Audit Page

00 quantity save in material consumption in LAB report

Duplicate entries showing in report due to multiple time

submit the trip on approval Page
Not able to add or change base doc through audit page for
In-Process Trips

Not able to remove dispute check box from approval page

Not able to update LAB consumption through LAB page

Reservation page not accessible

SWB App not working properly

Not able to unload vehicle through mobile app

Hyphen, Back & Forward slash in not taking in Challan

number & Bill Number field

Not able to change material in Issue to project trips

Trip no are not showing in Out-process lab page

System is allowing to remove base documents from

approval Page

System is allowing for plant loading the trip without


Weight capture but not update in web application

Check weighbridge transaction report for In and Out

Created date and search option not available in Lab page

Change received qty by unloading Page but not updated in


Wrong data showing in report for mix non weighment


Cancel trip data showing in report

Change Transporter, Challan No, Bill No, Challan Qty &

RCVD qty for In-Process by Audit Page
Change Transporter, Item No, Loading Qty and Received
Qty for Out-Process by Audit Page

Offline mobile app (Site unloading for In-process)

Offline mobile app (Site unloading for Out-process)

Without material code (Asset PO) trip not getting created

for in-process

Trip scanning functionality not working in UAT online

mobile application

Non weighment material not loading before weighment

material in mix scenario
SAP qty not showing in out-process report for non
weighment material

Change material from in-process trip(with based

document) from reported at gate Page before next stage

Second material not loading in Out-process without

document trip

Wrong recv qty showing in verified recv qty field for KG


Vehicle gate out without PGI in SAP in Issue to vendor

scenario (Without document) for non weighment

Date filter not available in below pages

1. Reservation Page
2. Purchase Order
3. Sales Order
Site unloading not done in Web and Mobile app

Site unloading done multiple times through mobile and

duplicate entries getting generated

Unable to configure drop-down master in application

Royalty Qty field & Royalty UOM in In-process reported at

Gate page

Last plant loading stage remark, time stamps and gross

weight date and time showing in app in case of multiple
line item

Trips not pushed to SAP & no data received from SAP

Base document (PO) not bind from audit in In-process in

Without base document trip
Trip status changed when 2nd time send data from offline
mobile app to web application

We are able to load weighment material in non

weighment trip for out process (Without document)

We are able to load non weighment material in

weighment trip for out process (Without document)

Unable to check are all material loading check box after

plant loading and after plant loading, loading qty 0 and
trip not save

As per PGI quantity should become in loading quantity

field and not able to edit quantity in loading quantity field

Site unloading done by offline mobile application in Issue

to vendor scenario

Disputed check box not working for in process

Approval page remark not showing in trip for in process

Work category, Category component and chainage data

not showing in LAB page which is selected at site
unloading page/Mobile app

If a material rejected at plant unloading stage by user and

approver accept the material by selecting the unload
button then system required one more approval to
process the vehicle/trip further

While selecting the wrong scenario the error msg should

reflect that whether the correct base document is
selected or not

Trip status is showing pending while trip is completed

(Gate out) in Camp to Camp scenario in Out process Audit

Line item is not getting updated while replacing the base

document through Audit page

Not able to search the reservation while selecting

different vendor in without base doc trip in Audit page
Line item is not getting updated while replacing/add the
base document through Audit page

Unable to load non weighment material before

weighment material in stock transfer mix scenario

Wrong msg showing after transaction (Gate Out)

To check weighment base document qty at plant loading

To check plant loading for out-side replacement

To check LAB report download in excel

Reprint page functionality for Trip search and print

Orientation of swb print slip

Vehicle frequency report

Tare weight difference report

To check purchase order page Vendor & Trip search


To check trip detail in purchase order page

To check Sale order page date filter & search option

To check material page search option

Date filter is not working in Outward WT page

Unable to configure work category

Calibration report showing in audit & reporting module

GRN time stamps not showing in GRN/Issue posting


No data is coming in GRN Ageing (GRN Time - Gate Out

time) for in-process

Base Document Type not showing for weighment criteria

Trip not getting created when remaining qty is Zero for

one item

Add material and Material list option

Check replace Bound rate with Bound rate

After plant loading trip data is not showing.

In SAP the trip type and trip weighment is not getting

Not able to give user an access of multiple plants.

Date filter is not present .

Default date filter should be the first day of the month to

current day.

After site unloading the category component data is not

showing .

Audit page remark is not showing in, in and out process.

Blank window while user is Idle.

Nomeclature of PO and Doc change

Mobile Out-process gate out not working

In-process gate out is not working

Weight not showing in in process gate out


System is showing wrong received qty instead actual qty

in Audit Page for weighment material

System is allowing 00 quantity save in material

consumption in LAB report

Duplicate entries showing in report due to multiple time

submit the trip on approval Page for In and out process
Material not match error coming while add or change
base document through audit page for In-Process trips
even though it's working for Out-Process

System is not allowing to remove dispute check from

approval page for multiple line item trip

System is giving 'No record found' error after press the

save button after entered all details in RM detail Pop-Up

When we try to open reservation page it's giving error

'Page Unresponsive' & page not accessible

SWB app giving 'Fail to save' error while capturing the

weighment of trip
Mobile app giving 'Project Required' error while
submitting the trip on mobile app for site unloading

After this deployment system is not taking hyphen, back

slash & forward slash in challan number & bill number
field at report at gate page

When we try to change material in the issue to project

trip through audit page then system is giving 'material not
match' error

Trip no are not showing in Out-process lab page for

material consumption

System is allowing to remove base documents from

approval Page by uncheck check box

System is allowing for plant loading the trip without

scenario in out process

Weight capture from SWB app but weight not updated in

web application
Out Process
1. Disputed and Start date not available

1. Created from date & to date field not available

2. Search option not available for created date

Change received quantity by unloading Page but not

updated in common report

Wrong data showing in report for mix non weighment

1. Gross weight column
2. Tare weight column
3. Verified received qty
4. WB (Gross Wt.) Operator column
5. Tare-Wt. Date-Time

Cancel trip data showing in report for In and Out process

1. Cancel user data not available

Transporter, Challan No, Bill No, Challan Qty & RCVD qty
for non weighmen. All details should change from the
audit Page
Transporter, Item No, Loading Qty and Received Qty for
non weighment. All this should change from audit Page

In-process trip data is not getting fetched on scanning so

we cant able to unload material

Out-process trip data is not getting fetched on scanning so

we cant able to unload material

Without material code (Asset PO) trip not getting created

for in-process

Trip scanning functionality not working in UAT online

mobile application for In and Out process

Non weighment material not loading before weighment

material in mix scenario while plant loading
SAP qty not showing in out-process report for non
weighment material

Change material from in-process trip(with based

document) from reported at gate Page before next stage

Second material not loading in Out-process without

document trip and On loading the second material, the
loading quantity of the first material becomes 0 and the
trip is not saved.

Wrong recv qty showing in verified recv qty field for KG


**Currently showing wrong in reports

Vehicle gate out without PGI in SAP in Issue to vendor

scenario (Without document) for Non weighment

Date filter not available in below pages

1. Reservation Page
2. Purchase Order
3. Sales Order
Site unloading not done in Web and Mobile app due to
category and chainage field required

Site unloading done multiple times through mobile and

duplicate entries getting created

Unable to configure drop-down master in application

1. Work Category
2. Category Component

Royalty Qty field & Royalty UOM in In-process reported at

Gate page

Last plant loading stage remark, time stamps and gross

weight date and time showing in app in case of multiple
line item in Out process
1. Loading Stage
2. Loading remark
3. Gross weight date & time

Trips not pushed to SAP & no data received from SAP

Base document (PO) not bind from audit in In-process in

Without base document trip
Trip status changed when 2nd time send data from offline
mobile app to web application
1. Trip status close in common report
2. But trip showing pending in Audit Page

We are able to load weighment material in non

weighment trip for out process (Without document)

We are able to load non weighment material in

weighment trip for out process (Without document)

Unable to check are all material loading check box after

plant loading and after plant loading, loading qty 0 and
trip not save

As per PGI quantity should become in loading quantity

field and not able to edit quantity in loading quantity field
(out process-with document)

Site unloading done by offline mobile application in Issue

to vendor scenario

Disputed check box not working in in-process weighment

and non weighment trip
Approval page remark not showing in trip (Gate out, Audit
and Approval page)

Work category, Category component and chainage data

not showing in LAB page which is selected at site
unloading page/Mobile app

If a material rejected at plant unloading stage by user and

approver accept the material by selecting the unload
button then system required one more approval to
process the vehicle/trip further

While selecting the wrong scenario the error msg should

reflect that whether the correct base document is
selected or not

Trip status is showing pending while trip is completed

(Gate out) in Camp to Camp scenario in Out process Audit

Line item is not getting updated while replacing the base

document through Audit page for out process

Not able to search the reservation while selecting

different vendor in without base doc trip in Audit page
Line item is not getting updated while replacing/add the
base document through Audit page

Unable to load non weighment material before

weighment material in stock transfer mix scenario

Wrong msg showing at the time of Gate out (Trip number

(IN64MOBI0111211102190) has been generated

Total base doc qty getting bind in loading qty field after
selecting base document

Base document not getting bind at the time of plant


Export to excel tab is not working in Out process LAB page

Now Page is not available for In process and out process

Moisture deduction quantity field is showing in last & it's
name is also in small letter even though all field name in
capital letter

The report is currently showing in-process vehicle data &

that is also showing wrong data

Currently showing wrong data for in and out process


Vendor & Trip Search option not working

Trip details is showing in the tab with two remarks box

Search option is available but without dates filter

Search option is not working in material page

Date filter is not working in Outward WT page

Work category tab is not available admin-general module

that's we are unable to configure work category
Calibration report showing in audit & reporting module

GRN time stamps not showing in GRN/Issue posting


No data is coming in GRN Ageing (GRN Time - Gate Out

time) for in-process

Base Document Type not showing for weighment criteria

Trip not getting created when remaining qty is Zero for

one item

Add material and Material list option in material page

Check replace Bound rate with Bound rate

In out process trip criteria is weighment in issue to vendor

scenario and material selected is non- weighment .

In out process trip criteria is weighment in issue to vendor

scenario and material selected is non- weighment .After
that if we are replacing the reservation with weighment
material . Still the data in SAP is not getting updated.
In plant user we are able to give him access of multiple
plants but still user is not able to login.

In Admin- SAP the sales order and inward GRN page is not
showing date filter (Date from-to date)

Default date filter should be the first day of the month to

current day.

After site unloading the category component data is not

showing in out process.

Audit page remark is not showing in ,in and out process

When user is logging in after a long interval, then it should

redirect to login window directly , Currently it is showing
blank form

PO and doc name should be replaced as Base document

number in Out process, In process and audit module

Mobile Out-process gate out not working .

In-process gate out is not working in case of Supplier to
Site unloading scenario

Weight is not showing in In-process gate out page

Steps Test Data
Trip - O64MOBI0110211010166
Trip - IN64MOBI3110211217188
Trip - IN64MOBI1311211128211
Trip - IN64MOBI1911211124229
Enter URL in browser :- Trip - O64MOBI1911211151292
Enter User Name :- Vikram Trip - IN64MOBI1911211206230
Enter password :- admin@321 Trip - IN64MOBI2311211736233
Click on Get OTP tab Trip - O64MOBI2311211751320
Enter OTP field :- 0000 Trip - O64MOBI2511211542332
After that click on login tab Trip - O64MOBI2511211816335
1. Go to In-Process-Plant process & reported at gate
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine
3. Unloading the material
4. Take tare weight from SWB machine
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Check audit Page in In-process review
Trip - O64MOBI2009211500134
Trip - O64MOBI2110211732229
Trip - O64MOBI1911211120289
Trip - O64MOBI2311211751320
Trip - O64MOBI1312211512409
Trip - O64MOBI2001221402617

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Click on Trip Process Tab and plant loading
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Site unloading the vehicle
7. Open LAB page
8. Apply filter on loading date & search a particular material
9. Click on material consumption TAB & RM details Pop-Up open
10. Select the BOM version no & reservation no
11. Update the qty against each material
12. Update 0 qty against one line item

Trip - IN64MOBI0111211102190
Trip - IN64MOBI0111211700195
Login steps same as above
Trip - IN64MOBI1011211224200
1. Go to trip creation and gate report
Trip - IN64MOBI1811211423223
2. Create the trip on weighment and non-weighment criteria
Trip - O64MOBI1811211606288
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - IN64MOBI1911211206230
4. Unloading the material and take tare weight from swb
Trip - IN64MOBI1911211124229
Trip - IN64MOBI2311211806234
5. Take two time approval from approval Page
Trip - O64MOBI0401221225595
6. Check common report in reporting module
Trip - O64MOBI0202221258635
Trip - IN64MOBI0202221304413
Trip - O64MOBI1811211343282
Old Res - 1495573
New Res - 1494729
Trip - IN64MOBI1811211423223
Trip - 6900000267
Trip - 6900000268
Trip - IN64MOBI1911211458232
Login steps same as above Old - 6900000267
1. Go to In-Process-Plant process & reported at gate New - 3400106271
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine Trip - O64MOBI1911211507304
3. Unloading the material Old res - 1495573
4. Take tare weight from SWB machine New Res - 1494729
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Open audit page & In-process review
7. Open the trip & enter base doc in search PO field & search
8. Base doc details appears in grid
9. enter the wrong base doc in replace PO field & wrong line
item in replace line item field & tick mark on check box
10. Type remarks & submit
Trip - IN64MOBI1811211510224
Trip - IN64MOBI1911211246231
Trip - IN64MOBI2311211813235
Login steps same as above
1. Go to In-Process-Plant process & reported at gate
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine
3. Unloading the material & dispute a material
4. Check trip at approval page & try to remove dispute check
Trip - O64MOBI1811211449284
Trip - O64MOBI1911211120289
Trip - O64MOBI2311211751320
Trip - O64MOBI1312211512409
Trip - O64MOBI0301221211581

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Click on Trip Process Tab and plant loading
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Site unloading the vehicle
7. Open LAB page
8. Apply filter on loading date & search a particular material
9. Click on material consumption TAB & RM details Pop-Up open
10. Select the BOM version no & reservation no
11. Update the qty against each material
12. Press the save button
Login steps same as above
1. Go to Admin - Click on SAP & Click on Reservation Page
This error is coming sometime at all PAHR SWB App & Currently
app is running with directly DLL file
Note: - The Issue is never occurred on UAT
Open QWeigh mobile app
Enter User Name :-
Enter password :-
After that click on login tab
1. Go to Out-Process-Unloading at site
2. Scan the trip & enter the remark
3. Click on save button

Login steps same as above Trip - IN64MOBI0202221151408

1. Go to In-Process-Plant process & reported at gate
2. Enter hyphen, both slash in challan & bill number fields

Login steps same as above Wrong Material - RMC M 30
1. Click audit module, go the trip & click on Out-Process Review Correct Material - RMC M 35
2. Search desired trip which need to modify O64MOBI1911211236294
3. Try to change material in the trip Trip - O64MOBI2311211822321
Trip - O64MOBI1312211548411

Trip - O64MOBI1911211120289
Trip - O64MOBI2311211751320
Trip - O64MOBI1312211512409
Login steps same as above
1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Click on Trip Process Tab and plant loading
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Site unloading the vehicle
7. Open LAB page
8. Check trip no. not showing in this page
Trip - O64MOBI1911211236295
Trip - O64MOBI1911211713306
Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI2411211209324
1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Click on Trip Process Tab and plant loading
4. Check remove base documents by Approval Page
Trip - O64MOBI1911211140290
Trip - O64MOBI1911211810311
Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI1911211813312
1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Click on Trip Process Tab and plant loading
4. Check trip creation without scenario
Trip - IN64MOBI2411211229238
Trip - O64MOBI2411211209324
Login steps same as above
1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Click on Trip Process Tab and plant loading
4. Check trip creation without scenario
Trip - IN64MOBI2212211055316
Trip - O64MOBI2212211427489
Login steps same as above
1. Go to reporting-General & Weighbridge transaction report
2. Select date and Transaction type
3. Select report name
4. Check common report

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Click on Trip Process Tab and plant loading
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Site unloading the vehicle
7. Check LAB page
Trip - IN64MOBI2511211504243
Trip - IN64MOBI0412211530264
Login steps same as above
1. Go to reporting-General & Weighbridge transaction report
2. Select date and Transaction type (In-Process)
3. Select report name (Common)
4. Check verified received qty
Trip - O64MOBI2511211542332
Reservation - 1495598

Login steps same as above

1. Go to reporting-General & Weighbridge transaction report
2. Select date and Transaction type (Out-Process)
3. Select report name (Common)
4. Check common report
Trip - O64MOBI2511211741334
Trip - IN64MOBI2511211745245
Trip - IN64MOBI2411211656240
Login steps same as above
1. Go to reporting-General & Weighbridge transaction report
2. Select date and Transaction type
3. Select report name (Common)
4. Check common report

Login steps same as above

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment or non-weighment criteria Trip - IN64MOBI0510211436146
3. Take Gross weight on SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI2611211036245
4. Unloading the material Trip - IN64MOBI0202221304413
5. Take Tare weight from SWB machine and Gate Out
6. Check Audit Page functionality for In-Process
Login steps same as above
1. Go to Out-Process-Trip Creation & Gate report Tab
2. Create the trip on weighment or non weighment criteria Trip - O64MOBI0510211440189
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine Trip - O64MOBI2611211308338
4. Loading the material from plant loading Page Trip - O64MOBI0202221312636
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check Audit Page functionality for Out-Process

Login steps same as above Trip - IN64MOBI1211211157207

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate Trip - IN64MOBI1211211216208
2. Create trip for weighment criteria Trip - IN64MOBI0412211238263
3. Take Gross weight on SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI1312211533280
4. Check site unload for offline mob app

Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI0412211243386

1. Go to Out-Process-Trip creation & gate report Trip - O64MOBI1312211459408
2. Create trip for weighment criteria
3. Take tare weight on SWB machine
4. Click on Out-process, trip process and plant loading
5. Take gross weight on SWB machine and gate out
4. Check site unload for offline mob app

Login steps same as above Asset PO - 3100018385

1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate Trip - IN64MOBI2112211300307
2. Create trip for non-weighment criteria Trip - IN64MOBI0202221158409
3. Insert scenario and PO number Asset PO - 3600136897
4. Check trip not getting created without material code

Login steps same as above Trip - IN64MOBI0412211747265

1. Go to create the trip for In and Out process Trip - IN64MOBI0412211751266
2. Take gross weight for in-process and tare weight for out- Trip - O64MOBI0412211755390
3. Check unloading, plant loading and site unloading from
mobile application

Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI1312211705412

1. Go to create the trip for Out process for mix scenario Trip - O64MOBI2112211313469
2. Firstly load non-weighment material Doc - 1495864
3. Check non weighment material not loading Trip - O64MOBI2112211313469
Trip - O64MOBI2112211317470
Doc - 1495864
Trip - O64MOBI2912211250544
Doc - 1495867
Trip - O64MOBI3112211450567
Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI1512211605416
1. Go to create the trip for Out process for mix scenario Doc - 1495599
2. Take tare weight from swb machine Trip - O64MOBI2212211434490
3. Load weighment material from loading Page Trip - O64MOBI2912211514546
4. Take gross weight from swb machine
5. Load non weighment material
6. Gate out the vehicle
7. Check SAP qty for non weighment material in out process

Trip - IN64MOBI1512211943288
PO - 3400106274
Trip - IN64MOBI1512211947289
Login steps same as above PO - 3400106274
1. Go to create the trip for in process Trip - IN64MOBI2912211301338
2. Remove one material from reported at gate page PO - 6900000272
3. Check material not remove after save trip Trip - IN64MOBI3112211510359
PO- 3600136892
Trip - IN64MOBI0202221321414
PO - 6900000272

Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI1512212020419

1. Go to create the trip for out process (Wt. & non Wt.) Trip - O64MOBI1612211515423
2. Take tare weight from swb machine Trip - O64MOBI1712211110426
3. Loading first material from plant loading Page (Weighment)
4. Take gross weight from swb machine Trip - O64MOBI1512212043420
5. Check second material load in plant loading Page (Non Weighment)
Trip - O64MOBI1712211122427

Trip - IN64MOBI1612211650294
Login steps same as above PO - 3600136867
1. Go to create the trip for in-process
Trip - IN64MOBI1612211611293
2. Take gross weight from swb machine
PO - 3600101376
3. Unloading material from unloading Page
Trip - IN64MOBI3112211535360
4. Take tare weight from swb machine
5. Gate out the vehicle PO - 3600101376
Trip - IN64MOBI1001220930387
6. Check recv, verified qty in report and SAP
Trip - IN64MOBI0202221442415

Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI1712211122427

1. Go to create the trip for Out-process Trip - O64MOBI1712211139429
2. Load material from plant loading Page Trip - O64MOBI2912211305545
3. Check vehicle gate out without PGI in SAP

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Admin module
2. Click on SAP
3. Check date filter for given pages
Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI2012211642459
1. Go to create the trip for out process
2. Take tare weight from swb machine
3. Loading material from plant loading Page
4. Take gross weight from swb machine
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Check site unload from site unload page

Trip - IN64MOBI2012211652301
Login steps same as above PO - 6900000267
1. Go to create the trip for in process for site unloading Trip - O64MOBI2912211135542
2. Take gross weight from swb machine Trip - O64MOBI0401221225595
3. Gate out the vehicle Trip - O64MOBI0202221501637
4. Check Site unloading from Offline mob app Trip - IN64MOBI0202221511416
Trip - O64MOBI0202221533638

Login steps same as above

After that click on login tab
1. Check unable to save work category
2. Check unable to save category component

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create In process trip
2. Please add royalty qty and royalty UOM field
Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI2112211202465
1. Go to create the trip for out process Trip - O64MOBI2912211147543
2. Take tare weight from swb machine Trip - O64MOBI3112211553569
3. Loading material from plant loading Page
4. Take gross weight from swb machine
5. Loading other material
6. Check gate out and approval page

Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI2112211202465

1. Check trips not pushed to SAP and no data received from SAP

Login steps same as above Trip - IN64MOBI2212211118319

1. Create trip in Without PO for in process PO - 3400106273
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI2212211135321
3. Unloading material PO - 6900000272
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI2912211543340
5. Gate out the vehicle PO - 3600136892
6. Check PO bind from Audit Page Trip - IN64MOBI0101221134362
PO - 3400106273
Login steps same as above Trip - IN64MOBI2212211157323
1. Create trip in With PO for in process Trip - IN64MOBI2912211605341
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI0101221217364
3. Gate out the vehicle for site unloading
4. Gate in for SWB activity
5. Take tare weight from SWB machine
6. Check data send 2nd time from offline app to web app

Login steps same as above

Trip - O64MOBI2212211218479
1. Create trip for non wt. in Out-process Trip - O64MOBI2312211132509
2. Loading weighment material
Trip - O64MOBI0202221547640
3. Check weighment material load in non wt. trip

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process Trip - O64MOBI2312211135510
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Loading non weighment material Trip - O64MOBI0202221544639
4. Check non weighment material load in wt. trip
Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI2212211434490
1. Create trip for non wt. in Out-process Doc - 1496196
2. Loading the material Trip - O64MOBI0101221209573
3. Check are all material check box in plant loading Page Doc - 1496337

Trip - O64MOBI2312211158512
Doc - 1496213
Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI2912211514546
1. Create trip for non wt. in Out-process Doc - 1496337
Trip - O64MOBI0101221428575
2. Loading the material
Doc - 1496213
3. Check By default the loading quantity should come in the
Trip - O64MOBI0301221559588
loading field Doc - 1496418
Trip - O64MOBI0202221549641
Doc - 1496418

Login steps same as above Trip - O64MOBI2312211228514

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process Trip - O64MOBI2912211547547
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine Trip - O64MOBI0301221219582
3. Plant loading by plant loading Page
4. Take gross weight by SWB machine
5. Vehicle gate out after PGI in SAP
6. Check site unloading by mobile application

Login steps same as above Trip - IN64MOBI3112211204353

1. Create trip for non wt. in in-process Trip - IN64MOBI3112211227355
2. Unload the material Trip - IN64MOBI3112211236357
3. Check dispute material check box Trip - IN64MOBI0202221241412
Login steps same as above
1. Create trip for wt. in in-process Trip - IN64MOBI0101221545366
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI3112211204353
3. Unload the material Trip - IN64MOBI3112211213354
4. Update moisture and remark Trip - IN64MOBI0202221601417
5. Check approval remark

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI3112211435565
3. Loading the material Trip - O64MOBI3112211442566
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI0202221611642
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Site unload the vehicle
7. Check Category and Chainage data in LAB page

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. or non wt. for in process
Trip - IN64MOBI3112211213354
2. Take gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - IN64MOBI0202221622419
3. Reject material by unloading page
4. Check approval page in rejected case

Login steps same as above

1. Check error msg while select the wrong base document with
different scenario at Reported at Gate

Login steps same as above

1. Create the trip of out process
2. Select scenario camp to camp transfer
Trip - O64MOBI0301221255584
3. Take tare weight from SWB machine
4. Loading the material Trip - O64MOBI2212211641497
Trip - O64MOBI0302221155643
5. Take gross weight from SWB machine
6. Gate out the vehicle
7. Check vehicle status in Audit out process review page

Login steps same as above

1. Create the trip of out process
Trip -O64MOBI0301221407585
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
Doc - 1496368
3. Loading all the materials
Trip - O64MOBI0301221453587
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI0302221209644
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Check change material with line item from Audit

Login steps same as above

1. Create the trip of out process without base document
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI0301221453587
3. Loading all the materials
Trip - O64MOBI0302221234645
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Check bind base document with different vendor
Login steps same as above
1. Create the trip of in process without base document Trip - IN64MOBI0301221544369
2. Take Gross weight from SWB machine PO - 1496416
3. Unload all the materials Trip - IN64MOBI0301221554370
4. Take tare weight from SWB machine PO - 1496416
5. gate out the vehicle Trip - IN64MOBI0302221246420
6. Check change material with line item from Audit in process PO - 1496416
review page

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process mix scenario Trip - O64MOBI0501221638608
2. Load non weighment material Doc - 3900016098
3. Check non weighment material not loaded in Stock transfer Trip - O64MOBI0302221254646
mix scenario

Login steps same as above

Trip - IN64MOBI0111211102190
1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
Trip - IN64MOBI0111211700195
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
Trip - IN64MOBI0912210921275
3. Take the gross weight from SWB machine
Trip - IN64MOBI0601221443385
4. Unloading the material
Trip - IN64MOBI0202221225410
5. Take the tare weight from SWB machine
6. Check wrong msg showing at the time of gate out Trip - IN64MOBI0302221311421

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process
Trip - O64MOBI020921114675
2. Capture the tare weight Trip - O64MOBI0302221318647
3. Scan the trip at plant loading stage & check loading qty field

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process non-weighment scenario Doc - 3600136899
Trip - O64MOBI0302221323648
2. Load material at plant loading page
Doc - 3600136899

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Loading the material
4. Take gross weight from SWB machine
5. Gate out the vehicle
6. Site unloading by mobile app
7. Check lab page for export option

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Audit--Trip--Reprint
2. Search the trip for print
3. Check in process page
Login steps same as above
1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create the trip on weighment criteria
3. Take the tare weight from SWB machine Trip - IN64MOBI3009210937123
4. Loading the material
5. Take the Gross weight from SWB machine & gate out
6. Check SWB print slip

Login steps same as above
1. Go to reporting module
2. Click on General tab
3. After that click on vehicle frequency report
RJ32GB1234 - 12000
4. Select from date and to date
RJ32GB1234 - 15000
5. Input vehicle number and search
MP14RM2345 - 11000
6. Check vehicle frequency report for In and Out process vehicle
MP14RM2345 - 16000

Login steps same as above
1. Go to reporting module
2. Click on General tab
3. After that click on vehicle frequency report O64MOBI2110211735230
RJ32GB1234 - 12000
4. Select from date and to date
RJ32GB1234 - 15000
5. Input vehicle number and search
MP14RM2345 - 11000
6. Check Tare weight diff report for In and Out process vehicle MP14RM2345 - 16000

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Purchase order page
2. Apply date filter & check the Vendor & Trip search option

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Purchase order page
2. Check completed trip details in the page

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on Sale order
2. Apply date filter & check the search functionality

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on material
2.Apply date filter & search the material code

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin module
2. Click on SAP
3. Click on general tab after that click on Outward WT tab
4. Apply date filter & search

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin module NA
2. Click on general
3. Check work category icon
Login steps same as above
1. Go to admin audit NA
2. Click on calibration report

Login steps same as above

1. Go to reporting Trip - IN64MOBI0601221443385
2. Click on weighbridge transaction report Trip - IN64MOBI1301221331389
3. Check In-process common report after GRN

Login steps same as above

1. Go to reporting Trip - IN64MOBI0601221443385
2. Click on weighbridge transaction report Trip - IN64MOBI1301221331389
3. Check In-process common report after GRN

Login steps same as above

Trip - O64MOBI1301221220612
1. Go to reporting
2. Click on weighbridge transaction report Trip - O64MOBI1301221247613
Trip - O64MOBI0302221209644
3. Check out-process common report
Login steps same as above
1. Go to In-Process-Plant Process & reported at gate
2. Create trip for weighment criteria
3. Insert scenario and PO number PO - 6900000272
4. Check trip not getting created when remaining qty is Zero for
one item

Login steps same as above

1. Go to admin - SAP & Click on material
2. Check Add material and Material list option

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Configuration - Hardware & Click on Hardware detail
2. Check Bound rate

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
Trip - O64MOBI0402221204649
3.Load non weighment material
4.Check trip not available in qweigh

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
Trip -
3.Load non weighment material
4.Take gross wt from SWB machine
Doc no. -1496316
5.Change the reservation from audit page
6.Check the trip data in SAP
Login steps same as above
1.Go to admin module
2.Go to user detail
3. Then select user plant

Login steps same as above

1.Go to admin module
2.Then select SAP
3. Then select(i) Sales order
(ii) Inward GRN

Login steps same as above

1.Go to admin module
2.Then select SAP
3. Then select i)Material
iii)Purchase order
4. Then select General
5.Go to these pages
i)Outward NW
ii)Outward WT

Login steps same as above

1. Create trip for wt. in Out-process
2. Take tare weight from SWB machine
3. Loading weighment material Trip no. -
4. Take tare weight from SWB machine O64MOBI0202221611642
5.Gate out the vehicle .
6.Do site unload
7.Check category component data

Login steps same as above

1. Go to Audit--Trip Trip - IN64MOBI0402221712432
2. Then select In process and out process review Trip -O64MOBI0402221214650
3. Update the remark

Login steps same as above

1. Go to(i) In -Process
(ii) Out -process

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create the trip for out process . Trip-O64MOBI1802221500656
2. Check outprocess gateout page.
Login steps same as above
1. Go to create the trip for in process .
2. Check inprocess gateout page for supplier to site unloading.

Login steps same as above

1. Go to create the trip for in process .
2. Check inprocess gateout page.

This issue is faced under out process

Base documents change from audit Page

The issue is coming PAHR, SAMU & DEDA as well

Now working in UAT

Now reservation page is accessible

This error is coming sometime at all PAHR SWB App &

Currently app is running with directly DLL file
Note: - The Issue is never occurred on UAT
Currently the issue is not coming PRD & Never Occurred in

It's working previously at PAHR

Trip - O64MOBI2212211548493
Trip - O64MOBI2912211135542
Trip - O64MOBI3112211442566
Trip - O64MOBI0202221312636
Old offline application not working

Old offline application not working

Old online application not working

System is allowing to edit the material description but not
getting updated. It should be in disable mode.

Date filter is now available in Purchase order, Reservation

but not available in Sales order page
Now issue has been resolved without any deploy in UAT
Now issue has been resolved without any deploy in UAT
We have given all modules access to the user from cloud
app but work category not getting appeared

















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