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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-3S, October 2019

Mitigation of Inrush Current in Three Phase

Power Transformer by Prefluxing Technique
Pradeep J.Kotak, P. S. Verma, Atul D. Tekade, S. B. Warkad

Abstract: Transformers are major component for electrical
energy transfer in power system. Sta¬bility and security of the I. INTRODUCTION
transformer protection are important to system operation. At the
time of transformer energization, a high current will be drawn TransformerT isT aT staticT deviceT whichT transformsT
by the transformer. The mentioned current is called transient electricalT energyT fromT oneT circuitT toT anotherT
inrush current and it may rise to ten times the nominal full load withoutT anyT directT electricalT connectionT andT withT
current of transformer during operation. Energization transients theT helpT ofT mutualT inductionT betweenT toT
can produce me-chanical stress to the transformer, cause windings.T ItT transformsT powerT fromT oneT circuitT toT
protection system malfunction and it often affects the power anotherT withoutT changingT itsT frequencyT butT mayT
system quality and may disrupt the operation of sensitive beT inT differentT voltageT level.T AT transformerT isT aT
electrical loads such as computers and medical equipment staticT electricalT deviceT thatT transfersT energyT byT
connected to the system. Re¬duction and the way to control of
inductiveT couplingT betweenT itsT windingT circuits.T AT
energization transient currents have become im-portant
varyingT currentT inT theT primaryT windingT createsT aT
concerns to the power industry for engineers. One of the methods
to reduce inrush current is use of point on wave switching at the varyingT magneticT fluxT inT theT transformer'sT coreT
time transformer is initially connected to supply. It is called andT thusT aT varyingT magneticT fluxT inT theT
controlled switching or point-on-wave switching. In the point on secondaryT winding.T ThisT varyingT magneticT fluxT
wave switching, the energization of three phases is controlled inducesT aT varyingT electromotiveT forceT (emf)T orT
ac-cording to the residual flux which remains in the voltageT inT theT secondaryT winding.T TransformerT
transformer. Conven¬tionally, controlled switching or point on playsT vitalT roleT inT theT reliableT operationT ofT
wave switching was the method being used to counter this powerT system.T ReliabilityT meansT continuityT ofT
problem, but this method required the knowledge of residual supply.T TheT demandT forT aT reliableT supplyT ofT
fluxes of transformer before energization which is quite tedious energyT hasT increasedT considerablyT requiringT nearlyT
to get. So a technique has been pro-posed to mitigate inrush aT no-faultT operationT ofT powerT systems.T AT
current in three phase transformer, by a process called
transformerT isT aT ratherT largeT andT expensiveT unitT
pre-fluxing. After setting the in-itial fluxes of transformer it is
energized by conventional controlled switching. A system of
therefore,T inT aT competitiveT andT fairlyT lowT marginT
power transformer of specified rating is simulated in MATLAB market,T utilitiesT tendT toT postponeT asT muchT asT
simulink and results were obtained. This Paper describes the possibleT theT replacementT ofT agedT units.T ThisT
mod-eling of inrush current of 3- phase, 300 MVA, 11/400 KV, inconvenientlyT reducesT theT networkT reliability.T
50 Hz transformer, and mitigation of inrush current with both AT transformerT breakdownT couldT haveT consequencesT
techniques using point on wave switching and prefluxing. The onT theT restT ofT theT powerT systemT andT inT additionT
simulation is done in MATLAB.. theT repairT timeT ofT transformersT isT long.T TheT
costsT associatedT withT repairingT aT damagedT
Keywords : Filter, Harmonics, Inrush current, MATLAB, transformerT isT veryT high.T TheT numberT ofT
Point-on-wave switching, prefluxing transientT situationsT isT believedT toT increaseT inT aT
distributedT powerT generationT regime.T AT windT farmT
willT beT extensivelyT exposedT bothT toT switchingT andT
lightningT over-stresses.T TheT understandingT andT
predictionT ofT theseT situationsT canT resultT inT betterT
protectionT schemesT andT integrationT ofT powerT
transformersT inT theT network.T HazardousT operationsT
likeT inrushT currents,T overvoltage,T internalT
Revised Manuscript Received on October 15, 2019.
* Correspondence Author resonances,T andT lightningT impulseT stressesT manifestT
Pradeep J.Kotak, Assitant Professor, Department of Electrical asT electromagneticT transientsT andT areT usuallyT
Engineering, P. R. Pote (Patil) College of Engineering & Management, difficultT toT accuratelyT predict.T Also,T outagesT ofT
Amravati, India E-mail:
P. S. Verma, Assitant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, P.
transformersT canT interruptT theT powerT supplyT forT
R. Pote (Patil) College of Engineering & Management, Amravati, India considerableT durations.T InrushT currentsT areT
E-mail: instantaneousT currentsT flowingT inT theT transformerT
Atul D. Tekade, Assitant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, primaryT circuitT whenT itT isT energized.T TheyT areT
P. R. Pote (Patil) College of Engineering & Management, Amravati, India
E-mail: normallyT ofT shortT
Dr. S. B. Warkad, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, P. R. duration,T usuallyT ofT theT
Pote (Patil) College of Engineering & Management, Amravati, India orderT ofT severalT secondsT

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C11171083S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C1117.1083S19 580 & Sciences Publication
Mitigation of Inrush Current in Three Phase Power Transformer by Prefluxing Technique

[1].T ofT transformerT energization,T aT highT currentT willT

T EvenT thoughT theyT cannotT beT eliminated,T itT canT beT drawnT byT theT transformer.T TheT mentionedT
beT possibleT toT limitT andT reduceT themT toT aT currentT isT calledT transientT inrushT currentT andT itT
harmlessT state.T HighT inrushT currentsT canT resultT inT mayT riseT toT tenT timesT theT nominalT fullT loadT
voltageT dipsT andT trippingT ofT differentialT currentT currentT ofT transformerT duringT operation.T
relaysT bothT leadingT toT aT powerT qualityT reduction.T EnergizationT transientsT canT produceT mechanicalT
SomeT providersT haveT installedT synchronizedT stressT toT theT transformer,T causesT protectionT systemT
breakersT toT migrateT highT inrushT currents,T butT thisT malfunctionT andT itT oftenT affectT theT powerT systemT
practiceT generallyT resultsT inT higherT overvoltageT qualityT andT mayT disruptT theT operationT ofT sensitiveT
andT increasesT theT riskT ofT resonances[2].T TheT electricalT loadsT suchT asT computersT andT medicalT
trendT ofT increasedT shortT circuitT capacityT andT equipmentT connectedT toT theT system.T ReductionT andT
reducedT lossesT inT powerT systemsT intensifiesT theT theT wayT toT controlT ofT energizationT transientsT
inrushT currentT problemT andT makesT theT properT currentsT haveT becomeT importantT concernsT toT theT
settingT ofT relaysT moreT difficult. powerT industryT forT engineers.T OneT ofT theT methodsT
toT reduceT inrushT currentT isT useT ofT pointT onT
II. 2T PROBLEM STATEMENTS waveT switchingT atT theT timeT transformerT isT
initiallyT connectedT toT supply.T ThisT paperT discussesT
T InT recentT years,T variousT protectionT systemsT forT
theT simulationsT andT theT experimentalT resultsT onT aT
transformers,T basedT onT theT differentialT relaying,T
three-phaseT transformerT forT reductionT ofT inrushT
wereT developed.T VariousT techniquesT basedT onT
currents.T AnT electronicT three-phaseT switchingT
complexT circuitT orT microcomputersT areT proposedT
controllerT hasT beenT designedT andT someT thyristorsT
toT distinguishT inrushT currentT However,T theT
wereT usedT forT switchingT powerT toT theT transformers.
transformerT stillT mustT bearT withT largeT
T InT JanuaryT 2012T DouglasT I.T Taylor,T JosephT D.T
electromagneticT stressT impactT causedT dueT toT theT
Law,T BrianT K.T Johnson,T andT NormannT FischerT
inrushT currentT DueT toT theseT inrushT currentT orT
proposedT prefluxingT techniqueT toT mitigateT inrushT
theT distortionT inT theT currentT theT harmonicT containT
inT singleT phaseT transformer.T TheT ideaT wasT
ofT theT systemT continuouslyT goesT onT increasingT
slightlyT different,T insteadT ofT injectingT powerT
andT thereforeT theT systemT stabilityT decreses,T alsoT
frequencyT voltageT toT tertiaryT winding,T aT dcT
inT powerT transformerT theT inrushT currentT isT majorT
voltage,T i.e.T aT dcT fluxT isT injectedT inT theT phaseT
problem,T soT itT isT veryT necessaryT toT reduceT theseT
ofT aT transformerT justT beforeT theT instantT ofT
inrushT current.T ForT toT reduceT theseT inrushT currentT
energization.T InT otherT words,T itT wasT aT novelT
thereT areT variousT techniquesT whichT weT willT
techniqueT toT setT theT transformerT residualT flux.T
discussT inT thisT paper.T OneT ofT theT mostT recentT &T
TheT fluxT wasT setT nearT saturationT region,T soT itT
importantT techniqueT onT whichT weT areT focusingT inT
makesT theT processT independentT ofT theT fluxT theT
thisT paperT isT theT PrefluxingT technique.T ThisT
coreT wasT carryingT afterT theT transformerT wasT
strategyT ofT prefluxingT isT usedT toT mitigateT inrushT
switchedT offT before.T OnceT theT fluxT isT set,T theT
currentT ofT aT threeT phaseT twoT windingT trans-
restT ofT theT processT isT sameT asT thatT ofT controlledT
former[7].InT theT modelT used,”prefluxing”T
switching.T ResearchersT areT stillT workingT onT thisT
phenomenaT isT usedT toT mitigateT inrushT currentT ofT
phenomenonT andT tryingT toT extendT itT forT threeT
three-phaseT twoT windingT powerT transformer.T MeansT
phaseT transformersT withT higherT ratings[7].
itT presentedT anT inrushT currentT reductionT strategyT
whichT setsT theT residualT fluxT ofT aT three-phaseT
transformerT toT aT largeT magnitudeT andT specificT
polarityT inT aT methodT knownT asT prefluxingT andT T ToT minimizeT theT peakT ofT inrushT currentT inT
thenT energizesT theT transformerT atT aT specifiedT threeT phaseT twoT windingT transformerT andT obtainedT
systemT voltageT angleT basedT onT theT fluxT polarity.T itT toT theT steadyT stateT value,T alsoT toT removeT theT
ThisT strategyT hasT advantagesT overT someT ofT theT transientT componentT ofT fluxT inT theT core,T thereT
presentlyT suggestedT reductionT strategies,T includingT areT severalT methods.T InT thisT paper,T twoT differentT
removingT theT needT forT residualT fluxT measurementsT strategiesT ofT mitigationT ofT inrushT currentT inT
duringT transformerT de-energization. powerT transformerT likeT PointT onT WaveT techniqueT
andT PrefluxingT techniqueT areT modeledT &T
III. LITERATURE REVIEW compared.T InT PointT onT Wave,T circuitT breakerT isT
closedT accordingT toT fluxT polarityT inT core.T InT
T TheT inrushT phenomenonT wasT knownT toT peopleT
prefluxing,T firstT setT fluxT usingT prefluxingT deviceT
fromT yearsT whenT theT transientT behaviourT ofT R-LT
andT thenT closeT circuitT breakerT accordingT toT thatT
circuitsT wasT studied.T TheT studiesT relatedT toT
fluxT polarity.
magneticT materials,T B-HT curves,T saturation,T etc.T
enabledT scientistsT toT understandT theT conceptT inT aT
betterT way.
T InT NovemberT 2009T AsgharT F.F.A.doneT theT
mitigationT ofT inrushT currentT ofT powerT transformerT
byT pointT onT waveT switchingT method.T AtT theT timeT

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C11171083S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C1117.1083S19 581 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-3S, October 2019

V. METHODOLOGIES andT reducedT systemT effects,T suchT asT harmonicT overT

voltagesT orT sympatheticT inrushT inT neighboringT
T InT recentT years,T variousT protectionT systemsT forT
transformers.T ManyT techniquesT hadT beenT suggestedT
transformers,T basedT onT theT differentialT relaying,T wereT
toT obtainT residualT fluxT onT theT basisT ofT theT instantT
developed.T VariousT techniquesT basedT onT complexT circuitT
ofT transformerT wasT previouslyT turnedT off.T ButT itT isT
orT microcomputersT areT proposedT toT distinguishT inrushT
slightlyT tediousT process.T ToT makeT aT userT freeT fromT
currentT andT faultT current.T However,T theT transformerT stillT
knowledgeT ofT residualT fluxT theT paperT proposesT aT
mustT bearT withT largeT electromagneticT stressT impactT
newT techniqueT toT setT theT initialT fluxesT ofT
causedT dueT toT theT inrushT current.T TheT mainT factorsT
transformerT asT perT theT desiredT values.T ThisT isT
affectingT theT magnetizingT inrushT currentT areT POWT
calledT asT prefluxing.
voltageT atT theT instantT ofT energization,T magnitudeT andT
T TheT innovationT behindT theT prefluxingT inrushT
polarityT ofT remanentT flux,T totalT resistanceT ofT theT
currentT reductionT strategyT liesT inT theT prefluxingT
primaryT winding,T powerT sourceT inductance,T air-coreT
deviceT itself.T TheT prefluxingT deviceT capacitorT isT
inductanceT betweenT theT energizingT windingT andT theT
chargedT toT aT user-specifiedT voltageT andT thenT
core,T geometryT ofT theT transformerT core,T andT theT
dischargedT intoT theT transformerT whenT closingT theT
maximumT fluxT carryingT capabilityT ofT theT coreT material.T
deviceT switch.T ItT isT necessaryT forT theT prefluxingT
FromT pastT years,T manyT techniquesT haveT usedT toT
deviceT toT setT theT residualT fluxT ofT aT transformerT asT
mitigateT inrushT currentT forT example,T pointT onT waveT
highT asT possibleT toT minimizeT theT inrushT current,T
switching,T pre-insertionT ofT resistanceT inT primaryT ofT
butT alsoT toT doT soT efficiently.T TheT prefluxingT
transformer,T injectionT ofT voltageT inT tertiaryT windingT
reductionT strategyT isT aT twoT partT process.T First,T theT
etc.TheT mainT mostT popularT methodT toT mitigateT inrushT
transformerT residualT fluxT isT setT asT closeT asT possibleT
currentT inT transformerT isT point-T on-waveT switching.T
toT itsT maximumT achievableT residualT fluxT whenT theT
ThisT paperT describeT thatT howT toT mitigateT inrushT
transformerT isT de-energized.T TheT secondT partT ofT theT
currentT byT point-T on-waveT switchingT &T alsoT describesT
processT controlsT theT CBT toT energizeT theT transformerT
aT newT methodT toT mitigateT inrushT currentT whichT calledT
atT eitherT anT angleT ofT 210T forT positiveT residualT
flux,T orT 330T forT negativeT residualT fluxT [17].T TheseT
anglesT areT chosenT asT partT ofT anT inrushT currentT
5.1.1T PointT onT WaveT SwitchingT Technique
reductionT strategyT forT three-phaseT transformersT thatT
T ThisT strategyT closesT allT threeT phasesT togetherT atT
enableT theT useT ofT aT three-poleT CB
anT optimumT pointT forT theT residualT fluxT pattern.T ItT
doesT notT requireT independentT poleT breakerT control,T
butT requiresT knowledgeT ofT theT residualT fluxT inT allT
threeT phasesT andT theT residualT fluxT magnitudesT inT
twoT phasesT areT highT andT followT theT mostT
traditionalT residualT fluxT pattern.T TheseT closingsT areT
chosenT asT partT ofT anT inrushT currentT reductionT
strategyT forT theT threeT phaseT transformerT thatT enablesT
theT useT ofT theT threeT poleT CBs.

T 5.1.2T PrefluxingT TechniqueT

T ThisT paperT presentedT anT inrushT currentT reductionT
strategyT whichT setsT theT residualT fluxT ofT aT Fig. 5.1.2: Prefluxing Device
three-phaseT transformerT toT aT largeT magnitudeT andT TheT prefluxingT deviceT isT shownT inT Fig.T 5.1.2T itT
specificT polarityT inT aT methodT knownT asT prefluxingT consistsT ofT aT capacitor,T aT diode,T aT fuse,T andT aT
andT thenT energizesT theT transformerT atT aT specifiedT switch.T AT chargingT circuitT (notT shown)T establishesT
systemT voltageT angleT basedT onT theT fluxT polarity.T theT initialT voltageT acrossT theT capacitor.T TheT deviceT
ThisT strategyT hasT advantagesT overT someT ofT theT isT usedT whenT theT transformerT isT isolatedT fromT theT
presentlyT suggestedT reductionT strategies,T includingT powerT systemT andT connectsT acrossT oneT ofT theT
removingT theT needT forT residualT fluxT measurementsT transformerT windingsT (theT primaryT windingT inT theT
duringT transformerT de-energization[7]. figure).T Ideally,T theT highestT voltageT windingT isT usedT
T TheT prefluxingT deviceT thatT setsT theT fluxT ofT theT becauseT ofT theT reducedT magnetizingT currentT onT thisT
transformerT isT simpleT inT formT andT flexibleT toT applyT winding.T SinceT theT prefluxingT deviceT isT onlyT appliedT
toT anyT rangeT ofT transformerT sizes.T InT addition,T theT whenT theT transformerT isT isolatedT andT canT operateT
deviceT canT operateT atT low-voltageT levels,T suchT asT atT veryT lowT voltages,T relativelyT inexpensiveT isolatorT
theT substationT acT orT dcT supply,T regardlessT ofT theT switchesT canT beT usedT toT connectT theT deviceT toT theT
voltageT ratingT ofT theT transformer.T TheT resultsT ofT transformer.T TheT prefluxingT deviceT isT sizedT toT
energizingT aT prefluxedT transformerT wereT presented,T operateT aroundT theT transformersT magnetizingT currentT
includingT accountingT forT breakerT deviation;T allT withT levels,T soT theT capacitor,T diode,T andT fuseT canT beT
inrushT currentT levelsT belowT theT transformersT rating,T sizedT forT aT fractionT ofT theT transformerT ratedT current.
provingT theT effectivenessT ofT theT reductionT procedure.T
TheseT greatlyT reducedT inrushT currentsT meanT reducedT
stressT andT degradationT ofT theT transformerT windingsT

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C11171083S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C1117.1083S19 582 & Sciences Publication
Mitigation of Inrush Current in Three Phase Power Transformer by Prefluxing Technique


T WeT haveT toT considerT oneT modelT forT inrushT
currentT inT transformerT withoutT usingT anyT mitigationT
technique,T secondT modelT byT usingT POWT techniqueT
&T thirdT modelT byT usingT PrefluxingT technique.

6.1T InrushT CurrentT ModelingT ofT ThreeT PhaseT

TwoT WindingT Transformer
T InrushT currentT inT threeT phaseT isT studiedT inT
MATLABT simulink.T HereT threeT phaseT powerT
transformerT havingT aT ratingT ofT 300T MVA,T 11T
kV/400T kV,T 50T Hz,T connectedT toT aT supplyT sourceT
asT shownT inT figureT 6.1.T AT threeT phaseT 11T kVT
sourceT connectedT withT theT transformer.T TheT threeT
phaseT transformerT whichT isT usedT forT simulationT hasT
Y-YT connectionT ofT winding.T TheT coreT magnetizationT Fig. 6.1: Inrush Current Modelling In MATLAB Simulink
resistanceT ofT threeT phaseT transformerT isT 154T ohmT
andT coreT magnetizationT inductanceT isT 8.4T mH.T TheT
coreT isT usedT withT specifyT initialT fluxesT andT 6.2 Simulink Model for mitigation of inrush current in
saturatedT core[5][6].T SomeT amountT ofT fluxT provideT three phase transformer Using POW method
inT eachT phasesT toT getT theT valueT ofT inrushT current.T
WhenT theT transformerT energized,T theT fluxT ofT allT This strategy studied in MATLAB simulink environment.
threeT phasesT willT increaseT andT reachedT tillT theT Three phase power transformer having a rating of 300 MVA,
maximumT valueT ofT fluxT andT afterT thatT maximumT 11 kV/400 kV, 50 Hz, connected to a supply source as shown
value,T theT fluxT willT becomeT saturatedT andT drawT in figure 6.2. A three phase 11 kV source connected with the
moreT currentT fromT source,T whichT mayT beT 5T toT 10T transformer. The core magnetization resistance of three
timeT greaterT thanT ratedT current.T TheT mainT reasonT phase transformer is 154 ohm and core magnetization
ofT saturationT ofT fluxT isT residualT flux.T ResidualT fluxT inductance is 8.4 mH the core is used with specifies initial
isT nothingT butT itT isT someT amountT ofT fluxT whichT fluxes and saturated core[5][6].
remainsT inT theT transformerT coreT atT theT timeT ofT
de-energizationT ofT transformer.T ResidualT fluxT isT
dependingT onT theT ratingT ofT transformerT andT
de-energizationT instant.T ItT willT haveT differentT valueT
forT differentT ratingT transformer.T TheT inrushT currentT
modelingT ofT transformerT usingT simulinkT blocksT isT
shownT below

Fig.6.2: Mitigation of Inrush Current Using Point on Wave

6.3 Simulink Model for mitigation of inrush current in

three phase transformer Using Prefluxing method

Three phase power transformer having a rating of 300

MVA, 11 KV/400 KV, 50 Hz, connected to a supply source
as shown in figure 6.3. A three phase 11 kV source connected
with the transformer. The core magnetization resistance of
three phase transformer is 154 ohm and core magnetization
inductance is 8.4mH the core is used with specifies initial
fluxes and saturated core[5][6].

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C11171083S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C1117.1083S19 583 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-3S, October 2019

7.2 Simulation result For Mitigation of Inrush Current in

Three Phase Transformer Using Point on Wave Method
In the previous analysis the inrush current in three phase
transformer have been studied which is first objective of this
paper. Now second objective of this paper is that to mitigate
inrush current in three phase transformer. This is achieved by
two different methods i.e. Point on Wave and Prefluxing. The
simulation result for mitigated current in each pase is shown

Fig.6.3: Mitigation of Inrush Current Using Prefluxing


In this analysis we have studied nature of inrush current,
the performance of three phase transformer during
energization.Also we have seen the two different methods of
mitigation of inrush current in three phase two winding
transformer. One is point on wave switching and other is
prefluxing technique. The simulation results for these
methods are shown below.
7.1 Simulation result for inrush current in three phase
In three phase transformer, asymmetrical fluxes in core
caused generation of inrush current. The asymmetrical flux
in core is due to the core saturation. The simulation result for
current in each phase is shown in figure below

Fig. 7.2: Mitigated Inrush Current in Phase A, B and C

respectively by POW technique

7.3 Simulation result For Mitigation of Inrush Current in

Three Phase Transformer Using Prefluxing Teacnique

The prefluxing reduction strategy is a two part process. First

the transformer’s residual flux is set as close as possible to its
maximum achievable residual flux with either a positive or
negative polarity when the transformer is de-energized. The
Fig. 7.1: Inrush Current in Phase A, B and C respectively second part of the process controls the CB to energize the
transformer. The simulation
result for mitigated current in
each pase is shown below.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C11171083S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C1117.1083S19 584 & Sciences Publication
Mitigation of Inrush Current in Three Phase Power Transformer by Prefluxing Technique

value of inrush current to value 157.50 Ampere which is very

low as compared to initial inrush current.
Similarly for Phase B and Phase C this Prefluxing technique
reduces the initial value of inrush current to very low value i.e.
141.86Ampere and 35.25 Ampere respectively.

Simulink results show that Point on Wave reduced the inrush
current in three phase transformer. Also simulation results show
that Prefluxing device mitigate inrush current in three phase
transformer quickly. After comparing the POW technique and
Prefluxing technique, it is found that the values of inrush current
in transformer are mitigated, but Prefluxing technique mitigate
inrush current to lowest value and hence it is a best technique to
mitigate inrush current in three phase power transformer

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using series voltage source PWM convertor for the three phase transformer 2011
2ed power electronics, Drive system and technology conference.
[3] Jone H. Brunk, and Kalus J. Frohlich, Elimination of transformer inrush currents
by controlled switching- Part- 1: theoretical consideration IEEE transactions on
power delivery, Vol. 16, No. 2, April 2001.
[4] Jone H. Brunk, and Kalus J. Frohlich, Elimination of transformer inrush currents
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IEEE transactions on power delivery, Vol. 16, No. 2, April 2001.
[5] Nicola chiesa Power transformer modeling for inrush current calculation
Doctoral theses at NTNU 2010:64.
[6] Abdolmuteb Abou-safe, Gordon Kettleborough Modeling and calculation the
inrush current in power transformer Damascus Univ. Journal Vol. (21)-No.
[7] Douglas I. Taylor, Joseph D. Law, Brian K. Johnson, and Normann Fischer, Single
phase transformer inrush current reduction using prefluxing.
Fig. 7.3: Mitigated Inrush Current in Phase A, B and C [8] F. Fard Ali Asghar, and K. P. Basu, Ali, Reduction of three- phase transformer
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respectively by Prefluxing technique [9] Honkui Li, Yan Li, Xi Sun, Dongxu Li, Youteng Jing Analysis of three
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VIII. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN circuit current IEEE conference on applied superconductivity and
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VALUES OF INRUSH CURRENT IN POINT ON [10] Michael B. Marz,”Harmonic Simulations for Filter Design at a Large

Phase Phase
Phase B
9238.56 9180.
Inrush Current 20476 A
A 38 A
Mitigated Inrush
Current By Using POW 10341 A 3710 A
Mitigated Inrush
Current By Using 157.50 A 141.86 A
Prefluxing Technique

Table No.8.1: Comparison between Values of Inrush

Current (Ampere)

In the above table the value of inrush current in Phase A of three

phase two winding power transformer having rating of 300
MVA, 11KV/400KV is 20476 Ampere. By using mitigation
technique we have to reduce it. So firstly we have used POW
technique due to which inrush current reduces to 10341 Ampere,
after that we have used Prefluxing technique which reduces the

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C11171083S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C1117.1083S19 585 & Sciences Publication

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