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Consumer Medicine Information

What is in this leaflet? Ask your doctor if you have any 5. You have or have had the
questions about why this medicine following medical conditions:
This leaflet answers some common has been prescribed for you. - Any problems with your liver
questions about Sevorane. including hepatitis
- Growths or abnormalities in
It does not contain all the available
your brain
information. It does not take the
place of talking to your doctor or
Before you receive - Heart disease; for example
Sevorane coronary artery disease, high or
low blood pressure
All medicines have risks and - Lung problems, for example
benefits. Your doctor has weighed Before you are due to receive asthma
the risks of you taking Sevorane Sevorane - Any problems with your
against the benefits they expect it kidneys
will have for you. You must tell your doctor if: - Any problems with your nerves
1. You have previously had any and muscles (neuromuscular
If you have any concerns about
taking this medicine, ask your problems with a general disease)
doctor or pharmacist. anaesthetic. - Mitochondrial disorders
2. You, or anyone in your family - Pompe's disease
Keep this leaflet.
has malignant hyperthermia (a 6. You are on the following
You may need to read it again.
rare type of severe fever). medications:
3. You have recently had any - Muscle relaxants
other general anaesthetic, or These medicines may affect the
had more than one general way your doctor gives you
What Sevorane is used anaesthetic over a short period Sevorane.
for? of time. Tell your doctor also if you are
4. You have had Sevorane before taking any other medicines that
Sevorane belongs to a group of you buy without a prescription
and experienced an allergic
medicines called halogenated from your pharmacy, supermarket
anaesthetic agents, which are or health food shop.
breathed in to induce and/or maintain 7. You are pregnant or suspect
anaesthesia. you may be pregnant.
This medicine is administered by an The safety of Sevorane during
anaesthetist in the air you breathe pregnancy is not yet known.
when you go for surgery. It is a 8. You are breast-feeding.
colourless liquid supplied in a bottle. It is not known whether
It is given by your anaesthetist using sevoflurane passes into breast
a vaporiser, which turns the liquid milk. Your doctor will advise
into a gas so that you can breathe it you on what to do if you are
in. breast-feeding.
Sevorane is used for inducing and
maintaining heavy sleep needed When you must not receive it
during surgery. The medicine
Sevorane should not be given to
produces loss of consciousness and
patients who are not suitable for
pain sensations during surgery. receiving a general anaesthetic.

Sevorane Published by MIMS May 2015 1

Sevorane should not be given to If you are given too much It is possible that Sevorane may
patients who are allergic or Sevorane cause a rare group of symptoms
sensitive to halogenated known as malignant hyperthermia.
anaesthetic agents. As Sevorane is given under strict The features of this are muscle
supervision is it unlikely that you rigidity, fast pulse, breathing heavily
Before Sevorane is started will receive too much. However, the and quickly, bluish lips and skin,
anaesthetist can reduce the dose of changes in blood pressure and a
Sevorane may cause drowsiness, Sevorane and provide oxygen should fever. Your doctor will treat this by
tiredness or weakness for a while your blood pressure be too low or stopping the Sevorane and using
after it has been administered. It you have difficulty in breathing.
may also cause problems with other medications as needed.
coordination and ability to think. After anaesthesia there may be a
Therefore, for at least 24 hours (or brief rise in your white blood cell
longer if necessary) after receiving count. Your doctor will monitor this
Sevorane, do not drive, operate Side effects if it happens.
moving machinery, or do anything
else that could be dangerous if you As with all medicines, unwanted
are not alert. effects sometimes happen. Rarely
Sevorane may produce unwanted
Ask your doctor when you can Product description
drive and/or return to work effect, which you may wish to know
involving machinery or heavy about.
equipment. Do not be alarmed by the following What it looks like
Unless otherwise directed by your lists of side effects. You may not
experience any of them. Sevorane is a colourless liquid
doctor, do not drink alcoholic
beverages or take other central supplied in an amber bottle.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist to
nervous system (CNS) depressants answer any questions you may
(medicines that may make you have. Ingredients
drowsy or less alert) for about 24
hours after you have received Sevorane may cause some lowering Each bottle contains 250mL of the
Sevorane. Some examples of CNS of blood pressure and breathing rate, active substance sevoflurane.
depressants are antihistamines or changes in heart rate or seizures. You
medicine for hay fever, other will not know about these things Manufacturer
allergies or colds; other sedatives, since you will be asleep but your
tranquillisers or sleeping medicine, anaesthetist will adjust the dose of Sevorane is manufactured by Abbott
prescription pain medicine or Sevorane as necessary and will give Laboratories UK and distributed in
narcotics; barbiturates; medicines you other medicines if needed. Australia by:
for seizures; and muscle relaxants. AbbVie Pty Ltd
Sevorane may cause coughing,
241 O'Riordan Street
dizziness, drowsiness and increased
Mascot NSW 2020
How Sevorane is given Sevorane may cause disturbances of (ABN 48 156 384 262)
liver function in some people. After
Only persons trained in the your operation, tell your doctor if Australian Registration
administration of general anaesthesia you develop the following symptoms
give Sevorane. It is given using a of liver problems: nausea, vomiting,
vaporiser. The dose of Sevorane will loss of appetite, feeling generally Sevorane 250mL bottle:
be adjusted to keep you at the right unwell, fever, itching, yellowing of AUST R 51919
depth of sleep. the skin and eyes, light coloured
This leaflet was prepared on 17
bowel motions and/or dark coloured
December 2014.
Version 06
Some people may experience
shivering, nausea and vomiting upon
waking from the general anaesthesia.

Sevorane Published by MIMS May 2015 2

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