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Complete what is missing in each sentence. MOVIES

Completa lo que falta en cada enunciado. action movie
Hi, my name’s .................. romantic comedy
I’m from .................. (country) horror movie
I live in .................. (city) sci- fi movie
My birthday is on .................. war movie
There are ........... people in my family thriller
I like ............................. (movies) animated cartoons

My favourite place is .......................….. I like it because .................

my home • … I like it a lot.
my living room • … I think it’s important.
my bedroom • … I need to use it for work.
the beach • … there are many things to see and do.
the shopping mall • … I have to.
the sports centre • … I can relax there.
the library • … it’s relaxing/popular/nice/…
the park • … it’s the last day of the week.
(…) • … I’m good at it.

Complete your dairy routine by writing the complete sentence of each activity. follow the example shown
Completa tu rutina diaria escribiendo la frase completa de cada actividad, sigue el ejemplo que se
muestra enseguida.

wake up

get up
Leva ntarse
have breakfast

brush my teeth
Cepillarme los dientes

have a shower
Tomar una

dry myself

comb my hair
What does he look like?
¿Cómo luce él?
Physical characteristics are defining traits or features about your body. These are aspects that are
visually apparent, knowing nothing else about the person. The first thing you see when you look at
someone could be their hair, clothes, nose, or figure. T hese are all examples of physical characteristics.
Las características físicas definen rasgos o características de su cuerpo. Estos son aspectos que son
visualmente aparentes, sin saber nada más sobre la persona. Lo primero que ves cuando miras a
alguien podría ser su cabello, ropa, nariz o figura. Todos estos son ejemplos de características físicas.

Match the columns

Relaciona las columnas

What does she look like? _____ A) He is medium height and fat
What do you look like? _____ B) They are short and thin
What does he look like? _____ C) She is tall and slim
What do they look like? _____ D) I am short and handsome.

And you? Can you do these things? Write short answers.

¿Y tú? ¿Puedes hacer estas cosas? Escribe respuestas cortas.
Can / Can’t
1. Can you speak French? 1. ¿Puedes Hablar francés? I can’t speak French
2. Can you ride a bike? 2. ¿Puedes andar en bicicleta? ___________________________
3. Can you play chess? 3. ¿Puedes jugar al ajedrez? ___________________________
4. Can you bake a cake? 4. ¿Puedes hornear un pastel? ___________________________
5. Can you whistle? 5. ¿Puedes silbar? ___________________________
6. Can you dive? 6. ¿Puedes bucear? ___________________________

Write the following text with your information

Escribe el siguiente texto con tu información

My name is Adrian Garcia. I had born in September 4, 2005. My

family is from Puerto Rico. I am seven years old. I like go to the
supermarket with my mother. I like to eat bananas.

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