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Create a hypothetical company using the lean canvas business model to the SDG goals given to


All UN Member States endorsed the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015, which
provides a shared framework for peace and prosperity for people and the planet today and in the
future. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are at their core, and they represent an
urgent call to action for all nations - developed and developing - to work together in a global
partnership. They understand that eradicating poverty and other forms of deprivation must be
combined with efforts to enhance health and education, decrease inequality, and boost economic
growth – all while combating climate change and protecting our seas and forests.

More than 700 million people, or 10% of the world's population, continue to live in extreme
poverty, unable to meet even the most necessities such as health, education, and access to clean
water and sanitation, to mention a few. Sub-Saharan Africa is home to the majority of
individuals living on less than $1.90 per day. The poverty rate in rural regions is 17.2 percent
worldwide, more than three times that in metropolitan areas.

After decades of steady reduction, the number of people suffering from hunger – as measured by
the prevalence of malnutrition – began to steadily rise again in 2015. According to current
estimates, approximately 690 million people, or 8.9% of the global population, are hungry, rising
to 10 million in a year and nearly 60 million in five years. By 2030, the world will not have
achieved Zero Hunger. By 2030, the number of people impacted by hunger would have
surpassed 840 million if current trends continue.

According to the statistics and research presented in the above information, the world as a whole
is treading on a thin ice path that could melt at any time if not properly managed.


Bolum Devs is a development center dedicated to generating wealth and helping individuals to
live a relatively secure life in all aspects. This venture will function as an online platform with
physical exposure to meet individuals from all across the country, rather than being limited to a
specific demographic. Bolum will bring together entrepreneurs who want to give back by
teaching others how to acquire skills at various levels, as well as those who want to build wealth
for themselves to alleviate poverty.

With the rising prevalence of poverty and hunger in Africa as a whole, it is critical to educate
and sensitize individuals to help them escape that status and begin a skill that will allow them to
build wealth for themselves.

Bolum Devs Ventures will concentrate on fulfilling the first and second SDG goals, "No
Poverty" and "Zero Hunger," accordingly. Bolum will contribute her quota to the achievement of
these SDGs.


The Lean Canvas Model will serve as a guideline for Bolum's accomplishments to enable it to
carry out its responsibilities.

 Customer Segment

Individuals of all classes, seeking to build wealth for themselves or add to what they already
have, would be Bolum Devs' consumers. Bolum's clientele would include entrepreneurs from
several sectors. Some entrepreneurs are looking for methods to give back to society; Bolum Devs
will serve as a link between these individuals and those looking to build wealth and eradicate

 Value Proposition

To bring consumers together, the company will employ an internet platform. This platform will
serve as a conduit between existing and potential entrepreneurs. There will also be a physical site
where those who do not have access to the internet may get connections. Depending on the
individual's preferences, services will include skill acquisition, small-scale farming, internet jobs,

FX trading, and cryptocurrency trading. Bolum will supply entrepreneurs with clients that are
interested in learning more about what they have to offer in terms of practicality.

 Communication Channel

As there would be no need for middlemen, Bolum Devs will connect directly with consumers
(entrepreneurs and clients/potential entrepreneurs). The online platform is used for registration
and presence confirmation. At all times, Bolum will be in direct contact with both parties.

 Customer Relation

Bolum will gain clients through a variety of social media channels as well as word-of-mouth
marketing. This is because many individuals are looking for strategies to remain stable and will
want to find a means to stay afloat. Bolum Devs Ventures will rely heavily on the services
provided by the entrepreneurs participating to promote the firm and generate recommendations.

Bolum would give start-up capital to customers who have finished their training in the field they
applied for, as well as a return of their registration cost to customers who have recommended 20
or more persons.

 Revenue Streams

The following revenue streams will be used by Bolum Devs.

Customer Registration Fee: Customers will pay a little registration fee to use the online platform.
This is to make it simple for all customers to gain access.

Government Grants: Government grants to entrepreneurs will serve as a source of revenue for
the operation of the business.

Investment: Bolum will act as a conduit for investors who want to donate a portion of their
profits to the general public. It’s an avenue for donations to achieve “No Poverty” and “Zero

 Key Resources

Our most valuable assets are the investible expertise that our entrepreneurs can supply, the
customers' diligence and willingness, and the employees' loyalty.

 Key Partners

Government: The government will play a key role in regulating policies that will either make or
mar the entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs: These are the company's engines. They would provide crucial insights and
innovations required for the company's survival.

Employees: These are the brain of the business as they judiciously merge a client to an
entrepreneur based on the input made during registration.

 Key Activities

Customer service, consulting, brainstorming, wealth creation through skill acquisition (such as
fashion design, trade, pastries and baking, salons, and so on), small-scale farming, and training
will be some of the company's core operations.

 Cost Structure

Bolum will employ rented space for its physical presence, and the cost of maintaining the
platform will be included as well. Materials will have to be purchased for individuals who cannot
afford online training and must attend physical classes.

Do you know all 17 SDGs? (2020). Retrieved from United Nations; Sustainable Development:
Sustainable Development Goals. (2020). Retrieved from United Nation:

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