Usa Today: Law For Victims Shields Police

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Election 2020: Six-page voter section inside ELECTION 2020


OCTOBER 30, 2020 |
Real-time updates
from across America
For breaking election
news, visit

h What suppression looks like: Armed people at polls, BLM shirt bans, robocalls and lies. Tales
of guns,
h How the Electoral College works: Why U.S. elections operate as a “winner takes all.” ballots
set afire

h Educating yourself: Poll worker vs. watcher, and other terms to know.
Voter suppression fuels
violence and falsehoo
Nicquel Terry Ellis

For many Americans,
high in the 2020 election. stakes are
The coronavirus pandemic
cial tensions have divided and ra-
and galvanized millions the nation
of people to
cast their votes weeks
before the Tues-
day election.
But the historic turnout
challenged by a wide range has been
of tactics to
People walk out of a suppress voters, particularly
Vote Center located communities of color. voters in
25, 2020 in Compton, at Compton College
California. Voters in on the first weekend
Los Angeles County of early in-person voting Voters have faced hourslong
are now able to vote on October intimidation and rejection lines,
in person at any Vote

Millions of older peop

Center located at the polls,
and received false information
sought to discourage that
them from vot-

voting for the first timle

Here is a roundup of
some of the
most striking examples
pression during the electionvoter sup-

2.1M people over 40 have

voted for first time, so
Grace Hauck and Ryan
W. Miller

At age 99, Barbara Duvall

COVID-19, pneumonia survived
and five days in
the hospital.
Voters say armed guards
Last week, the Indiana stood near
resident vot- an early voting site in
ed for the first time. St. Petersburg,
Fla., on Oct. 21. TREVOR
“I guess I didn’t have MALLORY
time before be-
cause of my kids, my
husband and our
family. I stayed with Armed people show
them,” said Duvall, who up to polls
raised three children In St. Petersburg, Florida,


with her husband of ple dressed as armed two peo-
63 security guards
years. “I decided were reported outside
this an early voting
time that I wanted site on Oct. 21.
right man in there.” The man and woman
Duvall told
With five days until they were hired by President police
Election Day, more than For some, such as newly naturalized citizens, Trump’s campaign, according Donald
80 million people had others are newly motivated this is their first election.
already voted by today’s pressing But media reports. Trump’s to local
Wednesday – more than issues. COLLEEN MCGRATH
votes counted in the
half of the total VIA AP however, told WFLA that campaign,
2016 general elec- it did not em-
ploy the two people.
McDonald, a Verify your voter
tion, according to Michael
professor at the University even though they did Trevor Mallory, a Democratic
not cast a ballot. can-
who runs the U.S. Elections of Florida registration This year, they’re
seizing the
didate for Pinellas County
Project. chance. appraiser, said he was
“The numbers are stunning,” Don’t wait until the last campaigning
Donald said in an update Mc- minute to make Amid the coronavirus near the voting site when
on his website sure your able to vote on Election Day pandemic, an he
this week. “The pace economic recession and nationwide the armed people standing noticed
of some states’ and go to the right polling place. protest movement, Trump campaign tent. near a
early voting is such voters say that
that with almost USA TODAY stakes are high and Mallory said it made
certainty states will offers
begin surpassing your registration, an easy way to check policy issues are driving
that hot-button
fortable and called it
him uncom-
their total 2016 total vote along with other “voter
Turnout among younger
this week.” helpful links, explanations polls. Some are motivated
them to the tion.” He said he was thankfulintimida-
voters ac- and where the major of key issues by Presi- ers, including those with that vot-
counts for much of the candidates stand. dent Donald Trump’s children, did
surge this elec- impeachment, not allow the presence
tion cycle. But older his handling of the coronavirus of armed peo-
voters are turning Go to for more demic and the conservative pan- ple to stop them from
out, too. Of the nearly lean of Su- walking into the
5.5 million first- preme Court. building to vote.
time voters who have Others have fears about
cast their ballots, ers the future of law and “To me, that’s a little alarming,
more than 2.1 million had cast ballots, including order in the U.S. it’s a
are voters over 40, 1.9 million But little unsettling,” Mallory
according to data from people over 40. many said it’s simply much told USA TO-
TargetSmart, a ier to vote this year: eas- DAY. “No one should have
Democratic political data Some of those voters States have ex- to encounter
firm. – such as newly panded an armed guard that
It’s likely that 2020 naturalized citizens – have never early and mail-in voting is not with the
will op-
crease in first-time voters. see an in- the opportunity to vote had tions, and voting
is all people are talk-
sheriff ’s department
or an official po-
At this time many, before. But ing about. lice department employee.”
in 2016, about 3.8 million like Duvall, have been
first-time vot- vote eligible to According to WFLA,
in previous presidential law enforce-
elections See NEW


Law for
of violence hidden
by Marsy’s Law
Kenny Jacoby
Ryan Gabrielson

In January 2019, a Dollar Tree em-

ployee in Masaryktown, Florida, called
911 after a homeless man stole $70 of
beer, wine, candy and cookies. A sher-
iff ’s deputy had little trouble finding
him – the man had passed out drunk in
a nearby ditch with an open box of

Trump made big promises Marsy’s Law was created

to offer crime victims a

after elected. Did he deliver? slate of rights, including

protecting them and their
families from harassment
Taxes, judges, deregulation, climate: A closer look
by their attackers.
Poll: Biden and
Ledyard King deals in a way that helps the U.S. Mov-
USA TODAY ing the Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem. Latino voters The deputy took the man to the hos-
Curbing immigration. Reducing the na- Joe Biden holds a pital, where he became irate. With his
President Donald Trump says he’s tional debt. Withdrawing from the Paris slight lead over left wrist handcuffed to the bed, he
not a politician. As proof, the real estate climate accord. President Donald started swinging his right arm wildly.
developer points to the promises he The USA TODAY Network looked at Trump in this key To get the suspect “under control,” the
made both on the 2016 campaign and promises large and small, national and demographic in Florida, though he is deputy pepper-sprayed him.
early in his term – and, he says, deliv- exceedingly local, that Trump made on foundering with Cuban voters. 4A The Hernando County Sheriff ’s Of-
ered. the trail and early in his term. fice provided a copy of the use-of-
“Unlike so many who came before He has delivered on a number of force report to USA TODAY and ProPu-
me, I keep my promises,” he said during them, including tax cuts, conservative blica in response to a public records re-
his State of the Union speech this year. judges, deregulation, the climate accord quest. Blacked out was one crucial de-
So what were his major promises? and the Israeli Embassy. Some have
Here’s what tail: the deputy’s name.
The appointment of conservative been partly accomplished, such as trade our reporters Under a law passed to protect crime
justices to federal courts. Broad tax deals, the border wall and defeating
cuts. Building a border wall on the ISIS. Other pledges have yet to be real-
are watching See MARSY’S LAW, Page 4A
southern border and making Mexico ized, such as bringing back coal and Editor-in-chief Nicole
pay for it. Massive deregulation. Replac- steel. And some have gone in the wrong Carroll talks to USA TODAY Network
ing Obamacare with a health coverage direction, such as reducing the national journalists who are covering swing
plan that’s “far less expensive and far debt and bringing back manufacturing. states, and explains how our
Time to fall back
better.” Bringing back manufacturing. Larry Sabato, director of Center for newsrooms will be reporting on Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m.
Reinvigorating fading industries, such voting, correcting misinformation Sunday. Don’t forget to turn your
as coal and steel. Renegotiating trade See PROMISES, Page 3A and providing accurate results. 3A clocks back one hour Saturday night.

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A division of
Gannett Co., Inc.
Mental crisis leads to shooting, again
HOME DELIVERY Philly is latest scene of Walter
such a death by police Jr.’s death
Grace Hauck peaceful
USA TODAY protests
Most fault US government and nights
for coronavirus situation The fatal police shooting of Walter of looting,
How much Americans blame these Wallace Jr., 27, in Philadelphia this dozens of
entities’ actions or policies for the week is raising questions about what officer
current coronavirus situation in
the officers involved were told before injuries
this country:
arriving at Wallace’s home and wheth- and more
U.S. government: er police officers should respond to than 170
56% 22% 21% mental health crises. arrests.
Wallace, an aspiring rapper and fa- JOE
Foreign governments: ther of nine, had a mental illness and LAMBERTI/
47% 29% 23% had been taking lithium, a mood stabi- USA TODAY

World Health Organization: lizer, said Shaka Johnson, an attorney NETWORK

representing Wallace’s family, on
39% 29% 30%
Tuesday. His brother had called 911 on – each fired at least seven rounds at of police fatally shooting someone with
Monday to request medical assistance Wallace after yelling at him to drop a a mental illness.
A great deal/quite a bit
and ambulance, Johnson said. knife, according to police. Wallace was Daniel Prude was experiencing a
A moderate amount Police officers responded twice to hit in the shoulder and chest. One of the mental health crisis in March when
Only a bit/none at all the Wallace residence Monday before officers put him in a police vehicle and Rochester, New York, police officers re-
returning a third time to a report of a drove him to a hospital, where he was sponding to a 911 call pinned him to the
SOURCE: UChicago Harris/AP-NORC poll person with a weapon, police said. pronounced dead a short time later.
AMY BARNETTE, BILL CAMPLING/USA TODAY Two officers – who did not have Tasers His death is the most recent incident See PHILADELPHIA, Page 6A

Ex-FDA head
Black Americans are the most
predicts 100K hesitant to get virus vaccine
new cases in Karen Weintraub
not seeing a nationally coordinated
strategy,” he said.

just a week Black Americans distrust the gov-

America has a terrible history of
medical experimentation on Black
ernment so much they’re not partici- Americans, including but not limited to
Daily U.S. hospitalizations sur- pating in large numbers in COVID-19 Tuskegee, White said. “The legacies of
passed 45,000 for the first time since clinical trials, and many say they won’t experimentation and racism date back
mid-August this week as the autumn get a COVID-19 vaccine – at least not to the origins of this country and are still
surge continues. Wisconsin is on track until many others get it. quite fresh,” he said.
to run out of ICU beds, and nurses to Although the first two large clinical The country’s first medical colleges
staff them, in as little as two weeks as trials of candidate vaccines have man- purchased enslaved men to dig up
the state reported 5,200 positive cases aged to include about 3,000 Black par- freshly buried bodies from Black ceme-
Tuesday with only 187 beds available. ticipants each, it hasn’t been easy. Lat- teries to use for experiments and autop-
The U.S. has reported more than 8.8 er trials might have even more trouble. sies, he said.
million cases and more than 227,600 Polls show that among racial and Dr. James Marion Sims, often consid-
deaths, according to Johns Hopkins ethnic groups, Black Americans are ered the “father of American gynecolo-
University data. The global totals: 44.4 the most hesitant to get a vaccine once Jarelle Marshall was the first person gy,” used enslaved women as patients to
million cases and 1.17 million deaths. A one becomes available, and their skep- at UC Health to receive a COVID-19 test new gynecological methods with-
USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hop- ticism is rising fast. In one September vaccine as part of a clinical trial. out providing them any anesthesia. And
kins data through late Tuesday shows survey, only 32% of Black adults said Here, pharmacist Mary Burns risk of tuberculosis and other infectious
20 states set records for new cases in a they would get a vaccine, down from administers the shot. UC HEALTH diseases was used historically to justify
week, while three states (Nebraska, 54% in May. segregation, White said.
Tennessee and Wyoming) had a record In a recent focus group run by a Black Americans often learn this his-
number of deaths in a week. foundation that supports the U.S. Food COVID-19, nearly five times as likely to tory at an early age, he said, while white
and Drug Administration, Black par- be hospitalized with it and twice as like- people aren’t usually taught about it at
100,000 new cases this week? ticipants brought up systemic racism ly to die from it, according to the Centers all. “At his moment, we’re seeing the hor-
for their hesitancy and cited the gov- for Disease Control and Prevention. rors of the past and even more recent ex-
The former commissioner of the ernment-backed Tuskegee Syphilis A vaccine, which is likely to be ready periences come home to roost,” he said.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Study, in which Black men were told early next year, is considered the best The National Medical Association,
says it’s possible we’ll see 100,000 new they were getting free medical care but hope for ending the pandemic, but if not which represents African American
cases this week. Dr. Scott Gottlieb told instead were denied therapy for their enough Americans will get it, then physicians and patients, has estab-
CNBC the U.S. appears to be about syphilis for decades. months of effort and $10 billion in tax- lished a task force to review the findings
three weeks behind the steep rise in “I firmly believe that this is another payer funding may be wasted. of vaccine trials “to help provide a
Europe. He predicted the nation is un- Tuskegee Experiment,” one focus To prevent that from happening, the bridge of communications to the Black
likely to see widespread new lockdown group member said. government needs to make a concerted community,” said Dr. Leon McDougle,
orders because the public is unwilling “We are the ones who are the guinea effort to address the concerns of people the association’s president. “Once a safe
to accept them. pigs for the rich,” another said. of color, said Dr. Michelle Williams, and effective vaccine is approved, we’d
Without adequate Black and His- dean of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of like to be in agreement with that.”
CVS to add more rapid test sites panic participation in clinical trials, it Public Health in an interview with Dr. Clear communication and “collabo-
won’t be clear whether the vaccine will Howard Bauchner, editor-in-chief of rative engagement” can help overcome
CVS Health will add nearly 1,000 be safe and effective for them. Al- JAMA, the Journal of the American vaccine hesitancy, said White, the
COVD-19 test sites throughout the U.S. though there are no significant genetic Medical Association. Johns Hopkins medical historian.
by the end of the year, with about 100 distinctions by race or ethnicity, peo- “We have to really get to a place “But these steps need to be taken ur-
running this week in 22 states, includ- ple of color may react differently to a where we can reckon with past wrongs gently,” he said. “I don’t think it’s too late,
ing California, Arizona, Florida and vaccine because of their different lived and we effectively communicate to this but I think we’re running out of time.”
New Jersey. The tests will be free for experiences, experts say. community,” she said. Health and patient safety coverage
people who meet the CDC’s criteria; And if people don’t get vaccinated, Alexandre White, a historian of at USA TODAY is made possible in part
those with insurance can get tested at they will remain vulnerable to the vi- medicine at the Johns Hopkins School by a grant from the Masimo Foundation
no cost. rus, which has ravaged communities of Medicine, said mistrust needs to be for Ethics, Innovation and Competition
Contributing: Jessica Flores, Adri- of color in particular. Black Americans addressed urgently. “We’re seeing a in Healthcare. The Masimo Foundation
anna Rodriguez, The Associated Press are 21⁄2 times more likely to contract deeply uncoordinated strategy. We’re does not provide editorial input.

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Swing-state journalists on what to watch

We shouldn’t expect And here is what you can expect
from us. We’ll be monitoring
quick results Tuesday polling places nationwide,
correcting misinformation
and providing accurate results.
That could take awhile.
Nicole Carroll
Editor-in-chief It’s unlikely a winner for president,
USA TODAY and many other key races, will be called
Tuesday night. The number of mail-in
As we near Election Day, six and absentee ballots in many states
competitive states are likely to means counting could take days. The de-
decide the presidency. Florida, lay doesn’t mean there is a problem – it
Michigan, Wisconsin, means the system is working and states
Pennsylvania, Arizona and North are ensuring every ballot is counted.
Carolina offer 101 of the 270 We use election results from The As-
electoral votes needed to win. sociated Press, which calls winners and
does not make projections. The AP ex-
The USA TODAY Network has veteran plains why: “If our race callers cannot
political reporters in each of these key definitively say a candidate has won, we
states. So if you want to know what to do not engage in speculation. ... Only
watch for Tuesday, you’ll want to know when AP is fully confident a race has
what they are watching for Tuesday. Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page said a smooth election would underscore been won – defined most simply as the
h Florida: Capitol bureau reporter U.S. fundamentals such as a right to vote safely. NIKOS FRAZIER/USA TODAY NETWORK moment a trailing candidate no longer
Zachary Anderson said that unlike oth- has a path to victory – will we make a
er swing states, most of Florida’s mail- call.” A good example is in 2000: AP did
in ballots will have already been count- deep trouble in Michigan.” The other gins from 2016. not call the race between George W.
ed, so it could have results Tuesday county is Kent, where Grand Rapids is “Remember, Trump only won Penn- Bush and Al Gore because the vote in
night. And the results are critical. located. “Kent is traditionally Republi- syvlania by 44,300 votes and didn’t Florida made it too close to call.
“If President Trump loses Florida, can but voted for Gov. Whitmer (a Dem- reach 50%, so if Biden can flip voters in And what if a candidate declares vic-
the election is pretty much over,” Ander- ocrat) two years ago,” Spangler said. “If red counties from 2016 and benefit from tory before the vote is confirmed? We’ll
son said. “He likely doesn’t have a path that flips from R to D, and if Trump is the blue wave, then he’s got a very good note that it happened but also make it
to Electoral College victory. If he wins, struggling here, it probably says some- chance of winning Pennsylvania.” clear that the results are not final, and
the race could go into extra innings, and thing.” h Arizona: Arizona Republic political any claim of victory is premature.
legal challenges elsewhere become He also warned that Detroit is his- reporter Yvonne Wingett Sanchez will
more likely.” torically late reporting results and could be closely watching the suburbs of both We know tensions are high. In our
Within Florida, he said, keep your eye be counting ballots for days. Phoenix (Maricopa County) and Tucson USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll this week,
on bellwether Pinellas County in the h Wisconsin: Milwaukee Journal (Pima County), “which we expect to three of four Americans expressed
Tampa Bay region. “The county went for Sentinel Washington correspondent break for Biden,” she said. “We’ll be concern about the prospect of
Obama twice but flipped to Trump and Craig Gilbert will be watching to see watching how LDS (Mormon) voters violence on Election Day.
then flipped back to Democrats in the whether Trump replicates the big mar- swing; lots of them are for Biden on the
2018 governor’s race,” he said. But be gins he won in many small rural coun- basis of character. We’ll also be watch- Washington Bureau Chief Susan
careful: While results from Democrat- ties in Wisconsin in 2016. “Some of ing how our seniors break – given our Page says she’ll be watching for conflict
heavy mail-in ballots will be released these counties should report their vote high population of retirees, they are a at the polls, and already, buildings
right after the polls close, “it will take fairly quickly on election night,” he said. critical voting bloc.” around the White House are being
some time to see how strong of a turn- “If Trump is going to win Wisconsin h North Carolina: Senior North Car- boarded up.
out Republicans have on Election Day.” again, he will probably need to match or olina reporter Paul Woolverton said “It’s no secret that our politics have
h Michigan: Trump beat Hillary exceed his 2016 numbers in the rural Thursday afternoon that more than become more polarized, but the idea that
Clinton in Michigan by just 10,704 votes, west and north (which were exception- 3.9 million votes had already been cast citizens are able to vote in safety and that
or about two-tenths of 1%, in 2016. It al), because he’s in danger of losing via early voting and mail-in ballot, more the nation can count on a peaceful trans-
was key to his victory then and will be ground in the populous Milwaukee and than half of the state’s 7.3 million fer of power is a bedrock,” Page said.
again this year. Todd Spangler, the Madison metro areas.” registered voters. “The polls say the “Whatever the outcome, an election that
Washington correspondent for the De- h Pennsylvania: J.D. Prose is a re- presidential race is tight,” he said. goes smoothly will underscore the stabil-
troit Free Press, will be watching three porter in our Pennsylvania state capitol “Trump has made repeated stops in the ity of those fundamentals. Indeed, one
Michigan counties in particular. bureau. “In southeast Pennsylvania, state to rally his base.” And he reminds: that goes smoothly and that has record-
“I’m going to be looking for results you have Philly, solid blue, and its collar “Ballot counting won’t start until after breaking turnout would fortify them.
from Oakland and Macomb counties in counties, which are trending blue more polls close at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. If any “This year, the election itself seems
the Detroit suburbs,” he said, “since if and more, and in southwest Penn- race is tight, the results may not be the most crucial thing of all.”
Biden is doing particularly well in Oak- sylvania you have Pittsburgh and Alle- known until all the mail-in ballots are Thank you for supporting our jour-
land and/or Trump isn’t scoring as bigly gheny County, both solidly blue, but received. So long as they are post- nalism. To receive this column as a
as he did in Macomb four years ago, it surrounded by a sea of red,” Prose said. marked by Nov. 3, they can arrive as late newsletter, visit newsletters.usatoday
strongly suggests the president is in “Biden needs to cut into Trump’s mar- as Nov. 12.” .com and subscribe to The Backstory.

Promises people from entering illegally. But it

looks different than what he envi-
plans and limited competition among
insurers to describe the system as fail-
Trump’s tariffs on steel have leveled
the playing field against cheaper im-
sioned, and Mexico is not paying for it – ing, and to argue it should be replaced. ports, but the taxes have taken a toll on
Continued from Page 1A U.S. taxpayers are. But his administration never proposed U.S. companies that import steel. Jobs
After he won the 2016 election, an alternative, and experts say the pro- in Pennsylvania’s iron and steel mills
Politics at the University of Virginia, Trump abandoned the promise of a sol- posals put forward by GOP leaders in and ferroalloy manufacturing rose some
said Trump “has certainly fulfilled some id, concrete wall spanning the entire Congress did not live up to Trump’s during Trump’s first term but have fall-
promises,” especially the appointment border, in favor of 30-foot steel slats promise that he would provide great en amid the pandemic.
of conservative judges that have won known as bollards at strategic sections health care at a fraction of the cost. – J.D. Prose, Pocono Record
him the continued admiration of white of the U.S.-Mexico border. Trump’s push to repeal the ACA ulti-
evangelicals who are expected to again As of Oct. 19, construction crews have mately failed in 2017, when three Repub- Taxes and national debt
support him in overwhelming numbers. completed installation of 371 miles of lican senators broke ranks and voted
But the president also tends to exag- new fencing, according to U.S. Customs with Democrats to preserve the law. Trump campaigned on a promise of
gerate his record of delivering, he said. and Border Protection. Most of the fenc- – Zac Anderson, Sarasota Herald- simplifying and slashing taxes, espe-
“If you listen to Trump, he’s fulfilled ing is replacing older lower fencing or Tribune cially for the working and middle class-
all promises and has done so perfectly,” vehicle barriers that were easier to es. Passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Sabato wrote in an email to USA TODAY. climb over or under. Michigan manufacturing of 2017, which amounted to the most
“In other words, he can’t be relied on to Trump has not accomplished his sweeping overhaul of the tax code in
tell the truth and only people who promise of reforming the legal immigra- Trump ran in 2016 on a promise to re- decades, did bring tax cuts. While the
haven’t paid attention over the past four tion system. In May 2019, he unveiled store and protect manufacturing jobs, bill helped average families, it steered
years or are members of his worshipful legislation that would significantly re- and nowhere did he make that guaran- the bulk of relief to the richest.
base would believe otherwise.” vamp the system into a merit-based one tee more fervently than in Michigan. The legislation is projected to add
But, “how’s that border wall paid for that would mostly award green cards to Four years later, however, neither nearly $2 trillion to the national debt
by Mexico coming?” he asked, a refer- immigrants based on education and Michigan nor the U.S. has seen any over the next decade despite Trump’s
ence to one campaign pledge Trump has skills rather than being closely related economy-changing resurgence in man- assertions that the law will pay for itself
not yet made good on. to legal permanent residents or U.S. citi- ufacturing, despite gains in other parts through economic growth. So while the
zens. But Trump’s proposed legislation of the country prior to the pandemic. bill helped him deliver to a larger degree
Conservative justices never gained traction in Congress. But Trump did have some victories. on tax cuts, it made his pledge to elim-
Trump has used his executive pow- As promised, his administration rene- inate the national debt within eight
Trump delivered resoundingly on the ers to find other ways to restrict legal gotiated NAFTA. Also, two new major years that much tougher.
pledge to nominate conservative judges immigration without the help of Con- assembly facilities have been an- As of Oct. 14, total U.S. debt stood at
to the nation’s Supreme Court. gress, experts say. His administration nounced since he took office: a Jeep $27.1 trillion, up from $19.95 trillion on
With the confirmation of Amy Coney has implemented a new “public charge plant in Detroit and a $700 million plant Jan. 20, 2017, the first day of his presi-
Barrett, Trump has become the first rule” that makes it more difficult for at Ford’s Rouge complex. General Mo- dency.
president since Richard Nixon to name some immigrants who have used public tors has announced it’s investing $150 – Ledyard King, USA TODAY
three judges to the court in a first term. benefits in the past to receive green million in its existing Michigan plants.
Barrett joins Neil Gorsuch, who was cards. The administration also has in- – Todd Spangler, Detroit Free Press Ohio manufacturing
confirmed in 2017, and Brett Kavanaugh, creased vetting for H-1B visas, which
confirmed in 2018. companies use to bring in high-skilled Pennsylvania coal and steel Less than a year into his presidency,
In addition to the Supreme Court, workers from other countries. Trump urged those attending a rally to
Trump has named more than 200 – Rafael Carranza and Daniel Gon- Trump’s promises of rejuvenating stay in the Mahoning Valley because the
judges to district and appellate courts, zalez, Arizona Republic coal and steel industries in Pennsylva- jobs that made northeast Ohio into a
helping the GOP’s efforts to remake the nia have not exactly come to fruition. production powerhouse would be com-
federal bench. Health care There are fewer coal-mining jobs ing back. Three years later, those jobs
– Ledyard King, USA TODAY since he took office in 2017. He followed have not returned, and in 2019, General
In 2016, Trump promised “great through on promises to cut environ- Motors shuttered its assembly plant.
Border and immigration issues health care” for any American who is mental regulations to benefit coal, but Manufacturing in the Youngstown/
sick, and at affordable prices. Nonparti- experts say it has not been enough to Warren/Boardman area is at its worst
Trump partially accomplished his san experts say health care costs have offset other issues, such as falling de- since the Great Recession, a level where
signature campaign promise of building continued to rise during his term. mand, a shift to more environmentally it has hovered even before the pandem-
a wall along the entire 2,000-mile-long Trump repeatedly cited premium in- friendly renewable energy sources and ic.
U.S.-Mexico border to stop drugs and creases among Affordable Care Act competition from cheaper natural gas. – Rick Rouan, USA TODAY


Biden Marsy’s Law

Continued from Page 1A

victims, the deputy was entitled to pri-

vacy, officials said. He’d suffered a bat-

among tery: The flailing suspect had been at-

tached to a pulse monitor, and the wire
hit near the deputy’s shoulder.

Introduced in memory of a woman
murdered by her ex-boyfriend, Mar-
sy’s Law was created to offer crime vic-
tims a slate of rights, including pro-
Poll: A slight edge in tecting them and their families from
harassment by their attackers.
Fla., stronger in Texas Now, as police across the U.S. face
cries for accountability amid mount-
Rebecca Morin ing evidence of brutality and systemic
USA TODAY racism, law enforcement agencies in
Florida are using the law to shield offi-
Joe Biden holds a slight lead over cers after they use force, sometimes Protesters march through Tallahassee, Fla., in June, demanding the removal of
President Donald Trump among La- under questionable circumstances. the city’s police chief after a series of fatal shootings by officers. The chief cited
tino voters in the battleground state of Florida agencies have used it to hide Marsy’s Law in refusing to name the officers. TORI LYNN SCHNEIDER/USA TODAY NETWORK
Florida, according to a poll published the names of officers who sent a 15-
Thursday. year-old boy to the hospital, officers
Almost half (48%) of Latino likely who fired bullets into moving cars and officer responding to a call could be con- Whereas California and others states’
voters in Florida said they support Bi- officers who released their K-9 dogs on sidered a crime victim, she said, is provisions prohibit “the disclosure of
den, with 43% saying they back drunk and mentally ill people. “mind-boggling. … How do we know confidential information to the defen-
Trump, according to a state poll from Marsy’s Law passed first in Califor- they haven’t done this before?” dant,” North Dakota’s version passed in
Telemundo. Less than 10% of Latino nia in 2008 and is now law in 11 other Matt Puckett, executive director of the 2016 deleted the words “confidential” and
voters said they’re undecided (7%) or states. It happened each time by ballot Florida Police Benevolent Association, “to the defendant” – leaving a provision
voting for another candidate (2%). initiative, allowing voters to adopt all acknowledged there should be limits on that simply prohibits the disclosure of
Latinos will be the largest ethnic or of its implications with a single yes. when officers can invoke Marsy’s Law. victim “information” to anyone. Florida
racial minority group in the 2020 elec- Now, it is on the ballot in Kentucky, “We need to have the (state) Supreme and South Dakota followed suit in 2018.
tion, with 32 million eligible to vote. a state still reeling from the raid that Court issue a ruling on it, because it’s al- North Dakota Attorney General
Florida, which has 29 electoral votes, killed Breonna Taylor, a Black medical ways going to be very subjective ... as to Wayne Stenehjem tried to clarify that
is considered vital to Trump’s reelec- worker in Louisville. Had it been in what would be worthy of a shield from the law does not protect the names of
tion bid. place this March, the public may not victim’s information,” he said. victims, unless they are children or vic-
But Biden is foundering with Cuban have learned the identities of the three Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco in- tims of sex crimes or domestic violence.
voters, a key bloc in the state. Accord- white officers who opened fire. troduced Marsy’s Law in Florida. Now, Cops disregarded that guidance. In
ing to the poll, Trump holds a substan- “This constitutional amendment is he is a vocal advocates for using it to 2017, a Bismarck officer invoked Marsy’s
tial lead over Biden, 71% to 23% among so ambiguous and has lent itself to so automatically shield deputies’ names. Law after shooting and wounding a man
Cuban voters. Biden is leading among much misinterpretation, misapplica- “The provision exists for victims who he said punched him and gouged
Puerto Rican voters, 66% to 23%. tion, inconsistency,” said Amye Ben- across the spectrum, regardless of their his eyes. The agency declined to identify
Latinos won’t just be a crucial vot- senhaver, director of the Kentucky profession,” said Nocco’s spokesman, the officer, but The Bismarck Tribune
ing bloc in Florida, they will also hold Open Government Coalition and a for- Chase Daniels. “We believe there is the uncovered his name and published it –
key shares of the vote in Texas, Arizo- mer assistant state attorney general. capability to both protect the victim and prompting protesters to gather outside
na and Nevada. “We will have those problems emerge, provide transparency under Marsy’s the newsroom in support of police.
The Telemundo poll surveyed 500 just as they have emerged in Florida.” Law, which we have done.” In the months after, more North Da-
registered Hispanic voters statewide The law increasingly has been co- Nocco and three other county sher- kota officers invoked the law, with sup-
by telephone in those four states, and opted by police. It got on Florida’s ballot iffs who routinely use Marsy’s Law – port from Marsy’s Law for All: “Police
all indicated they were likely to vote in in 2018 after being introduced by a sher- Brevard’s Wayne Ivey, Collier’s Kevin officers can be victims just like anyone
the general election. There is a margin iff and revised with the help of two Rambosk and Charlotte’s Bill Prummell else,” spokesman Henry Goodwin told
of error of plus or minus 4.5 percent- statewide law enforcement associa- – declined to comment. In an emailed the Grand Forks Herald in July 2018.
age points for each state poll. tions. Officers say it allows them to statement, Hernando County Sheriff Al Meanwhile, the law was working its
In Texas, Biden holds a large lead claim victim status in use-of-force Nienhuis said that Florida voters, “in- way onto Florida’s ballot.
among Latino voters, 58% to 34%. The cases where they say the suspect was tentionally or unintentionally, did not It had been introduced to Florida’s
poll shows that 7% are still undecided the aggressor. provide exceptions based on the vic- Constitutional Revision Commission,
and 1% say they are choosing another At least half of Florida’s 30 largest tim’s positions or actions.” which gathers every 20 years to exam-
candidate. In recent days, pundits police agencies said they apply it to ine the state constitution and debate
have showed the race is tightening shield the names of on-duty officers, a potential revisions. In this unusual
overall in the Lone Star State. The USA TODAY and ProPublica investiga- process, politicians appoint 37 commis-
Cook Political Report recently changed tion found. For the agencies that do, “We need to have the (state) sion members to propose amendments
its rating of the state to a toss up, reporters requested and reviewed po- and, if approved by at least 22 members,
meaning the race could go for either lice reports from use-of-force inci- Supreme Court issue a ruling refer them directly to the ballot.
candidate. dents since January 2019. on it, because it’s always The 2017 commission was made up
But Biden is trailing 2016 Democrat- The sheriff ’s offices in Collier and almost entirely of Republicans, many
ic nominee Hillary Clinton among La- Charlotte counties have withheld depu- going to be very subjective.” with direct ties to then-Gov. Rick Scott.
tinos. According to 2016 exit polls, ties’ names in roughly 1 in 6 incidents in Matt Puckett
Two members proposed similar ver-
Clinton won 61% of the Hispanic vote which an officer used force that resulted Executive director, Florida Police Benevolent sions of Marsy’s Law: Nocco, the Pasco
in Texas, while Trump won 34%. in a civilian’s injury. For the Hernando Association sheriff, and Timothy Cerio, Scott’s for-
Latinos make up roughly 30% of the County sheriff ’s office, it’s nearly 1 in 3. mer chief legal adviser.
Texas electorate, according to the Pew Officers sustained no injuries in at Both versions contained the same
Research Center. least half of the incidents for which The controversial crime victims’ “locate or harass” provision that was
In Arizona, 64% of Latino voters say they claimed victims’ rights, records rights law was born of a tragedy. making news in North Dakota. Yet ac-
they support Biden, while 28% said show. Even minor movements that of- In 1983, Marsalee Ann Nicholas, a 21- cording to transcripts and videos from
they support Trump. A combined 8% ficers perceived as threatening, such year-old student at the University of the commission proceedings, the issue
said they are undecided or supporting as walking aggressively or reaching California, Santa Barbara, who went by never came up.
a different candidate. into a pocket, qualified as batteries on Marsy, was stalked and shot to death by During a commission meeting in
officers – triggering the law’s protec- her ex-boyfriend, Kerry Michael Conley, March 2018, Cerio thanked the Florida
tion, according to the agencies. when she came home for Thanksgiving. Sheriffs Association, the Florida Police
At least seven agencies have with- Conley was arrested but remained Chiefs Association and several top state
held the names of officers who’ve free on bail for two years until he was prosecutors for their support and their
killed civilians: sheriff ’s offices in Bro- convicted of second-degree murder. At revisions to the initiative.
ward, Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte a grocery store a week after her death, In November 2018, Florida voters
Customer service and Hernando counties, and police de- Conley allegedly accosted Nicholas’ passed it by a 23-point margin.
To view important information online related to partments in Tampa and Tallahassee. mother, who was on her way home from Cerio did not respond to multiple
your subscription, visit aboutyoursubscription. Five of the deceased were white, two the funeral. The family said it had not calls and emails. You can also manage your
were Black and one was Hispanic. been notified Conley was out on bond. As police agencies across Florida ad-
subscription at
Contact USA TODAY for questions or to report A Tallahassee officer brought the Nicholas’ mother and stepfather, justed to the new victims’ rights amend-
issues via email at or by problems with the law to light in May Marcella and Bob Leach, became promi- ment in early 2019, the Jacksonville
phone at 1-800-872-0001. when he claimed victimhood status nent advocates for victims’ rights. Along Sheriff ’s Office put together a Power-
Operating hours are: after fatally shooting Tony McDade, a with Marsy’s brother, Henry Nicholas, Point presentation to tell deputies how
❚ Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. EST
Black transgender man who allegedly the Leaches co-founded a nonprofit to follow Marsy’s Law. The last slide
stabbed a neighbor’s son to death be- support organization for families of spelled out those who are not consid-
Available subscriptions fore pointing a gun at an officer. homicide victims. ered victims under the amendment, in-
Subscribe and save today by visiting The subscription below Tallahassee police Chief Lawrence Nicholas, the billionaire co-founder cluding suspects, the deceased and wit-
is billed monthly and includes 24/7 access to Revell didn’t release the names of the of Broadcom Corp., in 2007 spearhead- nesses to a crime. A final note read, “Po-, breaking news on our tablet and deputies involved, fueling protests out- ed a campaign to pass a comprehensive lice Officers cannot invoke Marsy’s Law
smartphone apps, subscriber benefits at
side the police station. Days later, the bill of rights for California crime victims. in the course of their official duty.” and the eNew-
spaper, a digital replica of the print edition. Florida Police Benevolent Association In 2008, California passed it as a bal- Jacksonville deputies begged to dif-
❚ Delivery of the Monday through Friday print sued the city to make sure it wouldn’t lot measure with nearly 54% of the vote. fer. In January 2020, their union sued in
editions: $29.00 change course. The police union’s law- The following year, Nicholas launched state court, arguing they, too, had a right
*Plus applicable taxes suit cited the growing anger over police a national organization, Marsy’s Law for to confidentiality under the amend-
violence as a reason to hide their names. All, which has spent more than $100 mil- ment. The case is awaiting trial.
Contact us “His fear for his safety is reason- lion working to pass similar amendments Five months later, after two fatal
Customer Service ........................... 1-800-872-0001
Newsroom ...................703-854-3400, ext. 5, ext. 5
able, especially given the current un- in other states. So far, 11 more have active shootings by Tallahassee police, the
Classified advertising ................... 1-800-397-0070 rest that has followed in the wake of laws on the books: Florida, Georgia, Illi- Florida Police Benevolent Association
National, regional advertising ....... 703-854-3400 George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis,” nois, Nevada, North Carolina, North Da- sued the city to block the release of the
the union said in court filings. kota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, officers’ names.
Corrections and clarifications The identities of officers who have South Dakota and Wisconsin. Judge Charles Dodson was not con-
Our goal is to promptly correct errors. Email us at used violence against civilians is vital While none of the states explicitly ex- vinced. In July, he cited the public’s to report a mistake.
information the public has a right to empts on-duty police officers from the right to access government records and
Describe the error, where you saw it, the date,
page number, or the URL. know, said Barbara Petersen, former benefits of any part of the law, only in ruled the court “cannot interpret Mar-
head of Florida’s First Amendment Florida, North Dakota and South Dakota sy’s Law to shield police officers from
Postal information Foundation. Had the Minneapolis Po- can police officers use the law to shield public scrutiny of their official actions.”
Volume 39, No. 34 lice Department withheld the identity their names from the public. That’s be- The police union is appealing the
USA TODAY, USPS #684090, ISSN #0734-7456, is of Derek Chauvin, the officer charged cause those states’ amendments elimi- case, and the officers’ names are still
published Monday through Friday at 7950 Jones with killing Floyd, the public may not nate a key phrase from an original provi- sealed. In the meantime, Dodson’s rul-
Branch Dr. McLean, VA 22108. Periodicals post-
age paid at McLean, VA 22108. Postmaster: Send
have learned of his extensive history of sion of the law that prohibits the release ing has not stopped police agencies in
address changes to Customer Service, PO Box using excessive force, Petersen said. of information that could be used to “lo- other parts of the state from using the
62670, San Angelo, TX 76906 The notion that a law enforcement cate or harass” a victim. law to their advantage.


for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you

and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.
(Is 60:1-3)

From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the

times set for them and the exact places Where they Should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps
reach ou

n the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God said, “ Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that

I the


put the














and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A river watering the garden flowed from Eden;
from there it was separated into four headwaters .... The LORD God commanded the man, “ You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat
from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." God blessed them and said to them, “ Be fruitful and increase
in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground. ” God saw all
that he had made, and it was very

In this way, God created the heavens, the earth and everything, and he put the man — who was created in the image of God
— at the garden of Eden, and he let him rest with God forever.

owever, the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. (called the devil, or Satan, who

H or














eat of

will be like God. knowing good and evil. ” When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye. and also desirable for gaining
wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they
realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he
was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, “ Where are
you? " He answered, “ I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid. " And he said, “ Who told you that you were naked? Have you
eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from? " The man said, “ The woman you put here with me - she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it. ”
Then the LORD God said to the woman, “ What is this you have done? ” The woman said, “ The serpent deceived me, and I ate. ”

So the LORD God said to the serpent ( devil ), “ Because you have done this, “ Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl
on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers ; he ( God’s
Son who will be born of a woman ) will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. ”
To the woman he said, “ I will greatly increase your pain
To Cursed is the ground
because of you; through painful toil you will
the sweat of your brow you will eat y
drove the man out, he placed o

Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men.
Therefore Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.

However, God so loved man, that he gave a new covenant to save them from sin and death:

The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them
( This new covenant
receive the promi

Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. ... He remembers his covenant forever, the word he
commanded, for
Israel as an everlasting cov

When the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman... An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said ...

the name JeSUS, because he will save his people from their sins.

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying

“ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."

he beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. ■ The time has come," Jesus said. “ The kingdom of God is near.
Repent and believe the good news! " “ I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because
the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in
their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. And people brought to him all who were
ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed, and he healed them. Jesus ... asked his
disciples, “ Who do you say I am? " Simon Peter answered, “ You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “ Blessed are you, Simon son of
Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And ... on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven .... No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day. "
When Jesus spoke again to the p

Jesus said, “ I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

The Son of God came ... to give his life as a ransom for all. “ Behold, We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the
chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will turn him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third
day he will be raised to life! " ... When the time came, Jesus prayed and then he was seized by them. Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the
people came to the decision to put Jesus to death. They bound him, led him away and handed him over to Pilate, the governor. ... Then Pilate announced to the chief
priests and the crowd, “ I find no basis for a charge against this man.” But they kept shouting, “Crucify him! Crucify him!" When Pilate saw ... an uproar was
starting,... he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified. It was the third hour when they crucified him. Later, knowing that all was now completed. Jesus
said, “ It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (Gal4:4. M«i:i8.20.2l,2:ifLk2:i3.14. Mki:i,15, Lk5:32.1Jn3:8, MI4:23.24.16:13-19. Jn6:44. 8:12. Jn14:6, Mt20:28.18,19. Mt27M.2)

After Jesus died, he rose on the third day. He said, “ All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go into all the world
and preach the good news to all creation.” This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body,
and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. “ Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” “ You will receive power when
the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses ... to the ends of the earth." After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes. They were looking
intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men ( angels ) dressed in white stood beside them. They said, “ This same Jesus, who has been taken from
you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." (1*23:4*1. **27:24.26. »*15:25. jm9:28.3o. Mt28:i8. mkisms. Ep3:e. Mt28:i9*o. aci:8-h. Gaii:4. is53:5.6)

In this way Jesus Christ gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, he was
pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we
are healed.

For God so loved the world ( people ) that he gave his one and only Son ( Jesus )

that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Therefore to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - and since you are

children, God has made you also an heir. Therefore the LORD forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit

This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

he Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet






a new







voice from the throne saying, “ Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be
their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." ... and
the angel showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious
jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass. Then he showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as
crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb ( Jesus ) down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing
twelve crops of fruit, yielding

ut God will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They win be punished with everlasting
destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power. ... Each person was judged according to what he had done. Then death
and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire ( Hell) is the second death. ... where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. And the devil, who deceived
them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.


Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved-you and your household.

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.

(Jn3:i6.i:i2. Gal4:7. Ps103:3-5. Mt24M4. 1Th4:i6,17. 2Pe3M2.13. Rev21:1.3.4

For more information, /


6 dead, 3 killed in
millions French church
by ‘terrorist’
powerless knife attack
from Zeta Joshua Bote

Southern US suffers as Three people were killed at a church

storm heads out to sea in Nice, France, an attack that the
city’s mayor says is an act of terrorism.
Doyle Rice It is the third such incident in the
USA TODAY nation in two months. It comes weeks
after a French teacher was decapitated
Zeta, now downgraded to a post- after showing caricatures of Islam’s
tropical cyclone, continued to lash prophet Muhammad in class.
portions of the eastern U.S. Thursday Joseph Fons celebrates at the Supreme Court after the ruling in June that Separate attacks took place in the
with heavy rain and high winds as the LGBTQ people cannot be fired based on sexual orientation. GETTY IMAGES same day near the southern French
potent system made its way out to sea. city of Avignon, where a man was shot
The storm, which made landfall as a after threatening police, and in the
Category 2 hurricane Wednesday af-
ternoon, knocked out power to more
than 2.6 million homes and businesses
Survey: Americans Saudi city of Jiddah’s French Embassy,
where a guard was attacked.
On Wednesday, Islamic State ex-
and has been blamed for at least six
deaths in the South.
One man was electrocuted in New mistaken about tremists issued a video calling for re-
newed attacks on France.
The attacks appear to be linked to

LGBTQ protections
Orleans, a man drowned in Biloxi, Mis- an ongoing trial for the 2015 killings at
sissippi, and a man in Acworth, Geor- Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical
gia, was killed when an oak tree fell on newspaper that published the contro-
the mobile home in which he was stay- versial caricatures.
ing. Two people were killed near At-
lanta when a tree fell on their house,
Yet most are in favor of lieve it is illegal to deny employment
benefits – pension or health insurance
Christian Estrosi, Nice’s mayor, said
the church killings were a “terrorist”
pinning them to the bed. In Alabama, anti-discrimination laws – to an employee’s same-sex partner; attack, adding: “The meaning of his
one person died when a tree fell on a 86% of non-LGBTQ respondents be- gesture left no doubt.”
mobile home in rural Clarke County. Joshua Bote lieve it should be illegal. One victim, according to a report by
Zeta ripped off roofs, knocked down USA TODAY h 59% of non-LGBTQ respondents the BBC, was said by the mayor to be
power lines and trees and flooded and 50% of LGBTQ respondents be- “virtually beheaded,” and another had
streets as it roared through Mississip- As protections for LGBTQ people en- lieve it is illegal to deny transgender his throat slit. The third victim, who
pi, Alabama and Georgia early Thurs- ter the domain of the United States’ people the right to use the restroom was wounded inside the church, was
day, the Weather Channel said. Heavy highest court, the vast majority of non- that aligns with their gender identity; able to flee to a local cafe, where she
rain and winds also pounded eastern LGBTQ Americans believe discrimina- 61% of non-LGBTQ respondents be- died to her injuries.
Tennessee and the Carolinas. tion against LGBTQ should be illegal. lieve it should be illegal. French President Emmanuel Ma-
Power outages from the storm also The catch, according to GLAAD’s The study, which surveyed a na- cron said he will increase soldiers’ de-
affected polling places in some areas, 2020 edition of its annual Accelerating tionally representative sample of ployments from about 3,000 now to
including northern Georgia. State offi- Acceptance survey: An overwhelming 2,506 American adults, was conduct- 7,000 to guard schools and religious
cials weren’t sure how many of the 336 number of Americans, regardless of ed before the groundbreaking Su- sites.
early voting locations statewide were sexuality or gender identity, believe preme Court decision in June to pro- French Prime Minister Jean Castex
LGBTQ people have federal protec- hibit discrimination in the workplace said the country’s alert level has been
tions against discrimination that are, for LGBTQ people. elevated to “emergency” after the at-
in reality, not available to them. That Still, in many spheres of life, LGBTQ tack.
includes discrimination in housing, people are not afforded the same privi- The nation’s anti-terrorist prosecu-
public spaces, employment benefits leges as their counterparts. Ellis and tor’s office also has launched an inves-
and the military. many other LGBTQ advocates also fear tigation into the killings.
Part of this dissonance, GLAAD that the appointment of Amy Coney At the same time, tourist attractions
CEO Sarah Kate Ellis tells USA TODAY, Barrett to the Supreme Court may fur- in France, including the Louvre, Dis-
is that LGBTQ rights are largely being ther impede queer and trans people neyland Paris and the Musée d’Orsay,
left out of the conversation. from obtaining legal protections. were shutting down ahead of CO-
Greenville, S.C., firefighters work “It wasn’t in any of the debates and A vast majority of federal protec- VID-19 lockdowns imposed until De-
Thursday to remove a tree that fell it isn’t being covered,” she said, point- tions, contrary to public belief, are un- cember.
on vehicles. USA TODAY NETWORK ing out that the only time it was men- available to LGBTQ people. That in- The attacker was wounded by po-
tioned among the two presidential cludes prohibiting transgender people lice and detained, the BBC reported.
candidates was during a town hall by to serve in the military, trans students Two police officials told The Associat-
closed or delayed in opening. In Doug- Democrat Joe Biden. accessing the bathroom that corre- ed Press that he acted independently
las County, in Atlanta’s western sub- “There is also this false narrative sponds to their gender identity, and and that no other suspects were being
urbs, all six polling locations were that marriage equality was the finish equal access to housing. sought. Leaders across the world of-
without power, as were county offices. line – that marriage gave us all the And crucially, the Department of fered support to France.
Voting also was affected by the (same rights as) everybody else,” she Justice, The 19th reported earlier this British Prime Minister Boris John-
storm in portions of Alabama, Missis- said. “There’s a whole host of other year, has yet to enforce the June work- son wrote in a tweet that he was “ap-
sippi and Florida. rights that were overshadowed by place discrimination ruling within fed- palled” to hear of the attacks in mes-
Zeta made landfall Wednesday marriage equality.” eral agencies. sages in English and French. “Our
afternoon near Cocodrie, Louisiana, Among GLAAD’s findings: But even as lower courts use the rul- thoughts are with the victims and their
with estimated wind speeds of 110 mph, h 89% of non-LGBTQ respondents ing to extend benefits to the LGBTQ families, and the UK stands steadfast-
the National Hurricane Center said. and 78% of LGBTQ respondents be- community, a patchwork of policies ly with France against terror and intol-
The storm was a ferocious hit for lieve it is illegal to evict someone from can never measure up to comprehen- erance,” he said. The Turkish Foreign
some along the Gulf Coast. In Wave- housing because they are LGBTQ; 91% sive protections on a national level. Ministry, despite political tensions
land, Mississippi, on the state’s coast, of non-LGBTQ respondents believe it A day after the election, Fulton v. with France, condemned the attack.
the town’s mayor, Mike Smith, told should be illegal. the City of Philadelphia will be one of “We stand in solidarity with the people
WLOX-TV that the town may have suf- h 80% of non-LGBTQ respondents the first cases heard by the full court as of France against terror and violence,”
fered its worst storm damage since Ka- and 65% of LGBTQ respondents be- Barrett fills the seat Justice Ruth Bader the statement said.
trina blasted the city in 2005. lieve it is illegal to turn people away Ginsburg vacated upon her death. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Er-
Zeta is the 27th named storm of a his- from a restaurant or other place of case, which focuses on LGBTQ couples dogan had accused Macron of anti-
torically busy Atlantic hurricane sea- business because they are LGBTQ; fostering and adopting children from a Muslim sentiment and posed ques-
son, which still has more than a month 90% of non-LGBTQ respondents be- Catholic agency, will be a key case in tions about his mental fitness after a
left. It was the 11th tropical storm or hur- lieve it should be illegal. determining whether organizations Charlie Hebdo illustration of Erdogan.
ricane to hit the United States this year. h 78% of non-LGBTQ respondents can object to working with LGBTQ
Contributing: The Associated Press and 70% of LGBTQ respondents be- people on moral or religious grounds. Contributing: The Associated Press

Philadelphia belt,” she said.

The shooting has sparked peaceful
“When you come to a scene where
that focuses on law enforcement.
“A lot of people are asking – how can
protests and two nights of looting in we train police to do a better job? But
Continued from Page 1A Philadelphia. More than 1,000 people somebody is in a mental crisis, that’s the wrong paradigm. It doesn’t
have looted businesses, dozens of offi- and the only tool you have to deal make a lot of sense to send a police offi-
pavement while he was handcuffed and cers have been injured and more than with it is a gun ... where are the cer,” said Charlie Ransford, senior direc-
naked; he died of asphyxiation. In April, 170 people have been arrested, police proper tools for the job?” tor of science and policy at Cure Vio-
Nicolas Chavez, 27, was “having a men- said. On Wednesday, police reportedly Shaka Johnson lence, a Chicago-based nonprofit that
tal breakdown” in Houston when he was found explosives inside a van. Wallace family attorney treats violence with disease control and
shot 21 times. Twenty-eight officers re- Mayor Jim Kenney issued a curfew behavioral change methods. “We can’t
sponded to the scene. And last month, Wednesday night and called in the by police have a mental illness, accord- just put in an eight-hour training and
13-year-old Linden Cameron, who has Pennsylvania National Guard to help ing to a Washington Post database of fa- expect them to be up to speed with
autism, was having an episode when of- protect property and assist the police. tal shootings by on-duty police officers. things people get degrees in.”
ficers shot him, leaving him with inju- The Philadelphia Police Department Police have fatally shot more than Some departments, such as in Los
ries to his shoulder, ankles, intestines was investigating the shooting and 1,300 people with mental illnesses since Angeles and San Antonio, have part-
and bladder. could not confirm that the initial call 2015, according to the database. The nered with mental health professionals
“When you come to a scene where was a mental health call, Outlaw said. majority were white, but a dispropor- to work as “co-responders,” assisting
somebody is in a mental crisis, and the “We’re still backtracking to find out tionate percentage were Black. Of the street cops responding to a mental
only tool you have to deal with it is a gun what the officers knew and what was more than 800 people shot and killed by health crisis. Other cities rely on re-
... where are the proper tools for the dispatched to the officers,” she said. police this year, 155 had a mental illness, sponse models that do not involve po-
job?” said Johnson, Wallace’s family at- The city of Philadelphia declined a and, of those, 17% were Black. lice. In Eugene, Oregon, teams consist-
torney. USA TODAY request to confirm that the In police training academies, officers ing of a medic and a crisis worker re-
Police Commissioner Danielle Out- family had called for an ambulance, cit- may receive anywhere between four spond to calls of mental health crises.
law said Tuesday that the two officers ing the ongoing investigation. Outlaw and 12 hours of training in mental Philadelphia’s department recently
had not been given Tasers, “as is with said Wednesday that she plans to re- health, and it varies by state, according began a pilot program that has a behav-
many officers in the department.” The lease 911 tapes and police body camera to Peter Scharf, a criminologist at the ioral health specialist in the radio room
department has about 2,300 Tasers but footage of the shooting once the depart- Louisiana State University School of during limited daytime hours, Outlaw
would need 4,400 for every operational ment shares it with Wallace’s family. Public Health and Justice. New recruits said Tuesday. The specialist was not
officer to have one, Outlaw said Nearly 15% of men and 30% of wom- spend about 58 hours in firearms train- working when Wallace’s call came
Wednesday. “It’s common for officers to en booked into jails have a serious men- ing and eight hours in crisis interven- through, she said.
respond to domestic disturbance, or any tal health condition, the National Alli- tion training, according to a 2015 survey Contributing: Jordan Culver, N’dea
type of call, with a gun because it’s one ance on Mental Illness estimates. And by the Police Executive Research Forum, Yancey-Bragg, Anthony V. Coppola and
of the tools that we carry on our tool- more than 1 in 4 people shot and killed an independent research organization Jeff Neiburg, USA TODAY

Our View: The coronavirus
didn’t have to be this bad
Early in his fight against a novel cor-
onavirus, Donald Trump proclaimed
himself in a call-to-arms moment a
“wartime president.” But as a third and lost patience with slow-the-spread
surge of COVID-19 infections sweeps restrictions, agitating against states
across the country, White House chief (“LIBERATE MICHIGAN!”) that fol-
of staff Mark Meadows capitulated on lowed his own administration’s health
Trump’s behalf. guidelines.
“We are not going to control the pan- Trump proclaimed ultimate power
demic,” he told CNN on Sunday. for directing pandemic relief and then
Beyond consigning Americans to a quickly abandoned that responsibility
wretched winter of sickness before a to the states. He was too timid about
vaccine becomes widely available, sur- implementing the Defense Production
rendering in the face of a viral enemy is Act to ensure a steady stream of neces-
a tragically fitting capstone to one of sary supplies, a deficit that still haunts
the worst crisis-management perfor- hospitals to this day. And he rejected a
mances for a president in U.S. history. federal role in tracing and isolating in-
The United States has faced plenty fections, a respected and time-honored
of dark moments. The Civil War. The health mitigation tool that other na-
Great Depression. Pearl Harbor. The at- tions used to stem the virus.

Faith voters should

tacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Throughout it
all, there was never contemplation of Summer
just giving up, or tossing the problem to

stick with Trump

states and localities, or trying to wish Trump’s prediction that the virus
the problem away. Not until now. would go away in the warm weather
With Election Day fast approaching, proved false, as new surges hit the
voters have a right to ask why the virus South and West. His administration
hasn’t been better controlled. The pan-
demic was always going to be bad, re-
undermined public health agencies
such as the Centers for Disease Control
Christian leaders of
gardless of who occupied the White and Prevention, sidelined CDC’s scien- character surround him
House, but it didn’t have to be this bad. tists, and blocked top government ex-
All but four of the world’s countries perts from communicating with the Bob Vander Plaats
have lower COVID-19 death rates (mea- American people through the national
sured in fatalities per 100,000 resi- news media. When he visited my state of Iowa
dents) than the United States. this month, Vice President Mike Pence
South Korea, which saw its first in- Autumn reminded me why, despite misgivings
fection almost the same day as America about Donald Trump’s character and
did, has had more than 26,000 con- As Trump has barnstormed across conduct, I will vote for President Trump
firmed infections; the United States has battleground states in recent weeks — in this election.
had nearly 9 million cases. leaving clusters of new infections in his When voting for a president, we vote Vice President Mike Pence on Oct. 1 in
“Unfortunately for us,” said Dr. An- wake from rallies where social distanc- for so much more than just the candi- Des Moines, Iowa. CHARLIE NEIBERGALL/AP
thony Fauci, America’s leading infec- ing and mask wearing were frequently date. We vote for a vision for America,
tious disease expert, “the United States ignored — dueling storylines have for policy positions, for the kinds of while Pence declared, “I don’t apolo-
is clearly the worst hit country.” emerged. One is the president’s relent- judges who will be appointed and — gize” for being pro-life.
With 4% of the global population, less assertion that the nation is “round- more than we realize — we vote for the Pence also stood firm during the de-
the United States accounts for 20% of ing the turn” on defeating COVID-19. people who will fill out the administra- bate for Israel and for religious liberty,
COVID-19 deaths – nearly 230,000. The other is the direct opposite: that an tion and make many of the decisions while noting that Harris had “attacked”
Projections are that by Feb. 6, anni- America beset by what are now record that impact our lives. a Trump judicial nominee during his
versary of the first reported U.S. death high daily infections and rising num- This year, Vice President Pence, Sec- confirmation hearing for being a mem-
from coronavirus, the toll could exceed bers of hospitalizations and deaths is retary of State Michael Pompeo and ber of the Catholic Knights of Colum-
400,000 and match the number of entering a third viral surge. Housing and Urban Development Sec- bus, which holds to its church’s posi-
Americans lost in World War II. retary Ben Carson all came to events in tions on life and marriage.
Mistakes and mishandling unfolded One of Trump’s greatest mistakes Des Moines hosted by The FAMiLY I look at the people around former
by seasons: throughout the crisis was failing to Leader. They expressed their Christian Vice President Biden — Harris, Sens.
grasp that the economy could not be faith and their confidence in the Amer- Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren,
Winter saved without first saving Americans ican people to solve many of our na- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Al-
from the risk of serious illness. The tion’s woes by turning to our neighbors exandria Ocasio-Cortez — and I just see
From the beginning, Trump de- president presented it as a binary to help them, instead of turning to gov- a very different vision for America, one
ceived Americans about the coronavi- choice. By contrast, Democratic presi- ernment mandates to control us. laden with taxes, government regula-
rus. In late January, a top adviser dential nominee Joe Biden recognizes Among other examples, I would tion, restricted freedoms, extremist
warned him that it would be “the big- that “to fix the economy, we have to get point to Secretary Carson’s Mustard abortion positions and radical environ-
gest national security threat you face in control over the virus.” Seed Series — in which the government mental policies.
your presidency.” In early February, the So far, the best part of the federal re- is working with churches to create af-
president told journalist Bob Wood- sponse has been Operation Warp fordable housing and reduce homeless- Actual chaos
ward in a taped interview that he un- Speed, which appears to be on track to ness — as an example of the positive
derstood the fierce lethality and conta- start delivering millions of doses of a impact the people around President In contrast, recently I had the oppor-
giousness of the virus (“more deadly vaccine early next year, if ongoing trials Trump have on America. tunity to listen to Sarah Huckabee
than your strenuous flus”). Yet the show one or more to be safe and effec- “We cannot alleviate poverty Sanders, President Trump’s former
president lied to the public about the tive. Yet, even here, Trump’s meddling through the efforts of the federal gov- press secretary, at a joint speaking en-
potential severity, claiming he didn’t and pressure on regulators have under- ernment alone,” Carson explained. gagement. She reminded us of the dif-
want to spark a panic, when that infor- mined public confidence in vaccines. “There are so many faith-based organi- ference between the reports of “chaos
mation could have helped people pre- The coronavirus presented Trump zations serving vulnerable communi- in the White House” and actual chaos.
pare. More likely, Trump didn’t want to with a historic leadership test. To give ties successfully, and we want to share Chaos is when terrorists threaten our
upset a stock market he relies upon as him a second term, after hundreds of these successes with other faith-based lives. Chaos is when businesses close
an economic barometer. thousands of Americans lost their organizations who are already so ded- and jobs are lost due to burdensome
Trump issued restrictions on travel lives, would be to reward a failure. icated to a posture of service.” taxes and regulations. Chaos is when
from China on Jan. 31, after 45 other unborn children are prevented from
countries did the same. The partial ban This is the fourth in a series of edito- Key positions of impact breathing their first breath. Chaos is
might have helped contain the spread, rials about major issues in the 2020 when protesters burn up our cities.
but it became lost in a cascade of other presidential election. Previous editori- These leaders of high character and Chaos is when rioters shout slurs at the
incompetent decisions. als covered climate change, health care conviction, now including Supreme police and soldiers who protect us.
For weeks, he resisted advice to ban and foreign policy. Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, are in Chaos is when politicians threaten to
travel from Europe, from where strains key positions of impact today because pack the Supreme Court.
of the virus generated a deadly New President Trump placed them there It’s true, President Trump seldom
York outbreak. Federal agencies and because Americans voted for reflects the desired fruits of the Spirit.
botched the creation of a coronavirus Trump the first time. However, he listened and made his case
test and then severely restricted its use, By contrast, both former Vice Presi- to the faith community, kept his prom-
leaving health experts flying blind dent Joe Biden and his running mate, ises to the faith community, and sur-
through a mushrooming crisis. Sen. Kamala Harris of California, sep- rounded himself with key leaders of the
February was largely squandered as arately refused invitations to make faith community. Voting for president
the president played golf, attended a their case to The FAMiLY Leader’s audi- is more than a vote for the man; it’s a
Super Bowl party and held rallies while ence when campaigning in Iowa before vote for people like Carson, Pence and
the virus silently infected thousands in the caucuses. Their silence and refusal Pompeo. That really does make a differ-
the United States. to engage this faith community, repre- ence, and for me, it’s more than enough
Through it all, he ignored a playbook sentative of millions of Americans, to vote Trump in 2020.
left by previous administrations with spoke and continues to speak volumes.
step-by-step guidance on how to act So who would Biden place in posi- Bob Vander Plaats is president and
urgently, with a unified voice and tions of power in his administration? CEO of The FAMiLY Leader, a nonprofit
sweeping powers to quell a pandemic. As pointed out in the vice presiden- organization that encourages Chris-
tial debate, a Biden administration tians to engage with government.
Spring would replace Vice President Pence’s
WANT TO COMMENT? Have Your Say at
principled leadership with Vice Presi-, @usatodayopinion on
Even as the pandemic spread, the dent Harris, rated by as Twitter and
president refused to wear a mask; ped- the “most politically left” and most par- Comments are edited for length and clarity. Con-
tent submitted to USA TODAY may appear in print,
dled phony cures (a Cornell study tisan member of the U.S. Senate.
digital or other forms. For letters, include name,
found Trump the leading disseminator Protest in front of the White House. At the debate, Harris pledged she address and phone number. Letters may be mailed
of false information about COVID-19); JACQUELYN MARTIN/AP would “always fight” for legal abortion, to 7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VA, 22108.

“USA TODAY hopes to serve as a forum for better understanding and unity to help make the USA truly one nation.” – Allen H. Neuharth, Founder, Sept. 15, 1982

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Fox News’ Bret Baier has more
than the election on his mind
As interest in politics drives cable news ratings,
USA TODAY | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2020 | SECTION B the journalist still juggles job and family. Page 5B

Economy grew 33.1%



but slowdown emerges

The number of Americans seeking
unemployment benefits fell last week
to 751,000, the lowest since March,
but it’s still historically high and in-
dicates the pandemic is forcing many
employers to cut jobs. Applications for
unemployment aid fell 40,000 from
the week before, the Labor Depart-
ment said Thursday. They fell in 30
states, including California, Florida
and Texas. Claims rose significantly in
Arizona, Illinois, and Michigan.


Three civil rights groups filed a lawsuit
Thursday challenging President Don-
ald Trump’s executive order that re-
stricts federal agencies, as well as
contractors and grant recipients, from
offering certain diversity training that
the president deems “anti-American.”
The NAACP Legal Defense Fund filed
the complaint in federal court in
Washington, D.C., along with the Na-
tional Urban League and the National
Fair Housing Alliance. The lawsuit
argued that Trump’s order violates Consumer spending has risen sharply and underpinned economic growth in recent months.
free speech rights and strangles work- CHRISTIAN PETERSEN/GETTY IMAGES
place attempts to address systemic
race and sex discrimination. Trump’s
executive order, signed last month,
called out workplace training that
Consumer spending has rebounded but surges in COVID-19
explore deep-seated racism and privi-
lege that could make white workers
cases, political deadlock prove to be stumbling blocks
feel “discomfort” or guilt.
Paul Davidson a vigorous rebound, it doesn’t offset the
USA TODAY previous loss because the economy was
“We anticipate a much smaller after the big drop. The nation’s
The U.S. economy grew at a record third-quarter GDP was still about 3.5%
pace in the third quarter, bouncing slower second phase of the (non-annualized) below its pre-virus
back from an unprecedented CO- recovery.” level in late 2019. GDP isn’t expected to
VID-19-induced nosedive early in the return to its pre-pandemic level until
year, but activity has slowed recently Gregory Daco Oxford Economics late next year, according to economist
as the pandemic surges and Congress Gus Faucher of PNC Financial Services
remains deadlocked over new relief. ald Trump has attempted to frame as a Group.
The nation’s gross domestic prod- referendum on his stewardship of the “We anticipate a much slower second
uct, the value of all goods and services economy rather than his handling of the phase of the recovery,” says economist
MICHAEL CONROY/AP produced in the U.S., increased at a health crisis. Gregory Daco of Oxford Economics,
seasonally adjusted annual rate of The historic leap in output marks the adding that the economy has recouped
MORTGAGE RATES EDGE UP 33.1% in the July-September period as economy’s best quarterly performance about two-thirds of its lost output.
AFTER RECORD LOW consumer and business spending since a 16.7% rise in early 1950 and And the numbers are skewed by
soared, the Commerce Department seemingly offers a mirror image of the strong gains in May and June, when
U.S. long-term mortgage rates were said Thursday. Economists surveyed 31.4% annualized decline in the second states began allowing many businesses
little changed this week after marking by Bloomberg had forecast a 32% jump quarter – when activity at restaurants, to restart in phases. That lifted econom-
a new all-time low last week. Mort- in GDP. malls, movie theaters and other outlets ic output to a level that pushed up the
gage buyer Freddie Mac reported The report comes amid this week’s ground to a near-halt amid state busi- average increase for the third quarter
Thursday that the average rate on the big market sell-off and just five days ness shutdowns.
30-year benchmark loan edged up before an election that President Don- But while business reopenings fueled See ECONOMY, Page 2B
2.81% from 2.80% last week. By con-
trast, the rate averaged 3.78% a year

In virus
Dow Jones Industrial Avg. era, walks

28,000 replacing

24,000 26,659
22,000 139.16 Business outings get
APRIL OCT. The stock market cares more about which party controls Congress rather than outside and moving
whether President Donald Trump or Joe Biden are in the White House. AP
Jefferson Graham
Dow Jones Industrial Avg.
S&P 500
Nasdaq composite
Which candidate is When COVID-19 hit, it upended the
workplace tradition of the business
T-note, 10-year yield
0.827 x 0.055

market rooting for? lunch.

Now Jeremy Welt, a marketing con-
sultant, takes his meetings on bike
rides or canyon hikes.
Investors don’t like uncertainty in uncertain year “It just got to the point where it was
time to meet with people again and go
Jessica Menton when Democrats control both cham- beyond the phone, beyond the Zoom
USA TODAY bers. call,” Welt says. “And being outside
Gas Prices That suggests that markets may just seemed safer.”
For those Americans wondering prefer divided power come November Living in L.A., where it can be per-
Per gallon of regular unleaded. whether their 401(k)s will see a bigger because it would make it harder for petually 72 degrees, helps. There are
boost under Donald Trump or Joe Bi- lawmakers to undo policy measures bike trails up and down the state,
Current Avg. ............................ $2.147 den as president, it turns out that the already in place, experts say. The Re- many car free and by the beach, and
Yesterday Avg. ........................ $2.151 stock market cares more about which publicans currently control the Senate canyon trails that attract lovers of the
Week Ago Avg. ....................... $2.166 party controls Congress than it does and Democrats the House. outdoors year round.
Month Ago Avg. ...................... $2.182 about which one wins the White “Markets tend to like checks and Interviews with several people who
Year Ago Avg. ......................... $2.602 House. balances to make sure one party have ditched the lunch for the 2020
Stocks typically have thrived under doesn’t have too much sway,” accord- version of the business golf outing say
legislative gridlock in Washington, ing to Ryan Detrick, senior market they don’t want to go back to the old
and a split Congress has historically strategist at LPL Financial. way in post-COVID-19 times. They feel
been the best scenario for investors. When broadening the scenario to healthier being outside and less dis-
Since 1950, the average annual include the presidency, the best situa- tracted.
stock return for the broad S&P 500 tion for stocks since 1950 has histori- Natalie Barrad, who runs a market-
stock index was 17.2% under a split cally been a Democratic president and ing company in Aliso Viejo, California,
Congress, according to LPL Financial. Republican Congress, while a Repub- near Los Angeles, has been hiking, bik-
It falls to 13.4% when Republicans con- lican president and Democratic ing and even swimming with clients.
trol both the House of Representatives
AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION and the Senate, and drops to 10.7% See STOCK MARKET, Page 2B See MEETINGS, Page 2B

Stock market
Continued from Page 1B

Congress has been the weakest, ac-

cording to Detrick.
A possible explanation is that a ma-
jority of recent economic expansions
have ended under GOP administra-
tions. For instance, 10 of the past 11 re-
cessions started while a Republican
was in the White House. The one ex-
ception was President Jimmy Carter.
The stock market typically per-
forms its best when the incumbent
party wins an election. One reason
why is because the status quo is main-
tained, which signals to investors that
the U.S. economy is holding up well
enough that the incumbent isn’t voted
out of office, according to Keith Lerner,
chief market strategist at SunTrust
Private Wealth Management.
The market, however, has tended to
do worse when the incumbent party Alex Kruglov and Jeremy Welt take a bike meeting in Venice, California as an alternative to the Hollywood lunch.
loses, he added. JEFFERSON GRAHAM
And the odds of Biden defeating
Trump are rising, and Democrats may
sweep Congress. Raymond James
boosted its estimates for a Democratic Meetings overall quality of the conversation is
much higher,” Welt says.
And beyond the hiking and cycling, in
Beaverton, Oregon, Andrew Funderburg
sweep to 55%, up from 50%, with a He started biking after getting an in- has come up with a novel way to meet
65% chance of a Biden victory. The in- Continued from Page 1B vite from an associate, and had to his clients. Funderburg, the owner of
vestment firm lowered its estimates of scramble to play along. Since March, Fundy Design photography software
a “status quo” Trump victory and split “The traditional ways we used to new bikes have been back-ordered and studio, had seen clients at the many
Congress to 30%, down from 35%. meet are no longer, so now we’ve be- are harder to come by. The only model trade shows he attended yearly.
Markets don’t like uncertainty. come creative in the ways we get to- available to Welt was one missing the With trade shows canceled, he’s driv-
Among investor concerns are what gether with clients or peers,” she says. horizontal crossbars. ing to them, in a self-converted cargo
happens not only if Biden wins, but if Barrad has scheduled swim workouts Welt hasn’t picked up new business van stocked with coffee and beer. So far
Democrats regain the Senate, too. A at a local pool, to “talk strategy” in be- on the business rides, “but I’ve learned a this year, he’s been to Boise, Idaho, and
Democratic sweep could raise the risk tween laps. lot. Way more than in an email or Zoom Salt Lake City, and is planning a trip lat-
for more regulations and potential tax “The intensity of the workout isn’t call. There’s just something about look- er this year to Southern California.
increases, some experts argue. Demo- the same, but you’re not checking your ing someone in the eye, and a conversa- “We sit outside and chat one on one,”
crats already control the House. phone and you can stay on topic,” she tion that has some way to breathe that is he says of the van outdoor meetings,
There is a greater than 55% chance says. And by putting in some laps in just more real.” where he adds that he can go “deeper,”
of a Democratic Senate majority, ac- between the conversation, “it gives And Welt is enjoying the new normal than on a trade show floor.
cording to Raymond James. you an opportunity to digest what was so much that he drives to the beach to Meanwhile, back in Southern Cali-
Higher business taxes directly af- just said, and come back with another meet associates, and takes along a fornia, Barrad notes that in the corpo-
fect the earnings of publicly traded thought.” beach chair and umbrella to work with rate world, what she’s doing now on
companies, which may flow through to As she noted, “No more coffee shops his iPad afterward. bike and hiking trails was always ac-
stock prices. The Trump administra- anymore.” “There’s just something about being complished on the golf course.
tion lowered the corporate tax rate Starbucks, Peet’s Coffee, Coffee out in nature,” he says. “It’s just good for “You would build a relationship in a
from 35% to 21%, which boosted cor- Bean and Tea Leaf, and other chains the brain.” very unique way that you couldn’t do
porate profits and helped lift markets. were the types of places business peo- It’s happening all over. In Nashville, over a business lunch,” she says. “This
A Biden administration may raise the ple gathered to meet up for years. But Mimi Bliss, who teaches companies just seems more authentic, because
statutory rate back to 28%, but it in COVID-19 times, they are either how to be Zoom savvy, has been meet- you’re constantly moving.”
would likely take a Democratic sweep closed for inside seating or have lim- ing clients on walks as a way to get away And Alex Kruglov, founder of the po-
of Congress to enact, experts say. ited outside seating. For people wor- from the video screen. social games website, who has ac-
Conventional wisdom would sug- ried about being closer than 6 feet from “You’re moving, you’re not sitting, companied Welt on beach bike rides,
gest that a Democratic sweep would be one another, that could be a problem. and this an opportunity to connect to has transitioned to bike-and-talk or
negative for markets, especially for But on a bike, wearing a mask and people,” she says. “We’re at a nice time walk-and-talk meetings, so much so
heavily regulated industries, but fur- cruising on the paved beach bike or of the year where the weather is nice (60 that he now finds himself uncomfort-
ther economic pain could demand open mountain trail, there are no such degrees) and it’s great to get out of the able at a coffee or conference-room
more fiscal support from Washington, issues to worry about. house and be outside.” meeting.
Raymond James said. That could help After years of business lunches, on Her hope: “Let’s walk” replaces “let’s “I get fidgety,” he says. “I didn’t know
boost economic growth. the bike, “we’re getting exercise at the have lunch,” or meet for coffee post-CO- what to do with my hands. I’m so used to
Lerner is advising clients to be cau- same time, our blood is flowing and the VID-19. the motion-based meeting now.”
tious on selling stocks based on next
week’s election outcome alone be-
cause they could miss out on future
In fact, excluding the 2008 financial Economy Many businesses are buying technol-
ogy for employees to work remotely,
crisis outlier, the average path of the Without another relief among other equipment, Millar says.
S&P 500 during years that the party in Continued from Page 1B
power loses is roughly in line with the package, cash reserves are Residential investment higher
average for all election years. compared with the previous three- set to run dry, dimming
Investors selling just before Presi- month period. Housing construction and renova-
dent Barack Obama took office would Growth, though, has slowed the prospects for consumption, tion rose 59.3% after a 64.4% plunge in
have missed out on a 26% total return past few months amid COVID-19 the second quarter. The outbreak tem-
year in 2009 and the kickoff to the sec- spikes. Twenty states recently set rec-
says economist Bob porarily halted construction, but home
ond strongest bull market in history, ords for new cases in a week and, ac- Schwartz of Oxford sales are booming as many Americans
according to data from SunTrust Pri- cording to Pantheon Macroeconomics, move to less crowded suburban areas
vate Wealth Management. And inves- the share of Americans testing posi- Economics. amid the pandemic and take advantage
tors selling just before President tive for the virus has climbed steadily of historically low mortgage rates.
Trump took office would have missed the past month. About a dozen states After outdoor dining was allowed, reve-
out on a 22% return in 2017, the figures have reinstated business restrictions nue climbed to half of pre-pandemic Companies add to inventories
showed. or suspended plans to ease them. levels by August, but the company was
Although financial markets could The numbers of open small busi- still losing money, even with a $1 million Businesses replenished their stock-
remain bumpy near term, especially if nesses, employees working and hours forgivable federal loan, Gazitua says. piles as sales bounced back after draw-
the election results are dragged out, logged all have been roughly flat since Without another federal Payment ing them down the prior quarter amid
Lerner remains optimistic that the July, according to Homebase, which Protection Program loan, he says the sharply reduced demand, contributing
U.S. economy is in the early stage of a makes employee scheduling software. family-owned business will weigh clos- nearly 7 percentage points to the in-
recovery, helped in part by unprece- Some firms, especially in hard-hit ing restaurants and laying off workers. crease in GDP.
dented measures this year from the industries such as business travel and
Federal Reserve and Congress. event planning, have closed for good or Consumer spending skyrockets Trade hurts growth
In theory, there are industries that downsized amid dim prospects. The
stand to benefit from one side or an- nation has recovered slightly more Consumer spending jumped 40.7%, Exports and imports both shot high-
other winning. Under a Biden presi- than half the 22.2 million jobs shed in the largest increase on record, after er, rebounding from sharp second-
dency, renewable energy, infrastruc- April and May as businesses reopened tumbling 33.2% in the second quarter. quarter declines, as both the U.S. and
ture and stocks affected by trade pol- and brought back furloughed workers. Consumption has been recovering since other countries allowed businesses to
icy stand to benefit. Alternatively, un- But job growth has slowed steadily restaurants, malls, movie theaters and reopen. But imports nearly doubled
der Trump, defense and aerospace, since June and recouping the rest of other businesses began reopening. while exports rose 59.7%, widening the
energy and financials could perform the lost jobs is likely to be a tougher Although the $600 bonus in jobless nation’s trade deficit and subtracting
well. slog, economists say. checks expired in late July, household about 3 percentage points from growth.
In a blue wave sweep, the U.S. can Barclays estimates economic spending likely has been sustained by
expect corporate tax increases, con- growth will slow to 2.5% in the fourth the huge savings Americans built in the Government spending
tinued fiscal relief and spending, along quarter, says Jonathan Millar, director spring, TD Economics says. Give some
with health care and technology regu- of U.S. economic research at the firm. credit to extra unemployment benefits Government spending fell 4.5% on
lation, Raymond James analysts said. Congress was supposed to step in and $1,200 stimulus checks. drops in federal, state and local outlays.
In this scenario, cyclical stocks tied to with another big stimulus measure to But without another relief package, Nondefense federal spending tumbled
the economy’s possible expansion fund small businesses in the mean- that cash reserve is set to run dry, dim- 18.1% after stimulus-related outlays
would outperform, helped by fiscal time; send another round of $1,200 ming prospects for consumption in the juiced second-quarter expenditures.
stimulus, according to Raymond checks to most households; and renew months ahead, says economist Bob
James. much of a $600 weekly supplement to Schwartz of Oxford Economics. Bottom line
state unemployment benefits. But the Consumer spending makes up about
chance of a relief package before the 70% of economic activity. The economy’s record-shattering re-
Corrections & Clarifications election are close to nil. bound last quarter met expectations,
USA TODAY is committed to accuracy. To reach us, The deadlock and virus flare-ups Business investment rises surges but output remains below pre-pandem-
contact Standards Editor Manny Garcia at have spooked Wall Street, with the ic levels and the recovery is expected to
800-872-7073 or e-mail Standard & Poor’s 500 index down Business investment jumped 20.3%, slow significantly amid COVID-19
Please indicate whether you’re responding to
5.6% so far this week. the largest quarterly uptick since 1983, spikes and government restraints.
content online, on social media or in the
newspaper. Sergio’s Family Restaurants, with after a 27.2% drop in the first quarter. The comeback now hinges on the un-
six Cuban eateries in Miami-Dade and Spending on equipment such as certain course of the virus, develop-
Broward counties, saw sales plunge computers and factory equipment ment of a vaccine and lawmakers’ abil-
A story Tuesday about Baby Yoda toys 75% when the chain could provide climbed an eye-popping 70.1%, while ity to provide further aid to struggling
gave an incorrect price and website for only takeout and delivery in early outlays on buildings, oil rigs and other households and businesses, says econ-
one of the products. spring, President Carlos Gazitua says. structures declined 14.6%. omist Leslie Preston of TD Economics.

Tech has Thermal cameras could
to weak help cars see well at night
WiFi Eric D. Lawrence
Detroit Free Press
vanced driver assistance sys-
tems and someday actual self-
driving systems “see” pedestri-
Immersive Home No one was crossing Ker-
ans and even deer on the roads.
But it’s the focus on nighttime
quiets the noise cheval Avenue on The Hill in applications, which is what Flir
Grosse Pointe Farms, Michi- and Adasky, a competitor from
Mike Feibus gan, as a minivan made its Israel, are discussing. With
Special to USA TODAY way through the shopping three-quarters of fatal pedes-
district one evening this fall, trian deaths happening in
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – but people were clearly near- nighttime crashes, systems
When your children’s online by. that work well only during day-
schooling starts bogging They could be seen there light hours would appear to
down your Zoom presenta- on the laptop screen from in- have limited appeal.
tion, wouldn’t it be great if you side the vehicle, their pres- The recent nighttime drive
could just send their electron- ence confirmed by glowing around Detroit’s east side and
ics to their room? images captured by a thermal Automatic emergency braking systems with pedestrian the Grosse Pointes in a minivan
That won’t work, of course. camera. detection has had mixed results. At night, these systems have equipped with Adasky’s ther-
At least not today. Because But the pedestrians been deemed ineffective in many cases. FLIR SYSTEMS mal camera showed the tech-
the laptops and tablets the weren’t on the street, and it nology at work. The setup was
kids are using make just as took a moment to realize that not designed to brake for any-
much conversation-snuffing they were actually on the automatic emergency braking one crossing the road but in-
chatter on the network when sidewalk, obscured by deco- system at the American Center stead to show via a laptop dis-
they’re out of sight. If their rative plantings and the dark- “It’s going to fill the for Mobility in Ypsilanti Town- play what the camera can pick
rooms are farther away from ness that coated everything ship. The tests “fused” data up. A reporter, who had been on
your router, it could even not illuminated. gap in the edge cases from thermal sensing with ra- a previous drive in daylight,
make things worse. It wasn’t a great night for that all these other dar, a nonthermal camera and a could see clearly on the screen
But a new mesh Wi-Fi spotting pedestrians on this computer network. The test ve- when people, even in dark
technology Qualcomm an- particular weeknight on a sensors can’t hit.” hicle, a Ford Fusion equipped clothing on a dark street, were
nounced Tuesday could soon drive through a couple of the Bill Grabowski
with Flir’s system, managed to nearby. In several cases, pedes-
change that. The technology, Grosse Pointes and the east Adasky, North America avoid heated targets designed trians and cyclists were very
called Qualcomm Immersive side of Detroit. Maybe the to appear as a child or an adult difficult to see with the naked
Home, is designed to conquer pandemic was keeping people eral statistics – has become in all but two tries out of more eye, but their heat signature
the battle of the bits by cover- inside. Those who were out, more urgent. The National than two dozen. In the two was visible on the screen. A
ing the house with network however, were not hard to see, Highway Traffic Safety Ad- cases where the car touched couple of instances showed a
zones, each with its own wire- at least on the screen. ministration even designated the targets, it did not knock slight delay in the image ap-
less satellite. So when you The eyeball view through October as the first national Pe- them down. pearing, but the man behind
send a child into another the windshield was a different destrian Safety Month, an ac- In contrast, four other test the wheel, Bill Grabowski, head
room for virtual class, it not story, with darkness provid- knowledgment of the dangers vehicles not equipped with of Adasky, North America, said
only would quiet the room, ing an effective camouflage. faced by vulnerable road users. Flir’s technology – a BMW X7, the system can be adjusted to
but also improve performance And darkness can be deadly A 2018 Detroit Free Press/USA Subaru Forrester, Toyota Corol- account for that as well.
for your virtual meeting. for pedestrians. TODAY investigation highlight- la and Tesla Model 3 – all failed Most experts promote the
Router systems with Im- Most pedestrians who die ed the role the increase in large in night testing by hitting the idea of using several different
mersive Home built-in are ex- in crashes are killed at night, vehicles, such as SUVs, has targets. They performed much types of sensors for automatic
pected to start coming avail- but nighttime has been when played in the rising number of better during daylight testing emergency braking systems.
able early next year. the technology designed to deaths. although only the X7 managed Thermal cameras can detect
Videoconferencing prevent pedestrian crashes Vehicle technology is one to get through each of those people and animals in condi-
wouldn’t be so hard on our struggles most. way to improve protection for tests without hitting the target, tions, such as at night and in
home Wi-Fi networks were it Last year, AAA revealed pedestrians at night, and a cou- according to Flir. the rain, that might be a chal-
not for one simple fact: two- some startling deficiencies in ple of thermal imaging compa- “We were able to stop really lenge for other types of sensors.
way meeting apps like Cisco’s driver assistance systems de- nies are promoting their sys- successfully at night,” ex- “It’s going to fill the gap in
Webex, Microsoft Teams and signed to protect pedestrians. tems as the answer. Thermal plained Mike Walters, a Flir the edge cases that all these
Zoom depend as much on the At night, several test vehi- imaging already is having a bit vice president. other sensors can’t hit,” Gra-
pace of information leaving cles equipped with automatic of a moment this year in light of He described the instances bowski said of cameras.
the house – that is, upload in- emergency braking systems the COVID-19 pandemic. Ther- where the Flir-equipped Fusion David Zuby, chief research
ternet speeds – as what’s and pedestrian detection mal cameras can be used to de- made contact with the targets officer at the Insurance Insti-
coming in, or download data were found to be “completely tect elevated body temper- as a minor touch rather than a tute for Highway Safety, said
rates. ineffective.” Rather than bash atures at a distance. That al- full hit, something that can be thermal technology appears to
For most broadband con- the automakers’ efforts, AAA lows them to function as an ini- fixed with adjustments to the offer promise, but his Virginia-
nections, upload speeds are encouraged continued devel- tial screening in such places as system in future testing. based group has not yet been
typically a fraction of down- opment of systems because of auto plants to monitor for peo- That would be a far cry from able to do a comparison.
load rates. The national aver- the scope of the pedestrian ple who could be feverish, a po- what was seen in videos shown However, Zuby said auto-
age last month, according to death crisis in this country. tential symptom of the virus. as part of AAA’s testing, with a makers will need to address
Ookla, was 161Mbps down- But finding a solution as Results of thermal testing in 2019 Chevrolet Malibu, Honda nighttime driving conditions.
load and 60.26Mbps upload. the deaths of so many Amer- Michigan appear to show Accord, Tesla Model 3 and “The infrared technology
videoconferencing de- icans on and along our roads promise in the realm of pedes- Toyota Camry plowing into tar- might be a good technology for
mands upload performance has continued to rise – 6,283 trian detection at night, too. gets in many cases. achieving that,” he said, noting
in order to transmit our part of men, women and children in U.S.-based Flir Systems, Thermal cameras have been that other combinations and
the conversation. Upstream 2018 alone, according to fed- along with VSI Labs, tested an pitched as a way to help ad- better headlights could work.
traffic is now three times pre-
pandemic levels, according to
Open Fiber, an internet
Qualcomm’s Immersive
Home technology takes mesh
Wi-Fi to the next level. If NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE
you’re not familiar, mesh LEGAL NOTICE
splits Wi-Fi routers into two    

 !"!! #
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or more pieces, with satellites     #     II 

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The idea behind Qual-  (     ## F) CC I I 6C I*+ ## 
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(& ($"13& '$+  $+$% - - %$( -(
 ($+ )' (&,/3 %$( ,$+ ,B $( %7CC!@ $' 2)
comm Immersive Home is CC I I 6C *,-+   ) J CC I I* 6C I-'+
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1 1F 61 
61 1F1 9C 1    C5 65 1F C6C 6 1 FCC
1 6 4)$ D 67%&
 :  & ,(%$+  %$ - - %$( -( 2$%%  BB,
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this: If you break up the home !!   6    #     J #!) % ! 11   1  71F 1 1 F C 9    9 8 1

 %%& >$ ,  +2(% )$ / '.' $ ,$ /*3 -  67),& '3 
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network into chunks, each !     $    #    #  I  "   #J "  6     " " # " J    J ''%$ - ), +2(% )$  .%  - - %$( $ 5()+(&.   ($   ,!0! ,&"1(232)4
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with its own small Wi-Fi sat-       #!) % !    #         F) CC  #)   #2  $ CC 'I /  ! !  - .%$+ - - %$(  - $  6  ' 0
(& ($"'1 ' , 0
(& ($"13 - -
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ellite connected to the main    # ) !# )  J  0!   J J      #   %   ! 4 %    %%%

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router, then traffic will be fast-
   /I II    6   J )  ) " " #   4# )  $ "  ',, -*,    J     




er and smoother. On any giv- "   $ CC  $  J # )   " "
# "      22#
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1     #  # )  %    "! )  " #




en satellite, only a few devices 

   "   6  +     J %  #   4 " 3  #  !    "%  ## F)


)   !     #  I * "  6$! #J   CC I*  ## CC *,-   ) J CC I-'  
will be contending for the  " !# )   !     " " # )     ## CC I-
1  4 #  -I *  !  -II      

# I  II

 ) 1    6 

spectrum. And they will be     ) # )    ) "  .#  " 
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3#! J # #   !3  "     0!   " )#  !#    



closer to the Wi-Fi source,  ,& -  6  ' '  ) 2' - - %$( -( (&  $' & ,,$+
 = %$( + $ >$$+  $( %7 ($+ )' (& , /3 %$(
which means faster speeds. ,$+  ,B $( %7 CC !@ $' 2) 4)$ D 67%&
 :  %$  BB
,$(,%7,(B($+ )'  6  ' , %  2$>'   )= >$ 
The success of a technol- >>>%),)+2- &) 2 A)$ ,,$+  .%$+  ,$+ - %$(&) (& ,,
 = ,%$( ' $,$+ + $( %7  /!**3 *@@ :D@ /4B' %% 9
ogy such as Immersive Home /:D*3::! "@:! /$% %%
hinges on its ability to keep ' , " 6 F  9 F    F F
6C C9

  $  , %+ >$  % -) '$+$ - , = -'% G $'$.,$

traffic on the Wi-Fi satellites )(  %$,%  ($+ )' (& , /DD;3E 9  F%'$+ (& CC /;!;;3E 9 
$+ (& CC /;**D3E ($+ ( (& CC /;:@3E 6 6)%% CC /!@3E  ,
from bothering each other. /:@3E  6' CC/D**3E 9  9$, ,/;3E ($+ ( $$)$ (& CC /D"@@3E
F)2$%% F%'$+ CC /:@@3E : '),$ CC /:!3E  )' F%',CC /**DD3E ' )'
If it works as advertised, 42$, CC /D@3  = , 'A)  %,'   %,$, 6)%2' 4H
and we can steady the home F)2$%%C:@!D

network by plugging Wi-Fi Advertise in USA TODAY’s Marketplace Today!

satellite into an outlet in the Call:1-800-397-0070
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Mike Feibus is president of To Advertise, Call: (800) 397-0070
FeibusTech, a market re-
search and consulting firm.



Closing: 26,659.11 Closing: 3,310.11 Closing: 11,185.59 Closing: 1,561.58
+139.16 Change: +.5%
YTD % Chg: -6.6% +39.08 Change: +1.2%
YTD % Chg: +2.5% +180.73 Change: +1.6%
YTD % Chg: +24.7% +18.30 Change: +1.2%
YTD % Chg: -6.4%

Sector Close Chg. 4wk 1 YTD 1 Issues NYSE NASDAQ ETF, ranked by volume Ticker Close Chg. % Chg %YTD Commodities Close Prev. Chg. % Chg. % YTD
Technology 113.37 +1.86 -3.9% +23.7% Advancing 1,722 2,032 SPDR S&P500 ETF Tr SPY 329.98 +3.32 +1.0% +2.5% Cattle (lb.) 1.06 1.06 unch. +0.4% -14.8%
Declining 820 1,040 ProShs UltPro ShtQQQ SQQQ 23.36 -1.29 -5.2% -79.1% Corn (bushel) 3.99 4.01 -0.02 -0.8% +2.8%
Consumer discret. 146.16 +0.92 -1.8% +16.5%
Unchanged 70 185 SPDR Financial XLF 23.79 +0.18 +0.8% -22.7% Gold (troy oz.) 1,865.60 1,876.20 -10.60 -0.6% +22.8%
Telecom 68.03 +1.62 +1.8% +10.8%
Total 2,612 3,257 Direx S&P500Bear 3x SPXS 5.89 -0.19 -3.1% -55.5% Hogs, lean (lb.) .66 .66 unch. -1.1% -8.1%
Materials 63.22 +1.28 +0.8% +2.9% 31 Natural Gas (Btu.) 3.30 3.04 +0.26 +0.3% +50.8%
Issues at iPath Sh Term Fut VXX 25.75 -1.98 -7.1% +70.3%
Health care 101.69 -0.84 -3.3% -0.2% 76 iShs Emerg Mkts EEM 45.22 +0.45 +1.0% +0.8% Oil, heating (gal.) 1.09 1.11 -0.02 -2.3% -46.3%
New 52 Week High 19
Consumer staples 62.48 -0.02 -3.1% -0.8% Invesco QQQ Trust QQQ 276.39 +4.75 +1.7% +30.0% Oil, lt. swt. crude (bar.) 36.17 37.39 -1.22 -3.3% -40.8%
New 52 Week Low 66
Utilities 62.97 +0.17 +5.0% -2.6% SPDR Energy XLE 28.56 +0.85 +3.1% -52.4% Silver (troy oz.) 23.34 23.32 +0.02 +0.0% +30.9%
Share Volume
Industrials 75.96 +1.09 -1.0% -6.8% Total 4,489,823,857 3,047,098,535 iShs iBoxx HY CpBd HYG 83.70 +0.24 +0.3% -4.8% Soybeans (bushel) 10.52 10.57 -0.05 -0.5% +11.5%
2,025,402,721 ProShs UltraPro QQQ TQQQ 126.23 +6.11 +5.1% +45.8% Wheat (bushel) 6.04 6.09 -0.05 -0.8% +8.1%
Financials 23.79 +0.18 -1.3% -22.7% Advancing 3,107,047,521
Declining 1,320,445,070 988,676,540
Energy 28.56 +0.85 -1.6% -52.4%
Unchanged 62,331,266 33,019,274
S&P 500’S BIGGEST GAINERS S&P 500’S BIGGEST LOSERS Currency per dollar
British pound
6 mo. ago
Yr. ago
Country Close Prev. Change %Chg. %YTD
Frankfurt 11,598.07 11,560.51 +37.56 +0.3% -12.5%
Company (ticker) Price $ Chg . % Chg. YTD Company (ticker) Price $ Chg . % Chg. YTD Canadian dollar 1.3325 1.3299 1.3901 1.3090 Hong Kong 24,586.60 24,708.80 -122.20 -0.5% -12.8%
CBRE Group (CBRE) 51.30 +7.38 +16.8 -16.3 Abiomed Inc (ABMD) 254.61 -28.39 -10.0 +49.3 Japan (Nikkei) 23,331.94 23,418.51 -86.57 -0.4% -1.4%
Chinese yuan 6.7150 6.7290 7.0768 7.0658
Twitter Inc (TWTR) 52.43 +3.90 +8.0 +63.6 eBay Inc (EBAY) 49.28 -3.97 -7.5 +36.5 London 5,581.75 5,582.80 -1.05 -0.0% -26.0%
Fidelity Nat Info (FIS) 125.02 -7.49 -5.7 -10.1 Euro .8568 .8509 .9201 .9001
Tapestry Inc (TPR) 22.73 +1.42 +6.7 -15.7 Mexico City 36,801.37 37,393.71 -592.34 -1.6% -15.5%
Martin Mar Matl (MLM) 263.60 +16.15 +6.5 -5.7 Etsy Inc (ETSY) 132.42 -7.22 -5.2 +198.9 Japanese yen 104.67 104.34 106.58 108.81
LKQ Corporation (LKQ) 31.68 +1.91 +6.4 -11.3 Ralph Lauren Corp (RL) 70.58 -3.72 -5.0 -39.8 Mexican peso 21.3504 21.1867 23.8064 19.1307 SOURCE Morningstar, Dow Jones Indexes, The Associated Press

Make the most of Open Enrollment

In COVID-19 era, take tools, take advantage of them to exam-
ine different scenarios.
your time, do homework For instance, picking a high-deduct-
ible insurance plan might help lower
Aimee Picchi monthly costs, but it could deliver a fi-
Special to USA TODAY nancial hit if a worker or a family mem-
ber is hospitalized because of COVID-19
Would you spend more time choos- or another health setback.
ing a health plan or debating whether In that case, opening a health savings
“Tiger King” or “Schitt’s Creek” is a bet- account could be an option, since HSAs
ter choice for binge-watching? are tax-advantaged vehicles for people
If you put more thought into picking a with high-deductible plans that allows
show, you’re not alone. them to sock away money for medical
Open enrollment for 2021 benefits expenses.
will kick off in November when compa-
nies ask their workers to pick every- Examine your medical spending in
thing from medical and dental plans to 2020
long-term disability insurance. While
those are big decisions, it turns out Go through your spending in the past
workers typically spend just 17 minutes year to understand your patterns and
on their choices, less time than they whether another plan might better fit
spend picking a Netflix show, according your needs, experts say.
to Voya Financial, citing research from “Do your homework and look at how
Businessolver and Reelgood/Learndip- It's that time of year again: open enrollment for your 2021 benefits. much money you spent last year. Did
ity. CHINNAPONG / GETTY IMAGES you choose a less expensive plan that
This year, workers need to buckle only offered coverage for in-network
down given the backdrop of the corona- doctors, but were you paying more to
virus pandemic, experts say. People are sick, or know someone who has gotten of time that companies must offer open visit a doctor that was out of network?”
creatures of habit, meaning that more sick, and they are thinking, ‘Would I be enrollment, the sign-up period typically Owenby says. “If so, opting for a slightly
than 9 of 10 workers usually select the covered for the medical bills if I have to lasts three to four weeks, Zielke notes. higher-cost plan that allows you to visit
same choices as in the previous year, go into the hospital or get a test?’ ” says By comparison, open enrollment for out-of-network doctors may make more
says Matthew Owenby, chief human re- Mona Zielke, senior vice president of the Affordable Care Act – which offers sense financially.”
sources officer at insurance company employee benefits operations and medical insurance plans to people with-
Aflac. claims at financial-services firm Voya out employer-sponsored coverage – is Don’t overlook supplemental
“Having been in HR for my entire ca- Financial. open from Nov. 1 to Dec. 15. benefits
reer, I wish I could tell you why they are There are signs that workers are get- But employers typically offer a small-
on autopilot,” Owenby says. “Our main ting the message, with Voya finding in a er window for open enrollment. Because Even with health and dental insur-
takeaway is that workers need to stop recent survey that slightly more than of that, it’s important to be aware of the ance, there can be gaps in coverage, ex-
assuming that what worked in the past half of employees intend to make deadlines so you don’t miss that win- perts say.
will work for them moving forward.” changes to their benefits this year. Open dow. That’s why more employers are offer-
enrollment typically is the only chance ing supplemental benefits – such as dis-
Is COVID-19 covered? to make changes to your benefits unless Start by reviewing your ability and life insurance. About 1 in 3
you have a significant life change, like employer’s options for 2021 employers currently offer supplemental
Those issues are thrown into stark getting married or having a baby. insurance, according to Aflac.
relief given the ongoing pandemic, with Here’s advice from the experts about “You don’t want to procrastinate,” “If you’re worried about gaps in in-
more than 8 million people infected in how to navigate open enrollment this Zielke says. “I would start to look at the surance coverage, consider supplemen-
the U.S. and more than 225,000 deaths. November: material as soon as open enrollment tal insurance, which covers expenses
About 1 in 3 workers told Aflac in a re- opens so you can understand what your health insurance doesn’t,” Owenby
cent survey that they don’t feel confi- Be alert for open enrollment dates employer is offering.” says. “Supplemental plans like critical
dent or aren’t sure whether their bene- An early start will give you time to illness, hospital indemnity, accident
fits will protect them or their family if Your employer will typically alert you understand the financial impact of dif- and short-term disability insurance pay
they are affected by COVID-19. to its open enrollment period ahead of ferent plans and options. If your em- cash benefits that can be used however
“People are worried about getting time. While there is no required length ployer offers calculators or other cost you want.”

FCA is looking toward electric Ram pickup

CEO confirms that offerings, as exemplified most recently
by the 2021 Ram 1500 TRX.
company will join fray It’s certainly a beast, promising 702
horsepower, but it also can be a fuel
Eric D. Lawrence glutton, with a combined city and high-
Detroit Free Press way fuel economy estimate of 12 miles
Industry expert Rebecca Lindland
Get ready for an electric Ram pickup. said planning to make an electric truck
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles CEO Mike is understandable for FCA.
Manley confirmed on Wednesday that “Given the improvement we’re seeing
Ram will join the rush to produce an in battery capacity and charging ability,
electric truck, an area that promises ro- combined with ongoing regulatory
bust competition, with Ford, General mandates from large markets such as
Motors, Tesla, Rivian and Lordstown California, this is both a potentially very
Motors already planning to launch their necessary and very strategic move by
own models. Ram.
Manley didn’t provide any details, “There’s a good possibility the first it-
but his announcement during the com- erations will be PHEVs (plug-in hybrid
pany’s third-quarter earnings confer- electric vehicles), and an on-board bat-
ence call provided clarity to an area of tery in a pickup could be used for all
intense speculation. Despite its announcement on electrics, FCA is still solidly behind traditional sorts of good things like running power
“I do see that there will be an electri- internal conbustion engine vehicles, such as the 2020 Ram 1500 Limited. FCA US LLC tools, serving as a generator, even re-
fied Ram pickup in the marketplace, and verse powering some home appliances
I would ask you just to stay tuned for a in a blackout,” said Lindland, who
little while, and we’ll tell you exactly less specific. GMC Hummer electric pickup. writes about vehicles at rebeccadrives-
when that will be,” Manley said in an- “Obviously, pickup trucks is a key Ford recently said it would build a .com.
swering an analyst’s question on the franchise for us, and we’re not going to new plant to produce an electric F-150. She noted that even though electric
topic. sit on the sideline if there is a danger FCA, which long resisted an electrifi- vehicle demand “wallows in the single
That statement highlights the pres- that our position gets diluted going for- cation push, has started to aggressively digits, we could start to see pull-de-
sure FCA is under to get an electric of- ward,” he said during the second-quar- tout its plans. mand from millennial buyers as EV
fering into the highly profitable pickup ter earnings call. Those include a Jeep Wrangler 4xe models penetrate into larger segments
segment, an area that is crucial to the The news from Manley came in the plug-in electric hybrid. like pickup trucks and crossovers, so an
fortunes of the Detroit Three. same week General Motors announced But the company is still solidly pro- electrified Ram pickup makes a lot of
Just three months ago, Manley was a more than $100,000 price tag for its moting its internal combustion engine sense.”
Halloween streaming is full of Pope Francis’ message elicits
scary treats for all tastes praise as well as controversy
A sequel to “The Craft,” creepy “Spell,” Wolfman In the documentary “Francesco,” the pontiff
USA TODAY | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2020 | SECTION B and Wolfboy, make the list. Page 6B expresses support for civil unions. Page 7B


U2’s ‘Can’t
turns 20

A British judge on Thursday granted a It seems like a blink of an eye, but it

request by the Duchess of Sussex to was 20 years ago that U2 dropped its
postpone the trial of her invasion of 10th studio album, “All That You Can’t
privacy lawsuit against the publisher Leave Behind.”
of a British newspaper that published It was “kind of an innocent time,”
portions of a private letter she wrote lead guitarist The Edge says. “You
to her father. During a hearing in know, it was pre-9/11. It was free of this
London, judge Mark Warby granted sort of strange shift into political trib-
the application to delay the trial for alism that we have seen happening
about nine months, from a scheduled since so, yeah, it does seem, in some
Jan. 11 start date to the fall of 2021. ways, like it was yesterday, but so
Warby said the reason for the delay much has changed.”
request should remain confidential. To mark the anniversary, members
The former Meghan Markle, 39, is of the iconic Irish rock group – Bono,
suing Associated Newspapers over Adam Clayton, The Edge and Larry
five February 2019 articles in the Mail Mullen Jr. – are re-releasing the album
on Sunday and on the MailOnline on Friday, 20 years to the day since its
website that published portions of a debut. All 11 original tracks have been
handwritten letter she wrote to her remastered, and fans will find a bonus
estranged father, Thomas Markle. track, “The Ground Beneath Her Feet.”
“It’s the most complete U2 record,”
The Edge (real name David Evans) tells
USA TODAY. “From beginning to end,
you feel like there’s not one moment
Fox News anchor Bret Baier. ALEXANDER DRAGO where you’re like, ‘This is filler.’ ”
The special release includes a new,
51-track deluxe box set that comes

For Fox News’ with a 32-page hardback book.


comes first
Country music hitmakers Luke
Combs, Eric Church, Maren Mor- Erin Jensen USA TODAY
ris, Miranda Lambert and more take
the stage next month at the 54th
The 2020 presidential election season poses new challenges for
CMA Awards in Nashville. Additional U2 guitarist The Edge performs
performers include Gabby Barrett Fox News host Bret Baier. h Amid a crippling pandemic and cov- during the Experience + Innocence
with Charlie Puth, Florida Georgia
ering a divisive, high-stakes face-off, the journalist’s teenage son tour in 2018. CHRIS PIZZELLO/INVISION/AP
Line, Ashley McBryde (”One Night
Standards”), Rascal Flatts and Thom- Paul will undergo his fourth open-heart surgery in a matter of
as Rhett with co-host Reba McEntire,
weeks.h “For me, personally, there’s nothing that’s been like it,” “All That You Can’t Leave Behind,”
Hillary Scott and Chris Tomlin. . McEn- which featured megahit “Beautiful
tire joins co-host Darius Rucker for a Baier tells USA TODAY of the presidential race. “I thought 2016 Day,” served as a course correction of
tribute performance. The show, billed
was as intense as we as a country could get about an election, but sorts for U2. The release followed
as “the first time the biggest names “Pop,” an experimental album that saw
in country music will come together I think that this one has both sides really engaged and a lot of the group walk away from the sound
— safely, all in one room” relocates
eyeballs looking now, not only because they’re home, but because they’d become known for and pivot to
this year to Music City Center due to the dance and alt-rock genres. Re-
COVID-19 precautions. The program there’s interest in this race.” views were mixed and sales were dis-
airs Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. ET/5 PT on ABC. appointing, at least by U2 standards.
And those eyes are tuning into about all of that” when making a call Yet, it was “a very important moment
Baier and friends. Amid an election- for a state.” for us,” says The Edge. “We tried con-
fueled spike in cable news ratings, The host says that in a world sciously to get out of our comfort zone
“Special Report With Bret Baier” without COVID-19, his show would and experiment with forms that were
(weekdays, 6 EDT/3 PDT) is averag- have gone on the road, talking to res- really at the forefront of music culture
ing 3.2 million viewers this year, up idents of battleground states. These at that time that weren’t really natural-
50% from the same period in 2019, conversations have mostly moved ly part of what we did.”
beating the combined audience of online, to Zoom and social media. Three years later, at the tail end of
time-period rivals on CNN and “Usually, I had a better sense of the millennium, U2 returned to its rock
MSNBC. (As a whole, Fox News is swing states just by bouncing roots. “All That You Can’t Leave Be-
averaging 2.1 million, up 38%.) around to different cities, and I think hind” received rave reviews and spent
Baier, 50, remembers spending that’s better to have than just polls, 94 weeks – nearly two years – on the
40 days in Tallahassee for the 2000 as we saw in 2016,” he says, referring Billboard 200 list, peaking at No. 3. In
IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY recount, when “hanging chads” to Donald Trump’s unexpected tri- all, it earned U2 seven Grammys, in-
WHO’S CELEBRATING TODAY were scrutinized and George W. umph over Hillary Clinton. “We’re cluding record of the year and best
Bush eventually won the state, and gonna try to get out and about with rock album.
Henry Winkler is 75. Nia Long is 50. the election over Al Gore. reporters and get people’s view. It’s Rolling Stone called it a “master-
Ashley Graham is 33. “This time, it may be signatures just been a challenge because of the piece,” awarding four out of five stars:
on envelopes or absentee accep- lack of travel.” “The album represents the most unin-
tance, or something else,” Baier Even limited excursions have terrupted collection of strong melodies
says. “But there could be four, five, posed a risk. Baier is one of several U2 have ever mounted, a record where
USA TODAY SNAPSHOTS © six Tallahassees this time around, tunefulness plays as central a role as
potentially. So, we need to be careful See BAIER, Page 8B on any Backstreet Boys hit.”
The Edge calls the album’s release
TV social ratings “a portentious moment,” a moment
Social Content Ratings: Oct. 19-25. that resulted from members of the
Original social media posts and band spending time “thinking about
engagement related to series and the future and assessing the past.”
specials. “There was a lot of reflection going
Show Interactions (000) on in the band,” he says. “That was the
Presidential Debate ............... 40,400 album where we got serious about
Premios Billboard ... Latina .... 3,158 songwriting. We got tough on our
WWE Monday Night RAW ....... 2,125 songwriting. We worked very, very
2,125Dancing With the Stars . 1,648 hard.”
WWE Fri. Night SmackDown .. 1,405 Enduring hits from the album in-
clude “Stuck In a Moment You Can’t
Get Out Of,” “Elevation” and “Walk
On.” But none can top “Beautiful Day,”
which lives on today, 20 years later, in
a variety of TV shows and advertise-
The Los Angeles Times said “Beau-
tiful Day” had been “embraced by
The Baiers: Bret, Daniel, Paul and Amy root on their home team at a
NIELSEN Washington Capitals hockey game. BRET BAIER See U2, Page 8B


Fill your goodie bag for Halloween

Brian Truitt stein’s monster, Gill-man and the Mum-
USA TODAY my, and how a box-office bomb found
new life via VHS rentals and HBO view-
New streaming movies are coming to ings. Most interesting is seeing Gower
entertain you and your family during so- interact with hardcore fans and talk
cially distanced times. about the creative influence of a movie
This Halloween weekend, producer that’s carved out its own niche and yet
Jason Blum and writer/director Zoe remains underrated in the ’80s film
Lister-Jones unveil another crew of canon.
witchy teens to expand the world of the h Where to watch: Apple TV, Vudu,
1996 cult hit “The Craft,” Omari Hard- FandangoNOW
wick runs afoul of a Hoodoo woman,
and Netflix debuts a horror flick featur- If you dig modern-day fairy tales:
ing a pair of Sudanese refugees trying to ‘The True Adventures of Wolfboy’
start anew in England.
If that’s not enough to get you online Featuring a young teenager (Jaeden
and watching scary stuff, the horror- Andre Gower, right front, poses with “Monster Squad"“ fans in his documentary Martell) whose body is covered with
centric service Shudder is streaming “A “Wolfman's Got Nards.” GRAVITAS VENTURES hair because of a rare genetic condition,
Creepshow Animated Special” featuring director Martin Krejcí’s coming-of-age
a pair of frightful tales: “Survivor Type,” film is a charming, powerful and slightly
based on the Stephen King short story, If you’re not too squeamish when insane journey about embracing who
stars Kiefer Sutherland as a man who it comes to the gory stuff: ‘Spell’ you are and not what you look like. On
goes to extremes to survive on a desert- his 13th birthday, Martell’s bullied main
ed island, and “Twittering from the Cir- Director Mark Tonderai conjures a character is gifted a map to find the
cus of the Dead,” based on a Joe Hill truly unnerving, surprisingly satisfying mom he never knew, and his quest in-
short story, offers Joey King playing a thriller about a wealthy man (Hardwick) volves an overprotective dad (Chris
teen whose family visits “the gravest with deep-seated childhood issues who Messina), an antagonistic carnival
show on earth.” flies his family in a private jet to rural owner (John Turturro), a trans mermaid
Here’s a rundown of new movies hit- Appalachia for his father’s funeral. The (scene-stealing newcomer Sophie Gian-
ting streaming and on-demand plat- plane crashes in a storm, he wakes up Sope Dìrísù, left, and Wunmi Mosaku namore) and an enigmatic pirate queen
forms this week, for every cinematic alone with a serious injury, and he dis- star in “His House.” (Eve Hewson, aka Bono’s daughter).
taste: covers that the woman (Loretta Devine) AIDAN MONAGHAN/NETFLIX h Where to watch: Apple TV, Vudu,
taking care of him has created a Boogity FandangoNOW
If you’re a 1990s pop-culture doll from his own skin and blood to con-
junkie: ‘The Craft: Legacy’ trol him before he’s ready for a black ingly quaint neighborhood. But it quick- If you just can’t wait for the
magic ritual. Many scenes will leave you ly becomes clear that there are some yuletide cheer: ‘Holidate’
Fans of the original “Craft” will find a squirming, but it’s worth sticking them strange goings-on, especially within the
lot familiar in the sequel, which centers out for a refreshing “Misery”-like take walls. He wants to move on, she’s still It’s true, we’re not even to Halloween
on another youngster, Lily (Cailee Spae- on a survival movie. dealing with the past and a wicked evil yet. and here come the Christmas
ny), moving to a new town with her h Where to watch: Apple TV, Vudu, has designs on both of them. movies, though there’s a broader all-
mom (Michelle Monaghan) and becom- FandangoNOW h Where to watch: Netflix holiday view to this forgettable, foul-
ing the fourth in a coven of fellow high mouthed romantic comedy. (No joke,
schoolers (including Gideon Adlon, Lo- If you want something to chew on If you need a large dose of ’80s one sequence has the f-word uttered
vie Simone and Zoey Luna) who get up while hiding in the fetal position: nostalgia: ‘Wolfman’s Got Nards’ about 20 times in less than a minute.)
to magical shenanigans. There’s a fleet- ‘His House’ Tired of being interrogated about her
ing connection to the first film, though “The Monster Squad” star Andre love life by her family one Christmas,
the follow-up actually works best when Politically timely and nightmare-in- Gower directs this documentary that Sloane (Emma Roberts) finds someone
charting its own path, such as putting a ducing, writer/director Remi Weekes’ lovingly looks back at the creation and else who hates the holidays, Jackson
“woke” spell on a toxic jock and digging masterfully crafted chiller does some cultural impact of the 1987 cult hit. Film- (Luke Bracey), and they embark on be-
into what’s up with Lily’s mom’s boy- wondrously spooky things to the haunt- makers Fred Dekker and Shane Black as ing each other’s no-pressure “holidates”
friend (David Duchovny). ed-house film. Sope Dírísù and Wunmi well as original cast members discuss for the next year. Shocker: They start
h Where to watch: Apple TV, Vudu, Mosaku star as a couple who escape key scenes from the horror comedy, developing feelings for each other in
FandangoNOW war-torn South Sudan, arrive in Britain which pitted spunky kids vs. classic highly predictable fashion.
and are afforded decent digs in a seem- monsters Dracula, Wolfman, Franken- h Where to watch: Netflix

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BY Lynn Lempel Four relatives (four-letter min.) ☑☐☐☐ A R Z T N I L E S M L A
Three sitcom Cranes ☐☐☐
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ACROSS Warm; equatorial ☐ P I Q T M O T H E R U O
1 “Chilling Thursday’s answer: RACKET MATCH COURT BALL / SCORPIO TAURUS S P T R O P I C A L B I
Sabrina” actress LISBON J N B A R B A R I A N V
problems By John Wilmes 10/30 By David L. Hoyt and Russell L. Hoyt 10/30
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Humorous internet image 4.
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1. Hurricane, e.g. RAW SUGAR
wheel 2. Reason to seek shelter SUGAR BOWL
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jelly C A L M 4. Nonverbal form of OVER WITH
31 Competition At that time communication
© Andrews McMeel 10/30 5. Way to learn French
spurred by Sputnik 6. Teacher’s agenda LOVE SONG
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42 Suffix for “disk” 3 ___ list (set of food Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x2
fans box contains the numbers 1 through 9 (no repeats). box contains the numbers 1 through 6 (no repeats).
43 “___ now or chores) 34 Poison Ivy, to 64 Word before
never!” 4 Broken mirror, to Batman
44 “I think you’re ___ some 36 “___ in there!”
“break” or “return” 1 6 4 1 2
65 Kanga’s kid
something!” 5 Remove conden- 41 “Immediately!”
45 Have in high sation from 42 Bus sched. 2 3 8 4 7 5
regard 6 Sends to someone approximation Thursday’s Answer
47 Trouble or else 44 Bookie’s 4 2 6 4 3
Parcheesi, e.g. 7 Outrage figures 4 2 6
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52 Past, present or 10 Cream-filled fabric 5
future pastry 48 Numbered 2 3 5
54 Partner after 11 Brains, highways 2 3 7
saying “I do” idiomatically 49 Make possible DIFFICULTY RATING ✮✮✮✮✮
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61 Stretched tightly 13 Zipped along discarded 6 3 5 4 1 9 7 8 2 4 6 2 3 5 1
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brand short 55 Sheet of glass 10/29 10/30 DIFFICULTY RATING ✮✮✮✮✮ 1 2 6 3 9 8 5 4 7
5 2 4 6 1 3
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1 2 3 4 © WIGGLES 3D GAMES
TXTPERT Today’s theme
Friends and family
Across Down
P I Author F. Scott Rearrange the words to complete the quote.
5 6 1. 2486 2. 666 Use the 4
3. 543 3. 546 phone
5. 96626 4. 323 keypad to 5 this thought.
8 9 8. 26668625 6. 228352 decode the
6 7 NO ___________ IDEA WAS EVER ________ IN
clues. N A C H O S E
10. 32645427 7. 7272
9. 6262
For example:
2 could be A, A O
O I L A ______________, BUT A ________ OF ___________
10 B or C ... and N U T U O IDEAS HAVE ________ ___________.

5678 could 10
A R I P E N 10/30

Thursday’s Answer: “I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places.
© USA TODAY and Rich Coulter Yesterday’s solution He told me to quit going to those places.” - Henny Youngman


Pope’s LGBTQ message draws praise and pushback

Bryan Alexander “That’s the most important lesson: It pope’s comments were devoid of any protections and happiness,” John wrote
USA TODAY doesn’t matter what sexuality you have, “magisterial weight.” But Burke ex- to Francis in the post. “God bless you.”
what nationality you have, what religion pressed concern that such personal In further controversy around the
“Francesco,” a documentary in which you have. The most important aspect is opinions coming from the pope “gener- “Francesco” documentary, AP reported
Pope Francis made landmark com- to be a good human being.” ate great bewilderment and cause con- that Francis’ media advisers confirmed
ments in support of The “Francesco” attention has la- fusion and error among Catholic faith- the filmed comments in fact came from
LGBTQ civil unions, sered in on one Francis comment during ful.” a 2019 interview with Mexican broad-
prompted international the two-hour documentary. Afineev- Christopher Lamb of Britain’s The caster Televisa.
headlines with its Rome sky’s film follows the globe-trotting Tablet magazine noted Friday that in Televisa confirmed the origin of the
Film Festival debut last pope before COVID-19 and discusses the some countries, the rights of gays are a quotes, but said the comments never
week. issues close to his heart: climate life and death matter, and that Francis aired. AP quoted a source who said the
Director Evgeny Afi- change, refugees and social inequality. was merely positioning the church to Vatican, which used its own cameras to
Francis neevsky spoke about the At the one-hour, six-minute mark, defend LGBTQ Catholics. shoot the Francis interview and provid-
pope’s overall message of Francis dropps the bombshell quote “The pope is willing to ‘break a few ed raw footage to Televisa afterward,
love in an interview that aired following that he supports same-sex civil unions. plates’ to ensure he communicates this had deleted the civil union quote in
the documentary’s U.S. debut Sunday at “What we have to create is a civil Gospel-based message of compassion,” question.
the Savannah Film Festival. union law,” Francis says of same-sex he tweeted. Afineevsky did not address the con-
“Pope Francis teaches us, ‘Stop put- couples. “That way they are legally cov- Singer Elton John thanked Francis on troversy around Francis’ comments
ting labels over the people. Stop putting ered. I stood up for that.” Instagram, discussing how important when the interview aired Sunday, but
frames over the people. We are all hu- The Associated Press reported that in his “civil union and subsquent mar- seemed to allude it when saying of the
man beings, we are all children of God.’ the “firestorm” following the premiere, riage” to David Furnish has been. documentary, “I guess every person
That’s a big, beautiful lesson we all need the pushback to the comments was “Giving your blessing to same sex finds something that bothers him or
to learn,” said Afineevsky, speaking swift from predictable corners. Cardinal civil unions is a major step towards (that is) close to his heart, something
from Rome in an interview recorded af- Raymond Burke, Francis’ frequent nem- equality, and a foundation for which that can change his life.”
ter the globally discussed premiere. esis on matters of doctrine, said the countless others can enjoy the same Contributing: The Associated Press

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CMT Mom Baby shower. Mom Settling affairs. Mom Perfect couple. Mom Rising tension. Mom Violet in labor. Mom Financial choices. Mom Homeless. Mom Bonnie as mediator.
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Comedy Schitt’s Creek Schitt’s Creek Schitt’s Creek Schitt’s Creek Schitt’s Creek Schitt’s Creek Daily Show (N) South Park
Discovery Gold Rush Parker expands his operation with a second cut; Rick starts his plant on rich ground; greenhorn Fred Lewis enlists a mining legend. (N) Gold Rush The story of miner Dave Turin is told.
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DisXD Player Select Parker Plays Toy Story of TERROR! The Owl House The Owl House The Owl House The Owl House The Owl House
DIY Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation A beach home. Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation
E! Fifty Shades Darker Christian’s past interferes with Ana. Dakota Johnson (2017) Fifty Shades Freed Ana and Christian’s new life together is threatened by new foes and a stalker. Dakota Johnson (2018) (9:45)
Food Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Diners & Dives (N) Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives
Fox News Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) The Ingraham Angle (N) Fox News @ Night(N)
Freeform The Addams Family Anjelica Huston (1991) (6:50) Addams Family Values Family hires nanny with desire for their uncle’s fortune to watch baby. (1993) (8:55) The 700 Club
FX Venom An investigative journalist accidentally acquires powers from an alien symbiote. Tom Hardy (2018) A Quiet Place A family must live in silence while they hide from creatures that hunt by sound. (2018)
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GSN America Says Master Minds Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud
Hallmark Chateau Christmas A world-renowned pianist spends the holidays with her family. Merritt Patterson (2020) The Christmas Cottage A maid of honor spends the night with her friend’s brother at a cottage. (2017)
HGTV Bizarre Builds (N) Bizarre Builds (N) My Big Italian Adventure (N) (Series premiere) House Hunters Hunters International House Hunters Hunters International
History MonsterQuest: Predators of the Deep MonsterQuest: Real Vampires (N) MonsterQuest: Dangerous Primates MonsterQuest: Mystery of Chupacabra
HLN Very Scary People Insight into NorCal Rapist, who was wanted for multiple sex crimes, is provided. Very Scary People A physician leaves a trail of death. Very Scary People Doctor to killer.
ID 48 Hours on ID Man hired a look-alike to kill his wife. 48 Hours on ID The 1892 double homicide case. (N) A Grave Halloween Little girl missing. (N) A Killer Trick-or-Treater Halloween murders.
IFC This Is 40 Life of frustration nearly ruins a couple’s desire to celebrate their birthdays. Paul Rudd (2012) (7:00) Zack and Miri Make a Porno Two friends make an adult film with their friends to help pay the bills. (2008)
Lifetime A Crafty Christmas Romance Woman tries to find author of 70-year-old letter to Santa. Nicola Posener (2020) Christmas Unwrapped Reporter investigates source of mysterious funds used for town Christmas gifts. (2020)
MotorTrend Dirt Every Day (N) Dirt Every Day Junkyard Gold (N) Junkyard Gold Roadkill Garage (N) Roadkill Garage Faster With Finnegan Race at track.
MSNBC All in with Chris Hayes (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell (N) The 11th Hour with Brian Williams (N)
MTV Ridiculousness Kevin Hart covers “Learning Herpes.” Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness (N) Ridiculousness
NatGeo Pop Goes the Vet Veterinarians treat their patients. Pop Goes the Vet Bold animal cases. Pop Goes the Vet The vets work challenging cases. Pop Goes the Vet Veterinarians treat their patients.
NatGeo Wild 20 Animals That Will Kill You Lethal animals. America’s Deadliest Top predators. World’s Deadliest Prey fights back. 20 Animals That Will Kill You Lethal animals.
Nick Are You Afraid of the Dark? Rachel’s nightmares. Are You Afraid of the Dark? Reign of terror. Friends NY City blackout. Friends Chandler’s mom. Friends Foozball begins. Friends
OWN Ready to Love Houston singles. Ready to Love Love on island. (N) Put A Ring On It The men go out on dates. (N) Ready to Love Houston singles.
Oxygen Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Con artist beau. (N) Buried in the Backyard Two teens killed. Buried in the Backyard Corpse discovered. Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Con artist beau.
Paramount Vacation Griswold goes on trip to Walley World. Ed Helms (2015) (7:00) Clue A mysterious man forces the game character to meet his manor to solve a mystery. Eileen Brennan, Tim Curry (1985)
Pop Steel Magnolias A close-knit circle of Southern women share a lifetime of laughter and tears. Sally Field, Dolly Parton (1989) Draft Day General manager must make decision.
Science How It’s Made (N) How It’s Made How It’s Made How It’s Made How It’s Made How It’s Made How It’s Made Oil tanks.
Sundance Law & Order Convict dog owner suspected in murder. Law & Order Hitman on parole killed by his clients. Law & Order Manager suspected in murder of a wife. Law & Order Suspect sees psychic visions of murder.
Syfy Halloween (2007) (6:00) The Mask A downtrodden bank clerk finds a mask that turns him into a dashing trickster. Jim Carrey (1994) Leatherface Leatherface and inmates go on road trip. Stephen Dorff (2017)
TBS Rampage A gorilla, wolf and crocodile grow huge after being exposed to an experiment. (2018) I Am Legend A military scientist is immune to a virus that transforms humans into monsters. Will Smith (2007)
TCM The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake (1959) Eye of the Devil A vineyard owner is called back to his castle because of another dry season. (1967) (9:15) The Devil’s Bride Christopher Lee (1968)
TLC 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Sumit faces his charges in court. (N) 90 Day Fiancé (N) 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Big moments. 90 Day Fiancé
TNT Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope A farm boy joins interstellar rebels in conflict with an evil galactic empire. Mark Hamill (1977) Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Ewan McGregor (2005) (10:45)
Travel Portals to Hell Most haunted B&B. (N) The Osbournes: Night of Terror Haunted Heritage Square Museum in LA. (N) The Osbournes Want to Believe Real-life vampire.
TruTV Impractical: Inside Jokes Impractical: Inside Jokes Impractical: Inside Jokes Impractical: Inside Jokes Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers
TV Land Loves Raymond Loves Raymond Loves Raymond Loves Raymond Loves Raymond Loves Raymond The King of Queens The King of Queens
USA Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) Maleficent Witch places curse on newborn princess, but she holds key to peace in kingdom. (2014) Modern Family Modern Family
VH1 Scream: The TV Series Truth on Marcus. Scream: The TV Series Shocking discovery. Scream: The TV Series A dangerous claim. Scream: The TV Series Ghostface’s truth.
Viceland The Cable Guy Jim Carrey (1996) (7:00) Big Daddy A slacker adopts a five-year-old boy to convince his girlfriend he’s matured. Adam Sandler (1999) I Was a Teenage Felon College friends.
WE Love After Lockup Scott’s accusation. Love After Lockup Court date. (N) Bridezillas Evelyn’s double wedding dreams. Love After Lockup Court date.
Weather Highway Thru Hell New competitor hurts business. Highway Thru Hell Fleet to oil fields. Highway Thru Hell New driver crashes. Highway Thru Hell In truck in river.
WGN America NewsNation NewsNation NewsNation NewsNation
Cinemax 8 Mile A rapper from the rough part of Detroit labors to overcome insurmountable personal conflicts and Warrior Mai Ling tries to make amends; Penny finds Warrior Mai Ling tries to make amends; Penny finds
racial stereotypes to secure a place in hip-hop stardom. Eminem, Kim Basinger (2002) (8:10) out that Ah Sahm has been using her. (N) out that Ah Sahm has been using her.
Encore The Omen Following a string of bizarre and tragic events, a priest informs a U.S. ambassador that his Damien: Omen II A boy learns that he is the Antichrist and takes steps to ensure Army of Darkness Bruce
adopted son is the offspring of Satan. Gregory Peck, Lee Remick (1976) his position. William Holden, Lee Grant (1978) (9:55) Campbell (1993) (11:45)
FXM The Book of Life Young man must decide between The Book of Life Young man must decide between expectations of family and Ice Age: Collision Course Sid, Manny, Diego and the rest of their herd are forced
expectations of family and following his heart. (2014) following his heart. Diego Luna, Zoe Saldana (2014) (8:55) to leave their home. Denis Leary, John Leguizamo (2016) (10:50)
Hallmark Movies A Christmas Melody A single mother returns to her hometown with her young daughter, who tries to adjust Christmas at Graceland When an executive takes a trip to finish a deal involving a family-owned bank, she
to her new surroundings while her mother contends with an old rivalry. Mariah Carey, Lacey Chabert (2015) runs into her former flame, who encourages her to pursue music again. Kellie Pickler, Ned Vaughn (2018)
HBO Emma A young woman sets out to find her new friend a The Shop (N) The Shop Real Time with Bill Maher (N) How To with John Wilson Real Time with Bill Maher
mate, with mixed results. Gwyneth Paltrow (1996) City scaffolding. (N)
Lifetime Movie Her Deadly Groom A recently divorced woman meets a man on a dating site after her friend pushes her to Betrayed By My Husband A woman is distraught after losing her husband until she sees him alive, and
start dating again, but the man seems too good to be true. Kate Watson, Michael DeVorzon (2020) when her brother-in-law mysteriously dies, she becomes the prime suspect. Emmanuelle Vaugier (2020)
Showtime Countdown A young nurse decides to download an app Citizen Bio Four of America’s bio-hackers and their link to Aaron Traywick is Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark A young girl living in a small town turns her life
that predicts when a person will die. (2019) (7:30) shown. (2020) into scary stories. Zoe Margaret Colletti, Michael Garza (2019) (10:45)
Starz Fantasy Island An island keeper attempts to make the secret dreams of his lucky guests come true while The Grudge A detective investigates a cursed house where a mother murdered The Grudge 2 Sarah
they spend time at a luxurious and remote tropical resort. Michael Peña, Lucy Hale (2020) her family. Andrea Riseborough, Demián Bichir (2020) (9:53) Michelle Gellar (2006)
TMC Road House A gritty bouncer takes a job at a small-town bar to help the owner prevent escalating violence, The Upside A rich paraplegic man hires a recent parolee to be his caretaker, which leads to an unlikely
but his success infuriates the local crime boss, who retaliates. Patrick Swayze, Ben Gazzara (1989) chemistry that develops between the two men. Kevin Hart, Bryan Cranston (2019)
ESPN College Football Minnesota Golden Gophers at Maryland Terrapins from Capital One Field at Maryland Stadium (Live) SportsCenter
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FS1 Gander Truck Series from Martinsville Speedway in Martinsville, Va. (Live) College Football Hawaii Rainbow Warriors at Wyoming Cowboys from War Memorial Stadium (Live)
Golf PGA Tour Golf PGA Tour Champions Golf 2020 TimberTech Championship - Round 1 from the Old Course at Broken Sound in Boca Raton, Fla. PGA Tour Golf
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(N) New episode.

Continued from Page 5B

Fox News employees who were poten-

tially exposed to COVID-19 following
last week’s final showdown between
Trump and former Vice President Joe
“We were coming back from Nash-
ville and somebody that we were in
close proximity with tested positive a
few days later,” Baier says. “So all of us
are now going through the protocol, so
getting tested.”
On Monday, Baier, Fox’s chief politi-
cal anchor, said he’d been tested three
times for COVID-19, each yielding a neg- U2 performs at the D.Y. Patil stadium in Navi, Mumbai, in 2019. “We’re always
ative result, and he says he and his col- Bret Baier with his sons, Paul, left, working on new material,” the Edge says. PUNIT PARANJPE/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
leagues will undergo daily tests until the and Daniel, on the golf course.
election. He is quarantining at home, BRET BAIER
where he has a studio, and says the Fox
News team was tested regularly at the U2 might we see something new from the
group? Stay tuned, The Edge says.
debates. are moments he struggles. “We’re always working on new ma-
“I think that we’re doing everything “There have been times at 2 in the Continued from Page 5B terial and songs,” he said. “Where and
that we can,” he says, “but it affects ev- morning, where he’s turned to me in when those are made public, I don’t
erybody you’re dealing with, so we’re the hospital bed and said, ‘Why do the radio stations more than any U2 song know. We’re holding our breath to see
taking it very seriously.” other kids in my class not have to do in years,” adding that the song’s suc- what transpires over the next few weeks
Those in Baier’s life who are at risk if this?’” he says. “I answer, because God cess was due, in part, to the fact it “was and months because it’s such a crazy
he is infected include his wife, Amy has a plan for you, and you’re passing graced by the glorious textures of time, but I remain very optimistic.”
(whom he marred in 2004 after they with flying colors.” Edge’s guitar.” One way the group has stayed busy is
met on a blind date), and their children. Baier, who is Catholic, says his Crafting the song took time, The by focusing energy on their new Siri-
The pair have two sons: Paul, 13, and brood leans on their faith, friends and Edge says – more time than most. usXM channel, U2 X-Radio, which
Daniel, 10. family in the trying times. He also “It’s a piece of music we just started launched in July.
The day Paul was born, Baier was praises his “amazingly supportive” playing together in the studio,” he said. U2, like other musical acts, has been
elated. Hours later, Paul was diagnosed employer. “From the beginning, we instinctively off the road because of the coronavirus
with five congenital heart defects. “It’s just a big big deal – eight-plus felt there was a song in there, but it pandemic, which has shut down venues
A doctor explained, “if (Paul) didn’t hour surgery and probably seven to 10 took quite a while. As often happens worldwide. That halt put an end to a
have emergency open-heart surgery in days in the hospital, six weeks recov- with U2 songs, once it really starts so- five-year cycle of touring. The Edge is
the next few days, that he would die,” ery. But he’s a warrior, and we feel very lidifying, you sort of have to get out of finding a silver lining, though.
Baier recalls. “It just takes your breath fortunate to be at Children’s National the way and let it be what it is. “I don’t get to hang out at home
away.” (in Washington, D.C.), which is really “The final piece of the puzzle was much,” he says. “It’s something that I
“It was the highest of highs – first- one of the best children’s hospitals in literally me walking into the studio one really enjoy. I’m a bit of a homebody
born child, son,” he says. “I had images the world.” (Amy, who Baier describes day and I had this backing vocal idea. I anyway when I’m not on the road. I feel a
of a Masters champion, Super Bowl as “the one that holds us together,” asked for a microphone, I jumped on a little guilty because I’ve actually dealt
quarterback and we were on Cloud 9, chairs the Children’s Hospital Founda- mic. I just started singing this little with it pretty well. I’ve just been work-
and then it was literally the lowest of tion.) harmony over the chorus and then (co- ing on new music and other sorts of cre-
lows.” Baier predicts that on the morning producer Daniel Lanois) grabbed an- ative projects and making the best use
Their journey inspired Baier’s 2014 of the surgery, he’ll feel “scared, wor- other mic. Basically, the two voices of the time.”
book, “Special Heart: A Journey of Faith, ried, but prayerful.” cascaded around the chorus line. And The Edge says watching the pandem-
Hope, Courage and Love.” “It’s not gonna be easy,” he says. “As that sort of really sealed the deal.” ic and resulting quarantine unfold has
Paul, whom his dad describes as “a I’m getting ready for the election, I’m The remastered version, included been “really fascinating.”
normal kid,” endured his 10th angio- kind of getting ready mentally, physi- on Friday’s album and box set re- “The amount of sudden change peo-
plasty this month to open his arteries. cally to handle the details of our Super leases, will be the “best-sounding ver- ple have had to take onboard ... it’s not
The teen’s fourth open-heart surgery is Bowl. It’s people in your ear: ‘We’re sion” of “Beautiful Day,” he promises. something you think you could do, but
scheduled for December, and Baier gonna call Ohio. We’re gonna call Flori- Since “All That You Can’t Leave Be- we’ve done it,” he says. “It speaks to me
hopes it will be the last, or at least carry da.’ All these different things happen- hind,” U2 has dropped four albums: about our capabilities to respond quick-
Paul through his 20s. ing. But, in the back of my mind is the 2004’s “How to Dismantle an Atomic ly to a crisis and to adjust our behavior
Baier says his son is eager to “rip the next big Super Bowl that we have in Bomb,” 2009’s “No Line on the Hori- to suit a new situation, and I’m actually
Band-Aid off ” and return to his beloved our family health. And it’ll take some zon,” 2014’s “Songs of Innocence” and taking some kind of comfort in that real-
sports – golf and basketball. But there getting ready for.” 2017’s “Songs of Experience.” When ization. That’s a nice takeaway for me.”

USA TODAY AIRPLAY CHARTS COMPILED BY MEDIABASE Increase in Spins Debut T This week L Last week

1 3 24KGOLDN f/IANN DIOR Mood 17,124 1 3 JAMESON RODGERS Some Girls 26,799
2 1 JAWSH685XJASONDERULOXBTS Savage Love (Laxed-Siren Beat) 16,834 2 1 JASON ALDEAN Got What I Got 25,900
3 5 SURF MESA f/EMILEE ily (i love you baby) 14,873 3 5 RUSSELL DICKERSON Love You Like I Used To 22,067
4 2 HARRY STYLES Watermelon Sugar 14,767 4 4 MATT STELL Everywhere But On 21,825
5 4 LEWIS CAPALDI Before You Go 13,698 5 6 MORGAN WALLEN More Than My Hometown 20,981
6 6 THE WEEKND Blinding Lights 12,884 6 8 BLAKESHELTON f/GWENSTEFANI Happy Anywhere 20,387
8 9 AVA MAX Kings & Queens 11,072 8 9 PARKER MCCOLLUM Pretty Heart 16,463
9 8 DABABY f/RODDY RICCH Rockstar 10,407 9 11 CHRIS LANE Big, Big Plans 16,009
10 10 JUICEWRLD f/MARSHMELLO Come And Go 9,739 10 10 JON PARDI Ain’t Always The Cowboy 14,934
11 11 BTS Dynamite 9,662 11 12 KENNY CHESNEY Happy Does 14,534
12 12 JUSTINBIEBER f/CHANCETHERAPPER Holy 9,441 12 13 DAN + SHAY I Should Probably Go To Bed 13,557
13 13 KANEBROWN f/KHALID/SWAELEE Be Like That 8,868 13 15 LADY A Champagne Night 11,975
14 15 SHAWN MENDES Wonder 7,228 14 --- KELSEA BALLERINI Hole In The Bottle 11,611
15 --- AJR Bang! 6,961 15 --- KIP MOORE She’s Mine 10,893

1 1 DRAKE f/LIL DURK Laugh Now Cry Later 6,641 1 1 DRAKE f/LIL DURK Laugh Now Cry Later 6,765
8 7 RODDYRICCH f/MUSTARD High Fashion 3,714 8 9 DABABY f/YOUNG THUG Blind 3,707
10 10 NE-YO & JEREMIH U 2 Luv 3,241 10 8 JUICE WRLD Wishing Well 3,443
11 11 LIL BABY f/42 DUGG We Paid 3,221 11 11 TRAVISSCOTT f/YOUNGTHUG/M.I.A. FRANCHISE 3,392
12 12 JHENE AIKO f/H.E.R. B.S. 3,148 12 14 DJ KHALED f/DRAKE Greece 2,665
14 15 MULATTO Muwop 2,574 14 16 CHLOE X HALLE Do It 2,357
15 --- K CAMP f/JACQUEES What’s On Your Mind 2,467 15 --- JHENE AIKO f/H.E.R. B.S. 2,313


I Hope 5,887 1 1 HARRY STYLES Adore You 2,462
2 2 THE WEEKND Blinding Lights 5,801 2 3 THE WEEKND Blinding Lights 2,347
3 4 LEWIS CAPALDI Before You Go 5,406 3 2 POST MALONE Circles 2,305
4 3 HARRY STYLES Watermelon Sugar 5,300 4 4 MAREN MORRIS The Bones 2,184
5 6 JAWSH685XJASONDERULOXBTS Savage Love (Laxed-Siren Beat) 4,999 5 5 MAROON 5 Memories 1,994
6 5 DUA LIPA Break My Heart 4,385 6 6 DUA LIPA Don’t Start Now 1,816
7 8 AJR Bang! 3,996 7 7 LEWIS CAPALDI Before You Go 1,525
8 7 POST MALONE Circles 3,932 8 8 GABBYBARRETT f/CHARLIEPUTH I Hope 1,232
9 9 TAYLOR SWIFT cardigan 3,694 9 9 JUSTIN BIEBER f/QUAVO Intentions 853
10 --- AVA MAX Kings & Queens 3,272 10 10 LADY GAGA & ARIANA GRANDE Rain On Me 414


1 3 NE-YO & JEREMIH U 2 Luv 2,284 1 1 ZACHWILLIAMS f/DOLLYPARTON There Was Jesus 2,386
2 1 LONR. f/H.E.R. Make The Most 2,173 2 3 CHRIS TOMLIN f/LADY A Who You Are To Me 2,362
3 5 QUEEN NAIJA Butterflies Pt. 2 1,861 3 2 WE THE KINGDOM God So Loved (Live) 2,344
4 6 TREYSONGZ f/SUMMERWALKER Back Home 1,579 4 6 TAUREN WELLS Famous For (I Believe) 2,215
5 2 LEDISI Anything For You 1,565 5 5 CAIN Rise Up (Lazarus) 2,203
6 4 CHARLIE WILSON One I Got 1,558 6 4 DANNY GOKEY Love God Love People 2,166
7 8 SNOH AALEGRA Whoa 1,511 7 --- JOSH WILSON Revolutionary 1,611
8 9 USHER Bad Habits 1,451 8 8 JEREMY CAMP Keep Me In The Moment 1,587
9 7 KEM Lie To Me 1,333 9 10 TASHA LAYTON Into The Sea (It’s Gonna Be Ok) 1,584


1 1 ALLTIMELOW f/blackbear Monsters 3,251 1 2 COREY TAYLOR Black Eyes Blue 1,905
4.5” x 4” 3
2 2
Bloody Valentine
Can I Call You Tonight?
Shot In The Dark
4 4 WALLOWS Are You Bored Yet? 2,720 4 5 BADFLOWER 30 1,546
5 5 MATT MAESON Hallucinogenics 2,037 5 6 DEFTONES Ohms 1,402
6 6 TWENTY ONE PILOTS Level Of Concern 1,830 6 8 I PREVAIL Every Time You Leave 1,276
7 8 PEACH TREE RASCALS Mariposa 1,797 7 4 CHRIS CORNELL Patience 1,244
9 7 JUICEWRLD f/MARSHMELLO Come And Go 1,679 9 9 THREE DAYS GRACE Somebody That I Used To Know 1,021
10 --- ROYAL & THE SERPENT Overwhelmed 1,501 10 10 AYRON JONES Take Me Away 1,017


1 2 TAME IMPALA Is It True 610 1 2 MALUMA Hawai 2,278
Un Dia (One Day) 2,053
3 3 MATT MAESON Hallucinogenics 542 3 1 OZUNA Caramelo 2,031
4 4 DERMOT KENNEDY Giants 513 4 4 LAADICTIVABANDASANJOSE... Lo Que Nunca Sera 2,008
5 6 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN Letter To You 509 5 6 KAROL G Ay Dios Mio 1,688
6 7 ELLE KING The Let Go 455 6 8 CHRISTIAN NODAL Aqui Abajo 1,673
7 8 PHOENIX Identical 453 7 7 RAUWALEJANDRO f/CAMILO Tattoo (Remix) 1,631
8 --- DAYGLOW Can I Call You Tonight? 427 8 --- BANDA SINALOENSE MS Cerrando Ciclos 1,612
9 5 KILLERS My Own Soul’s Warning 423 9 5 ALEJANDROFERNANDEZ f/CALIBRE50 Decepciones 1,612
10 --- OF MONSTERS AND MEN Visitor 401 10 9 ESLABON ARMADO Con Tus Besos 1,561
Tony La Russa right man Brennan: Nicklaus’ support of
for White Sox managing job President Trump not surprising
Nightengale column: MLB has changed since he Columnist: Full-throated Twitter endorsement of
USA TODAY | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2020 | SECTION C left the baseball dugout in 2011. Page 2C Trump Wednesday was disappointing. Page 6C
K1 E2

Paul Myerberg

in college
In fits and starts, every conference
in the Football Bowl Subdivision has
come to the same conclusion: It’s pos-
sible to conduct an improvised season
with the right health and safety guide-
lines in place to mitigate the risks
posed by COVID-19.
These protocols have postponed or
canceled three games on this week’s
schedule and 37 games overall, with
that number guaranteed to grow in the
coming weeks.
In other words, the guidelines have
worked – put simply, games are played
when the protocols are met and can-
celed when not.
That hasn’t stemmed the frustra-
tion expressed by some programs,
coaches and athletics directors at the
inability to make the most of the slim
chances afforded during this truncat-
ed season.
Efforts to optimize these opportuni-
ties have been met almost universally
with rolled eyes and shrugged shoul-
ders, and even conflated with arro-
gance in the face of the pandemic.
Instead of suggesting an ignorance
of the dangers posed by COVID-19, this
Seahawks defensive back Quandre Diggs said he regretted not voting in 2016 after telling his mom and knew then he push reflects the desire to play as
would vote in the 2020 presidential election. RICHARD MACKSON/USA TODAY SPORTS many games as possible under safe
conditions – the same mindset that led

Four athletes cherish

conferences to try to conduct the sea-
son in the first place.
For example, this week has further
exposed the widening fissure between

their first-time ’20 vote

the Big Ten and Nebraska, which was
rebuffed in its efforts to substitute a
non-conference opponent from the
Championship Subdivision, Chatta-
nooga, in place of Saturday’s canceled
matchup against No. 11 Wisconsin.
Tom Schad and Nancy Armour Many athletes are longtime voters, Quandre Diggs, NFL safety “We believe the flexibility to play
USA TODAY but there are plenty of others who will non-conference games could have
be casting a ballot for the first time. In 2012, Quandre Diggs said, he was been beneficial not only for Nebraska,
In the months leading up to Election “I don’t like being a hypocrite if I’m still a “young kid” – not paying atten- but other Big Ten teams who may be in
Day, teams and leagues across the world asking everybody to vote and enact tion to politics, and not in tune with a similar position as the season pro-
of sports have rallied around a common change,” Basketball Hall of Fame player, what was happening in the world. gresses,” Nebraska chancellor Ronnie
theme – encouraging Americans to reg- NBA broadcaster and first-time voter In 2016, he was a little bit older and a Green and athletics director Bill Moos
ister to vote. Shaquille O’Neal told USA TODAY little bit wiser, but his decision was the said in a joint statement.
In many cases, it’s started with their Sports. “I can’t ask people to vote if I same. He later felt guilty about not “The ability for all Big Ten members
own athletes. don’t vote.” casting a vote. to play a non-conference game if need-
The National Basketball Players As- Some athletes have been motivated “I called my mom and she’s like, ed could provide another data point for
sociation said more than 96% of its eli- to vote for the first time by this sum- ‘You didn’t vote?!?’ ” Diggs recalled. possible College Football Playoff and
gible players have registered to vote in mer’s social justice movement or a spe- Now, the Seahawks’ safety is 27, bowl consideration.”
this year’s election, after fewer than cific issue they want to support. Others with a family at home and five-plus This discord has birthed an asinine
25% voted in 2016. In the NFL, the say they’ve come to see voting as a civic seasons in the NFL under his belt. He conspiracy theory among fans and on
league and the union announced duty. And some are only just now eligi- said he’s matured. And from the mo- social media suggesting the Big Ten
Wednesday that more than 900 players ble to vote, either due to their age or citi- ment he had that conversation with has singled out Nebraska for the Corn-
have registered through their joint ini- zenship status. his mom, he knew he would vote in the huskers’ vocal opposition to the initial
tiative, NFL Votes. And at the college USA TODAY Sports spoke with four 2020 presidential election. He wasn’t plan to postpone the season until the
level, the NCAA’s Division I Council vot- athletes who are casting their first bal- going to miss a third opportunity. spring, which played a role in the
ed last month to prohibit games and lots in a presidential election – and why
practices on Election Day. they’re voting. See FIRST VOTE, Page 3C See MYERBERG, Page 3C



I felt the emotion of an event, when in actu- We have decided to renounce
al fact, from anyone seeing me out on the the rights to Mitchell Miller,
street, I was just some guy on his own going for a effective immediately.”
Arizona Coyotes president & CEO
Scott Kishere, a 37-year-old police officer and indie Xavier Gutierrez, in a statement
filmmaker in England, on running the virtual New York Thursday about their first pick in this
Marathon in his own neighborhood. The annual fall month’s NHL Draft. The selection of
race typically draws more than 50,000 runners and has Miller, 18 and now playing at the Uni-
had about 27,000 entries this time. Participants run versity of North Dakota, was widely
their 26.2 miles at any point in a 16-day window, be- criticized after an Arizona Republic
tween Oct. 17 and this coming Sunday. report published Monday detailed
Miller’s bullying and racist taunting of
a Black youth, Isaiah Meyer-Crothers,
when the two were 14 years old in
NOTABLE NUMBER Ohio. The club issued an apology to
the Meyer-Crothers family.
14,252 Red, White and Boozed”
Days between kickoff returns for a touchdown by LSU,
according to the athletic department. Trey Palmer did Title of a video that golfer John Daly
it from 93 yards in the third quarter last Saturday says he recently completed with Colt
against South Carolina. The previous return was Oct. Ford, a former pro golfer-turned-
17, 1981, when Eric Martin went 100 yards against country music star. They are playing in
Kentucky. LSU football coach Ed Orgeron was a 20- the TimberTech Championship in Boca
year-old defensive tackle for Northwestern State at Raton, Florida.
the time.
From staff and wire reports

Times change but La Russa right for ChiSox

ecutive suites was torturous.
“My heart,” La Russa said, “was al-
Bob Nightengale ways in the dugout.”
Columnist He greatly missed the competition,
USA TODAY and after the White Sox approached
him, it took him three weeks to decide
he wanted to do it, before making it offi-
Tony La Russa might be a Hall of cial on Monday.
Famer, and one of the greatest man- So, can he actually pull this off, tak-
agers in baseball history, but his intro- ing one of the most talented young
ductory news conference in his return to teams in baseball and bring home the
the White Sox on Thursday was conten- White Sox’s first World Series title since
tious, even combative at times, hardly 2005?
your typical lovefest. “I think this is going to be really good
He repeatedly was questioned, in dif- for the White Sox,” said Dave Stewart,
ferent ways, how he could handle the the former 20-game winner under La
job as a 76-year-old man. Never mind Russa in Oakland and later his GM with
that Joe Biden will be 78 if he’s elected Arizona. “You have managers in this
president and would be running an en- game that are good to a certain point,
tire country, not a baseball club. and then you need a guy that pushes you
He was asked his view about the over the top. I think Tony will be the fin-
new-age players and White Sox star Tim ishing touches for the White Sox.”
Anderson’s passion for bat flips, as if Yes, just like when the Cubs fired Rick
Reggie Jackson and Rickey Henderson Renteria for Joe Maddon, resulting in a
didn’t strut for him managing the Ath- World Series championship two years
letics, Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire later, the White Sox believe they are do-
didn’t bash, and Dennis Eckersley never ing the sequel, firing Renteria for La
pumped his fist. Russa.
They grilled him on his approach to- And, yes, besides being the third-
ward analytics, as if La Russa last man- oldest manager in baseball history, and
aged before the typewriter, forgetting Tony La Russa has held various roles since leaving the dugout in 2011. joining Jack McKeon as the only man-
that this was the man who virtually in- 2019 PHOTO BY KIM KLEMENT/USA TODAY SPORTS agers to take over a team at 75 or older,
vented the bullpen, resurrected Ecker- Stewart believes there’s no doubt he can
sley and has been one of the most cre- relate to players young enough to be his
ative thinkers in the game. I applaud and would support that they But once the game starts, it’s a very vol- grandkids. Why, not a single active play-
He was asked if he’s out of touch with are now addressing, identifying the in- atile experience, they are players, not er was born when La Russa first was
the game since retiring as manager in justices, especially on the racial side. machines. You watch the game and how hired to manage the White Sox in 1979,
2011, and going into the Hall of Fame in And as long as it’s peacefully protested to put people in there to win.” and 15 of the players on that team will be
2014, ignoring the fact he was running and sincere, like The Players Alliance, Oh, and about those bat flips by An- in their 70s next season with five de-
the Diamondbacks’ baseball operations when your protests have action-orient- derson and young players? ceased.
department for three years, was a vice ed results, the way you impact and Bring ’em on. “Modern players are modern play-
president with the Red Sox for another make things better, I’m all for it.” “I do believe that sportsmanship is ers,” Stewart said, “but the game is still
three, including their World Series La Russa then reeled off several of the important and having respect for your played the same. I think the moment
championship year, and the past year as Black players who played for him in Chi- opponents,” he said. “(But) I always rea- Tony walks into the room he has a total-
a special adviser with the Angels. cago, Oakland and St. Louis and dared soned that if it’s sincere, I don’t have a ly different respect than anyone else
And it took only two questions into anyone to say they were treated differ- problem with it. For players who are managing the game today.
the news conference to be asked about ently than anyone else. more exuberant, people are showing, “I don’t know why people don’t think
his view toward players kneeling during “There is not a racist bone in my ‘Hey, they’re coming through.’ MLB is he can relate with today’s modern play-
the national anthem, recalling his criti- body,” La Russa said. “I do not like in- encouraging them to do so. I always rea- ers. Even today’s players respect the
cism of former 49ers quarterback Colin justice. Anything that is peacefully done soned that if it’s sincere, and directed game and respect how it is played. One
Kaepernick in 2016. and sincerely thought of, and especially towards the game, I don’t have a prob- thing Tony is good at is that he’s good at
Certainly, the most sensitive subject the action at the end of it, there will not lem with it. The only thing I say is if your how the game should be played. I think
was race, with La Russa answering be a problem.” team celebrates, and their team cele- the adjustment will be from both sides,
three questions about it during his 50- Please, La Russa says, don’t be naïve brates, neither team can be upset, as some give from Tony and some give
minute Zoom call at their spring training enough to believe he’s opposed to ana- long as everybody is doing it sincerely.” from the players, and there will be a
headquarters in Arizona. lytics, welcoming the information but Certainly, times have changed since happy medium.“
“When that first occurred,” La Russa not letting it control his managerial de- La Russa last managed in 2011, leading Now, here he is, a three-time World
said, “my first instinct was respecting cisions. “The wealth of information that the Cardinals to the World Series. Series champion who has won the third-
the flag and what America stands for. helps you prepare, I embrace it. We were La Russa had no plans to return to most games in baseball history (2,728),
There has been a lot going on since 2016. always information seekers. You take managing when he was inducted into back in the dugout where he first start-
I not only respect, but the awareness the value of that information, and it the Hall of Fame in 2014, but being up- ed, rejoining one of his closest friends,
that comes into society and into sports. gives you a better chance for success. stairs and watching games from the ex- White Sox chairman Jerry Reinsdorf.

Turner test put Dodgers, Rays in self-quarantine

Josh Peter and Bob Nightengale Turner and his wife were scheduled on the field with Turner, he emphatical- COVID-19 a fast and complete recovery.
USA TODAY to fly back on a private charter, accord- ly refused to comply.” As with all other cases of COVID-19, iso-
ing to one of the people. The Los Angeles County Department lation and quarantine are essential for
The Los Angeles Dodgers and the Turner was pulled from Game 6 on of Public Health said Thursday that it reducing further spread.
Tampa Bay Rays are under self-quaran- Tuesday night before the eighth inning was working with the Dodgers on addi- “Public Health protocols state that a
tine at their respective homes after once his positive test was confirmed. tional measures. person who tests positive for COVID-19,
Dodgers third baseman Justin Turner After the Dodgers clinched the team’s “While we cannot provide details on even if they do not display symptoms,
was notified Tuesday he had tested pos- first World Series championship in 32 an active investigation, Public Health is must isolate for 10 days and must be
itive for COVID-19, according to two years, Turner returned and joined the working closely with the Dodgers to en- symptom and fever free for 24 hours be-
people with direct knowledge of the sit- team’s on-field celebration and posed sure that appropriate actions are taken fore they can resume contact with any
uation. for the team photo without wearing a to prevent additional exposures and other people.
The people spoke to USA TODAY protective face covering. provided direction on the required quar- “Additionally, anyone who has been a
Sports on the condition of anonymity “While a desire to celebrate is under- antine of players and staff that are close close contact of a person who has tested
because of the sensitivity of the situa- standable, Turner’s decision to leave contacts,” the agency said in a state- positive for the virus for 15 minutes or
tion. isolation and enter the field was wrong ment provided to USA TODAY Sports. more over a 24 hour period must quar-
The Dodgers, who are under a 14-day and put everyone he came in contact A day earlier, the agency had issued a antine for 14 days.”
quarantine, flew back to Los Angeles on with at risk,” Major League Baseball statement that in part referred to Tur- Florida officials did not immediately
Wednesday from Arlington, Texas, said Wednesday in a statement. “When ner: “… We join everyone in wishing the return a message seeking comment
where the World Series was played. MLB security raised the matter of being Dodger player who tested positive for about the Rays’ situation.

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First vote
Continued from Page 1C

“I think just the older I’ve gotten, the

more I’ve understood the history and
the fight that people before me took for
us just to have the opportunity to vote,”
Diggs said. “Just being able to have time
to research and reflect on those things, I
think that’s really the main difference
between 2012 and 2016.”
Diggs acknowledged that this sum-
mer’s protests gave him additional mo-
tivation. He said there’s been a welcome
shift in athlete activism in recent years,
which has made it easier for NFL players
like himself to be more socially and po-
litically conscious – and also know that
their employers will support them.
“We all know our voice now,” Diggs
said. “I think we’re in the age of every-
body knowing their voices.”
A sixth-round draft pick out of Texas
in 2015, Diggs is among the 90% of NFL
players who are registered to vote this
year, according to the NFL and NFLPA.
He stressed that while the presidential
election between incumbent Republi-
can Donald Trump and Democrat Joe
Biden might be drawing the most buzz, Laurie Hernandez said of ensuring a drop box, “If it’s that difficult, clearly something is wrong.” ANDREW P. SCOTT/USA TODAY
down-ballot races are just as important
and worthy of research.
“It’s the people in our community wanted to do more. She checked with
that make the change. It’s the people at her friends to make sure they were reg-
the state level that make the change,” istered and encouraged them to vote.
Diggs said. “Don’t just think it’s an all She has leveraged her considerable fol-
presidential election. Know who you’re lowing on social media to make sure her
voting for and what you’re voting for.” fans, the Gen Zers in particular, know
why voting is so important and passed
Laurie Hernandez, along useful information.
Olympic gymnast “It’s like a huge group project,” Her-
nandez said. “If you don’t butt in, if
When Laurie Hernandez voted in her you’re not joining in, you’re not doing
first presidential election, she did it as the work.”
much for the women who came before
her as she did it for herself. Stefan Frei, MLS goalkeeper
This is the 100th anniversary of the
passage of the 19th Amendment, which The 2016 presidential election was a
gave U.S. women the right to vote. But it turning point for Seattle Sounders goal-
would take another 65 years, when the keeper Stefan Frei.
Voting Rights Act struck down Jim Crow In fact, it’s what helped drive the
laws that blocked Black access to the Swiss native to apply for U.S. citizen- The 2016 election was a turning point “Not being able to vote and have a
polls, until all Black women were free to ship – albeit, after a bit of hesitation. for Sounders goalkeeper Stefan Frei, voice,” said Angel Reese, who turned
vote. And 10 more years until discrimi- “At first, it was deterring me a little driving him to apply for citizenship. 18 in May, “I feel like now, my vote
nation against “language minorities” – bit,” Frei said of the 2016 election. “Be- KELVIN KUO/USA TODAY SPORTS really counts.” BRAD MILLS/USA TODAY
largely Latinos – was prohibited. cause I thought – this is obviously my
“For women, and especially women political views coming into play a little
of color, we didn’t have the right (to bit – but I thought I didn’t identify with “I became a U.S. citizen because I son, at a polling place, for both the full
vote) in the first place. We had to fight the majority of this country, in terms of wanted to lead by example. Part of that experience of voting and to ensure that
for it,” said Hernandez, who won gold as the government that was in power, the is voting,” Frei said. “It is a privilege, a her vote is counted. (“And I can get my
part of the Final Five at the Rio Olympics people that were getting elected.” right as a citizen of a democratic state. sticker!” she added.)
as well as silver on balance beam. “We Born and raised in Switzerland, Frei But I also think it should be a duty. I Amid years of protests and civil un-
have to make sure we’re telling people moved to the United States at 15 when think too many people in this country rest, Reese said it’s been “tough” not be-
that. It’s not something that has always his father got a job in California. He don’t vote, and they don’t realize what a ing able to express her opinions at the
been. went on to play at California and has huge opportunity and privilege it is to ballot box. She said she attended the
“That was practically like last week!” since spent the entirety of his profes- do so. There are so many countries Freddie Gray protests in Baltimore in
Hernandez added. “The ’60s is not that sional career in MLS. where that’s not even an option.” 2015, which put the importance of her
long ago. That’s my parents’ (time) right After Trump was elected, Frei said he voice in perspective.
there. This is a time that’s not that far saw the raw divisiveness in American Angel Reese, “Just seeing the protests and every-
away.” politics and, at first, wanted no part of it. college basketball forward thing, experiencing it, coming from a
Hernandez said she grew up watch- But he also didn’t feel that, as a Swiss city – Baltimore – that is a rougher area,”
ing her parents vote, and they im- citizen, he could take a strong public Angel Reese arrived at Maryland this Reese said, “I just feel like my vote is
pressed upon her and her siblings why it stance on American political issues, summer as the No. 2 recruit in college really important.”
was so important. So sitting out the Nov. even ones that involved what he consid- women’s basketball, a McDonald’s All- Maryland, like dozens of other Divi-
3 election, the first in which the 20- ered to be “basic human rights.” American who averaged 18 points, 20 sion I schools, has adopted a voting ini-
year-old is eligible to vote for president, “I bit my lip quite a few times when rebounds and five assists per game dur- tiative within its athletics department
was never an option – even if it did take things were going on that I didn’t like,” ing her high school career at St. Frances to ensure its athletes are registered and
her three tries to find an official drop box the 34-year-old said. “When I wasn’t a Academy in Baltimore. encouraged to vote. Reese said the ma-
in Orange County, California. citizen at the time, I just felt like it She’s voting for the first time simply jority of her teammates have already
The Republican Party installed some wasn’t my place to speak.” because this is her first opportunity; sent in their absentee ballots, while she
drop boxes of their own in Southern Conversations with family and close Reese turned 18 in May. and a handful of others from the area
California. But there were questions friends helped him realize that, after “Not being able to vote and have a made plans to visit local polling places.
about their legality, and Hernandez 2016, he wanted to join those discus- voice,” she said, “I feel like now, my vote There’s no doubt in her mind that her
wasn’t taking any chances of her ballot sions – about what the United States really counts.” age group will be pivotal; Only 43% of
getting tossed. could and should be. The Maryland freshman said she eligible voters between 18 and 24 cast a
“That’s even more of an incentive to So in the summer of 2017, roughly six planned to vote early Thursday morning ballot in 2016.
vote,” she said. “If it’s that difficult, months after winning MVP honors at in Baltimore with her mom, who had a “Everybody wants change,” Reese
clearly something is wrong.” the 2016 MLS Cup, Frei became a U.S. standout career of her own at UMBC said. “It starts with us. And it starts
But mighty as it felt to make her voice citizen. He cast his first vote for presi- and shares her daughter’s first name. now.”
heard by casting her ballot, Hernandez dent at a drop box last week. Reese wanted to cast her ballot in-per- Contributing: Mark Medina

Continued from Page 1C

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All times ET FC Dallas 2, Miami 1
Portland 5, LA Galaxy 2
Real Madrid vs. Inter Milan, 3 p.m. GROUP H Formula One NHRA Camping World
GROUP C Wednesday, Oct. 28
NFL Los Angeles FC 2, Houston 1
San Jose 2, Real Salt Lake 0
Tuesday, Oct. 27 Istanbul Basaksehir 0, Paris Saint-Germain 2
Italian Grand Prix
Drag Racing Series
Marseille 0, Manchester City 3 Manchester United 5, Leipzig 0
Saturday’s Games Porto 2, Olympiakos 0 Wednesday, Nov. 4
Thursday’s Game Houston at FC Dallas, 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 3 Istanbul Basaksehir vs. Man. United, 12:55 TV: 7:30 a.m. ET Sunday Dodge NHRA Finals
Chicago at Nashville, 8:30 p.m. Manchester City vs. Olympiakos, 3 p.m. Leipzig vs. Paris Saint-Germain, 3 p.m.
Atlanta at Carolina (ESPN)
Sunday’s Games Sunday’s Games Porto vs. Marseille, 3 p.m. TV: 2-7 p.m. ET Sunday
Philadelphia at Columbus, 3:30 p.m.
Indianapolis at Detroit, 1 p.m. Cincinnati at Atlanta, 7 p.m.
TENNIS Track: Autodromo Enzo e (FS1)
L.A. Rams at Miami, 1 p.m. New York at New York City FC, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 27
Las Vegas at Cleveland, 1 p.m.
Minnesota at Green Bay, 1 p.m.
Orlando City at Montreal, 7:30 p.m. Atalanta 2, Ajax 2 Dino Ferrari, in Imola Track: The Strip at Las
D.C. United at New England, 7:30 p.m. Liverpool 2, Midtjylland 0
N.Y. Jets at Kansas City, 1 p.m. ATP World Tour Vienna Opem Vegas Motor Speedway
New England at Buffalo, 1 p.m.
Minnesota at Sporting Kansas City, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 3 At Wiener Stadthalle, Vienna Race distance: 63 laps,
Miami at Toronto FC, 7:30 p.m. Atalanta vs. Liverpool, 3 p.m.
Pittsburgh at Baltimore, 1 p.m. Purse: €1,409,510
Tennessee at Cincinnati, 1 p.m.
Seattle at Colorado, 9 p.m. Midtjylland vs. Ajax, 3 p.m. 194.1 miles Fast facts: This is the
L.A. Chargers at Denver, 4:05 p.m.
Vancouver at Portland, 10 p.m. GROUP E Surface: Hardcourt indoor
New Orleans at Chicago, 4:25 p.m.
Real Salt Lake at LA Galaxy, 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28 Singles - Round of 16 Fast facts: Series hasn’t season finale weekend. …
Los Angeles FC at San Jose, 10:30 p.m. Daniel Evans, Britain, def. Jurij Rodionov, Aus-
San Francisco at Seattle, 4:25 p.m.
Dallas at Philadelphia, 8:20 p.m.
Krasnodar 0, Chelsea 4
Sevilla 1 Rennes 0 tria, 7-5, 6-3; Lorenzo Sonego, Italy, def. Hu- raced at Imola since Two-time defending
Champions League bert Hurkacz, Poland, 7-6 (6), 7-6 (2); Andrey
Open: Houston, Jacksonville, Arizona, Wash- (Home teams listed first) Wednesday, Nov. 4 Rublev (5), Russia, def. Jannik Sinner, Italy, 2006. ... Six-time series series champion Steve
ington Chelsea vs. Rennes, 3 p.m. 2-1, ret.; Daniil Medvedev (4), Russia, def. Va-
FIRST ROUND Torrence leads Doug
Monday’s Game Top two in each group advance
Sevilla vs. Krasnodar, 3 p.m. sek Pospisil, Canada, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2; Dominic champion Lewis Hamilton
Tampa Bay at N.Y. Giants, 8:15 p.m. GROUP F
GROUP A Thiem (2), Austria, def. Cristian Garin, Chile,
6-3, 6-2; Grigor Dimitrov, Bulgaria, vs. Stefa- has won 21 of the last 35 Kalitta by 101 points in
Tuesday, Oct. 27 Wednesday, Oct. 28
SOCCER Lokomotiv Moscow 1, Bayern Munich 2 Borussia Dortmund 2, Zenit St. Petersburg 0 nos Tsitsipas (3), Greece, 6-7 (5), 6-4, 6-3.
F1 races. … Mercedes Top Fuel, and Matt Hagan
Club Brugge 1, Lazio 1
Atletico Madrid 3, Salzburg 2
Wednesday, Nov. 4 continues to dominate leads Tommy Johnson Jr.
Tuesday, Nov. 3 DEALS
MLS Lokomotiv Moscow vs. Atletico Madrid, 12:55
Zenit St. Petersburg vs. Lazio, 12:55 p.m.
Club Brugge vs. Borussia Dortmund, 3 p.m. with Hamilton (8 wins) by 42 in Funny Car. …
Wednesday’s Games Salzburg vs. Bayern Munich, 3 p.m.
Tony Schumacher beat
New York 1, New England 0 GROUP B GROUP G FOOTBALL atop the standings with
Sporting Kansas City 1, Cincinnati 0 Tuesday, Oct. 27 Wednesday, Oct. 28 National Football League Torrence in the final at
Orlando City 4, Atlanta 1 Shakhtar Donetsk 0, Inter Milan 0
Ferencvaros 2, Dynamo Kyiv 2 DETROIT LIONS — Released DT Albert Higgins. 256 points and teammate
Philadelphia 2, Chicago 1 Borussia Monchengladbach 2, Real Madrid 2 Juventus 0 Barcelona 2 Released LB Elijah Lee. Valterri Bottas (2 wins) Houston, his NHRA-rec-
New York City FC 1, Toronto FC 0
Tuesday, Nov. 3 Wednesday, Nov. 4 LOS ANGELES CHARGERS — Placed TE Virgil
D.C. United 1, Columbus 0
Shakhtar Donetsk vs. Mnchngldbch, 12:55
Barcelona vs. Dynamo Kyiv, 3 p.m. Green on injured reserve. Placed G Ryan Groy next with 179. ord 85th victory and first
Minnesota 2, Colorado 1 Ferencvaros vs. Juventus, 3 p.m. on reserve/COVID-19 list.
since 2018.


College Football Saturday
Favorite Line O/U Underdog
FAU 5 47 Utsa Friday on TV (times p.m. Eastern unless noted)
CLEMSON 31 61 Boston Coll Matchup Time/TV Surface line Sagarin difference
DUKE 9 56 Charlotte
Boise St 14 49 AIR FORCE Minnesota (0-1) at Maryland (0-1) 7:30/ESPN Artificial Minnesota by 19 ½ Minnesota by 15.28
STHRN MISS 1 59 Rice East Carolina (1-3) at Tulsa (2-1) 9/ESPN2 Artificial Tulsa by 17 Tulsa by 18.03
TULANE 4 59 Temple Hawaii (1-0) at Wyoming (0-1) 9:45/FS1 Artificial Hawaii by 1 ½ Wyoming by 1.99
ARKANSAS ST 2 72 Troy Saturday on TV
For the latest lines, picks and expert UCF 21⁄2 821⁄2 HOUSTON
UAB 121⁄2 471⁄2 LA TECH Matchup Time/TV Surface line Sagarin difference
analysis, go to ALABAMA 31 631⁄2 Mississippi St Boston College (4-2) at No. 1 Clemson (6-0) Noon/ABC Grass Clemson by 31 ½ Clemson by 31.22
No. 5 Georgia (3-1) at Kentucky (2-3) Noon/SEC Grass Georgia by 14 ½ Georgia by 14.39
Odds are subject to change. Memphis (3-1) at No. 7 Cincinnati (4-0) Noon/ESPN Artificial Cincinnati by 6 ½ Cincinnati by 7.08
Visit for a risk-free first bet up to $500. does not offer lines Michigan State (0-1) at No. 14 Michigan (1-0) Noon/Fox Artificial Michigan by 24 ½ Michigan by 25.83
for New Jersey-based college
Use bonus code ROAR sports teams. Gannett may earn No. 16 Kansas State (4-1) at West Virginia (3-2) Noon/ESPN2 Artificial West Virginia by 3 ½ K-State by 5.32
revenue from audience referrals to No. 21 Coastal Carolina (5-0) at Georgia State (2-2) Noon/ESPNU Artificial Coastal by 2 ½ Coastal by 3.58
betting services. Newsrooms are No. 22 Iowa State (3-2) at Kansas (0-5) Noon/FS1 Artificial ISU by 28 ½ ISU by 26.68
independent of this relationship Wake Forest (3-2) at Syracuse (1-5) Noon/ACC Artificial Wake by 10 ½ Wake by 18.37
and there is no influence on news Purdue (1-0) at Illinois (0-1) Noon/BTN Artificial Purdue by 7 Purdue by 13.38
coverage. No. 4 Notre Dame (5-0) at Georgia Tech (2-4) 3:30/ABC Grass Notre Dame by 19 ½ Notre Dame by 26.92
No. 19 Indiana (1-0) at Rutgers (1-0) 3:30/BTN Artificial Indiana by 10 Indiana by 14.86
LSU (2-2) at Auburn (3-2) 3:30/CBS Grass LSU by 3 LSU by 0.59
Northwestern (1-0) at Iowa (0-1) 3:30/ESPN Artificial Iowa by 2 ½ Iowa by 3.00
GOLF PGA TOUR CHAMPIONS TCU (1-3) at Baylor (1-2) 3:30/ESPN2 Artificial TCU by 2 ½ Baylor by 0.61
Texas (3-2) at No. 6 Oklahoma State (4-0) 4/Fox Artificial Ok. State by 3 ½ Ok. State by 7.58
Virginia Tech (3-2) at Louisville (2-4) 4/ACC Artificial VT by 3 ½ VT by 5.58
TimberTech Notes: Bernhard Langer has won the Appalachian State (3-1) at UL-Monroe (0-6) 4/ESPNU Artificial App. State by 31 ½ App. State by 35.35
tournament twice, in 2010 and 2019, Mississippi (1-4) at Vanderbilt (0-3) 4/SEC Artificial Ole Miss by 15 ½ Ole Miss by 11.36
Championship and he was runner-up twice in be- Boise State (1-0) at Air Force (1-1) 6/CBSSN Artificial Boise by 13 ½ Boise by 3.16
Mississippi State (1-3) at No. 2 Alabama (5-0) 7/ESPN Grass Alabama by 31 ½ Alabama by 32.25
Course: The Old Course at Broken tween. … Jim Furyk is playing in his San Jose State (1-0) at New Mexico (0-0) 7/FS1 Artificial SJSU by 9 ½ SJSU by 15.63
Sound, in Boca Raton, Fla. fifth PGA Tour Champions event and No. 3 Ohio State (1-0) at No. 17 Penn State (0-1) 7:30/ABC Grass Ohio State by 11 ½ Ohio State by 14.28
Arkansas (2-2) at No. 8 Texas A&M (3-1) 7:30/SEC Grass TAMU by 12 ½ TAMU by 9.38
has won twice. He is No. 9 on the
Yardage: 6,807. Par: 72. Navy (3-3) at No. 23 SMU (5-1) 7:30/ESPN2 Artificial SMU by 13 ½ SMU by 9.64
money list with $725,700. That’s No. 13 North Carolina (4-1) at Virginia (1-4) 8/ACC Grass UNC by 6 ½ UNC by 7.34
Purse: $2M. Winner’s share: $300,000 more than he made in three of his No. 24 Oklahoma (3-2) at Texas Tech (2-3) 8/Fox Artificial Oklahoma by 14 ½ Oklahoma by 13.91
UL-Lafayette (4-1) at Texas State (1-6) 8/ESPNU Artificial ULL by 16 ½ ULL by 16.57
TV (ET): Friday-Saturday, 3-5:30 p.m. last four years on the PGA Tour. … San Diego State (1-0) at Utah State (0-1) 9:30/CBSSN Artificial SDSU by 7 ½ SDSU by 6.31
(Golf); Sunday, 2-4:30 p.m. (Golf) Country rap artist Colt Ford is playing Western Kentucky (2-4) at No. 10 BYU (6-0) 10:15/ESPN Grass BYU by 28 ½ BYU by 33.39

Defending champ: Bernhard Langer. on a sponsor exemption, as is Gary Nevada (1-0) at UNLV (0-1) 10:30/FS1 Artificial Nevada by 13 ½ Nevada by 13.07
Other ranked team in action (check local listings)
Nicklaus. … Mark Calcavecchia is in Matchup Time Surface line Sagarin difference
Charles Schwab Cup leader: Ernie Els.
the field after a bout with COVID-19. Missouri (2-2) at No. 9 Florida (2-1) 7:30 Grass Florida by 13 ½ Florida by 9.52
Last tournament: Phil Mickelson won He won the tournament two years Rest of the top 25
No. 11 Wisconsin’s game at Nebraska is canceled. No. 18 Marshall’s game at Florida International scheduled for Friday is postponed. No. 12 Miami,
the Dominion Energy Charity Classic. ago. No. 15 Oregon, No. 20 Southern California and No. 25 Army are idle.
Jeff Sagarin’s power ratings show the relative strength of teams. 1.73 points are added to the home team’s rating to calculate the difference.

The weather changes.
Stay up-to-date, 24/7.
our free app

After a storm with cold rain Albany, N.Y. 37/21sn 42/31s
Albuquerque 59/39s 64/39s
and accumulating snow Amarillo, Texas 59/40s 67/34s
moves out to sea in the Olympia
57 Bangor
Anchorage, Alaska 27/15pc 24/16s
Atlantic City, N.J. 54/38r 52/46s
Northeast on Friday, much of 56 Spokane
39 Augusta, Ga. 74/47s 69/53s
Portland 55 Miles City
Bismarck Duluth Marquette
the balance of the nation will Salem 60
60 44 37 34 Austin, Texas 69/39s 74/47s

59 57 Burlington Augusta Baton Rouge, La. 67/44s 71/52s

be free from major storms Boise Fargo Mpls-St. Paul 41 Montpelier
38 Billings, Mont. 57/40s 49/31pc

and large areas of precipita-

68 Billings 38 41 Boston Birmingham, Ala. 61/45s 70/54s
62 57
Rapid City Grand Buffalo 37 38 Bismarck, N.D. 44/39s 46/24w
tion through the weekend.
56 Milwaukee Rapids 40 Albany
Boise, Idaho 68/35s 58/35s
68 Pierre Sioux Falls
42 42 43

A storm over British

Eureka Idaho Falls Jackson
46 44 Cleveland 39 Buffalo, N.Y. 40/28pc 48/39s
56 61 Hole Casper
Des Moines Madison
Lansing 44 Pittsburgh New York Burlington, Vt. 41/24pc 44/34s
Columbia on Friday will Sacramento
Elko 52 59 North Platte
50 43 41 46 43 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 46/33s 57/31w

79 74 69 62 Chicago Charleston, S.C. 75/52s 70/57pc

produce some rain and Salt Lake City
Cheyenne Omaha
45 Columbus Harrisburg Philadelphia
Charleston, W.Va. 51/31c 61/45s
Carson City 67 55 49 46 50 48 Cheyenne, Wyo. 55/39s 48/26s
mountain snow showers in San Francisco 74
Kansas City Washington Annapolis
57 51 Indianapolis Cincinnati
54 53
Cincinnati 49/33pc 57/46pc
the Northwest at the end of 69 St. George Aspen
Topeka 49 49 Cleveland 44/32r 51/44pc
Las Vegas
75 54 62 Charleston Richmond Columbia, S.C. 73/45s 66/51pc
the week. During the week- Fresno
79 63 Jefferson City St. Louis Louisville 51 59
80 Wichita 57 54 52
Knoxville Columbus, Ohio 46/29c 51/45s
end, this storm will help to Dodge City
60 56 Raleigh Corpus Christi, Texas 72/50s 78/57pc

usher in cold air from the Los Angeles Santa Fe 59 Memphis

Charlotte 66 Daytona Beach, Fla. 75/66pc 82/69pc

Palm Springs Flagstaff
56 Oklahoma 55 Nashville
66 Columbia
Des Moines, Iowa 50/37s 57/33s
northern Plains to the Great 91 64 City
55 Duluth, Minn. 37/30pc 42/25c
Albuquerque 60 73
San Diego
59 60 Atlanta
Durham, N.C. 65/41s 59/40s
Lakes areas. 76
Little Rock Birmingham
Charleston El Paso, Texas 71/46s 77/49pc
Alaska 87
Lubbock Dallas/Ft. Worth 57 61 75 Fairbanks, Alaska 14/7pc 16/0sf
Flurries and lake-effect 67 62 Montgomery Savannah EXTREMES Flagstaff, Ariz. 64/26s 66/31s
snow will sweep southeast- El Paso Midland- Shreveport Jackson 67 76 Note: For contiguous Fargo, N.D. 38/33pc 46/23w

ward across the Great Lakes 71 Odessa Austin

63 62 Jacksonville 48 states through Fort Myers, Fla. 84/67pc 86/70pc
Fairbanks Hawaii 68 69 Mobile
74 3 p.m. Thursday Fort Wayne, Ind. 46/31s 55/41s
region on Sunday as the 14 Juneau
Honolulu San Antonio
Baton Rouge 66 72 HOTTEST:
Fresno, Calif. 80/50s 80/51s
Anchorage 42 85 71 67 New Green Bay, Wis. 40/28s 53/31w
colder air arrives. 27
Houston Orleans 93° Harrisburg, Pa. 50/35r 50/38s
67 66 Tampa Titusville, Fla. Hartford, Conn. 39/25r 46/32s
Most other parts of the 79 Indianapolis 49/34s 56/42pc
Puerto Rico
nation will be dry, including San Juan
Miami COLDEST: -4° Jackson, Miss. 62/41pc 70/47s

South Florida, after showers Brownsville 88 87 Antero Jacksonville, Fla. 74/59s 74/63pc
Reservoir, Colo. Jefferson City, Mo. 57/39s 66/40s
from Friday move away. 73 Kansas City 57/43s 64/38s
Key West, Fla. 85/77pc 84/78t
Spotty showers may dot the Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather Inc. ©2020
Knoxville, Tenn. 56/38c 62/46pc
Lincoln, Neb. 53/40s 60/34s
southern Atlantic coast. Little Rock, Ark. 57/37s 60/43pc
Below 10 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Louisville, Ky. 52/37s 61/49pc
Manchester, N.H. 39/24sn 47/30s
Memphis, Tenn. 55/40s 65/46pc
Mobile, Ala. 66/46s 72/55s
T-storms Rain Snow Ice/mix Montgomery, Ala. 67/46s 73/56s
Myrtle Beach, S.C. 72/51s 66/55pc
Seattle Nags Head, N.C. 66/52r 60/57c
Olympia Nashville, Tenn. 55/39pc 66/49pc
55 Bangor
55 Spokane
Newark, N.J. 43/32r 48/42s
Portland 48 Helena Miles City
Bismarck Duluth Marquette Norfolk, Va. 62/50w 57/51c
Salem 59 47 46 42 44 Oakland, Calif. 72/50s 75/53s
58 48 Burlington Augusta
Oklahoma City 60/39s 65/40s
Boise Fargo Mpls-St. Paul 44 Montpelier
44 Omaha, Neb. 49/40s 59/34s
58 Billings 46 50 Boston
60 49
Rapid City Grand Buffalo 41 44
Palm Springs, Calif. 91/63s 93/64s
50 Milwaukee Rapids 48 Albany Pittsburgh 46/32sh 51/41pc
59 Pierre Sioux Falls
55 52 51
Hartford Portland, Maine 41/23sn 45/33s
Eureka Idaho Falls Jackson
51 54 Cleveland 46 Portland, Ore. 60/40sh 59/40pc
56 52 Hole Casper
Des Moines Madison
Lansing 51 Pittsburgh New York Providence, R.I. 40/26sn 48/36s
Elko 45 50 North Platte
57 54 50 51 47 Raleigh, N.C. 66/43s 60/43pc
80 73 66 Salt Lake City 60 Chicago
Harrisburg Philadelphia Rapid City, S.D. 56/42s 50/25w
Carson City 62
Cheyenne Omaha
57 Columbus
50 50 Reno, Nev. 74/35s 73/35s
70 48 59 Kansas City 51 Washington Annapolis
Richmond, Va. 59/40pc 56/41s
San Francisco
64 61 Indianapolis Cincinnati
53 50 Rochester, N.Y. 39/26c 46/36s
73 St. George Aspen
Topeka 56 57 Sacramento, Calif. 79/43s 80/44s
Las Vegas
74 53 56 Charleston Richmond
79 65 Jefferson City St. Louis Louisville 61 56
San Antonio 71/44s 74/52s
80 Wichita 66 62 61
Knoxville San Jose, Calif. 76/50s 81/49s
Dodge City
61 62 Raleigh Savannah, Ga. 76/54s 72/59pc
Los Angeles Santa Fe 64 Memphis
Charlotte 60 Shreveport, La. 63/40s 66/45s
Palm Springs Flagstaff
59 Oklahoma 65 Nashville
62 Columbia Sioux Falls, S.D. 44/38s 54/27w
SATURDAY 93 66 City
Albuquerque 66 66 South Bend, Ind. 44/30pc 55/39s
San Diego
Phoenix 64 65 Little Rock Birmingham Atlanta Charleston
Spokane, Wash. 55/31w 48/31pc
76 Lubbock Dallas/Ft. Worth 60 70 65 70
59/38s 64/38s
Alaska 88 77 68 Montgomery
51/36s 61/39s
Savannah St. Louis 54/40s 62/43pc
El Paso Midland- Shreveport Jackson 73 72 Syracuse, N.Y. 41/29c 46/35s
77 Odessa Austin
66 70 Jacksonville Tallahassee, Fla. 72/53s 77/61s
Fairbanks Hawaii 76 74 Mobile
74 Tampa, Fla. 79/64pc 86/69s
16 Juneau
Honolulu San Antonio
Baton Rouge 72 77 Topeka, Kan. 63/43s 65/38s
Anchorage 45 85 74 Houston 71 New
Tucson, Ariz. 85/55s 86/59s
24 72
Tulsa, Okla. 60/43s 66/43s
71 Tampa
Wichita, Kan. 60/41s 61/39s
Puerto Rico
86 Wilmington, Del. 48/32r 49/37s
Miami Winston-Salem, N.C. 62/40pc 58/41s
Brownsville 88 85 pc Partly cloudy s Sunny sh Showers c Cloudy

78 t Thunderstorms w Windy dr Drizzle h Haze

f Fog i Ice r Rain sf Snowflurries sn Snow

Speed Freaks What’s on tap
at Martinsville Speedway
Q: Does Martin Truex Jr. three-peat
at Martinsville, or does someone else (0.526-mile oval)
grab the fourth playoff spot?
Cup Series: Xfinity 500
GODSPEAK (Godwin Kelly): That’s a TV: 2 p.m. ET Sunday, NBC
mighty tall order
XFINITY Series: Draft Top 250
on a very short track, but I think it will
TV: 3:30 p.m. ET Saturday, NBC
KEN’S CALL (Ken Willis): Hate to be Gander RV & Outdoors Truck Series:
non-dramatic, but I think the top four NASCAR Hall of Fame 200
remains there. Logano, Harvick, Ham- TV: 8 p.m. ET Friday, FS1
lin and Kez. By the numbers

Q: Did Kyle Busch’s Texas win re- 7

establish him as a championship fa- Years since Martinsville pole-sitter
vorite for 2021? Kyle Busch saved enough fuel in the final laps Wednesday at Texas Motor
won the race
Speedway to celebrate a streak-continuing victory. RICHARD W. RODRIGUEZ/AP
GODSPEAK: Considering his age, tal- 14

ent and resources, I’d say 2020 was a Drivers who have won a Cup Series
bump in the road for Busch. Let’s hope Martinsville race in last 10 seasons
all things go back to normal in 2021.
KEN’S CALL: It appears that Kyle’s All-time-record qualifying speed in
2021 chances will be helped if NASCAR mph by Jamie McMurray (2014)
returns to its pre-COVID-19 norms in
terms of allowing practice time. He
Through the gears Cup Series Round of 8 standings
was apparently affected by the new 1. Kevin Harvick ............................... 4,137
procedures forced upon everyone. The NASCAR Cup Series race at Hamlin. Bowman and Elliott represent
2. Denny Hamlin .............................. 4,122
Texas Motor Speedway was a weird, Chevrolet’s interests in the playoffs.
Godwin’s picks for Martinsville 3. Brad Keselowski ......................... 4,120
strange and time-agonizing event, Second gear: Silly Season is about
4. Alex Bowman .............................. 4,095
Winner: Martin Truex Jr. starting Sunday afternoon and ending over, or is it? Erik Jones finally landed
5. Chase Elliott ................................ 4,095
Rest of top 5: Denny Hamlin, Brad Wednesday night because of varying a 2021 seat when he signed with Rich-
6. Joey Logano* .............................. 4,094
Keselowski, Chase Elliott, Kyle Busch degrees of precipitation. ard Petty Motorsports to replace Bub-
7. Martin Truex Jr. .......................... 4,084
First one out: Joey Logano When the checkered flag was mer- ba Wallace, who will drive for a new
8. Kurt Busch ................................... 4,039
Dark horse: Jimmie Johnson cifully displayed, NASCAR had anoth- team. Xfinity Series star Chase Briscoe
er first-time 2020 winner. Kyle Busch is moving up to replace retiring Clint * Clinched Championship 4 berth win
Don’t be surprised if: Truex? Three in a
kept his season-to-season winning Bowyer in the No.14 Stewart-Haas victory at Kansas Speedway
row at Martinsville? What the heck.
streak alive by using every molecule of Ford. During the Texas rain delay, Kyle Playoff race results
Willis’ Top 10 NASCAR drivers fuel in his No.18 Toyota. Busch has won Larson was signed by Rick Hendrick to
at least one Cup race each year since drive the No. 5 Chevy. Sept. 6: Darlington (Kevin Harvick)
1. Kevin Harvick: Feet in Martinsville,
2005. After being thrust from the stock Third gear: Did you know that Ja- Sept. 12: Richmond (Brad Keselowski)
head is in Phoenix
car playoffs after Round 2, winning be- mie McMurray holds the qualifying Sept. 19: Bristol (Kevin Harvick)
2. Joey Logano: Also allowed to look
came his primary priority. record at Martinsville Speedway? In Sept. 27: Las Vegas (Kurt Busch)
“We finally got it,” Busch said after 2014, driving for Ganassi Racing, Oct. 4: Talladega (Denny Hamlin)
3. Martin Truex Jr.: Win and in, lose
his 57th career victory. “I was so ner- McMurray was clocked at 99.905 mph Oct. 11: Charlotte Roval (Chase Elliott)
and cruise
vous – I was nervous the whole last over the cramped 0.526-mile track. Oct. 18: Kansas (Joey Logano)
4. Alex Bowman: Look who has a
run. I’ve been in this position so many Dale Earnhardt Jr. won that race, his Oct. 25: Texas (Kyle Busch)
times. The last three laps though, only victory at Martinsville in 35 Nov. 1: Martinsville
5. Denny Hamlin: Bad time for a mini-
that’s like winning the championship starts. Nov. 8: Phoenix
6. Chase Elliott: The Peoples’ Choice – that’s how nervous I was.” Fourth gear: Martinsville Speed- Daytona Motor Mouths
needs a good run For the record, Busch has two titles way tested Daytona Motor Mouths’
and is the defending Cup champion. mental acuity with the name of its Cup Our guys never get eliminated from
7. Brad Keselowski: Won Martinsville
First gear: On to the penultimate Series race this weekend. The Xfinity the playoffs. The Daytona Beach
last spring
Cup race of the season at Martinsville 500 will be the name of Sunday’s race, News-Journal’s Godwin Kelly & Ken
8. Kyle Busch: Whew!
Speedway. Hendrick Motorsports not to be confused with the Xfinity Se- Willis have covered NASCAR for more
9. Ryan Blaney: Too late with recent
teammates Alex Bowman and Chase ries, which stages a race at Martins- than 70 years combined.
good runs
Elliott find themselves 25 points be- ville on Saturday. Almost got us. Al- and
10. Kurt Busch: 2-for-40 at Martins-
hind fourth-place Brad Keselowski most.
ville, needs a 3rd
and 27 behind third-place Denny – Godwin Kelly


passing attack is a focus for defenses, Steelers (6-0) at Ravens (5-1) 49ers (4-3) at Seahawks (5-1)
Patriots (2-4) at Bills (5-2)
and DT DeForest Buckner’s pass-rush-
TV: 1 p.m. ET Sunday, CBS TV: 4:25 p.m. ET Sunday, Fox
TV: 1 p.m. ET Sunday, CBS ing dominance will be a huge factor. line: Ravens by 4 line: Seahawks by 3 line: Bills by 31⁄2 Lions’ keys: Control the pace. With the
Steelers’ keys: Apply pressure on Balti- 49ers’ keys: Riddled by injuries early,
Patriots’ keys: Putting pressure in Buf- Colts strong up the middle on defense,
more’s offense early, physically and the 49ers have been mounting an hon-
falo QB Josh Allen’s face is one way of Detroit is going to want to test the
mentally. Send quick pressure against orable campaign. San Francisco signal-
slowing him up, but opposing second- edges. Lean on rookie RB D’Andre Swift
QB Lamar Jackson to force him into caller Jimmy Garoppolo needs to do a
aries in recent weeks have started to to establish the run game.
quick throws, where he tends to re- little “cooking” of his own.
run more zone coverage, causing him to Who wins? Colts, 24-20
gress. Dropping linebackers back seems Seahawks’ keys: Expectations are high
struggle to move the ball consistently. – Erik Schlitt, Lions Wire
to throw him off. that Jamal Adams can recover from his
Patriots figure to be missing WR Julian
Vikings (1-5) at Packers (5-1) Ravens’ keys: One of the most physical lingering groin injury in time. QB Russell
Edelman (knee).
teams last year needs to remind itself Wilson and Co. have been able to cover
Bills’ keys: Buffalo RB Devin Singletary TV: 1 p.m. ET Sunday, Fox
of that by bullying the Steelers at the for what Seattle’s defense has not, but
has to find success on the ground. line: Packers by 7
line. Defensively, the Ravens need to it’s doubtful the momentum can carry
Stopping Patriots running backs will be Vikings’ keys: Control the ball and win
protect against the big play and put QB throughout the whole season.
of massive importance on defense. the important situational downs and
Ben Roethlisberger on his back. Who wins? Seahawks, 34-28
Who wins? Bills 27-24 the turnover battle. If RB Dalvin Cook
Who wins? Steelers, 20-17 – Liz Mathews, Seahawks Wire
– Nick Wojton, Bills Wire can produce, that will Green Bay QB
– Matthew Stevens, Ravens Wire
Aaron Rodgers on the sideline. Cowboys (2-5) at Eagles (2-4-1)
Titans (5-1) at Bengals (1-5-1)
Packers’ keys: Contain Cook, keep QB Chargers (2-4) at Broncos (2-4)
TV: 8:20 p.m. ET Sunday, NBC
TV: 1 p.m. ET Sunday, CBS Kirk Cousins under pressure. On of-
TV: 4:05 p.m. ET Sunday, CBS line: Eagles by 9 line: Titans by 5 fense, if Rodgers is protected, the Pack- line: Chargers by 3 Cowboys’ keys: If QB Andy Dalton (con-
Titans’ keys: Tennessee won its first ers will like the matchups.
Broncos’ keys: Denver QB Drew Lock cussion) can’t go, rookie Ben DiNucci
five games by leaning on a heavy dose Who wins? Packers 30-20
won his first career start against the will make his first NFL start. Dallas will
of RB Derrick Henry. – Zach Kruse, Packers Wire
Chargers last season, but a lot has need to lean on the running game,
Bengals’ keys: Find ways to stretch the
Jets (0-7) at Chiefs (6-1) changed for both teams. With WR Cour- feeding Ezekiel Elliott and Tony Pollard,
field with QB Joe Burrow, especially
tland Sutton, who had two TD passes, while taking shots downfield to WRs
against a team that put up 31 or more TV: 1 p.m. ET Sunday, CBS
sidelined for the season (knee), Tim Amari Cooper and Michael Gallop.
points in four of the first five games. line: Chiefs by 19 1⁄2
Patrick and Jerry Jeudy have stepped Eagles’ keys: With the Cowboys just as
Who wins? Titans 30-20 Chiefs’ keys: It’s easy to forget about
up. OLBs Bradley Chubb and Malik Reed banged up as Philadelphia, the Eagles
– Chris Roling, Bengals Wire the running game when you have Pat-
need to generate pressure to rattle Los will need to establish a physical running
rick Mahomes and a bevy of receiving
Raiders (3-3) at Browns (5-2) Angeles rookie QB Justin Herbert. game led by Miles Sanders, who should
weapons around. This team is at its
Chargers’ keys: Denver has contained return (knee), and Boston Scott.
TV: 1 p.m. ET Sunday, Fox best this season when it is balanced.
most of the running backs it’s faced, so Who wins? Eagles, 31-10 line: Browns by 3 Jets’ keys: Head coach Adam Gase
Herbert needs to move the ball through – Glenn Erby, Eagles Wire
Raiders’ keys: The offense needs to finally gave up play-calling duties in
the air with WR Keenan Allen and TE
click early against a pass defense that Week 7 to offensive coordinator Dowell Bucs (5-2) at Giants (1-6)
Hunter Henry featured on offense.
relies heavily on sacks and takeaways. Loggains, and the offense found some
Who wins? Broncos, 28-20 TV: 8:15 p.m. ET Monday, ESPN
QB Derek Carr has been incredibly ac- immediate success.
– Jon Heath, Broncos Wire line: NL
curate and should find big TE Darren Who wins? Chiefs, 40-7
Giants’ keys: Defensive coordinator
Waller and nifty slot WR Hunter Renfrow – Charles Goldman, Chiefs Wire Saints (4-2) at Bears (5-2)
Patrick Graham must devise a game
over the middle of the field.
Rams (5-2) at Dolphins (3-3) TV: 4:25 p.m. ET Sunday, Fox plan that results in relentless pressure
Browns’ keys: Cleveland’s hit-and-miss line: Saints by 4 on Bucs QB Tom Brady. New York must
passing game needs to exploit a Raid- TV: 1 p.m. ET Sunday, Fox
Saints’ keys: Versatile playmaker RB find some combination along its O-line
ers pass defense that is prone to giving line: Rams by 3 1⁄2
Alvin Kamara can break off big plays. An to keep QB Daniel Jones upright.
up big plays. This would be a good Rams’ keys: Prevent Miami’s aggressive
area of weakness on Chicago’s defense Buccaneers’ keys: With a heavy focus
game for rookie return man Donovan defense from teeing off on QB Jared
has been the play against the run. The on pressuring Brady, it will provide
Peoples-Jones to flip the field position. Goff on third downs. On defense, blitz
New Orleans defense needs to bring Tampa Bay an opportunity to ride RB
Who wins? Browns 33-28 to create confusion in the protections
the pressure on QB Nick Foles. Ronald Jones. If a ground game can be
– Jeff Risdon, Browns Wire and create mental errors.
Bears’ keys: Bring the pressure on established, it will pull S Jabrill Peppers
Dolphins’ keys: The quarterback
Colts (4-2) at Lions (3-3) Saints QB Drew Brees, something OLBs into the box, leaving WRs Mike Evans
change from Ryan Fitzpatrick to rookie
Khalil Mack and Robert Quinn and DT and Antonio Brown in one-on-ones.
TV: 1 p.m. ET Sunday, CBS Tua Tagovailoa is going to provide a
Akiem Hicks do well. On offense, the Who wins? Buccaneers, 31-17 line: Colts by 2 1⁄2 chance to implement more run-pass
Bears need to establish a rhythm. –Dan Benton, Giants Wire
Colts’ keys: Coming off their bye, the option concepts into the game plan.
Who wins? Saints, 24-20 Byes: Arizona, Houston, Jacksonville,
Colts are hoping for the return of sever- Who wins? Dolphins, 30-27
– Alyssa Barbieri, Bears Wire Washington
al injured players. Stopping the Lions’ – Kyle Crabbs, Dolphins Wire

Nicklaus’ support of Trump

disappointing but not surprising
ic figure (or second-most iconic to Ti-
ger Woods, take your pick) endorsed a
Christine Brennan president who has consistently and
Columnist reprehensibly denigrated women and
USA TODAY people of color, who has been accused
of sexually assaulting or sexually ha-
rassing at least 26 women, who has
At first blush, Jack Nicklaus’ full- waged war on Black athletes who
throated Twitter endorsement of Don- speak out about injustice and who has Padraig Harrington shot 4-under 67
ald Trump Wednesday night was not called white nationalists “very fine Thursday in the Bermuda Champion-
the least bit surprising. The headlines people,” among many other awful ship. GREGORY SHAMUS/GETTY IMAGES
write themselves: Golf course developer comments.
endorses another golf course developer. Why would Nicklaus take such a
Rich old white man from a rich old white
guy sport endorses another rich old
stance about such a man? He did allow
women to join his Muirfield Village Harrington
starts early
white man from the sport. Jack Nicklaus and Donald Trump at the Golf Club in Ohio, but he, like almost
The reaction wasn’t surprising either. unveiling of the Jack Nicklaus Villa at every top male golfer for generations,
While plenty of Twitter accounts sup- Trump National Doral on Feb. 20, 2015. has lived life in a bubble so different
ported Nicklaus’ fawning treatise on
Trump, many others did not. There was
outrage. There was anger. And, worst of
MANNY HERNANDEZ/GETTY IMAGES from the world around it.
In July 1994, while touring one of his
golf courses near Vancouver, Nicklaus
in search of
all for Nicklaus, there was genuine
shock that a beloved role model could
“(Trump) has been more diverse than
any President I have seen and has tried
was asked by a Vancouver Province re-
porter about the lack of Black people in 22nd victory
let down so many who had rooted for to help people from all walks of life – golf. Nicklaus, then 54, responded by
him for decades. equally.” saying, “Blacks have different muscles Steve DiMeglio
To see the replies, not from trolls and One could write a half dozen columns that react in different ways,” according Golfweek | USA TODAY Network
bots, but from real people expressing refuting that sentence alone, but let’s to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on
their dismay that Nicklaus would be try to figure out why Nicklaus would say Aug. 21, 1994. Nicklaus also said he For the first time in a career span-
such an over-the-top Trump supporter, such a thing. The best way to put it prob- didn’t “buy” that he and other players ning a quarter of a century, three-time
leads one to wonder if Nicklaus perhaps ably is this: He’s a white male golfer who could have taken stronger action in major champion Padraig Harrington
never heard the words of Michael Jor- was born in 1940. He has lived his entire helping end discrimination in golf, the was in the group for the first tee time of
dan, who famously explained why he life in a sport that spent decades trying Sun-Sentinel reported. the day.
stayed out of politics by saying, “Repub- to keep women and Black people and At the time, Nicklaus did not deny “It was nice,” the Irishman said of
licans buy sneakers, too.” other minorities out of the game, to its the comments but said they were tak- his 6:45 a.m. ET tee time in the first
Don’t Democrats play golf, too? And great detriment. en out of context. When asked Thurs- round of the Bermuda Championship
never-Trump Republicans? And inde- Golf ’s leaders are admirably scram- day about Nicklaus’ 1994 remarks, at Port Royal Golf Club in Southamp-
pendents? And women and girls? bling to find new participants and new Scott Tolley, his manager and execu- ton, Bermuda. “I have no problem get-
Nicklaus is known in golf as its great- consumers in a race against time with tive vice president of the Nicklaus ting up and get going. If this was 10
est player, a wonderful ambassador and their aging white male demographics. family office, declined to comment and years ago, I would probably be getting
perhaps its savviest businessperson. So That’s why Augusta National Golf Club said Nicklaus was unavailable. up three and a half hours before my tee
for him to let his adoration for the con- – the home of the Masters, whose mem- The great Jack Nicklaus should find time. I would being doing all the physio
troversial and unpopular Trump flow bership discriminated against women some time to make himself available and training and all sorts of stuff. Now
from one hefty paragraph to the next is a until 2012 – started a skills competition for comment sooner rather than later. at my age I just get up and I do a few
news item worthy of scrutiny just a few for boys and girls in 2013 and a women’s He has endorsed a racist, sexist man to stretches and I’m off.”
days before the completion of the 2020 amateur tournament last year. be re-elected president of the United The 49-year-old got going in a hurry
presidential election. Those worthwhile efforts took a hit States. His sport, and his country, de- with five birdies in his first 10 holes and
“In my opinion,” Nicklaus said, Wednesday when the game’s most icon- serve to be able to ask him why. finished with a 4-under-par 67 that
placed him on the first page of the lea-
derboard among early finishers. He
was four shots behind leader Peter
It was one of the better postings of

More surprises possible in Week 9 late for Harrington, who hasn’t won on
the PGA Tour since the 2015 Honda
Classic and on the European Tour
since the 2016 Portugal Masters. While
Eddie Timanus the winner of 21 titles worldwide was
USA TODAY once ranked as high as No. 3 in the
world, he has fallen to No. 329 but be-
Halloween week usually provides lieves another title on either tour is on
some treats for college football fans. The the horizon.
lineup this year isn’t bad, but the bigger “I came back out of lockdown and
games appear to be still to come. I’ve been hitting the ball off the tee the
Having said that, of course, there is best I’ve ever hit it and I’ve been put-
always the possibility of this wild and ting well,” Harrington said. “My irons
wacky sport delivering a few tricks. and my wedges haven’t been good and
Here are the five games with the most again my wedges were poor today. So
potential impact on the College Football I’m in a nice place. I don’t feel in any
Playoff hunt. shape or form that I outplayed myself
today. So we’ll see how the rest of the
No. 3 Ohio State week is.”
at No. 17 Penn State This is Harrington’s first start on the
PGA Tour since he missed the cut in
Saturday, 7:30 p.m. ET, ABC Coach Mike Gundy and quarterback Spencer Sanders stand for Oklahoma the Arnold Palmer Invitational in
The lone clash of ranked teams on State’s alma mater after the win last week. SARAH PHIPPS/USA TODAY SPORTS March. It was his ninth consecutive
this week’s slate isn’t the top-10 show- missed cut on the PGA Tour. But in four
down most anticipated, but it remains a starts on the European Tour before go-
key contest in the Big Ten East. The Nit- vec has 12 TD passes, but with only spo- last seen using its vastly improved de- ing to Bermuda, he missed one cut,
tany Lions are already in a hole after last radic ground support he needs time to fense, anchored by LB Grant Morgan, tied for 40th in the BMW PGA Champi-
week’s stunning setback at Indiana. operate. DE Myles Murphy and the Ti- to shut down the Mississippi team that onship, tied for ninth in the Scottish
That is of little import to the Buckeyes, gers’ front won’t allow him much. put up 48 points against the Crimson Open and tied for 14th in the Scottish
whose bigger goals are well in reach. Tide. Aggies QB Kellen Mond has been Championship.
Ohio State QB Justin Fields didn’t Texas at No. 6 Oklahoma State making better use of his weapons of He’ll keep tinkering with his swing
disappoint in his 2020 debut against late, and he’ll need to be efficient. QB like he always has, keep working long
Nebraska, throwing just one incomple- Saturday, 4 p.m. ET, Fox Feleipe Franks has increased the com- hours like he always has. So, no, Har-
tion while accounting for three touch- The Cowboys passed a major test by petency of the Razorbacks’ offense as rington, who turns 50 next August,
downs. Penn State DE Shaka Toney will staving off Iowa State to keep their rec- well, though he can still be prone to the does not have any PGA Tour Champi-
try to get him out of rhythm, but the PSU ord unblemished. They don’t get much kinds of mistakes that plagued him at ons’ events circled on his calendar,
defense must also keep RBs Master of a break against the Longhorns, who times when he was at Florida. Aggies though the senior circuit intrigues
Teague III and Trey Sermon in check. can be formidable despite two losses. DE DeMarvin Leal will look to force a him.
Nittany Lions QB Sean Clifford was Oklahoma State QB Spencer Sanders few more miscues from him. “Possibly even before the PGA Tour
quite productive by land and air, but he had a solid return from an ankle injury, scores, I look at the Champions Tour
and his teammates made just enough running for a score in addition to a TD Memphis at No. 7 Cincinnati scores,” he said. “I don’t know what
mistakes to allow the Hoosiers to stick throw. The Texas defense he’ll be facing, that tells you. I would play wherever I
around to make the overtime upset pos- featuring LBs Joseph Ossai and Juwan Saturday, noon ET, ESPN think I could win and that’s it. So if I
sible. He’ll need TE Pat Freiermuth to Mitchell, has taken its lumps but is com- Last season, it was Memphis that don’t think I can win out here, I won’t
help occupy Pete Werner and the rest of ing off its best performance of the Big 12 won the American Athletic Conference play here. I’m not here to turn up, I’m
Ohio State’s active LB corps. campaign, keeping Baylor in neutral for title and played in a major bowl. The here to try and win, and wherever I’m
three quarters while building a comfort- Bearcats are hoping to be that team playing, in my head I think I can win.”
Boston College at No. 1 Clemson able lead. Longhorns QB Sam Ehlinger this year. With a few breaks, that Harrington, who is playing the
had a solid outing, but he could use might also mean a playoff spot. But Houston Open next week, might not
Saturday, noon ET, ABC more ground support. LB Malcolm Rod- Cincinnati must avoid thinking too far join the Champions Tour next year but
As dominant as the Tigers have been riguez will lead the Cowboys’ efforts to ahead. The Tigers, after all, still have 2021 is definitely going to be different.
in the Atlantic Coast Conference of late, see that he doesn’t get it. designs on another AAC crown with Harrington is the Ryder Cup captain
they seem to have at least one game just one league loss to date. for Europe, so those duties will come
each season in which they struggle to Arkansas at No. 8 Texas A&M It may be time to recognize Cincin- calling.
put away an overmatched opponent. nati QB Desmond Ridder as a true star “Right now it’s very quiet with Ry-
Clemson might have gotten that game Saturday, 7:30 p.m. ET, SEC in the league after his 91-yard run der Cup duties,” he said. “It’s kind of all
out of its system last week against Syra- Arkansas might just be the toughest helped put away unbeaten SMU. He about me now at the moment. Come
cuse. But if the Tigers are peeking ahead remaining opponent on the Aggies’ makes good use of RB Gerrid Doaks, first of January and the points start up
to next week’s showdown with Notre schedule, and Alabama’s as well. That which could help neutralize DE again, obviously there will be a bit
Dame, BC could be troublesome. sentence would have seemed nonsensi- O’Bryan Goodson, the Tigers’ best more detail.
Clemson QB Trevor Lawrence over- cal at this time last year, but the Razor- playmaker in opposing backfields. “How do I balance it? Basically I’m
came the first pick-six of his career to backs have been the Southeastern Con- Memphis QB Brady White is a more older and I know I can’t do as much, so
stifle the Orange, with the help of RB ference’s most surprising team. A&M, prolific passer who can easily keep that’s it. I just have to take it a little bit
Travis Etienne and a score by his de- which has a huge win against Florida pace if a track meet develops. His pri- easier and not, you know, do my old
fense. He’ll undoubtedly be motivated and might still harbor playoff hopes, mary weapons are WR Calvin Austin schedule. I’ll be busy with the Ryder
to turn in a cleaner performance, poten- must be ready. and TE Sean Dykes, who will keep LB Cup.”
tially bad news for CB Josh DeBerry and Both teams should be rested after Jarell White and the Bearcats’ back Until then, he’ll keep going and try-
the Eagles’ secondary. BC QB Phil Jurko- scheduled bye weeks. Arkansas was seven busy. ing to win No. 22.
Real-time updates
from across America
For breaking election news, visit

of guns,
set afire
Voter suppression fuels
violence and falsehoods
Nicquel Terry Ellis

For many Americans, the stakes are

high in the 2020 election.
The coronavirus pandemic and ra-
cial tensions have divided the nation
and galvanized millions of people to
cast their votes weeks before the Tues-
day election.
But the historic turnout has been
challenged by a wide range of tactics to
suppress voters, particularly voters in
communities of color.
Voters have faced hourslong lines,
People walk out of a vote center located at Compton College on the first weekend of early in-person voting Sunday in intimidation and rejection at the polls,
Compton, California. MARIO TAMA/GETTY IMAGES and received false information that
sought to discourage them from vot-

Millions of older people Here is a roundup of some of the

most striking examples of voter sup-
pression during the election season:

voting for the first time

2.1M people over 40 have
voted for first time, so far
Grace Hauck and Ryan W. Miller

At age 99, Barbara Duvall survived Voters say armed guards stood near
COVID-19, pneumonia and five days in an early voting site in St. Petersburg,
the hospital. Fla., on Oct. 21. TREVOR MALLORY
Last week, the Indiana resident vot-
ed for the first time.
“I guess I didn’t have time before be- Armed people show up to polls
cause of my kids, my husband and our
family. I stayed with In St. Petersburg, Florida, two peo-
them,” said Duvall, who ple dressed as armed security guards
raised three children were reported outside an early voting
with her husband of 63 site on Oct. 21.
years. “I decided this The man and woman told police
time that I wanted the they were hired by President Donald
right man in there.” Trump’s campaign, according to local
Duvall With five days until For some, such as newly naturalized citizens, this is their first election. But media reports. Trump’s campaign,
Election Day, more than others are newly motivated by today’s pressing issues. COLLEEN MCGRATH VIA AP however, told WFLA that it did not em-
80 million people had already voted ploy the two people.
Wednesday – more than half of the total Trevor Mallory, a Democratic can-
votes counted in the 2016 general elec- Verify your voter even though they did not cast a ballot. didate for Pinellas County property
tion, according to Michael McDonald, a This year, they’re seizing the appraiser, said he was campaigning
professor at the University of Florida registration chance. near the voting site when he noticed
who runs the U.S. Elections Project. Don’t wait until the last minute to make Amid the coronavirus pandemic, an the armed people standing near a
“The numbers are stunning,” Mc- sure your able to vote on Election Day economic recession and nationwide Trump campaign tent.
Donald said in an update on his website and go to the right polling place. protest movement, voters say that Mallory said it made him uncom-
this week. “The pace of some states’ stakes are high and that hot-button fortable and called it “voter intimida-
early voting is such that with almost USA TODAY offers an easy way to check policy issues are driving them to the tion.” He said he was thankful that vot-
certainty states will begin surpassing your registration, along with other polls. Some are motivated by Presi- ers, including those with children, did
their total 2016 total vote this week.” helpful links, explanations of key issues dent Donald Trump’s impeachment, not allow the presence of armed peo-
Turnout among younger voters ac- and where the major candidates stand. his handling of the coronavirus pan- ple to stop them from walking into the
counts for much of the surge this elec- Go to for more demic and the conservative lean of Su- building to vote.
tion cycle. But older voters are turning preme Court. Others have fears about “To me, that’s a little alarming, it’s a
out, too. Of the nearly 5.5 million first- the future of law and order in the U.S. little unsettling,” Mallory told USA TO-
time voters who have cast their ballots, ers had cast ballots, including 1.9 million But many said it’s simply much eas- DAY. “No one should have to encounter
more than 2.1 million are voters over 40, people over 40. ier to vote this year: States have ex- an armed guard that is not with the
according to data from TargetSmart, a Some of those voters – such as newly panded early and mail-in voting op- sheriff ’s department or an official po-
Democratic political data firm. naturalized citizens – have never had tions, and voting is all people are talk- lice department employee.”
It’s likely that 2020 will see an in- the opportunity to vote before. But ing about. According to WFLA, law enforce-
crease in first-time voters. At this time many, like Duvall, have been eligible to
in 2016, about 3.8 million first-time vot- vote in previous presidential elections See NEW VOTERS, Page 2D See SUPPRESSION, Page 2D

Poll worker v. poll watcher: Election terms to know

Joel Shannon have commonly understood meanings ated claims that “millions and millions”
USA TODAY across the nation that can help you un- of fraudulent votes cast in the 2016 elec-
derstand election news, become a bet- tion had cost him the popular vote, a
Voting in the United States is widely ter-informed voter and make sure your task force studying the issue disbanded
billed as a patriotic duty, but it can be a vote counts on Election Day. seven months after its first meeting
confusing one, filled with unfamiliar with no report substantiating fraud.
rules and terms. Election fraud
That’s in part because of a patchwork Elector
of election laws set by state and local Election-related fraud can be com-
leaders. How ballots look, how votes are mitted by voters, elections officials, The president is picked by 538 mem-
counted, how vote-by-mail is adminis- campaign officials or others, according bers of the Electoral College, called elec-
tered and many other parts of the elec- to the FBI. Campaign-finance violations tors.
tion process are not determined by the are also a type of federal election of- Under the Constitution, each state
federal government fense. appoints electors to cast the electoral
“It is an archaic system that has cre- A voter commits fraud when the per- ballots, which officially elects the presi-
ated confusion and even crisis in the son lies on voter registration, votes dent. It takes 270 or more electoral votes
past and will, no doubt, continue to do when not eligible, votes multiple times to win a presidential election.
so in the future,” Larry Bartels, a politi- or votes under someone else’s name. The Electoral College is widely
cal scientist at Vanderbilt University, How often fraud occurs has become a known as a “winner take all” system, be-
said in an emailed statement. charged political topic. While President Election Day is Tuesday. MATT SLOCUM/AP
Even so, many election-related terms Donald Trump has made unsubstanti- See TERMS, Page 2D


Terms Suppression ing them they had until Nov. 10 to vote

due to COVID-19 concerns, said Shan-
non Rochon, a local community orga-
Continued from Page 1D Continued from Page 1D nizer. Some of the mailers included a
non-working Google phone number for
cause the winner of the popular vote in ment officials said the two people were voters to call for more information, he
each state gets all of the state’s elector- licensed security guards employed by said.
al votes. The exceptions are Maine and a Florida security company and they To combat voter suppression, Ro-
Nebraska, which award electoral votes were not violating any laws. chon said he has been leading marches
more proportionally. Elsewhere, a Michigan judge on with groups of voters to drop their ab-
The Electoral College played a major Tuesday struck down Secretary of sentee ballots off at drop boxes. Rochon,
role in Trump’s 2016 victory. The prac- State Jocelyn Benson’s directive that who also voted by mail, said the voters
tice traces its history to 1787 and was banned the open carry of firearms at An official mail-in ballot drop box is feel more confident that their vote will
intended as a compromise between a polling places on Election Day. posted outside of a library ahead on count when they complete the process
direct popular vote and Congress pick- Gun rights activists had filed a law- Oct. 5 in Los Angeles. One of these with a community leader and their
ing the president. States are allocated suit claiming Benson’s order made “an boxes was set on fire in an incident neighbors.
electors based on how many repre- unsupported correlation between officials are investigating as arson. “(Voter suppression) does concern
sentatives it has in the House, plus its mere possession of a firearm and voter MARIO TAMA/GETTY IMAGES me but one thing about the people of
two senators. intimidation.” Detroit and people of color that I’ve
Benson said she planned to appeal come across... it almost ignites a new
Poll worker the judge’s ruling. received backlash from conservative fire to make sure that their vote is count-
neighbors in his Nextdoor group who ed,” Rochon said. “The suppression is
Poll workers check in voters, fix vot- Voters in Black Lives Matters said he shouldn’t have been allowed to somewhat backfiring.”
ing machines, answer voters’ ques- shirts rejected at polls vote.
tions, count mail-in votes and do other “I don’t take it (Black lives matter) as Ballot drop boxes set on fire
election-related tasks, according to Some polling places are attempting a political issue,” Arias said. “It’s a hu-
Power the Polls, a poll worker recruit- to reject voters wearing Black Lives man rights issue; it’s a human equality Drop boxes set up across counties to
ment group that has worked to combat Matter shirts. issue. It just goes to show that there is a make it easier for voters to submit their
a shortage of poll workers fueled in A poll worker in Memphis, Tennes- systemic problem in this country that mail-in ballots have also been a source
part by health concerns amid the CO- see, was fired last week for turning just stating that Black lives matter gets of voter suppression in 2020, voting
VID-19 pandemic. voters away who were wearing masks people in a tizzy.” rights activists and officials say.
Laws governing poll workers vary and T-shirts that read “Black Lives Both California and Boston have seen
by state, as detailed the 200-page U.S. Matter.” False robocalls and mailers go out ballot drop boxes set on fire this month
Election Assistance Commission In Cummings, Georgia, Zack Arias to voters destroying dozens of ballots.
guide. It’s generally a nonpartisan ac- recorded a video of a poll worker tell- The first incident was in Baldwin
tivity, and some states have laws to ing him he would have to take off his Earlier this month, two conservative Park – a majority-Latino Los Angeles
make sure there’s a balance of Demo- Black Lives Matter shirt to vote. operatives were charged with making suburb – where someone on Oct. 18 set
crats and Republicans working in the Moments later, a polling place man- false robocalls to residents in majority- fire to a ballot box containing about 100
polls, Power the Polls says. Poll work- ager intervened and said Arias could Black Detroit saying that if they voted ballots.
ers are often required to be registered vote because Black Lives Matter is “not by mail, they could face debt collection Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda
voters. on the ballot.” and forced vaccination. Solis called the incident arson and said
Electioneering, political campaign- Officials say residents in New York, it “has all the signs of an attempt to dis-
Poll watcher ing and wearing political apparel is Ohio, Illinois and Pennsylvania received enfranchise voters.”
prohibited at polling places across the similar calls. The FBI is also investigating a ballot
Poll watchers are partisan or non- country. “Black lives matter,” the state- The two men, identified as Jacob drop box fire in Boston that election offi-
partisan observers who are usually ment, is often confused with the politi- Wohl, 22, and Jack Burkman, 54, face cials said was a “deliberate attack.”
trained to monitor polling places and cal movement. felony charges including conspiring to The fire was set around 4 a.m. Oct. 25
look for irregularities. Poll watchers Arias told USA TODAY that he knew intimidate voters in violation of election outside the Boston Public Library
are not allowed to interfere with the the election laws and was shocked law and using a computer to commit downtown. It contained 122 ballots
conduct of the election, but they may when the poll worker tried to suppress crimes. when it was emptied Sunday morning;
challenge the voting process, or in his vote. Some Black voters in Detroit also re- 87 of them were still legible and able to
some cases, an individual’s eligibility Since the incident, Arias said he has ceived literature in the mail falsely tell- be processed.
to vote.
Some form of poll watching is al-
lowed in most states, but rules vary.
Those rules are often aimed at ensur-
ing observers won’t harass or intimi- New voters setts mattered because of the Electoral
date voters. “If your candidate isn’t the one that
Even so, forms of poll watching Continued from Page 1D your state is going to vote for, your vote
have perpetuated racism and been sort of doesn’t count. But I’ve done a 180
used to intimidate voters. There is a “I was never registered or nothing. since then,” he said. “This just seems
long history of whites intimidating Until this time. It makes you feel bet- like a really, really important time.”
and preventing Blacks from voting in ter,” said Duvall, who filled out an ab- Some organizations are also breaking
the South. The Republican Party had sentee ballot at her nursing home for from tradition this year. The New Eng-
been prohibited from employing poll Trump. “I know that he’s the right man land Journal of Medicine published an
monitors until recently because of its – all he’s done for the editorial condemning Trump and his
own history of using them as a strategy people.” Alan Baker, 64, and his brother, Jeffrey administration for their response to the
for intimidation. Duvall said her hus- Baker, 63, both voted for Biden in pandemic and, for the first time in it’s
Generally, the terms poll watchers, band always voted, but 2020. Alan hadn't voted since the 1984 208-year history, called for current lead-
poll monitors and citizen observers are she stayed home with election while Jeffrey never voted ership to be voted out of office.
interchangeable. the children. Rick Du- until the 2020 primaries. Weeks later, USA TODAY’s Editorial
vall, 66, said his mother ALAN BAKER Board endorsed Biden, the first time it
Recount Gilmore has followed Trump on had endorsed a presidential candidate
Fox News every day since its founding in 1982.
A recount is a retabulation of votes since his election. vote. When she was 18, a fight broke out Other groups that hadn’t endorsed a
to verify initial results. “We almost lost her, but she fought between a Democrat and a Republican, candidate backed Trump this year. In
“Especially in local contests, with her way through it,” he said. “And she she said, and it turned her off to voting. New York City, the president of the city’s
lower voter turnout, it is not uncom- couldn’t wait to get her vote in for In 2008, she was prepared to vote for largest police union said his group’s
mon for a handful of votes to deter- Trump.” Barack Obama, but someone directed a support of Trump was the first time he
mine the outcome of the election,” Tennessean Jay Gilmore, 41, has sat racial slur at her in line, causing her to can recall in the organization’s history.
guidance from the U.S. Election Assis- out of elections for 20 years. For him, leave. So when COVID-19 allowed for ex- “That’s how important this is,” Pat-
tance Commission reads. “A recount the importance of voting wasn’t em- panded voting by absentee ballot across rick Lynch, president of the New York
provides an opportunity for an elec- phasized growing up, and he believes the country, Hess knew she could cast City Police Benevolent Association, said
tion official to ensure that all the bal- politicians often only want his vote her vote without having to face similar during an event in August at Trump’s
lots cast are counted accurately and rather than caring about the issues issues. New Jersey golf course.
that the correct candidate or ballot is- that affect his family “I don’t think he’s handled this pan- Jeffrey Baker, 63, said he “can’t stand
sue wins.” and day-to-day life. demic properly,” Hess said of Trump. Trump.” He never voted until the prima-
How close does an election have to “I have always felt Family members have been hospitalized ries in 2020. In 2016, he said, he was cer-
be to trigger a recount? That varies by like my vote doesn’t not with COVID-19, she said, and she has tain Hillary Clinton would win. “I
state. But the commission says that in matter. My voice does approved of the response by her gover- thought they didn’t need my vote.
some cases, a recount is triggered by not count,” Gilmore nor, Democrat Gretchen Whitmer, to the What’s one vote? Boy was I wrong.”
an election within by 0.5 or 1% of the said. virus. His brother, Alan Baker, 64, hadn’t
vote. Hess What changed was Ultimately, she chose Biden. voted since 1984. “I was young, dumb, I
seeing “so much hate Dana Fisher, 39, and his wife drove was more worried about having more
Results coming from our Oval Office,” he said. more than 1,000 miles from South Caro- fun than I was worried about the vote,”
Gilmore voted early and went to a lina to Massachusetts to cast their votes the elder Baker said.
As polls close on election nights, polling location at a church with his for Trump at the polls this year. For Fish- Both served in the Marines, and Jef-
various news organizations will begin wife, who supported him and encour- er, a software engineer and the former frey Baker said he felt apolitical for years
tabulating and verifying voting data aged him to vote. He was on his way director of a nonprofit working with with his military background. “I got in
and publishing results. When the or- out and forgot to get his “I voted” stick- people experiencing homelessness, it my head that voting wasn’t important.”
ganization has a high level of confi- er. His wife told him to run back in. He was his first time voting in 20 years. His “What he’s done to disparage mili-
dence in the result of a race, it will placed the stick on his mask. wife, a nurse who works with COVID-19 tary families and the military in general,
“call” it. “I did feel some sense of ‘This is patients, voted for the first time. She de- forget it,” Alan Baker said of Trump. Jef-
News reports in the hours and days monumental,’” he said. “This might clined to comment. frey Baker was critical of Trump’s rela-
after an election are typically separate shape the way my three children view “I lean right, but I have a lot of social- tionship with foreign leaders like Rus-
from the certified results of a race. Be- voting.” justice-type beliefs. And so I didn’t vote sian President Vladimir Putin.
cause each network or newspaper has Julie Hess is a bondswoman in Itha- for Trump in 2016. I didn’t vote for any- Both men cast their ballots for Biden
its own sources and standards, it is ca, Michigan, who has a child who is one,” Fisher said. “The things President this year absentee, Alan from Florida
common to see results vary between developmentally delayed. At age 59, Trump said he would do, he has done. and Jeffrey from Texas.
different news outlets after the polls she’s casting her first-ever vote be- And he’s certainly done a lot for minor- Celebrities are joining in, too. Former
close. cause it was easier to vote by absentee ities, which is important to me.” NBA star Shaquille O’Neal, 48, said he
The Associated Press says its proc- ballot. Fisher, who is white, referenced pre- had never voted until recently complet-
ess was 99.8% accurate in calling U.S. She had to make the choice between pandemic low unemployment for mi- ing an absentee ballot. He also partici-
races in 2016 and 100% accurate in throwing the “people of my profession norities, Trump’s funding for historical- pated in a virtual rally to support Biden.
calling the presidential and congres- under the bus” and “a bully.” Biden’s ly black colleges and universities and “I don’t have any excuses, but I didn’t
sional races for each state. platform includes ending cash bail, his executive order prioritizing job skills have time,” he told USA TODAY. “There’s
In 2020, it could take days or weeks but Trump in 2015 mocked a reporter over a college degree in government hir- a lot of people speaking out and a lot of
to count all ballots because of the high with a disability. ing. people that are fed up. That is good. ...
volume of mail-in ballots expected Sitting in front of her computer Fisher said he voted for the first time We’re making a lot of noise, and now we
amid the coronavirus pandemic. staring at her absentee ballot, she said in 2000 but became disillusioned with have to urge people to vote and get peo-
Contributing: Josh Peter, Joey Gar- she had an anxiety attack. politics, which took a backseat to his ple in places that understand what
rison, Karl Gelles and Jim Sergent, USA In previous years, she has made it to school and work life. Fisher also said he we’re talking about so laws can be
TODAY; The Associated Press voting sites but never actually cast a didn’t feel as if his vote in Massachu- changed.”


Black voters are courted in Pa.

Presidential race fierce versity in New Jersey. Trump held a ral-
ly this month in Johnstown, a GOP
in battleground state stronghold in Pennsylvania that is 76%
white. Pence also recently visited pre-
Deborah Barfield Berry dominately white counties in the state.
USA TODAY Since Black voters are more likely to
vote for a Democrat, it’s not in Trump’s
WASHINGTON – Jacque’ Sci-fi Scott best interest to try to turn them out,
whipped out her clippers, then spent Harrison said.
four hours one recent Sunday afternoon “He’s going to make most of his ap-
cutting voters’ hair steps from a polling peals to his base constituency in rural
site in Philadelphia. There were fades, areas,’’ she said.
line-ups, partial cuts and even a shave. The Biden campaign, however, is
“Are you voting?’’ Scott asked folks pressed to ensure Black voters turnout
sitting on her black bar stool under a in Pennsylvania, Harrison said. Histori-
tent. “Do you plan to vote?” cally, she said, voting patterns show
Some getting the free cut, offered to Black voters are the most loyal constitu-
promote voting, had already cast their ency for the Democratic Party. Along
ballot. Others were headed to the polling with Obama, Biden has sent out U.S.
site. Sen. Kamala Harris, running to become
“Even if I were to get 10 people to vote, the nation’s first Black female vice
then I know I’ve done my purpose,” said president, and her husband to cam-
Scott, 30, owner of Another Planet Bar- A voter in Philadelphia stops on Oct. 18 to get information at an event hosted by paign in Pennsylvania in recent weeks.
bershop. In the final days leading up to When We All Vote. AMURRI LAUREN “It’s no accident that Barack Obama
Election Day, Scott and other local activ- went to Pennsylvania,” Harrison said.
ists teamed with national nonpartisan And with early voting underway, she
groups like When We All Vote, Black ing Pennsylvania. It targeted voters in said, “we also see organized labor work-
Voters Matter and others to promote Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Farrell, a ing very, very diligently to get all union
get-out-the-vote efforts for Black voters “Even if I were to get 10 small city with a Black population of members out, but in particular union
in the battleground state. about 42%. voters of color.”
Pennsylvania is a top prize for Presi- people to vote, then I know According to the nonpartisan Pew
dent Donald Trump and former Vice I’ve done my purpose.” Research Center, 65% of Black voters in ‘I know that everybody cares’
President Joe Biden, and some activists Pennsylvania live in Philadelphia, 14%
say Black voters could prove crucial to Jacque’ Sci-fi Scott in Pittsburgh and 4% in Harrisburg. Laqueenda Adu and her mother, Kim,
Owner of Another Planet Barbershop
deciding who wins the presidential race Many groups have focused on Phila- went to a polling site near Philadelphia
and earns the state’s 20 electoral votes. delphia, where Black Americans make City Hall Saturday to cast her first-ever
Organizers expect social unrest, the dis- stopping Donald Trump, stopping up 43% of the population. vote for president. Adu, an 18-year-old
proportionate impact of the novel coro- Trumpism.” Voter turnout in Philadelphia was student from Central High School, wait-
navirus pandemic on communities of 68% in 2008 and 64% in 2016, said Mo- ed three hours.
color, and the renewed national focus ‘We’re fighting for our democracy’ rial of the National Urban League. Na- Days before, Adu and others from the
on civil rights for Black Americans will tionwide, Black voter turnout slipped to high school program, ‘’My School Vote,”
spur more Black voters to show up at the Brittany Smalls showed up around 6 59.6% in 2016 after reaching a record- emailed and called their peers remind-
polls than they did in 2016. a.m., last Saturday to set up metal barri- high 66.6% in 2012, according to Pew. At ing them to vote.
“There’s a lot of energy out there,’’ cades for the National Early Vote Day the same time, turnout among non-col- Only 33% of the 18-to-24-year-olds in
said Stephanie Young, chief officer for rally. The Black Voters Matter bus was lege-educated white voters in Pennsyl- Pennsylvania voted in the 2018 mid-
communications and culture for When parked at the Onley Shopping Center – vania increased from 53% to 57%. terms, according to When We All Vote.
We All Vote, a nonprofit civic engage- about three blocks from a polling site in “That swing accounted for the mar- Adu said it’s important for her and
ment group launched in 2018 by Mi- Philadelphia. gin of victory in Pennsylvania,’’ said other young people to vote, especially
chelle Obama, Tom Hanks, Lin-Manuel More than 500 people attended the Morial, who recently visited Philadel- with concerns about COVID-19 dispro-
Miranda and others. “All of the circum- event, which featured local hip-hop art- phia and other locations in the state to portionately killing Black Americans, as
stances that we’ve been faced with this ists, a popular DJ and election officials. help get out the vote. “People know that well as racial tensions in the wake of the
year have really created a more in- There also was a food truck and a voter turnout makes a difference on both police killings of George Floyd and Bre-
formed and more passionate and a more information table. sides of that equation.” onna Taylor.
engaged electorate.” Since 2016, Black Voters Matter has In recent days, Philadelphia has been
To activate those voters, groups are traveled through Black communities in ‘No accident Barack Obama went gripped by protests over the fatal shoot-
hosting socially distant rallies featuring the South urging people to register and to Pennsylvania’ ing by police of Walter Wallace Jr. , a 27-
local artists; conducting phone banks vote. For the first time this year, it ex- year-old Black man. Police said officers
from home; setting up voter information panded its route to include Pennsylva- Trump and Biden, who regularly responded to a report of a person with a
booths at outdoor events; and leading nia. touts his Pennsylvania roots, have weapon.
caravans through Black neighborhoods. Smalls called 2016 a “missed oppor- worked in recent weeks to court Black “I’ve seen the protests and I think a
Trump and Biden both campaigned tunity” for candidates and other groups voters in the state. lot of people really care about these is-
this week in the state. Last week, former to engage Black voters there. She voted Republicans set up Black Voices for sues,” Adu said. “It’s just a matter of do-
President Barack Obama stumped for but knows many who didn’t. She thinks Trump Community Centers in Philadel- ing other things besides protesting. If
Biden in Philadelphia and Vice Presi- that will change this election. phia and Pittsburgh, said Paris Den- you care, you should vote.”
dent Mike Pence for Trump in central “We’re fighting for our democracy,’’ nard, senior communications advisor Organizers point to long lines at poll-
Pennsylvania. Smalls said. “People are looking for for Black media affairs for the Republi- ing sites in Philadelphia as signs of what
Trump narrowly beat Democrat Hil- some justice. There’s a lot of civil unrest can National Committee. could turn into a historic Black voter
lary Clinton in Pennsylvania in 2016, but happening right now. People’s eyes are He said the group has also advertised turnout this election cycle. Black voters
Biden is now leading Trump by 5.4 open and they want true change.” in media targeting Black audiences, could also play a key role in other bat-
points there, according to USA TODAY’s Nonpartisan groups have ramped up canvassed neighborhoods and hosted tleground states, including Florida and
polling average. The state is 76% white their efforts in Pennsylvania in part be- rallies, Zoom events and MAGA meet- Wisconsin, according to the Pew Re-
and 12% Black, and had voted Democrat cause of the close race in 2016, when ups. Philadelphia was among the 15 cit- search Center.
since 1992 before it swung right for Trump won the state 48.2% to 47.5%. ies where the GOP held events for Na- Scott, the barber, is excited about the
Trump. The win was decided by 44,000 votes. tional Black Voter Day and supporters early turnout so far. “I know we’re going
*People realize the importance of the “We knew that we needed to put knocked on doors in west Philadelphia. to stand up and show out,’’ she said.
election and ... that Donald Trump is more effort, more energy into a place “The RNC ground game is serious, She’s hoping those who got a haircut
such a polarizing figure,” said Marc Mo- like Pennsylvania to ensure that those the investments are historic and the re- will be among the millions voting in
rial, president of the National Urban voters there had the resources to make sults will be a victory for President Pennsylvania.
League. their voices heard,’’ said Young, of When Trump,” Denard said. “I wouldn’t want to do free haircuts in
“For many of us, he’s taken the coun- We All Vote. Republicans have focused their ef- vain,” she said. “But that is the only pay-
try in a place that’s very dark, very bad, As part its “Reclaim Your Vote’’ cam- forts on courting mostly white rural vot- ment. That and a smile.”
very regressive, very hateful. There’s a paign, the National Urban League has ers, said Brigid Callahan Harrison, a po- Rebecca Morin contributed to this re-
lot of energy out there, which is about focused on half a dozen states, includ- litical scientist at Montclair State Uni- port.


Workers’ marks do not invalidate ballots

Notes are there to help North Carolina, put notes on ballots if
there is a chance that the voter isn’t eli-
firmed, or the voter went to the wrong
precinct and insisted on voting there in-
enforce election laws gible to vote or isn’t eligible to use the stead of going to the correct precinct
ballot they have in hand. and getting the correct ballot for where
Paul Woolverton North Carolina poll workers write an their home is.
USA TODAY NETWORK identifying number on all mail-in ab- When this happens, the voter is al-
sentee ballots and all early voting bal- lowed to provisionally vote. And a “P” is
As early voting began across the lots, the Board of Election said in its Oct. written on the voter’s ballot.
country, people spread statements on 15 statement. The Board of Elections says on its
social media warning voters to watch to “This number allows the ballot to be In North Carolina, poll workers are website that it will later review their sit-
see whether poll workers write on their retrieved if necessary based on a voter required to make notations on ballots. uation and decide whether the voter
ballots or make any marks on them. challenge, such as if the voter dies be- PHOTO ILLUSTRATION, PAUL WOOLVERTON/USA was eligible and had an appropriate bal-
They claimed this would invalidate their fore Election Day or double votes,” the TODAY NETWORK lot. If so, his ballot would be counted.
ballots and advised people to request a office said.
replacement. There was a notable example of this Our rating: False
One of the statements on Facebook policy in April 2014. elections staff removed the voter’s bal-
claims to show a text message from a That is when the father of a U.S. Sen- lot and it was not counted. We rate the claim that if poll workers
poll worker who said, “Your ballot could ate candidate died shortly after he put Poll workers may make marks on bal- make notations on ballots it could pre-
be DISQUALIFIED if it is WRITTEN ON. his absentee ballot in the mail for the lots cast by in-person voters on Election vent them from being counted as
Please be on the lookout for this type of May primary. Day, the North Carolina elections board FALSE. Poll workers make notes on bal-
behavior FROM THE POLL WORKER.” North Carolina law says voters must said. lots as required to ensure the integrity of
Comments like this were spreading be alive on Election Day to have their Sometimes, the board said in its an- the election. Those notations do not
so much that on Oct. 15, the North Caro- votes counted. nouncement and on its website, there automatically cause your ballot to be re-
lina Board of Elections put out a state- Because the voter was dead on the are questions as to whether a voter is el- jected or disqualified.
ment: “In North Carolina, this is false.” May primary’s Election Day, reported igible to vote. For example, the voter’s Our fact check work is supported in
Poll workers in some places, such as television station WRAL in Raleigh, the registration can’t be immediately con- part by a grant from Facebook.


Electoral College chooses president

Sometimes it’s the tion Teachers Award in 2020. “But most
of us don’t even know who the electors
“When the Constitution was written,
most Americans weren’t educated,
person with fewer votes of our state are unless we’ve done our The Electoral College is the weren’t allowed to vote or weren’t able
research.” to know who was running, and that’s
Josh Peter The state parties appoint electors to system that in 2016 made partly why this system was created: be-
USA TODAY cast the electoral ballots on the Monday Donald Trump president cause they couldn’t necessarily trust the
after the second Wednesday in De- average voter to be informed enough,”
As the 2020 presidential election cember of the presidential election – even though Hillary Clinton said Merrill, the middle school civics
nears, one of the most confusing and about a month after Americans cast teacher from Virginia. “I wouldn’t nec-
controversial parts of the nation’s politi- their ballots.
won the popular vote. essarily say that’s true nowadays.”
cal system is yet again front-and-cen- Slavery also played a role, Chemerin-
ter: the Electoral College. How are the votes divided? Also at issue: The Electoral College sky said. If the Founding Fathers had
It’s the system that, four years ago, incentivizes presidents to campaign in decided the popular vote would deter-
made Donald Trump president even The Electoral College is widely “swing states” – Florida, Michigan and mine the presidency, enslaved people
though Hillary Clinton won the popular known as a “winner take all” system be- Pennsylvania to name a few – far more would have had no impact on the elec-
vote handily. cause the winner of the popular vote in than in big states such as California and tion because they were not allowed to
That’s because the Electoral College, each state gets all of the state’s electoral Texas, where the election outcomes are vote. But the Electoral College allowed
established in Article II, Section 1 of the votes. The exceptions are Maine and more predictable. slaves to be counted as three-fifths of a
U.S. Constitution, determines the win- Nebraska, which award their electoral And California, Texas and other big person in determining how many elec-
ner of the presidential election. votes more proportionally. states are forced to live with the system tors each state got. “So Southern states
But come Election Day, your vote will because there are too many smaller got a benefit in the allocation of elec-
impact what the Electoral College does. How is a winner selected? states that would fight off a constitu- tors,” Chemerinsky said.
Here’s a quick refresher on the subject: tional amendment to abolish the Elec- A little Constitutional reading helps
It takes 270 or more electoral votes to toral College, Chemerinsky said. understand how the Founding Fathers
Why do they call it the Electoral win a presidential election. It would take three-quarters of the settled on the Electoral College, said
College? In 2016, Trump won with 304 elector- states to pass a constitutional amend- Emma Humphries, chief education offi-
al votes. It was the fifth time in Amer- ment. “And you’re not going to get three- cer and deputy director of an iCivics says “elector- ican history that the winner of the presi- quarters of the states to agree (to the program called CivXNow, founded by
al” likely makes sense, as the term is dential election lost the popular vote. amendment),” Chemerinsky said. retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra
clearly related to the election. But what And it was the second time since 2000 – Day O’Connor as a way to make civics
about “college?” Historically, “college” when Al Gore won the popular vote but Can it be trusted? more engaging.
has meant “various groups of people George W. Bush won the Electoral Col- “If you read the Federalist Papers – if
who are associated by a common pur- lege – that a candidate lost the popular Occasionally, rogue electors object- you’re ever having trouble sleeping at
suit or have common interests or du- vote but won the Electoral College. ing to the Electoral College outcome night, I highly recommend them – you
ties.” In this case, those groups of people have cast their ballot for the candidate can start to understand why they did it
are the electors. Why do we keep it? who failed to win the popular vote in that way,” she said. “So much of our sys-
their state but won the overall popular tem is built around compromises, so they
What are its basics? Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the law vote. People were clamoring for electors can get the thing done, so they can get
school at the University of California at to do just that after the 2016 election. enough signatures at the (Constitution-
The Electoral College is made up of Berkley and a constitutional scholar, It didn’t happen then, and now it’s al) Convention and ultimately enough
538 delegates: people who cast the vot- said a key thing to understand about even more unlikely. In July, the Supreme states to ratify it to move it forward.
esthat formally elect the president. The Electoral College is “it proportionately Court restricted the power of these “The strongest argument against the
total number of electors represent the favors smaller states over larger states.” “faithless electors” by ruling the states Electoral College is sort of what we saw
total number of U.S. senators, 100 (two Each state, no matter how big or can require them to support the winner 2016, that you have a candidate who
per state); the total number of state rep- small, gets the same number of electors of the popular vote in those states. In 32 does not receive the popular vote is out-
resentatives, 435; and three more elec- for its two senators. That means Califor- states, rogue electors face fines and the voted by 3 million votes and still claims
tors for the District of Columbia. nia, the most populous state, gets no possibility of being replaced. the White House.
“When we vote for president, we are more electors per senator than Wyo- “On the flip side, if we didn’t have it,
actually voting for the electors of our ming, the least populous state in the Why do we have it? some of those big states on the coast
state to go vote for the president,” said country. Based on population, this would determine the winner and those
Erin Merrill, a middle school teacher in leaves Wyoming and other smaller This is what the Founding Fathers mid-Atlantic states and smaller states
Manassas, Virginia, and one of three re- states with more electors per resident agreed upon at the Constitutional Con- would feel like they’re not represented
cipients for the American Civic Educa- than California and other big states. vention in 1787. by the person in the Oval Office.”

How pandemic has affected voters with disabilities

Elaine S. Povich bunch of ballots from residents at a
Stateline communal facility, so-called ballot har-
vesting, is legal if the collector does not
Penny Shaw, 77, who lives in a long- try to influence how the residents vote.
term care facility in Braintree, Massa- But detractors say residents of nursing
chusetts, usually votes at a polling place homes and assisted living centers are
she can get to easily in her electric ripe for illegal manipulation.
wheelchair. This year, Shaw had to come Nevada Republicans sued to stop the
up with a new plan. change, but their lawsuit was rejected
Braintree officials changed polling by a federal judge who ruled in Septem-
place locations because of the pandem- ber that the dispute was a “policy dis-
ic, and Shaw worried that her severe agreement,” not a legal issue.
muscle weakness from Guillain-Barre Daniel Stewart, an election lawyer in
syndrome would prevent her from get- Las Vegas and former general counsel to
ting to the nearest site. She couldn’t get former Gov. Brian Sandoval, a Republi-
election officials on the phone to con- can, said the new law makes it easier for
firm the new location, and she has trou- all people with disabilities to vote.
ble using a computer. So, she requested Poll worker Sheila Thomas helps voters to submit their ballots from the curbside “I think potentially any new voting
an absentee ballot and took it to a post voting line on Tuesday at Malcolm X Opportunity Center, an early-voting center practice somebody could devise a way
office six blocks away. in Washington. JACQUELYN MARTIN/AP to abuse it, but I’ve seen no evidence
“Better to be safe than sorry,” she that this in any way is going to open the
said. “I don’t want to not vote.” doors to abuse,” Stewart said in a phone
Shaw’s situation is emblematic of the myself to COVID.” tive on Oct. 5 to Medicare/Medicaid cer- interview.
new difficulties the pandemic has cre- Absentee ballots can create chal- tified long-term care facilities affirming According to a study by Kruse and
ated for voters with disabilities – even lenges for some people with disabilities that “a resident’s rights, including the Schur, a projected 38.3 million people
as many of them are benefitting from who need assistance to mark their bal- right to vote, must not be impeded in with disabilities will be eligible to vote in
the relaxation of rules regarding who lots, such as the visually impaired. Most any way by the nursing home and its fa- the November elections, representing
can cast an absentee ballot. in-person polling places provide assis- cility staff.” close to one-sixth of the total electorate.
Many people with disabilities, esti- tants to help visually impaired voters Nina A. Kohn, law professor at Syra- Their study showed that’s an increase of
mated to be one-sixth of voters this read the ballot and make the appropri- cuse University and a distinguished nearly 20% since 2008, compared with
year, encounter barriers when they try ate mark. scholar in elder law at Yale Law School, an increase of 12% among eligible voters
to vote in person. In a 2017 study of poll- The question of helping people vote said in a phone interview that while without disabilities.
ing places used in the 2016 election, the is particularly acute in assisted living laws like the Voting Rights Act and di- People with disabilities are highly
U.S. Government Accountability Office facilities. In past election years, visiting rectives like the one from CMS may out- motivated to vote, Kruse said, in part
found 60% of them had one or more po- relatives or friends could help residents line how voters with disabilities must be because they have a difficult time
tential impediments. The most common fill out ballots. But pandemic-related re- accommodated, there are impediments. engaging in other political activities
were steep ramps outside buildings, a strictions have limited visitors, and in “As a practical matter, how do they such as volunteering at the polls,
lack of signs indicating accessible paths some states, such as North Carolina and obtain that assistance?” she said. “With door-knocking for candidates or con-
and poor parking or path surfaces. Louisiana, state laws prohibit facility COVID, many individuals don’t have ac- tacting voters.
Because of the pandemic, many staff from helping residents vote. cess to family members and friends who In the 2018 midterms, voter turnout
states this year are not requiring a spe- A federal court ruled in August that would provide that assistance.” surged, the professors found, with near-
cific excuse for absentee voting – a relief the North Carolina law put an undue re- Maurice Miller, a 57-year-old stroke ly half of people with disabilities among
for some people with disabilities, said striction on who may help residents survivor who lives at an assisted living the voting eligible population (49.3%)
Doug Kruse, a professor at Rutgers Uni- vote, but it did not issue an injunction to facility in Takoma Park, Maryland, said voting, up from almost 41% in 2014’s
versity and co-director of the school’s stop the state from enforcing the ban. A the staff at his residence took up the midterms. About half of voters with dis-
disability research program. “Anything Louisiana judge granted a temporary in- slack when visitors were not allowed in. abilities lean Democratic and about
that makes it easier to vote is good for junction to allow “no excuse” absentee “They had members of the manage- 42% favor Republicans, according to a
people with disabilities,” he said. voting and specifically singled out peo- ment team collect our ballots and drop 2016 report from the Pew Research Cen-
Kruse, 61, uses a wheelchair because ple who assist those with disabilities as them off at a box,” he said. “And I’ve got ter. (The Pew Charitable Trusts funds
of injuries he suffered when he was hit eligible for mail-in voting themselves, an ‘I Voted’ sticker on my laptop.” the center and Stateline.)
by a drunken driver in 1990. He usually as well as those they assist. But that sort of help has sparked con- “The fact that people with disabilities
likes to vote in person, with his wife, Other states, including Minnesota troversy in Nevada, where President tend to be older and older people are
Rutgers professor Lisa Schur, co-direc- and Tennessee, have eased restrictions Donald Trump and Republicans argue more susceptible to COVID makes this
tor of the disability research program, on voting in long-term care facilities by that a change in state election law that election an issue of health care,” Schur
helping him over a couple of curbs in the allowing staff to be designated as elec- allows nonfamily members to turn in said, which also is likely to boost voting.
way of his usual voting place. But this tion officials to help residents vote. ballots on behalf of other voters could This story was originally published
year, “I’m relieved New Jersey sent me a The federal Centers on Medicare and lead to voter fraud. by Stateline, an initiative of The Pew
ballot. I really don’t want to expose Medicaid Services also issued a direc- Under the new rules, collecting a Charitable Trusts.

News from across the USA

Will Ainsworth said he returned to state’s death toll from COVID-19
work Wednesday after being diag- neared 500 on Thursday, with health
nosed with COVID-19 last week. Ains- officials reporting 11 more deaths.
worth said he completed a quaran-
OHIO Columbus: Employers will
tine after a positive test last Wednes-
receive a record $5 billion in repay-
day for the coronavirus.
ments from the state insurance fund
ALASKA Anchorage: The city is on a for injured workers to help with the
“dangerous path” as coronavirus financial impact of the pandemic,
cases rise, its health director said Gov. Mike DeWine and the fund’s
Wednesday as officials implored peo- administrator said Wednesday.
ple to avoid gatherings and follow
OREGON Salem: With less than a
orders to wear masks in public.
week to go until Election Day, more
ARIZONA Phoenix: State health offi- than 57% of registered voters in the
cials on Thursday reported more than state have already cast their ballots.
1,300 additional known COVID-19 At this point during the past three
cases as seven-day rolling averages presidential elections, fewer than
for new cases, new deaths and test- 44% of Oregonians had returned
ing positivity in the state all rose over David Casey sets up makeshift voting booths Wednesday at ONEOK Field. AP their ballots.
the past two weeks.
PENNSYLVANIA Harrisburg: State
ARKANSAS Little Rock: A tenth state liquor regulators on Wednesday
Oklahoma City: Early in-person voting began Thursday across the state. In Tul-
lawmaker, Rep. Marcus Richmond, waived nearly $28 million in 2021
sa, early voting was taking place at the minor league baseball stadium, ONEOK
tested positive for the coronavirus fees for bars, restaurants, hotels and
Field, to accommodate more voters and allow for better social distancing as the
Wednesday in what has become the other retail licensees that have been
coronavirus continues to surge. Besides president, Oklahoma voters will cast
second-largest outbreak of the virus hit hard by the pandemic and state-
ballots for a U.S. Senate race, five U.S. House seats, corporation commissioner
in a state legislature. imposed restrictions.
and two state questions, along with legislative and county seats and appellate
CALIFORNIA Los Angeles: The city is judges. Even before early in-person voting began, more than 234,000 Oklaho- RHODE ISLAND Providence: The
again considering a proposal to great- mans had already cast ballots by mail, more than twice as many as in 2016. state attorney general’s office on
ly restrict where homeless people Thursday issued a warning to land-
may camp in public places around lords to remind them that evicting a
the city – rules that opponents say tenant without a court order is illegal
would criminalize homelessness. and may result in prosecution.
KANSAS Wichita: A retired fire- MISSOURI Columbia: A federal
COLORADO Denver: The state at- SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia: More
fighter charged with threatening to judge refused to intervene Wednes-
torney general’s office has issued a than 1 million votes have already been
kidnap and kill the mayor because day to keep open a lab that handled
cease-and-desist letter to the co- cast in November’s election in the
he was upset about the city’s mask coronavirus tests for about 2,500
owner of a Fort Morgan mobile home state. The millionth vote – all by ab-
ordinance had been texting an ac- nursing homes in 11 states after the
park who distributed a notice to ten- sentee ballot so far – was recorded
quaintance on the City Council for federal government suspended the
ants saying their rent could double if sometime Wednesday, according to
more than a month before his ar- lab for what it alleged were serious
Democrat Joe Biden wins the presi- data from the South Carolina Election
rest, newly released court records violations that put patients’ health
dential election. Commission.
show in the case against Meredith at risk. U.S. District Judge Douglas
CONNECTICUT Storrs: The Univer- Dowty, who was charged last week Harpool said Gamma Healthcare SOUTH DAKOTA Sioux Falls: The
sity of Connecticut is suspending a with three counts of criminal threat. was in effect asking him to step into state reported a record number of
new free-tuition program for lower- a role that belongs to regulators. daily COVID-19 deaths Thursday,
KENTUCKY Frankfort: Facing its
income students as it struggles to with 19. The number of hospitaliza-
worst coronavirus outbreak since MONTANA Helena: A staff member
raise private funds amid a pandemic. tions also inched up to 413 – the fifth
the pandemic began, the state in Gov. Steve Bullock’s office tested
day in a row it has hit a new high.
DELAWARE Dover: The state attorney surged past 100,000 total COVID-19 positive for the coronavirus, a
general’s office has backed away from cases Wednesday as Gov. Andy spokesperson for the governor said TENNESSEE Nashville: The state is
a suggestion that anyone handing out Beshear bluntly warned that people Wednesday, but Bullock and Lt. Gov. considering independently reviewing
literature at polling places that accu- are putting themselves at risk if Mike Cooney have tested negative. the safety and efficacy of a corona-
rately cites state law on voter fraud they fail to wear masks in public. virus vaccine once it is eventually
NEBRASKA Omaha: A former TV
could be charged with voter intimida- approved by the federal government
LOUISIANA Baton Rouge: The weatherman and spokesman for a
tion and has confirmed that Delawar- before distributing it to the public,
state’s chief elections officer said he former mayor has been sentenced to
eans are not prohibited by state law Health Commissioner Lisa Piercey
is assessing how Hurricane Zeta two years of probation for emailing
from carrying firearms while voting. said Wednesday.
may affect the ability to cast ballots death threats to a local health de-
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washing- Tuesday after the storm caused partment director over her handling TEXAS Austin: The state’s surge in
ton: Capital One Arena, Nationals widespread power and structure of the coronavirus outbreak. Ronald coronavirus cases has raised CO-
Park, and the Wizards Sports and damage. Secretary of State Kyle Penzkowski, 58, was sentenced VID-19 hospitalizations by almost
Entertainment Arena are among D.C. Ardoin said emergency polling sta- Tuesday, the Omaha World-Herald 2,500 since Oct. 1. The 5,650 hospi-
sports venues that have been turned tions will be set up if needed. reports. talizations reported Wednesday were
into voting centers amid efforts to also the most since Aug. 19.
MAINE Portland: Absentee ballots NEVADA Carson City: Businesses
maintain social distancing during the
continue to flood into clerk’s offices, may close, and hospitals may need UTAH Salt Lake City: Republican
pandemic, WUSA-TV reports.
and the processing has started. to adopt “crisis standards” that Burgess Owens is refunding and real-
FLORIDA Tallahassee: Gov. Ron De- Clerks normally cannot begin proc- include care rationing, if the coro- locating illegal campaign donations
Santis couldn’t initially cast his ballot essing absentee ballots until the navirus continues to spread at cur- that went above contribution limits.
this week because someone illegally Friday before Election Day, but an rent rates, state leaders said The former football player challeng-
changed his address online, a compli- executive order by Gov. Janet Mills Wednesday. “I don’t care who says ing U.S. Rep. Ben McAdams collected
cation that resulted in a suspect’s allowed local election officials to it: We are not rounding the corner,” about $135,000 in excess contribu-
arrest on felony charges and raised begin processing them Tuesday. Gov. Steve Sisolak said. tions, the New York Times reports.
questions about the security of the
MARYLAND Annapolis: As health NEW HAMPSHIRE Concord: Penny VERMONT Thetford: Two state law-
state’s online registration system.
officials face skepticism about Dean, an attorney arguing against makers from districts near the New
GEORGIA Rome: The school system rushed COVID-19 vaccines, the state allowing the 400-member state Hampshire border are asking Ver-
sent all its students home to take will conduct outreach efforts to House to hold remote sessions dur- mont officials for flexibility after new
classes virtually for 10 days because promote trust in a vaccine when a ing the coronavirus pandemic, virus rules restrict nonessential trav-
of coronavirus infections and quaran- safe one becomes available, Mary- falsely claimed Thursday that the el between the two states.
tines. The Rome system said Tuesday land’s deputy health secretary said flu usually kills more people than
VIRGINIA Richmond: Southwest
that the district of 6,400 students Wednesday. COVID-19.
Virginia is seeing a sustained, trou-
would switch to all-online instruction
MASSACHUSETTS Boston: The first NEW JERSEY Trenton: The state’s bling increase in cases of COVID-19
Wednesday through Nov. 6.
coronavirus testing site at Logan ballot question on legalizing recre- driven partly by small family gather-
HAWAII Honolulu: Oahu’s short-term International Airport opened ational marijuana has led to more ings, the governor and top health
vacation rental industry can operate Wednesday. The site will be for air- than $2 million in campaign fund- officials said Wednesday, as one area
again after the lifting of coronavirus port and airline employees at first raising, mostly by groups in favor of health system warned that its re-
restrictions that hammered business. but will start testing travelers in cannabis, the state’s Election Law sources were being stretched thin.
The island’s vacation rental occu- mid-November, health and wellness Enforcement Commission said
WASHINGTON Seattle: State health
pancy for September fell to 14.5%, a company XpresSpa Group said. Thursday. The campaign already
officials say a new COVID-19 report
59% decrease from 2019, The Honolu- ranks in the top 10 costliest ballot
MICHIGAN Lansing: The Demo- shows an increase in coronavirus
lu Star-Advertiser reports. questions in state history, according
cratic governor and top state elec- cases and hospitalizations through-
to the commission.
IDAHO Coeur d’Alene: It is legal to tions official on Wednesday de- out Washington. If not brought under
wear T-shirts or buttons supporting fended the integrity of the election NEW MEXICO Santa Fe: As many as control, officials said the spike could
candidates or issues to the polls, as amid continued attacks from Presi- 4 in 5 public school students are jeopardize progress toward reopening
long there is no overt politicking done dent Donald Trump, saying that failing at least one class in some of schools, strain the health care system
by that person, an opinion from the results may take longer in close the state’s school districts, accord- and increase risks during the holiday
Idaho attorney general’s office states. contests because of the surge in ing to data made public Wednesday season.
absentee voting but that every valid by legislative analysts. State law-
ILLINOIS Springfield: Gov. J.B. Pritz- WEST VIRGINIA Huntington: Mar-
ballot would be counted. makers are considering the impact
ker said Wednesday that his admini- shall University plans to continue a
of school closures, educational chal-
stration is collecting and will make MINNESOTA Minneapolis: State combination of in-person, virtual and
lenges posed by remote learning
public the data to justify his CO- health officials warned Wednesday online classes for the spring semester
and learning losses attributed to far
VID-19 restrictions on indoor dining against traditional Halloween fes- due to the coronavirus pandemic.
less in-person schooling because of
after Senate Republicans urged him tivities. Their guidance describes
the pandemic. WISCONSIN Madison: The University
to release the numbers. lower-risk activities as carving
of Wisconsin-Madison will resume
pumpkins and decorating homes, NEW YORK New York: The U.S.
INDIANA Indianapolis: Jonathan enrolling patients for a coronavirus
virtual gatherings, and in-home Justice Department vastly expand-
Weinzapfel, the Democratic candi- vaccine trial next week. Thirty-six
activities with household members ed an inquiry Wednesday that could
date for state attorney general, is people had received the first of two
like watching a movie. determine whether the state is un-
calling on Indiana to legalize marijua- shots before the study at the School
dercounting coronavirus deaths
na, saying doing so would reduce the MISSISSIPPI Jackson: Having of Medicine and Public Health was
among nursing home residents,
state’s prison and jail populations enough poll workers, securing bal- paused in September.
demanding detailed data from hun-
and generate millions of dollars for lots, and ensuring election workers
dreds of private facilities. WYOMING Laramie: Nearly 80 posi-
public education. and voters are safe from COVID-19
tions will be eliminated, the opera-
are challenges local election officials NORTH CAROLINA Durham: Two
IOWA Des Moines: The state’s num- tions budget will be cut, and the ath-
say they have to face for Tuesday’s restaurant owners in the city have
bers of coronavirus cases, deaths and letic department will cut travel costs
election. Officials say they’re using won a lawsuit they filed accusing
hospitalizations continued to surge and reduce salaries as the University
plexiglass barriers, recruiting poll their insurance company of not
higher Wednesday as medical profes- of Wyoming addresses a $42 million
workers online and supplying per- honoring its contract when they had
sionals have begun to express con- budget deficit exacerbated by the
sonal protection equipment at pre- to close their businesses due to the
cern that hospitals could be over- coronavirus pandemic.
cincts, and voters in some counties coronavirus, according to a spokes-
whelmed with patients if no action is From USA TODAY Network and
will be given disposable pens to sign person for a company run by one of
taken to slow the virus’s spread. wire reports
poll books and mark ballots. the owners.


As you prepare to go to the polls Tuesday,
here’s what you need to know to make sure your vote counts

As the Nov. 3 election approaches, the fear and cynicism among American voters is undeniable. More than half of the 1,505
registered voters surveyed in a YouGov poll Oct. 1-2 said they expect to see “an increase in violence as a result of the
election.” Another YouGov poll found that almost half of voters disagree with the idea that the election “is likely to be fair
and honest.” Amidst that uneasy climate, voter knowledge is key. Here are rights voters have at the polls.


U.S. code The law hasn’t always stopped voter intimidation.
Title 18, Part I,
Who you can contact
In 1981, for example, the Republican National Committee
Chapter 29, targeted a tight race for New Jersey governor. The RNC Voters who encounter or witness
Section 594: created the “National Ballot Security Task Force,’’ made intimidation are encouraged to call:
“Whoever intimidates, Election Protection Hotline:
to voting precincts heavily populated by Black and Latino
threatens, coerces, or 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
attempts to intimidate,
threaten, or coerce, any The stated purpose of the so-called task force was to U.S. Department of Justice
other person for the prevent voter fraud. The outcome: discouraging voting rights hotline:
purpose of interfering with Democrats from going to the polls on a day when the 1-800-253-3931
the right of such other Republican and the gubernatorial candidate prevailed by
person to vote or to vote as 1,797 votes out of 2.3 million cast. If threatened by violence:
he may choose….shall be 911
¯‘ˆ‡˜‘‡ˆ•—‹Œ–—Œ—ˆ’• But Julie Ebenstein, a senior staff attorney for the ACLU’s
imprisoned not more than Voting Rights Project, said there’s no recent history of
one year, or both.’’ widespread voter intimidation, which would include
voters being questioned about citizenship, criminal



What’s the rule ª~”’Š™Ž’Š˜•Š”•‘Š˜”œš•†“‰²“‰™ŠŽ—“†’Š˜†—Š“”™

If you show up to the polls on the rolls,’’ said Kristen Clarke, president and executive How to prepare
and your name is not on director of the National Lawyers' Committee for Civil ”™Š!”—Œ¨˜²—˜™Z™Ž’Š›”™Š—ˆŠˆ‘Ž˜™
the list of registered Rights Under Law. “They may have been unlawfully
voters, you may vote with purged. Or removed from rolls. Or there may have been
Make sure you’re registered.
a provisional ballot. The †“Š——”—”“™Š•†—™”‹”‹²ˆŽ†‘˜œ”‹†Ž‘Š‰™”Ž“ˆ‘š‰Š†
ballot should be counted voters’ name on the rolls.’’ n”“²—’ž”š—•”‘‘Ž“Œ˜Ž™Š
š‹ˆ‘’‰¯†Œ„–†’‘¯•œ’˜ It happens. More than you might think. During the 2016 Learn what’s on your ballot.
are a registered voter in presidential election, for example, 2.4 million provisional
that county and you did ballots were cast and 71% were counted either partially Check if you need an ID to vote.
not vote elsewhere. or in full, according to the U.S. Election Assistance


Any voter unable to reach the polling Voters who struggle with English can Twenty states and Washington, D.C., count
site because of physical limitations or bring a family member or friend — ballots that arrive after Nov. 3. Those deadlines:
architectural barriers may request a but not an employer — to help them
ballot “curbside.’’ A polling site worker ¯’˜—„‘‡†„–—„…„’— 1 day
brings a ballot or a voting device to Texas
the voter and, if necessary, assists Ballots are available in a variety of 3
the voter. languages and, according to the U.S. Kansas, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia
Election Assistance Commissioner,
No curbside votes in Alabama federal law requires more than 260
Mississippi, Washington
jurisdictions to provide some type
Alabama challenged curbside voting, of language assistance 6
and on Oct. 21, the U.S. Supreme Court Iowa, West Virginia, Wisconsin
blocked a lower court order allowing
curbside voting in the state. Language assistance 7
Minnesota, New Jersey
There also are toll-free numbers
for assistance in: 10
Complaints, violations Alaska, D.C., Indiana, Maryland, New York, Ohio
Report complaints and possible Spanish: 1-888-839-8682
violations of federal voting rights Arabic: 1-844-925-5287
Illinois, Michigan
laws to the Civil Rights Division’s Bengali, Catonese, Hindu, Urdu,
Voting Section:1-800-253-3931 or 17
Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog and
202-307-2767. California
Vietnamese: 888-274-8683

Your ballot’s status

According to an analysis by the National Vote
RE-VOTE at Home Institute, 47 states and the District of
Columbia now have online portals that allow
voters to track the status of their ballots every
WHAT’S THE RULE step of the way.
If you make a mistake, like voting for the unintended candidate or voting or more than
’‘ˆ“ˆ•–’‘‰’•„–Œ‘Šˆ’‰¯†ˆ„–Ž„“’–—ˆ•‰’•‹ˆ“{ˆ“„†ˆˆ‘—…„’—–„•ˆ„™„Œ„…ˆ No ballot tracking
State portal ballot tracking
Local option ballot tracking
VOTE AFTER THE POLLS CLOSE Statewide ballot tracking with
›”™Š—“”™Ž²ˆ†™Ž”“ ME
If you’re in line when a polling place closes and you still want to vote, stay put.
“It doesn’t matter if that line is stretching for hours or blocks,’’ said Clarke, of the WA ID MT ND MN IL MI NY MA
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. “As long as you’re in line when the
polls close, you have a right to vote.’’ OR NV WY SD IA IN OH PA NJ CT RI





SOURCE The National Vote at Home Institute,

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