A Qualitative Study of The Psychological Impact of Unemployment

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Qualitative Research Critique

A Qualitative Study of the Psychological Impact of Unemployment

on Individuals

 Evaluate and critique in terms of (1) the research topic; and (2) the method used.

1. The research topic

The research topic is very timely since most or all countries have a fair share of
unemployment. This research topic looks at people's experiences with unemployment
from a psychological angle. It outlines the various psychological and financial
repercussions of unemployment as well as the various hypotheses that have been put
out regarding how losing a job affects an individual. It will also look at the crucial
role that works plays in a person's life. Moreover, it will look into how a person
manages their transition and their unemployment. Six semi-structured interviews
were used as the research method for this study, which was conducted using a
qualitative approach.
The research topic will surely outline the correlation or the impact of
unemployment of individuals on many aspects. It is hoped that by identifying the
psychological effects of unemployment and comprehending the problems that people
face, the information gathered will be used to improve and/or develop services that
assist unemployed people in adjusting to job loss and to increase the likelihood that
they will find new employment. Furthermore, seeing that they are not alone in feeling
these emotions and sensations may comfort those who are unemployed, and this study
may serve as a trigger for helping them leave their unemployed state.
I inferred from the study's title that its main goal is to comprehend, from a
psychological standpoint, what it is like to be unemployed and the effects that
unemployment has on a person. The media frequently discusses unemployment and
its rate of growth. Because society and the media frequently highlight the immediate
effects of unemployment on an individual, such as the loss of income and the strain
that high unemployment has on government resources, rather than the psychological
impact, which can be just as important if not more so, I say that the research topic is
very timely.
2. The method used.
Since it is a qualitative study, the research methodology for this study was a
qualitative approach. In order to explain and clarify various observations, the research
process entails carrying out empirical work with the collecting of data that can
support, contradict, or contest hypotheses. The other research methods such as
interviews and Sampling and selection were very appropriate. To conduct this
research study, semi-structured interviews were chosen. They provided more
flexibility, range, and hence the ability to elicit more information from the subject by
allowing the participants to elaborate. Semi-structured interviews provide participants
more freedom to respond to questions on their own terms than a standard interview
does while yet providing a better framework for comparison than a focused session.
However, although conducting interviews is a useful method for gathering detailed
and rich data, it can also be costly and time-consuming. Because each interview is
different and the quality of the responses acquired from various interviews may differ
greatly, the interaction between the interviewer and the participant may differ. I like
the idea of Sampling and selection employed in this study, the principles behind
various sampling techniques differ considerably and are influenced by the objectives
and research questions of the study. Purposive sampling was utilized by the
researcher to select the sample of individuals. This type of sampling is primarily
strategic and requires an effort to create a strong connection between the research
questions and sample. All in all, the method used is suited for this type of study.
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