India Is A Secular Nation

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India is a secular nation. It is clearly stated in the preamble of our Constitution.

When the British

ruled India, people from different cultures, religions and regions came together to oppose them. Today
certain anti-national forces try to disrupt the unity of the country. We should bury our differences and
work untidily. India is a big country. Her civilization is around 5000 years old. She has given birth to
the world’s most important cultures and religions.
She has also accepted different cultures of the world. People of many races have come to India and
settled here. She has absorbed different faiths, cults, beliefs, sects, religions, languages, manners, life
styles, etc. Unity and synthesis are the embodiments’ of Indian culture. India’s fundamental unity
rests upon her peculiar’ type of culture. There is no single character or aspect that can be defined as
It is expressed through language, literature, religion, philosophy, customs, traditions, beliefs, art and
architecture. India has achieved cultural unity by fusion of many cultures. She has assimilated’ the
good qualities from all cultures. Various cultural groups live side by side in India. This has made
Indian society a multi-cultural society. In India people of different religions live together.
Hence she has a multi- religious society. Besides Hinduism, other religions like Christianity, Islam,
Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism have a large following in India. According to 200 I census, Hinduism
is practiced by more than 80.4 per cent of the people, there are 13.4 per cent Muslims, 2.3 per cent
Christians, 1.8 per cent Sikhs. The rest of the people follow Buddhism, Jainism and other religions.

India is a land of different religions and communities. There is great diversity in our manners, habits, tastes and customs.
We speak different languages and yet we are allIndians. "Unity in Diversity" has been the distinctive feature of our culture.
To livepeacefully has been our motto. But unfortunately this peace has been endangered lately.India at present is facing
many problems. The biggest of these is the problem of communalism. In their fight they are destroying their life only. In
fact, it is the biggestthreat to the unity and integrity of the country. It will be very good if this evil is notallowed to grow any
more.The Indian Constitution, though Euro-American in appearance, is native in its spirit. Thisnativity is reflected in
several of its provisions, and the vision of Founding Fathers toestablish a just society through constitutional means. Apart
from briefly tracing the aimsand objectives of the Indian Constitution, this article reviews the working of theprovisions
related to the following aspects: the 'trilogy' of fundamental rights, directiveprinciples of state policy and fundamental
duties; composition, structure, power andinterrelation of the Executive and Legislature; role, structure, reach and
independence of Judiciary, including the evaluation of judicial activism; legislative, administrative andfinancial relations of
Centre and States in normal time as well during emergency; and theamendment of the Constitution.Although far from
perfection, the Indian constitution has succeeded in sustaining andkeeping united the world’s largest and most diversified
democracy rooted inconstitutionalism and rule of law. The Constitution also withstood India's transformationfrom a
socialist economy to market economy. The Supreme Court proactively ensuredthat peoples' rights are protected,
constitutional principles are respected and the deficitsin governance are remedied. Moreover, the constitutional
jurisprudence evolved over fifty-five years has also traveled to other countries. In sum, if in spite of numerousadversities
and challenges the Indian Constitution has worked with a reasonablesuccess (whereas many of its contemporaries have
failed), credit must be given to thevision of Founding Fathers, its provisions and the Indian people

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