1995 Developmental Trends ROCFT

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Neuropsychology Copyright 1995 by the American Psychological Association Inc

1995, Vol. 9, No. 3, 364-377 0894-4105/95/S3.00

Developmental Trends in Visuospatial Analysis and Planning:

I. Copying a Complex Figure
Natacha A. Akshoomoff and Joan Stiles
University of California, San Diego

An existing scoring system was used to assess the accuracy of the children's ability to copy the
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure. The authors also developed additional measures to more
precisely describe the process used by children in copying this figure. The findings suggest that
children between the ages of 6 and 9 break the figure up into simple components but improve in
their ability to integrate the figure with age. Younger children demonstrated a similar pattern of
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

performance when copying the main features of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure in isolation.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

The results of this study suggest that when faced with tasks requiring more advanced types of
spatial analysis, children adopt strategies that proved successful when they were younger. Children
have a variety of spatial analytic strategies available by age 6, but the strategy that they use is a
function of pattern complexity and the capabilities of the child.

The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure was designed more rieth, 1944; Waber & Holmes, 1985). It is equally clear that
than 50 years ago for assessing visuospatial construction, children's reproductions are less complete and less well
planning, and memory in both adults and children (Osterrieth, organized than those of adults. In assessing children's perfor-
1944; Rey, 1941; see Corwin & Bylsma, 1993, for a translation). mance on this figure, we suggest taking into consideration the
There have been several attempts to describe developmental processes that are used in copying spatial patterns in terms of
change in copying the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure, but the what we call spatial analysis. Spatial analysis involves two
complexity of the form has made this a difficult task. Four processes: (a) the identification of the constituent parts of a
published studies have reported that until approximately age 9, spatial pattern and (b) integrating those parts into a coherent
most children use a piecemeal approach (Karapetsas & Kan- whole. Central to this definition is the notion of a visual
tas, 1991; Kirk, 1985; Osterrieth, 1944; Waber & Holmes, pattern as a hierarchically organized structure. Within the
1985). In this approach, details are juxtaposed, one next to the structure, the whole can also be described as comprising the
other without any apparent overall plan, yet the figure is often most global level of the pattern and the parts the more local
globally recognizable. After age 9, productions have been levels. A simpler hierarchy might have just two levels, such as
described as more configurational; that is, most participants local level line segments arranged to form the letter A. The A
start their drawing with the base rectangle or a detail that combined with other letters would form a more complex
adjoins the rectangle and complete the large rectangle before hierarchy (a word), and multiple words would form an even
drawing the rest of the figure. Although these are valid and more complex structure (a sentence). Research within the
useful descriptions of performance in the school-age period, developmental literature has focused on the question of
they present an incomplete picture of children's performance whether children process information in a piecemeal fashion
on the figure in terms of both the range of strategies children and attend only to the parts or whether they attend in a holistic
adopt in copying this complex visual pattern at each age and manner without examining the parts (e.g., Carey & Diamond,
the systematic patterns of developmental change evident 1977; Elkind, 1969; Elkind, Koegler, & Go, 1964; Gibson,
across the age span. 1969; Kemler, 1983; Werner, 1948). There is now considerable
Examination of the existing developmental data from the evidence that even preschool-age children process information
figure suggests that by age 6, children attend to and attempt to analytically (e.g., Odom & Cook, 1984; Tada & Stiles, in press;
reproduce both the elements and the overall configuration of Tada & Stiles-Davis, 1989; Ward, 1987, 1988). That is, they
the pattern (Karapetsas & Kantas, 1991; Kirk, 1985; Oster- identify the constituent parts of a spatial pattern and integrate
those parts to form a coherent whole. Whereas young children
Natacha A. AkshoomofT and Joan Stiles, Department of Psychology, clearly analyze forms, there is systematic change in the
University of California, San Diego. character of that analysis. Young children parse out simpler
This research was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the and more spatially independent parts than older children, and
San Diego McDonnell-Pew Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Na- they combine those parts using simpler sets of relations than
tional Research Service Award 1F32-HD07639, and Grant 1R01- older children (Tada & Stiles, in press; Tada & Stiles-Davis,
HD25077 from the National Institute for Child Health and Child 1989; Vurpillot, 1976). Thus there are systematic changes in
Development. We thank our participants and their parents, and
Gretchen Kambe, Ryan Skrable, and Youngsuk Kim for assistance both the types of parts that are identified and the integration of
with data collection and scoring. those parts with development.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Joan This pattern of change is illustrated in a copying task in
Stiles, Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego, which young children are asked to copy simple geometric
La Jolla, California 92093-0109. forms, such as a plus sign, an X, or an asterisk. In this task


children typically parse out small independent units, and they organized whole. In that sense, it builds on existing findings
use simple combinatorial rules to organize them into the larger from younger children copying simpler patterns in order to
patterns. By the time children reach 6 or 7 years of age, they provide a more complete description of the change in school-
are generally competent in copying these types of simple age children's performance on the Rey-Osterrieth Complex
geometric forms and drawing them in a manner similar to Figure copying task. The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure is
adults. Figure 1 shows an example of this developmental conceptualized here as a more complex instance of the class of
progression. When asked to copy the divided square, 3-year- patterns used in earlier work. Thus, the performance of
olds produce four independent closed forms; later they begin school-age children on the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure is
with the perimeter square but return to the separate squares to assumed to reflect developmental change in children's spatial
depict the internal organization; later they add a central ability, which is characterized by change in both the nature of
partition but still produce the squares. Finally, at about age 6, the identified pattern elements and the relations between
they produce a divided square. those elements. The complexity of the Rey-Osterrieth Com-
In this sequence, developmental change is marked by the plex Figure is predicted to yield a richer array of analytic
increasing integration of the spatial array. That increased strategies than that observed with simpler patterns, yet the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

integration is evident in both the nature of the pattern type and range of strategies observed should mirror those
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

elements and in the relations between those elements. In observed in the earlier developmental period.
addition, the structure and in particular the complexity of the One can look at the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure as a
pattern influences the way in which the child processes the hierarchically organized structure comprised of more global
spatial properties of the form. For example, children who use levels (e.g., the main rectangle) and other more local level
an adult strategy to copy a plus sign may use a developmentally elements (e.g., the single line details). It is clearly a multilevel
earlier strategy when copying an X. That is, they may use two hierarchy, but there is more than one way to specify the
long lines crossing at the midpoint for the plus sign, but four different levels. It is possible that adults and children differ in
short lines radiating from a central point when copying the X. their conceptualization of what elements comprise the more
There is an extensive literature documenting that oblique lines global and the more local levels of the array. For example, an
are more difficult for children to process than lines oriented adult may recognize the rectangle as a major element in the
along a principal orthogonal (e.g., Herman, 1976; Herman & figure with other features embedded on the inside and at-
Golab, 1975; Rudel, 1982). Thus it appears that thesis a more tached to the outside, whereas a child may view the figure as a
difficult pattern for young children to copy than the plus sign collection of small intermediate level structures concatenated
because it requires them to process oblique lines; that in- to form the larger whole. This view may help to explain
creased difficulty affects the way in which the child analyzes the previous studies that have found age-related differences in
form. performance on this task (Kirk, 1985; Osterrieth, 1944; Waber
The method used in the current series of experiments begins & Holmes, 1985).
with the assumption that the analysis of any pattern involves In the first experiment, the process used to copy the
identifying a set of parts and integrating those parts to form an Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure and the accuracy with which it

MODEL Developmental Sequences: Ages 3 - 6 years

/\ \/
>—< ss*

' approximate age forms are typically mastered by 50V. of normal children

Figure 1. Schematic examples of young children's copy performance.


was copied was assessed in children age 6-12 and adults. In the paper. When participants stated that they had completed their copy,
first part of the second experiment, children ages 4-8 were the stimulus and the participants' sheets were taken away. The
asked to copy the main features of the Rey-Osterrieth Com- participant was provided with a blank sheet of paper and was
plex Figure (presented separately) to determine how children immediately asked to draw the figure again from memory. The
of different ages parse and integrate the parts in these more complete results of the immediate memory performance for these
simple forms. The second part of the second experiment same participants are reported in a separate paper (Akshoomoff &
consisted of a within-subjects comparison of fragmentation of Stiles, 1995). Each participant was tested individually, and all sessions
were videotaped.
the main features of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure and
Data reduction. Two trained raters scored 120 of the drawings. A
fragmentation of the main features when they were presented sample of 27 drawings were scored by both raters, with 93% agreement
separately to determine how strategy use changes as a function across all of the BQSS measures (described below). When scoring the
of task demand. drawings for the two additional planning measures we devised (de-
scribed below), each rater would first classify the Starting strategy and
then go on to identify the Progression strategy used by the participant.
Experiment 1 There was 90% agreement between the two raters across 120 drawings
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

for these measures. A third trained rater scored 20 of these drawings

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In this experiment, we used a modified version of the Boston

and obtained 80% agreement with the previous raters across the BQSS
Qualitative Scoring System for the Rey-Osterrieth Complex
measures; this rater scored the remaining 40 drawings.
Figure (BQSS; Stern et al., 1994) for scoring children's Product measures. The drawings were scored with the BQSS. This
reproductions of this figure. This new scoring method was system divides the figure into three sets of features (six Configural
designed primarily for use in clinical neuropsychological prac- Elements, nine Clusters, and seven Details) that are ordered by level
tice and in neurocognitive research with adults. The scoring of importance to the structure of the figure (see Figure 2). The
system includes eight separate measures that assess the prod- Configural Elements are most critical to the pattern structure and
ucts of the participant's drawing efforts. The product measures include the large rectangle, the vertical and horizontal bisectors, the
include feature presence, accuracy, placement, fragmentation, main diagonals, and the large triangle to the right of the rectangle. The
size, perseveration, and confabulation. The Planning measure Clusters are of secondary importance to the pattern structure and are
made up of one or more shapes and/or line segments that appear to
assesses the process by which the participant reproduced the
form a coherent gestalt within the main figure, which are considered
figure and a description of the qualitative aspects of the important secondary features. The Details are the remaining single
individual's performance. line features.
This is the first study that has attempted to use the BQSS to These three sets of features were scored according to their Pres-
score children's data. In applying the scoring system, we found ence, Accuracy, Placement, and Fragmentation. The Presence scores
that the product measures could be directly applied to the indicates that a feature is present in the drawing, regardless of the
children's data. However, the Planning measure failed to quality of the representation. The Accuracy score reflects the quality
capture many of the differences observed in the children's of the features in the drawing (i.e., completeness, size, proportion,
copies, particularly among those produced by younger chil- correctness of angles, straightness of lines, and accuracy of intersec-
dren. Thus a modified planning measure was introduced. tions with other features). Details are not scored for Accuracy. The
Placement score indicates whether the feature is placed in the proper
region of the figure (Clusters and Details only). The six Configural
Method Elements and Cluster 1 are rated for Fragmentation, a measure of
seeing the individual features as whole units (i.e., whether the feature
Participants. There were a total of 160 participants, 20 in each of is drawn in a complete pen stroke and completed before another part
eight age groups. The age groups were 6-6.6 years (M = 6.3 years), of the figure is started). Fragmentation of Rectangle A is weighted on
7-7.8 years (M = 7.4 years), 8-8.8 years (M = 8.3 years), 9-9.9 years a scale of 1 to 3 based on the structural importance of the rectangle.
(M = 9.4 years), 10-10.7 years (M = 10.3 years), 11-11.9 years The remaining features are scored once for fragmentation.
(M= 11.4 years), 12-12.8 years (M = 12.4 years), and adults 19-28 The final scores for each participant were determined with the
years (M = 21.9 years). There were equal numbers of male and female BQSS conversion tables that place all measures on a l-to-5 scale. For
participants in each age group. The children were tested in the the Presence, Accuracy, and Placement scores, a score of 5 = 100%,
laboratory, local community centers, and a local middle school. All of 4 = 67%-89%, 3 = 33%-67%, "2" = 25%-33%, and 1 = 0%. The
these children were in regular school placement and did not have a Fragmentation scores represent the number of fragmentation errors:
history of major medical illness, psychiatric illness, developmental 5 = 0, 4 = 1-2, 3 = 3-5, 2 = 6-8, and 1 = 9 or more.
disorder, or significant visual or auditory impairments. The adults were The BQSS provides objective criteria for determining deviations in
college students who participated as part of a class requirement. the Size of the production (Reduction, Horizontal Expansion, and
Stimuli. The stimulus (see top of Figure 2) measured approxi- Vertical Expansion) and Rotation of the entire figure. Templates
mately 4.25 x 5.5 inches (10.8 x 14.0 cm) and was printed on a included with the manual give guidelines for assigning scores to the
laminated 8'/2 x 11 inches (21.6 x 28.0 cm) white piece of paper. Each participant's drawing (from 5 = no deviations in size or no rotation to
participant was given a white piece of paper of the same dimensions 1 = extreme deviations in size or extreme rotation).
and colored felt-tipped pens for drawing. The BQSS also provides criteria for rating Perseveration and
Procedure. Participants were instructed to copy the figure as Confabulation. A Perseveration is any recognizable inappropriate
exactly as possible and were told that at specific intervals, they would repetition. This includes repetitions of components within a Cluster or
be given a different colored pen to continue their drawing. Pens were replication of any part of the figure, such that it appears more than
switched approximately every minute, or when the participant began once throughout the figure. A Confabulation is any novel, unrelated
to draw a new part of the figure. Switching pens allowed for an easily addition to the figure. Scores for each measure are ranked from 5 (no
visualized record of the order in which the figure was drawn. The perseveration or no confabulation) to 1 (extremeperseveration or extreme
participant was not allowed to rotate the model or the blank sheet of confabulation).


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Figure 2. Configural Elements, Clusters, and Details from the Boston Qualitative Scoring System for the
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (Stern et al., 1994).

Process measures. The scoring criteria for Planning in the BQSS the overall structure and organization of the original stimulus, and the
are meant to provide a qualitative summary of the overall planning and order appears to be completely haphazard.
organizational approach used by the participant. Planning is consid- When reviewing preliminary data from over 60 drawings from
ered independently from the BQSS product measures with specific children using this scoring system, we noted that the BQSS Planning
criteria (see Stern et al., 1994). A score of 5 (no planning deficits) score was not sufficiently sensitive to developmental trends; indeed,
indicates the rectangle was drawn first (or Cluster 6 was drawn first this score appeared to be misleading with regard to developmental
and is immediately followed by the rectangle) and Configural Ele- trends. The designation of the children's performance as reflecting
ments B-E were drawn before any clusters or details. A score of 4 different levels of planning deficit is clearly inappropriate. Within the
(mild planning deficits) indicates that the general sense of the impor- context of a developmental study, the use of less sophisticated, less
tance of the rectangle was preserved, and the rectangle was not broken detailed, or less well-integrated approaches to pattern reproduction
into separate quadrants. A score of 3 (moderate planning deficits) are unlikely to index deficit. Rather these differences in processing
indicates that the rectangle and Configural Elements B-E were strategy will inform the understanding of normal patterns of develop-
treated in a piecemeal fashion, but the structure of the figure was not mental change. With the BQSS Planning score criteria, over 60% of
destroyed (e.g., left to right, top to bottom, or drawing one quadrant at these drawings obtained a Planning score of 3, although different
a time), or four or more clusters-details were interspersed between strategies within this rating were apparent. It was clear that a
completion of Configural Elements. A score of 2 (significant planning refinement of the BQSS Planning score data was necessary to capture
deficits) indicates significant structural and organizational problems differences in the data.
where the existing or implicit rectangle is still recognizable. A score of For this reason, a wider range of planning categories was defined
1 (extreme planning deficits) indicates there was no appreciation for based on descriptive results from previous studies (Kirk, 1985; Oster-

rieth, 1944; Waber & Holmes, 1985). The data were reviewed without children's reproductions of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Fig-
knowledge of the age of the participant. Three different ways were ure. The presence scores are shown in Figure 3. The data were
defined to characterize the method that participants used to start their
drawings and within each of these categories, four subcategories analyzed with a 2 x 7 x 3 mixed design repeated measures
describing in more detail the ways in which participants completed the analysis of variance (ANOVA). Between-subjects variables
figure were specified. included gender (male or female) and age (6, 7, 8,9,10,11, and
Starting strategies were classified as Perimeter, Partial Perimeter, 12 years) and the within-subjects variable was feature (Config-
and Nonperimeter. The Perimeter strategy is defined as drawing the ural Elements, Clusters, and Details). The analysis revealed a
outer contour of the figure first, including some combination of significant main effect for age, F(6,126) = 9.63, p < .001, and
Clusters 2 and 3 and Configural Element F before drawing any internal feature, F(2, 252) = 44.25, p < .001, as well as an Age x
items. The Partial Perimeter strategy consists of drawing a portion of Feature interaction, F(\2, 252) = 3.72, p < .001. There is
the outer contour first and then adding the inner and outer details of clearly a ceiling effect for the Presence of Clusters across all
the figure before completing the entire outline. The Nonperimeter
age groups and Tukey post hoc multiple comparison tests
strategy is one that does not fall into these other two categories.
The Progression strategies note what the participant does next in revealed no significant differences between the age groups
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

completing the figure. We identified four distinct categories that best (ps > .05). Tukey post hoc multiple comparison tests revealed
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

described the data from children ages 6 through 12. These categories that the 6-year-olds' scores for Presence of Configural Ele-
were (a) the rectangle is complete (even if fragmented) and Configural ments and Details were significantly lower than the children
Elements B and C were drawn as continuous lines; (b) the figure was ages 8 and older (p < .05). Tukey post hoc multiple compari-
broken into two major units and constructed unit by unit; (c) the figure son tests revealed that the 7-year-olds' scores for Presence of
was broken into three or more major units and constructed unit by Details were significantly lower than the 8-year-olds and
unit; (d) inconsistent placement of remaining items. These categories children 10 and older (ps < .05).
contrast with the five Planning categories of the BQSS, which piace a The Accuracy scores were analyzed with a 2 x 7 x 2 mixed
greater emphasis on the integrity of the rectangle rather than describ-
ing the method that the participant used in parsing the figure. All design repeated measures ANOVA. Between-subjects vari-
drawings that receive a BQSS Planning score of 1 would also be in the ables included gender and age and the within-subjects variable
Inconsistent Placement category, and all that receive a BQSS Planning was feature (see Figure 3). There was a significant main effect
score of 5 would be in the complete rectangle category. of age, F(6, 126) = 9.27, p < .001. A linear trend analysis
revealed that accuracy of both feature types (Configural
Results Elements and Clusters) increased significantly with age
(p < .001).
The data from the 20 adult participants are included in The Placement scores were analyzed with a 2 x 7 x 2 mixed
Figures 3-8 but are not included in the statistical analysis. design repeated measures ANOVA. Between-subjects vari-
Product measures. Results for the product measures all ables included gender and age and the within-subjects variable
show systematic change with age in the accuracy of the was feature (see Figure 3). There was a significant main effect


7 8 9 10 11 12 Adult 7 8 9 10 11 12 AduR 7 8 9 10 11 12 Adult

AGE (years) AGE (years) AGE (years)




Figure 3. Presence, Accuracy, and Placement scores for 6- to 12-year-olds and adults in Experiment 1.
BQSS = Boston Qualitative Scoring System for the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure.

FRAGMENTATION lation scores, F(6,126) = 11.59, p < .001. With increasing age
of participants, we noted fewer perseverations and confabula-
tions in the reproductions.
Process measures. A Pearson chi square test between the
BQSS Planning scores of the seven age groups was significant,
X2 (24, N = 140) = 50.04,p < .001. As shown in Figure 6,52%
of the children between ages 6 and 12 received a Planning
o score of 3. Drawings that were characterized by smaller units
and inconsistent placement of the features within the whole
figure (Planning scores of 1 and 2) were infrequent among
children over age 8 or 9. There was an increase in BQSS
Planning scores after age 9, indicating a greater appreciation
for the main rectangle and preservation of structure. These
drawings were characterized by the use of larger units and a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

more configurational approach.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

9 10 11 12 Adult A Pearson chi square test of the Starting strategies used

AGE (years) across the seven age groups was not significant, x2(12,
N = 140) = 16.02, p > .10 (see Figure 7). Children between
Figure 4. Fragmentation scores for 6- to 12-year-olds and adults in the ages 6 of 12 used the three Starting strategies with nearly
Experiment 1. BQSS = Boston Qualitative Scoring System for the equal probability, but by adulthood there was a shift toward
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure. adopting the nonperimeter strategy. The nonperimeter strat-
egy represents those participants that did not use the perim-
of age, F(6, 126) = 12.64, p < .001. A linear trend analysis eter or partial perimeter strategy and thus includes subjects
who started with the rectangle. However, only 3.5% of the
revealed that placement of both feature types (Clusters and
Details) increased significantly with age (p < .001). children started with the entire rectangle (all of whom were
A 2 x 7 ANOVA revealed no significant age or gender between the ages of 10 and 12); this accounts for only 10% of
differences in Fragmentation scores. The mean scores across the children who used this Starting strategy. In contrast, 50%
all of the children were generally in the moderately frag- of the adult sample drew the entire rectangle first.
mented range (see Figure 4). Data from the sample of 20 There were differences in the Progression strategies among
young adults suggests that the adult pattern is not achieved participants age 6 to 12,x2 (18, N = 140) = 49.11,p < .001. As
until after age 12. More than 90% of the children fragmented shown in Figure 8, children age 8 and older were more
the rectangle at least once. Approximately 70% of participants systematic in the method they used to complete the Rey-
fragmented the main diagonals (Configural Elements D and Osterrieth Complex Figure than children ages 6 and 7.
E). Fragmentation of the main horizontal bisector, the main Although 80% of the adults drew the figure with a complete
vertical bisector, and Cluster 1 were also fairly common (52%, rectangle and nonfragmented horizontal and vertical bisectors,
43%, and 36%, respectively). this was true of only 40% of the 11- and 12-year-old children.
The Size scores (Reduction, Horizontal Expansion, and The Inconsistent Placement category included the most
Vertical Expansion) were analyzed separately with 2 x 7 incomplete and disorganized attempts by younger children.
(Gender x Age) ANOVAs. There were no significant main However, two thirds of the children (22 out of 34 total) within
effects for age or gender and no significant interactions this category began their drawing by producing the full or
(ps > .05). The majority of the children drew the figure partial perimeter of the figure, reflecting an appreciation for
approximately the same size as the original. the overall configuration. Their mean Presence scores for
A 2 x 7 (Gender x Age) ANOVA revealed that there was a
significant main effect of age in the Rotation scores, F(6, 126)
= 4.75, p < .001. Six of the 6-year-old participants obtained a
score of 4 (20-30° rotation), and one 6-year-old participant
drew the figure at a 90° rotation. The remaining 120 partici-
pants received a score of 5, except 2 who received a score of 4.
The Perseveration and Confabulation scores were analyzed
separately with 2 x 7 (Gender x Age) ANOVAs. Although
these two measures were analyzed separately, they are pre-
sented together in Figure 5. There was a significant Age x
Gender interaction, F(6, 126) = 2.18, p < .05 and a significant
main effect of age in the perseveration scores, F(6,126) = 5.50,
8 9 10 11 12 Adult
p < .001. The scores among the 6-, 7-, and 8-year-old girls AGE (years)
remained in the moderately perseverative range and then
improved after age 8, whereas same-age boys showed linear Figure 5. Perseveration and Confabulation scores for 6- to 12-year-
improvement in their level of perseveration from ages 6 to 12. olds and adults in Experiment 1. BQSS = Boston Qualitative Scoring
There was also a significant main effect of age in the Confabu- System for the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure.

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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

5 = Rectangle & Configural Elements drawn first

4 = Figure drawn in a logical sequence, taking the whole into account
3 = Rectangle & Configural Elements treated in a piecemeal fashion
2 = Significant structural/organizational problems; rectangle recognizable
1 = No appreciation for overall structure/organization; order appears haphazard

Figure 6. Planning scores for 6- to 12-year-olds and adults in Experiment 1. Scores ranged from 5 (the
rectangle and Configural Elements B-E were drawn first) to 1 (poor planning).

Configural Elements (4.4), Clusters (4.8), and Details (3.8) Osterrieth Complex Figure (Waber & Holmes, 1985). Whereas
were all within the high-average range, although below those only 25% of adult participants drew the figure in the ideal
of the other children (4.9, 4.9, and 4.6, respectively). The same manner, the majority of adults did preserve the importance of
was true for these children's mean Accuracy scores for the rectangle in their reproductions. In contrast, a large
Configural Elements and Clusters (2.4 and 2.5 vs. 3.4 and 3.3, number of children between the ages of 8 and 12 treated the
respectively) and Placement scores for Clusters and Details rectangle and main features of the figure in a piecemeal fashion.
(3.5 and 3.7 vs. 4.3 and 4.4, respectively). Although reproductions that fall within this category differ in terms
of planning and organization, the BQSS places them all together.
Discussion Therefore, it was necessary to expand the planning categories, both
in terms of Starting strategy and Progression strategy, to better
The results of this experiment show that the BQSS is
evaluate age-related trends in performance.
sensitive to age-related changes in performance and provides
There were no significant age-related differences in Starting
useful information for scoring children's reproductions of the
strategy. As in the original study of children's performance on
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure. We also found that children
this test (Osterrieth, 1944), approximately one third of the
as young as 6 are able to give a fair representation of this
children between the ages of 6 and 10 started with the overall
complex figure. As in previous studies of children's perfor-
contour of the figure, an approach that is rarely found among
mance on this task (Osterrieth, 1944; Waber & Holmes, 1985),
we found that most of the details are produced and placed adults. Less than 10% of the children between the ages of 10
accurately by children when they reach the age of 9. and 12 started with the base rectangle (and none of the
The primary goal of this study was to assess children's children under age 10), although most of these older children
planning skills when copying a complex figure. The BQSS had a complete rectangle present within their drawings.
Planning score was not entirely satisfactory for this purpose. The increased frequency of higher Planning scores among
The Planning score criteria suggest that there is an ideal the older children corresponded with the use of larger organi-
method for drawing the figure (i.e., drawing the rectangle and zational units when completing the figure, as described by the
main features of the figure first before completing the rest of Progression strategy categories we developed after observing
the figure) and variations from this are termed deficits. It is the strategies used by children. Both the Progression and
clear that better organization is associated with using the base Starting strategy categories we developed explicitly state the
rectangle as the salient organization unit in the Rey- strategy used by the child and thus more easily describe the

case, then it is not surprising that young children have so much

difficulty in copying a complex figure that is comprised of many
types of geometric forms.
On the other hand, it may well be that analysis of a complex
form elicits very different planning strategies than analysis of
simpler elements in isolation. The structure of the overall
pattern hierarchy may influence the child's analysis of the
visual array. Therefore, the characterization of a child's spatial
analytic ability based only on his or her copy of one complex
form may be misleading. Developmental change may not be
well defined in terms of changes in a single strategy type.
Rather, the complexity of the task may interact with the type of
processing approach used. The child may have a variety of
strategies at his or her disposal, but the ability to use a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

particular strategy may be determined by the complexity of the

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

visuospatial task presented.

By this account, it is possible that the child may use a very
different strategy to produce a feature when it is presented in
isolation (e.g., the main rectangle) than when it is presented
within the context of the larger form. Such a finding would be
problematic for an account of developmental change in spatial
analysis that posits the use of the same underlying approach at
different points in development. The same child could conceiv-
Perimeter ably be judged as a piecemeal processor if only performance on



Figure 7. Starting strategy data for 6- to 12-year-olds and adults in

Experiment 1.

changes in spatial analysis that are observed with development

on this task than the categories used in other scoring methods
(Kirk, 1985; Osterrieth, 1944; Waber & Holmes, 1985).
Figure 9 shows representative drawings, in terms of Starting
and Progression strategy, from a subset of the children in this
experiment. Also shown are the drawings from children who
used the least common strategy for participants their same age.
One can see that when older children adopt an approach that
appears more frequently among younger children (such as the
Inconsistent Placement approach), they are able to more
effectively integrate the figure and also obtain higher scores on
the BQSS product measures, than when this approach is used
by younger children. When younger children adopt strategies
that are more commonly found among older children, they
obtain higher scores on the BQSS product measures than
children their same age who adopt the more common (less Complete Rectangle with Continuous
Horizontal and Vertical Bisectors
efficient) planning strategies.
2 units
Experiment 2
3 or more units
Experiment 1 showed that most children under 9 years of
age are not able to accurately produce and place all of the
Inconsistent Placement
details in the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure. These results
may indicate that children this age are not yet capable of
copying the main features of this figure (e.g., the main Figure 8. Progression strategy data for 6- to 12-year-olds and adults in
rectangle or diagonal bisectors) as an adult does. If this is the Experiment 1.

Representative Drawing Outlier Drawing

6 years


Non-Perimeter Partial Perimeter

Inconsistent Placement Complete Rectangle
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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

8-9 years

C. D.
Non-Perimeter Perimeter
3 or more units Inconsistent Placement

11-12 years


Non-Perimeter Non-Perimeter
Complete Rectangle Inconsistent Placement

Figure 9. Representative drawings from Experiment 1 in terms of Starting strategy and Progression

the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure is examined, whereas a compared across the age groups to determine at what age
different judgment would be made if the ability to copy the children are able to accurately copy these figures.
core form in isolation was assessed. To test this possibility, in
Experiments 2A and 2B children's performance on smaller
subunits of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure was examined Method
and compared with performance on those same units within
Participants. There were a total of 100 participants, 20 in each of
the context of the larger form. five age groups. The age groups were: 4.2—4.9 years (M = 4.6 years),
5.2—5.9 years (M = 5.5 years), 6—6.9 years (M = 6.4 years), 7-7.8 years
Experiment 2A (M = 7.3 years), and 8-8.9 years (M = 8.4 years). There were equal
numbers of boys and girls in each age group. Participants were tested
In the present experiment, children ages 4 through 8 were in the laboratory and in local community centers and schools. All of
asked to copy three figures that represented extractions of the these children were in regular school placement and did not have a
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure. The accuracy of the chil- history of major medical illness, psychiatric illness, developmental
dren's drawings and the manner in which they parsed them was disorder, or significant visual or auditory impairments.

FORM1 FORM 2 FORM 3 Osterrieth (1944) found that the Rey-Osterrieth Complex
Figure can be divided into 18 features that form a whole by at
least 75% of adult participants (large rectangle, horizontal and
vertical bisectors, two diagonal lines, large triangle on the right
side, etc.). It is not clear if young children divide this figure up
into a similar set of features. In Experiment 1, we found that
children between the ages of 6 and 12 fragmented the main
features of the figure to a similar extent, whereas adults
exhibited less fragmentation. In spite of this, the older children
were better able to integrate the figure and were more
Figure 10. Stimuli used in Experiment 2A. organized in their approach to copying the figure.
In Experiment 2A, children under age 6 clearly parsed out
Stimuli and procedure. The stimuli are shown in Figure 10. Each the parts of three figures that represented extractions of the
form was laser printed on a 4.25 x 5.5 inches (10.8 x 14.0 cm) sheet of Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure and arranged them in a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

white paper and measured 2.5 x 2 inches (6.4 x 5.1 cm) or 2.5 x 3.5 configuration, but in a manner that was different from that of
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

(6.4 x 2.9 cm). The examiner placed each test sheet directly in front of older children and adults. That is, 4- and 5-year-old children
the child. The child was told to make one "just like this one" below the appeared to use the same types of strategies that have been
model using a colored felt-tipped pen. Form 1 was given first, followed described for 3- and 4-year-old children when they are asked to
by Form 3 and Form 2. copy simpler forms (Tada & Stiles, in press; Tada & Stiles-
During the same testing session, 38 of the 60 participants between
Davis, 1989). In general, however, children drew the basic
the ages of 6 and 9 were first administered the Rey-Osterrieth
Complex Figure (copy and immediate memory), following the proce- components of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure in a
dure outlined in Experiment 1. This was followed by administration of manner similar to adults by the time they were 6 years of age.
this experiment. The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure data from 22 of The current experiment directly compared how children age
these same participants was also used in Experiment 1. 6 and older copied the main features of the Rey-Osterrieth
Data analysis. The drawings were scored for accuracy and fragmen- Complex Figure when they were in the context of the figure
tation. Form 1 and Form 2 were scored as accurate if the criteria and when they were presented in isolation. We predicted that
specified in the BQSS (Stern et al., 1994) for Cluster 1 was met. Form 3 based on the results of Experiment 2A very few children would
was scored as accurate if the Stern et al. criteria for Configural fragment these forms when they were presented in isolation,
Elements A-E were met.
Each form was scored as, fragmented if the child used more parts to
produce the construction than would be expected for an adult. The
criteria used were as follows: Form 1 = six lines (four lines forming a
rectangle with two lines crossing inside); Form 2 = seven lines (four
lines forming a rectangle with three lines crossing inside); Form 3 =
eight lines (four lines forming a rectangle with four lines crossing
inside). Any form drawn with more lines, because of additional
fragmentation of the lines, was scored as incorrect. Accuracy and 100-,
fragmentation were scored separately. Perseverations did not influ-
ence scoring for either of these measures.

Results and Discussion 40-

Figure 11 shows the percentage of participants who accu-

rately copied the forms and the percentage of participants who
fragmented the forms. By age 6, the majority of the partici-
pants in this experiment copied and parsed the forms accord- AGE (YEARS)
ing to criteria. Pearson chi square tests revealed that there
were no significant differences in the number of 6-, 7-, and
8-year-olds who drew the three forms accurately or parsed FRAGMENTATION
them according to criteria (ps > .1).
Among the children under age 6 in this sample, three
dominant strategies for copying these forms were identified (seg-
mented forms radiating around a central point, segmented forms
extending from a principal orthogonal and using unsegmented
lines). Examples of these strategies is shown in Figure 12.

Experiment 2B
Previous studies of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure AGE (YEARS)
have not directly assessed the units parsed out by children of
different ages and the manner in which they are configured. Figure 11. Results from Experiment 2A for 4 to 8-year-olds.

but these same children would fragment these features more bisectors, the diagonal bisectors, and Cluster 1. If a feature was scored
often when presented within the context of the Rey-Osterrieth as not present with the Stern et al. (1993) criteria, it was not included
Complex Figure. in the fragmentation analysis for that feature. Data from the copy task
was also scored for fragmentation according to the criteria used in
Experiment 2A.
Form 3 from the copy task is similar to the main structure of the
Participants. There were a total of 70 participants, 10 in each of Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (Configural Elements A, B, C, D, and
seven age groups. The age groups were 6.2-6.8 years (M = 6.6 years), E; see Figure 1). Therefore, fragmentation of Form 3 in the copy task
7-7.9 years (M = 7.4 years), 8-8.8 years (M = 8.3 years), 9-9.8 years was compared with fragmentation of these same features when
(M = 9.5 years), 10-10.7 years (M = 10.4 years), 11-11.9 years copying the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure. Form 2 from the copy
(M= 11.5 years), and 12-12.8 years (M = 12.5 years). There were task is the same as Cluster 1 in the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure if
equal numbers of boys and girls in each age group. Participants were the horizontal bisector is also included (see Figure 1). If the horizontal
tested in the laboratory, local community centers, and a local middle bisector is not included, then Form 1 is the same as Cluster 1.
school. Of the participants in Experiment 1, 85 were given the copy
task in Experiment 2A; 63 of these participants were randomly
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Results and Discussion

selected for this experiment; data from the remaining 7 participants
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

were collected after Experiment 1 was completed. The data from None of the participants in this experiment fragmented any
the 30 children between the ages of 6 and 9 were included in part of the rectangle or the horizontal or vertical bisectors
Experiment 2A. while copying Form 3. In contrast, 93% of these participants
Stimuli and procedure. The stimuli and the procedure were the fragmented the main rectangle at least once, 64% fragmented
same as in Experiments 1 and 2A. Each child was asked to copy the
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure and then draw it from memory. They the horizontal bisector, and 30% fragmented the vertical
were then given the copy task used in Experiment 2A. bisector while copying the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure. As
Data analysis. Fragmentation of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex was found in Experiment 1, there were no age-related differ-
Figure was scored according to the BQSS (Stern et al., 1994). Data ences in fragmentation frequency.
from the tally sheets were used to determine the number of times each A McNemar symmetry chi square test of the within-subjects
participant fragmented the main rectangle, the horizontal and vertical comparison of fragmenting the diagonal bisectors while copy-
ing the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure and fragmenting the
diagonal lines while copying Form 3 was significant, \2(l,
jV = 70) = 48.08,/> < .001; 82% of the participants fragmented
the diagonal bisectors in the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure
but only 7% fragmented the diagonal bisectors in Form 3.
A McNemar Symmetry chi square test of the within-subjects
comparison of fragmenting Cluster 1 while copying the Rey-
Osterrieth Complex Figure and fragmenting the diagonal lines
while copying Form 1 was significant, x2 (1, N = 70) = 22.15,
p < .001; 38% of the participants fragmented Cluster 1 in the
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure, but only 1 participant (1.5%)
fragmented the diagonal bisectors in Form 1. The within-
subjects comparison of fragmenting Cluster 1 while copying
the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure and fragmenting the
diagonal lines while copying Form 2 was also significant, x2 (1,
N = 70) = 17.64,p < .001; 38% of the participants fragmented
Cluster 1 in the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure, and 6.15%
fragmented the diagonal lines while copying Form 2.
This experiment confirmed the results from Experiments 1
and 2A with a within-subjects design. By the time children
reach the age of 6, they draw the main features that make up
the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure with the smallest number
of line segments possible. When these same features are
C. presented in conjunction with a number of other line segments
and closed forms, they are drawn in a very different matter by
the same children. This pattern appears to be consistent across
children between the ages of 6 and 12.

General Discussion
Figure 12. Sample drawings from 4-year-olds (A and B) and a
5-year-old (C) in Experiment 2A. Row A drawings are examples of the The results of the present study present a different view of
dominant strategy used by the youngest children. Row B drawings developmental change in children's performance on the Rey-
represent an intermediate strategy. Row C drawings represent the Osterrieth Complex Figure than previous interpretations.
nonfragmented strategy typically used by adults. Introducing the more general notion of the spatial analysis of a

hierarchically organized structure provides insight into what and parse them. Specifically, they drew the outer box and used
aspects of performance change with age. In this study, children the minimum number of lines to divide the internal space.
as young as 6 years of age included most of the features that These same children parsed these same lines significantly
comprise the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure in their draw- more often when they were presented in the context of the
ings. The accuracy of the reproductions improved with age, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure. These findings demonstrate
and change was evident in the process by which children that the children were clearly analyzing the features in both
approach the task of copying the form. Indeed, improvement instances but used different strategies to copy the features,
in accuracy among older children coincided with the parsing of depending on the context. The children's use of more ad-
larger units in the figure and improvement in the manner in vanced strategies make it difficult to formulate a singular
which they were configured. However, it is also interesting to characterization of children's spatial processing at any point in
note that accurate copies of the figure do not require advanced development. Rather, the strategy used is affected by the
strategies (see Figure 9, Example F), and more advanced complexity of the task. There are clearly processing limitations
strategies do not ensure accurate renderings (see Figure 9, in childhood that result in the kinds of performance observed
Example B). Thus product and process are not necessarily
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

here. That is, the size of the array that can be dealt with
yoked on this task.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

effectively is a function of age and complexity. However, these

Children over age 9 more often used larger organizational
appear to be limitations that involve both the identification of
units to complete the figure and demonstrated a greater
the constituent parts of a spatial pattern and the integrative
appreciation for the main rectangle than younger children. A
previously completed study concluded that children under age aspects of spatial analysis. It is analysis undergoing change.
10 appeared to be aware of the components of the figure but The results of Experiment 2 also make it difficult to argue
did not organize a plan that took into account the spatial that age-related differences in copying the Rey-Osterrieth
relationships among them (Kirk, 1985). We would argue that Complex Figure may be attributable to differences in grapho-
just as in previous studies of younger children copying simpler motor competence. Although graphomotor skills may certainly
patterns (e.g., Odom & Cook, 1984; Tada & Stiles, in press; continue to improve after the age of 6, this explanation is not
Tada & Stiles-Davis, 1989; Ward, 1987,1988), children under sufficient to account for the results. Results from recent
age 10 do analyze the spatial relationships among the compo- studies in our laboratory also demonstrate that the differences
nents of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure. Thus descrip- observed between younger and older children are more attrib-
tions of children as being configurational or piecemeal proces- utable to children's conceptualization of spatial patterns than
sors fail to capture the changes demonstrated in Experiments 1 their graphomotor competence. In one study, children be-
and 2. Instead, these results show that increased integration of tween the ages of 3 and 5 were asked to copy several forms and
the spatial array is found with development, both in terms of were also asked to assemble the forms using precut strips of
the nature of the pattern elements and in the relations paper (Tada & Stiles, in press). Although the assembly task
between those elements. required less fine motor skill than the copying task, the way
It is important to note that the complexity of the Rey- children parsed and configured the forms did not differ.
Osterrieth Complex Figure frequently elicits analytic strate- Preschoolers in another study were asked to copy several
gies which serve to simplify the task of reproducing the form. forms, as well as make perceptual judgments (Feeney & Stiles,
Two examples of the most common processing strategies used in press). In the perception task, the target form (e.g., a plus
by the younger children in this study illustrate this point. One sign), and three choices representing the adult, intermediate
common approach used by young children was termed Incon-
child, and younger child interpretations (e.g., two long lines,
sistent Placement, where the order of copying the figure
one long line and two short lines, and four short lines) were
appears to be somewhat haphazard (see Figure 9, Example A).
presented. Children were asked to select which choice best
Another common strategy was more systematic, where the
child parsed out simple, well-defined units from the array and matched the target. The parts produced in copying the forms
combined them using adjacency relations (see Figure 9, were consistent with those chosen in the perception task. It is
Example C). Both of these strategies serve to simplify the also interesting to note that the types of strategies that young
copying task by allowing the child to focus on small, compar- children use to copy simple forms often involve more steps
atively isolated units of the pattern rather than larger, embed- than those used by older children and adults (see Figure 1).
ded features of the form such as the core rectangle. The Thus the age-related differences in the identification of the
strategy for relating these more isolated parts is also relatively constituent parts and the integration strategies used by chil-
simple. Children can focus on the relation between two parts at dren when copying the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure do not
a time, with only a very general consideration of the whole. appear to be attributable to differences in graphomotor
These simplified strategies generally result in a loss of accu- competence, but rather the influence of the complexity of this
racy, but the major features and organization are relatively figure on conceptualization of the spatial pattern.
preserved. It is difficult to determine what neural systems may be
Experiment 2 demonstrated that the particular strategy used contributing to performance on this task during development,
in copying the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure was not the and if the changes seen in performance with development
only one available to the child. When the main features of the reflect changes in the neural systems involved in this type of
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure were presented in isolation, complex spatial analysis. Studies of the performance of adult
most children by the age of 6 used adultlike strategies to copy patients with focal brain injury suggest that both the left

hemisphere and the right hemisphere contribute to perfor- Binder, L. M. (1982). Constructional strategies on complex figure
mance on this task, as well as the prefrontal cortex (Binder, drawings after unilateral brain damage. Journal of Clinical Neuropsy-
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These data suggest that the neural systems for processing 81-90.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

spatial information are specified early in development and are Feeney, S. M., & Stiles, J. (in press). Spatial analysis: An examination
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

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results suggest a number of points to consider when using this lecture series, Vol. 7 (pp. 125-167). Washington, DC: American
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

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