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Submission Date (June 21, 2022)
ENG-201 (Academic and Technical Writing)
Bs-Chemistry Semester 4th Section-C
Mr Umair Saeed
Department of Chemistry


o Letter Writing
o Introduction
o Types of Letters
1. Formal letter
2. Informal Letter
o Formats of Letter
a. Full Block Format
b. Semi-Block Format
c. Modified Block Format
o How to Lay out a Letter?
o Examples
o Full Block Format
o Semi-Block Format
o Modified Block Format
o References


A letter is a written message that can be handwritten or printed on

paper. It is usually sent to the recipient via mail or post in an
envelope, although this is not a requirement as such. Any such
message that is transferred via post is a letter, a written conversation
between two parties.

Now that E-mails and texts and other such forms have become the
norm for communication, the art of letter writing has taken a backseat.

However, even today a lot of our communication, especially

the formal kind, is done via letters.

Types of Letters:
Let us first understand that there are broadly two types of
letter, namely Formal Letters, and Informal Letters.

1) Formal Letter: These letters follow a certain pattern and

formality. They are strictly kept professional in nature, and
directly address the issues concerned. It is used for official work
o Letter to Principal
o Letter to Commissioner
o Higher Authorities
o Letter to Editor, Director etc.

2) Informal Letter: These are personal letters. They need not

follow any set pattern or adhere to any formalities.
Informal letter is used for communication with friends and
relations etc.
o They contain personal information or are a written conversation.

Most letters are written in block, modified block, or semi-block


1)Full block format:

Block format features all elements of the letter aligned to the
left margin of the page. It has a neat and simple appearance.
Paragraphs are separated by a double line space.

2)Modified block format:

Modified block differs from block style in that the date, sign off,
and signature lines begin at the centre point of the page line. The
beginning of each paragraph is indented five spaces, along with the
subject line, if used.
Depending on the length of the letter, paragraphs may be separated by
a single- or double-line space.

3)Semi-block format:
Semi-block is similar to block but has a more informal
appearance. All elements are left-aligned, except for the beginning of
each paragraph, which is indented five spaces. Paragraphs are
separated by a double line space.

How to Lay Out A Letter?

o Formatting your letter
o Sender's address
o Date
o Recipient's address
o Salutation
o Body
o Closing and signature
Full Block Format:

Write a letter to the Editor-the-Chief of Roznama Jung,

raising concern regarding the bad conditions of roads in your
city, its effects on the daily life of citizen and reluctance of the
of the authorities in taking appropriate actions.

20th June, 2022

Asad Ali,
Wazirabad, District Gujranwala.

The Editor,
Roznama Jung,

Subject: Bad Conditions of Roads.

Respected Sir,

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would

like to draw the attention of concerned authorities towards the
bad conditions of roads of my city.

There are many spot holes on the roads of my city due to

which rate of road accidents has been increased in my city.
There are also lot of problems like traffic jam etc.

It’ll be good if you publish this in your newspaper and the

concerned authorities will see the gravity of this matter and
some measures will be adopted to solve this problem.
Yours truly,

Asad Ali

Modifed Block Format:

Write a letter to the Editor-the-Chief of Roznama Jung,

raising concern regarding the bad conditions of roads in your
city, its effects on the daily life of citizen and reluctance of the
of the authorities in taking appropriate actions.

20th June, 2022

Asad Ali,
Wazirabad, District Gujranwala.

The Editor,
Roznama Jung,

Subject: Bad Conditions of Roads.

Respected Sir,

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would

like to draw the attention of concerned authorities towards the
bad conditions of roads of my city.

There are many spot holes on the roads of my city due to

which rate of road accidents has been increased in my city.
There are also lot of problems like traffic jam etc.
It’ll be good if you publish this in your newspaper and the
concerned authorities will see the gravity of this matter and
some measures will be adopted to solve this problem.

Yours truly,

Asad Ali

Semi-Block Format:

Write a letter to the Editor-the-Chief of Roznama Jung,

raising concern regarding the bad conditions of roads in your
city, its effects on the daily life of citizen and reluctance of the
of the authorities in taking appropriate actions.

20th June, 2022

Asad Ali,
Wazirabad, District Gujranwala.

The Editor,
Roznama Jung,

Subject: Bad Conditions of Roads.

Respected Sir,

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I

would like to draw the attention of concerned authorities
towards the bad conditions of roads of my city.
There are many spot holes on the roads of my city due
to which rate of road accidents has been increased in my city.
There are also lot of problems like traffic jam etc.

It’ll be good if you publish this in your newspaper and

the concerned authorities will see the gravity of this matter
and some measures will be adopted to solve this problem.

Yours truly,

Asad Ali


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