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Verb to be:

Pronoun Possessive adjective Verb to be Contraction Negative form

I my (mio) am I’m I’m not

You (tu) your (tuyo) are You’re You aren’t

He his (su de él) is He’s He isn’t

She her (su de ella) is She’s She isn’t

It it (su de ello) is It’s It isn’t

You (ustedes) your (suyos) are You’re You aren’t

They their(su de ellos) are They’re They aren’t

We our (nuestro) are We’re We aren’t

structure of a sentence:
(+) Subject + verb to be + complement
(-) Subject + verb to be + not + complement
- Maria’s a good student.
- He isn’t (is not) a chef.
- We’re an excellent soccer team.

structure of a question:
Verb to be + subject + complement

- Is he a taxi driver?
- Are you Pedro?
- Am I your friend?

Question words:

What ¿Cuál? ¿Qué?

Where ¿Dónde?

When ¿Cuándo?

Who ¿Quién?

Why ¿Por qué?

How ¿Cómo?

structure of a question:

Question word + verb to be + subject + complement?

- What is your name?
- Why are you so good at school?
- Where are you from?
- Who’s your best friend? (We can use contraction)
- How tall are you?
- How old are you?
- When’s your birthday?

Cuando queremos preguntarle a una persona sobre su carácter:

What + to be + subject+ like?
- What is your mother like?
She’s funny and a lovely person.

Present simple:
(algo que suele pasar, pasa o siempre pasa)

(+) subject + verb + complement (I, you, we,they)
subject + (verb+s) + complement (he, she, it)

(-) subject +(auxiliary verb+not)+ verb (base form) + complement

auxiliary verb:
- do >> I, you, we,they
- does >> she, he , it

structure of a question:
Auxiliary verb (Do - does) + subject + verb (base form) + complement?

Adverbs of frequency:

- Always (siempre)
- Often (frecuentemente)
- Sometimes ( a veces )
- Usually (usualmente)
- Rarely (pocas veces)
- Never (nunca)
- I always run at 8 am.
- She never watches tv.
- He doesn’t play guitar
- You don’t study medicine.

- Do you play soccer?

- Does she cook?

Rules in simple present for verbs:

When the verb end in:

-ch, -ss, -sh, -x or -zz, we add -es

watch >> watches
mix >> mixes

a consonant + y, we change y to i and add -es

hurry >> hurries
study >> studies

a vowel + -y, we just add s

pay >> pays
enjoy >> enjoys

Other cases: (for he she it)

have >> has
go >> goes
do >> does

Present continuous:
(Algo que está pasando en este momento)

subject +verb to be+ (verb+ing) + complement

- I’m listening to music right now.
- He is studying for his exam.

Structure of a question:
Verb to be + subject +(verb+ing)+ complement?
Question word + verb to be + subject +(verb+ing)+ complement?
- Are you watching videos?
- What are you doing?

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