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Commercialisation of Agriculture on Food

Consumption and Nutrition vary

High Temparature reduces Photosynthesis process

Bad Loans & NPA MSP and Farmer Bill & Farmer Strikes

Depletion of Ground Water Sustainable packaing of material

Decline in Soil Fertility Negative Plastic crystals,washing soda,chalk powder are

Objective common adulterant added to sugar
Increase in Air/ Water Pollution
Soil accidification and damage top soil
Taking misadvantage of Govt. scheme
Reduction in quality due to improper supplychain
Rural-urban linkage
Customer response to varying demand and supply of
Empathizing with Farmers market
Brand emotion
Happy Government SEFASU 2014

Happy customer Government Schemes Soft Loans to Sugarmills

Minimum Indicative Export Quota
Climatic Change Pricing on basis of Scientific & Economic Principles
Scarcity of water Low Yield of Sugarcane Creative Intense Research to Increase Production
Farm to Plate-sugar cane
Unpaid Dues to farmer Promoting production of Ethanol
by de Bono Consulting
Competition between food and cash crops Production Use of Blockchain and Real time Data Processing
Fluctuating Production trends
Non- availability of Land Increase the crushing season is to sow and harvest
Excessive Use of Fertilizers
High Cost of Production
Overhead Cost High Production

Shortage of Primary Stock Increase Income of Farmers

Small and Uneconomical size of mills Values and Benefits
Reduction of Quality of Raw material Reduction of Waste

Long Lead time Maintaining High Quality Product

High maintenance Cost Old and obsolete Machinery Processing Less delivery time
Demand and supply is maintained
Safety Hazards Positive Feasibility
Process No midle men in Mnadi
Less Skilled Labours
Increase consumer engagement and demand for local item
Logistic Charge
Ethical responsible farming
Less knowledge of marketing in Agricultral Products
Distribution Fresh food
Low Connectivity Sustainability
Improve viabiity of farms
Lack of Storage Facility Positive work enviroment
Varying Price
Market Competition
Poor Packaging Consumer
Varying Price

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