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Question Paper for PG Management Program

Examination: End semester Semester: IV Academic Year: 2021 - 22

Course: Project Management Ver: S-1
Maximum Marks: 50 Duration: 2 hours
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 All questions are compulsory
 Number of marks allotted to each question is indicated against the question


Q1. Mention the purpose of project charter. (2)

Q2. Distinguish between ‘Float’ and ‘Slack’ time. (2)

Q3. Mention the PMBOK knowledge areas. (2)

Q4. Distinguish between ‘Activity’ and ‘Node’. (2)

Q5. Define the triple constraints of Project management (2)


Q6. a) For a project activity, the normal cost is Rs.1500, normal time is 13 weeks, crash cost is Rs.2100,
and crash time is 11 weeks. What is the crash slope of the activity? (3)

b) A project has been defined to contain the following activities along with their time estimates for
completion: (15)

Duration (months)
activities Optimistic Most likely Pessimistic

A None 1 2 3
B A 1 4 7
C A 1 3 5
D A 1 2 3
E C 1 2 3
F D 2 4 6
G B 1 2 9
H G 5 7 9
I E, H 3 5 7
J F, I 2 3 4

i) Develop (AOA) PERT network diagram and find out the project completion time.
ii) Identify the critical path
iii) What is the probability that the project will be completed in 22 months?

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Z 1.48 1.52 1.58
Area under
.4306 .4357 .4429
normal curve

iv) Calculate the Total Float.

Q7. You have planned for a project to write a software application to take one year. The costs to the project
are budgeted at Rs.12,500/- per month ( i.e., budgeted cost for completion of the total work is
Rs.12,500X12 = Rs.1,50,000/-).
Six months into the project, you find that the software application is 50% completed and you have spent
Based on the information provided, find out PV, AC, EV, Cost variance(CV), Schedule variance (SV)
and comment whether the project is ahead or behind with respect to cost & time. Forecast cost and
time of completion. (7)


Q8. A company specializes in building small power plants, mostly for utility companies. The company was
awarded a contract approximately two years ago to build such a power plant. The contract stated a
project duration o0f three years, after which 1 percent penalty would be invoked for each additional
month of construction. Project records indicate utility plan is only 50 percent completed and is
encountering continuing problems. The owner of this company, concerned over the potential losses,
investigated the project and found the following: there was an excessive number of engineering design
changes; there was a high rejection rates; and the project was generally understaffed. As a result,
owner directed the project manager to develop a better system of project control and present the
method to the board members in one week.
Questions: (15)

a) Discuss the reasons for encountering such problems.

b) What is project control and how it should be implemented?
c) If you are the project manager of this project, what new control system would you be looking for,
which will be adequate for the problem?
d) How will the project manager close the project?

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