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Samantha Velarde
what is lavender?
Lavender is a plant that is known by different names such as
alhucema, lavender or lavender, among others. ... But
lavender is more than a beautiful plant with lilac flowers
with a great aroma, it has therapeutic properties, which is
why it is used to treat the following problems: Anxiety or

How to grow lavender plant?

We must place the lavender in an area where the sun abounds,
since it grows better if it has abundant light. If you choose to
plant it directly in the ground, lavender prefers calcareous
soils, rather sandy and dry. After planting, you will need to
water the lavender so that the cuttings take root well.

What climate does lavender need?

Lavender needs at least 6-8 hours of daily sun
exposure and is best grown in warm, moderately
dry climates with mild winters and sunny summers.

I like lavender because it has a very calming aroma and

its color is beautiful
Fun facts
—-Lavender takes between 1 and 3 months to grow from
germination. Yes, it is quite slow. Sometimes it happens in
15 days, but it all depends on the plant subspecies and
storage conditions.
—-Lavender is grown in Castilla-La Mancha, Murcia,
Aragon and Andalusia are the regions where lavender is
grown the most, the former being responsible for two thirds
of the total cultivated hectares.
—-The lavender plant is 60cm tall, 60cm wide and has
persistent foliage
—-Lavender or floral lavender is a pale or light variant of
the color violet and is a reference to the flower of the
same name, lavender.

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