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OPINION A new algorithm for the evaluation of recurrent
pregnancy loss redefining unexplained miscarriage:
review of current guidelines
Ralph S. Papas a and William H. Kutteh b,c

Purpose of review
Couples with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) are often referred to reproductive specialists to help determine
the reason for their repeated losses. This review will help to develop a strategy that is effective in providing
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a diagnosis, efficient to administer, and cost-effective to the healthcare system.

Recent findings
International societies have published different recommendations for the evaluation of RPL, they consider it
appropriate to initiate an evaluation after two (or three) clinical miscarriages. On the contrary, the clinician
who follows these guidelines will only be able to offer a possible explanation to fewer than half of the
couples being evaluated. Recently, genetic testing of miscarriage tissue using 24-chromosome microarray
(CMA) analysis at the time of the second pregnancy loss coupled with testing based on society guidelines
has been shown provide an explanation in more than 90% of cases.
New guidelines for the complete evaluation of RPL should consider adding 24-CMA testing on the
miscarriage tissue. Providing couples with an explanation for recurrent loss assists them in dealing with the
loss and discourages the clinician from instituting unproven therapies. Truly unexplained pregnancy loss
can be reduced to less than 10% with this new algorithm. Incorporation of these strategies will result in
significant cost savings to the healthcare system.
24-chromosome microarray testing, antiphospholipid antibodies, genetic testing of miscarriage tissue, recurrent
miscarriage, recurrent pregnancy loss

INTRODUCTION maternal causes, this new algorithm involves elimi-

Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) occurs in up to 3% of nating parental karyotype analysis from the initial
reproductive age couples [1 ]. Over the past decade, a
consensus definition of RPL consisting of two or more
&& a
pregnancy losses has emerged [2 ,3,4]. A recent Infertility Division, Obstetrics & Gynecology Department, St George
meta-analysis confirmed our earlier report that there Hospital – University Medical Center – University of Balamand, Beirut,
Lebanon, bDivision of Reproductive Endocrinology, Department of
were no differences in abnormal findings when eval- Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center and
uating women with two or three or more pregnancy c
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Center, Fertility Associates of Memphis,
losses [1 ,5] However, current standards for the eval- Memphis, Tennessee, USA
uation and management of this distressing disorder Correspondence to William H. Kutteh, MD, PhD, HCLD, Director of
for couples seeking to have children are insufficient, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Center, Fertility Associates of Memphis, 80
with over 50% of RPL cases remaining unexplained. Humphreys Center, Suite 307, Memphis, TN 38139, USA.
Tel: +1 901 747 2229; fax: +1 901 747 4446;
This lack of an explanation has resulted in experi-
mental testing and treatment being requested by
Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2020, 32:371–379
patients and sometimes offered by physicians [6].
A newly devised algorithm for the evaluation
and management of RPL is presented in this review This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0
suggesting an innovative approach to the manage- (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work
ment of RPL. In addition to screening for the most provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or
prevalent, known and potentially ‘treatable’ used commercially without permission from the journal.

1040-872X Copyright ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Reproductive endocrinology

the uterus. Grade D recommendations included test-

KEY POINTS ing for antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and genetic
 Couples with two or more pregnancy losses should be testing of products of conception (POC) after the
evaluated for RPL. third and subsequent loss. The 2012 American Soci-
ety for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) assessment of
 An evaluation including CMA on products of RPL includes analyzing parental karyotypes, evaluat-
conception with a modified American Society for
ing uterine anatomy, and screening for APS, thyroid
Reproductive Medicine work-up (deleting parental
chromosomes) will provide a proven or possible and prolactin abnormalities [3]. Karyotype analysis of
explanation in about 90% of couples. POC should only be used in the setting of ongoing
therapy for RPL [3]. The diagnostic results of the
 Unexplained miscarriage will be reduced to ASRM evaluation based on our data from 1398 cases
approximately 10% of cases; this group should be the
(Fig. 1) reveal that over 50% will be left without an
focus of future investigations into unknown causes of RPL.
explanation for their loss [5]. In 2018, the European
 Knowing the cause(s) of miscarriage often provides Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
great psychological and emotional relief, as patients (ESHRE) published extensive guidelines using the
often put the responsibility for the loss on themselves ‘GRADE’ system with ‘strong’ recommendations to
when this is rarely the case.
test for APS, and thyroid abnormalities, as well as for
 Adoption of this strategy for the evaluation and uterine anatomy assessment; whereas conditional
management of RPL will result in a doubling of the recommendations were given against the routine
couples who have an explanation for their loss, and use of parental karyotyping (to be carried out only
will reduce the cost to the healthcare system by half. after individual risk assessment) and POC genetic
analysis (to be performed only for explanatory pur-
poses) [2 ] (Table 1).
&& In addition, none of these guidelines support
RPL work-up [2 ] and recommending a systematic
the routine use of hereditary thrombophilia screen-
24-chromosome microarray (CMA) analysis of mis-
& ing for first trimester pregnancy losses (unless for
carriage tissue after the second or subsequent loss [7 ].
research or for women with additional risk factors
for thrombophilia) and male sperm DNA fragmen-

OVERVIEW OF CURRENT STANDARDS OF tation (for explanatory purposes only) [2 ,3]. Fur-
PRACTICE thermore, ESHRE does not advise routine testing for
polycystic ovaries and insulin resistance, ovarian
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecolo- &&
reserve, or luteal insufficiency [2 ].
gists (RCOG) Green-top Guideline on recurrent mis-
carriage in 2011 uses quality of evidence to grade
their recommendations for evaluation of RPL from A Parental karyotyping
to D. Best practices included referral of patients to a ASRM recommends parental karyotype analysis as a
specialist clinic and an ultrasound for evaluation of balanced reciprocal or a Robertsonian translocation is

FIGURE 1. Results of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Evaluation couples with recurrent pregnancy loss. A
total of 1398 couples with two or more documented early pregnancy losses of 1398 had a complete evaluation as
recommended by American Society for Reproductive Medicine [3]. More that 55% of couples had a normal evaluation and
were classified as unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss. Updated from [5].

372 Volume 32  Number 5  October 2020

New algorithm for recurrent pregnancy loss Papas and Kutteh

Table 1. Summary of the current guidelines from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, American Society for
Reproductive Medicine, and European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology compared with the new proposed
algorithm for the evaluation of recurrent pregnancy loss
Screening test Royal College 2011 ASRM 2012 ESHRE 2017 PROPOSED 2020

Parental karyotyping Not recommended Recommended Conditional Not Recommended

Unless POC reveals recommendation: Only Unless POC CMA reveals
unbalanced translocation after ‘individual risk unbalanced translocation
POC cytogenetic Recommended (after third Not recommended Conditional Recommend: Use CMA for
analysis and subsequent (karyotype analysis of recommendation: for the second and
miscarriage) POC explanatory purposes subsequent pregnancy
only in the setting of (strong recommendation loss
ongoing therapy for RPL) to use CMA when POC
genetic analysis is
Uterine anatomy Recommended: If Pelvic Recommended: 3D Strong recommendation: Recommend: 3D ultrasound
evaluation ultrasound abnormal get ultrasound (conditional
Hysteroscopy or 3D Hystero-salpingogram recommendation: prefer
ultrasound Hysteroscopy 3D ultrasound)
Antiphospholipid Recommended: lupus Recommended: lupus Strong recommendation: Recommend: lupus
antibodies anticoagulant and anticoagulant lupus anticoagulant and anticoagulant,
anticardiolipin Anticardiolipin antibodies anticardiolipin anticardiolipin
antibodies Antib2 glycoprotein I antibodies antibodies,
Good clinical practice: antiphosphtidyl serine
antib2 glycoprotein I antibodies
Thyroid function Recommended: TSH Recommended: TSH Strong recommendation: Recommend: TSH
Not recommended: TPO TSH and TPO antibodies TPO when TSH > 2.5 mIU/l
Prolactin Not discussed Recommended Conditional Recommended
recommendation: if
(oligo- or amenorrhea)
Hemoglobin A1c Recommended Recommended to evaluate Not recommended Recommended
for diabetes
Hereditary Not recommended for first Only recommended if a Conditional Only recommended if a
thrombophilia trimester (recommended personal or strong family recommendation: Only personal or strong family
for second trimester loss) history of thrombosis or in the context of research history of thrombosis or
thrombophilia or in women with thrombophilia
additional risk factorsa
Sperm DNA Not discussed Not recommended Conditional Not recommended
fragmentation Controversial data recommendation: only
for explanatory purposes
PCOS and insulin Insufficient evidence Not recommended Not recommended Not Recommended
resistance Controversial data
Luteal insufficiency Insufficient evidence Not recommended Not recommended Not Recommended
Ovarian reserve Not discussed Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended (use
testing only for explanatory
Vitamin D deficiency Not discussed Not discussed General advice to consider Recommend to supplement
vitamin D vitamin D

3D, three dimensional; ASRM, American Society for Reproductive Medicine; CMA, chromosomal microarray; ESHRE, European Society of Human Reproduction
and Embryology; POC, products of conception; RPL, recurrent pregnancy loss; TPO, thyroid peroxidase antibodies; TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone.
Individual risk assessment recommended (see text).

present in about 2–5% of RPL couples thus could a translocation in POC [2 ,3]. RCOG advises parental
represent a major prognostic factor [3,8,9]. ESHRE karyotypes when an unbalanced structural chromo-
recommends testing only in couples at an increased some is found in POC and referral of the couple
risk, evidenced by a prior child with congenital abnor- for genetic counseling [4]. Recent studies have
malities, offspring with unbalanced chromosomes, or shown that parental karyotyping for all RPL

1040-872X Copyright ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 373
Reproductive endocrinology

couples is simply not cost-effective [10,11] and Benefits of recurrent pregnancy loss
that there is no overall difference in live birth evaluation based on products of conception
rate when comparing Preimplantation Genetic cytogenetic analysis
Testing (PGT) to natural conception in those cases When the ASRM guidelines were published, we and
[11,12]. others proposed a new algorithm for the evaluation
and management of RPL based on the results of
cytogenetic analysis of POC by G-banding [19] or
Products of conception cytogenetic analysis
CMA [20] at the time of the second or subsequent
The RCOG issued a Grade D recommendation to first trimester miscarriage. Following this original
obtain cytogenetic analysis on POC after the third algorithm, if the cytogenetic analysis revealed aneu-
or subsequent consecutive miscarriage. They state ploid POC, no further evaluation or treatment was
that knowledge of the POC karyotype provides recommended. If an unbalanced chromosomal
prognostic value to the clinician in counseling translocation or inversion was identified, then
the couple on subsequent successful pregnancies parental karyotyping and genetic counseling was
[4]. advised. Finally, if the miscarriage tissue was found
The ASRM Practice Committee recommended to be euploid and maternal cell contamination had
against the use of karyotype analysis of the POC been ruled out, a full 2012 ASRM RPL work-up was
except in the setting of ongoing therapy for RPL [3]. recommended [19,20].
According to the committee, ‘if the evaluation iden- To clinically validate that this algorithm would
tifies a remediable cause, cytogenetic analysis of be more effective and cost-efficient than the ASRM
subsequent losses can be employed to evaluate RPL evaluation alone (Table 1), Popescu et al. [7 ]

whether the event was random and not a treatment prospectively evaluated RPL patients using the full
failure per se.’ ASRM acknowledges the probable ASRM workup (parental chromosomal abnormali-
psychological value for RPL couples. ties, uterine anomalies, endocrine imbalances, auto-
The 2017 ESHRE Guidelines issued a conditional &
immune factors) as well as CMA analysis of POC [7 ].
recommendation against the routine use of POC Results indicated that in over 90% of cases, at least
genetic analysis but issued a strong recommenda- one potential explanation for the miscarriage could
tion in favor of using microarray CMA whenever be identified when CMA analysis of POC was added
genetic analysis was performed on POC for explan- to the standard ASRM RPL evaluation. Moreover,
atory purposes [2 ,13]. Furthermore, ESHRE recog- this algorithm was found to be significantly more
nized that the ‘genetic analysis of pregnancy tissue cost-effective, producing savings of over 50% for the
has the benefit of providing the patient with a &
health system based on US numbers [7 ]. We here
reason for the pregnancy loss and may help to present additional data on a total of 378 RPL cases in
determine whether further investigations or treat- which POC CMA was performed. This large cohort
ments are required’ [2 ]. confirms that in 91.8% of cases an explanation for
The ASRM and RCOG positions on POC genetic miscarriage can be identified when combining the
testing for RPL were based on the then current ASRM work-up with POC CMA (Fig. 2).
standard of conventional G-banding karyotype Based on our experience, we agree with RCOG,
analysis [3,4]. ESHRE recommends CMA as the pre- ASRM, and ESHRE statements that there is a psycho-
ferred modality for POC genetic testing because it is logical benefit to the couples experiencing RPL
not limited by tissue culture failure or false negative when they learn that the pregnancy loss was the
results secondary to maternal cell contamination result of an abnormal chromosome complement.
[2 ]. Up to 50% of ‘46, XX normal’ reports from Clinically we have observed a great sense of relief
POC testing result from maternal cell contamina- in many couples, alleviating some feelings of guilt
tion, so methods to ensure the correct results are once they have an explanation for their loss.
required [14 ,15–17]. A recent report on CMA of
26 101 miscarriages had a successful read in over
86% of samples, detected 59% with a chromosomal NEW PROPOSED EVALUATION FOR
anomaly that could explain a pregnancy loss, but RECURRENT PREGNANCY LOSS
reported 13% of total results were due to maternal It is appropriate to remember that human reproduc-
cell contamination [14 ]. Conventional cytogenetic tion is an extremely inefficient process. Approxi-
results of 5457 consecutive POC samples yielded mately 70% of human conceptions never achieve
only 75% culture successes [16]. Limitations of viability, and nearly 50% spontaneously fade before
CMA technology include the inability to detect ever being noticed [21,22]. Spontaneous miscarriage
balanced structural chromosomal rearrangements is ultimately the most common complication of
and low-level mosaicism [16–18]. pregnancy. Of clinically recognized pregnancies

374 Volume 32  Number 5  October 2020

New algorithm for recurrent pregnancy loss Papas and Kutteh

FIGURE 2. Three strategies for identifying the cause of recurrent pregnancy loss including American Society for Reproductive
Medicine 2012 evaluation (left panel), products of conception chromosome microarray (right panel), and a combination of
both (center panel). As shown on the left, only 42.9% of patients who were evaluated for recurrent pregnancy loss using the
American Society for Reproductive Medicine recommendations had an explanation for their loss. When using only
chromosomal microarray on products of conception as shown on the right, 57.7% of pregnancy losses were aneuploid and
the couples had an explanation for their loss. When using the new strategy proposed in this article of combining chromosomal
microarray on products of conception after the second or subsequent loss with a modified American Society for Reproductive
Medicine evaluation (deleting parental chromosome analysis), 91.8% of couples had a possible or proven explanation for
their loss (center panel).

that ultimately miscarry, 60% contain a chromo- ectopic pregnancies, molar pregnancies, and preg-
somal anomaly that can explain the loss [13,14 ]. In nancy terminations were excluded. All women were
spite of this high rate of aneuploidy, it is important included regardless of socioeconomic status or race.
to realize that genetic factors alone cannot be the Laboratory and uterine cavity evaluation as well as
only causative factor for miscarriages in many RPL interpretation of normal and abnormal results has
cases [1 ,5]. been described in detail elsewhere [5].
Based on our data summarized in Fig. 2, we now The average age of patients at the time of the loss
propose an updated algorithm for the evaluation for inclusion in this report was 33.4  4.6. The esti-
and management of RPL. This proposal includes mated gestational age at the time of loss was
CMA analysis of POC after the second or subsequent 8.2  3.5 weeks with 96% occurring before 13 weeks
loss combined with a modified ASRM evaluation of gestation. Primary RPL occurred in 68% of women
that omits parental karyotypes. (951/1398) whereas secondary RPL was diagnosed in
the remaining women (447/1398; 32%). The major-
ity of women had two losses (747/1398; 53.4%) or
MATERIALS AND METHODS three losses (393/1398; 28.1%), while fewer had four
The retrospective cohort and the prospective studies or more losses (258/1398; 18.5%). It has previously
were approved by the Institutional Review Boards at been reported that the frequency of abnormal find-
the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center ings does not differ in women who had two, three,
and Rhodes College, respectively, for exempt status or four or more losses [1 ,5].
because the research included the collection and
study of existing data recorded by the investigators
in such a manner that the subjects could not be EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT
identified directly or indirectly through identifiers
linked to the subjects [5,7 ]. The original prospective Initial considerations
study has been expanded for this report. Couples who have experienced RPL want their med-
Patients included women with two or more ical team to provide compassionate care and clear
consecutive, clinically documented pregnancy information on the causes and treatments of RPL
losses. Pregnancy loss was defined as any natural [23,24]. Healthcare providers should support,
miscarriage occurring at or before 20 weeks of ges- understand, and acknowledge the pregnancy losses
tation or with a fetal weight of 500 g or less [3]. For are significant life events [24]. Furthermore, in keep-
this study, patients who had losses after 20 weeks, ing with ASRM, RCOG, and ESHRE guidelines,

1040-872X Copyright ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 375
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couples should be informed of the negative impacts estimated to be 16.7% in RPL as compared with
of smoking, excessive alcohol intake and weight 6.7% in the general population [26].
extremes on general health as well as on their repro- The updated proposal recommends screening
ductive potential, and referred to qualified providers for APS as a potentially treatable and prevalent
&& &&
if necessary [2 ,3,4] (Fig. 3, Box 1, item 1). (15–20%) diagnosis in RPL women [2 ,3,4,27,28].
All three societies recommend testing for APS using
lupus anticoagulant, IgG and IgM anticardiolipin in
Modified evaluation of patients with &&
all patients with RPL (Table 1) [2 ,3,4]. The Inter-
recurrent pregnancy loss national Congress on APS recommends adding anti-
In this new algorithm, all known, prevalent, and phosphatidyl serine antibody testing to identify an
potentially treatable abnormalities in first trimester additional 5% of women with APS who would oth-
loss RPL cases, whether anatomic, immunologic, erwise not be detected [28]. The clinical value of
and/or endocrine, are to be addressed regardless of such an approach goes beyond miscarriage preven-
POC cytogenetic analysis results (Fig. 3, Box. 1). This tion, given that treatment has been shown to reduce
recommendation differs from the original proposals late pregnancy complications [29]. ASRM adds test-
of Bernardi et al. [19] who suggested that the results ing for IgG and IgM antib2 glycoprotein I antibod-
of G-banding karyotypes on POC or Brezina and ies, however, RCOG and ESHRE guidelines consider
Kutteh [20] who suggested that the results of 24- &&
the association weaker [2 ,3,4]. A general consensus
CMA on POC be used to direct testing. Because it has recommends low-dose aspirin (75–100 mg/day)
been shown that approximately 25% of women with beginning before conception and a prophylactic
an aneuploid result on POC CMA analysis will also dose of heparin starting with a positive pregnancy
have a treatable cause of RPL a modified ASRM &&
test and continuing to delivery [2 ,3,4,27,30,31].
workup is necessary [7 ] (Fig. 3, Box 1, items 2–4). In the newly proposed algorithm, all cases are to
The modified evaluation omits parental karyo- be evaluated for thyroid and prolactin abnormalities
type analysis from the initial work-up, replacing along with elevation of HgbA1c. In our current
that with systematic CMA evaluation of miscarriage protocol, when thyroid stimulating hormone
tissue. The frequency of abnormal parental karyo- (TSH) levels are above 2.5 mIU/l, especially in com-
types is 2–5% and the self-pay cost for a karyotype bination with positive thyroid peroxidase (TPO)
analysis is $800. Thus, cost for each couple to obtain antibodies, we initiate low-dose levothyroxine.
a karyotype is $1600. Conversely, the self-pay cost There have been various published recommenda-
for a 24-CMA is $249, which will provide an expla- tions from ESHRE, ASRM, and RCOG for hormonal
nation for the miscarriage in almost 60% of cases testing including TSH, TPO antibodies, prolactin,
& &
[7 ,14 ,15,17]. Potentially treatable maternal causes HgbA1c, diabetes, insulin resistance, and ovarian
that will be found in about 40% of cases recognized &&
reserve (refer to Table 1 for comparisons) [2 ,3,4].
by RCOG, ASRM, or ESHRE include uterine abnor- We do not routinely recommend ovarian reserve
malities, APS, and thyroid and prolactin endocrine testing; however, a recent meta-analysis correlated
&& &&
disorders [1 ,2 ,3–5]. low-ovarian reserve in some women with unex-
The updated algorithm recommends that the plained RPL [32]. Vitamin D deficiency has been
uterine cavity be evaluated for all RPL women shown to be associated with several obstetric com-
(Table 1), given such anomalies are common but plications including miscarriage [33] and ESHRE
also simply treatable. ESHRE prefers three dimen- issued a recommendation to consider vitamin D
sional transvaginal ultrasound to assess the uterine supplementation for all cases as part of preconcep-
cavity in RPL given its high sensitivity and specific- &&
tion counseling [2 ]. We believe it judicious to
ity and its cost-effectiveness compared with hyster- consider Vitamin D supplementation for all women
oscopy [2 ]. ASRM accepts sonohysterography, with RPL.
hysteroscopy, and/or hysterosalpingography as suit-
able methods [3]. RCOG suggests a pelvic ultrasound
on all women with RPL followed by hysteroscopy or Management based on initial evaluation
three dimensional ultrasonography if a uterine results including products of conception
anomaly is suspected [4]. An ESHRE committee con- chromosome microarray
cluded that three dimensional ultrasound technol- Typically at the initial referral for RPL evaluation, the
ogy has an accuracy of 97.6% (confidence interval chromosomal status of the previous pregnancy mis-
94.3–100) for the diagnosis of female genital tract carriage is not available. Studies based on G-banding
anomalies when compared with hysterosco- karyotype analysis, suggest that POC results from the
py  laparoscopy [25]. The prevalence of congenital first miscarriage (euploid or aneuploid) are associated
and acquired uterine tract anomalies has been with a similar genetic outcome in 65% of second

376 Volume 32  Number 5  October 2020

New algorithm for recurrent pregnancy loss Papas and Kutteh

FIGURE 3. Proposed evaluation for recurrent pregnancy loss.

1040-872X Copyright ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 377
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miscarriages [34]. Using CMA analysis of POC Management of subsequent miscarriage

revealed similar aneuploidy rates in pregnancy losses Management of a subsequent pregnancy loss should
from natural conceptions (56.8%), conceptions from be based on the prior investigation (Fig. 3, Box 3). If
IVF (53.6%), women with one prior loss (54.4%), and no testing has been performed, evaluation should
women with three or more losses (52.1%) [35]. POC begin according to the new algorithm including
aneuploidy is extremely common, and its presence POC cytogenetic analysis and modified ASRM
does not rule out the presence of any of the known workup (starting with Fig. 3, Box 1). POC CMA
treatable RPL causes, which could have caused the testing should be performed on the present miscar-
loss of the previous pregnancy. Indeed, we believe all riage tissue as it could provide an explanation for the
RPL cases deserve to be assessed for all potentially loss and be relevant to any prior treatment. Addi-
treatable causes (Fig. 3, Box. 1). One key feature of this tional testing, which is available and appropriate,
new algorithm makes use of POC cytogenetic analysis should be considered potentially beneficial in spe-
to direct management toward what would poten- cific cases such as when repeated losses are euploid
tially be the most appropriate approach, without (Fig. 3, Box 2). In cases of repetitive POC aneuploidy,
making assumptions regarding the chromosomal when all possible causes have previously been
status of previous miscarriages (Fig. 3, Box 1, item addressed, IVF with PGT of embryos for aneuploidy
5 and Box 2). remains an unproven option with potential benefit
If the POC CMA reveals an unbalanced transloca- but may offer no benefit over expectant manage-
tion or an inversion, then a karyotype analysis of both ment [38,39] (Fig. 3, Box 3).
parents should be performed. In addition to genetic
counseling, expectant management versus IVF with
PGT should be considered and discussed [4,8]. CONCLUSION
The POC CMA will reveal aneuploidy in about 55% We have designed an updated strategy for a more
of cases [7 ,35] (Fig. 2). In a patient who has been effective and cost-efficient diagnosis and treatment
evaluated and treated for all of the known causes of RPL. The combination of a genetic evaluation on
(according to Fig. 3, Box 1), no further testing is miscarriage tissue with an evidence-based evalua-
generally recommended. Approximately 25% of tion of RPL will provide a probable or definitive
women with POC aneuploidy by CMA will have explanation for the loss in 90% of couples and less
at least one concomitant abnormal finding on the than 10% of couples with RPL will remain unex-
ASRM evaluation [7 ] and should benefit from treat- plained. In addition to doubling the numbers of
ment in any subsequent pregnancy. For women couples that will be given an explanation for their
with a normal ASRM work-up with aneuploid pregnancy loss, this new strategy for the manage-
POC as the sole identified cause of at least the last ment of RPL results in an estimated 50% cost savings
miscarriage, we optimistically counsel the couple to the healthcare system [7 ] (Fig. 3).
about the chances of a future live born child based These results compare very favorably to the use of
on the maternal age and number of prior losses [36]. RCOG, ASRM, or ESHRE guidelines where over 50%
When POC are euploid on cytogenetic analysis of couples will be categorized as unexplained RPL.
(42.3%) (Fig. 2) over 80% of these women will have This should decrease the tendency for clinicians and
an abnormal ASRM test result [7 ]. Overall a euploid patients to move toward unproven therapies out of
POC and an abnormal ASRM work-up occur in 28% desperation. This small remaining group of patients
of all cases [7 ]. Given that at least one of the known with unexplained RPL would be ideal candidates for
and treatable causes would have been addressed, no new research studies and therapies. In our opinion,
further testing is recommended at this point for future studies on novel treatments for RPL should
those specific cases. include mandatory testing of POC using CMA.
RPL cases with a normal ASRM evaluation and Couples with RPL want to know the reason for
euploid POC account for 8.2% of 378 cases (Fig. 2). their pregnancy losses. The evaluation and treat-
Thus, a new definition for ‘unexplained RPL’ arises ment of RPL should be based on the cause(s) of
when incorporating systematic POC cytogenetic the loss. Explanation of test results and emotional
analysis as a routine part of the RPL evaluation. support are very important components of therapy.
For these specific cases, additional testing can be Realistic expectations for future success should be
considered if indicated and appropriate (Fig. 3, Box. based on maternal age, numbers of prior losses, and
2) by the managing medical team, availability of the results of the evaluation. Finally, knowing the
given test and/or for research purposes. The patient cause(s) of miscarriage may provide great psycho-
should be counseled that expectant management is logical and emotional relief, as patients often put
also appropriate and that successful outcomes are the responsibility for the loss on themselves when
frequent [36,37]. this is rarely the case.

378 Volume 32  Number 5  October 2020

New algorithm for recurrent pregnancy loss Papas and Kutteh

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