Classification of Anemia For Gastroenterologists

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Classification of anemia for gastroenterologists

Article  in  World Journal of Gastroenterology · October 2009

DOI: 10.3748/wjg.15.4627 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Jose Antonio Moreno Martín Gutiérrez

University of Zaragoza University of Zaragoza


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Online Submissions:     World J Gastroenterol 2009 October 7; 15(37): 4627-4637 World Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN 1007-9327
doi:10.3748/wjg.15.4627 © 2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.


Javier P Gisbert, Professor; Fernando Gomollón, MD, PhD, Series Editors

Classification of anemia for gastroenterologists

Jose Antonio Moreno Chulilla, Maria Soledad Romero Colás, Martín Gutiérrez Martín

Jose Antonio Moreno Chulilla, Maria Soledad Romero Peer reviewer: Giulio Marchesini, Professor, Department
Colás, Martín Gutiérrez Martín, Department of Hematology, of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, “Alma Mater
University Hospital "Lozano Blesa”, University of Zaragoza, Studiorum” University of Bologna, Policlinico S. Orsola, Via
C/San Juan Bosco 15, Zaragoza 50009, Spain Massarenti
Author contributions: Moreno Chulilla JA, Romero Colás MS
and Gutiérrez Martín M contributed equally to this work. Moreno Chulilla JA, Romero Colás MS, Gutiérrez Martín
Correspondence to: Martín Gutiérrez Martín, Head, M. Classification of anemia for gastroenterologists. World J
Department of Hematology, University Hospital "Lozano Blesa”, Gastroenterol 2009; 15(37): 4627-4637 Available from: URL:
University of Zaragoza, C/San Juan Bosco 15, Zaragoza 50009, DOI: http://
Telephone: +34-976-556400 Fax: +34-976-353704
Received: July 23, 2009 Revised: September 11, 2009
Accepted: September 18, 2009
Published online: October 7, 2009
Erythrocytes and the digestive system are linked closely
Abstract from the very beginning of life. The yolk sack is the
origin of the first generation of erythrocyte precursors.
Most anemia is related to the digestive system by Yolk-sac-derived progenitor cells may seed the developing
dietary deficiency, malabsorption, or chronic bleeding. liver via the circulation and produce mature red blood
We review the World Health Organization definition cells that are required to meet the metabolic needs of
of anemia, its morphological classification (microcytic,
the fetus. By week 8, liver-derived red cells are evident
macrocytic and normocytic) and pathogenic classi-
and the liver is the only source of erythrocytes until the
fication (regenerative and hypo regenerative), and
integration of these classifications. Interpretation of
18th week of gestation. Afterwards, the spleen and bone
laboratory tests is included, from the simplest (blood marrow take over, but a small percentage of hepatic
count, routine biochemistry) to the more specific (iron erythropoiesis remains until the postnatal week 6.
metabolism, vitamin B12, folic acid, reticulocytes, In adult life, the esophagus, stomach, bowel and
erythropoietin, bone marrow examination and Schilling liver are involved in the pathogenesis of different types
test). In the text and various algorithms, we propose of anemia caused by nutritional deficiency, bleeding or
a hierarchical and logical way to reach a diagnosis as chronic inflammation.
quickly as possible, by properly managing the medical Several diseases of the esophagus may produce
interview, physical examination, appropriate laboratory chronic or acute bleeding: varicose veins, diverticula,
tests, bone marrow examination, and other comple- diaphragmatic hernia, tumors, ulcers, esophagitis and
mentary tests. The prevalence is emphasized in all Mallory-Weiss syndrome. The stomach plays a decisive
sections so that the gastroenterologist can direct the role in the protection of vitamin B12 until it is absorbed
diagnosis to the most common diseases, although in the final portion of the ileum, and contributes to an
the tables also include rare diseases. Digestive dis- optimum absorption of iron reducing Fe3+ to Fe2+. The
eases potentially causing anemia have been studied stomach also may be a source of bleeding in peptic ulcer,
in preference, but other causes of anemia have been
gastritis and tumors, and treatment with acetylsalicylic
included in the text and tables. Primitive hematologi-
acid and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The
cal diseases that cause anemia are only listed, but are
not discussed in depth. The last section is dedicated
absorption of iron is a sophisticated and specialized
to simplifying all items discussed above, using practi- process located mostly in the duodenum. The integrity
cal rules to guide diagnosis and medical care with the of the small-intestinal mucosa is essential for folate
greatest economy of resources and time. absorption. Vitamin B12 absorption takes place chiefly
in the ileum. In consequence, several gastrointestinal
© 2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved. diseases, hereditary or acquired, including surgical
resection, may produce nutritional deficiency anemia.
Key words: Anemia; Microcytic anemia; Iron; Deficiency Small-bowel inflammatory disease is a widespread cause
diseases; Macrocytic anemia; Normocytic anemia of chronic disease anemia. Chronic bleeding is a crucial
4628 ISSN 1007-9327    CN 14-1219/R World J Gastroenterol October 7, 2009   Volume 15   Number 37

sign in the diagnosis of malignant and benign lesions diseases[5,6]. The prevalence of anemia varies greatly, from
(such as diverticula) in the colon and rectum. 2.9% to 61%, depending on population, age, sex, and
Splenomegaly is a relatively common cause of normal limits of hemoglobin used by the author[7].
chronic hemolysis, and Zieve’s syndrome is an infrequent The most frequent cause of chronic anemia is
cause of acute hemolytic crisis. Last, but not least, gastrointestinal patholog y, and this explains why
the liver plays an essential role in the control of iron patients with anemia are often sent for consultation to a
metabolism through the hepcidin pathway, and accounts gastroenterological specialist[8].
for most vitamin B12, folate and iron stores. Anemia is a syndrome, not a disease, and therefore,
The links between anemia and digestive system are the etiology must always be investigated and therapy
strong and multiple. Because of this, hematologist and must be directed mainly to the causal disease, and not
the specialist in digestive system should work together only to restoring a normal hemoglobin concentration.
to acquire a profound know of common pathogenic In a patient with anemia, whose clinical and laboratory
processes. data are insufficient to find the cause, examination of
the digestive system is a priority for two reasons. The
first one is the high frequency of anemia in bowel
CONCEPT OF ANEMIA disease, and the second is the opportunity to diagnose a
Anemia is defined as a lower than normal hemoglobin malignant disease before it is too advanced[9-11].
concentration. Low hematocrit is a subrogate value
for anemia, but it is not measured directly by the
hematological analyzer. Instead, it is calculated from CLASSIFICATION
hemoglobin and other parameters. The erythrocyte count Anemia can be classified from three points of view:
may be misleading in the evaluation of anemia. In fact, pathog enesis, red cell mor pholog y, and clinical
in some cases of microcytic anemia, such as thalassemia, presentation. All are important to guide the diagnosis.
there is usually an elevated erythrocyte count (spurious Pathogenic mechanisms involved in the production
polycythemia). of anemia are very simple: inadequate production and
In order to make a generalized approach to the diag- loss of erythrocytes a a result of bleeding or hemolysis.
nosis of anemia, the World Health Organization (WHO) Based on these pathogenic mechanisms, anemia can
has established a reference range for normal blood he- be divided into two types. (1) Hypo-regenerative: when
moglobin concentration, depending on age and sex[1]. bone marrow production is decrease as a result of
According to this criterion, anemia is present if the impaired function, decreased number of precursor cells,
blood concentration of hemoglobin falls below 130 g/L reduced bone marrow infiltration, or lack of nutrients; (2)
in men or 120 g/L in women. This rule does not apply Regenerative: when bone marrow responds appropriately
to infants, children and pregnant women, who have their to a low erythrocyte mass by increasing production of
own tables of lower limits of hemoglobin concentration. erythrocytes.
The WHO criterion has been accepted widely for diag- In practice, classification based on basic parameters
nosis and publication, but its universal application has of red cell morphology such as mean corpuscular
been questioned mainly because of racial differences. volume (MCV), allows for a quicker diagnostic approach.
Beutler has proposed a lower limit of hemoglobin (1-2 g Anemia also can be classified according to the form
less) in African Americans than in Caucasians. The refer- of clinical presentation as acute (usually bleeding or
ence range of hemoglobin concentration in blood may hemolysis) or chronic.
vary depending on the population analyzed, age, sex, Anemia can be classified as microcytic, normocytic
environmental conditions and food habits[2,3]. or macrocytic, depending on MCV. As stated above, it
Anemia causes tissue hypoxia and triggers compen- can be hypo-regenerative or regenerative, which depends
sating mechanisms. Both processes together produce on the number of reticulocytes. Using both, the list of
the signs and symptoms characteristics of anemic syn- possible diagnoses in the individual patient is reduced
drome. Patients with anemia may present with fatigue, considerably. Both parameters can be supplied routinely
dizziness and dyspnea; however, mild anemia shows few by most of the automatic hematological cell counters.
clinical signs or symptoms. The sings of anemia include
pallor of the conjunctivae, face, nail beds and palmar
creases, although the absence of pallor does not rule PATHOGENIC CLASSIFICATION
out anemia[4]. The reticulocyte count is useful to distinguish anemia
Anemia is one of the most frequent causes of medical in which there is an appropriate bone marrow response
visits because of the high incidence in children, young from that in which there is a decrease in the production
women and elderly people, especially if malnutrition is of erythrocytes. The concentration of reticulocytes
present. Moreover, anemia is one of the leading sings reports on the bone marrow response to anemia. This
in many diseases or is the first evidence of disease approach is especially useful when MCV is normal.
observed in routine blood cell enumeration. Anemia A decrease in hemoglobin stimulates erythropoiesis
is unusually prevalent in developing countries because through an increase in circulating erythropoietin.
of malnutrition, and genetic, parasitic or infectious Therefore, when the bone marrow shows a normal
Moreno Chulilla JA et al . Classification of anemia     4629

regenerative capacity, there should be an inverse Table 1 Etiopathogenic classification of anemia

relationship between the decrease in hemoglobin and the
increased number of reticulocytes (regenerative anemia). Regenerative anemia
The expected reticulocyte count is much higher than Acute or chronic bleeding
normal to compensate for the anemia. However, when Hemolytic anemia
Hereditary (hemoglobinopathy, enzymopathy, membrane-
the hemoglobin decreases and the bone marrow does cytoskeletal defects)
not have regenerative capacity, the expected increase in Acquired (autoimmune, mechanical destruction, toxic-metabolic,
reticulocytes fails, despite the increase in erythropoietin drugs, infectious, PNH, hypersplenism)
plasma level (hypo-regenerative anemia)[12]. Hypo-regenerative anemia
Bone marrow failure caused by stem cell pathology
The reticulocyte count is expressed as a proportion
Quantitative disorder
of the number of erythrocytes, which must be corrected Selective: erythroblastopenia (pure red cell aplasia)
for anemia, and for increased lifespan of reticulocytes Global: aplastic anemia
in peripheral blood. Most hematological analyzers Qualitative disorder (dysmyelopoiesis)
provide directly the number of reticulocytes per mm3, Inherited: hereditary dyserythropoiesis
Acquired: myelodysplasia
which is a better estimation of erythropoietic activity Bone marrow infiltration
than a percentage. However, the absolute reticulocyte Leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma
enumeration per mm3 overestimates the actual activity of Solid tumors
erythropoiesis, since reticulocytes are released earlier and Myelofibrosis
Thesaurismosis (Gaucher disease)
remain longer in the circulating blood. To avoid these
Inflammatory chronic diseases, microorganisms (Histoplasma, HIV)
confounding events, it is recommended to calculate the Drugs, hypothyroidism, uremia
reticulocyte index. Erythropoietic factors deficiency
The next step is the calculation of reticulocyte Iron
production index (RPI): IDA
RPI = correcteds reticulocyte count (%) × (haematocrit Cobalamin and folate
observed/normal hematocrit) : F (reticulocyte maturation Megaloblastic anemia
times in vivo) Hormones: erythropoietin, thyroid hormones, androgens, steroids
RPI in a healthy person is 1. An RPI > 3 in a patient
with anemia suggests an appropriate bone marrow PNH: Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria; IDA: Iron-deficiency anemia;
response, and therefore, regenerative anemia [13,14] . ACD: Anemia chronic disease.

Nevertheless, the best estimate of the actual erythropoietic

activity[15], and easiest to calculate, is to divide by two the myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or myelofibrosis]
number of reticulocytes per mm3. or extrinsic (metastasis, Gaucher disease and other
thesaurismosis, tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, viral and
Regenerative anemia parasitic infections). All of them are capable of displacing
This is characterized by increased generation of erythro- normal hematopoiesis or changing the microenvironment
poietin in response to decreased hemoglobin concentra- necessary for regeneration, differentiation and proliferation
tion, and generally reflects a loss of erythrocytes, due of stem cells[16,17].
to bleeding or hemolysis (Table 1). In both cases, there Less frequently, progenitor cells committed to the
is a typical increase in reticulocytes. The bleeding can erythroid line (burst-forming unit-erythroid and colony-
be intense, with a sharp drop of hematocrit and obvi- forming unit-erythroid) are affected selectively, and the
ous clinical signs; or of small intensity and chronic, with result is pure red cell aplasia. When progenitor red cells
progressive decrease in hematocrit and MCV, which may are impaired selectively, bone marrow erythroblasts
go unnoticed. Over time, chronic hemorrhagic anemia are much reduced or absent, while other hematological
becomes hypo-regenerative and microcytic because of cellular lines remain normal. Pure red cell aplasia,
depletion of iron stores. hereditary or acquired, is very rare. However, a qualitative
Hemolysis, can be acute (usually intravascular) or alteration of the red cell line (dyserythropoiesis) is
chronic (usually extravascular). Acute hemolysis is often seen in clinical practice. In contrast to pure red
characterized by sudden episodes with very obvious cell aplasia, the bone marrow is rich in erythroblasts
clinical signs (fever, chills, back pain, dark urine) and in patients with dyserythropoiesis. In these cases,
typical laboratory data (hemoglobinuria and reduced the erythropoiesis is abnormal morphologically and
plasma haptoglobin)[16]. functionally. Erythroblastopenia as dyserythropoiesis
may have a hereditary or acquired origin. The former is
Hypo-regenerative anemia extremely rare. Thymoma is the most common cause of
This is caused by alteration of bone marrow progenitor acquired pure red cell aplasia. MDS is the most common
cells, which can be located at different stages of cause of acquired dyserythropoiesis. In MDS patients, the
differentiation and maturation. The impairment of lesion is located at the level of very primitive multipotent
pluripotent stem cells usually produces pancytopenia progenitors, and thus, the morphological and functional
(anemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia). Pancytopenia alterations can affect all blood cell lines (erythrocyte,
may be caused by intrinsic [bone marrow aplasia, leukemia, granulocyte-monocyte and megakaryocyte)[18-20].
4630 ISSN 1007-9327    CN 14-1219/R World J Gastroenterol October 7, 2009   Volume 15   Number 37

Table 2 Morphological classification Table 3 Classification of anemia as RDW and MCV

Microcytic anemia (MCV < 82 fL) ↓MCV Normal MCV ↑MCV

IDA Normal RDW β-thalassemia Normocytic Bone marrow
Thalassemia aplasia
Non thalassemic conditions associated with microcytosis α-thalassemia
ACD (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, chronic Increased RDW Iron deficiency Inflammatory Megaloblastic
infection, neoplasia) anemia anemia
Sideroblastic anemia (e.g. hereditary, lead poisoning) Hypothyroidism
Normocytic anemia (MCV = 82-98 fL)
Nutritional anemia (iron deficiency, cobalamin y/o folate)
RDW: Red blood cell distribution width.
Anemia of renal insufficiency
Hemolytic anemia
Red cell intrinsic causes: membranopathy, enzymopathy,
diseases such as hereditary spherocytosis, and therefore,
Red cell extrinsic causes: immune-mediated, microangiopathic, its practical utility is scarce.
associated with infection, chemical agent (spider venoms), metabolic It should always be bor ne in mind that MCV
ACD is an average value and therefore does not provide
Primary bone marrow disorder information about the homogeneity of the erythrocyte
Causes that are intrinsic to hematopoietic stem cells: bone marrow
aplasia (idiopathic, PNH, Fanconi syndrome), pure red cell aplasia
population. To resolve this problem, hematological
(acquired, congenital, Diamond-Blackfan syndrome), analyzers provide the erythrocyte distribution curve, with
myelodysplastic syndrome an index of dispersion: red blood cell distribution width
Extrinsic causes: drugs, toxins, radiation, viruses, immune- (RDW) (normal range: 10%-14%). RDW is a rough
mediated, bone marrow infiltration (metastatic and lymphoma)
indicator of anisocytosis and is an essential complement
Macrocytic anemia (MCV > 98 fL)
Drugs (hydroxyurea, zidovudine, methotrexate) to MCV (Table 3).
Nutritional (vitamin B12 and folate deficiency)
Drug-induced hemolytic anemia Microcytic anemia
Dyserythropoiesis, myelodysplastic syndrome, clonal hematologic
Faced with microcytic anemia, the three main diagnostic
Hereditary hematologic disorders
possibilities include iron deficiency anemia (IDA),
Mild macrocytosis (MCV = 100-110 fL) thalassemia, and anemia of chronic disorders (ACD). A
Reticulocytes fourth possibility, sideroblastic anemia, is so rare that is
Excess alcohol intake, liver disease, smoking not considered in the initial diagnosis, unless there is a
Hypothyroidism, Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia
Copper deficiency, bone marrow aplasia, erythroblastopenic anemia
history of contact with lead (Figure 1).
Down syndrome Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia,
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease so the first step in diagnosis should be directed toward
confirmation or exclusion of IDA. Serum ferritin allows
MCV: Mean corpuscular volume. us to confirm the diagnosis. Despite ferritin being an
acute phase reactant, the diagnosis of IDA is unlikely
Anemia caused by nutritional deficiencies or decreased with normal or elevated ferritin levels. Other parameters
production of erythropoietin is much more frequent than of iron metabolism (serum iron, total transport capacity
that caused by a primitive defect in bone marrow. of iron, and transferrin) are unable to distinguish with
certainty IDA from ACD[23].
IDA occurs in 2%-5% of adult men and postmeno-
MORPHOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION pausal women in the developed world [24,25], and is a
Pathogenic classification is very important to understand common cause of referral to a gastroenterology clinic
the mechanisms involved in the genesis of anemia 4%-13%[26].
(Table 2). However, in daily clinical practice, it is It is important to note that microcytosis without
more useful to start with the analytical parameters of anemia is characteristic of thalassemia trait, but also of
the hemogram. MCV allows us to classify anemia as polycythemia associated with iron deficiency[27].
microcytic (MCV < 82 fL), normocytic (MCV = 82-98 fL) The simple analysis of different parameters provided
and macrocytic (MCV > 98 fL)[21,22]. by the hematological analyzer gives a diagnosis of
MCV has a relationship with mean corpuscular microcytic anemia. RDW helps to distinguish thalassemia
hemoglobin (MCH), which repor ts on the mean from IDA. RDW is nor mal in thalassemia; on the
hemoglobin per erythrocyte expressed in picograms contrary, microcytic anemia with RDW > 15 is probably
(normal range: 27-32 pg). Therefore, MCV and MCH IDA.
decrease (microcytic, hypochromic anemia) or increase In recent years, the importance of serum soluble
(macrocytic, hyperchromic anemia) jointly. T he transferrin receptor has been recognized in differential
MCH concentration (MCHC) reports on the average diagnosis of IDA and ACD. Serum soluble transferrin
concentration of hemoglobin in each erythrocyte receptor is increased in IDA, without interference in
expressed as a percentage (normal range: 32%-36%), case ACD is present[28,29]. Intra-erythrocytic ferritin and
and its variations are very small, even in the presence erythrocyte zinc-protoporphyrin also help to differentiate
of hypochromia. MCHC increases only in a few rare IDA from ACD. These parameters allow the diagnosis
Moreno Chulilla JA et al . Classification of anemia     4631

MCV ≤ 80 fL MCV = 82-98 fL


Increases Normal or
Ferritin↓ Ferritin normal RPI > 3 decrease RPI < 3
TSI < 16% TSI normal or↑
Occult Myelogram and/or
blood marrow biopsy
Iron Hemoglobin
deficiency electrophoresis
Positive Negative normal or
Investigate the cause increased
↑Hb A2 and/or
High frequency of ↑HbF
gastrointestinal disease Aplastic or Anemia of
Coombs test hypoplastic chronic disease
anemia and other
Chronic disease
Other studies,
Investigate Investigate
Negative Positive cobalamin
Myelogram and cause cause
and folate
Perls stein
Others Autoimmune
hemolytic hemolytic
Bone marrow iron↑ anemia anemia
Bone marrow iron↑
Sideroblasts↓ Sideroblasts↑
test for
Chronic Sideroblastic hemolysis
inflammatory anemia
Figure 2 Evaluation of normocytic anemia. RPI: Reticulocytes production
Usual causes: Unusual causes: index.
Rheumatoid arthritis Renal cell carcinoma disease unusual
Temporal arteritis Hodgkin lymphoma
Chronic infection Castleman disease diagnosis toward hereditary diseases, mainly thalassemia.
Chronic inflammation Myelofibrosis If there are no family antecedents of microcytosis, it
is necessary to investigate acquired causes of non-iron
Figure 1 Evaluation of microcytic anemia. TSI: Transferrin saturation index; deficiency microcytosis, mainly ACD and sideroblastic
MCV: Mean corpuscular volume; Hb: Hemoglobin. anemia. Normal RDW guides the diagnosis toward the
former and a high RDW toward the latter.
of borderline patients who, at another time, would have
undergone unnecessary investigation of iron in the bone Normocytic anemia
marrow[30-32]. The fundamental question in normocytic anemia is to
In men and postmenopausal women, the bigger recognize the causes and susceptibility to treatment
concern should be to rule out the presence of occult as soon as possible. Among the causes are nutritional
bleeding. If positive, the first exploration should be a deficiency, renal failure and hemolytic anemia [21] .
colonoscopy, mainly in men, because of the frequent Nutritional mixed anemia that combines deficiency
association of occult blood with adenocarcinoma[33,34]. of vitamin B12, folic acid and iron is frequent. In
If the colonoscopy does not reveal the cause of the consequence, these three parameters should be requested
anemia, gastroscopy should be performed. The study in the initial phase of the diagnosis of normochromic
of the small bowel is more controversial, but it is anemia.
convenient to keep in mind that celiac disease is a cause In order to differentiate among reg enerative
of IDA[35]. (hemolysis and bleeding) or hypo-regenerative anemia
In premenopausal women, genital bleeding is the (bone mar row aplasia, chronic disease, nutrition
most frequent cause of anemia. Therefore, gastrointes- deficiency and hemopathy), it is necessary to determine
tinal exploration is controversial. An anamnesis directed the corrected RPI (Figure 2). In anemia of renal failure,
towards the characteristics of menstrual bleeding, al- morphological alterations in the blood are scarce and
though a subjective criterion, may be useful for distin- serum erythropoietin may be normal, but inappropriately
guishing a subgroup of women without excessive genital low for the degree of anemia. The severity of anemia is
bleeding, who require direct assessment of occult bleed- not evident until the disease is very advanced.
ing, followed by gastrointestinal exploration if positive. It will always be necessary to rule out hemolysis,
In cases in which occult bleeding is negative, the explo- by performing easily accessible laboratory tests [lactate
ration should be directed to the genital system[36-38]. dehydrogenase (LDH), indirect bilirubin, haptoglobin
Microcytosis associated with normal ferritin guides the and reticulocytes]. These parameters do not inform us
4632 ISSN 1007-9327    CN 14-1219/R World J Gastroenterol October 7, 2009   Volume 15   Number 37

Table 4 Serum levels that differentiate ACD, IDA and mixed and sideroblasts. In a patient with anemia and fever of
anemia unknown origin, we must carry out careful microscopic
examination of bone marrow, some selective staining,
ACD IDA Mixed anemia and bone marrow cultures to diagnose any underlying
Iron ↓ ↓ ↓ infectious diseases. Some infectious or parasitic
Transferrin ↓ or N ↑ ↓
Transferrin saturation ↓ ↓ ↓
diseases that are diagnosed with relative frequency are:
Ferritin N or ↑ ↓ ↓ or N tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, kala-azar and malaria[45-47].
Serum transferrin receptor N ↑ N or ↑
Ratio: soluble receptor of <1 >2 >2
Macrocytic anemia
transferrin/log ferritin
Cytokine levels ↑ N ↑
Macrocytosis is observed frequently using blood cell
analyzers (Figure 3). Its prevalence is 1.7%-3.9%, but 60%
N: Normal; ↑: Increase; ↓: Decrease. of the patients with macrocytosis do not have anemia[48].
On the other hand, macrocytosis can be physiological in
some circumstances (infants, pregnancy, some families).
about the origin of hemolysis, and it is necessary to
Even keeping in mind the precedent data is convenient
evaluate others, such as schistocytes in peripheral blood
to make a careful evaluation of macrocytosis in every
(intravascular hemolysis), the Coombs test (autoimmune
patient, to rule out any underlying pathology. In vitamin
hemolysis), tests of osmotic fragility (extravascular
hemolysis), and tests to rule out hemolysis induced by B12 and folic acid deficiency, as well as in other diseases,
drugs[39]. A detailed anamnesis and Coombs test, with macrocytosis (blood) is accompanied by megaloblastosis
and without the suspected drugs, are very useful in the (bone marrow). In such cases, both terms can be used
investigation of drug-induced hemolytic anemia. interchangeably[49].
When the cause of normocytic anemia is not any of The starting point in the diagnostic process for
the previously mentioned causes, it is necessary to guide macrocytic anemia will be to rule out therapy with
the diagnosis toward a chronic disease or to primitive drugs that interfere with nucleic acid metabolism, such
hematological disease[21,22]. It is difficult to arrive at the as.hydroxyurea, methotrexate, trimethoprim, zidovudine
definitive diagnosis. In this situation, it is fundamental or 5-fluorouracil, as well as habitual intake of alcohol[49,50].
that a careful clinical evaluation is carried out to rule out Hydroxyurea is the dr ug that increases most the
other causes of normocytic anemia: alcoholism (more MCV (> 110 fL); the other drugs and alcohol induce a
frequently macrocytic), effects of drugs (chemotherapy, moderate macrocytosis (100-110 fL).
immunosuppression), radiotherapy, neoplasia (bone In the absence of intake of any of the drugs men-
marrow infiltration), infections (mainly in hospitalized tioned above or alcohol, the most frequent cause of
patients), surgery, or recent trauma (first phase of microcytic anemia is nutritional deficiency[50]. Therefore,
bleeding). The association with pathological concomitant serum vitamin B12 and folic acid levels should be evalu-
processes, elevation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate ated. The last can be modified by the previous day’s
(ESR) and the absence of morphological alterations folic acid intake. A better alternative is intra-erythrocyte
in peripheral blood smears supports the suspicion of folate, which remains stable during the lifetime of red
ACD [40]. ACD is the most frequent cause of anemia blood cells and gives a better indication of possible
after ferropenia [41,42]. It is observed in patients that chronic folic acid deficiency. The measurement of eryth-
have immune hyperactivity. Activation of cytokines rocyte folate is a difficult technique that is not available
and the reticuloendothelial system induces changes in in every laboratory. The determination of homocysteine
iron homeostasis, erythroid precursor proliferation, is an accessible alternative to intra-erythrocyte folate. In
erythropoietin secretion, and erythrocyte life span[43]. All
the absence of folic acid, homocysteine levels increase
of these contribute to the pathogenesis of anemia.
rapidly because it cannot be converted into methionine.
ACD can be complicated with chronic bleeding,
Normal serum levels of homocysteine are highly un-
and in this case, the diagnosis is more difficult because
of the presence of microcytosis and ferropenia. The likely in folate deficiency[21].
biochemical parameter that better differentiates ACD In the same way, vitamin B12 deficiency is correlated
from IDA is serum ferritin[44] (Table 4). with low serum levels, although there are clinical
The hematologist must revise the blood smear situations in which low serum levels are not correlated
if primitive disease of bone marrow is suspected. with vitamin B12 deficiency (pregnancy, elderly patients,
Depending on the result, a bone marrow study may be and those with low white blood cell counts). In these
necessary to detect hematological diseases or metastasis. circumstances, normal serum methyl-malonic acid levels,
The biopsy, bone marrow smear, or both inform us of: in the absence of congenital errors of metabolism or
the morphology of the hematopoietic cells, on their renal failure, preclude a deficiency of vitamin B12[51].
quantitative distribution, especially the myelo-erythroid To complete the study of vitamin B12 deficiency, it is
ratio (nor mal 3:1); fibrosis; the presence of non- necessary to look for antibodies to intrinsic factor, which
hematopoietic cell; or possible bone marrow aplasia. if positive, confirms the diagnosis of pernicious anemia.
Perls’ specific iron stain informs us of the state of If not present, it is necessary to investigate malabsorption
iron stores, and it allows quantification of siderocytes by performing the Schilling test[52] (Table 5).
Moreno Chulilla JA et al . Classification of anemia     4633

MCV ≥ 99 fL


Increased Normal or decrease

RPI > 3 RPI < 3

Fecal occult blood test Myelogram

Positive Negative Megaloblastic Non megaloblastic

Coombs test Nutrients Bone marrow biopsy

Investigate cause Negative Positive Folate deficiency Cobalamin deficiency Hypoplastic Myelodysplastic

Others Autoimmune Investigate Intrinsic factor antibodies

Other studies Other studies
hemolytic anemia hemolityc anemia cause and schilling test

Analytical test
Positive Negative
for hemolysis

Pernicious Investigate
anemia cause

Figure 3 Evaluation of macrocytic anemia.

ANEMIA, A PRACTICAL APPROACH determination of the rest of the analytical parameters

that are useful in diagnosis, which are iron metabolism
FOR THE GASTROENTEROLOGIST: (mainly ferritin), urea, creatinine, bilirubin and total
STRATEGY TO DIAGNOSE PATIENTS protein. In cases of suspected IDA, the concentration
of soluble transferrin receptor should be included as
WITH ANEMIA, AND PREVALENCE OF a key parameter in differentiation between IDA and
DIFFERENT TYPES OF ANEMIA ACD[56]. The most probable causes of microcytic anemia
are IDA, thalassemia or thalassemia trait. RDW and
The strategy for establishing a diagnosis of anemia by iron metabolism are clues to differentiate between these
gastroenterologists must follow a classic pattern that processes in the initial step, as has been mentioned
includes a clinical interview, a basic physical examination, above. The most likely causes of normocytic anemia
and careful selection of complementary tests. are ACD, renal failure and primitive hematological
The clinical history should emphasize the causes of
diseases (least frequently). Iron metabolism and routine
blood loss, including non-gastrointestinal diseases, recent
biochemical tests may help to guide the diagnosis, but
history of gastrointestinal symptoms, gastrointestinal
in some cases, erythropoietin serum levels and bone
surg er y, use of nonsteroidal anti-inf lammator y
drugs, acetylsalicylic acid and anticoagulant therapy, marrow examination are necessary.
family history of hematologic diseases and colorectal In cases of macrocytic anemia, serum levels of
neoplasia[53-55]; all symptoms should be recorded, and not vitamin B12 and serum and/or erythrocyte levels of
only the gastrointestinal ones. folate will guide the diagnosis to deficiency of one
A single blood sample can give information on of these. Most causes of folic acid deficiency are
the concentration of hemoglobin (essential for the nutritional, although malabsorption should always be
diagnosis of anemia according to WHO criteria), the kept in mind. In contrast, vitamin B12 deficiency is
erythrocyte indices MCV and MCH (useful for the almost always the result of malabsorption [49,57]. The
morphological classification of anemia), RDW (estimate few exceptions are in strict vegetarians and hereditary
of anisocytosis) and ESR, which reports on possible transcobalamin Ⅱ deficiency (a ver y infrequent
ACD. disease). Among malabsorption causes of B12 vitamin
The hematologist should examine a blood smear if deficiency, the most frequent is pernicious anemia.
any abnormal erythrocyte indices have been detected. Therefore, the first step is to establish whether the
A clotted blood sample (to obtain serum) allows the serum levels of gastrin are highly elevated, because
4634 ISSN 1007-9327    CN 14-1219/R World J Gastroenterol October 7, 2009   Volume 15   Number 37

Table 5 Causes of megaloblastic anemia Table 6 Differential diagnosis of anemia from a gastrointestinal
point of view
Cobalamin deficiency
Poor diet Gastrointestinal causes of anemia
Deficiency of intrinsic factor Microcytic anemia
Pernicious anemia Iron deficiency
Total or partial Gastrectomy Decreased iron absorption
Ingestion of caustic (lye) Frequent: Celiac disease, gastrectomy, H pylori colonization
Functional defect of intrinsic factor Infrequent: Bowel resection, bacterial overgrowth
Alteration of ileal (microenvironment) Occult gastrointestinal blood loss
Insufficient pancreatic protease activity Frequent: aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Inactivation enzyme (Sd. Zollinger-Ellison) use, colonic carcinoma, gastric ulceration, angiodysplasia,
Competition for cobalamin inflammatory bowel diseases
Alteration of ileal mucosa Infrequent: esophagitis, esophageal carcinoma, gastric antral
Acquired vascular carcinoma, small bowel tumors, ampullary carcinoma,
Surgical resection or by-pass Ancylomasta duodenale
Regional enteritis (Crohn’s disease) Non-gastrointestinal blood loss
Tropical esprue Frequent: menstruation, blood donation, ACD
Celiac disease, Tuberculosis Infrequent: Hematuria, epistaxis
Lymphomatous infiltration Sideroblastic anemia (alcohol, lead, drugs), vitamin B6
Induced by drugs ACD
Congenital Normocytic anemia
Sd Immerslund-Gräsbeck Frequent: ACD (liver disease, renal insufficiency, malignancy,
Congenital transcobalamin Ⅱ deficiency or abnormality nutritional deficiency, drug effects, alcoholism, recent trauma or
Congenital methylmalonic acidemia and aciduria surgery, iron deficiency
Hemodialysis Infrequent: primary bone marrow disorder
Urinary losses (congestive heart failure) Macrocytic anemia
Folate deficiency Non-megaloblastic
Dietary Systemic disease:
Old age, infancy, poverty, alcoholism, chronic invalids, Frequent: liver disease, alcoholism
psychiatrically disturbed, scurvy and kwashiorkor Infrequent: primary bone marrow disease (myelodysplastic
Excess utilization or loss syndrome, aplastic anemia), metastatic infiltration, hemolytic
Physiologic: pregnancy and lactation, prematurity anemia, hypothyroidism
Pathologic: Hematologic diseases Megaloblastic anemia
Malignant diseases Vitamin B12 deficiency: pernicious anemia, gastrectomy,
Inflammatory disease hereditary deficiency of intrinsic factor, inflammatory bowel
Metabolic disease disease, primary intestinal malabsorptive disorders, parasitic
Excess urinary loss, congestive heart failure, active liver disease colonization, nutritional deficiencies
Hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis Folate deficiency: diet poor in folates, regional enteritis, Whipple’s
Malabsorption disease, scleroderma, amyloidosis, increase requirements (liver
Congenital disease, hemolytic anemia)
Anti-folate drugs Antifolate drugs: methotrexate
Tropical sprue, gluten-induced enteropathy
Extensive jejune resection, Crohn’s disease, partial gastrectomy,
systemic bacterial infection, Whipple’s disease of antiparietal cell antibodies. Gastric biopsy has the
Congenital abnormalities of folate metabolism
Cyclohydrolase, methionine synthetase
added advantage of giving information about possible
Combined deficit of folate and cobalamin metaplasia or precancerous lesions[58]. In the absence of
Celiac disease gastric disease, the most likely cause of malabsorption of
Regional enteritis (Crohn’s disease) vitamin B12 is Crohn’s disease, with involvement of the
Congenital disorder of DNA synthesis
terminal ileum[59]. Hereditary causes of malabsorption
Disorders of DNA synthesis induced by drugs
(Immerslund syndrome) or transport (transcobalamin Ⅱ
Purine antagonists deficiency) are extremely infrequent.
Pyrimidine antagonists The list of causes of anemia is long and cumbersome,
Alkylating but most can fit into a very small number of diseases on
which we must concentrate as a first diagnostic option
(Table 6)[60-66].
IDA is the most prevalent form of anemia worldwide,
they are > 1000 pg/mL only in atrophic gastritis type especially in women and children. Thirty-percent of the
A (pernicious anemia) and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. world’s population, some 1300 million people, suffer from
In pernicious anemia, pepsinogen I levels are low, anemia. However, the prevalence of anemia worldwide
gastric pH is high and gastric acid secretion does not is unequal (36% in underdeveloped and 8% in developed
respond to stimulation with histamine or pentagastrin. countries) About half of the patients with anemia have
Serum antibodies against intrinsic factor and parietal IDA, which is most prevalent in the general population
cells are not sensitive or specific enough to confirm and in outpatients. The most likely cause of IDA is
the diagnosis. The exploration that leads directly to malnutrition in children, bleeding in adult males (especially
diagnosis is gastroscopy, with mucosal biopsy and study gastrointestinal), menstruation or lactation in fertile
Moreno Chulilla JA et al . Classification of anemia     4635

women, and bleeding in the elderly. The distribution of mild anemia with nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms.
nutrient-deficiency anemia in the elderly is: 48% iron Endoscopy usually provides the diagnosis.
alone, 19% folate alone, 17% vitamin B12 alone, and the Hereditary anemia is extremely rare, except for
rest have combined deficiencies. Therefore, in young male thalassemia and sickle cell disease in certain geographical
adults and in both sexes older than 65 years, the most areas. Sickle cell disease is restricted to blacks. When
likely cause of IDA is chronic bleeding, especially from one suspects hereditary anemia, the cooperation of a
gastrointestinal lesions[67]. hematologist should be sought, because the diagnosis
The hemogram, the concentration of iron, ferritin is difficult and the laboratory tests should be carefully
and transferrin in blood and investigation of fecal occult selected.
blood are sufficient to obtain a diagnosis in most cases.
ACD is the most prevalent form of anemia after CONCLUSION
IDA in the general population[40,68], but is even more
common in hospitalized patients, regardless of sex and More than 100 diseases may cause anemia, but 90%
age[42,67,69,70]. belong to three groups: nutritional deficiencies (iron,
The underlying causes of ACD vary greatly: acute vitamin B12 and folic acid), ACD (chronic inflammation,
and chronic infections, 18%-95%; cancer, 30%-77%; auto- tumors), and bleeding (excluding chronic bleeding, which
immune diseases (including chronic inflammatory bowel produces iron deficiency). Hemolytic anemia, although
disease), 8%-71%; rejection of solid organ transplanta- less frequent than the other, is the last option before
considering the diagnosis of rare diseases.
tion, 8%-70%; and chronic renal disease, 23%-50%.
A few laboratory tests, such as blood count, ESR,
ACD is found in 20% of elderly people with anemia
serum ferritin, and serum iron and transferrin, are
(30% excluding nutritional deficiency), and a further
sufficient to focus the diagnosis. According to initial
4.3% suffer from ACD and kidney failure. Therefore, we
results, additional laboratory tests should be ordered:
should keep in mind ACD as the most likely diagnosis serum vitamin B12 and serum and erythrocyte folate (in
in elderly and inpatients, and as the second most likely case of macrocytosis), tumor markers and acute phase
diagnosis in outpatients under 65 years of age[68]. The reactants (if ACD is suspected), LDH, haptoglobin and
laboratory tests needed to confirm the diagnosis include antiglobulin test (if hemolytic anemia is suspected).
serum iron, transferrin, transferrin saturation, ferritin, With these key data, the doctor can put in place
urea and creatinine. more specific tests: imaging, endoscopy and additional
The gastroenterologist must r ule out chronic laboratory tests. The next step should be to correct the
inflammatory bowel disease, tumors of the digestive tract cause of anemia when possible or correct anemia itself
and liver disease. In some patients, the cause of anemia when the cause cannot be treated. The advantages are
is complex (chronic disease and chronic hemorrhage). clear if the cause is a cancer that can be diagnosed at
In these cases, it is difficult to confirm the diagnosis and an early stage. On the other hand, we can improve the
additional testing is required: soluble transferrin receptor quality of life of patients by correcting the anemia with
and microscopic examination of bone marrow with medical treatment or regular transfusions.
special stains for iron.
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