Interprofessional Collaboration

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Interprofessional Collaboration

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Interprofessional Collaboration

Most healthcare organizations and institute of Medicine recommends interprofessional

education to prepare future healthcare students to work in interprofessional teams.

Interprofessional teams can effectively address complicated medical issues. Educating future

healthcare professionals to work in teams will help implement this approach and improve patient

outcomes (Beeber et al., 2019). This research paper describes the best strategy applicable by the

DNP-prepared nurse to realize project advancement through intra- and interprofessional


The strategy I envision include, establishment and development of partnership works that

involve critical stakeholders and establishment of capacity of trustees, staff and volunteers. They

strategy allow sustainability of efforts. Such are recommendations, project initiation, and

resource sharing. Strong cooperation can boost community service and project sustainability. For

instance, Trustees with experience will help manage projects effectively (Gustavson et al. 2019).

Grant writers and fundraisers might be merged to generate large funding for ongoing programs.

Space, staff, volunteers, and equipment may all be utilized to serve the community at little or no


My typical reactionary style of conflict management is a cooperating style that places a

premium on connections while also placing a premium on attaining one's own objective. I am a

Collaborative individuals who always intend to bring all disagreement to the table, examine it,

and resolve it amicably with all parties. I seek the optimal solution: one that benefits all parties to

the issue. However, I need to develop an interpersonal skills to allow me educate the conflicting

parties to develop partnership may work together to spread the benefits of projects to


Professional practice model might overcome barriers leading to a practice change project

in interprofessional environment by pooling resources and Involving individuals with similar

interests and challenges may result in the establishment of supporting services with little

resources (Conflict Management: Managing Conflict Between Nurses). To optimize service user

advantage, partners' abilities must be identified and used.



Beeber, A. S et al. (2019). The role of Doctor of Nursing Practice-prepared nurses in practice

settings. Nursing outlook, 67(4), 354-364.

Conflict Management: Managing Conflict between Nurses. (n.d.).

Gustavson, A. M et al. (2019). Conducting clinical research in post-acute and long-term nursing

home care settings: regulatory challenges. Journal of the American Medical Directors

Association, 20(7), 798-803.

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