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Praise Activity

In your own words, describe:

 What is descriptive praise? Helps children to feel good about the work they put into accomplishing
 What is appreciative praise? Helps children to see how their actions can benefit and help others.

Now create three (3) descriptive praise phrases and three (3) appreciative praise phrases for each age group
(Review the Praise Examples infographic for examples of phrases)

12 - 17 YEAR OLDS
Descriptive Praise
 You have put a lot of effort into your left-hand turns. You’ve been
able to turn the wheel more smoothly.
 I am very happy with the effort you put into learning this year in
school. I can see that you’ve been able to keep up with your
 You’re getting better at shaving. You’ve been able to prevent
knicks on your face.

Appreciative Praise
 Jenna really appreciated you asking her to the dance. She said she
had a lot of fun. It was her first time at the dance and mentioned
that you took great care of her.
 Thank you for going to the service project. They really needed
people to help out. There was a lot more work than they could
tackle on their own.
 Joseph really appreciated the cookies you baked for him. Here is a
card he brought over to say thank you.

7 - 11 YEAR OLDS
Descriptive Praise
 You’ve done a great job practicing being reverent during church.
You’ve been a really good example for your siblings.
 You’ve been getting better at your serves in pickleball. I can see
the practice is paying off.
 Your handwriting is improving really well. It is getting easier to read
and is looking neat.

Appreciative Praise
Praise Activity

 Thanks for taking out the trash for your brother. You really made
him happy by helping him with his chores.
 Thanks for mowing Anna’s lawn for her. She has been sick for a
few weeks and was really appreciative of you taking the time to
 Thanks for making cookies with me. I loved being able to spend
time with you.

Descriptive Praise
 I love how persistent you have been learning to ride your bike.
You’ve almost been able to do it on your own.
 I can see that your practice is paying off. You’ve been able to
dribble the ball really well.
 You’ve practiced floating on the water really well. You are
becoming a great swimmer.
Appreciative Praise
 Thanks for your help unloading the dryer. It makes it so I can spend
more time with you.
 Thanks for sharing your favorite teddy bear with your sister. She
was having a hard day and it cheered her up.
 John is so happy you were able to come and visit him. He loved to
share cookies with you.

Descriptive Praise
 You are so careful stacking those blocks. You’ve been able to get
them to stack really high.
 You’ve been getting more and more steady every day. You should
be able to start running soon.
 I am so happy to see you practicing your jumps. You’ve been able
to jump higher and higher every day.

Appreciative Praise
 It was so nice of you to share your blocks with your sister. Look how
happy she is.
 Thank you for helping me clean up the mess on the floor. It helps
me to have more time to spend with you.
 Look at all your toys. I’m sure Jenny would be happy if
you played with her.

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