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TUNE IN ON WFAA' Post Office Cashier Does His Christmas Stamp Shopping Early

after receiving a warning from Post find new.uses. War have reshaped international remaster General James Farley to do new. outlets for farm surplusses," lations and embody a challenge for. a Schoffelmayer said.. "That approach broader approach to national and state his Christmas shopping early this year. can be had through industry aided by planning, be said. Mr. Bradshaw said feat $2W.rrr> chemistry and research." worth of stamps more than usual dur*"No state in the Union has more to The luncheon, held in the Hotel offer in the field of research than has Herman Bradshaw, ^postal cashier ing the other quarters of the year ax. Texas, was sponsored by the cham- Texas," the Dallas man asserted. "It started his Christmas list of stamps sold during October, November and ber's agriculture and livestock com- is America's greatest agricultural needed "at the post office Monday mittee.. Honor guests present included state, leading all other states in total E. F. Hombeck. Decatur; W. R John- volume and value of farm and ranch Schoffelmayer Tells son, Jackboro; B. A_ Buzbec, Santo; products. Crowley; J- W. Fort Worth Chamber W.E. Baker, G. A, Mcdung.Fester, . The trend in Texas Is now definitely Weatherford; Fort Nemo; J. toward new industries using fee Of Advantages Ahead Worth; Alfred 5. Hewlett, Hallmark," state's varied materials, the local busiBosK-Scott, Cresson; W. P.. 'Traa tia T*rt "V.rlk S i r u af T B , Swfc Dublin, and O. A. Peterson, Boanoke. ness leaders were told. . As an exrrm i rrt wtta S<ru of Tfci S*. ample Schoffehnayer cited fee $5,000,FCOT WOSTH, Texas. Oct 10.-Re- Place of Chcnuirxr. FORT WORTH, Texas, Oct 18. P O pulp rain of fee Champion Paper O ir'TrliTit his lisymers that prosperity ProbsHy the most significant Forty-five members of Gov. James V. ja fee farming d a s . is movements one of United States today, & liber Company at Houston, using in fee Allred"s New York and San Francisco Udeial business iarprovement. Victor destined to have a favorable effect East Texas loblolly pine and Golf World Fairs Osninission have been H. Scbolfelaiayer.. agriculture editor upon agriculture; said Schoffelmayer, Coast.salt and sulphur 'as conversion called to, meet in Fort Worth Monday cf Tb^ Dallas Xrws, tcld local cham- is that of farm chemurgy. Jits aim is agents; also fee SS.000.000 plant of fee to perfect plans for Texas' participaber of cccfflnrrce members Monday, it to provide new sources of income for Southern Alkali Corporation at Cortion In the international shows. Gova incentive that businessmen give farmers from sale of agricultural raw pus Christi, using salt brine of the ernor Allred and Governor-Designate Gulf Coast and other materials to serious thought to fee agrienltuTal materials to industry. S"TT many of W. Lee O'Daniel will attend fee make soda ash and.'other, chemicals. JTOW-TJ in fee lace of lost cotton these raw materials are imported from meetingThe' proposed 17,000,000 Southland abroad there might be employment Details of the call were announced I n vie wof fee' present stagnation for 'millions of acres of land now, Paper- Mill plant at-Iaifkin in East Monday following a luncheon conTexas is another project to make In fee fofH'^g industry it is evident standing idle, he pointed out. ference between the Governor-nominewsprint and krsft paper from Texfeat fee right approach toward solv"Especially applicable is fee as pines. nate and Karl HobUQelle, Dallas, excheraurgic movement to Texas and the "Many' chemurgie industries," he ecutive vice-chairman of the comDR. FRED C nSGSLEY South because of the wide variety of said.! "can be built, in Texas .using mission, at the Fort Worth Club. W. suxux farm products which tha region may such raw materials, as sweet potatoes, M. Massie, state planning board chair t m n : _ 5 ^ XlSflLSWOOD ST. produce annually from cotton, com, grain sorghums, com. sugar cane,'pine man, and Paul Wakefield, Austin, grain sorghums, rice and pines to catcommission secretary, also were, prestle, hides, wool, mohair,'sulphur,' na- and.hardwood trees,-clay, limestone, ent tural gas, petroleum, lignite and lime- gypsum, - potash, alkali,. salt,- sulphur, stone," be added. "All these might petroleum, asphalt, and acetylene. In well be integrated in a comprehensive the light .of .the research chemist and The meeting next Monday will be chermugic program which will revo- physicist and of fee wide-awake infollowed by- an intensive drive to lutionize Texas agriculture and bal- dustrialist-seeking new cheap- raw : complete all preliminaries and get ance its'rural economy'with new in- materials and markets for new. prod-, PROFESSIONAL ADDRESS work started on construction of builducts, the- industrial .development .of _ K m fltaf(nt*. ings. It has been decided to follow OF DISTINCTION AND REST16E Texas should steadily increase in acA fairly common denizen of Dallas night life is the night-blooming cereus, fee suggestion of the state planning Just as fee past development of the cordance1 with domestic demand, be-| but Mrs. Mollie Cronin, 3829 Frank, holds a few of fee blossoms of an un- board to depict Texas through fee state has been characterized largely lieves .this? aathority. ci one feat blooms twice a year and bears twenty to twenty-three blos- use of a film which will picture fee by fee growth of agriculture and Texas- should play one of fee lead in stock raising, fee next century will 3ng roles' in this new industrial drama soms. The cereuswhich Latinusually blooms on]/ by state'x history, romance, beacty and Cronin thinks she gets concern itself greatly, with .industry because .of. its'- unchaUenged .possibili- August Mrs. dirt in the flower box. an extra October crop of blossoms industrial advantages as well as its changing fee great natural resourcesdeveloped ties', to produce fee raw materials "That doe* not mean agriculture heretofore enumerated. and undeveloped.. and livestock wul fall into decay," he "Because'Texas pusaes&es abundant The Texas picture probably wul be explained. "On the contrary,- they can and sufficient rainfall over most of its collected through some outstanding be greatly aided by wise planning territory and because of fee newer producer and will be accompanied by which wUI encourage needed indus- technique' of water conservation and a sound truck on which a speaker of FORT WORTH, Texas, Oct 10 (AP). tries based upon fee logical use of utilization which' "will increase fee national prominence will voice the fee products of farm, ranch, orchard stability of High Plains' farming to At least five men will be interTexas story. viewed when the'board of directors and forest. greater proportions, and because of of Texas Technological College, Lub- LUFKIN. Texas. Oct 10 (UP).Luf- "This is a wonderful opportunity kin was ready Monday for its For- for fee state to inaugurate the plan ChaBeoge Co Planning. fee great interest in soil conservation The time is here for a realignment and restoration now manifested. by bock, meets Tuesday to consider fee est Festival which civic leaders hope for industrialization which, as a part of all factors which bear upon fee farmers'and landowners which, roust selection of a president to succeed to turn into an annual'affair rivaling of my platform, was endorsed by Tyler's Rose Festival. commerce of Texas, whether at home result in enhanced fertility of fee fee late Dr. Bradford Knapp. more than 500.000 - voters when they or abroad, Scboffelmarer said. Eco- land, there is every reason feat "Texas Those summoned to confer with the The Forest Carnival wul open Tues- nominated me in July," OTJaniel said. nomic forces set loose by fee World win be in position not only to attract board are V; M_ Ehlen, engineer with day wife a parade led by Jerry Sad- T have been informed feat fee exthe State Department of Health: B. Dallas Building St new chemurgie industries but to sup- B. Harris of-the North-Texas State ler, Railroad Commissioner nominee position in New York, will be fee Loan Association has ply them in perpetuity-wife fee n w Teachers College; Dean Thomas Davis and Gerald C. Mann. Democratic nom- greatest world fair ever'staged'in history. It will be ..a show window materials they require," Scboffelmayer of John Tarieton Agricultural College; j inee'for Attorney General. developed a highly Several thousand persons, includ said. fee Rev. E. B. King of Fort Worth, ing representatives from fee Texas before which the people not only of A o w e u ifce ftmtms '* *efficient organizathe United States but of fee whole "A. Texas, Southwestern and Midflee* !r Ik* s o e n l vr*etfte*r western market embracing a popula- and C M . Arrowwood of.the Uni- Planning Board, the Texas Forestry world will parade daily for more than for nim riling versity of Texas.. Others, also may Association, Texas Mill Managers AsSCBGEatT A \ D MEDIUMS six months. There could be no better tion of 25,009,000 can well absorb a be interviewed. TEA loans. sociation and the forestry-, committee opportunity for Texas to display her large volume of such new goods "as 1*14 Mrdlrxl ArtM 0 M f , Z-**U of the East Texas Chamber'of Comwill come into existence from a closer merce are expected. Dallas members of the commission union between agriculture and indusMiss Juanita Terry, Lufkin, will be who will attend the meeting here are try through science and research," be crowned queen of. the festival, sur- E. J. Kiest, B.'I-Tnornton..Ted Dearounded by a court of princesses from ley. Holmes Green. F. F. Florence. K. PU1 t Tte Sewi. LONGVIEW, Texas. Oct 10.Mr. Palestine, Nacogdoches. Hemphill, B. Germany, Harry E. Stewart HarCareer Women to Meet Tttra rrt Vcrta Borna tf Tia Saw*. and Mrs! S. C. Melton, Longview Jacksonville, Henderson. Longview, old Byrd, Freeman Burford and FORT WORTH. Texas, Oct. 10.- couple, celebrated their fiftieth wed- Trinity,- Gilmer, Tyler, Houston. George Waverley Briggs. of Members of fee Fort Worth Business ding anniversary at the homeSari their Gladewater, Groveton, Athens and HoblitMlle issued the calt for the An. and. Professional Women's Club will daughter, Mrs. Sam BazzeU, meeting and both Allred and O'Danbe honored 'at -a banquet 'Tuesday l i J J M N SKy-~ ""- Dt iMi77 iel joined in urging a full attendance. night at fee Woman's Club. To be Mrs. Melton, fee former Minnie Vice-Chairman Hoblitzelle on his Buckelew, daughter of fee late Mr. honored wul be Mix Grace E.- Clark. way home from a" three-month trip and Mrs. W. F. Buckelew. Shrs'veport, Mrs. C. Eleanor Hudson,:Mrs. W..P. abroad conferred in New York with and Sidney Clarence Melton, son of Lane, Mrs. Gaither Miller, Mrs. lone Federal Reserve Chairman Jesse Long Sargent, Miss Florence B. Col- fee late Mr. and.Mrs.-J. W..Melton Jones, chairman of the commisison, ston, Miss Eva J. Durham, Miss Sarah of Mississippi, were married Oct 3, and they visited the site of fee New U Edmondson. Miss Averill Gouldy, 1888. at fee First Presbyterian Church Special to Tto He**. Miss Grace Mason, Miss Mary Jane in Shreveport with Dr. Matthew van SHERMAN. Texas, Oct 10-The York World Fair as the guests of The class of tenants and take to any'kind of going with fashion an'd east. man buried Saturday afternoon, after President Grover Whalen. Higginv Miss Lois Long, Miss Meta Lear reading fee ceremony. standards of service stamp Meadow, Miss Gladys Pittenger and Mrs. Melton's father was a pioneer being .identified as a cook who lost his job with a carnival show here, Miss Annie Rasbury. merchant of/Shreveport this building as a business Monday was identified as being In addition, they're tops in value . . exemplified . and Mrs. Melton have five Turner Arlington, brother of Floyd Negro Arrested home of character. Oilman Dies. daughters, all of -whom were pres- Arrington, farmer living five miles After Robbing Girl EASTLAND. Texas. Oct 10 (AP). ent to celebrate fee golden wedding east of Sherman. [ m rt W.rlk B . ~ a .1i TJ. J.-.K. F. Page, 40, Eastland oil operator, anniversary with them. They are 10. in these three smart shoes- from''complete colletA Satur- FORT WORTH, Texas, died Monday, night after, an illness of Mrs. Banal. Mrs. Robert Bone of day mutilated body was found on the Radio patrolmen captured Oct Negro a a several weeks. He had been a director Texarkana. Mrs. Tom Halliday of Dal- Texas mile east of Sherman W Pacific tracks. Identifica- early Monday shortly after Miss JaCkie of the West Central Texas Oil and las, Mrs. L. M. Milner and.Mrs. Earl tion was from clothing and by tat- Brown. V, waitress, was attacked and Main at famtOpposite Sanger Bros. Read, both of Longview. Gas Association. s robbed of $. They found the womtooed initials on his right arm. tions of this famous footwear, exclusive i r r Da!laa "IVimer Arrington, 33. lived part of an's purse and money in fee suspect's fee time with Floyd Arrington and The girl said the Negro followed wife three asters in Oklahoma. withVolkl Floyd Arrington said feat he and her as she left home for work and Turner -visited the fair Friday night feat she was afraid .to run. and feat he left before Turner did. Suddenly he grabbed me around the waist" she said. "When I screamed Arrington is survived by his brother and three sisters, Mrs. Robert Myers, he put his hand over my mouth, lifted H Dorado, Okla.; Mrs. Jake Myers, me and tried to throw me over a little Top, blade or'bttrwa Healdton. Okla, and Mrs. Eber Mor- bluff. A wire fence stopped me and he grabbed me again. I fought him alligator calf, 6 J 5 . T gan. Atoka, Okla. until he choked me and I couldn't The body was believed first to be scream any longer. Suddenly he ran Center, Hack or'vinthat of Matt Snyder, employed as a vay." in a concession operated by tage brown bucko Frank Waldron. Waldron said Snyder Patrolmen heard the women s moans with matching calf, and brought her to a hospital. had been with him since June 19. 7.50 f Former Official Dies. rr.r, ih. yrt w.rta lama f Tit Xtwt. Last, black or vintag* FORT WORTH. Texas, Oct 10. brown calf high-front, L. Davidson, 72, of Handley, a former board member of the Tarrant 6.75 Sni ill to Tk> >'. County Water Control and ImproveMARSHALL, Texas, Oct 10.Fire ment District No. 2, died Monday in early Monday badly damaged the a Fort Worth hospital. Funeral serv' SECOND FLOOR James Harris Building, causing a loss ices will be held Tuesday. of SI2.J00. The fire started in the kitchen of .ht fin.jj herd jrvrC6, craow-holding clothes availoblal . W. Simpson's cafe when a pan of grease flared up, igniting fee wall and getting a good start before fee fire department arrived. After 100 Harris' loss was $6,300. with S3.000 {testing mochin,| this moryj of insurance. The S. W. Simpson Cafe loss was $4,000, with $1,500 insurance, and L. McAdams' harbershop, $2,000 loss, wife SL200'insurance. worsraefisriUrhos^a fresh 'appWranaK Anil in ochii The Safeway and A. & P. Stores were slightly damaged from smoke and water..

-State's Future Pictured Rosy In Chemurgy

Cereus Blooms Twice aYear

Group Called To Plan Texas Show at Fairs

O'Daniel and Allred Join in Urging Quick Work on Undertakings


Tech Board to Interview five Men for President


Forest Fete jOpens Tuesday

Dr. Win. W. Fuller


Couple Celebrates Golden Wedding

Dallas BBiMixc UuAsMciatiM



New Identification Made of Train Victim

SHOES6:75 and 7;5Q.;


: - ^ V - *****>*T rjjj gU0&*KA8l3



rubs, tbey siill look good!



Marshall Building Damaged by Flames




Burned to the Ground

H looks so n t w after m e n i w w . m y i i you;cdh'ti , lobks"'so new after monrhe-of^wear; yvu.-iuu ri

I Z^>t



age. Fibres of a speoo}^:tength<andi"springyt,i into double yarns which -or. tighrh/T dosely^woven folmake this smooth-finished/

' ^ ^ ^ S H\

w c v srirrgy ' v

Traffic Code Talked For CockreU Hill


Traffic regulations and a speed ordinance for CockreU Hill will be discussed at a future meeting of the City Council, members said Monday night at fee meeting at the city halL Members of fee council are studying several ordinances presented to them by City Attorney Robert Hancock, who is now making a traffic survey. Mayor Don Clardy presided. Councilman W. Lynton Perry was present but fee other Councidman. . Roy Myers, was unable to attend.

of ntw It^vly creserves'the artistry of Kuppenheimei worsted. Jkk pottemj, birds-eyes, stripMland^diaeisnals. handcrafting. Y o u itoe$75H y J i k e our smart fall nwing *OD $45 ^ ^ a tJL C Other Kuppenheimers

Sunset Football Squad Honored b y Dads Club

Members of fee Sunset High School football team and Coach Herman Cowley and assistants were guests of the Sunset Dads Club Monday'night at the monthly-meeting held in fee high school auditorium. About eighty boys, representing the football squad " the various other teams of the school were introduced by the coach. W. W. Bushman, principal of Winnetka Elementary School, former head athletic coach at Sunset talked on The e of Athletics as Training for Citizenship. Thomas D. Copeland, club president presided. The program was arranged by Dr. T. E. Winford.

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We nill gladly surrty . insurance without


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