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Judul Nama Hasil Pro/cons

DIREKSI DAN DEWAN ELDINAR ISTY Bukti menunjukkan bahwa direktur pro
KOMISARIS: PENGARUH FAUZIAH wanita berpengaruh negatif terhadap
DEWAN WANITA AGUNG NUR kebijakan dividen, sementara
TERHADAP KEBIJAKAN PROBOHUDONO komisaris wanita memiliki pengaruh
DIVIDEN DI INDONESIA positif. Selain itu, direktur independen
dan komisaris independen wanita
tidak berpengaruh pada kebijakan
Female executive dan Anindya Setya The result of the analysis shows that cons
manajemen laba: Riset Suciani, Hari the Female Chief Executive Officer
pada perusahaan Purnama (CEO), Female Chief
manufaktur di Indonesia Financial Officer (CFO) and Female
Board of Commissioner does not
influence earnings
Pengaruh Dewan Direksi Bimahadi Razak The results of this study cons
Wanita, Dewan Komisaris 1 , Herlina explain that women boards of
Wanita Dan Kualitas Helmy 2 director, women boards of
Pengungkapan Corporate commissioners and the quality of
Social Responsibility corporate social responsibility
Terhadap Manajemen disclosure have no significant efect on
Laba earnings management
(Studi Empiris pada practices
Perusahaan yang
Terdaftar di BEI dan
Menerbitkan Laporan
Keberlanjutan Tahun
Pengaruh Wanita Dewan Yurike Hamdani diperoleh hasil penelitian adanya pro
Direksi terhadap Firm dan Saarce Elsye hubungan positif
Value melalui Firm Hatane diantara wanita dalam dewan direksi
Performance sebagai dan firm value, wanita dalam dewan
Variabel Intervening direksi dan firm
performance, serta firm performance
dan firm value
Women in the boardroom Rene´e B. However, the average effect of gender cons
and their impact on Adams a,c,, diversity on firm
governance Daniel Ferreira b performance is negative
and performance
Women on Board and Viola Refina The study found that women on the pro
Stock Market Liquidity Sandra1 board
, Berliana of commissioners and women on the
Jamin1 board of independent commissioners
, Vemi Dwi positively affect stock
Masrisal1 market liquidity. Further, the number
, Deliyana of women on the
Tanjung1 board of commissioners with a
, Muhklizul background in business
Hamdi2 education has a negative effect on
, Zaitul2 stock market
liquidity. In addition, one control
variables (firm size)
have a positive impact on stock
market liquidity
PENGARUH STRUKTUR Ghazna Jullab while variable cons
KEPEMILIKAN, DIVERSITAS Khorraz, Totok managerial ownership, goverment
GENDER DEWAN Dewayanto ownership, and gender diversity board
KOMISARIS, DAN VALUE of commisioner not significantly
CREATION TERHADAP affect the financial distress.


Corporate Governance Kee H. Chung, These results suggest that firms pro
and Liquidity John Elder, and may alleviate information-based
Jang-Chul Kim trading and improve stock market
liquidity by adopting
corporate governance standards that
mitigate informational asymmetries
Does corporate Muhammad The study found a strong positive pro
governance beget firm Shaukat Malik relationship between corporate
performance in Fortune and Durayya governance and firm
Global Debaj performance. Smaller board sizes are
500 companies? Makhdoom found to generate better firm
performance in Fortune Global 500
PENGARUH CORPORATE Wirdatun Berdasarkan hasil regresi ditemukan pro
GOVERNANCE TERHADAP Jannah1 , Faisal bahwa corporate governance
LIKUIDITAS SAHAM DI berpengaruh positif terhadap
INDONESIA likuiditas saham.
PENGARUH CORPORATE Theana Mega penelitian ini menemukan bahwa cons
GOVERNANCE TERHARAP Sanni, Dr. Putu board size, foreign ownership
LIKUIDITAS SAHAM Anom memiliki hubungan negatif signifikan
BADAN USAHA BANK Mahadwartha, terhadap likuiditas saham, proportion
DAN INSTITUSI S.E., M.M. . of board independence, number of
KEUANGAN DI Endang audit committee dan state ownership
INDONESIA PERIODE Ernawati, M.Si. memiliki pengaruh negatif tidak
2011-2015 signifikan terhadap likuiditas saham
badan usaha bank dan
institusi keuangan periode 2011-2015
PENGARUH CORPORATE Retno Yuni Nur The results indicate that corporate pro
GOVERNANCE DAN Susilowati1 governance and voluntary disclosure
PENGUNGKAPAN have positive effects on stock liquidity.
SUKARELA PADA It means the better the corporate
LIKUIDITAS SAHAM: governance and voluntary disclosure
STUDI EMPIRIS DI BEI practices, the higher the stock liquidity

Perusahaan yg masuk ke IDX30


Institutional investors, Aymen Ajina, The findings show that the proportion pro
information asymmetry Faten Lakhal, of institutional investors has a positive
and Danielle Sougné and significant effect on stock-market
stock market liquidity in liquidity, which confirms the signal
France theory and trading hypothesis. These
investors perform high trading activity
which favorably affects market
The Role of Ownership Wajih Abbassi The findings of the study indicate that pro
Structure and Board 1 , Ahmed institutional ownership, board size,
Characteristics in Stock Imran Hunjra board independence, and CEO duality
Market Liquidity 2,* , Suha have a significant and positive impact
Mahmoud Alawi on stock market liquidity, whereas
3,4 and Rashid managerial ownership has a significant
Mehmood and negative effect on stock market

Independent directors negatively affect firm performance

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