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Yinely Cruz Santiago

NUC University
Prof. Maria Ortiz Ortiz

Future Plans

I have many plans that I want to realize. I want to have a good future and I want to be able to
teach my children all the things that can be achieved if we meet our goals. It's important to create
a plan to be able to fulfill everything we set out to do. For me to meet a long- or short-term goal
is important and, in this way, helps me to never give up.

For my short-term goal I start with finishing college. It's something I hadn't been able to do but I
set out to do it and here I am. I know that this short-term goal I will meet as it is especially
important for me and will define my future. Another short-term goal would be to get more
customers for my small business. Because in this way my business could continue to grow little
by little. As a short-term goal I would like to take my children Florida. And for that I am saving
to be able to take some mini vacations with them and have fun

To start with my long-term goal, I would like to be able to buy my own house. So, I can leave
my babies a place where they can sleep. I also want to become the owner of my own company.
To become someone important in the future. That my children and my family feel proud of me.
As a long-term goal I would also like to visit Israel or Egypt. It's a long-term goal because I can't
go yet but I will be able to go someday.

I see myself in the future being a very good business woman who loves her job and is happy to
be able to accomplish all her goals. In order to meet my goals, I am working hard. I study and
read so I can learn because the more I learn the better decisions I can make. First of all, the most
important people who inspire me to fight to become someone better are my children. As are my
parents and grannies who are gone. But they have always been proud of me and I know they
always will be.

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