City Name: Number of Rolls: Outside The City 2 Outside The City 3 Outside The City 1

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City Name 1. When a result on a table gives you a modifier (such as “+1 to Visitor Traffic roll”),
find that on your sheet, and write it in the attribute’s apprpriate “Modifiers” box.

Step 1: Basic Information 2. A modifier will NEVER apply to a previous attribute.

Origin Priority Age


Optional: Population Capacity

Outside the City Number

of rolls:
Outside the City 1 Outside the City 2 Outside the City 3

Outside the City 4 Outside the City 5 Stewardship

General Condition Environment

Modified by:


Market Square Vendor Stall Acquisition Merchant Overflow

Modified by: Priority

Underground Passages Notes

Cities Page 1 Find Step 2 on Page 2

Step 2: Community
Population Density Demographics Visitor Traffic
Modified by: Age Modified by: Age

Population Wealth
Modified by: Priority Stewardship

Disposition Night Activity

Modified by: Fortification
Modified by: Population Density Visitor Traffic

Leadership Law Enforcement

Modified by:
If your Priority is “Government,” remember
to roll a [d6] for this. Priority
Merchant Overflow
Total Law Enforcement

Note Urban Encounter Modifier here.
Modified by: Table found in Appendix B (p.###).

Population Wealth
+ Organized Crime
Law Enforcement
Total Crime Modifier


Cities Page 2 Find Step 3 on Page 3

Step 3: Districts Attributes that provide Automatic Districts (they still count
toward your total number of districts)
Number of Districts: Size + roll = Priority (Enlightenment): One of your districts is a Scholar District

Remember to double check your modifier Priority (Faith): One of your districts is a Temple District
to this roll from your Size result!
Leadership: One of your districts is a Merchant District
Note General Condition here: Leadership (Oligarchy): For one of your districts, choose a district
that best fits your oligarchy (Arcane for mages, Temple for
theocracy. Merchant or Market for merchants, etc)
Note General Crime here:
District Condition Modifier: This modifier applies to ALL district condition rolls.

District: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Quality Mod.
Crime Mod.
Crime Mod.
Add Crime Modifiers from “District Condition” and “Entry” to your District Crime roll to find each district’s crime level.

Notable Locs.
District Notes:

Quality Table Reference: Crime Degrees (Worst > Best): Guilds:

The location is of... [d12]: Dangerous > Frequent > Common All shops and services can be in guilds for their own type of business.
1-4 = Poor Quality Uncommon > Infrequent (i.e. - Blacksmiths would be in a blacksmith’s guild).
5-10 = Good Quality
11-12 = Fine Quality Roll a [d6] to see if they are in a guild:
1-4 = No
5-6 = Yes
Hired Help Size Reference: Magic Shop Specializations [d6]:
Hired help is... [d12]: 1. Armor 4. Jewelry The Yes range (5-6) increases by 1 (to a maximum of 2-6) for every existing
1-6 = an individual. 2. Books 5. Weapons guild member of that establishment’s type in the *city.*
7-10 = a team. 3. Clothing 6. Misc. & Curiosities (i.e. If two blacksmiths in the city were both in a guild together, the Yes range
11-12 = a guild. would be 3-6).

Cities Page 3 Find Individual Districts Section on Page 4

Number of Additional Locations We recommend handling your district locations in this order:
(ALL districts get this many additional locations) 1. Roll up all locations. 2. Roll to see if they are in guilds. 3. Roll for notable location reasons.

District 1: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 2: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 3: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 4: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 5: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 6: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

Cities Page 4 Find Extra Intrigue on Page 5

Extra Intrigue
Recent History Noteworthy Official/Competence Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface - Awareness Rumor(s)

The rumor table can be found in Appendix C: Rumors (p.###).


Cities Page 5

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