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‘At 3rd level, a barbarian gains the Primal Path feature

The following additional option is available to a barbarian:
the Path of the rowed.


The Path ofthe Drowned is walked by those who fll into the
dark depts ofthe sea and survive. Mos of these barbarian did
not choose this fat: Instead, their all-consuming rage isthe
legacy ofa prolonged brush with death Some belong to tribes
‘who Venerate the power ofthe sea and willingly give themselves
to the waves for a chance at such strength.

Falling somewhere between the living and the dead, barbarians

‘who walk this path remember the rattling of chains and crashing

‘waves when they rage. Their spectral powers control the battle-

field around them a5 they drag their enemies into the cold and.

crushing depths to suffer their own grim fate.


Starting at 3d level, you take on certain characteristics that walk

the brink of life and death. You gain the following benefits:

+ You gain a swimming speed of 30 feet.

+ You are immune tothe effects of being underwater at a depth

greater than 100 feet.

+ Youno longer need to breathe.

+ You appear dead to spells and magical effects used to

determine your status, and are indistinguishable from a
corpse while you remain motionless.

‘Also at 3d level, your memories ofthe crushing depths cause you
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Beginning at 6th level, you can cause your Spectral Chains to
‘ind and harm your foes, When acreatre fasts save against fi
our cing its Speci ve ml oto mca ts
2aion, the creature takes 16 cold damage ,
‘When yo rene cera ves hs cles, rng deat by
your chain increases: 26 at 10th evel and 346 at 14th evel


At 10th level, your connection tothe dead is strong enough to
Contact them directly. When you do so, you cast the speak with
dead spell without using a spell slot or material components.
Rather than speaking with the corpse's mouth, you see a spectral
image of the creature as it was in life hovering above the body.
‘Affer you cast the spell in this way, you can't use this feature
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Starting at 14th level, you can call upon the drowned to restrain
the living with your chains. When you take damage froma
creature that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to
‘wrap that creature in Spectral Chains. The creature must succeed
on Dexterity saving throw or be restrained until the end of
‘your next tur.

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