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The handsome guy from across village

Once upon a time in a village that is gemah ripah loh jinawi, toto tentrem kerto raharjo, there lived a young
man who had an affluent life. The young man is the son of a conglomerate who will become the heir of his
However, the young man had not yet found the person he desired to be his spouse.

Part 1

Linga Mahardika: "Harjo, where are you?"

Harjo : “Young Master, what's wrong? I was behind”

Lingga Mahardika : "Let's go hunting, while it's sunny day"

(Harjo and Lingga Mahardika went to the forest to hunt, but after several hours they didn't find prey)

Lingga Mahardika : "Jo, why's there no prey?"

Harjo : "Yes, yes, I am also surprised, the forest is very quiet today"

Linga Mahardika: "Okay, let's go home"

(On the way home, from a distance he saw a woman on the river)

Lingga Mahardika : “Harjo, who is that? She's still at the river in the afternoon"
Harjo : "Oh, what I heard she is Mbok Rondho Sekar's stepson who seems to be a maid".

Linga Mahardika: "I'm sorry"

(Lingga Mahardika and Harjo did not really affect the problem)

Mbok Rondho Wati: "Where have you been? You go out without saying goodbye, don't you?

Lingga Mahardika : "Sorry ma'am, I went to the forest for hunting"

Harjo: "Yes ma'am, but the forest is very quiet"

Mbok Rondho Wati: "hahaha sorry I must be tired, I had prepared dinner, showered and ate"

Linga Mahardika and Harjo: "Yes ma'am"

(After dinner, they went to their respective rooms because they were tired after do today's activities)

Prat 2

One sunny morning day, Mbok Rondo Sekar gathered with his daughters. Mbok Rondo's daughters are very
beautiful, they are Sekar Manis, Sekar Ayu, Sekar Arum and one of their stepson named Sekar Asih.
Mbok Rondo really loves and cares for her children but in contrast to Sekar Asih, as a stepdaughter she is
very distinguished by her affection.

(Sekar Asih swept the floor.. Not long ago, Mbok Rondo came to watch Sekar Asih)
Mbok Rondo Sekar: "My beautiful children, come here!"

Sekar-sekar: "Yes ma'am."

Mbok rondo Sekar: "Listen to me, there is very important news."

Sekar Manis : "What news is ma'am?"

Sekar Ayu: "Yes ma'am. It seems very important."

Mbok Rondo Sekar: "Did you know Mbok Rondo wati has a very handsome son. Her name is Linga

Barriers: “Lingga Mahardika? Handsome? (with spoiled, coquettish)

Mbok rondo Sekar: "You should try going to Lingga Mahardika's house to propose! Who knows Lingga
Mahardika likes one of you. I will dress you into a beautiful princess."

Sekar-sekar: "Yes ma'am. We want."

Mbok rondo Sekar: "Yes. Come on, get dressed”

Sekar-sekar: "yes ma'am"

(Mbok Rondo Sekar dressed for Sekar Manis, Ayu, and Arum)

Sekar-Sekar: “What about our appearance? ”

Mbok Rondo Sekar: "It's very beautiful, ndok. All of you are beautiful. Now go !!
Lingga Mahardika definitely will choose one of you to be his wife.”

(From a distance, Sekar Asih saw his stepsister who was about to leave for Lingga Mahardika's house)

Sekar Ayu: "Why are you looking around?"

Sekar Arum: "Are you jealous, seeing us beautiful?"

Sekar Asih : “N.. not really.

Sekar Manis : (pushes Sekar Asih to fall)

Sekar - Sekar : " Hahaha .. Poor you !

Sekar Arum: "Come on. (leaving Sekar Asih)
(Not long ago, Sekar Asih approached mbok rondo wati)

Sekar Asih : “Mom, I want to talk. ”

Mbok rondo Sekar: "What are you talking about? Have you finished sweeping?”

Sekar Asih: "Yes, I have. Ma'am I also want to apply to be the wife of Lingga Mahardika like the other
Sekar sister."

Mbok rondo Sekar: "Oh, I see, it's okay. Here you are, I dressed up you
(gives angus and a foul smell to Sekar Asih) Now you wash the cauldron in the river. And do your job.
(pushing Sekar Asih roughly) )

Sekar Asih : "Yes ma'am. (leaving Mbok Rondo)

Mbok Rondo Sekar: “Hahaha… I hope Lingga Mahardika likes one of my children. Not Sekar Asih. (She
laughed out loud, then she went inside the house)
Part 3
Sekar Asih works every day without feeling tired and complaining despite being treated rudely by Mbok
Rondo Sekar. Only she and Allah know how sad he is. She hoped that God would give her a better reward.
When Sekar Asih washes the cauldron in the river….

Sekar Asih : " Duh ... why is this suffering happen to me. I hope I can endure it. ”

(Suddenly someone approached Sekar Asih)

Fairy : “Hi beautiful girl. ”

Fairy: "I will give you an heirloom that will help you to face Giant forg. Accept this, beautiful and kind girl.
(giving inheritance)

Sekar Asih: "Okay. Thank you. ”

Fairy: Immediately, you have to go and follow your sisters to apply for Lingga Mahardika (leaving Sekar


In a river with swift water, there lived a giant frog. He is chief of the river. He has a very cunning nature

(The giant frog guarding the river keeps watch if anyone comes).

Sekar Manis : "Wow, the river is very fast"

Sekar Ayu : "Yes Sis"

Sekar Arum : "How's this sis"

Giant frog: "Hohoho who's coming?"

Sekar Manis : "Can you help us?"

Giant Frog: "Hahaha what's up beautiful girls"

Sekar Arum: "We ask for help crossing this river"

Giant Frog: "Wow, it's very heavy, the river is dangerous, I ask for a present"

Sekar Ayu: "What is the present? Money?"

Sekar Manis: "Wow, you have money"

Giant frog :"I don't want money!!"

Sekar - Sekar : "Then what do you want?" (while confused)

Giant frog: "The present is to be my follower and wear a black mark on your forehead"

Sekar Arum : "Wow, it's very easy, we

agree." (" and soon the giant frog passed them)

A few moments later, came Sekar Asih who would cross

Giant Frog: "What's this smell??!!" (close to the origin of the smell)
Sekar Asih: "Wow, the water is very heavy, how can I cross (there is a giant frog) a giant frog, please help

Giant Frog: "You??? I don't want to help you."

Sekar Asih: "I'll give you the money later"

Giant Frog: "I told you I don't want to, just go there, don't come here, you are ugly person."

Sekar Asih: "Why are you so mean?, Then I will make this river dry. Hiatt!!!"

Suddenly the river dried up. Then Sekar Asih could walk across the river to Lingga Mahardika's house.

Part 5

Meanwhile, in a village across the street, mbok Rondo Wati was sweeping the house behind which was
Lingga Mahardika.

(Mbok Rondo was sweeping the yard, suddenly a group of beautiful girls came, Sekar Manis, Sekar Ayu,
Sekar Arum)

Sekar - Sekar : "Assalamu'alaikum."

Mbok Rondo Wati: "Wa'alaikumsalam, what is the need to come here?"

Sekar Ayu: "We came here to meet Lingga Mahardika"

Mbok Wati: " Wait a moment.I'll call Lingga,

(son, come out, please")
Lingga: "Yes ma'am, what's happened?"

Mbok Wati: "There are beautiful girls who want to meet you"

Sekar Manis: "That's right, Lingga, my sisters and I are here to meet you and want to propose you, do you

Linga Mahardika: "Sorry I can't accept your propose"

Sekar Arum : "What's wrong? What's the reason?"

Linga Mahardika: "The reason is because there is evidence of a giant frog follower on your forehead"

Then, Sekar Asih came, and from a distance there was a bad smell.

(Sekar Asih goes to mbok Rondo and Sekar-sekar mumbles)

Mbok Rondho Wati: "Everyone be quiet, what do you need?"

Sekar Asih: "I came here to meet Lingga Mahardika"

Mbok Wati: "oh yes please"

Sekar Asih: "Thank you mbok, Lingga I have something to say, will you be my husband?"

Linga Mahardika: "Yes I want"

Sekar - Sekar : "Really"

Sekar Ayu: "It turns out that your taste is so bad Lingga"

Sekar Arum: "Right, you accept this ugly person? Oh No.. "

Lingga Mahardika: "It's true, I accept her because I have a reason"

Sekar Manis : "What is your reason, until you choose her, not one of us?"

Linga Mahardika: “Because, she doesn't have a black mark on her forehead.

Mbok Wati: "Yes, it's true that she doesn't have a black mark on her forehead, and I heard that she is also a
good girl."

Sekar Manis : "What's the problem if there are black marks on our foreheads?"

Mbok Wati: "Yes, obviously there is, you sacrificed yourself to become a follower of a giant frog just to
meet people who of course don't like you."

(After the proposal, Sekar Asih and Lingga Mahardika got married, then Sekar Asih's ugly face and stench
disappeared, she became beautiful and very fragrant. Finally, they lived a happily ever after)

 Producer : Raka Pratama Putra(24)

 Director : Reva Dwi Damayanty (25)
 Script Writer :
Reva Dwi Damayanty (25)
Isna miftakh k.u(15)
 Editor :
Syifa aurelia Az-Zahra(34)
Aya audreya y.p (05)
Septi Wulandari
 Cameramen :
isna miftakh k.u(15)
Senorita Dwi C(31)
 Art directore :
maulidya alfira(18)
 Production Assistant :
Fatimah wuri(09)
Anggun wulandari(01)
Ilda pransiska
 Voice over talent : Reva Dwi Damayanty (25)
 Actors : 1.Raka Pratama Putra (Lingga Mahardika)(24)
2.fatimah Wuri(mbok rondo Wati)(09)
3.octanaila(mbok Rondo Sekar)(22)
4. Maulidya alfira y(Sekar Asih)(18)
5.senorita Dwi C(Sekar ayu)(31)
6.anggun Wulandari(Sekar manis)(01)
7.aya audreya y.p(Sekar Arum)(05)
8.isna miftakh k.u(peri)(15)
9.ilda pransiska(Harjo)

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