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DocuSign Envelope ID: C4763BFD-2A56-4AA3-AF08-6DE58330097A

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Minutes
January 26, 2022

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc. Board Members Participating in Person via ZOOM: James Hill, Demetrius
Grooms, Adam Smith, Shirleas Washington, Azalia Carter, Phil Toben, Marci Sullivan

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc. Board Member Absent: Kim Perry

Other Participants: LaShanda R. Boone, Lauren Cobb, Jasmine Clay, Mike Hall, Nina Ross, Victor Seals (La
Salle Charter Schools, Inc.), Robbyn Wahby (Missouri Charter Public School Commission)

I. Opening Items
a. Call to Order: Notice of the meeting having duly been given and a quorum being present LaSalle
Charter School, Inc. Chairman, Demetrius Grooms, convened the Board of Directors Meeting of
La Salle Charter Schools, Inc. (“La Salle”) at approximately 4:33 p.m. Central Time via ZOOM
Conferencing application.
b. Adoption of Agenda: Upon the motion duly made and seconded, the LaSalle Board approved
the January Meeting Agenda.

II. General Board Business

a. Open Comments: There were no open comments.
b. Public Recognition:
i. Robbyn Wahby. Gave comments as the new sponsor for the school.
ii. Nina Ross (new registrar/enrollment coordinator). Gave comments.
iii. Victor Seals (new school counselor): Gave comments.
c. Mission moment: Angelica DeGeer, a 2nd-year science teacher at LSMS (26 years of experience).
Shared remarks regarding the emphasis on character building at La Salle in addition to a focus on
improving the academic experience.
d. Demetrius reminded BOD of Personal Financial Disclosure (MEC)

III. Foundation Update

Marci Sullivan provided the Foundation update.
a. Opening search for new foundation director (Mary Kitley no longer with LSMS)
b. Focusing on Gala preparation
c. Marketing Update:
i. Clear on brand. Talked about independent but integrated operations of LSMS and LS

IV. New Business

a. Approval of December Minutes
i. No changes
ii. James moved, Shirleas seconded; passed unanimously at 4:47
DocuSign Envelope ID: C4763BFD-2A56-4AA3-AF08-6DE58330097A

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Minutes
January 26, 2022
V. Old Business
a. Sponsorship/Status Update
i. LaShanda and Robbyn had initial meeting Jan 7
ii. Updating documentation
iii. Orientation conversation on Friday
iv. Visit in March
v. Marci: Is there anything in assessment the foundation needs to prepare?
1. Robbyn: Focused on school, but ensure any correspondences (MOUs, funds, etc)
between school and foundation are shared

VI. Financial Report/Update

a. James: 125 students currently enrolled
b. Questions from BOD on financials:
i. (Demetrius) Any progress around transportation (re: cab bill)?
1. Lashanda: Bill anticipated to increase. 23 students in transition (up from 19)
ii. (Demetrius) Are we gaining any insights regarding transitions?
1. Lashanda: Some returning to St. Louis from different locations
iii. (Demetrius): Are McKinney-Vento students contributing to cab service expenses? 1.
Lashanda: All transportation services are MV
iv. (Marci): Expenditures around shared services?
1. Mike: Moved enrichment into the school day. The budget line will move
c. Motion to approve Dec financial report
i. Marci moved, Azalia seconded; approved at 4:58
d. Mike Hall provided an update
i. Financial comparison from last year
ii. There are requirements that deposits must be fully secured. PNC does not have a product
that meets our needs but First bank does have a product that meets our needs.
iii. Motion to open an account at First Bank
1. Marci moved, Shirleas second, no debate, all in favor and none opposed
iv. Motion to name Mike Hall, LaShanda Boone, and James Hall as authorized parties on the
1. Azalia moved, Marci second, no debate, all in favor and none opposed

e. Mike Hall provided an amendment to the FY22 budget. The proposal will spread SR3 funds over
three years.
i. Motion to approve amended FY22 budget
1. Marci moved, Shirleas second, no debate, all in favor and none opposed

VII. Executive Director Update

Executive Director, LaShanda R. Boone, gave an update on the following:
a. Enrollment
i. 125 students (8th grade completely full at 54; 7th 36 students; 6th 33 students; 2 students
(one 6th and one 7th grader virtual)
DocuSign Envelope ID: C4763BFD-2A56-4AA3-AF08-6DE58330097A

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Minutes
January 26, 2022

ii. 5 billboards in North St. Louis city – in our service areas; 1 bus wrap
iii. Social media ads will be pop up more regularly – being boosted to specific demographics
and zip codes – a new 7th grader for next year because of this advertisement
iv. 90% of our students have affirmed their return (6th and 7th graders) – focus on 6th-grade
b. Teachers' intent to return
i. 9 of 11 teachers have submitted an intent to return (1 not returning; 1 still in discussion
regarding her return)
ii. Leadership and the rest of the staff will receive their intent to returns in the next week. c.
Graduate support – Jasmine
i. Fifty-four 8th graders (8th graders 46 have applied; 8 have not applied – 3 of those
working on it by end of January and the remaining 5 we are in process.
d. January STAR Screener Update: Lauren Cobb
i. Data suggests MPI for May 2021 and Jan 2022 is identical for both ELA and Math for all
grade levels. Lauren will check data to confirm the accuracy of numbers
ii. Demetrius: What is happening to ensure growth?
1. Lauren: Freckle Reading and Freckle Math interventions; students are invested in
and taking ownership of their STAR scores
a. Accountability Dashboard
i. Drop-in ADA from December (due to COVID absences)
ii. Drop-in 90/90 as well
iii. Lashanda expressed some families are fearful of sending their children to school amid
continued pandemic surge, breakthrough cases, etc. Azalia mentioned that a
neighboring district is experiencing similar attendance issues.
b. Culture/Climate
i. 94% positivity ratio
ii. Socioemotional: Staff usage of socioemotional supports fell slightly in December iii.
Additional enrichment programming added
c. Demetrius and Marci acknowledged Jasmine Clay for graduate support efforts i. LaShanda
surfaced the great work of 8th-grade teachers as well, regarding graduate support
d. Financial Report
i. Information here echoed in previous agenda items

VIII. Transition into Closed Session

a. Prior to moving into the closed session, BOD gained clarity with Robbyn around proper protocols
around closed sessions.
i. Robbyn: Commented regarding properly closing meetings. Reminded BOD that it is
required to return to open session after the conclusion of closed session to report to
public any action taken (or not taken) during closed session.
DocuSign Envelope ID: C4763BFD-2A56-4AA3-AF08-6DE58330097A

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Minutes
January 26, 2022

IX. Closed Session

a. Demetrius read statute RSMo 610.021.3 (Personnel)
i. “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public
governmental body when personal information about the employee is discussed or
recorded. However, any vote on a final decision, when taken by a public
governmental body, to hire, fire, promote or discipline an employee of a public
governmental body shall be made available with a record of how each member
voted to the public within seventy-two hours of the close of the meeting where such
action occurs; provided, however, that any employee so affected shall be entitled to
prompt notice of such decision during the seventy-two-hour period before such
decision is made available to the public. As used in this subdivision, the term
"personal information" means information relating to the performance or merit of
individual employees;”

b. Roll call vote (affirmative unanimous).

c. LaShanda was invited into a closed session.
d. Transition into closed session at 6:04 pm.
e. Returned from closed session at 6:20 pm.

X. Adjournment
a. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:20 pm.

Mr. Demetrius Grooms, Chair

Mr. Adam Smith, Secretary

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