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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F662410-57C5-4C7D-8D2B-D15E6DCA32E4

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2021

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc. Board Members Participating in Person via ZOOM: James Hill,
Demetrius Grooms, Adam Smith, Shirleas Washington, Kim Perry, Chris Hinkley, Azalia Carter, and
Phil Toben

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc. Board Member Absent: Marci Sullivan

Other Participants: LaShanda R. Boone, Lauren Cobb, Jasmine Clay, Mary Kitley, Natasha Harris, Christy
Brooks, Mike Hall, Sherida Williams, Marquitta Cooper (La Salle Charter Schools, Inc.), Shanika Harris,
Gerry K (University of Missouri - Columbia Charter Operations), Liz Hall (mother of a graduate)

I. Opening Items
A. Call to Order - Notice of the meeting having duly been given and a quorum being present
LaSalle Charter School, Inc. Chairman, Demetrius Grooms, convened the Board of
Directors Meeting of La Salle Charter Schools, Inc. (“La Salle”) at approximately 4:30 p.m.
Central Time via ZOOM Conferencing application.
B. Adoption of Agenda – Upon the motion duly made and seconded, the LaSalle Board
approved the September Meeting Agenda.

II. II. General Board Business

A. Open Comments: There were no open comments.
B. Public Recognition: The Executive Director introduced Liz Hall, the mother of a 2021
C. Mission moment – Mrs. Hall, mother of a 2021 La Salle graduate, expressed her
appreciation for the La Salle community and its ability to meet her child’s academic
and socio-emotional needs both virtually and in person. Mrs. Hall’s decision to enroll
her daughter at La Salle was due to the virtual platform that La Salle had in place for
its students. During virtual learning, her daughter gained confidence, engaged in the
teaching and learning process, and was excited about returning to in-person learning
at La Salle. After graduation, Mrs. Hall’s daughter expressed, “La Salle was the best
school she had ever attended.” She felt like she was a part of a caring community
that embraced her as an individual.

III. Foundation Update

La Salle Foundation Director, Mary Kitley, provided the Foundation update.
A. The Development team has sent out Invitations to celebrate and honor former Board
members J. Jones and T. Harrison.
B. A wishlist account has been set up on Amazon that allows donors to gift teachers and
staff with requested items. The wishlist consists of items that will further support the
teachers and staff in meeting our students’ needs.
C. The first Star Breakfast was a success. Due to COVID-19 mitigation efforts, the
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F662410-57C5-4C7D-8D2B-D15E6DCA32E4

program was streamlined virtually to allow families and guests to attend. The next
Star event will be Star lunch, October 21, 2021.
D. The La Salle social media outlets have been updated with new content and regular
posting. Updates to the La Salle website are also underway.
E. A new family email newsletter has been implemented to communicate more
effectively with all families. The newsletter includes weekly events and news.
F. There is continued work around the Year-End Campaign and the submittal of grants
and funding applications.

IV. New Business

A. The Minutes from the August Board meeting were voted on and approved.

V. Old Business
A. A motion was raised to approve the maximum number of Board members’ to fifteen.
Upon the motion duly made and seconded, the LaSalle Board approved the motion.

VI. Financial Report/Update

A. The August Financials were reviewed, voted on, and approved.

VII. Executive Director Update

Executive Director, LaShanda R. Boone, gave an update on the following:
A. 2021-22 Enrollment Update - There are currently 113 students enrolled and 2 in the
pipeline that will register by September 1st.
B. Culture/Climate Update - After being virtually for roughly eighteen months, the
school’s administrative team has made adjustments relative to climate to ensure
systems, routines, and processes are adhered to and reinforced daily. The focus is on
socio-emotional learning and wellness for both the students and staff.
C. Assistant Principal Christy Brooks presented the initial 2021-22 Star Assessment data.
Mrs. Brooks reminded the BOD that the 2021-22 data provides the school with a “new
baseline.” The teachers will be progress monitoring monthly to ensure our students
are progressing academically.
1. The math and reading Interventionists meet with the entire student body
weekly to support our content teachers to close academic gaps.
2. Afterschool (large group) tutoring has started with our teachers. Individual
and small group tutoring occurs throughout the day with assistance from our
partnership with St. Louis University’s Overground Railroad student group.
The next benchmark for assessments will be in November 2021.
D. In-person Continuity of Service Plan Update: The school community is still in-person,
and as the weather turns colder, the school is looking to implement a schoolwide (on-
site) COVID-19 testing program. The structure and process are still being developed,
with a potential implementation date in mid-October.
E. Dashboard - Ms. Boone concluded by updating the Board on the Academic and
Financial Dashboard Accountability plans.

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:55 pm.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F662410-57C5-4C7D-8D2B-D15E6DCA32E4

Mr. Demetrius Grooms, Chair

Mr. Adam Smith, Secretary

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