Please DocuSign 12-15-2021 La Salle Charter

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 9558BC1A-31F7-41BF-8529-DBA0D3C620F5

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Minutes
December 15, 2021

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc. Board Members Participating in Person via ZOOM:
James Hill, Adam Smith, Dr. Shirleas Washington, Chris Hinkley, Kim Perry, Azalia
Carter, Marci Sullivan, and Phil Toben

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc. Board Member Absent: Demetrius Grooms

Other Participants: LaShanda R. Boone, Lauren Cobb, Mary Kitley, Christy Brooks,
Mike Hall, Jasmine Clay (La Salle Charter Schools, Inc.), Shanika Harris, Gerry
Kettenbach (University of Missouri - Columbia Charter Operations), and Joshua.

I. Opening Items
A. Call to Order - Notice of the meeting having duly been given and a quorum being
present LaSalle Charter School, Inc. Treasurer, James Hill, convened the Board
of Directors Meeting of La Salle Charter Schools, Inc. (“La Salle”) at
approximately 4:35 p.m. Central Time via the ZOOM Conferencing application.
B. Adoption of Agenda – Upon the motion duly made and seconded, the LaSalle
Board approved the December Meeting Agenda.

II. General Board Business

A. Open Comments: There were no open comments.
B. Public Recognition: Mr. Hill recognized our public members in attendance.
C. Mission moment – Mr. Hill gave Joshua the floor for the mission moment. Joshua
is a current student. He spoke about his academic achievement while attending
La Salle and how he has been motivated by the teachers and staff to work hard
and attain good grades. He also shared how he has become an extravert
establishing many friendships and positive relationships with his teachers. He
highlighted his science teacher, Dr. Williams, and specifically thanked her for the
assistance she has provided him in applying to his “number one” high school.
Overall he considers it a privilege to attend La Salle and is thankful that the
school community is part of his family.

III. Foundation Update

La Salle Foundation Director, Mary Kitley, provided the Foundation update.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 9558BC1A-31F7-41BF-8529-DBA0D3C620F5

A. The Development team is “ramping up” for our end-of-year push for donations.
The Annual Report has been completed pro bono by Cisneros and mailed out to
our constituents.
B. The goal for this push is $270,000, and it is anticipated that we will meet, if not
exceed, the goal.
C. Marci Sullivan, foundation chair, shared the details of her meeting with one of our
biggest donors and long-term supporters of our school and students.
D. Gala Update: Lori Philips is an experienced fundraiser, and she assumed the role
of Gala Chair. She has begun work with the Foundation team and meets
regularly with Jamie Vollmer, Gala Consultant.

IV. New Business

A. The Minutes from the November Board meeting were voted on and approved.

V. Old Business
A. No old business this month.

VI. Financial Report/Update

A. Mr. Hill reviewed the financials and reminded the BOD that the ESSER III funds
had not been drawn down.
B. Mr. Hill then turned the presentation over to Mike Hall, Director of Operations.
Mr. Hall provided a comparative analysis of the district’s financials from the
2020-21 school year to the 2021-22 school year (to date).
C. After some discussion, the November Financials were reviewed, voted on, and

VII. Executive Director Update

Executive Director, LaShanda R. Boone, gave an update on the following:

A. 2021-22 Enrollment Update - There are currently 121 students enrolled and 1 in
the pipeline.
B. The Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan was
reviewed, and a Test-to-Stay policy was adopted and approved by the BOD. The
BOD also approved the continuation of masks for all students and staff except
while eating and drinking upon return to school after the holiday.
C. The Executive Director also updated the December 7th State Board of Education
Meeting. The SBOE voted to approve the Commissioner's recommendation to
suspend MU’s authority to sponsor LSCS. Effective January 1st, LSCS will be
transferred to the Missouri Charter Public School Commission (MCPSC).
D. 2022-2023 Recruitment is underway. Nearly ninety percent of our current families
have affirmed that they will be returning to LSCS for the 2022-23 school year.
E. Dashboard - Dr. Boone concluded by updating the Board on the Academic and
Financial Dashboard Accountability plans.

VII. Adjournment
DocuSign Envelope ID: 9558BC1A-31F7-41BF-8529-DBA0D3C620F5

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at approximately
5:25 pm.

Mr. James Hill, Treasurer

Mr. Adam Smith, Secretary

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