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La Salle Charter Schools, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting Minutes
July 28, 2021

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc. Board Members Participating in Person via ZOOM: James Hill, Demetrius
Grooms, Adam Smith, Shirleas Washington, Chris Hinckley, Kim Perry

La Salle Charter Schools, Inc. Board Member Absent: n/a

Other Participants: LaShanda R. Boone, Lauren Cobb, Sherida Williams, Jasmine Clay, Anthony Cole,
Mary Kitley, Christy Brooks, Mike Hall (La Salle Charter Schools, Inc.), Shanika Harris (University of
Missouri - Columbia Charter Operations), Adrian Edwards (Grandparent of a current student and a
graduate of La Salle Middle School)

I. Opening Items
a. Call to Order: Notice of the meeting having duly been given and a quorum being present
LaSalle Charter School, Inc. Chairman, Demetrius Grooms, convened the Board of Directors
Meeting of La Salle Charter Schools, Inc. (“La Salle”) at approximately 4:32 p.m. Central Time via
ZOOM Conferencing application.
b. Adoption of Agenda: Upon the motion duly made and seconded, the LaSalle Board approved
the April Meeting Agenda.

II. General Board Business

a. Open Comments: There were no open comments.
b. Public Recognition: The Executive Director introduced Adrian Edwards, a current student, and
graduate grandparent.
c. Mission moment: Ms. Edwards, grandmother of a current student and a La Salle student
graduate. Ms. Edwards was led to La Salle by another family member. She was impressed with
the small class sizes but felt more connected to the school when she started receiving
communication from teachers. With the ongoing communication her grandsons received from
La Salle, Ms. Edward is confident that the boys’ will succeed academically and continue to grow
socially. She appreciates the fact that her grandsons will remain connected to the school
through their careers.

III. Foundation Update

La Salle Foundation Director, Mary Kitley, provided the Foundation update.
a. Development Update: Mary and Mike are currently working together towards the submission
of the first grant. Mary will start rebranding the school to become more consistent with who we
are from our social media standpoint and overhaul the school website. The development
department will add an additional person that will become a department of 2 people.
b. Marketing Update: There is no marketing update.

IV. New Business

a. Minutes from the June LaSalle Board meeting were voted on and approved.
b. The Sub-Committee Calendars were voted on and approved.
c. Motion for Adam Smith as Secretary, Board of Directors was voted on and unanimously
La Salle Charter Schools, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Minutes
July 28, 2021

V. Old Business
a. There was no organizational restructure update provided.

VI. Financial Report/Update

a. The June Financials were reviewed, voted on, and approved.

VII. Executive Director Update

Executive Director, LaShanda R. Boone, gave an update on the following:
a. Operations: Mike Hall presented the Operations update and informed the BOD that the FY’21
audit begins Aug 23, 2021. Both LaShanda R. Boone and Shannon Spradling are working with
the auditors to complete the audit preparation process.
b. Graduate Support: The Graduate support update was present by Jasmine Clay, Director. Ms.
Clay presented the percentage of students attending public and private schools:
i. There was a total of forty-seven graduates in May 2021: 43% selected and are
attending private high schools, 49% selected and are attending public high schools, and
8% of the graduates relocated out of the State.
c. Staff Code of Conduct: Alleged Child Abuse or Neglect Policy - the motion to approve the Staff
Code of Conduct was voted on, second, and approved.
d. 2021-22 Student and Family Handbook: The motion to approve the 2021 -22 Student and
Family Handbook was voted on, second, and approved.
e. 2021-22 Staff Operating Procedure Manual: The motion to approve the 2021 - 22 Staff
Operating Procedure Manual was voted on, second, and approved.
f. 2021-22 Missouri State Plan for SPED and Required Local Compliance Plan: The motion to
approve the State Plan was voted on, second, and approved.
g. 2021-22 Enrollment Update: Families are now able to apply for enrollment via the website.
There has been a newly developed process that allows the family to receive a certificate of
i. In August, the school will begin to use two different Accountability Dashboards that
allow the viewing of the following:
1. Star and MPI Data
2. Discipline
3. Parent engagement
4. Culture Climate
5. Attendance
6. Soci0-emotional Learning
7. Current enrollment
8. Graduate Support
h. Dashboard and accountability: Ms. Boone concluded by updating the Board on the Dashboard
Accountability plan.
La Salle Charter Schools, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Minutes
July 28, 2021

VIII. Closed Session

a. There was no closed session for July.

IX. Adjournment
a. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned approximately 5:28 pm.

Mr. Demetrius Grooms, Chair

Mr. Adam Smith, Secretary

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