Groovy M. Dulnuan - Organizational Control

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Name: Groovy M.

Subject: Management Planning and Control

Paper 1. Organizational Controls

Identify your organization or agency’s controls. Document how these controls

are applied in everyday operations.

The National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) is a bureaucratic

organization with an established chain of command that strictly adheres to
operating procedures. Also, this agency is governed by rules, policies, and a
strict hierarchy. Furthermore, with established policies, procedures, and
expectations that form the organization's structure, employees in this agency
have to act on their duties and responsibilities. I can say that this agency of
the government has a control mechanism of hierarchical control.
Going to the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) Quirino
Provincial Office, it is headed by our provincial officer, who oversees the office's
supervision, operation, and other related services. He ensures that the
employees regularly fill their distinct responsibilities to achieve desired
outcomes that support the organization's overall goal. There are inherently
communicative exercises in its daily operations, consisting of verbal and
physical actions aimed at overcoming rigidity and too much authority over
Below are my observations on how control is applied to regulate the
activities of the office and each employee:
1. Use of Verbal Commands by our Provincial Officer in which he tells his
staff what are things to be done/accomplished with or without a given
2. Written Directives through releasing procedures/rules to follow. For
instance, posting or issuing Memorandum Orders to the staff;
3. Staff who reinforce the importance of following the organizational rules
and ensuring that everyone does their part.
4. The office's rules and regulations must be a significant part of their
5. Kamustahan sessions are conducted twice a month, hosted by the
region, followed by the other provinces. In this session,
accomplishments, burning issues, and announcements are presented for
the regional director and department heads to give their insights and
These insights and comments would now be the basis for the appropriate
action to the issues presented. Following this would be the work
distribution to solve the problems raised. A report must be prepared by
the people in-charged to be submitted to the provincial officer and
forwarded to the region’s office to be presented to the next kamustahan
6. In cases of new communication issued to the office, the documents
must go through the Administrative Aide IV to record and reproduce the
documents. Then it will be distributed or delivered to the concerned staff
or employee for appropriate action.
7. In monitoring the employees' whereabouts, especially outside the
vicinity of the office, they need to fill out a locator slip which is only
suitable for an hour. It also serves as an official authority to travel.
Considering that the employees move through directives or orders, the
head ensures to pursue the office's goal by giving them more explicit
instruction on what to do to achieve these goals rather than explaining the
overall purpose of the journey. The use of behavioral control enters this
For example, to achieve uniformity of the employees in the office,
everyone is ordered by the region's office to have a schedule of wearing proper
attire for everyday operations. Another is monitoring their attendance through
biometrics for honest and accurate clocking in and out. These control
measures will help the agency use its resources efficiently and see that
everyone is moving and doing their specific function, especially in achieving its
Today, I am assigned to assist our Ethnographic Commissioner for
Region 02 with her activities and engagements within the region. I have rules
to follow to ensure that she is up to date on the current issues within the area
through managing her social media accounts and reminding her about her
Commission En Banc (CEB) Sessions.

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