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TAN JIAN JUN – TM21 10710

FU BODE – TM20 10616
YEUNG KI YIK – TM19 10606

Table of Contents
LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................4
VARIED APPROACHES.................................................................................................................5
FEELING OF WORTH...................................................................................................................5

The purpose of this study is to discover and analyze the effect of competencies and
motivation on job satisfaction. To understand and analyze the impact of competency and
motivation on employee performance and to discover and analyze the impact of
competency and performance Motivating performance through job satisfaction. The
methodology of this study is quantitative description using observation, interview and
Kuasioner. The data were analyzed to explain the phenomena. The analysis tool used was
SEM, and all hypotheses presented in this study were tested by applying AMOS, the total
number of employees in this study was up to 150. The sample in this study was sampled
using multi-stage sampling, where the method of following stages used criteria-based
sampling or judgment, all using proportional stratified random sampling. The results of this
study are that the positive effect of competence on job satisfaction is not significant,
motivation and positive effect on job satisfaction is significant, and positive effect.
Competence has no significant effect on employee performance. The effect of motivation on
employee performance was positive and significant effect job satisfaction on employee
performance. There is a positive and insignificant effect competency counteract effect
competency counteract employee performance with job satisfaction. Positive and significant
motivational and job-mediated effect on performance satisfaction.

National long-term or mid-term development plan realized through the work plan of each
department. The level of central government and institutions support local governance,
including pubic works Gorontalo Province. Pubic Works Office Gorontalo performs basic
tasks and functions a translation based on vision, mission, and plan and the activities of the
province can generally be understood as the process and the result of the work.
Performance is the process of how the work, the result of the work itself also shows
performance. Business and Blanchard (1993), Rivai (2005) in Samaria (2012); Performance is
motivation and ability. Conditions that occur on public works there is a shortage of workload
(quantity) in Gorontalo, Work delays (not in time and not reaching goals), Work does not
meet technical specifications/contract (Quality), the payment does not meet the data report
and Implementation, Service provision, and infrastructure the community, especially
community service providers less. The resulting performance means that employees have
the relationship with discipline, knowledge, skills, leadership, integrity, responsibility,
motivation, rewards, and sanctions, supervision, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction, and have
an impact on work or achievement. Competency is the ability to perform or complete a job
or task skills and knowledge. Mitrani et al. 1992; Spencer and Spencer 1993 Competence is
defined as “potential”. Human characteristics and about the effectiveness of personal
performance in his work. In addition, ability, other things to check the efforts to improve
employee performance is the motivation of employees use various tools and policies.
Government Gorontalo motivates in several ways Performance gains, the policy domain
(TKD) for all civil. The value of the servant’s monthly allowance is everyone according to

their position and Standard evaluation/evaluation, ie responsibility, work achievement,

discipline (existence), innovation, give sanctions (penalties) for violators and regulations. In
the context of employment, the motivation is one of the important factors to encourage
employees jobs. Robbins, (2001) in Joseph (2008), mengdefinisikan Motivation is the
willingness of the individual to put in high effort achieve the goals of the organization.
Gibson et al. Al. (1998) talking about motivation effect with Porter & Lawler Significantly
improve job satisfaction. Italians & statement Rousel (1999) believes that the payment of
wages is uncertain or Uncertainty (flexible pay) does not give workers motivation and Job
satisfaction and menghasikan are not useful if it provides Permanent or reserved, if not fixed
it will not be given to workers be proactive and do not produce job satisfaction. ON Previous
research and theoretical phenomena, then the research will promote the impact of job
tiitles and motivation for job satisfaction and employees Performanc Seyway Provincial
Public Works Gorontalo.

Literature Review
1)Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H.Pink

In this book, considering the rapid social and economic changes in recent history, the
author puts forward a very different and unique perspective on motivation. In general, this
book analyses the internal and external sources of motivation.

In “Driving Forces,” the author argues that there are three main sources of motivation in
the current era and he refers to motivation 3.0. These are mastery, autonomy, and purpose.
This is in contrast to the old motivational source Motivation 2.0; in other words, it is the
“carrot and stick” approach.

All the claims made in the book are supported by research, so it is worth reading. It will
help employees better understand the concept of motivation and how they obtain it. This
book details its main points.

2)Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction by Tiiu Kamdron

The problem of motivation to work seems to have been exhausted - the decrease in the
number of works shows this. There are problems in understanding the nature of this
phenomenon and managing it as a result. In the 20th century, the principle of self-
organization of open systems, which originated in the natural sciences, was applied to the
social sciences to introduce human-centered management. This required a redefinition of
the basic principles of employee motivation. This book attempts to come closer to an
understanding of work motivation, addressing the main theoretical approaches and
empirical data obtained from surveys of civil servants' motivation and job satisfaction. The
authors provide a model of job motivation and satisfaction that focuses on the needs of
employees. The book investigates the possibility of managing work motivation in the public
sector, although the principles can be easily applied to the private sector as well.

When employees feel motivated and satisfied with their work, their commitment will
increase. Therefore, the employee’s commitment to the company illustrates the link
between motivation and satisfaction. Therefore, motivation plus job satisfaction equals

Change your attitude toward your job and encourage your employees to do the same. This
makes the workplace fun, which increases motivation and job satisfaction. One way to
change the way you work is to change your routine and get motivated. Managers can do this
by implementing work challenges and competitions to engage employees' attention and
efforts and increase overall productivity. Improving employer motivation and job satisfaction
is one of the most difficult management goals. However, this can be improved as managers
increase motivation to solve problems by observing the needs and wants of their employees
and using as much of this knowledge as possible. In addition, lead your team by your own
example. When employees see you approaching work in new ways to be more productive,
they will be inspired to follow your lead.

Feelings of Worth
Believe that she is very valuable to your company, it is very important to the mental outlook
of the employees. Encourage employees' sense of value as a means to increase motivation
and job satisfaction. Recognize employees for their outstanding performance, thank them
for their extra efforts, congratulate them for their talents, and reward them with gift cards
and other ways of expressing gratitude. In addition, giving them challenges, such as leading a
work team, designing projects, or mastering new office equipment and software, will help
increase the sense of value when successfully responding to challenges.


Many people have "glass-half-full" personalities, and these people believe that a positive
outlook is a key to success. If you're skeptical, it's not your imagination - research has found
that optimism does have a positive impact on performance.

Optimism can also improve the way leaders approach difficult times. The best types of
leaders equip their members with skills that give them a level of comfort in the face of
uncertainty and change, such as optimism. The ability to empathize with the world around
them is a trait shared by leaders and employees, and leaders can develop this empathy.
Empathy motivates an employee to support his or her leader and the way they show support
for his or her policies.


The study investigated the relationship between work motivation and organizational
commitment. Organizational commitment has a great impact on the success of the
organization and as a result, the study found that these concepts are very important in
the organization. It contributes to the development of the organization and the
commitment of employees is closely related. The policymakers of the organization
should consider and participate in contributing ideas to increase the motivation of the
employees who work wholeheartedly. Employees are well motivated to contribute
wholeheartedly to their work because employees believe that they are part of the


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