Atividade Avaliativa de Inglês - 7º

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1. Read the sentences and mark the correct alternative that complete the blanks: (0,2)
She loves living in New York City.
Her boyfriend lives on Lexington Avenue.
She was born at Mississippi.
Do you live at the fourth floor?
a) At - in –in – on
b) In – at – in – on
c) In – on – at – at (X)
d) At – at – on – in

2. Look the image and complete the sentences using some Prepositions of Place: (0,3)

 Escreva aqui as respostas da questão acima:

1. In
2. under
3. on
4. between

3. Look at the image and according to the Prepositions mark the CORRECT sentence: (0,2)

a) The cat is sitting on the chair.

b) The clock is behind the table. (X)
c) The dog is in the box.
d) The books are in front of the cat.
4. According to the Present Continuous, mark the best form that complete the sentences: (0,2)
She is bying fruits.
He is opening the window.
He is surfing a lot of waves.
They are studying Biology together.
a) Fixing / cleaning / playing / doing
b) Buying / opening / playing / painting
c) Opening / painting / surfing / studying
d) Buying / opening / surfing / studying(X)

5. Mark the correct sentences: (0,2) ( )

Gardening is a great hobby to start doing no matter what age you are; it is not just for parents or
older people, anyone can start a garden! Having a garden will improve your responsibility as it
improves your health! Why not feel accomplished in eating a fresh tomato you grew in your very
own garden? Save money, eat better, and learn some valuable skills that you can use the rest of
your life!
 A expressão “fresh tomato”, presente na terceira linha do texto, no plural, é:
a) freshes tomatos.
b) fresh tomatos.
c) fresh tomatoes.(X)
d) freshs tomato.

6. Complete the exercises using “How much?” Follow the example: (0,3) ( )

a) (oranges – 20c each)

How much are the oranges?

They’re twenty cents each.

b) (pineapples- US$ 4,00 each)

How much are the pinapples?

They’re four dollars each.

c) (apples – 30c each)

How much are the apples?

They’re twirty cents each.

7. Mark the INCORRECT alternative according to the Plural of Nouns: (0,2)

a) That pineapple are expensive.
b) Those peachesareexpensive.
c) This child is happy.(X)
d) These potatoes are tasty.

8. According to the Plural of Nouns, answer T (true) or F (false):

Substantivos terminados em S, SS, SH, CH, X, Z, O recebem es no plural. (T)

Em geral, o Plural of Nouns é formado pelo acréscimo de s. (F)
Substantivos terminados em Y precedidos de consoante, no plural, é acrescentado ies. (F)
Não há plurais Irregulares no Inglês. (F)

a) T–T–F–F
b) F–T–F–T
c) F–T–T–F
d) T – F – F – F(X)

9. Choose the correct alternative and mark: (0,2)

a) Don’t (open – wait) the window.
b) (Wait – Go) for me.
c) Don’t (read – disturb) the newspaper.
d) (Put – Go) the vase on the table.
e) Let’s (listen – open) to the music.

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