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The distinction between truth and opinion is much more than an exercise for
those who enjoy unraveling the distortions of language; it has become a matter of life
and death in a world that is crowded, polluted, obsessed with religion, and armed-to-

In your previous lesson, you understand the fundamental truths about

philosophy and how to do it. You also manage to choose between a holistic and a
partial point of view in dealing with philosophy.

Let’s find out what would be the underlying principles between an opinion and
the general truth.

This module will provide you with information and activities that will help you
understand truth, facts and opinions.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Distinguish opinion from truth (PPT/11-12-lc-2.1);
2. Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth
(PPT/11-12-lc-2.2); and
3. Evaluate truth from opinions in different situations using the methods of
philosophizing. (PPT/11-12-lc-2.3)

Before going on, check how much you know about this topic. Answer
the pretest on the next page in a separate sheet of paper.

2 Truth, Facts and Opinions

Figure 1. The Concept of Fact and Opinion

Figure 1 shows various words or concepts leading to the implication and distinction
of a fact and an opinion. Using your understanding of holistic approach in dealing
with the figure, you can recognize that these concepts are essential components to
understand the general truth.
In Module 1, you have learned about Philosophy and how to do it. In this module, you
will learn what are the differences between fact and opinion and how can you evaluate
a fact and an opinion using various methods of philosophizing.

For you to understand the lesson well, do the following activities.

Have fun and good luck!

Activity 1: Read Me! Understand Me!

Directions: Read the notions about truth, facts and opinions.

Truth, is the property of being in accord with fact or reality. In everyday

language, truth is typically ascribed to things that aim to represent reality or
otherwise correspond to it, such as beliefs, propositions, and declarative sentences. If
we examine the perspective on truth that has been dominant in society, we would
find that people mostly equate truth with scientific truth. Scientific truths are covered
by the objective domain of life. This pertains to the natural world that maintains a
relative independence from the perspective and attitude of human beings that
perceive them. Typhoon season, which belongs to natural realm, comes and goes
whether or not we want it. In contrast to the social domain, “truth” is analogous
with a general agreement or consensus on what is right as opposed to what is wrong.
For example, in a chapel, we say that maintaining silence is good. But in a basketball
game, we should be loud in cheering. We do not look in these two different questions
as contradicting hence, we understand that some things are false or wrong in another
context. Aside from the social domain, there is also the personal domain where
truth is analogous with sincerity. When we say to another person, “I am telling the
truth,” what you usually mean by that statement is that our statements are
consistent with our inner thoughts and intentions.
Facts are generally a kind of statement wherein it emphasizes something that
are true and can be verified through various methods.
While an Opinion is a personal belief and has something to do with emotions
or feelings of someone that cannot be proven. Opinions can be constructed based on
the assumption of someone feelings or sometimes based on facts.
The importance of knowing the difference of these two concepts is essential, for
sometimes facts and opinions is deliberately used to mislead others. Hence, it is
important to know the basis or the language used by someone whether his/her
statement has a purpose to distort.
The following is an example of a fact:
• With fewer cars on the road, there would be less air pollution and traffic
noise; therefore, the use of mass transportation should be encouraged.
Sometimes the author may use descriptive language to appeal to your emotions and
sway your thinking. The following is an example of an opinion:
• Do you like looking at a smoggy view from a congested highway? How do you
feel about fighting road hugs and bumper to bumper traffic every day? Mass
transportation is the solution to all these problems.
Emotional language is neither right nor wrong, but the way in which it is used
can be positive or negative; it is up to you to make reasonable judgement about the
material you are reading and to draw your own conclusion. Therefore, when you read,
it is important to judge facts and opinions carefully in order to come to the right
conclusion. Ask yourself, “are the facts reliable?” or “are the opinions based on the
facts?” Once you answer these questions, you may be on the right track for finding
and sticking to the facts; you be the judge.
Directions: Choose your answer from the given choices.

Q1. It is a kind of statement that can be proven true using various methods?
A. Fact B. Opinion C. Truth

Q2. It is based on someone’s belief or emotions that cannot be proven whether it is

or wrong??
A. Fact B. Opinion C. Truth

Q3. Which of the following statements is an example of a FACT?

A. Do you like to go around your neighborhood without face mask? Our
country is facing greater danger if we do not abide with the GCQ and ECQ

B. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the worst misfortune that are happening
right now, not only here in the Philippines but globally.

C. We are stubborn sometimes, that we may not abide with the rules since we
struggle for our economic needs. So we must pray for our welfare.

Q4. Which of the following statements is an example of an OPINION?

A. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the worst misfortune that are happening
right now, not only here in the Philippines but globally.

B. The government implements rules and regulations such as GCQ or ECQ

guidelines for the benefit of the Filipino people.

C. There should be a lenient transparency on the extent of whether the GCQ or

ECQ will be uplift or continue for the people is hungry and cannot afford to
buy basic necessities.

Q5. How can we identify the difference between a fact and an opinion?
A. Examine the use of language and words.

B. Be familiar with emotional language.

C. Verify statements using methods of philosophizing.


The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge that has
characterized the development of science since at least the 17th century. It involves
careful observation, applying rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given
that cognitive assumptions can distort how one interprets the observation. It involves
formulating hypotheses, via induction, based on such observations; experimental and
measurement-based testing of deductions drawn from the hypotheses; and refinement
(or elimination) of the hypotheses based on the experimental findings. These
are principles of the scientific method, as distinguished from a definitive series of steps
applicable to all scientific enterprises.
The Socratic method is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between
individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical
thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions. It is named after
the Classical Greek philosopher Socrates and is introduced by him
in Plato's Theaetetus as midwifery because it is employed to bring out definitions
implicit in the interlocutors' beliefs, or to help them further their understanding.
Historical method is the collection of techniques and guidelines
that historians use to research and write histories of the past. Secondary
sources, primary sources and material evidence such as that derived
from archaeology may all be drawn on, and the historian's skill lies in identifying these
sources, evaluating their relative authority, and combining their testimony
appropriately in order to construct an accurate and reliable picture of past events and
Dialectic or dialectics, also known as the dialectical method, is at base
a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a
subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned methods
of argumentation. Dialectic resembles debate, but the concept
excludes subjective elements such as emotional appeal and the
modern pejorative sense of rhetoric. Dialectic may thus be contrasted with both
the eristic, which refers to argument that aims to successfully dispute another's
argument (rather than searching for truth), or the didactic method, wherein one side
of the conversation teaches the other. Dialectic is alternatively known as minor logic,
as opposed to major logic or critique.

Here are some enrichment activities for you to work on to master and
strengthen the basic concepts you have learned from this lesson.

Enrichment Activity 1: Identify the Concepts Behind!

The methods of philosophy help you to understand the different approaches in
knowing the truth. Can you identify these methods?
What you need:
Pen / pencil

What you have to do?

The concepts below are the methods of philosophy. Identify each method accurately to
complete the concepts. Refer to figure 2.

Scientific Socratic


Dialectic Historic


Figure 2. Methods of Philosophy

Figure 2 shows the various methods of philosophy and their key concepts behind it.
Assessment 1
Directions: Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers. Write the correct word/s
from the choices inside the parenthesis to complete the concepts in each given item.
1. Scientific method involves formulating _____________, (question, hypothesis)
based on such observation.

2. Dialectic method, is at base a ______________ (discourse, history) between two

or more people holding different points of view about a subject.

3. The Socratic method is a form of _______________ (argumentative, discourse)

between individuals, based on asking and answering questions.

4. Historical method is the collection of techniques and guidelines that historians

use to _____________ (research, experiment) and write histories of the past.

5. The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge that has

characterized the development of _______________ (science, history)  since at
least the 17th century.

Enrichment Activity 2: Choose the Proper Method!

The methods of philosophy namely scientific, socratic, historic, and dialectic are
discussed above. Can you choose the proper method to use in these statements?
What you need:
Pen / pencil
What you have to do?
The sample statements below will help you to choose what is the proper method of
philosophy will be utilize to know the truth about the statement. Analyze and choose
properly the appropriate method for the statements.

Assessment 2
Directions: Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers. Write the correct
methods for the following statements.
1. Giving one plant enough water while limiting the other plant to test which
setting promotes better plant growth.
2. Discussing the pros and cons of implementing GCQ and ECQ in the
community, then choosing the best option.
3. Inside the classroom, a teacher used this method not to intimidate students,
to produce a deeper understanding of thoughts and ideas through further
questioning statements or claims.

4. You are going to a trip to an unfamiliar place for the first time. You look for
in your phone and reviews published in the internet to determine which of the
apps is the most reliable.

5. A police officer is trying to dig deeper into the story of a complainant who only
mentions vague and ambiguous story about the crime committed.

Enrichment Activity 3: Creating a Dilemma

A statement, whether a fact or an opinion can be tested using the various methods of
philosophy. To know the general truth, a proper evaluation is a must using the
proper method.

What you need:

Sample Statements
Pen / Pencil

What you have to do?

Creating a dilemma that gives you an idea of what method is has to be utilized is the
goal of this module. Aside from knowing the difference between facts and opinions,
you must also identify, recreate and evaluate statements that are ambiguous.
Assessment 3
Directions: Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers. Give at least two
examples of a dilemma. Categorize each example using the table below.

Table 1

Methods of Philosophy Example









Great job! You have understood the lesson.

Are you now ready to summarize?

At this point, perform a thorough analysis of the real life situation that have been an
issue up until now. Let’s find out how does opinions can affect our daily lives if it will
mislead us to the truth.

What you need:

Bond Paper
Pen / Pencil

What you have to do?

Study the comments listed below and let’s analyze these arguments if it gives us
the solution or the truth that will lead us to identify what is the best solution to the

ISSUE: President Rodrigo Duterte extends GCQ over Metro Manila and other areas
until June 30 because of the numerous cases of COVID-19.

Comments Section:

ASAHEL: Realistically the choices is between economy and people health/lives, most
likely the president will choose GCQ and its up for us to be more careful when going

ISABEL: I think better GCQ first. Then consider doing MECQ or else hospital will
collapse, and a lot of people will die.

REBECCA: Because mostly in other countries, economy is their priority over their
people, such as Japan.

JULIE: That is not true! Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Greece,
Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore had very few deaths. They are now opening the
economy and the children have been back at school for some time. The difference was
these countries acted early to combat the virus.

ROY: It's a logical decision. There needs to be a balance between health of the citizens
in large part along with keeping the country running and also not destroying lives by
preventing people from earning a wage and keeping businesses running

GAB: If it wasn't for the economy crashing the lockdown won't be lifted
JACK: Yung mga barangay na lang na mataas ang kaso ng covid lagay nyo sa gcq.
kaming mga middle class di nakatanggap ng ayuda kailangan na namin magtrabaho
ubos na yung mga ipon namin.

LOLO: Madaling magsabi maglockdown pag may pera ka pa, pero pag ubos na at
alisan ka pa ng hanapbuhay ibang usapan na yan Lolo D.

SAMORAY: Wag nang I balik ang lockdown... Panu ung walng trabaho nangupahan
pa... Palibasa kasi kau mapepera kaya OK lng sa inyo mag lockdown.. D nyo iniisep
ung walng makain abnoy

ALEXNDRO: The whole scenario was clearly visible When the country's volume of
covid infection was below ten thousand our country was on ECQ but right now we
have 26 thousand and the rate snd spread of infection was way beyond our statistical
predictions,the government opted for the launching of new normal even the contagion
is not yet contained.What the government was doing is to embark into some kind of
controlled risk just to catalyzed the economy.But the bigger question is who are the
participants,if the poor majority were the one being pawned then government must
carefully balance the cost and the benefits.

Directions: Use a separate piece of paper and utilize the table 2 below. Identify
whether their opinions or arguments have a factual basis or considered as a mere
opinion. Also, identify the method that can possibly utilize to prove or justify the

Table 2

Name Fact Opinion Method


Directions: Read carefully each item. Use a separate sheet for your answers. Write
only the letter of the best answer for each test item.
1. This method of philosophizing, which is also known by the Greek term
elenchus that means "to inquire or to cross-examine", is an exchange of ideas
using Socratic questioning. How do you call this method?
a. Historical Method
b. Scientific Method
c. Dialectic Method
d. Socratic Method

2. You want to eat sisig in Pampanga, but you have no idea about the restaurants
that best serve sisig. You have the option to use apps in your phone. You look for
reviews published in the internet to determine which restaurant best serve sisig.
What method of philosophizing is applied in this situation?
a. Historical Method
b. Scientific Method
c. Dialectic Method
d. Socratic Method

3. A businessman wants to open a coffee shop in a middle-class residential area

in the city. Before buying the property, he looked first at previous business
ventures that were established within the area to determine the feasibility of her
plan. What method of philosophizing is applied in this situation?
a. Historical Method
b. Scientific Method
c. Dialectic Method
d. Socratic Method

4. lf you were to use the historical method to determine which among cellphones
A, B, and C is the best in terms of speed and performance, how will you proceed
to find a conclusion?
a. Find and look at the specification of each model.
b. Ask the salesperson to recommend the best one.
c. Test each phone to easily determine its speed and performance.
d. Read reviews about the speed and performance of each mobile phone.
5. How would you justify the following statement: "UP is the best place to study."?
a. Conduct experiment
b. Gain the approval of others
c. Present empirical evidences
d. Show to others how you study best

6. How would you test a hypothesis in Scientific Method?

a. Observe
b. Argue with facts
c. Read textbooks
d. Conduct an experiment

7. How would you demonstrate a scientific method?

a. Record your grades in every subject.
b. Answer the math questions of a friend.
c. Eat only vegetables to see it affects your health.
d. Look out of the window to see the color of the sky.

8. Which of the following is an opinion?

a. Hydrogen has only one electron.
b. Acceleration equals force over mass.
c. Albert Einstein is the smartest person to live.
d. The Philippines is composed of 7,461 islands.

9. “In sickness and in health, til death do us part.” To which domain of truth does
the following statement fall?
a. Social domain
b. Personal domain
c. Scientific domain
d. Neither social or Personal domain

10.” Don’t talk when your mouth is full!” this statement belongs to what domain?
a. Social domain
b. Personal domain
c. Scientific domain
d. Neither social or Personal domain
11. How can we engage in an authentic dialogue or discourse?
a. We should only talk about the current political system of the country.
b. We should only talk to people the same age as us.
c. We should talk comfortably to anyone.
d. We should refuse anyone.

12. “Imposing dress code in school is a restriction of freedom” The statement is an

example of?
a. Opinion
b. Fact
c. Truth
d. Neither fact or opinion

13. Death penalty is acceptable in other countries while it is forbidden in the

Philippines. The statement belongs to what domain of truth?
a. Social domain
b. Personal domain
c. Scientific domain
d. Neither social or Personal domain

14. It is important to analyze expressions and statements that show the

differences of opinion, fact and truth.

a. Historical Method
b. Scientific Method
c. Dialectic Method
d. Socratic Method

15. The method who also values observation as an important aspect because it
contributes to further understanding the results of the hypothesis testing.

a. Historical Method
b. Scientific Method
c. Dialectic Method
d. Socratic Method

Great job! You are almost done with this module.


Printed Materials:
Department of Education. (2020). K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies
(pp. 515-516) Pasig City, Philippines
Department of Education. (2015) Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Curriculum guide (pp.1-2) Pasig City, Philippines
Brenda B. Corpuz et al. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. (pp. 21-
40) (2016)
Montemayor, Introduction to Philosophy through the Philosophy of Man. (pp. xiv-xxiii)

Knowing the Difference Between Facts and Opinions, Learning Resource Center Study
Skills Handout - #9 Borough of Manhattan Community College

Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions,

Scientific Method

Socratic Method

Historical Method

Dialectic Method

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