Strategies For Improving Concentration

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Task Distractions Cause (AIM) Solutions

Noise from outside The school is near the road with Make the soundproof system
a lot of traffic better so that the noise is not too
Sound insulation is not good(A) much
Build a new learning area if
Notification from personal devices Forgot to turn off notifications Turn off notifications or put your
or forgot to put your phone on phone on silent
silent(A) Turn off the power if possible

Social media Interesting information on Try to surf social media while
lecture class
social networks working as little as possible
Habits of using mobile phones Cultivate other better habits like
at work reading or exercising....

Feeling bored while studying in Lectures with too many Attention in class
class theories cause boredom(A) Contribute ideas for teachers to
organize games so they don't get

Falling asleep in class Lack of sleep due to staying up Adjust sleep time reasonably,
late or the time of school avoid staying up late
coincides with the previous Try to wake yourself up by washing
sleep time (usually noon)(A) your face
Distraction Noise from outside or Don't surf social media or play
temptation from social games while doing your
networks or games(A) assignment

Do many things at the same time You think the exercise is too Appreciate the difficulty of the
simple and want to complete exercises and do them one by one
Work on many exercises at the same to focus more
assignment time(A)

Pressure Too much exercise makes you Do your homework as soon as

feel overwhelmed possible, for big assignments you
You leave your homework until can get help from friends
the deadline to do it(A)
Noise from residential area Your neighbors turn on the TV Suggest a neighbor or restaurant
or restaurants turn on the turn down the music
music too loud(A)
Too much knowledge makes you Too many theories make you Knowledge system with tree
not know where to learn feel overwhelmed and don't diagrams or notes out with easy-
know which part to study(A) to-understand symbols.
Prepare for Unfocused You are influenced by the Focus on preparing for the exam
examination appeal of games or social media Don't touch social media or games
messages while preparing
Health is not good Because you stay up too late or There should be a reasonable
study too hard(A) study mode
Exercise like playing sports,...

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