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Name: ________________________________________ Year and Section: __________________

Test I. Read the statements carefully then write your answers in the space provided before the number.

___1. An assembly of one or more wires running side by side or bundled, which is used to carry electric current.
a. cable b. electric cable c . both a and b d. none of these
___2. A device that stores electrical energy in an electric field. It is a passive electronic component with two terminals.
a. capacitor b. diode c. both a and b d. none of these
___3. A semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power.
a. resistor b. transistor c. both a and b d. none of these
___4. A two-terminal electronic component that conducts current primarily in one direction
a. resistor b. diode c. both a and b d. none of these
___5. A passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element.
a. capacitor b. diode c. both a and b d. none of these
___6. Commonly formed by drawing the metal through a hole in a die or draw plate.
a. capacitor b. diode c. both a and b d. none of these
___7. Composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit.
a. transistor b. resistor c. both a and b d. none of these
___8. A vacuum tube with two electrodes, a heated cathode and a plate.
a. Vacuum b. Thermionic c. both a and b d. none of these
___9. A set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or "chip") of semiconductor material that is normally silicon.
a. AC b. IC c. both a and b d. none of these
___10. Used to reduce current flow.
a. capacitor b. resistor c. both a and b d. none of these

Test II: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is wrong.

___1. A health and safety program is a definite plan of action designed to prevent accidents and occupational
___2. Because organizations differ, a program developed for one organization can be expected to meet the needs of
___3. Responsibility is defined as an individual's obligation to carry out assigned duties.
___4. An organization's occupational health and safety policy is a statement of principles and general rules that serve
as guides for action.
___5. Participating in joint health and safety committees or as the representative is not a responsibility of an
___6. Using personal protection and safety equipment as required by the employer should always be followed.
___7. Policies should be stated in clear, unambiguous, and unequivocal terms.
___8. Policy statement should not mention management's commitment to protect the safety and health of employees.
___9. The organization's basic health and safety philosophy is not a part of policy statement.
___10. Employees should sign policy statement.

Test III. ESSAY. Explain the importance of setting up Occupational Health and Safety Standards in a
workplace. Give your insights regarding OHS procedures. Write your comprehensive essay at the back of this
activity sheet.


Name: ________________________________________ Year and Section: __________________

Test I: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

______1. Samples should be taken at 0.6, 6 to 12, and 12 to 24 inch depths from 15 to 20 locations within each field.
______2. Each depth should be bulked into composite samples, air dried, and sent to a reputable soil testing lab.
______3. Soil refers to the physical characteristics of the overallfield site.
______4. Water is the most important factor for growing healthy vegetables.
______5. Soils can be highly variable, even over short distances.
______6. Many vegetable growers prefer a moderately heavy loam with at least several feet of topsoil
______7. The long day plants need a comparatively long day for flowering.
______8. Vegetables are highly not-perishable.
______9. It is important for farmers to follow certain steps for soil sampling.
______10. Vegetative growth decreases when the days are short.
______11. Basin lister is a heavy implement with one or two mouldboards or shovels.
______12. The ridge plough is used to split the field into ridges and furrows and for earthing up of crops.
______13. Wooden Ploughs are used for primary tillage.
______14. Subsoil plough is used for breaking hard pans and for deep ploughing (60-70 cm) with less disturbance to
The top layers.
______15. Chisel plough is designed to break up hard layers or pans without bringing them to the surface.

Test II. Direction: Read and understand the question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

___1. Which of the following factors in selecting the site is considered as the life- blood of vegetable production?
a. Topography b. Water c. Sunlight d. Soil
___2. How long the crops should be exposed when taking soil samples for soil analysis?
a. 3-5 hours b. 2-4 hours c. 4-6 hours d. 6-7 hours
___3. Which of the following is NOT a consideration when taking soil samples for soil analysis?
a. Slope of the area b. Cropping history c. Past lime and fertilizer d. Frequency of irrigation
___4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of good soil?
a. Has good aeration c. Has a high water holding capacity
b. Has plenty of minerals d. Contains large amount of clay making the soil compact
___5. What is the best topography suited for vegetable production?
a. Hilly b. Level c. Sloping d. Slightly Sloping
___6. Which of the following is the most important factor in growing healthy vegetables?
a. Water b. Sunlight c. Temperature d. Sand
___7. This is affects the growth of crop plants mainly through affecting their structural development, their food
and the time required of certain species of varieties to produce seeds.
a. Light b. Temperature c. Water d. Soil
___8. This factor such as the peace and order condition in the area and cost of labor should be considered because
this will determine the profitability of the project.
a. Light b. Temperature c. Water d. Socio-economic condition
___9. This is defined as the loose and friable material of the earth’s surface for plants to grow.
a. Light b. Temperature c. Water d. Soil
___10. Which of the following simple procedures will help ensure sample collection is consistent and easily
a. Organization b. Consistency c. Simplicity d. Soil
___11. Which of the following refers to the proportion of sand, silt, and clay particles that comprise a particular soil
sample? a. Soil b. Soil profile c. Soil texture d. Soil structure
___12. The type of soil directly affects the growth and development of vegetable crops. What types of soil are best for
growing vegetables?
a. Clay-loam b. Sandy-loam c. Silty-clay d. Sandy-clay
___13. Which of the following is not a reason why we consider accessibility to road and transportation as one of the
important factors in selecting the site?
a. Vegetables ate harvested anytime c. Vegetable are best liked when they are fresh
b. Vegetables are highly perishable d. Products are transported without much damage.

___14. Why is soil analysis important?

a. To describe the types of soil c. To identify the crops to be planted
b. To know how to apply fertilizer d. To determine the rate and kind of fertilizer to be applied.

___15. This is a soil particles are arranged from the surface soil to the parent rock. What do you called of this?
a. Soil profile b. Soil texture c. Soil d. Clay
___16. Which of the following serves as a solvent?
a. Light b. Temperature c. Water d. Soil
___17. Which of the following having diameters ranging from 0.05 to 2.0 millimeters?
a. Silt b. Sand c. Clay d. loam

___18. Which of the following having diameters ranging 0.002 to 0.05 millimeters?
a. Silt b. Sand c. Clay d. loam
___19. Which of the having diameters that are less than 0.002 millimeters?
a. Silt b. Sand c. Clay d. loam
___20. When you using SA. How many hectares that you can use?
a. 8-7 hectares b. 10-15 hectares c. 1-5 hectares d. 20-26 hectares

Test III. III. Draw at least 3 farm implements, one on each box and give descriptions of each.

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