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Sub: New Edition titled General Conditions of Contract for CPWD Works 2008, Form CPWD-6 & CPWD 7/8. A revised edition of General Conditions of Contract has been printed and is available for sale. This edition titled as General Conditions of Contract for CPWD Works 2008 incorporates the amendments issued upto O.M. No. DGW/CON/234 dt. 22.01.2008 to the earlier edition called General Conditions of Contract 2007 and will be available from outlet mentioned herein at the rates mentioned hereunder. The changes incorporated have been highlighted on the immediate first page of GCC 2008. This page shall not form part of the agreement & should be detached while framing an agreement. 1. General Conditions of Contract for CPWD works 2008 @ Rs. 40/each (Rs. Forty only) (Less 25% discount for CPWD Units) Form CPWD 7/8 @ Rs 3.00 each (Rs. Three only) (Less 25% discount for CPWD units) Form CPWD 6 @ Rs. 1.80 each (Rs. One & Paise eighty only) (Less 25% discount for CPWD units)



The sale prices shall be applicable for Delhi including all taxes. For Inter state sales, forwarding charge and postage/freight may be charged extra as per actual and will be directly payable by the purchaser/Indentor. Supplements (Correction slips to these forms as a result of issue of O.Ms by this office) to the forms will be available @ Rs. 0.50 (Rs Nil and paise Fifty) only per page.

Information about any difficulty in availability of these forms, their rates and the 25 % discount on the printed rates may kindly be brought to the notice of this office. The rights for printing & marketing these forms have been given to M/s Jain Book Agency, C-9, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001. No other agency, other than the mentioned above, will have any right to print the GCC 2008, Form CPWD 7/8 and Form CPWD-6 in any form, in part or full. To avoid any piracy of the forms, these will be available for sale with hologram of SILVER colour pasted on the documents. It is therefore, enjoined upon all the concerned to purchase the said forms only from the outlet mentioned below. It may be noted that for any error creeping in the contract due to use of pirated copy, the officials purchasing such pirated forms and/or entering into any contract on such forms shall be held responsible for the lapse in this regard. Complimentary copies of the forms are being forwarded to the Zones/Regions of CPWD by the agency in a few days time for circulation among S.Es/E.Es etc. working under their Control. Discrepancies noticed, if any, in the forms may kindly be brought to the notice of this office. Outlet: 1. M/s Jain Book Agency, C-9, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001 Ph. 011-23416390 upto 97, Fax 011-41513850, 22152346, Email:, website:

- sd Superintending Engineer (C&M) Issued from file No. CSQ/CM/C/Printing/ Vol IV Copy forwarded as per mailing list

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