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Name: Mary Grace U.

Risma Course&Year&Section:BEED 2-A Score:

Maj-Ged 202 (Research in Education) SLSU-MC (DTE)

Schedule: MTh 2:30 - 4:00 PM Second Semester, 2021-2022




Sleep deprivation is a general term to describe a state caused by inadequate quantity or

quality of sleep, including voluntary or involuntary sleeplessness and circadian rhythm
sleep disorders (Better Health, 2018).In 2016 Healthy Living Index Survey, it is found
that 46% of Filipinos do not get enough sleep while the 32% get less than 6 hours of
sleep. According to National Sleep Foundation, younger adults from age 17 to 25 need 7
to 9 hours of sleep. A new study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health
discovered that as much as two-thirds of high school students get less than7 hours of
sleep nightly and the study also stated that students in higher grades are getting the
least amount of sleep. As students progress through high school, demands on their time
from hectic social activities, jobs, home works and family obligations increase and they
sleep less to fit them in. (Duval, 2010) Studies through the years found that sleep is
closely related to physical and psychological distresses, cognitive processes, and
metabolic function (Samuels, 2008).

Theoretical Framework

Sleep deprivation refers to not having enough amount of sleep and it is widespread
among high school students today especially students from higher years. This study
aims to provide statistical figure on the instances of sleep deprivation and the grade
point average of students with such habit and those who don’t deprive from sleep. This
research study mainly focuses if a relationship between the two exists. According to the
study of Alhola and Kantola, prolonged wakefulness corresponds to sleep restriction
which results in sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation influences your mental ability
thus, harms brain memory. It also influences the cognitive processes of a human person
such as acquiring knowledge. It can be concluded that sleep deprivation equates to low
grades the students will receive thus creating a relationship between the hours of sleep
and their grades.According to Curcio, G., Ferrara, M., De Gennaro, L. (2006), the amount
and quality of sleep have a close association with the students’ academic performance
specifically their grade point average. It also showed that loss of sleep is associated with
the poor learning in students as shown to their GPA with a large percentage of students
who get less amount of sleep.

Conceptual Framework or Research Paradigm

Sleep Deprivation: Evaluating

Its Instances And Association
To The Grade Point Average
Of Senior High School

Instances of Sleep Grade Point
Deprivation Average

Fig. 1 Conceptual Framework

As illustrated in the diagram, the upper box contains the main goal of the study,
evaluated instances of sleep deprivation and its association to the grade point average.
The two arrows that point the variable place an important role on the study. The right
arrow points out the students’ sleep deprivation rate while the left arrow points the
grade point average which will determine if there exists a relationship between the two.
Statement of the Problem

In this quantitative study, the researcher’s aim to know the following research
1. What is the average number of hours students allocate for sleeping?
2. What is the mean of the students’ grade point average?
3. Is there a significant association between the average number of hours students
allocate for sleeping and the mean of the students’ grade point average?

Hypothesis of the Study

A study designed to know the experiences and effects of sleep-deprived students. And
this study is designed to assess the hypothesis of the instances and association to the
grade point average of the senior high school students

Scope and Limits of the Study

This research study mainly focuses on the instances of sleep deprivation among SHS
students and the grade point average of those students who are sleep-deprived and not.
This does not include a third moderator variable such as age, gender, and location of the
respondents. In addition, this study does not include ways to stop or prevent sleep
deprivation and ways to improve and maintain students’ grades. This study is directed
to the SHS students. The rationale for this is that students from higher levels are getting
the least amount of sleep compared from lower levels (Journal of Adolescent Health).
Moreover, SHS students are more loaded with school works thus, more relatable to the

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit to the following:

To the students – it can help them to be wary on their actions. In addition, it can help
them to improve themselves to be better students of the school and to be aware of the
matter thus, beneficial to the students. Moreover, it can help the students to handle
their sleeping habits and to be more conscious of their grades which will be essential in
their college years.
To the teachers– they can advise their students on regarding the matter and spread
awareness on the subject.
To the parents– they can guide and monitor their children on their sleeping habits and
may provide disciplinary measures.
To the society – they can spread awareness to the local area and improve
understanding regarding the subject.

Definition of Terms

Sleep Deprivation – a general term to describe a state caused by inadequate quantity or

quality of sleep, including voluntary or involuntary sleeplessness and circadian rhythm
sleep disorders (Better Health, 2018)
Instances – an example or single occurrence of something (Oxford Dictionary)
Grade Point Average – a number representing the average value of the accumulated
final grades earned in courses over time. (Glossary of Education Reform, 2013)
Sleep Duration – refers to total amount of sleep obtained, either during the nocturnal
sleep episode or across the 24-hour period. (Springer Link)
Cognitive Performance – refers to multiple mental abilities, including learning,
thinking, reasoning, decision making and attention (Science Direct)
Impaired – weakened or damage (Oxford Dictionary)
Inclined – likely to do something (Vocabulary Dictionary)

Review of Literature

Sleep is one of the basic needs of a human. On average, one-third of a person’s life will
spend on sleeping. (Lee, 1997). Sleep deprivation refers to not having the amount of
sleep needed. Life circumstances and some illnesses usually caused sleep deprivation
and could lead to varying unhealthy outcomes. It is becoming normal to some people as
people are bombarded with responsibilities thus, adjusting their sleep schedules. It is a
developing problem as people grow older. (Columbia, Neurology, 2015).The National
Sleep Foundation has developed a sleep duration recommendations for people of all
ages. The foundation believed that there is an appropriate hours of sleep for age groups.
Teenagers age from 14-17 have a sleep range of 8-10 hours, younger adults age from
18-25 have a sleep range of 7-9 hours, and adults from 26-64 have remained on 7-9
hours based on the new category.

A grade point average refers to the final average value the student got in courses over
time. It is calculated by adding all the grades and dividing it into the number of grades
awarded. The most popular GPA or the average is based on a 0 to 4.0 scale with 4
representing the highest grade. GPA is commonly used in colleges. In public schools,
grading systems and grade point average scales may differ from one school to another.
(Glossary of Education Reform) In a grading system by the Juris Doctor, grades from
90% and above are considered distinguished, grades from 89%-85% are considered as
excellent, grades from 84%-80% are considered as good, and grades from 79%-75% as
According to a 2006 National Sleep Foundation poll, more than 87% of high school
students in the United States of America acquire less than 8 hours of sleep which was
the recommended amount of sleep per night and that the amount of sleep keeps on
dropping which raise awareness to the alarming rate of sleep deprivation among
schools. According to Dement, W. (2015), high school is where sleep deprivation
commonly occurs. In a 2011 sleep poll, the moment U.S students enter senior years in
high school, they allocate an average of 6.9 hours of sleep nightly. This habit has become
widespread across nations. In a 2012 study in Sleep, South Korean researchers have
found that an average of 4.9 hours per night South Korean adolescents get in sleeping.
In a study by Ruthann Richter, nowadays, the loss of sleep is like a disease that quickly
spread. Furthermore, it builds up the probability of the teens to undergo such negative
outcomes, including failed grades in school, incapable to concentrate, prone to
accidents, anxiousness, depression, and even suicidal thoughts and actions. As what
recent national poll shows, mostly high school students are the one inherited this kind
of epidemic. They are the most recommended individuals that need to have a night of
adequate sleep. So, as they keep decreasing the amount of time they sleep, the more this
disorder threatens their future.

The study authored by Fred Danner has shown that the hours of sleep per school night
have a significant positive association with the grade point average and the level of
motivation. According to Perez-Lloret, S., Videla, A., Richaudeau, A., Vigo, D., Rossi, M.,
Cardinali, D. (2013), there have been evidences that suggest the correlation between
sleep and GPA. Students who get 9 hours of sleep had an average GPA of 3.24 compared
to 2.74 who have 6 hours of sleep. According to the study entitled, Sleep Duration and
Academic Performance, sufficient sleep has a great impact on students' performance and
the grades they receive. Lack of sleep primarily focuses on teens and adolescents. The
number of sleep associated with the students’ academic performance specifically on
their grades. Lack of sleep intercedes inbrain function including working memory,
logical reasoning, and creativity. Sleep deprivation will result in decrease memory
information. According to Curcio, G., Ferrara, M., De Gennaro, L. (2006), the amount and
quality of sleep have a close association with the students’ academic performance
specifically their grade point average. It also showed that loss of sleep is associated with
the poor learning in students as shown to their GPA. According to Perez-Lloret, S.,
Videla, A., Richaudeau, A., Vigo, D., Rossi, M., Cardinali, D. (2013), it is found that sleep
deprivation is closely related to the dropping school grades of the students. In a report
by Khan, it is shown that the tendency of failing has doubled with a large percentage of
students who get less amount of sleep. In an observational study conducted in the same
class by Kelly, it is found that students who get 9 hours of sleep have an average GPA of
3.4 meanwhile students who get 7 to 8 hours of sleep have the average of 3.1 and
students who get less than 8 hours of sleep have the average of 2.74. In a self-reporting
survey by Wolfson and Carskadon, students who have a higher GPA typically acquire a
longer time on sleeping than those students who slept late. In a cross-sectional study to
the students in a university in Colombia authored by Correa, Mayor, Ruiz,, results
have shown that a higher GPA was more constant with enough and good sleep. In a
study by Moses, Umma, et, al. , The Comparative Analysis of Academic Performance of
Sleep-Deprived versus Non-Sleep Deprived, results show that sleep deprivation is
strongly related to poor academic performance among students. Furthermore, sleep-
deprived students perform worse on attention, memory, problem-solving task that
affect the grades they receive. National Sleep Foundation has found out that the average
amount of sleep students received is considered as inadequate based on sleep needs.
Academic stress and workloads come along with sleep deprivation.

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