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Its 3:56 am. Now that I think about it, am I using my time wisely? What is it that I can do?

Like Rizal, what can I possibly accomplish and contribute to this world before I die? Reading the
article made me question a lot of things. Then again, it all comes back to my life. When I have
heard or read about someone, I have always wondered what would happen if I were in that
situation. In Rizal's case, I just cannot imagine how problematic and confused would I be if I were
in his shoes. Like it is said, Rizal just like any of us, is a human. He had talents that he and the
people around him hone together. As for myself, I cannot even name what thing am I great at.
But as they say, time will come, and I also keep telling myself that. And now, with this article
mentioning that Rizal have developed many talents because he uses his time right, I have
concluded that maybe in my situation, my use of time is the problem. Every night of questioning
myself will always end up to me sleeping and then the cycle continues - I enjoy something and
then I watch myself slowly getting uninterested with it. I did not use my time right and I still do
not know how to use it. I have remembered this quote in the movie that says, time heals, but
what if time is the illness? Then again, this question will just be added on my list of questions
about life.
Its 4:07 am, I just remembered that almost 3 hours from now, it will be Rizal’s death time
which is mentioned in the article. I wonder, was he really not afraid? I mean we are talking about
death here; does he really not fear it? Is it because he uses his time wisely? I have many questions,
and this is just one of those things about Rizal I refuse to believe. Just like what the author first
says, Rizal is just a human, with human feelings and emotions. You don’t need to fear death to
be able to call yourself a hero. Rizal may be calm but deep within him I know he wants to live. He
wants our country to be liberated right? He wants to see how we Filipinos continue right? That’s
just it. People want to continue living to see the fruits of their labor. I am not sure on what to
believe, there are a lot of stories and theories behind Rizal’s death, and this is just one of it. Still,
it makes me uneasy how people nowadays can mock him easily, regardless of how great you are
as a human, people will always have something to hate you about, and such things were already
mentioned in the article.
Its 11:24 am. Am I doing this right? Is what I’ve typed above considered a reflection? Is it
already 500 words? Ah, questions like this always occupy my mind and I can’t even focus a thing.
Rizal really is something one can look upon, and as cliché as it may sounds, I want to be like him.
I want to use my time right. But the people around him and the people around me and we
ourselves are different form each other. How can I possibly be like him? No one knows, but
maybe time will tell, maybe, time itself is healing. We live under the same sky, same stars and
same running time. I may be negative at times, but I want to end this positively. The shoe Rizal
left may be impossible for us now to wear, but still, time will continue to run, who knows?
Perhaps, it will fit soon as we grow up or maybe, we ourselves can make and wear shoes of our

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