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Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
College of Engineering
Electronics Engineering (ECE) Department

I. Course Code: ECEN 3453
II. Course Title: Safety Engineering and Management
III. Course Overview

A. Course Description

The course focuses on the Safety Engineering Principles and Practices of Safety
and Management of Accident Prevention in the Engineering Workplace and

B. Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the student should be able to

1. Show interest and appreciation of the importance of knowing the course.

2. Explain the basic safety concepts.
3. Verify the hazards and risk present in a workplace.
4. List the duties and responsibilities of a Safety Engineer.
5. Identify the harms affecting Safety Engineering.
6. Verify the safety sign according to its category: information, warning or
7. Recognize the different employee safeguards as mandated by laws and
other legal bases to ensure safety at work.
8. Verify the compliance of workplace and products to the principles of
9. Implement safety principles and procedures using radio operations and other
means of conveying emergency information.
10. Compare the standards set by various regulating bodies.
11. Examine the behavior and impact of electromagnetic waves during unwanted
transfer of energy.
12. Verify the compliance of the different fields of ECE to the standards of
practices under the Philippine Electronics Code Volume 1: Safety.

C. Course Topics

To ensure the accomplishment of the learning outcomes, this course will cover
the following topics:

• Introduction to the course contents, activities, and requirements.

• Introductory of the following Safety Concepts

o Safety
o Hazard and its types (modes of hazard, causes of hazard, and
Hazard Analysis)
o Risk
o Duties and Responsibilities of a Safety Engineer
o Harms Affecting Safety Engineering
• Evaluate safety signs
o Safety Uses of Safety Signs
o Safety Colors
o Safety Sign Categories
• Employee Safeguards
o National Occupational Safety and Health System and Network
o Employee Compensation Program
o Employee Rights and Responsibilities
o Safety Training Program
• Ergonomics
o Knowledge Base
o Aspects of Ergonomics
o Domains of Ergonomics
o Fields of Ergonomics
o Findings of Ergonomics
o Applications of Ergonomics
• Safety of Life at Sea
o SOLAS Concepts
o General Radio Operator Licensing
o International Phonetic Alphabet Flag Semaphore Ergonomics
• Standard Regulating Bodies
o Types of EMI
o Effects of EMI
o Addressing EMI
o Electromagnetic Compatibility
o Coupling Mechanisms Ergonomics
• Philippine Electronics Code Volume 1: Safety
o General Electrical Protection and Grounding Requirements
o General Strength Requirement
o Indoor Plant safety Rules
o Power Sources
o Outdoor Plant safety Rules
o Towers and Support Structures
o Consumer products
o Test Performance

IV. Course Study Guide

This material was prepared for students to be equipped with theoretical and technical
know-how for the subject ECEN 3453 Safety Engineering and Management.

It is a self-paced material; hence, please be guided to -

1. Manage time well. Schedule properly reading the material and doing the activities
set. It is targeted that at the end of the semester, all activities set will be sent back
to the Electronics Engineering Department.
2. Focus. Make sure that you do things one at a time. Read the material over and
over until you are able to get the point of the lesson. If some areas are not clear
enough, you can refer to related books, the suggested readings, and videos as it may
deem necessary.
3. Give your best. In doing the assessment task whether formative or summative,
target the highest standards because you are a better student. You have the
knowledge and skills that you need to finish with the quality of work.
4. Submit on time. Once you are finished with the instructional material, it is
expected for you to send back your answers to activities and assessment.
5. Answering to Assessment. Copy the question in a separate sheet and show
solutions and answers neatly complete, legibly, and concise. Also, Box in Final
6. Work independently. It is expected that you work on the material on your own.
You can ask help from others but do your best to do it first.
7. Motivate yourself. Whatever knowledge or skill you are gaining from the course will
definitely help you take a step closer to be an Electronics Engineer. Enjoy what
you are doing and everything else will follow.
8. Reach Out. If any part of the lesson, you need help and guidance, do not hesitate
to contact your respective professors or to the ECE Department.

V. Online References

1. Safety Management by John Grimaldi and Rollin H.

2. Occupational Safety and Health by David L. Goetsch
3. Philippine Electronics Code Volume 1: Safety
4. Manual of Employees Compensation Commission
5. Ergonomics by Kroemer and Kroemer
6. SOLAS Manual
7. KBP Broadcast Code
8. KBP Technical Standards
9. Manuals of International and National Regulating Bodies
10. OSHA Manuals

Prepared By:


ECE Faculty

Recommending Approval: Approved:


ECE Chairperson Dean, College of Engineering



Hazardous workplace, manufacturing and construction sites are few common environments of
engineers. These places make the work of engineer more dangerous and complex. In this
chapter, we will learn the importance of safety engineering and management in our daily life as
an engineer.

Learning Objectives:

After successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

• Show interest and appreciation of the importance of knowing the course.

• Recognize the importance of Safety in workplace and hazardous environment

• Know the importance of safety in daily lives.

Course Material:

The Evolution of Safety in everyday places:

1900s – Safety is not priority in the workplace. Security of people are not considered, and they
even sacrifice lives of people to complete the job.
1940s – Safety measures begun in workplace. They started to introduce protective equipment’s
such as gloves, masks and apron.
1960s – They promote safety in workplace.
1970s – The Health and Safety at Work Act is passed in 1974. The act places responsibility on
both the employer and employee to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of people in all
workplace and members of the public who could be affected by the work activities.
1980s – Safety standard is extended in schools which need to ensure the student safety due to
Health and Safety precaution Act coming into force.
1990s – the concept of personal training began to gain traction; personal trainers are
experienced fitness instructors who help gym-goers train safely.

21st Century - The workplace: More extensive information is being communicated to employees,
including more formal induction processes and training sessions.

The classroom: In 2018, there was a call for defibrillators to be available in every school in the
UK, which won the support of Members of Youth Parliament from across the country.

Safety Organization
More and more companies are now adding safety standards to their focus. They delegate
supervisor and safety champions to monitor the safety standard and to strictly implement it during
work time. They introduce safety organization to handle safety issues and concern that
composed of personnel every department the organization have. In this way, safety concerns
are easily reported which lead to the success in preventing safety incidents.
A safety person or safety champion should be a broad-based expert with human values as main
plank. Cooperation and teamwork with other departments and supervisor are other requirements
to be a successful safety champion.
A suitable organization chart for large and highly safety conscious industry must clearly specify
the safety functions comprehensively. The below are the four common levels of responsibility
inside the company.
• Level 1
o This position commonly takes by a high rank in the company to ensure the safety
standards is always observed. It is a corporate level which commonly handle by a
director or even a CEO and there should be a company director who will be
engaged in formulating safety policies at corporate level. These policies will be
issued from time to time if changes are made. He will have to see that safety audits
are made at proper times. He must be readily available for required advice and
guidance to all safety personnel. The company director must appoint a general
manager safety at company level.
• Level 2
o This is at company level and will directly report to the corporate director. He has to
continuously monitor safety policies of the company and bring about necessary
improvement in the light of directives issued from time to time. He must also see
that the directives and policies are in accordance with governmental regulatory
standards. He should provide guidance and assistance for training of safety
personnel at various levels and must conduct safety audits. He must see that

safety records are properly maintained and data and information regarding safety
status of the company are available.
• Level 3
o This level works at plant level and would directly report to general manager safety.
There must be four plant safety managers as identified by four plant safety
functions, namely fire safety, environmental control, occupational health and
professional service. Specific conditions and size of plant may dictate combining
two or three of these functions under a single plant level manager but in all cases
the functions should remain separate and, identifiable. The development of
procedure of implementing safety measures on job performing and analyzing safe
job performing, readiness and preparedness to deal with emergency situations are
the main requirements at I this level. Equally importantly it is the level where
interactions with other activities are most likely to take place. Thus a plant manager
will coordinate with managers in the areas of design, manufacture, purchase, sale,
R & D, etc. A plant manager will have the full responsibility to investigate the
injuries to a worker occurring on job/site and make report to the higher officials.

• Level 4
o This level comprises representatives of safety departments working at shop floor
level or with workers. The personnel will actually implement safety procedures,
train workers on procedures, guide them to adoption of procedure. They will
provide all support for maintenance of environment and its preservation. Very
importantly the personnel at level 4 will conduct safety drills.

Supplemental Information:

Other References:




1. Summarize the evolution of safety.

2. Research at least 5 safety company that promote safety and explain how they encourage
their employees.
3. Differentiate the four levels of safety responsibility inside the company.



In this chapter we will be familiarize the terms and the basic safety concepts. It will give us deeper
knowledge in the definition of safety such as the important role of safety engineer, the risk that
may be present in the environment and the different types of hazards.

Learning Objectives:

After successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

• Explain the basic safety concepts.

• Verify the hazards and risk present in a workplace.
• List the duties and responsibilities of a Safety Engineer.
• Identify the harms affecting Safety Engineering.

Course Material:

Safety is the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury. It is a
property of a system that reflects the system’s ability to operate, normally or abnormally, without
danger of causing human injury or death and without damage to the system’s environment.

Hazard and types of hazard
A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or
someone. Basically, a hazard is the potential for harm or an adverse effect (for example, to
people as health effects, to organizations as property or equipment losses, or to the

Sometimes the resulting harm is referred to as the hazard instead of the actual source of the
hazard. For example, the disease tuberculosis (TB) might be called a "hazard" by some but, in
general, the TB-causing bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) would be considered the
"hazard" or "hazardous biological agent".

The following are the common types of hazards:

• Physical / Radiation Hazards
This is the most common type of workplace hazards. Examples of physical hazards
include slips, trips, falls, exposure to loud noises, working from heights, vibrations,
and unguarded machinery.
• Ergonomic / Psychological Hazards
Ergonomic hazards occur as a result of physical factors that can harm the
musculoskeletal system. This type of hazard is not easily identified, examples of this
hazard are poor lighting, repetitive motion, awkward movements, and poor posture.
• Chemical Hazards
Chemical hazards are present anytime workers are exposed chemical substances.
Examples include cleaning solutions and solvents, vapors and fumes, carbon
monoxide and any other gases.
• Biological Hazards
Healthcare professionals are at most risk for this type of hazard. Biological hazards
occurs due to working with people, animals or infectious plant material. Examples
include blood or other bodily fluids, animal care, insect bites, bacteria or viruses.
• Fire Hazards
Knowing where your fire extinguishers are, holding fire drills and informing
employees of your emergency escape routes can ensure safety.
• Work Organization Hazards
Stressors that cause stress (short term effects) and strain (long term effects). These

are hazards associated with workplace issues such as workload, lack of control
and/or respect, etc.
• Electrical Hazards
People who work directly with electricity, including electricians and engineers, are at
risk of injury; personnel who work with electrical equipment in the office are also at
risk of injury. You can minimize the risk of injuries by using one extension cord or
power strip per connection, keeping liquids clear of electrical equipment and
conducting regular safety examinations. It can cause: Inability to let go (5 - 10mA),
Ventricular fibrillation (20 - 30mA), Cell damage (> 30mA), Burn hazard - high
frequency (> 30mA).

Risk is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience an adverse health
effect if exposed to a hazard. It may also apply to situations with property or equipment loss, or
harmful effects on the environment.

For example: the risk of developing cancer from smoking cigarettes could be expressed as:

• "cigarette smokers are 12 times (for example) more likely to die of lung cancer than non-
smokers", or
• "the number per 100,000 smokers who will develop lung cancer" (actual number
depends on factors such as their age and how many years they have been smoking).

These risks are expressed as a probability or likelihood of developing a disease or getting

injured, whereas hazard refers to the agent responsible (i.e. smoking).

Factors that influence the degree or likelihood of risk are:

• the nature of the exposure: how much a person is exposed to a hazardous thing or
condition (e.g., several times a day or once a year),
• how the person is exposed (e.g., breathing in a vapor, skin contact), and
• the severity of the effect. For example, one substance may cause skin cancer, while
another may cause skin irritation. Cancer is a much more serious effect than irritation.

Risk assessment is the process where you:

• Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm (hazard
• Analyze and evaluate the risk associated with that hazard (risk analysis, and risk
• Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard or control the risk when the hazard
cannot be eliminated (risk control).

Safety Engineer

Safety engineering is that field in engineering that deals with accident prevention, risk of human
error reduction and safety provided by the engineered systems and designs. Industries involved
are manufacturing, public works and product design.

In broad context, safety engineers are responsible in making the workplaces safe. They do
monitor of the general work environment, inspection of buildings and machines for hazards and
safety violations. Moreover, safety engineers also recommend safety features in new processes
and products.

It is also the job of safety engineers to investigate accidents in order to refrain from such to
happen again, and to design special safety clothing and devices for injury protection.
Sometimes, such engineers conduct safety training and seminars to employees to be aware of
the different practices in the workplace.

Some safety engineers take the help of computer models, prototypes or replicate the situations
to assess the hazards and risks. There are many considerations before a safety engineer
implements a system or a product, like material reliability, legislation, and technical safety.

But one cannot directly become a safety engineer without having a Bachelor’s Degree in
Industrial Engineering, Industrial Management or a related field. There is no direct college
course to become a safety engineer.

Duties of Health Safety Engineer:

Health and safety engineers develop procedures and design systems to protect people from
illness and injury and property from damage. They combine knowledge of engineering and of

health and safety to make sure that chemicals, machinery, software, furniture, and other products
will not cause harm to people or damage to property.

Health and safety engineers typically do the following:

• Maintain and apply knowledge of current health and safety policies, regulations, and
industrial processes
• Review plans and specifications for new machinery and equipment to make sure that
they meet safety requirements
• Identify and correct potential hazards by inspecting facilities, machinery, and safety
• Evaluate the effectiveness of various industrial control mechanisms
• Ensure that buildings or products comply with health and safety regulations, especially
after an inspection that required changes
• Install safety devices on machinery or direct the installation of these devices
• Review employee safety programs and recommend improvements

Health and safety engineers also investigate industrial accidents and injuries to determine their
causes and to determine whether the incidents were avoidable or can be prevented in the future.
They interview employers and employees to learn about work environments and incidents that
lead to accidents or injuries. They also evaluate the corrections that were made to remedy
violations found during health inspections.

Harms affecting Safety Engineer:

Safety engineer is a novel job and they are responsible in protecting the people inside the
organizations. They must be fully train to know immediately the safety risks in specific workplace.
Although safety engineer is more knowledge to point out the hazards, safety engineer is still not
exempted on it. They are the front line of employees regarding to safety since they are first person
who supervise the hazardous environment. Here are the following harms that may affect the
safety engineer.

• Prone to safety hazards

One of the roles of safety engineer is to inspect first a hazardous environment. The initial
review of the workplace is a potential risk to the inspector since the hazards on it is still

• Failure to identify safety hazards which leads to accident

Safety engineer needs to immediately identify the hazardous location in the workplace.
The failure to identify it immediately may cause accident to the employees present on it.

• Harassment to other people they confront

Safety engineer needs to talk to employees who’s doing unsafe in a workplace because
continuing doing this may cause risks to itself and to the people around him. However,
some of the employees doesn’t want to confront in terms of this issue which sometimes
cause to start of harassment to the safety engineer.

• Can not immediately responds to personal needs due to role.

The first duty of being safety engineer is to responds to every accident that happened in
the workplace. However, in case of a major disaster such as natural calamities
(earthquake, typhoon, etc.) safety engineer cannot responds immediately to its personal

Supplemental Information:

Other References:



1. In 200 words, differentiate hazards and risks.

2. Enumerate the 7 types of hazards and give 5 examples of each

3. Give at least 5 examples of risk.

4. In 200 words, summarize the duties of a safety engineer.

5. In 200 words, summarize the harms affecting safety engineer.



In this chapter we will discuss the vital role of safety signs in preventing accident. We will also
examine the colors used for safety signs and what are the categories of it. Hazards is always
present in our everyday life and every place we go. It is very important that we know how to
interpret safety signs to be always caution in case there are hazards in our environments. The
presence of safety signs even though there are no safety personnel can still make the place safe.

Learning Objectives:

After successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

• Know the use of safety signs in our workplace, schools and other environment.
• Categorize the high importance safety signs to low importance.
• Interpret safety signs.

Course Material:

Uses of Safety Signs

There are so many safety signs that we can see in our environment. We can see it in road, in our
workplace, buildings, schools and even in our homes. These safety signs are all different and
have specific use. Below are the five common main reason why we use safety signs.
• Instant visual communication of key safety messages

Safety signs is a pictorial or representation of the hazards it depicts. accompanied by clear,
simple text instructions and an eye-catching visual design. They are also color-coded and
shaped specifically to make it obvious at a glance when an employee is entering a high-risk
area, or when there are actions they need to take in order to ensure the safety of themselves
and others.

• Highlighting safe methods of work as well as hazards

It’s important to remember that safety signs are designed to do more than just offer warnings.
In many cases, they also provide companies with an opportunity to remind their workers of
the safest and most effective ways of working.

• Use in the absence of safety personnel

Hiring an additional safety personnel to monitor and to advise employees for safety
precautions is very costly. Instead of placing too many safety engineers, they just provide
safety signs to remind the employee during entering hazardous place or accident prone are
in workplace, schools or other places. In this way, safety incident will be minimized and

• Legal Requirements
The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 mandate that signs are
required where significant risks to the health and safety of employees and others continue to
exist even after all other relevant precautions have been taken. These signs are required to
be clear, legible, visibly placed and well-maintained, and should be used in the following

o To warn against dangerous and prohibited actions in a certain area

o To highlight safeguards and procedures that must be followed, or equipment that must be
o To draw attention to a nearby hazard or potentially dangerous situation
o To direct people towards essential safety gear and fire safety equipment

If companies fail to meet their legal requirements and something does go wrong, they could
be at risk of regulatory fines and severe damage to their reputation, which is why no

responsible business should ever underestimate the importance of investing in essential

• Protecting employees and the public alike

Depending on the nature of the workplace, occupational safety hazards could pose a risk to
members of the public just as much as they do to employees. At public locations such as
farms and construction sites, it’s easy for passersby to be exposed to very significant dangers
- and unlike your staff members, they will have had no training on any of these risks, and will
likely be totally unaware of what to do if something goes wrong.

Safety signs can help to alleviate this problem significantly, providing a method of flagging up
potential hazards - such as loud noises, dangerous machinery, falling objects or slippery
surfaces - to members of the public. They can also be used to warn civilians to avoid certain
areas, or to provide them with contact details or essential information if they notice any signs
of danger.

Injuries to members of the public are harrowing for all involved and will often irreparably
damage your reputation as a business, which is why public-facing safety signs can deliver so
much value. When the stakes are this high, it truly is better to be safe than sorry.

• Better safety benefits everyone

Safety signs are one of the most visible and essential contributors to strong workplace health
and safety cultures, which have been shown time and again to deliver practical, measurable
benefits to every company, from top to bottom.

Safety Shapes and Colors

The use of symbols and graphical images is a simple safety system used to convey safety
messages at a glance. Colors and symbols appropriately used can provide information and
warnings of hazards which are essential to safety at work, and in some instances may be
independent of language.

Safety signs and symbols consist of messages, words and pictorial symbol with variety of sizes,
shapes and colors. All the shapes and colors are standardized. Each shape has different meaning
and each color reflects specific meaning.

Using standardized health and safety signs and symbols will make them understandable and
overcome language barriers and the new ISO 7010 standard is the first step towards a global
harmonization of safety symbols. More in-depth information can be found at Safety Signs,
Symbols and Color Codes – a simple guide

• Shapes of Safety Signs

The shapes of workplace health and safety signs are triangles, circles and squares or

o Triangles: indicates caution (potential hazards) or warning (definite hazards), for example
toxic gas and electric shock.
o Circles: mandatory or recommended actions and are normally used to depict an action
you must do, for example wearing eye goggles and safety hard hats.

o Squares or rectangles shows information, i.e. general information and emergency

information (first aid, firefighting).

o A Circle with a 45° diagonal slash across the middle from the upper left to the lower right:
points out forbidden or prohibited actions.

• Colors of Safety Signs

The colors used in workplace safety signs and symbols are red, yellow, blue and green.

o Red signs: Means Danger Alarm/Prohibited. A red symbol indicates the need to avoid or
otherwise evacuate a premise or any dangerous behavior within an area. Examples: Do
Not Enter, Do Not Touch
o Yellow/Amber: Means Warning. Anyone encountering a yellow symbol must take more
precaution and be cautious as well as aware of the area or situation. Examples: General
Warning, Magnetic Field, Electric Shock

o Blue: Means Mandatory. Any sign with Blue symbols dictates a specific safety behavior
such as wearing the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Examples: Wash
Hands, Safety Glasses Required

o Green: Means Emergency Escape. It also indicates no danger and first aid. Green signs
can be placed on exit doors and escape routes. Examples: First Aid Kit, Eyewash Station,
Emergency Exit.

• Sample of safety signs construction

The following symbol are sample of safety signs and how it is constructed.

Color Meaning Instruction and Intrinsic Features Example

Purpose Information

RED Prohibition / Dangerous behavior; Round shape; black

Danger stop; shutdown; pictogram on white
alarm emergency cut-out background; red edging
devices; evacuate and diagonal line; red
part to be at least 35%
of the area of the sign

YELLOW / Warning Be careful; take Triangular shape; black

AMBER precautions; pictogram on yellow
examine. background with black
edging; yellow part to be
at least 50% of the area
of the sign

BLUE Mandatory Specific behavior or Round shape; white

action e.g. wear pictogram on blue
personal protective background; blue part to
equipment be at least 50% of the
area of the sign

GREEN Emergency Doors; exits; escape Rectangular or square

escape; first routes equipment shape; white pictogram
aid. No and facilities Return on green background;
danger to normal green part to be at least

50% of the area of the

RED (fire- Firefighting Identification & Rectangular or square

fighting equipment location shape; white pictogram
signs) on red background; red
part to be at least 50% of
the area of the sign

Supplemental Information:

Other References:



1. In 200 words, explain why we need to follow the international sign and symbols.

2. Enumerate the 5 types of colors that used in safety signs. Give 5 examples of each and
in 50 words, explain its purpose.



Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree
of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; it calls for the prevention
of any impairment in the health and well-being of workers caused by their working conditions or
work environment; OSH stands for the protection of workers from risks and hazards that could
adversely affect their health and well-being and for their placement in an occupational
environment adapted to his/her physiological ability .

Learning Objectives:

After successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

• Recognize the different employee safeguards as mandated by laws and other legal bases
to ensure safety at work.

Course Material:

National Occupational Safety and Health System and Network

National OSH system defined According to the new
ILO Convention on the promotional framework for OSH, the term “national system for
occupational safety and health” refers to “the infrastructure which provides the main framework
for implementing national policy and national programs of occupational safety and health”; the
related ILO Recommendation gives further details on the purpose and content of national systems
Along these lines, the Philippine national OSH system consists of internally consistent and
mutually reinforcing laws, regulations, practices and cooperative arrangements among key
players, in particular DOLE, employers and workers’ organizations and other governmental
agencies. They are close partners in policy and program formulation and implementation, for
example through joint decision making at the national level of the Tripartite Industrial Peace
Council (TIPC) and at agency level in the tripartite Governing Boards of OSHC and ECC.
With the national OSH system at the core of preventive OSH, a wider network of partners and
clients has evolved for cooperation on various aspects of advocacy, services or research. These
include various government agencies, academic institutions, training providers or professional

• The Stakeholders
The stakeholders include a large number of organizations mandated and primarily
concerned with OSH matters, in particular the tripartite social partners in government,
employers and workers’ organizations; these tripartite social partners are the key players in
preventive OSH. They are expected to ensure compliance with OSH standards and practices
and provides efficient OSH services to their constituents. They play an important role in policy
formulation and implementation and in advocacy for raising awareness for OSH among a
wider public.
As lead government agency on OSH, several DOLE units and agencies deal with
different aspects of OSH in particular prevention, enforcement, rehabilitation and
compensation. The Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC), as mandated
by Executive Order 307 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, serves as
the authority on Occupational Safety and Health in the areas of research, training
and information dissemination and technical services.
o Employers’ Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP)
Established in 1974, the ECOP is the officially recognized representative of
employers in the field of labor relations and associated areas including labor and
social policy. Active in advocacy and capability building on OSH for its members,
ECOP has concluded a Memorandum of Agreement with the OSHC to implement
nationwide Zero Accident Programs.
o Workers’ Organizations
o Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP)
TUCP is composed of 27 trade union federations. Membership includes unions
from the private and public sectors as well as organizations and groups from
the informal sector, the urban poor youth, cooperatives, alliances and
coalitions with other civil society groups.
o Philippine Government Employees Association (PGEA)
Over the past few years PGEA has promoted policies covering a wide range
of OSH issues such as: health and sanitation, working hours, recognition of
physical and psychosocial hazards, leave privileges in case of
accidents/rehabilitation/ hospitalization, security and safety. These policies
also included drug-free workplaces, anti-sexual harassment, and no–smoking.

o Public Services Labor Independent Confederation of the Philippines
PSLINK is a confederation of government employees and their unions and
associations. It has 80,000 members, many coming from the education sector.
o Alliance of Asian Trade Unions of International Financial Institutions
In November 2005, a consultation was carried out between OSHC and the
members of the Alliance of Asian Trade Unions of International Financial
Institutions. Attended by participants from different unions and federations the
meeting is focused on the on-going process of developing a national OSH Plan.
o Federation of Free Workers (FFW)
For FFW, OSH must be a primary concern of unions in connection with CBA
negotiation and program implementation at plant levels. FFW proposes strong
advocacy of OSH in the context of the National Program on Decent Work.
o Other Government Agencies
➢ Civil Service Commission (CSC). The Civil Service Commission is the
central personnel agency of the Philippine government and an
independent constitutional commission with adjudicative responsibility
in the national government structure.
➢ The Department of Local Government (DILG). The DILG has 3,000
sanitary inspectors nationwide who are under the supervision of the
Local Government Units (LGUs). The DILG has building officials or
municipal engineers who conduct inspection by virtue of the National
Building Code.
➢ Department of Health (DOH). The DOH leads the interagency on
Environmental Health (IACEH) 9. The aim of this network is to protect
individuals, families, workers and communities from exposure to
occupational and environmental hazards, disease agents or stressors
that could affect their health, through public health and environmental
➢ Department of Agriculture (DA). The DA through the Republic Act (RA)
No. 7607 or the Magna Carta for Farmers and through the Fertilizers
and Pesticides Authority (FPA) and the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI),
is directed to formulate policies on judicious use of pesticides and

fertilizers and the promotion of the use of organic fertilizer and
integrated pest management.
➢ Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
The DENR is the focal agency for the implementation of the Stockholm
Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS),12 as well as for
the Chemical Control Order13 reviews. The OSHC works in partnership
with DENR in these areas as well as in other aspects of environmental
health, for example in controlling environmental pollution generated by
day-to-day operations of industries and in managing disasters
originating from workplaces.
➢ Philippine Ports Authority (PPA).
Presidential Decree No. 857 (Revised Charter of PPA) and the Dock
Safety and Health Standards (amended 1985) prescribe rules and
regulations, procedures and guidelines governing the establishment,
construction, maintenance and operation of all ports including private
ports in the country.
➢ Department of National Defense.
Presidential Decree No. 1566 (Strengthening the Philippine Disaster
Control Capability and Establishing the National Program on
Community Disaster Preparedness) which provides a revitalized
system to enhance the survival capability and economic stability of the
country against all types of disaster.
➢ Maritime Industry Authority
The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) was created on 01 June
1974 with the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 474 to integrate the
development, promotion and regulation of the maritime industry in the
country. By virtue of Executive Order No. 546 it was attached to the
DOTC for policy and program coordination on 23 July 1979.
➢ The Informal Sector Coalition and the National Anti-Poverty
Commission (NAPC-WIS)
In their sectoral agenda, NAPC is emphasizing advocacy on OSH for
the benefit of informal sector workers through the development of OSH
programs, mass media communication campaigns, integration of OSH
in the yearly LGU Health Development Plans; assisting in creating OSH

Committees in LGUs, and training trainers in awareness
raising/preventive measures.

o Academic Programs
➢ U.P. College of Public Health’ Academic programs
- Postgraduate on Occupational Health and Safety
- Master of Occupational Health (MOH)
➢ University of the Philippines, School of Labor and Industrial Relations
o Recognized Accredited Training Providers (2006)
➢ Philippine College of Occupational Medicine (PCOM)
➢ Safety Officers of the Philippines (SOPI)
➢ Samahan sa Pilipinas ng mga Industriyang Kimika (SPIK) / (Chemical
Industries Association of the Philippines)
➢ The Philippine Construction Authority (PCA

Employee Compensation Program

The Employees’ Compensation Program (ECP) is a government program designed to provide a
compensation package to public and private employees or their dependents in the event of work-
related sickness, injury, or death.

• Coverage
In the event of work-related sickness, injury, or death, the following are entitled to receive benefits
and services under the ECP;
o Private sector workers who are registered as compulsory members of the Social
Security System (SSS) except self-employed;
o Overseas seafarers;
o Government sector employees who are registered members of the Government
Service Insurance System (GSIS) including elective government officials who are
receiving regular salary; and
o Uniformed personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), the Philippine
National Police (PNP), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), and the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology (BJMP).

• Compensability of illness or injury
o In the event of work-related sickness, injury, or death, the following are entitled to receive
benefits and services under the ECP;

Employee Rights and Responsibilities

• Equal work opportunities for all

o The State shall protect labor, promote full employment, provide equal work opportunity
regardless of gender, race, or creed; and regulate relations between employees and

• Security of tenure
o No employee can be dismissed from work except for a just or authorized cause, and only
after due process. Just cause refers to any wrongdoing committed by an employee;
authorized cause refers to economic circumstances that are not the employee’s fault.

• Workdays and work hours

o An employee must be paid their wages for all hours worked. If their work hours fall between
10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., they are entitled to night shift pay in addition to their pay for
regular work hours. If they work over eight hours a day, they are entitled to overtime pay.

• Weekly rest day

o A day-off of 24 consecutive hours after six (6) days of work should be scheduled by the
employer upon consultation with the workers.

• Wage and wage-related benefits

o Wage is the amount paid to an employee in exchange for to the service that they rendered
to their employer. Wage may be fixed for a given period.

• Payment of wages
o Wages should be paid directly to the employee in cash, legal tender, or through a bank.
Wages shall be given not less than once every two weeks or twice within a month at
intervals not exceeding 16 days.

• Female employees
o Women are prohibited from engaging in night work unless the work is allowed by the
following rules: industrial undertakings from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., commercial/non-industrial
undertakings from 12 m.n. to 6 a.m., or agricultural takings at night provided that she has
had nine consecutive hours of rest.

Welfare facilities, such as separate dressing rooms and lavatories, must be installed at
the workplace.

• Employment of children
o The minimum employment age is 15 years of age. Any worker below 15 years of age
should be directly under the sole responsibility of parents or guardians provided that work
does not interfere with the child’s schooling or development.

The minimum age of employment is 18 years for hazardous jobs, and 15 years for non-
hazardous jobs.

• Safe working conditions

o Employers must provide workers with every kind of on-the-job protection against injury,
sickness or death through safe and healthful working conditions.
o The State shall protect labor, promote full employment, provide equal work opportunity
regardless of gender, race, or creed; and regulate relations between employees and

• Right to Self-Organization and Collective Bargaining

o Every worker has the right to self-organization, i.e., to form or to join any legitimate
workers’ union, free from interference of their employer or the government. All workers
may join a union for the purpose of collective bargaining and is eligible for union
membership on the first day of their employment.

Collective bargaining is a process between two parties, namely the employer and the
union, where the terms and conditions of employment are fixed and agreed upon. In
collective bargaining, the two parties also decide upon a method for resolving grievances.

Collective bargaining results in a contract called a Collective Bargaining Agreement

• EC Benefits for Work-Related Contingencies

o The Employees' Compensation Program is the tax-exempt compensation program for
employees and their dependents created under Presidential Decree No. 626 which was
implemented in March 1975. The benefits include:
▪ Medical benefits for sickness/injuries
▪ Disability benefits
▪ Rehabilitation benefits
▪ Death and funeral benefits
▪ Pension benefits

Safety Training Program

• Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training (BOSH)

It aims to equip participants with the basic knowledge and skills on identifying safety, health,
and environmental hazards; determining appropriate control measures, and developing and
implementing OSH policies and programs.

• Construction Safety and Health Training (COSH)

This training aims to equip participants with the basic knowledge and skills in performing
safety audits, assessments and analysis of hazards and risks in the construction industry;
determining appropriate control measures and developing and implementing OSH policies
and programs

• Construction Safety Orientation

This training includes general safety and health measures needed in construction sites such
as basic rights and duties of workers, means of access and egress during both normal work
and emergency situations, good housekeeping, location and proper use of welfare amenities
and first-aid facilities, proper care and use of personal protective equipment, fire precautions
and OSH legislations.

• Appreciation Course on OSH
The seminar is usually conducted within company premises and is customized to the needs
of the workers.

• Appreciation Course for a Drug-free Workplace

A free on-line course developed by the OSHC to respond to the problem of drug abuse and
assist establishments in the implementation of workplace provisions under Republic Act No.
9165 “Comprehensive Drugs Act of 2002.”

• Crane Safety (In-Plant)

It aims to provide participants with the basic knowledge on safe crane operation and proper

• Forklift Safety (In-Plant)

It aims to provide participants with basic knowledge on safe operation procedures of forklifts.

• Training on Managing Emerging Health Issues in the Workplace

It covers prevention and control of tobacco and cigarette smoking, HIV and AIDS, hepatitis B,
tuberculosis, drug and alcohol abuse, stress and violence, and proper nutrition and physical

• Seminar on the Safe use of Chemicals at Work

Discussions focus on: the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of
Chemicals; storage and handling, health effects of chemicals; fire and explosion; waste
management; operational control; emergency procedures; and management of chemical
control program.

• Training on Industrial Ventilation

Discussions will focus on properties of chemical hazards; physical agents; dilution ventilation;
and ventilation principles on velocity, flow rate and conservation of mass and energy.

• Work Environment Measurement Training Workshop

Discussions will focus on properties of chemical hazards; physical agents; dilution ventilation;
and ventilation principles on velocity, flow rate, and conservation of mass and energy.

• Training on Assessment for a Drug-free workplace

The training aims to enhance the decision-making skills of the participants in ascertaining the
level of care and management of workers with drug use issues and provide knowledge and
skills in conducting drug assessment and in establishing a referral system.

• Training on the work-relatedness of diseases

It aims to enhance the skills of participants in evaluating and establishing the work-relatedness
of diseases due to exposure to occupational hazards.

• Training on ergonomics in the workplace

It aims to enable participants to assess ergonomic risk factors in the workplace and to apply
basic ergonomic principles to manage identified risks and prevent occupational injuries.

• Scaffold Safety Training (Installation and Dismantling)

It features discussions on the safety requirements of the different types of scaffoldings as
provided in the DOLE Department Order No. 128-13 and skill-building activities such as on-
site inspection, erection, and dismantling of the frame, mobile, and tubular scaffolds.

• Training of Trainers on OSH

It features discussions and skill-building activities in the development, conduct, and
management of OSH courses.

• Training for Fire Safety Practitioners

It aims to provide participants with the fundamental knowledge and skills in fire and life safety
assessment standards in compliance with the Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008 and fire
science and technology that would aid them towards effective delivery of duties and
responsibilities as fire safety practitioners.

Supplemental Information:

Other References:




1. In 200 words, explain why we need OSH.

2. Give at least 5 each examples of Philippines organizations and International Organization

that promotes and implement OSH.

3. In 200 words, what is ECP and why it is important.

4. In 200 words, why it is important to know the employee rights and responsibilities.

5. In 200 words, what are the role of safety training program in our job and workplace.



This chapter will identify the importance of ergonomics in a work area. The knowledge that we
can get in knowing the role of ergonomics in our life at work will help us minimize the risk in
getting injured or accident in the workplace.

Learning Objectives:

After successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

• Verify the compliance of workplace and products to the principles of Ergonomics.

Course Material:

Knowledge Base

According to the International Ergonomics Association, the definition of ergonomics (or human
factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among
humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data
and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.

The word ergonomics comes from the Greek word “ergon” which means work and “nomos” which
means laws. It’s essentially the “laws of work” or “science of work”. Good ergonomic
design removes incompatibilities between the work and the worker and creates the optimal work

Ergonomics draws on many disciplines to optimize the interaction between the work environment
and the worker.

Aspects of Ergonomics
There are five aspects of ergonomics: safety, comfort, ease of use, productivity/performance,
and aesthetics. Based on these aspects of ergonomics, examples are given of how products
or systems could benefit from redesign based on ergonomic principles.
• Safety
Today, everything is ergonomically oriented. However, buying just a single chair which
provides good posture, balance and less stress on the body is not the adequate. To prevent
musculoskeletal injuries, one must buy additional furniture components which are also
responsible in decreasing stress and work-related injury. Similarly, the overhead cabinets
over kitchen counters in kitchen may be lesser in depth and optimal in height so that the
person working may get adequate head room and will not get hurt while bending over the
counter. Ergonomic principles can help one to avoid injuries at home as well as at work.
• Comfort
It is extremely important that products like chairs are designed with ergonomics in mind. The
chair should be comfortable for the child, supporting his back and allowing his feet to touch
the floor. In the case of task lighting for study table, some task lights are extremely bright as

compared to their surroundings and may cause glare and discomfort to the user. Ergonomic
principles could re-design this based on contrast principles.
• Ease of Use
Seated on an ergonomically designed chair and work with a computer, the height of the chair
must be adjusted accordingly. It is important to place the computer monitor at a level where it
does not produce stress on the eyes or the hands. The top of the screen should be ideally set
just below eye level. When sitting upright, this positioning will not produce any neck, shoulder
or eye stress. Similarly, microwave ovens when placed them at a height that is much below
the eye level makes it difficult to check while cooking. This could be addressed with the
principles of working heights in ergonomics and aptly placing it to ease the process.
• Productivity / Performance
Ergonomics can potentially be used to improve productivity as well. The kitchen is typically
the most used room in any house. And an efficiency kitchen is typically a key point in having
a happy life. There is an ergonomically correct working height for each type of work the work
counters can be designed to maximize performance and reduce work stress by considering
both ergonomics and productivity together.
• Aesthetics
Aesthetics concerns our senses and our responses to an object. If something is aesthetically
pleasing to you, it is 'pleasurable' and you like it. It is integration of function, usability, and
aesthetics in design e.g. Switchboards may be placed at an appropriate height with the help
of ergonomics principle so that they are consistent in height, therefore easy to locate and also
do not become splotches in the interior elevations. Thus, letting the interior look pleasant while
not being unduly emphatic on the walls.

Domains of Ergonomics
• Physical Ergonomics
Physical ergonomics is concerned with human anatomical, anthropometric, physiological and
biomechanical characteristics as they relate to physical activity. (Relevant topics include
working postures, materials handling, repetitive movements, work related musculoskeletal
disorders, workplace layout, safety and health.)
• Cognitive Ergonomics
Cognitive ergonomics is concerned with mental processes, such as perception, memory,
reasoning, and motor response, as they affect interactions among humans and other
elements of a system. (Relevant topics include mental workload, decision-making, skilled

performance, human-computer interaction, human reliability, work stress and training as these
may relate to human-system design.)
• Organizational Ergonomics
Organizational ergonomics is concerned with the optimization of sociotechnical systems,
including their organizational structures, policies, and processes. (Relevant topics include
communication, crew resource management, work design, design of working times,
teamwork, participatory design, community ergonomics, cooperative work, new work
paradigms, virtual organizations, telework, and quality management.)

Fields/Applications of Ergonomics
• Design of Man-Machine Systems

A man-machine system is a system where one or more workmen/ human beings work in
relation with one or more machines, devices or equipment. Thus, a worker drilling a hole in a
job or a person using a hammer to drive a nail in a wooden job (an article being
manufactured is an example of a man- machine system as far as ergonomics is concerned.
Such systems could be productive systems as well as service systems such as a post office
or firefighting system or a dispensary etc. Ergonomics is applied to adapt such systems to
provide maximum job satisfaction and comfort and minimum physiological and mental load
to the operator of the system.

• Design of Consumer Goods and Service Systems

Ergonomics is applicable in the design of consumer goods starting from design of

toothbrush and other items such as dinning set; sofa set; kitchen ware, household fittings
table and shoes etc. Similarly, protective equipment such as safety goggles, adverse
weather and space clothing, gloves, crash helmets, firefighting and industrial hazard
protection and appliances etc. should also be economically sound.

• Design of Working Environment

While designing a proper working environment for work force/workers at work, the various
factors related with ergonomics such as human endurance of illumination, pollution, noise
heating and ventilation should be taken into consideration. This aspect should be taken into
consideration at each stage right design up to real utilization or actual service.

The field of this applicable unlimited. All factors concerned with environments such as
design of work benches, public transport, road systems, town and country planning,
personnel, neighborhood, as well as airports etc. should be subjected to ergonomic

The users of ergonomics information such as engineers (may be civil, electrical, mechanical,
production, industrial, space and biomedical) can utilize behavioral scientists (i.e.
anthropologists, psychologists and sociologists) as sources of information. Likewise, other
users have relevant sources of information.

Supplemental Information:

Other References:,



1. In 200 words, explain the importance of ergonomics.

2. Give at least 5 sample each of design use in the 5 aspects of ergonomics and explain the
design of the product.

3. In 200 words, summarize the 3 domains of ergonomics.

4. Give 10 examples of fields or applications we use ergonomics in the company. Explain
your answer.


In this chapter, we will discuss how we respond when we are caught in an accident in the sea.
We will study the international standards that helps to minimize the occurence to happen by
improving the laws and guidelines in the sea.

Learning Objectives:
After successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
• Implement safety principles and procedures using radio operations and other means
of conveying emergency information.

Course Material:

SOLAS Concepts
The word SOLAS is an abbreviation and SOLAS full form is “Safety Of Life At Sea”, an
international maritime treaty, also known as SOLAS Convention or International Convention for

the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), which establishes the least safety measures in the
construction, equipment and operation of merchant ships.

IMO SOLAS 74, the last adopted revised convention of 1974, includes a number of regulations
under different SOLAS chapters, which deals with safety precautions and safety procedures
starting from the construction of the ship to real emergency like – “Abandon Ship”. The
convention is updated to meet the safety norms in the modern shipping industry from time to

This article explains the contents of SOLAS chapters and regulations providing a summary of
SOLAS, i.e. different chapters of SOLAS and the regulations they carry. Marine Insight has
provided links of various articles which will help the readers to understand how the regulation of
the SOLAS Annexes is implemented on a seagoing vessel and the importance of SOLAS.

Chapter of SOLAS

• Chapter I – General Provisions
• Chapter II-1 – Construction – Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical
• Chapter II-2 – Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction
• Chapter III – Life-saving appliances and arrangements
• Chapter IV – Radiocommunications
• Chapter V – Safety of navigation
• Chapter VI – Carriage of Cargoes
• Chapter VII – Carriage of dangerous goods
• Chapter VIII – Nuclear ships
• Chapter IX – Management for the Safe Operation of Ships
• Chapter X – Safety measures for high-speed craft
• Chapter XI-1 – Special measures to enhance maritime safety
• Chapter XI-2 – Special measures to enhance maritime security
• Chapter XII – Additional safety measures for bulk carriers
• Chapter XIII - Verification of compliance
• Chapter XIV - Safety measures for ships operating in polar waters

General Radio Operator Licensing

The General Radiotelephone Operator License (GROL) is a license granted by the

U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which is required to operate certain radio
equipment. It is required by any persons who adjust, maintain, or internally repair FCC
licensed radiotelephone transmitters in the aviation, maritime, and international fixed public radio
services. It is also required to operate: any compulsorily equipped ship radiotelephone station
with more than 1,500 watts of peak envelope power, a voluntarily equipped ship or an
aeronautical (including aircraft) stations with more than 1,000 watts of peak envelope power. The
GROL is not required for any engineering jobs in radio and television broadcasting. It is obtained
by taking a test demonstrating adequate technical and legal knowledge of safe radio operation.

Because of the wide range of positions, it covers, the GROL is the most popular FCC commercial
license, accounting for about 80% of those issued by the Commission. Like all FCC commercial
licenses, the GROL is issued for the lifetime of the licensee. The GROL conveys all of the
operating authority of the Marine Radio Operator Permit (MROP). A MROP is required to operate
radiotelephone stations aboard vessels of more than 300 gross tons, vessels that carry more than
six passengers for hire in the open sea or any coastal/tidewater area of the United States, certain

vessels that sail the Great Lakes, and to operate certain aviation radiotelephone stations and
certain coast radiotelephone stations. The GROL does not confer licensing authority to operate
or maintain GMDSS, amateur radio stations, or radiotelegraph (Morse code) commercial

An endorsement that can be added to the GROL (as well as to both the GMDSS Maintainer and
Radiotelegraph licenses) is "Ship Radar Endorsement." This allows the holder to install, service,
and maintain Radar systems on board vessels.

International Phonetic Alphabet

Flag Semaphore

Flag semaphore (from the Greek σῆμα, sema, meaning sign and φέρω, phero, meaning to bear;
altogether the sign-bearer) is a semaphore system conveying information at a distance by means
of visual signals with hand-held flags, rods, disks, paddles, or occasionally bare or gloved hands.
Information is encoded by the position of the flags; it is read when the flag is in a fixed position.
Semaphores were adopted and widely used (with hand-held flags replacing the mechanical arms

of shutter semaphores) in the maritime world in the 19th century. It is still used during underway
replenishment at sea and is acceptable for emergency communication in daylight or using lighted
wands instead of flags, at night.

Supplemental Information:

Other References:



1. In 200 words, explain the contributions of SOLAS to minimize the accident in the sea.

2. Identify all the international maritime signal flags and give their meaning. Follow the
link above and watch the video.



In this chapter, we will discuss how the international regulating bodies create a guideline to
prevent accident in workplace. We will also study how these rules affect our country laws
regarding safety of countrymen.

Learning Objectives:

After successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

• Compare the standards set by various regulating bodies.

Course Material:

A standards organization, standards body, standards developing organization (SDO),

or standards setting organization (SSO) is an organization whose primary function is developing,
coordinating, promulgating, revising, amending, reissuing, interpreting, or otherwise
producing technical standards to address the needs of a group of affected adopters. Put another
way, such an organization works to create uniformity across producers, consumers, government
agencies, and other relevant parties regarding terminology, product specifications (e.g. size,
including units of measure), protocols, and more. Its goals could include ensuring that Company
A's external hard drive works on Company B's computer, your blood pressure measures the same
with Company C's sphygmomanometer as it does with Company D's, or that all shirts that should
not be ironed have the same icon (an iron crossed out with an X) on the label.

Most standards are voluntary in the sense that they are offered for adoption by people or industry
without being mandated in law. Some standards become mandatory when they are adopted by
regulators as legal requirements in particular domains, often for the purpose of safety or
for consumer protection from deceitful practices.

International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Standards

The ISO is the largest publisher of standards in the world. These standards are critical for
regulating business practices, manufacturing, and quality.

When businesses around the world conform to the same standards, management techniques,
business processes and production controls, quality, products and services all become

ISO has published more than 21,584 standards and has members in 162 countries, and 788
technical bodies for standard development. The organization continued to record an increases in
certification in 2018.

Here are 10 ISO standards and what they mean for your business.

1. ISO 9000 - Quality Management

Quality is critical to remaining competitive in any industry. The ISO 9000 family is the quality
management standard and comprises of some of ISO’s best-known standards.

ISO quality standards guide companies and equip them with the necessary tools to continuously
improve quality and ensure that customer demands are always met. ISO 9001:2015 is the only
standard in the category that you can be certified to and lays down the criteria for a quality
management system.

2. ISO / IEC 27000 - Information Security Management Systems

Information security is at the fore of global attention, with rapid increases in cyber threats. The
27000 category of standards ensures the safety of information assets.

These standards help organizations manage the security of assets such as intellectual property,
financial and employee data, and information held in trust for third parties. ISO/IEC 27001 is the
most popular standard in this category and stipulates the specifications for the implementation of
an Information Security Management System (ISMS).

3. ISO 14000 – Environmental Management
This is a family of standards that provides the necessary tools and guidelines for companies to
manage their environmental responsibilities. ISO 14001 and all other standards in this category
lay emphasis on environmental systems.
These standards use tools such as audits, communications, life-cycle analysis and environmental
challenges. This standard can be used by any organization regardless of the industry.

4. ISO 31000: 2018 - Risk Management

ISO 31000 cannot be used for certification purposes, but it provides a framework for managing
risks. It offers guidance to organizations for internal and external audit programs and enables
organizations to achieve objectives in an uncertain environment by facilitating the identification of
opportunities and threats.

Organizations are able to benchmark with internationally recognized practices for effective
management and corporate governance.

5. ISO 50001: 2018 - Energy Management

ISO 50001: 2018 provides guidance for companies in implementing an Energy Management
System (EnMS) that aims at improving efficiency in the use of energy.

This aims to reduce an organization’s energy footprint by minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.
ISO 50001 is not obligatory, and many organizations implement it solely to comply with
stakeholder expectations.

6. ISO 26000: 2010 - Social Responsibility

Though organizations cannot be certified to ISO 26000, the standard provides guidance on how
organizations can embrace social responsibility. It clarifies what social responsibility entails for
organizations to lay a framework for effective action.

7. ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational injuries and diseases impact the economy negatively due to poor health, early
retirement and high insurance premiums. To manage this problem, ISO has developed ISO
45001. That has replaced or taken into account international standards like OHSAs 18001 and IL-
OSH guidelines. It provides a framework for employee safety, reducing workplace hazards and
provide safer working environments.

8. ISO 22000 – Food Management Systems

This standard facilitates the development and implementation of a food safety management
system. It incorporates a wide array of standards, including 22002 for food manufacturing and
22001 for food and drink. This standard is widely used by food manufacturers, restaurants, and
food transportation services. So far more than 30,000 certificates have been issued.

International Labour Standards (ILS) Standard

ILO International Labour Standards (ILS) are legal instruments, drawn up by the ILO constituents
(governments, employers and workers), that set out basic principles and rights at work. They are
either Conventions, which are legally binding international treaties that may be ratified by ILO
Member States, or Recommendations, which serve as non-binding guidelines. In many cases, a
Convention lays down the basic principles to be implemented by ratifying countries, while a
related Recommendation can also be autonomous (not linked to any Convention).

International Labor Standards (ILS) provide a policy framework for the ILO’s work to promote
social justice in the world of work and realize the decent work agenda.
The Philippines has ratified 38 ILO Conventions of which 30 are in force. These include all
fundamental Conventions covered by the 1998 Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and

Rights at Work and its Follow-up and two Governance or Priority Conventions on tripartite
consultation and employment policy. Latest ratification is Labour Relations (Public Service)
Convention, 1978 (No. 151), on 10 October 2017. The Philippines is, thus far, the first country
in Asia and the Pacific to have ratified this Convention.

The ILO continues to promote the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No.
155), Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188), Private Employment Agencies Convention,
1997 (No. 181), and Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169). Information
from ILO’s supervisory mechanisms remain to be source of technical assistance for the ILO to
support improved application of ratified Conventions such as labour relations in the public sector,
domestic workers and labour clauses in public contracts. Elimination of child labour, labour
inspection and freedom of association are covered by technical cooperation programmes.

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC; in French: Commission

électrotechnique internationale) is an international standards organization that prepares and
publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies –
collectively known as "electrotechnology". IEC standards cover a vast range of technologies from
power generation, transmission and distribution to home appliances and office equipment,
semiconductors, fibre optics, batteries, solar energy, nanotechnology and marine energy as well
as many others. The IEC also manages four global conformity assessment systems that certify
whether equipment, system or components conform to its international standards.

All electro technologies are covered by IEC Standards, including energy production and
distribution, electronics, magnetics and electromagnetics, electroacoustics, multimedia,
telecommunication and medical technology, as well as associated general disciplines such as
terminology and symbols, electromagnetic compatibility, measurement and performance,
dependability, design and development, safety and the environment.

IEC standards have numbers in the range 60000–79999 and their titles take a form such as IEC
60417: Graphical symbols for use on equipment. Following the Dresden Agreement
with CENELEC the numbers of older IEC standards were converted in 1997 by adding 60000, for
example IEC 27 became IEC 60027. Standards of the 60000 series are also found preceded by
EN to indicate that the IEC standard is also adopted by CENELEC as a European standard; for
example IEC 60034 is also available as EN 60034. The IEC cooperates closely with

the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU). In addition, it works with several major standards development organizations,
including the IEEE with which it signed a cooperation agreement in 2002, which was amended in
2008 to include joint development work.

Standards developed jointly with ISO such as:

• ISO/IEC 26300 (Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.0),

• ISO/IEC 27001 (Information technology, Security techniques, Information security

management systems, Requirements), and

• CASCO ISO/IEC 17000 series, carry the acronym of both organizations.

The use of the ISO/IEC prefix covers publications from ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 -
Information Technology, as well as conformity assessment standards developed by ISO CASCO
and IEC CAB (Conformity Assessment Board). Other standards developed in cooperation
between IEC and ISO are assigned numbers in the 80000 series, such as IEC 82045–1.

Supplemental Information:

Other References:



1. In 200 words, compare the international standards to the existing standards in the

2. In 200 words, how international labor standards minimize the safety accident in the
3. In 200 words, summarize the goal of and contribution to worlds safety of IEC.



In this chapter, we will study how Electromagnetic Interference and Radio Frequency Interference
affect the safety of the customers. We will identify the sources of these interference and give
some common procedure to minimize it.

Learning Objectives:

After successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

• Examine the behavior and impact of electromagnetic waves during unwanted transfer
of energy.

Course Material:

EMI Standards

The EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) standard was originally created to protect electronic
circuits from electromagnetic interference that may prevent them from performing the way they
were originally designed to be. These interferences might sometime even make the device
completely malfunction that it might become dangerous to users. It first became a concern in the
1950’s, and was primarily of interest to the military due to a few notable accidents arising from
navigation failures due to Electromagnetic interference in navigation systems, and radar
emissions leading to inadvertent weapons release. As such the military wanted to ensure systems
were compatible with one another and the operations of one does not affect the other as that
could lead to fatalities in their craft.

Asides military applications, recently advancements in Medicine and Health related solutions like
Pacemakers and other kind of CIEDs, have has also contributed to the need for EMI regulations
as interference in devices like this could lead to life threatening situations.

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)

Electromagnetic Interference can be defined as unwanted electromagnetic energy that disturbs

the proper functioning of an electronic device. All electronic devices generate some amount
of electromagnetic radiation since the electricity flowing through its circuits and wires are never
fully contained. This energy from device “A”, either propagated through the air as electromagnetic
radiation, or coupled into (or conducted along) I/O or cables of another device “B”, could disrupt
the operational balance in device B, causing the device to malfunction sometimes in a hazardous
way. This energy from device A interfering with operations of device B is referred to as
Electromagnetic Interference.

The interference can sometime even be from a natural source like electrical storms but more often
than not, it is usually as a result of the actions of another device in close proximity. While all
electronic devices generate some EMIs, a certain class of devices like mobile phones,
LED Displays and Motors especially, are more likely to generate interference compared to others.
Since no device can operate in an isolated environment, it is important to ensure our devices
adhere to certain standards to ensure interference is kept to the barest minimum. These
standards and regulations are known as the EMI Standard and every product/device to be
used/sold in regions/country where these standards are law, must be certified before they can be

Types of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)

Before we look at the standard and regulations, it is probably important to examine the type of
EMI’s to better understand the kind of immunity that should be built into your products.
Electromagnetic interference can be categorized into types based on several factors including;

1. Source of EMI

• The Naturally Occurring EMI refers to electromagnetic interferences that occur as a

result of natural phenomenon’s like lighting, electric storms, and other similar occurrences.

• Man-made EMI on the other hand, refers to EMIs which occur as a result of the activities
of other electronic devices in the vicinity of the device(Receiver) experiencing the
interference. Example of these type of EMIs include, Radio Frequency interference, EMI
in sound equipment amongst others.

2. Duration of Interference

• The Continuous EMI refers to EMIs that are continuously emitted by a source. The
source may be man-made or natural, but the interference is experienced continuously, for
as long as a coupling mechanism exist (Conduction or radiation) between the EMI source
and the receiver.

• Impulse EMI is EMIs that occur intermittently or within a very short duration. Like the
continuous EMIs, Impulse EMI could also be naturally occurring or man-made. Example
includes impulse noise experienced from switches, lightings and similar sources which
could emit signals that cause a disturbance in the voltage or current equilibrium of
connected nearby systems.

3. Bandwidth of EMI

• The Narrowband EMI typically consists of a single frequency or a narrowband of

interference frequencies, possibly being generated by a form of oscillator or as a result of
spurious signals occurring due to different kinds of distortion in a transmitter. In most
cases, they usually have a minor effect on communications or electronic equipment and
can be tuned out easily. However, they remain a potent source of interference and should
be kept within acceptable limits.

• The Broadband EMIs are EMIs which do not occur on single/discrete frequencies. They
occupy a large part of the magnetic spectrum, exists in different forms, and can arise from
different man-made or natural sources. Typical causes include arcing and corona and it
represents the source of a good percentage of EMI problems in digital data equipment. A
good example of a naturally occurring EMI situation is “Sun Outage”, which occurs as a
result of the energy from the sun disrupting the signal from a communication satellite.
Other examples include; EMI as a result of faulty brushes in motors/generators, arcing in
ignition systems, defective power lines and bad fluorescent lamps.

Effects of EMI

• Ambient (EME) – Can affect sensitive electronic equipment in the vicinity of the EMI
sources. The closer the sensitive electronic equipment is to the EMI source, the higher the
source’s radiated power level, and its in-band frequency the greater is the probability that
the EMI will cause an interference problem.

In the case of the effects of ESD on sensitive electronic systems it can cause upsets, burn
outs, and latch-ups in these units.

• High Powered Electromagnetic Pulse effects – High powered electromagnetic sources

can totally destroy an electrical and electronic equipment’s function.

As an example, an HNEMP device detonation above the earth’s atmosphere of the United
States can totally immobilize the whole of the continental United State’s infrastructure.
IEMI, HPM, E-Bombs, and EMP Cannons can be utilized to disable electronic systems at
specific locations.

• Power Quality distortions and transits that are present on the power main systems can
affect the normal operation of the equipment that it supplies power. Transits such as power
surges are capable of destroying interface electronic circuits. EFTs can cause electronic
circuit upset conditions.

• Railroad and Mass Transit Systems have one primary source of EMI and that is the transit
and railroad engine’s propulsion systems, which operates with high voltages, currents,
and magnetic field levels. They have been known to affect other facilities that contain
sensitive electrical equipment that are located near the railroad or mass transit systems
right away. These propulsion systems have had EMI associated problems with other
elements of their systems. Train control electronics can be affected by EMI sources such
as third rail and other broadband frequency arcing sources if they are not adequate
designed for EMC.

• Medical equipment and facilities sources include patient monitoring systems. Those are
very susceptible to EMI interactions. The human body signals that they monitor are very
weak. They are measured in unites of microvolts and micro-amps. Among other devices

that are susceptible to EMI are hearing aids, wireless patient monitoring systems,
magnetic resonance imaging systems, implantable cardiovascular devices, drug pumps,
and portable diagnostic meters. As new technologies are developed and enter the
marketplace at a fast pace the list will grow.

Addressing EMI

Here are some of possible solution in dealing with EMI problems:

• Cable fixes: Cables are a common source for EMI issues, but the problem can stem from one or
several places. For shielded cables, the complication is most likely rooted in the connector
termination. This includes terminations at each link between the cable shield, connector, mating
connector and bulkhead. For a temporary fix, you can close gaps with copper tape or create a
shield out of aluminum foil and ground it to the housing. For filtered cables, check to make sure
the assembly is circumferentially terminated to the cable connector or housing.

• Enclosure shield fixes: Openings and penetrations can cause problems in shielded enclosures.
Openings are any seams, displays and ventilation in the unit, and penetrations include switches,
fasteners and indicators. Most commonly, these are involved in ESD problems, so ESD testing
can help you locate them. Closing openings with copper tape or aluminum foil works in some
cases, but ventilators, displays and areas that need to stay open require conductive screens or
perforated foil.

• Circuit board fixes: On equipment without external shields, the next option is to work with the
circuit boards. Handheld radios and sniffer, H-field, E-field and high impedance scope probes all
help localize the issue to identify it better. Depending on the exact problem, you'll need to use
filters, transient protectors, a combination of the two or, in the case of an emissions issue, onboard
shields and power and signal filters.

If you can't solve the problem through general independent troubleshooting, you may need to
resort to other EMI testing methods, such as purchasing and installing a more definite EMI
solution. These include:


Using filters that target specific ranges of MHz can help eliminate emissions. These filters will
protect equipment from emitted RFI as well as keep emissions from interfering with other devices.
They are available for both consumer and commercial purchase and are commonly used for
conducted emissions, although they are also applicable for radiated emissions.


Radio frequency shielding is the standard for suppressing emissions. Incorporated RF shields
can protect sections of circuit boards from interference or prevent emissions from affecting other
equipment. Some common examples of shield types include metal films or boxes and conductive
foam, but guards are available in different materials, thicknesses and shapes to suit your needs.
Shields are commonly used for radiated emissions.


Grounding configurations come in many different designs to solve EMI issues. However, all
grounding systems share a common purpose — to create a path of zero-impedance for signals
that use the system as a reference. Using an improper or inadequate configuration could be the
cause of interference, so it's crucial to find the right design for your uses. Depending on the
specifics of the EMI problem, using grounding techniques can reduce conducted and radiated

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of electrical equipment and systems to function
acceptably in their electromagnetic environment, by limiting the unintentional generation,
propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy which may cause unwanted effects such
as electromagnetic interference (EMI) or even physical damage in operational equipment. The
goal of EMC is the correct operation of different equipment in a common electromagnetic
environment. It is also the name given to the associated branch of electrical engineering.
EMC pursues three main classes of issue. Emission is the generation of electromagnetic energy,
whether deliberate or accidental, by some source and its release into the environment. EMC
studies the unwanted emissions and the countermeasures which may be taken in order to reduce
unwanted emissions. The second class, susceptibility, is the tendency of electrical equipment,

referred to as the victim, to malfunction or break down in the presence of unwanted emissions,
which are known as Radio frequency interference (RFI). Immunity is the opposite of susceptibility,
being the ability of equipment to function correctly in the presence of RFI, with the discipline of
"hardening" equipment being known equally as susceptibility or immunity. A third class studied
is coupling, which is the mechanism by which emitted interference reaches the victim.
Interference mitigation and hence electromagnetic compatibility may be achieved by addressing
any or all of these issues, i.e., quieting the sources of interference, inhibiting coupling paths and/or
hardening the potential victims. In practice, many of the engineering techniques used, such as
grounding and shielding, apply to all three issues.

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive

All electric devices or installations influence each other when interconnected or close to each
other, e.g. interference between TV sets, GSM handsets, radios and nearby washing machine or
electrical power lines. The purpose of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is to keep all those
side effects under reasonable control. EMC designates all the existing and future techniques and
technologies for reducing disturbance and enhancing immunity.
The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Directive 2014/30/EU ensures that electrical and
electronic equipment does not generate, or is not affected by, electromagnetic disturbance.
EMC directive limits electromagnetic emissions from equipment in order to ensure that, when
used as intended, such equipment does not disturb radio and telecommunication, as well as other
equipment. The directive also governs the immunity of such equipment to interference and seeks
to ensure that this equipment is not disturbed by radio emissions, when used as intended.
The main objectives of the directives are to regulate the compatibility of equipment regarding
• Equipment (apparatus and fixed installations) needs to comply with EMC
requirements when it is placed on the market and/or taken into service
• The application of good engineering practice is required for fixed installations, with
the possibility that competent authorities of EU countries may impose measures in
instances of non-compliance.
• The application of good engineering practice is required for fixed installations, with
the possibility that competent authorities of EU countries may impose measures in
instances of non-compliance.

Supplemental Information:

Other References:



1. In 200 words, differentiate the EMI and RFI.

2. Identify the 3 common types of EMI and explain.

3. In 200 words, summarize the effects of EMI in safety of customers.
4. Give at least 5 method to minimize the EMI and RFI of the device.
5. In 200 words, identify what is EMC



In this chapter, we will study the guidelines of Philippine Electronic Code for safety. We will
identify the method to protect the equipments and people from different kinds risks and hazards.

Learning Objectives:

After successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

• Verify the compliance of the different fields of ECE to the standards of practices under the
Philippine Electronics Code Volume 1: Safety.

Course Material:


Electrical protection measures covered in this Code are directed against the effects of lightning,
accidental contact with power lines, voltages/electromagnetically/electrostatically induced into
communication circuits by normal or fault currents in parallel runs of power lines and, also, local
earth potential risks due to the flow of lightning or power fault currents.

Lightning is an electrical discharge which occurs between clouds and from cloud to earth. It is
latter type of discharge that is of concern in this Code.
• It can produce explosive effects, dielectric failure and fusing of conductors.
• A wave that rises from zero to crest value in from 1 and to 10 micro-seconds and wave
front appears to be a signal frequency from 25 to 250 KHZ.
• Lightning surges may reach indoor equipment and circuits thru exposed portions such as
antenna towers, transmission lines, telephone cables.

Power Contact / Induction

The necessity for constructing power and communications facilities near each other and the
advantages to both interest of joint occupancy of poles and support structures present power
contact / induction problems that must be carefully considered.
• Good construction and adequate spacing between power and communication facilities
• Provide paths to ground on the communication facilities sufficient to prevent excessive
voltage rise in the communication plant and utilization of current limiting devices.
• Insulation on communication conductors may in many instances withstand secondary
power potentials.
• Where the possibility of a power line contact is eminent, equipment connected to such
lines shall be provided with protectors such as lines fuses and surge arresters.

• Adequate protection is required in communication control circuits for reliable electric power
• Ground potential rise at the power stations must be consider to prevent disturbance
affecting communication circuits serving electric power stations. The magnitude of this
potential is the product of the ground current and the ground impedance which developed
when a large current exists between the power station ground and the remote ground.
• Isolating transformers and/or neutralizing transformers and or other appropriate devices
should be utilized to prevent disturbance in communication circuits exposed to a rise in
ground potential.

Acoustic Shock
Acoustic shock results from an abnormally high sound level, the physical effects of which may
vary from minor discomfort to serious injury.
• Voltage surges on the communication plant initiated by foreign potential, principally
lightning, constitute the major hazard, although switching transients may also be the
• To reduce the effect of acoustic shocks, a device consisting of two rectifiers, or other
semiconductor elements in parallel with opposite polarities, shall be connected across the
telephone receiver or headset.
• The device must be:
o A small space, so that it can be placed.
o Its electrical characteristics should not show significant changes under the
temperature and humidity
o It should not degrade the performance of the circuit it is connected to.
o It should operate such that the amplitude of the sound pressure caused by the
diaphragm of the telephone receiver does not exceed 120 dB above 2 × 10 -
4microbar at 1000 Hz.

Electric Shock
Current through the body rather than voltage of the circuit determines electric shock intensity.
Voltage is significantly only in so far as it is one of the factors determining the magnitude current.
• Shock current is also dependent on the impedance of the circuit contacted plus the body
impedance of the victim.

• Studies have shown that the average resistance of a dry adult human body is
approximately 1,000,000 ohms. Wet or damage skin reduces this figure and 1,500 ohms
is a conservative figure representing the body resistance for safety calculations.
• Ventricular fibrillation is likely to occur when a 60 Hz rms. Current of 0.030 amperes and
above passes through one’s chest cavity.
• Circuits which in excess of 30mA AC of 90mA DC can be drawn through a 1500 ohms
resistor (45V RMS AC OR 135VDC) shall be classified as hazardous.
• The potential difference at any time between any exposed structure (equipment cabinets,
housings, supports and etc.) to ground or any exposed structure within the reach of an
adult person (Approx. 1.5 METERS) shall be no greater than 45V rms AC or 135 V dc.

Protection Methods
Rarely will it be economically feasible to meet protection requirements for all situations by means
of basic insulation incorporated in the design of equipment and plant. Additional protection
measures are usually required and may use one or combination of the following basic protection
• Shielding
It used to intercept foreign potential and surge currents diverted to ground with the least
damage to plant equipment possible. Parallel or conductivity is essentially similar to
shielding since it absorbs surge current.
• Voltage Limiting
Voltage limiting prevents development of hazardous potential difference in communication
plant by direct bonding, when permissible or by use of surge current, discharges gaps,
diodes, etc. which operate under abnormal voltage condition.
• Current Limiting and Interrupting
The fuse which interrupt the current flow when undesired high magnitude current flows
through the system.
• Grounding and Bonding
o Ground resistance is the is the resistance path of a ground connection which
includes the ground wire and its connection to ground electrode.
o Made Ground is an electrode buried in the ground for the purpose for establishing
a low resistance electrical contact with the earth.

Methods and Materials

Electrical protection usually employs one or a combination of two or more methods to attain a
sufficiently reliable level or safety. The basic idea is to keep foreign potential out of the
communication facility or plant or when it manifests itself in the communication facility, it should
be diverted to ground as near the point of entry and at the shortest time possible.

• Lightning Rod
o A discharge point for lightning that would otherwise strike the earth in the vicinity
of the structures if they were no present.
o This area shall be a cone having a radius of three times the effective height is
measured from the top of the structure to the level of the point being considered.
o It must be galvanized iron/steel, copper weld or other corrosion-resistant material.
o It must be mounted above the highest point of the structure or not less than 30 cm
above the point which creates an effective electrical height for the structure and
mounted and protruding horizontally from the structure.
o A No. 2 AWG grounding conductor connected to the lightning rod shall be run in
the shortest route directly to the master ground bus or direct to earth without
intervening splices or connection, free from sharp bends.
o Each lightning rod shall require a separate of # 2 AWG grounding conductor.
o Structures not requiring lightning rod installations are:
▪ Structures within the area with nearby taller buildings or structures.
▪ Passive reflectors and other similar fully metallic structures. Provided that
its footing or a connection to a separate made ground provides sufficient
grounding for the structure and that provision 3.1.5 D. is not violated.
▪ Metallic antenna towers or poles where the antennas and their supports
mounted on the metallic tower or pole have electrical continuity all the way
from all elements to the structure and its footings and where a connection
to a separate made ground provides sufficient grounding for the structures
and provided further that provision 3.1.5. D. is not violated.
o The grounding system of lightning rods shall not be used as grounding conductors
for any part of a plant.

• Fuses and Current Interrupting

o Current interrupting may be accomplished by employing one or any combination
of the following:

▪ Fuse Link (fuses)
➢ Fuses are effective only when its time and current operating
characteristics are matched to that of the circuit it is intended to
➢ After the fuse has opened, an arc may persist under the influence
of excessive voltage.
➢ Fuses are not effective for limiting short duration surges.
▪ Heat coils
➢ It guards against “sneak current” fire hazard and will carry 0.35
ampere for about three hours and will operate within 210 sec and
0.54 Amp.
▪ Fuse cable
➢ Fuse cables are telephone cable sections installed in series and
prior to the plant being protected and are one size smaller than the
section to which they are connected.
▪ Automatic circuit breaker
➢ An automatic circuit breaker is a device which opens the circuit
when the current exceeds a predetermined rating a specified time
without causing injury to itself and capable of being reset when a
default condition no longer exists.

• Surge Arresters
o Surge Arresters are normally open circuited devices and pass no significant
current at normal operating potentials and shall meet the following fundamental
▪ Striking voltage must be as constant as possible even after several
successive discharge.
▪ The transition from glow to arc discharge must occur at less than one
▪ Arc discharge, once established, must be very stable, and spontaneous
transition from an arc to glow discharge must never occur.
▪ The arcing voltage must be as small as possible.
▪ It must be capable of carrying several tens of amperes for periods of the
order of one second.
▪ It must be able to repeat such operation several times at very short intervals
without its characteristics being affected.
▪ If the above are exceeded, the surge arrester must “fail safe”, this shall be
achieved through final short-circuiting of the electrodes.
▪ The surge arrester must never be destroyed by shattering of the enveloped
in such a way as to leave the electrodes exposed, or by breakage of an
internal connection.
▪ The choice of breakdown voltage rating of surge arrester shall be as low
allowed by the facility to which it is to be connected.
• Grounding and Bonding

o No cutout switch or fuse shall be placed in the ground lead.
o The copper grounding conductors should be insulated to allow continuity testing
o Ground conductors should be run only in non-metallic conduit or not in conduit.
When the use of metallic conduit cannot be avoided, the grounding conductor shall
be bonded to both ends of the conduit.
o For radio stations, telephone/telegraph offices, Computer/DATA centers & the like
except telephone/telegraph/telex subscriber stations, data terminals and
residential installations, water pipe ground shall be an addition to the primary
(made ground) grounding electrode system and shall not be a substitute for it, or
vice versa.
o Ground wiring shall be as short as possible without sharp bends and kinks.
o All elements of the communication plant designed to be at ground potential shall
be bonded together.

Because formulas for ground resistance are complicated and earth resistivity is neither uniform
nor constant, direct measurement of ground resistance is needed.

• Ground Resistance Test Methods

Its procedures are simple and straightforward, and instruments are mostly direct reading.
Two basic test methods for ground resistance measurement are:
o Direct method or two terminal test.
▪ It is the simplest way to make an earth resistance test. With this method,
resistance of two electrodes in series is measured. The electrode under
test and the reference ground or water system.
▪ There are three important considerations with this test method:

1) The reference ground or water systems must be extensive enough to

have negligible resistance.
2) The water pipe must be metallic throughout without any insulating
couplings or flanges.
3) The earth electrode under test must be far enough away from the water-
pipe system to be outside its sphere of influence.

o Fall of potential method or three terminal test

o Other methods for ground resistance measurements may be used such as

Voltmeter-ammeter method and Triangular method, provide the limitations of each
method are considered and due safeguards taken.

• Earth Resistivity
It expressed in ohm-centimeter is the resistance of parallel faces of a one cubic centimeter
of soil. Actually, the earth is a poor conductor of electricity compared to copper, but, if the

area of a path for current is made large enough, resistance can be quite low, and the earth
can be a good conductor.



The Section established provisions covering mechanical strength requirements used in

conjunction with electronic equipment or systems either alone or when involved with electrical
power systems. The provisions of this Section are supplemented in many instances by provisions
in other sections.

The rules in this Code complement applicable provisions in the Building Code of the Philippines
and the Philippine Electrical Code. The more restrictive or stringent rules shall prevail.

Loading Zone
The following conditions of the temperature and loading shall be used for the purpose of this Code
determining the strength required by poles, towers, structures, and all parts thereof as well as in

determining the strength and clearances of conductors. More stringent conditions may be used if
All loading zones will be computed in the following manner:
1. Wind pressure on protect area on cylindrical
surfaces shall be computed as being 60% of
that for flat surface.
2. Where lattice structures are used, the actual
exposed area of one lateral face shall be
increased by 50% to allow for pressure on
the opposite face, provided by this
computation does not indicate a greater
pressure than would occur on a solid
structure of the same outside dimensions,
under which conditions, the latter shall be
3. Temperature shall be considered to be 27°C
at the time of maximum loading. The
maximum temperature shall be assumed as
65°C in computing sag under this condition.

• Heavy Loading Zone

This is due to wind and dead weight for 240 kilometers per hour (kph) wind velocity.

• Medium loading Zone

This is due to wind and dead weight for 200 kilometers per hour (kph) wind velocity.

• Light loading Zone

This is due to wind and dead weight for 160 kilometers per hour (kph) wind velocity.
Safety Factors
The safety factors specified in these rules are the maximum allowable ratios of ultimate strengths
of materials to the maximum working stress, except that:

• The safety factors for structural steel (towers, poles, cross-arms, supports) shall be
applied as

specified in Rule 4.7.2 and

• The safety factors for wood members in bending shall be applied to longitudinal tension

compression as ratios of the module of rupture to the maximum working stress.

Transverse Strength Requirement

• In computing all parts of structures and in calculating allowable stresses and allowable
minimum sags for conductors under the temperature and loading conditions specified in
Rule 4.2, safety factors at least equal to those of Table 4-1 shall be used.
• In heavy loading areas for supporting structures carrying more than 10 wires (not including
cables and supporting messenger wires) when the pin spacing does not exceed 40 cm
the transverse wind load shall be calculated on two-thirds of the total number of such wires
with a minimum ten.
• In cases where, due to change of direction in conductors, an unbalance side stress is
imposed on the supporting structure, a transverse load shall be assumed equal to the
resultant of all conductor tensions under the assumed loading conditions.

Vertical Strength Requirement

• In computing, the loads upon poles, towers, foundations, cross-arms, pins, insulators, and
conductor fastenings shall be their own weight plus the superimposed weight which they
support, including that of wires and cables under the loading conditions of Rule 4.2 plus
that which may be added by difference in elevation of supports.

• The resultant of vertical and transverse loadings on conductor shall be used in determining
the allowable and working tensions or sags in accordance with Rule 4.2.
• In addition, a vertical load of 90 kg. at the outer pin shall be included in computing the
vertical loads on all cross-arms.
• All members of structures shall be constructed to withstand vertical loads as specified
above the safety factors at least equal to those specified in Rule 4.3.2.

Longitudinal Strength Requirement

• In computing, the pull of the conductors shall be considered as that due to the maximum
working tension in them under the loading conditions specified in Rule 4.2.
• Reduction in Stress - Stresses in supporting structures due to longitudinal load may be
reduced by increasing the conductor sags.
• Use of Guys and Braces - The longitudinal strength requirements for poles, towers, and
other supporting structures shall be met either by the structure alone with the aid guys or
• Unbalance Loads - Poles, towers, or structures with longitudinal loads not normally
balanced shall be sufficient strength or shall be guyed or braced, to withstand the total
unbalanced load with the safety factors at least equal to those specified in Rule 4.3.

Ultimate Strength of Materials

• The strength of materials is in connection with the safety factors. Materials like wood,
structural steel, reinforced concrete, conductors, span, guys, messengers, tower or poles
have computed strength in designing their application.


This Section establishes safety rules for all electronics and communications equipment installed
and / or located inside buildings or in sheltered structures, except consumer products.

Radio Transmitting and Receiving Safety Requirements

• Fixed Station (Point-to-Point; Television, FM & AM, Radio; Space Communication)

o A fixed radio station building is not likely to be struck directly by lightning because
of the shielding effect provided by the antenna tower/s or support structures.
o The station grounding system is employed to divert as large a proportion of the
surge current directly to earth before it enters the building.
o The bonding, grounding and protection schemes shall have to be heavy duty and
very carefully engineered, installed and maintained in order to hold differences of
potential between various parts of the station to safety values.
o Equipment protection design is based on preventing voltage surges, beyond the
voltage surge limit of the equipment or parts thereof, from reaching that equipment
or component.
• Mobile Station (Land mobile; Maritime mobile; Aeromobile)
o Land Mobile radio installation on board vehicles, like automobiles, trucks, trains,
etc. whose movement or travel in confined overland.
o Maritime Mobile radio installation on board watercrafts like boats, ships, etc.
o Aeromobile radio installations on board aircrafts and space crafts.
o Installation of transceivers, handsets, control panels, microphones, loudspeakers,
etc. shall not increase the risk of injury of the driver or pilot and passengers in case
of accident or collision.
o Battery cables shall be fused as close to the battery terminals as practicable with
fuse rating not greater than 150% of the peak load current.
o Battery cables shall have a current carrying capacity of not less than 250% of the
peak load current.
o Battery cables shall have insulation strength rating of not less than 10 times the
maximum voltage to which it is to be connected and adequate mechanical strength
to withstand the expected abrasion; exposure to dirt, heat (150 °C), humidity and
the extreme environmental conditions mobile installations encounter.
o Battery or power wiring in aircraft installations shall be adequately fused.
o Electronic and communication installations in larger watercraft or trains are mostly
powered from normal A.C. supply
o Cables to be used for watercraft installation shall be those approved for marine

Switching Equipment Safety Requirement (Telephone, Telegraph, Telex etc.)

• This section covers equipment installation employed for selective interconnection of

channels of communication using electromechanical and/or electronic circuit elements to
perform the function.
• Surge arresters of suitable type and rating shall be connected on all wire circuits entering
building except on wire lines meeting all of the following criteria:
o 1. The entire length is underground;
o 2. Not bunched with a circuit any portion of which is installed above ground level;

o 3. Not bridged to any wire circuit that may be exposed to foreign potential by
contact or induction.
• The switching office earth electrode shall be any or a combination of “made electrode”
specified in Rule 3.2.4 C.
• The ground resistance shall be 5.0 ohms or less at all times as measured by the fall of
potential method.
• The earth electrode(s) provided under the rule 5.3.4 shall be bonded to the following (when
present) to form the switching office earth electrodes:
o 1. Continues buried metallic public water pipe system;
o 2. Continues buried metallic private water pipe system with at least 3.0 meters of
buried pipe;
o 3. Deep well metal casing.
• For big offices, a ground bar shall be used, connected to the earth electrodes.
• For small offices the for ground may be omitted and grounding conductor connected to
the earth electrode on one end, free on the other end and running the full length of the
equipment line-up, where equipment rack/s shall be bonded.
• Ground conductor sizes shall be in accordance with Table 5-1.
• Insulation of all cables shall be polyvinyl-chloride (PVC) or equivalent formulation with
equal or better resistance to burning.
• Office furniture’s required in the operations should be of metal construction or other
noncombustible material contents.
• Stationary and other office and maintenance supply shall be stored in areas external to
the switching rooms. It shall be prohibited to store combustible materials in transformer
vaults, switch gear rooms and power distribution.

Computer and Data Safety Requirements

• This section covers the minimum safety requirements in Electronic Data Processing
Center installations.
• Values, in terms of direct monetary cost, as a result of expensive components and in terms
of operational service continuity, tend to be extremely high and expensive damage to
these installations can have catastrophic consequences.
• The EDP Center earth electrodes shall be any or a combination of “made electrodes”
specified in rule 3.2.4 C and shall be engineered and installed in accordance with rules
5.3.4 through 5.3.8 of this code.
• The computer shall be provided with physical separation or orientation to reduce or
minimize the effect of any detrimental external influences.
• The facility shall be installed in a non-combustible housing structure. This shall include fire
and explosion-proof protection from the surroundings, such as firewalls, smoke detectors,
waterproof ceilings, and floor covering materials of Vinyl tiles, high pressure plastic
laminates, or other non-combustible materials.
• Power circuits and signal circuits shall be installed in separate conduits and raceways.

• The signal wiring shall be contained in cable structure with an over-all jacket or Polyvinyl
Chloride (PVC) or equivalent formulation with equal or better resistance to burning.
• It shall be prohibited to store combustible materials in transformers vaults, switchgear
rooms and power distribution centers.

Station Safety Requirements

• A station installation for the purpose of this Code shall comprise all equipment installed
inside customer premises such as telephone instruments, teletype/data/CRT terminals,
PABX/PBX, etc. either customer owned or leased requiring a physical line connection to
a serving office for its normal operation.
• The associated in-house wiring and service drop is considered part of the station
installation. Cable TV and CATV are covered in this section up to the extent of their service
drops their protectors and associated wirings (when required). Here are the following
included in the requirements:
o Protectors
o Grounding and Bonding
o Location
o Special Occupancy
o Customer Equipment Safety Requirement
o PBX (Manual Private Exchange) / PABX (Automatic Private Exchange)
o Telephone Instruments
o Data and Telegraph Terminals

Electronic equipment almost always depends on electrical energy for its operation. Electric power
sources availing of electronic technology developments in efforts to support the steadily
increasing industry emphasis on reliability and performance of electronic system and equipment,
have attained a certain degree sophistication. Consideration of the system and equipment
performance is coupled with the demand for protection - protection of persons and properties from
hazards resulting from the operation and use of power sources for electronic equipment and
system in particular.

Construction / Protection Requirements

• Storage Batteries and Chargers

o Applies to all stationary installation of storage batteries for use with or associated
with equipment used with electronic equipment, devices or system except
consumer products.
o It should be located where temperatures range between 15.5 and 32.2 degrees
Celsius (60° and 90°F).

o Higher temperatures will shorten battery life and lower temperature will decrease
the ampere-hour capacity and may damage the battery by freezing especially
when the batteries are in low state of charge.
o Lead acid or similar gas emitting battery installation where the aggregate power
(ampere-hour rating, at the 8-hour rate to 1.75 volts per cell, multiplied by the
battery voltage) exceeds 5 kilowatts shall be located in a properly ventilated room
separated from the equipment room or location where people are staying.
o Explosion resistant vents shall be provided for all lead acid or similar gas emitting
batteries above 10 ampere-hour capacity and ascertained by periodic inspection
that the vents are free from obstruction.
o Smoking and storing of inflammable materials is prohibited in battery rooms and
“NO SMOKING” signs should be posted in conspicuous locations inside and before
entering battery rooms.
o Batteries on racks shall be provided with earthquake bracings which hold the sides
of the batteries and prevent them from falling off the rack.
o Frames of battery chargers, battery enclosures if provided, and all exposed
metallic structures shall be bonded together and grounded
o Caustic soda or ether acid neutralizing agents should be stored and available in
battery rooms for use in accidental electrolyte or acid spillage.

• Main or Standby Electric Generators

o Generators may be situated outside the building on a poured concrete slab in
which case weather resistant housing should be provided.
o Generators may be located within a power room which may or may not be a part
of the building, housing electronic equipment. This room shall have its own outside
door with insulated fireproof partition wall between the equipment and power room.
o Incoming fresh air should be brought in through a louvre with a filter and exhaust
gases should be piped to the outside through an approved fire-safe thimble.
o Fuel tanks shall not be located between towers and the equipment building.
o All exposed metallic structure in power rooms including the generator frame or
housing shall be bonded together and grounded.
o The generator should be protected to prevent equipment damage and its attendant
hazards due to overload temperature rise, over speed, loss of lubricant, etc.

• Others
o Wind driven electric generators or chargers shall be mounted meeting structural
strength specifications for wind velocities prevalent in the zone it is situated.
o Provision for “feathering” should be provided to reduce the possibility of damage
due to high wind velocities; automatic “feathering” is desirable.
o Gas operated (propane, LPG, etc.) thermoelectric generators shall be situated in
well ventilated locations such that fuel leakage shall neither result in the
accumulation of a combustible mixture nor induce harmful effects.
o In all cases, all exposed metal parts shall be bonded together and grounded.

• Power Wiring
o AC service distribution system in buildings housing electronic equipment or system
shall be solid grounded systems.
o The basic characteristics of a solid grounded system is that AC secondary network
incorporates a grounding conductor that provides a low impedance bond from one
AC service conductors to ground.
o For three-phase system, the secondary shall be wye-connected with grounded
neutral and for single-phase system, one conductor shall be at ground potential.
o The ungrounded conductor shall be referred to as “current carrying conductor” and
the other conductor called “grounded conductor” or “neutral conductor”.
o The neutral or grounded conductor shall not be used as grounding conductor. It is
a single point grounded, current carrying circuit conductor, grounded on the bus
bars of the branch circuit breaker main service enclosure only.
o The grounding conductor shall be copper and shall be installed in accordance.
o The neutral equipment, the grounding conductor shall be bonded to the metal
enclosure and frame in which the service is bond.
o All conduits, raceways, switch boxes and neutral equipment, cabinets containing
o carrying conductors shall be bonded together and grounded in a manner to assure
direct low impedance paths to ground for surge currents.
o The branch power circuit for aircraft warning lights should be protected by
application of
o arresters located at the warning lights fixtures and at the base of antenna mast or
tower equipment with warning lights.
o Arresters are provided by power companies to protect their distribution
transformers against lightning surges.



• This section establishes detailed safety requirements for the outdoor portion of electronic
systems and plants. These rules are supplemented, in certain cases, by rules in other
sections of this Code and applies to systems and plants installed above or below ground
• Grounding and Bonding
o Earth Ground
The poles or supporting structures of overhead lines shall be provided with an
earth ground whose earth resistance shall be no greater than 25 ohms, measured
by the fall of potential methods, and at intervals not greater than 400 meters.
o Bonding
Metallic inner sheath and metallic outer jackets of cables, messengers, guys and
all other metallic hardware’s at poles or structure supporting overhead lines shall

be bonded together at locations where an earth ground is present and connected
to that earth ground.

• Manholes
o All manholes shall be provided with a earth ground whose earth resistance shall
be no greater than 25 ohms, measured by the fall of potential method.

• Buried Cables
o Metallic sheaths of buried cables shall be bonded to an earth ground whenever
such cable make an above ground appearance.

• Risers
o All overhead cables shall have their metallic sheath or jackets grounded whenever
such cable changes from overhead to underground installation with the grounding
point as close to group level as practicable.

Joint use of Poles or Structure

o It shall be given consideration by all interested parties where construction or
reconstruction is involved and where used, it shall be subject to the applicable
strength, electrical protection and clearance requirements in this Code.
o Each party should designate its space requirements, which space shall not be
occupied without consent, by equipment of any party.
o Communication entities owning poles or structures jointly used shall ascertain and
be responsible that strength and electrical protection requirements of this Code
are met.
o those poles or structures and further ascertain that such poles or structures are
o Climbing space on jointly used poles or structures shall be provided and correlated
between the entities jointly using the poles or structures.
o The climbing space position in relation to the pole shall not change by more than
90 degrees in a vertical distance of less than 2.5 meters.

• Clearances
o Where two or more systems are concerned in any clearance, that owner or
operator who last in point of time constructs or erects facilities, shall establish the
clearance required in this Code from other facilities which have been erected
o When supply and communication circuits are involved in crossings, conflicts or
joint use, the higher voltage circuit shall in general be carried at the higher level.
o Communication circuits shall not be installed above supply circuits in excess of
7,500 volts.

o Single conductors paired wire or cable installed above supply circuits of 7,500 volts
or lower shall be adequately supported meeting strength requirements and shall
be insulated to continuously withstand the peak voltage of the supply circuit.
o Clearances specified in succeeding rules in this Section shall be at 60 degrees C.
and no wind loading.
o Here are the following locations that need to consider the clearance:
▪ Above Ground
▪ Above Railways and Trolley Lines
▪ Between Wires, Conductors, Cables and Messengers
▪ From Structures

• Climbing Space
o The climbing space shall be provided on one side or quadrant of all poles or
structures supporting communications conductors excepting at the level of one pair
of conductors attached to the pole below the lowest cross-arm and the top 0.9
meter of poles carrying communication conductors only which are attached directly
to the pole.
o It shall be maintained in the same position on the pole for minimum vertical
distance of 1.2 meters above and below each conductor level through which it
passes, excepting that where a cable is attached to a cross-arm or a pole with the
cable less than 0.2 and 0.4 meters from the center line of the pole supporting
conductors on line arms.
o The position of the climbing space shall not be shifted more than 90 degrees
around the pole within a vertical distance less than of less than 2.4 meters.
o A guard arm, a longitudinal run of messenger, cable or insulated wire will not be
held to obstruct the climbing space where because the presence of a building wall
or similar obstacle will not permit the cable to be placed on the side of the pole
opposite the climbing space.
o Pole steps shall be suitably placed for the purpose of facilitating climbing past the
level of terminal boxes, cable, drop wires, and guard arm.

• Vertical Runs, Risers, Ground Wires

o Vertical runs of communication wires or cables supported on the surface of wood
poles or structure shall be covered by a suitable protective covering within a
vertical distance of 0.9 meters above1.8 meters below unprotected supply
conductors supported on the same pole or structure.
o Vertical runs of communication wires or cables on surface of a wood pole shall be
covered by a suitable protective covering within 1.8 meters radius of any other pole
supporting supply conductors except that those portion of such runs which are
more than 0.9 meters above or 1.8 meters below the level of un protected supply
and conductors need not be covered.
o The protective covering shall be rigid polyvinyl chloride plastic pipe with a minimum
wall thickness of 6 mm. or equivalent.

• Risers
o Risers of wires or underground cables shall be encased in securely grounded
metal or plastic pipe from the ground line to a level not less than 8 feet above the
ground line.
o Risers shall be covered by a suitable protective covering as defined in Rule 7.6.1
where within a vertical distance of 0.9 meters above or 1.8 meters below the level
of unprotected supply conductors supported on the same pole or structure.
o Vertical risers where within both a 6-foot radius of another pole supporting supply
conductors and within vertical distance of 0.9 meters above or 1.8 meters below
the level of any unprotected supply conductor shall be covered.

• Guys and Anchors

o Where the mechanical loads imposed on poles, towers, or structure are greater
than can be supported with the safety factors as specified in Rule 4.3.2 under the
loading condition of Rule 4.2., additional strength shall be provided by the use of
guys or other suitable construction.
o Where guys are used with poles or similar structures capable of considerable
deflection before failure, the guys shall be able to support the entire stress, the
pole below the point of guy attachment acting merely as a strut.
o Guys shall be attached to structures as nearly as practicable at the center of load.
o Guy wires shall be protected by the use of guy thimbles or their equivalent when
attached to anchor rods or though bolts.
o Soft wood poles, around which any guy having an ultimate strength of 2,300 kg. or
more is wrapped, shall be protected by suitable guy shims. Hooks, lag screws or
other equivalent means shall be used where necessary to prevent the guy from
slipping along the pole.
o The general requirements governing the sectionalizing of guys by means of
insulators are based upon the exposure or proximity of the group to supply
o Insulators with sectionalized guys shall conform to the following specifications
based on the highest voltage of supply conductors such guys is exposed or in
o A substantial guard of wood, metal, plastic or suitable material, not less than 2.5
meters in length, shall be securely attached to each anchor guy which exposed to
• Miscellaneous Equipment
o On jointly used poles, metal communication cable terminals, metal boxes or similar
equipment which are less than 0.2 meters from center line of the pole or are
attached to the surface of the pole shall be placed not less than 1.8 meters below
or 0.9 meters above the level of the nearest unprotected supply conductor.
o All parts of metal communication cable terminals, metal boxes or similar
equipment which are 0.2 meters or more from the center line of the pole shall have
vertical clearances from supply conductors not less than specified in Table 7-1
item B-2a to d.

Tower poles and other support structures although within the purview of other engineering
disciplines, particularly strength considerations, have become integral and inseparable
components of electronic and communication systems in such a way that electronic and
communication system specifications cover towers, poles and other support structures
when such are needed in the system to provide the service desired.

General Requirements

• All towers, poles, and other support structures, their components and allied structures
used in electronic or communication plants supporting radio antennas, communication
wires and cables, radio transmission lines and waveguides, and all like shall be able to
withstand, with safety factors not less than those specified in Rule 4.3.2, the maximum
stresses to which they are subjected under the loading conditions specified in Rule 4.2,
without structural damage.
• All towers, poles, other support structures, their components and allied structures used in
electronic and communication plants supporting radio antennas, communication wires and
cables, radio transmission lines and waveguides and the like shall be constructed and
maintained to assure that shock casualty or fire hazard shall not result from its use and
during conditions resulting in the presence of foreign potential due to lightning and/or
power contact.

Strength Requirements

• Antenna towers, poles and related structures shall be designed to withstand with safety
factors not less than those specified in Rule 4.3.2, the maximum stress to which they are
subjected under the loading conditions specified in Rule 4.2 without structural damage.
• The following must be considered in the design of structures:
o Wind Loading
o Wind Pressure
o Maximum Axial or Thrust Force
o Dead Loads.
o Seismic Load
o Allowable unit stress and combined stress
• Foundations and Anchors
o The individual footing under each leg of self-supporting towers shall be designed
to resist not only downward force but also an upward pull from the overturning
moment caused by wind load.
o Reduction in weight of material due to buoyancy (hydrostatic uplift) caused by high
water tables shall be considered.

o The soil properties as affected by submerged conditions saturated soil, etc. shall
be considered in the foundation and anchor design utilizing recognized
engineering methods with safety
o factor of 2 for uplift.
• Guys
o The factors of safety of guys and their connections shall be not less than 2.
o Guys should be installed with an initial tension of one-sight of its breaking strength.
o On cases where guy vibrations are noticeably large, mechanical damper should
be installed near the bottom of each guy to reduce vibration to an acceptable
• Fabrication and Erection
o All tower fabrication and erection shall be undertaken with the end in view of
producing a structure and parts thereof that will not fail or be seriously distorted at
any load less than the maximum working loads developed under the construction
arrangement with loadings.
o For guyed towers the maximum deviation from true vertical shall be one part of
o For self-supporting towers, the maximum deviation from true vertical shall be one
part in 250.
• Inspection and Maintenance
o This section covers inspection information relative to both wood and metal poles
and towers.
o The purpose of pole/tower inspection is to assure proper maintenance of poles
and towers and reinforce mentor replacement of poles and towers in advance of
their reaching that stage when the safety factor have been reduce to less than 2/3
of the safety factors specified in Rule 4.3.2A.
• Electrical Protection Requirements
o Depending upon the surroundings, the presence of antenna and its supporting
structure may not increase the probability of lightning striking a particular location,
however, should lightning strike the site, the antenna and its supporting structure
may become the focal point of the strike.
o Consequently, the protection grounding considerations for the antennas and
support structure becomes of prime importance.
o Here are the following criteria that need to consider:
▪ Grounding
▪ Bonding
▪ Marking


• This Section establishes safety provisions for the construction, use and maintenance of
non-commercial electronic devices such as radio and television receivers, transceivers,

amplifiers, tape/disc players/recorders, intercommunication devices, photographic and
similar electronic equipment and their accessories for household use.

General Requirement

• Construction
o The construction of the appliance shall assure that normal use and user servicing
does not result in a shock, casualty of fire hazard.
o Cellulose nitrate or any comparably flammable material shall not be used for a
cabinet, cabinet-covering material, dial, window or similar part.
o Material for the mounting of uninsulated line parts that involved a power of 50 watts
or more shall be flame-retardant or self-extinguishing.
o A spacing of 13 mm. minimum over surfaces or through air shall be maintained
between uninsulated live parts of the supply circuit and (1) line parts of opposite
polarity and (2) accessible metal parts.
o If shock hazard results from an electrical connection between the external
conductive coating of the picture tube, and the picture tube mounting means
(straps, brackets, etc.) that contact the tube, there shall be a spacing of 13 mm.
minimum between the conductive coating and the mounting means.
o Casualty hazard is considered to exist if moving parts such as gears and linkages
are accessible during normal operation.
o Fire hazard is considered to exist at any component connected across a supply
circuit, either under normal conditions or when the chassis and all user connections
are grounded while the power supply rectifier and any two elements of one other
vacuum tube, transistor or similar solid state device are short-circuited.
o To be free from fire hazard, the source of power for a component part or assembly
shall not be capable of delivering a power of more than 15 watts into an external
resistor connected between any two points on the assembly with all components
in place.
• User Servicing
o User-Servicing includes the following:
▪ Battery - Replacement of a battery except one designed to be soldered in
▪ Fuse - Replacement of a fuse except;
➢ Designed to be soldered in place
➢ One not readily perceptible by the user.
➢ Clipped-in type
▪ Pilot Lamp - Replacement of a pilot lamp except;
➢ One designed to be soldered in place
➢ A filament type lamp which rated 28V or less
➢ A gaseous-discharge-type lamp
➢ Any other type of lamp considered with respect to the intent of the
▪ Picture Tube
▪ Vacuum Tube

▪ Picture Tube and window cleaning
o Power Supply Connections which include the following
▪ Power supply cord and its length
▪ Cord Connector Body
▪ Conventional interlock device
▪ Cord strain relief, Cord push-back relief, Cord bearing stress and cord and
wire routing
▪ Bushing and its insulator
▪ Metal grommet and Ceramic materials
▪ Fiber
▪ Polarized Appliance
o Wiring Devices
▪ Mounting of wiring devices
▪ Location of the switch and its application
▪ Transfer switch
▪ Lamp holder type and its construction
▪ Unused receptacle
▪ Receptacle mounting and insertion clearance
▪ Clock radio receptacle and clock operated receptacle switch enclosure.
▪ Clock-operated appliance switch enclosure and clock operated switch
o Fuses
▪ Fuses marking
▪ Battery circuit fuse
▪ Marking in fuse holder
o Transformer
▪ Coil Impregnation
▪ Transformer with or without enclosure
o Capacitors
▪ Plug-in capacitor
▪ Insulating capacitor
o Battery
▪ Battery connections
▪ Battery terminals
▪ Battery Potential
o Wiring
▪ Wiring insulation
▪ Thermoplastic insulated wire
▪ Cable or cord involving voltage
▪ Primary wiring
▪ Small gauge wire
▪ Wire handling
▪ Remote cable
▪ Type SP-1, SV, SP-2 or other type of flexible cord

▪ Low energy circuit wiring
▪ Jumper wires and cable strain motion.
▪ Television wiring subject to handling
▪ Opening in Metal.
o Insulating Material
▪ Live part insulating material
▪ Hard fiber
▪ Degassing coil insulation
▪ Guar and barrier insulation material
▪ Fiber
o Conductive Coatings and Shields
▪ Conductive coating
▪ Conductive coating arcing test and current test
▪ Conductive shield
▪ Power transformer high-voltage secondary AC dielectric withstand test
▪ Power transformer high-voltage secondary DC dielectric withstand test
o Connectors, components and leads.
▪ Part disconnection
▪ Primary insulation voltage test
▪ Component shock hazard test
▪ Material type
▪ Barriers and mechanical restraints
▪ High-voltage part and its insulation
o Voltage limiting means
▪ Spark gap and discharge tube
o Current-carrying and live parts
▪ Contact material
▪ Live part spacing
▪ Loop antenna mounting
▪ Accessible part shock hazard
▪ Control shaft shock hazard
▪ Screws and sealing compound
▪ Captive part
▪ User servicing guard
▪ Top opening
▪ Octal base tube socket shock hazard
▪ Interlock
o Enclosures
▪ Mechanical Protection
▪ Corrosion Protection
▪ Glass Dial Window
▪ Component Enclosure
▪ Components that need not comply with the requirements of Rule 9.2.15.D
▪ Radio Thermoplastic Enclosure

▪ The requirements in Table III
▪ Picture Tube Enclosure Opening
▪ Picture Tube Window Screws
▪ Picture Tube Neck Protection
▪ Picture Tube Enclosure
▪ High voltage component and its enclosure
o Accessories
▪ Accessory installation procedure
▪ Accessory jumper plug
▪ Accessory connection


• General
o Values of Voltage and Current are root-mean-square values, unless otherwise
o An appliance having both alternating-current and direct-current ratings is tested
with appliance connected to an alternating-current supply and again to direct-
current supply, unless it can be established that one test will result in the maximum
operating conditions.
o Voltmeters - Unless otherwise indicated, voltage measurements shall be made
with a voltmeter having a resistance of 2000 ohms per volt minimum for potential
of 1000 volts or less and 20,000 ohms per volt for minimum potentials of more than
1000 volts.
o Cheesecloth Indicators - Cheesecloth used for test shall be untreated cotton cloth
9.2 meters wide, running 29-31 meters per kilogram.
o The x-radiation of an appliance when measured described shall not exceed a dose
rate average over an area of 10 square cm from the outer space of overall
enclosure of the appliances.
o A Temperature Test - An appliance, when tested under the conditions described
below shall not attain a temperature at any part sufficiently high to constitute a fire
hazard, or to affect injuriously any materials employed, nor to show temperature
at specific points greater than those indicated in Table VI.
o A capacitor operating at a temperature higher than 65 degrees Celsius may be
judged on the basis of its marked temperature rating or, if not marked with a
temperature rating, may be investigated to determine its suitability at the higher
o A “hot-spot” temperature not higher than 105 degree Celsius on the surface of a
coil winding will be acceptable, provided the temperature of the winding as
measured by the resistance method does not exceed 100 degree Celsius. The
temperature limits of 90 degree Celsius by the thermocouple method and 100
degree Celsius by the resistance method are based on the standardized allowance
for a maximum “hot spot” temperature at 105 degree Celsius.
o Interconnection Shock Hazard - The available steady-state current between
exposed or accessible parts, and between such parts and ground, shall not be

more than 2-1/2 milliamperes if the appliance, and if the interconnection can cause
an increase in the stock hazard current.
o External Antenna Shock Hazard - The available steady-state current between
ground and anyone set of external antenna terminals of an appliance shall not be
more than one milliampere.
o Tube Interchange - The insertion in any socket of any tube or its glass or metal
equivalent of like designation used in the receiver shall not result in a shock hazard
o Audio-Output Shock Hazard Test - The audio output potential of an amplifier
having provision for connection of external speaker shall be 100 V or less when
o Primary Insulation Voltage Test - a high voltage part that is accessible while
energized, or that is likely to be left in contact, with accessible metal, with parts of
the power supply circuit, with a wooden cabinet, or with a similar part having a
relatively low level of insulation, shall not cause a breakdown of the primary
insulation or develop a voltage of more than 1270 volts peak across primary
insulation, when connected to the chassis or earth.
o Component Shock Hazard Test - To determine if the connectors, components and
leads of an appliance comply with the shock hazard requirements of Rule 9.2.12
(Part Disconnection) the appliance is operated under the maximum voltage
conditions described in Rules 10.1.78 and 10.1.79. current and voltage readings
are taken during the initial five minutes of the test.
o Appliance Dielectric Withstand Test - The insulation and spacing of the appliance
shall be capable of withstanding without breakdown for a period of one minute of
the application of the test potentials.
o Primary Circuit Dielectric Withstand Test - A 900-volt 60 Hz potential shall be
applied between any live metal part conductively connected to the supply circuit
and any dead metal parts or user terminals such as antenna and ground leads.
o Isolating Power Transformer Dielectric Withstand Test - If an isolating type of
power transformer is employed, a 900-volt 60 Hz potential shall be applied
between any live or current-carrying part of the secondary circuit.
o Primary Insulation Dielectric Withstand Test - Except in the secondary circuit of an
isolating type of power transformer, a 900-volt 60 Hz potential shall be applied
across each capacitor, winding separation or other insulation required for the
elimination of shock hazard, or, which if short-circuited, would involve a fire hazard
either directly or indirectly.
o Output Circuit Dielectric Withstand Test - If a speaker is not supplied as an integral
part of the appliance, a direct-current potential of four times the maximum, direct-
current, open circuit voltage measured in the output tube plate circuit shall be
applied across a blocking capacitor and between the primary and secondary
windings of an isolating type output transformer whose output circuit is located
from the chassis used for speaker coupling except that the potential shall be not
less than 1270 volts.
o Transformer Dielectric Withstand Test - A power transformer and the associated
rectifiers socket shall be capable of operating without breakdown when potential is

applied to the primary of the transformer to produce the direct-current test
potentials indicated in Rule 10.1.56.
o Power Transformer Secondary Dielectric Withstand Test - If a power transformer
is employed, a direct-current potential of three times the maximum voltage
determined in accordance with the Rules 10.1.42 and 10.1.43 but not less than
500 volts, shall be applied between live parts and accessible metal parts.
o Printed wiring shock hazard Dielectric Withstand Test - A printed wiring assembly
shall withstand for one minute without breakdown the application of a direct
potential of 2E+1000 volts between printed wiring parts and other parts where
electrical breakdown would result in a shock hazard.10.1.70 Printed Wiring Fire
Hazard Dielectric Withstand Test - If the sources of power for a printed wiring
assembly are not limited to 50 watts as described in item A of Rule 10.3.1 the
assembly shall withstand for one minute without breakdown the application of a
direct potential of 2E+1000volts between parts of different potential on the
assembly where electrical breakdown involves a path over the surface of insulating
o Accessible Part Dielectric Withstand Test - Except when a conductive shield or
coating is provided between a live part and an accessible metal part or an
accessible metal part that is not recognized as reliable insulation if contact
between such parts will result in shock hazard, the direct-current potential indicate
in Table VII shall be applied between these parts
o Power Transformer High-Voltage Secondary - AC Dielectric Withstand Test -
Except when a suitable shield is provided, an alternating potential of four times the
rated primary voltage at four times the rated frequency shall be applicable across
the primary voltage at four times the rated frequency shall be applicable across the
primary winding of a power transformer supplying a maximum open-circuit
potential of more than 1000 volts peak between any two terminals of a winding that
has no connection to the chassis.
o Power Transformer High Voltage Secondary- DC Dielectric Withstand Test-
Except when a suitable shield is provided, a direct current potential of four times
the peak potential measured between the winding and the chassis shall be applied
between the primary winding of a power transformer and any other winding of the
transformer, e.g., a damper tube heater winding, operating at a potential of more
than1000 volts peak, measured under the condition described in Rules 10.1.78
and 10.1.79 with respect to the chassis if electrical breakdown would result in
shock hazard.
o High Voltage System Dielectric Withstand Test - A high voltage source over 1000
volts peak and associated circuits, such as deflection coils, etc., operating in the
B-plus circuit, shall be capable of operating without breakdown for a period of one
minute when the high-voltage source output is 1.25V +1750 Volts or 1.2V2,
whichever is greater.
• Fire Hazard Limit
o Limited Power Fire Hazard Test - To be free from fire hazards, as described in
Rule 9.2.1.J,the sources of power for a component part or assembly shall not be

capable of delivering a power of more than 15 watts into an external resistor
connected between any two points on the assembly with all components (including
tubes) in place.
o High-Voltage Arcing Test - With the appliance adjusted as described in Rules
10.1.78 and10.1.79, a part operating at more than 2500 volts peak and another
part of different potential, shall withstand the following arcing test without producing
a fire or shock hazard
o Part Disconnection and Component Handling Arcing Test - With the appliance
operating as described in Rule 10.1.78 and 10.1.79, a conductor, a component or
lead that may become disconnected or displaced during shipping or moving of the
appliance or that may be disconnected or displaced during normal operation or
user-servicing shall withstand the following arcing test without producing a fire or
shock hazard.
o Noncombustible Part Flame Test - A part is considered non-combustible if it does
not continue to flame for more than 10 seconds after a 15 second application of a
test flame, and if it does not cause the height of the test flame to increase more
than one inch during the application of the flame. The test flame shall be applied
five times, the period between the applications being 15 seconds, except that the
test is discontinued if the part continues to flame for more than 10 seconds after
any application.
o Capacitor Flame Test - A capacitor is considered enclosed in non-combustible
material if it does not continue to flame for more than 15 seconds after the first and
second applications of a test flame. Nor more than 60 seconds after the third test
flame, and the period between applications, is 15 seconds. The test flame is 2 cm.
high flames from a 9.5 mm. diameter.
o Flammability Classification or Materials Test - A material or assembly that is to be
o classified as self-extinguishing when tested as indicated in Rule 10.2.22 through
o Unenclosed Component Abnormal Operation Test - A part that is not provided with
an enclosure in accordance with Rule 9.2.15.D (Component Enclosure), or a part,
such as a meter, which is connected in the circuit for a limited period during the
operation of the appliance but which may be operated continuously under
abnormal conditions.

• Abnormal Operation
o Power Supply Test - The power supply of an appliance shall be investigated to
determine all necessary points.
o Vacuum Tube Filament Short Circuit Test - There shall be no flame if any material
under any likely conditions of internal short-circuit of a vacuum tube unless the
material is within an enclosure complying with Rule 9.2.15.P (High Voltage
Component Enclosure).

o High Voltage Short Circuit Test - An appliance shall not produce a fire or shock
hazard when a high-voltage part in the B-plus circuit, operating at more than 2500
volts peak measured with the appliance operating under the condition described
in Rules 10.1.78 and 10.1.79 is short-circuited to parts of different potentials, if this
represents a single fault.
o Cable Arcing Test - A single or multiple conductor cable shall be considered to
involve a fire hazard if the arc caused by short-circuiting or grounding the
conductors will ignite surgical cotton.
o Conductive Coating Voltage and Current Test - with a connection between the live
part and any part of the conductive coating mentioned in Rule 10.3.16, including
the part where arcing occurred, the voltage measured by an electrostatic voltmeter
between the live part and chassis shall not exceed 1270volts peak, and the current
through a 500 ohm load connected between the live part and chassis shall not
exceed 5 milliamperes.
• Strain Relief and Connectors
o Power Supply Cord Strain Relief Test - The attachment of the power supply cord
to the
o appliance shall be capable of withstanding a force of 16 kg. applied to the cord as
follows: The force is applied by a 16 kg. weight, or a steady pull of 16 kg. With the
chassis in the cabinet in the normal manner, the force is applied from any angle
possible. Three samples are tested. The minimum average time of holding is 15
seconds. The sample may hold for less than 15 seconds, but not less than five
seconds. The results of the test are not acceptable (1) if the insulation or covering
on the flexible cord is cut or torn, (2) if the bushing slides through the hole in the
chassis or enclosure, (3) if cemented on bushings slide on the cord, or (4) in an
interlock connector is separated from the appliance, or is damaged sot that it does
not perform its intended function.
o Tube Plate Lead Strain Relief Stress - The securing means for a horizontal output
tube plate or high-voltage rectifier plate lead located entirely within the high-voltage
enclosure shall withstand a force of 2.3 kg. applied to the lead for one minute on
any direction permitted by the construction with the parts and securing means at
room temperature.
o Connector, Cycling Test - A separable connector shall form acceptably, without
damage, when subjected to the specified number of cycles of make and break at

six-second intervals. The test is conducted with the appliance in normal operation.
A connector shall be operated for 10 cycles if it is in a circuit on the load side of a
rectifier and for 50 cycles if it is primary-input circuit.
• Strength of Enclosures (Mechanical Loading Test)
o Enclosure Loading Test - The overall enclosure of (1)a table model appliance
weighing more than 4.5 kg. but not more than 34 kg. or (2) any appliance provided
with handles shall withstand for one minute the loading described below without
producing a shock hazard and without any damage that might result in a fire hazard
o Back cover Impact and Bending Test - Except for the back cover of a picture tube
enclosure the back cover of an overall enclosure shall withstand (1) a single-impact
of 0.55 kilogram-meters without the sphere passing through the cover or without
producing a shock hazard, and (2) a bending moment of 0.69 kg. meters without
permanent damage to any essential part of the cover.
o Radio Enclosure Impact Test - Parts of a radio enclosure which do not comply with
the test options 4, 5 & 6 of Table III shall withstand a single impact without the
developing openings larger than those permitted by fire and shock hazard
requirements or without producing a shock hazard. The impact shall be 0.69 kg-
meter if the enclosure is tested at 90°C, and 0.207 kg. meters if the enclosure is
tested at 60°C or 90°C.
o Radio Enclosure Pressure Test - For an appliance weighing 4.5 kg. or less, the
application of a force of 6.8 kg. for one minute to any point on the bottom of an
overall enclosure, shall not result in a shock hazard or in damage to any part of the
appliance that results a fire hazard.
o Radio Enclosure Temperature Stability Test - Except as noted in Rule 10.5.1 G.
the enclosure of live parts shall withstand temperature stability condition described
in Rule 10.6.4 without any shrinkage, warpage, or any other distortion of the
enclosure that will (1) interfere with the normal operation or user servicing of the
appliance or (2) result in failure of the appliance to comply with the requirements
in Rule 9.2.15.A (Mechanical Protection) and 9.2.14 D (Accessible Part Shock
o Television Enclosure Impact Test - The top, sides, and front of an overall television
enclosure used to render live parts inaccessible or to complete the noncombustible
enclosure of parts involving fire hazard, shall withstand a single impact if 0.69 kg.
meters as described in Rule 10.6.2 without developing openings larger than those

permitted by fire and shock hazard requirements, or without producing a shock
o Television Enclosure Pressure Test - The application of a 6.8 kg. for one minute
to any point of the bottom of an overall enclosure and a force of 9.1 kg to any other
point on the overall enclosure shall not result in a shock hazard or in damage to
any part if the appliance that results in a fire hazard
o Television Enclosure Top Loading Test - The application of a force of 22.72 kg. for
one minute to any point on the top of the overall enclosure shall not result in a
shock hazard or in damage to any part of the appliance that results in a fire hazard.
o Television Enclosure Temperature Stability Test - The enclosure of live parts shall
with stand temperature stability conditions described in Rules 10.5.1.M or 10.6.4
without any shrinkage, war page, or any other distortion of the enclosure that will
(1) interfere with normal operation or user servicing of the appliance, or (2) result
in failure of the appliance to comply with the requirements in Rules 9.2.14and
o Television Glass Dial Window Impact Test - A glass dial window that covers a live
part, unless of tempered glass 5 mm. thick minimum shall withstand a single
impact without developing a shock hazard. The impact shall be 0.69 kg. meters as
described in Rule 10.6.2 unless the window is protected by a permanent part of
the appliance that limits the impact from the ball to a lesser value.
o Picture Tube Enclosure Impact Test - The top, side and front of the enclosure of a
picture tube, including the transparent protective covering over the face of a
directly viewed picture tube, shall withstand a single impact of 0.69 kg. meters as
described in Rule 10.6.2 without developing openings larger than those permitted
in Rule 9.2.15.H (Picture Tube Enclosure Openings). The impact, when applied to
the window shall not result in damage to its mounting which will render it unsuitable
for re-use, nor shall tempered glass be cracked.
o Picture Tube Enclosure Back Cover Impact Test - The back cover of the enclosure
of a picture tube shall withstand a single impact of 0.55 kg. meter as described in
Rule 10.6.2 without the sphere passing through the cover, or without producing a
shock hazard.
o Picture Tube Enclosure Back Cover Bending Test - The back cover of the
enclosure of a picture tube shall withstand a bending moment of 0.7 kg. meters as

described in Rule 10.6.3 applied for one minute to any 7.6 length of the perimeter
of the cover without permanent damage to any essential part of the cover.

Test Method
• Implosion - Two implosion methods are described below. If the implosion can be induced
by either method, the thermal-shock method is to be used unless the high-energy impact
method is requested by the manufacturer.
• Impact - The impact force applied to a part of an enclosure is obtained from a solid,
smooth, steel sphere 5 cm. in diameter and weighing 0.5 kg. the sphere is allowed to fall
freely from rest through the distance required to cause it to strike the top of the enclosure
with the specified impact. The enclosure is placed so that the surface tested is vertical and
in the same vertical plane as the point of support of the pendulum. Parts of the enclosure
that may interfere with the cord of the pendulum are to be removed.
• Bending - The bending moment applied to a part of an enclosure such as a production
cover, is obtained as follows: An edge or a corner of the part is to be tested is inserted to
make contact with the vertical edges to the two side pieces of the device. A downward
force is applied in a direction perpendicular to the part, to the opposite edge of the part at
a point directly opposite the device. The force is gradually increased until weight of the
device is lifted.
• Temperature Stability - A sample of the complete appliance applied is placed in a cubical,
unvented test cell having a volume not less than 40 times that of the appliance and so
arranged that the circulation of air within the cell simulates normal room conditions. The
air temperature within the cells as measured at the base of the appliance, is maintained
at 60°C. The appliance is connected to a 130-volt supply circuit and operated continuously
for seven hours while resting on a supporting surface having an area approximately equal
to that of the appliance base and centrally located in the test cell.
• Test by the Manufacturer
o A. Production Line Withstand Test - Except as noted in Rule 10.6.5.D each
appliance shall withstand without electrical breakdown, as a routine production-
line test, the application of a potential not less than 350 volts 60 Hz or 500 volts
DC, between parts involving shock hazard and accessible metal parts, for a period
of one second.

• Marking Type and Size – A required marking shall be of a permanent and legible type,
and except as noted in Rule 10.7.2 shall be in letter not less than 2.8 mm. high.
• Identifying and Rating Information - The marking of the appliance shall be readily visible
and shall include the name or trade name of the manufacturers distinctive number of or
equivalent designation, and the electrical rating.
• Appliance Installation and Operation Instructions - An installation diagram or instruction
shall accompany an appliance if the connections and methods of operation are such that
there may be any question regarding them.
• Accessory Identification Marking - An accessory for use with an appliance that is not
marked to specify the use of a particular accessory shall be marked to indicate the
particular appliance with which it may be used.

Radiation, covered in this Code, means any sonic, infrasonic or ultrasonic wave which is
emitted from an electronic product as a result of the operation of an electronic circuit in
such product. The protective measures in this Code are for preventing adverse effects of
any ionizing or non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation includes
the entire electromagnetic spectrum of radiation of any wavelength. The electromagnetic
spectrum includes, but is not limited to, gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet, visible, infrared,
microwave, radio wave and low frequency radiation
• Performance Standards for Electronic Products
o Safety Standards for TV Receiver
▪ Exposure Rate Limit
▪ Measurements
▪ Critical Component Wiring
o Safety Standards for Cold Cathode Gas Discharge Tubes
▪ Exposure Rate Limit
▪ Measurements
▪ Instructions
o Safety Standards for Microwave Ovens
▪ Power Density Limit
▪ Measurements and Test Conditions
▪ Door and Safety Control

▪ Instructions
• Safety Requirements in the Utilization of Radiation Emitting Equipment
o Best Standards on Radiation Protection from X-ray Diagnostic and Associated
o Radiation Hazards Associated with Transmitters

Supplemental Information:

Other References: 17/241


1. Give at least 4 methods usually employ to attain a sufficiently reliable level or safety
of the equipment.

2. Enumerate the 3 loading zones in the Philippines and explain.

3. Give 10 difference of rules inside the plant compared to outside the plant
4. In 200 words, summarize the requirements of towers and support structures.
5. In 200 words, give the importance of test performance in the safety of the customers.


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