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Petros Melaku

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1. Efficiency is the ability to accomplish a task with the least amount of wasted time, money,
and effort. And since w/t chaltu did the assignment in 2 hrs less than ato Tokuma she is
Effectiveness is the degree to which a task is done successfully in producing the desired
result. Since both ato Tokuma and w/t Chaltu did the assignment successfully both are
2. The importance technical skills diminish as we move upon the pyramid because the come in
handy when a manager has to oversee the task performance of subordinates. And as we
move upon the pyramid the direct contact with the workers decreases hence the need for
technical skills is less as we move to the top. While the importance of conceptual skills
decrease as we move down the pyramid because conceptual skill is the ability to reason
abstractly and analyse complex situations. And since managers at the top level are
responsible for deciding what’s good for the organization from broadest perspective
conceptual skills are more needed for them than managers at the lower level.
3. Management plays a vital role in modern society. It organizes the factories of production for
social progress, greater productivity, increased jobs and income, better performance and for
fulfilment of society’s needs. It promotes the development of society and welfare of the
4. It is the basic function of management. It deals with chalking out a future course of action
and deciding in advance the most appropriate course of action for achievement of pre
determined goals.
5. Group decision is better because it helps you see from different perspective, position and
experience which helps a manager to decide what’s best for the organization.
6. For a goal to be a well designed goal it must be challenging so that it will push us to our
greatest achievable potential, focused so that we know exactly what we are trying to
achieve and give our best to it without any ambiguous distractions, measurable in a way we
know how much of the goal sated we achieve, and relevant such that it is connected to our
organization mission and purpose.
7. Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority

Building internationally competent and secured civil aviation by 2025.
To enable the public get access to reliable Air transport service by ensuring Aviation safety
and security through effective regulatory function, environmental protection, provision of
Air navigation services, by strengthening global cooperation and partnership.
Levels of management
 Director general
 Deputy director
 Supervisor

1. To promote and maintain an efficient and economical civil air service and
2. general aviation service system and to ensure the provision of highly secure and safe air
3. To develop domestic and international air transportation networks and to ensure a reliable
and sustainable air transport system;
4. To implement and enforce laws, regulations and directives relating to civil aviation as well as
reaties to which Ethiopia is a party.

Organizational structure
8. Planning and controlling are two separate functions of management, yet they are closely
related. The scope of activities if both are overlapping to each other. Without the basis of
planning, controlling activities becomes baseless and without controlling, planning becomes a
meaningless exercise. In absence of controlling, no purpose can be served by. Therefore,
planning and controlling reinforce each other. According to Billy Goetz, " Relationship
between the two can be summarized in the following points

1. Planning precedes controlling and controlling succeeds planning.

2. Planning and controlling are inseparable functions of management.
3. Activities are put on rails by planning and they are kept at right place through controlling.
4. The process of planning and controlling works on Systems Approach which is as follows :

Planning    →    Results    →    Corrective Action

5. Planning and controlling are integral parts of an organization as both are important for smooth
running of an enterprise.
6. Planning and controlling reinforce each other. Each drives the other function of management.

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