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Course: GPPP1092

Teacher Competencies

Week 11(25/4/22-29/4/22)
In Topic 6 you will learn about:
• Teacher Accountability
Week 12
• Teacher as Human Capital Shaper
• Teacher as a Nation Builder
Week 13
• Curriculum Transformation
What is Teacher Competencies?
• Competencies are the skills and knowledge that enable a teacher to be
successful. To maximize student learning, teachers must have
expertise in a wide-ranging array of competencies in an especially
complex environment where hundreds of critical decisions are required
each day (Jackson, 1990).
• Teachers' competencies affect their values, behaviors, communication,
aims and practices in school and also they support professional
development and curricular studies (Selvi, 2010)
• Competencies are the requirements of a “competency-based” teacher
education and include the knowledge, skills and values a teacher-
trainee must demonstrate for successful completion of a teacher
education programme (Houstan, 1987).
Some characteristics of a competency are as follows:

1. A competency consists of one or more skills whose mastery

would enable the attainment of the competency.

2. A competency is linked to all three of the domains under which

performance can be assessed: knowledge, skills and attitude.

3. Possessing a performance dimension, competencies are

observable and demonstrable.

4. Since competencies are observable, they are also measurable.

It is possible to assess a competency from a teacher’s
performance. Teaching competencies may require equal
amounts of knowledge, skill and attitude, but some will not.
Some competencies may involve more knowledge than skill or
attitude, whereas, some competencies may be more skill or
performance based.
What is teacher accountability?
Accountability is defined as “responsibility to someone or for some
activity” ( When considering a teacher’s
accountability, we relate it to the teacher’s responsibility for their students
and his or her learning progress. Teachers should accept ownership over
their student’s performance in their classroom. Accountability is good for
children of all ages.
Accountability is delegation of responsibility for organising activities in a
certain manner or producing specific results (Thurlow, 2009). Hence,
teacher accountability can be defined as the responsibility of a teacher
towards his or her students’ performance. Noriati, Boon & Wong (2010)
state that teachers are accountable for students, themselves, parents,
society and nation as well as their colleagues and teaching profession. .
Accountability towards:
• educate pupils to achieve excellence
in their academic
• build their potential holistically to
Students produce students who are
intellectually, spiritually, emotionally,
socially and physically well-balanced.
• build students' character.
• accountable towards pupils' academic

• knowledgeable in one's own subject area

• update onself in latest development in

• master the knowledge of child psychology,
individual differences and general pedagogy
• committed towards one's work, positive,
execute fairness in one's work and provide
Source: same opportunity of learning to all students.
• be a good role model for pupils
Teacher Code
of Ethics
Accountability towards:
• shape pupils' personality and character.
• build a good rapport with parents to
obtain their support in dealing with pupils'
problems in personality and academic
Parents achievement
• build trust with parents

• perform their duties to achieve the aspirations of the

National Philosophy of Education.
• aware of the community environment and avoid from
being influenced by negative elements that may tarnish
Society and the reputation of school, society and country.
• uphold the dignity of teaching profession in the society.
nation • update one's knowledge through readings and ICT.
• respect the community in which the teacher serves and Teacher
fulfil responsibility as a member of the community. Code of
• involve actively in community activities. Ethics
Accountability towards:
• cooperate with colleagues and help novice
teachers in the teaching profession
• master content knowledge and pedagogical
Colleagues content knowledge and attend
courses, intellectual discussions, action
and research and online readings to improve
teaching oneself
• be punctual in entering classes, give guidance
profession to students and carry out computer-based
lessons, problem-based learning and
cooperative learning.
• make full use of the facilities available in the

Teacher Code
of Ethics
Teachers’ Responsibilities
• Imparting education and ensuring that everyone gets the benefit of the program.
• Establishing equality in the classroom environment and making sure that no one is
devoid of any opportunity.
• Following the guidelines and rules of the school and teaching as per all the
requirements of the syllabus.
• A teacher should always follow an unbiased approach in the evaluations of student’s
papers and assignments.
• Sincerely and regularly attend classes.
• Have good knowledge of their area of said expertise
Teachers are accountable for the above responsibilities.
How should teachers be held accountable?

Teachers are constantly being held responsible for the performance of
their students. This leads to teachers constantly feeling pressured since
their teaching capabilities are being judged on by how their students
perform on, for example, a standardized test. “The No Child Left Behind
Act holds schools and school districts accountable for results. Schools
are responsible for making sure your child is learning” ( This act
increases the responsibility of teachers for their student’s performance
and learning achievement.
How should teachers be held
1. Teachers need to be held accountable through evaluations and
At the end of each year, each teacher needs to be evaluated on his/her
performance for that year. Although many schools only perform an annual
teacher evaluation, it is necessary for a teacher to be evaluated throughout the
school year. Teachers should be observed and evaluated throughout the year
by the schools’ administration. For instance, a principal or an assistant principal
will sit in on a teacher’s class and evaluate her performance. Listed are some of
the criteria a principal should evaluate while observing a teacher: Instructional
skills, classroom management, student discipline and attendance patterns,
knowledge of subject matter, interest in teaching pupils, and effort towards
improvement when needed ( Students' progress should also be
evaluated every couple of weeks to see if they are improving and how their
performance reflects the teacher.
2. By students achieving passing scores on standardized tests

These test are implemented by the government and teachers are expected to prepare
their students for the information that is within these test. In Virginia, SOL is a common
term that teachers encounter. The Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools
describe the commonwealth's expectations for student learning and achievement in
grades K-12 in English, mathematics, science, history/social science, technology, the
fine arts, foreign language, health and physical education, and driver education
( The SOL’s of Virginia are a prime example of a state required test that
students are required to pass. These test reflect both the performance of the students
and teachers. Teachers are pressured to teach all of the material that is covered on
these standardized test within a limited amount of time. They need to be flexible in their
teaching because they need to allow time to cover each required concept and be
assured their students have had time to grasp the concept before moving to a new topic.
When teachers are evaluated on their students test results a few other factors should be
taken into consideration. First, the size of the classroom since there is always a
shortage of teachers and second if there are any students with learning disabilities who
may perform lower on the test.
3. A third way teachers are held accountable is by the No Child Left Behind policy
The No Child Left Behind is a critical step toward improving the education of American children.
• The NCLB not only holds the schools accountable for a student’s education but also the individual
teacher. According to the NCLB, the Administration's proposal for preparing, training and recruiting
teachers is based upon the basic principle that teacher excellence is vital to achieving
improvement in student achievement ( Therefore, all teachers are supposed to be
highly qualified in the field that they are teaching. It makes sense that improving teacher quality is
important for student’s success. The more qualified a teacher is in his/her field the better he/she
can educate American children. The No Child Left Behind act holds the state, schools, and
individual teachers accountable for the performance of our nations youth.

Effects and Importance of Teacher
• Teachers help in implementing the goals and the groundwork set by the school and the
administration, parents and the community. They shape the academic, oratory,
characteristics and personality, spiritual and virtuous capabilities of the students.
• When the teacher is held accountable, a student experiences greater freedom in putting
forward their concerns. They do not feel burdened.
• A teacher works in honing their skills and also correctly plans and executes their activities.
• A teacher is also able to avail proper facilities and analyze the needs of the classroom.
• A teacher experiences greater freedom as they are held accountable for the curriculum they
set. In this way, a teacher can also adjust the things in favor of the students.
• The teaching program becomes inclusive, unbiased and non-discriminatory. A teacher is
expected to assess every student based on their capabilities and not based on their culture,
gender, traditions or preferences.
• Quality education is insured, and public resources are put into proper usage. If a better
performance out of the teachers is expected, they are funded and salaries accordingly.
• The administrators, counselors, as well as the principal, start to work in coordination and
provide their inputs as well.
Significant Accountability of Teacher
• A teacher should be well-versed in their course of specialization.
• Teachers should be well aware of the average required mental ability of their students and
work under that parameter. Weak pupils should be provided extra attention. The concern of
the students is essential.
• A teacher should actively participate in societal concerns and provide their inputs.
Responsibility towards the general public must be felt.
• A teacher should continuously work towards improving their skills. Teacher-research can
come in very handy in this particular scenario.
• A teacher also plays a significant role in developing the ethics and values of the students.
Hence, virtue lessons from every teacher in a classroom are important. A child’s major part
of the day is spent in a classroom, and therefore a classroom influence can significantly
contribute towards shaping his/ her character.
• A good rapport with the students and an overall more interactive classroom environment
should be promoted.
• A teacher should be able to convey their message to the students efficiently. This includes
applying a practical approach and experimentation in the teaching methodology.
• Inclusion of advanced technology and equipment in the learning procedure can improvise
the process.
Tutorial 1
Group Discussion
• After reading the notes above, how do you think teachers
should be held accountable?

Tutorial 2
• Watch the above video on Teacher Accountability. Discuss the
main points that you gathered from the video.
Links for E-Learning
Teacher as Human Capital Shaper

Recall the time when

you were in school.
How has your teachers
shaped your life? Get
a partner and share
your thoughts with
Definition of human capital
Modal insan yang berkualiti adalah satu kmestian, bukan lagi satu
kemewahan...Pendidikan dan latihan kemahiran berkualiti yang berterusan
juga akan memastikan modal insan negara kekal relevan dengan kehendak
industri dan pasaran serta mampu berdepan dengan cabaran dan suasana
persaingan antarabangsa yang kian meningkat. -YAB Datuk Seri Abdullah
Ahmad Badawi(Perutusan Hari Pekerja, 1 Mei 2006).

Human capital is the sum of knowledge, skills, experience and social qualities
that contribute to a person’s ability to perform work in a manner that
produces economic value (Longley, 2019).
The Role of Teachers in Shaping Students
Task 1
• Read the above article and list down in graphics/mind map the
role of teachers in shaping students. Add more points of your
Task 2
• Read the above document on Standard Guru Malaysia and list
down the role of teachers in shaping students as human capital.
How can teachers help to build human capital?
• Develop the potential of students as mentioned in the National
Education Philosophy.
• Provide them with knowledge so that they can apply in
everyday situations
• Equip them with all kinds of 21 century skills – ICT, effective
communication, creative and critical thinking, lifelong learning,
• Inculcate good moral and spiritual values in students so that they
can faces life challenges.
Documents related to human capital in education (Malaysia)

1. National Education Philosophy (NEP), 1988

Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing

the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as
to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally
and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and
devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian
citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high
moral standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving
high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to
the harmony and betterment of the family, the society and the nation
at large.
2. Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan (PIPP)- 2006 – 2010
• Pembangunan modal insan merupakan teras kedua di bawah PIPP yang akan
memberi tumpuan kepada sistem nilai, aspek disiplin, sahsiah, akhlak dan
jati diri pelajar bagi melahirkan tenaga kerja yang kompeten dalam sains dan
teknologi, inovatif, kreatif serta boleh dipasarkan.
• Membangunkan Modal Insan Pendidikan memainkan peranan penting dalam
usaha membangunkan modal insan yang mempunyai jati diri yang kukuh,
berketerampilan, berkeperibadian mulia , berpengetahuan dan berkemahiran
tinggi bagi mengisi keperluan negara maju 2020. 6.1 Tugas KPM adalah untuk
menyediakan generasi muda Malaysia dengan seluas-luas peluang bagi ; •
memperkembangkan potensi diri • melengkapkan diri dengan pelbagai
kemahiran • membentuk ciri-ciri keperibadian dan perspektif hidup yang
membolehkan mereka berjaya dalam kehidupan dan mampu memajukan lagi
negara di mata dunia, selari dengan hasrat Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan
6.2 Pembangunan modal insan juga termasuk melengkapkan diri pelajar
dengan; • kemahiran komunikasi berkesan • kebolehan menggunakan ICT
dengan baik • berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis • mengamalkan pembelajaran
sepanjang hayat • nilai yang tinggi supaya berupaya menjadi pemimpin
berkesan dalam keluarga dan masyarakat
3. Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025

Task 3
Study the NEP, PIPP and PPPM. How can these three documents serve as guidelines
to help teachers in shaping students as human capital?
Tutorial 3
Based on the Student Aspirations in MEB, discuss how teachers can play their
role in building human capital.
Tutorial 4
• Modal Insan Bertaraf Dunia | PDF (
Watch the above video and read the article
given. As a teacher, how could you play your
role in building world class human capital for the
nation? What are the challenges that you think
you will face?
Links for E-Learning

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