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Learning Module in

WEEK 4-6
This learning module belongs to:

(Name of Student)


(Contact Number/email)

This learning module is prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Teacher’s Note

To All Students:

We are facing a big challenge right now and this challenge affects all sectors including
education. While fighting the battle against Covid-19, we will continue to learn using the
flexible mode of instruction. I crafted this module to help you learn the lessons for your grade
level while you are staying at your home.

We pray that this challenge will be over very soon. You need to keep healthy and keep
learning while staying in the comfort of your home.

God Bless you!

Truly yours,

Sir Don

Table of Contents
Module Parts and Content Page Number
Introduction ………………………………………………… 3
Pre-Assessment……………………………………………… 3
Learning Resources ……………………………………… 4
Explore………………………………………………………… 16

Discussion Board……………………………………………. 17
Post-Assessment……………………………………….……. 18
References……………………………………………………… 19


You, as a twenty- first-century learner, live in an era where information can be

accessed easily from books, newspapers, radio, and television. It can also be said
that your student life is quite comfortable because information is within your reach in
just one click due to the advancement of technology.

Students like you can get relevant information from different sources of information
such as news reports, speeches, informative talks, and panel discussions. The

information you’ve got from different sources of information can be used in your
everyday life.

With many sources of information that surround you, your problem now is how to get
the most important details which you can apply in your everyday life. That’s the
reason why this module is specifically made for you so that you will learn some tips
on how to get information from these sources.

This module provides various activities and discussions for you to:

 Determine how the connected events contribute to the totality of the material
viewed; and
 Get information than can be used in everyday life from news reports,
speeches, informative talks, panel discussions, etc.


Try Out

Before you start your learning adventure, please try to answer first the task below.
This task will give you an overview of what you will learn as you go along the way to
this module. Make sure to finish this task. Good Luck!

Activity 1. Agree or Disagree

Read the statements in the table and check the column that corresponds to your


1) It is a must to get important information which can
be used in our everyday life.
2) Taking down notes while reading, viewing, and
listening will help us remember important details.
3) Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find
specific facts.
4) Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a
general overview of the material.
5) Taking down notes by hand is very effective in
getting information.

Score: 3-5-Amazing! You studied very well!

2-below- Oh no! You need to revisit your previous lesson.

Awesome!! You are now done with the Pre-Test! Are you now ready for an exciting
learning adventure? Let us now discover our lesson.
Learning Resources
Look Back

Can you still recall the different sources of information you had learned when you
were in Grade 9? Let’s find out how well you remember them by answering the task

Activity 2. Who’s My Match?

Match the meaning found in Column A to the words found in Column B. Write only
the letter of your answer on the space provided.


_____ 1) It tends to educate the audience on a _____ a) Panel Discussion

particular topic. It helps the audience understand a
_____ b) Speech
subject better and to remember what they learned
later. _____ c) Essay

_____ 2) It is a live or virtual discussion about a _____ d) News reports

specific topic amongst a selected group of panelists _____ e) Informative Talk
who share differing perspectives in front of a large
audience. _____ f) Magazine

_____ 3) A formal address or discourse delivered to an


_____ 4) Found in newspapers, televisions or radios

which aim to inform the readers of what is happening
in the world around them.

_____ 5) It is an analytic or interpretative literary

composition usually dealing with its subject from a
limited or personal point of view.
Did you answer the task correctly? Why do you need to be familiar with these
different sources of information?

How can you use the relevant facts you get from these sources of information in your
everyday life?

Building Your Vocabulary

Hi. Welcome to the world of vocabulary. Your next task is to read an example of a
news report. But before that, let us first define some of the difficult words that you will
encounter in the text.

Activity 3. Find the Clue!

Underline the clues to the meaning of the italicized word or words in each sentence
and guess their meaning. Write your answer on the space provided.

1) The message given by the Pontiff from MEANING

the Vatican City inspired millions of
Roman Catholics all over the world who 1. ______________________________
looked up to him as their leader.
2) Filipinos are known for their resiliency. 2. ______________________________
They can find ways to build their life
again after suffering from calamities. 3. ______________________________
3) Every artist dreams of creating an
extraordinary artwork that can be 4. ______________________________
considered as his masterpiece.
4) The man cried after he was diagnosed 5. ______________________________
with having a terminal illness.
5) Despite having a cerebral palsy that
caused him to spend his life in a
wheelchair, Angelo becomes an
inspiration to every Filipino

Did you find the clue in every sentence? Can you guess now the meaning of each
italicized word?

Now, I think you are ready to read and understand the news report. You can also
check your dictionary if you encountered some words which are still unfamiliar to you
as you read the selection.

Study These

Who is the famous person with a disability you admire the most? Why?

The news report you are going to read is about an Albayano who suffered from
cerebral palsy and spends his entire life in a wheelchair. Let’s find out in the news
report how he faced his personal challenges and turned them into strengths, thus,
inspiring millions of peoples all over the world.

Activity 4. Time to Read a Report!

Read the excerpt of a news report published in The Manila Times and answer the
questions that follow.

Cross-stitched image a PWD’s gift to Pope


LEGAZPI CITY, Albay: John Angelo “Angel” Ortiz, 27, a man with cerebral palsy
from Riosa village, Tabaco City, Albay, fulfilled his dream to see and personally hand
over his gift to Pope Francis.

His gift to the pontiff was a cross-stitched image of Madonna Dolorosa that he made
with his feet for more than two months.

Angelo handed over his gift to Francis during the “Encounter with Families” at the
SM Mall of Asia Arena on January 16, where he and his family personally met the
Pope, who was on a five-day state and apostolic visit to the Philippines.

The diocese included Angelo, his parents, and siblings in the delegation after the
CBCP decided that every diocese can bring at least 100 people to have an audience
with the Pope.

He was born premature on Ferbuary 27, 1987 and was diagnosed with cerebral
palsy. He graduated from the Special Education Center of San Lorenzo High School
in Tabaco City.

Angelo is able to move around with the help of a wheelchair. He loves to cross-stitch,
mostly religious images that he sells. His interest in cross-stitch began in his younger
years but developed it at the age of 12 on the encouragement of his cousin Maria
Theresa de Dios Laco.


Are you done? Good.

If you still need to read the news report again, feel free to do so. If you are confident
now that you have understood the news report, please proceed to the next task.

Activity 5. Comprehension Check

Please answer the questions below to test how much you understood the news
report. You can go back to the important details or information you have highlighted
while reading the report.

1) Who is John Angelo Ortiz?

2) What was his dream?
3) What was his gift to the pope? How did he do it despite his disability?
4) What are the personal challenges encountered by John Angelo Ortiz?
5) How did he face his personal challenges?

6) How did the story of John Angelo Ortiz inspire other people to overcome their
personal challenges?
7) What have you learned from the life story of John Angelo Ortiz?
8) If you were John Angelo Ortiz, how would you take his personal challenges?

Which question is difficult for you to answer? Why?

If you found it hard to answer at least four of the given questions, you have a
problem in getting information or details from a news report. Below are some
discussions which will help you familiarize the different sources of information and
some tips on how you can get important details from a news report, speeches, panel
discussions, and informative talks.

Kinds of Sources of Information

1) News Reports. They are found in newspapers, televisions, or radios which aim to
inform the readers of what is happening in the world around them.
2) Panel Discussions. It is a live or virtual discussion about a specific topic amongst
a selected group of panelists who share differing perspectives in front of a large
3) Speeches. It refers to the formal address or discourse delivered to an audience.

4) Informative Talks. It tends to educate the audience on a particular topic. It helps
the audience understand a subject better and to remember what they learned later.

How to News Report.
Panel Discussion.
Introduction to Informative Speaking.

Getting information from these different sources of information is very important for a
student like you. For you to be able to identify the most important details from the
articles you have read, you must learn to use different reading techniques.

The following discussions dealt with four reading techniques, which you must be
aware of so that you can decide which technique is most suited for the reading task
assigned to you by your teacher.

As a twenty first learner, you must train yourself in using these four reading
techniques since it will help you get reliable and important information from different
sources that you can use in your everyday life.

Different Reading Techniques and When to Use Them

by Karl McDonald

1) Skimming. Skimming is sometimes referred to as gist reading. Skimming may

help in order to know what the text is about at its most basic level. Skimming is
useful when your goal is to preview the text to get a better idea of what it’s about. It
will help prepare you for deeper learning.
2) Scanning. Scanning involves getting your eyes to quickly scuttle across
sentences and is used to get just a simple piece of information.
3) Intensive Reading. You need to have your aims clear in mind when undertaking
intensive reading. Remember, this is going to be far more time consuming than
scanning or skimming. This type of reading has indeed beneficial to language
learners as it helps them understand vocabulary by deducing the meaning of words
in context. It moreover helps with retention of information for long periods of time,
and knowledge resulting from intensive reading persists in your long-term memory.
4) Extensive reading. Extensive reading involves reading for pleasure. Because
there is an element of enjoyment in extensive reading, it is unlikely that students will

undertake extensive reading of a text they do not like. It also requires a fluid
decoding and assimilation of the text and content in front of you.

Source: McDoanld, Karl. (2012). Different Reading Techniques and When to Use
Them. Accessed at
techniques-and-when-to-usethem/. Accessed on 25 May 2020.

What kind of reading technique did you use in Activity 4 for you to be able to answer
the given questions?

To help you remember the important details in what you’ve read or heard, the
following are the tips you can use

Tips to Remember What You Read

1) Read with a purpose.

2) Skim first.
3) Get the reading mechanics right.
4) Be judicious in highlighting and note-taking. Jot down important information you’ve
read from a news report. It will help you remember these details.
5) Think in pictures.
6) Rehearse as you go along. Try to remember the important details.
7) Stay within your attention span and work to increase that span.
8) Rehearse again soon by making it your habit to read.

Source: Klemm, Bill. (2009). 8 Tips To Remember What You Read.

In case you need to listen to a speech, informative talk, inspirational message, or

panel discussion, the following tips will help you remember the important information
or details:
1) Face the speaker and maintain eye contact.
2) Be attentive but relaxed.
3) Keep an open mind.
4) Listen to the words and try to picture what the speaker is saying. Take down
notes, if necessary.
5) Don’t interrupt, and don’t impose your solutions.
6) What for the speaker to pause to ask clarifying questions.
7) Ask questions only to ensure understanding.
8) Try to feel what the speaker is feeling.
9) Give the speaker regular feedback.
10) Pay attention to what isn’t said- to nonverbal cues.

Source: Schilling, Dianne. (2012). 10 Steps to Effective Listening.


Both tips cited above have mentioned that for you to enable to get relevant
information from different sources, you need to learn how to take down notes either
you are reading or listening.

Below are some tips for you on how to take better notes:
 Be prepared. Gather your note- taking materials such as pens and paper.
Your notebook must have sufficient blank pages.
 Come prepared. If you listen to a lecture, discussion, or speech, make sure
that you understand any themes, concepts, or the ideas that the speaker
presents in front. You can make an outline on your paper beforehand.
 Be an active listener. Make an effort to understand the topic while listening or
reading. Focus on what’s really is being said.
 Take notes by hand. It is very convenient if you will take notes using your
hand than typing on your laptop. Research shows that note-takers actually
retain information better when they take notes by hand.
 Don’t afraid to ask questions. If you come across something you don’t
understand, just jot it down and ask the speaker later for clarification.
 Focus on the key words and concepts. In note-taking, you must learn to
identify and jot down the most relevant information. Focus on the new
information that you’ve never learned before.
 Use the “question, answer, evidence method.” In this method, you will be
paraphrasing information which will help you understand and retain details
much more effectively.
 Use shorthand. Developing your own system of shorthand writing can help
you write more efficiently and avoid falling behind. Of course, it’s essential
that you are able to decipher your shorthand later on.
 Make your notes visually appealing. You should use a clean sheet of paper
for your note-taking. Your writing must also be legible.
 Color-code your notes. Try using a different colored pen for different parts of
your notes. It makes your notes more interesting and easier to retain.
 Review your notes. Review your notes after the lecture. Making a summary of
it will also help you remember important information.

Source: Taylor, Christopher. (2014). How to Take Better Notes.

Do you understand now the importance of familiarizing yourself with the different
reading techniques? Can you now apply these techniques in getting relevant
information from different sources of information?

If your answer is No, go back to the discussion and read it again.

If your answer is Yes, please proceed to the next task. Good luck!

Enrichment Activities

Wow! You are now in the middle part of your learning adventure. You have learned
how to get important information from a news report and understood the tips on how
to get this information if you are told to listen to a speech, inspirational message,
panel discussion, or informative talks.

Now, I think you are now ready for a series of tasks which will surely help develop
your new skill, and, that is to get information from different sources which you can
use in your daily life.

Activity 6. My Scanning Technique

Study the questions below. Then scan the excerpt of the speech of former President
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo entitled “PWDs: Partners in Nation Building” to answer
each question. You will be given 90 seconds only to do this task.

Record how much time you consume looking for the answer to each question. Write
the time you spent scanning the text to get the right answer on the rectangle found
under each question. The lesser the time you spent looking for the answer, the better
you are in scanning technique.

Your goal in this task is to scan the text as fast as you can to get the correct answer.
Remember also that in scanning, you get your eyes to quickly scuttle across
sentences to get just a simple piece of information.

So good luck, and enjoy your task.

1) Who organized the conference for PWD in which former President Arroyo
delivered the speech?
___________________________________________________ Time: _____
2) Who are the instruments of human dignity and self- sufficiency in a caring
___________________________________________________ Time: _____
3) Who should help address the problems and concerns of our PWDs?
___________________________________________________ Time: _____
4) What makes 2003-2012 significant?
___________________________________________________ Time: _____
5) Who are the vulnerable sectors of our society?
___________________________________________________ Time: _____
6) What are the opportunities that must be given to our PWDs?

___________________________________________________ Time: _____

Source: Macapagal-Arroyo, G. (2006). Presidential Museum and Library.

Activity 7: The Gist of the Panel Discussion

On this task, we will try to assess how good you are in skimming information from an
excerpt from a panel discussion. Just like what you’ve done in the previous activity,
you will skim the text to get the correct answer for every question. You are given 60
seconds only to finish this task.

Record how much time you consume looking for the answer to each question.

Write the time you spent skimming the text to get the right answer on the rectangle
found under each question. The lesser the time you spent looking for the answer, the
better you are in the skimming technique.

Remember that you will be doing is a gist reading when you skim. Skimming helps
you to know what the text is about at its most basic level. So good luck, and enjoy
your task.

1) According to the text, what does Professor Wang say about infectious materials?
___________________________________________________ Time: _______
2) In Singapore, what are some behavioral patterns which can be learned and
improved on?
___________________________________________________ Time: _______
3) Why is it very important that we wash our hands either with soap or sanitizer or 70
percent ethanol?
___________________________________________________ Time: _______
4) In the response given by Mr. Masagos, why shouldn’t we be celebrating even if
Covid- 19 has a positive impact on climate change?
___________________________________________________ Time: _______
5) What are some examples of personal hygiene mentioned in the panel discussion?
___________________________________________________ Time: _______


Q: What does tray return have to do with my health?

Professor Wang: Infectious materials are living organisms that thrive on food. The
longer you leave contaminants on the table, the higher the chances of someone
coming into contact with them.
Q: What is one of the worst hygiene habits people here have?
Mr. Masagos: Until recently, even myself, after I eat in a hawker center, I will put my
tissue paper inside (my bowl), and I think that is not littering, it is just keeping it
away from the floor and so forth. But I am beginning to recognize that these are also
what I call little biohazards that you leave on the table sometimes or even in your
bowl. Eat on a tray so that if the food falls out of your bowl, it falls on the tray, and
then when you return the tray, the table is clean for the next person. At the same
time, cleaners do not have to clean up after you.
Q: Is 'I cannot find a bin' a valid excuse for littering?
Mr. Tai: Well, just counting the public bins that are owned by NEA, we already have
over 11,000 bins - and these don't include town council bins. Shopping malls have
their own bins. MRT stations have their own bins. So, actually, Singapore has no
shortage of bins. And the bins are actually within very easy reach. So, there is really
no reason for a person to say: "I cannot find a bin, so I just drop (my litter)."
Q: What changes are being made to Singapore's hawker centers to encourage
cleaner practices?
Mr. D'Silva: We realize that when customers finish their food, if you want them to
clear their trays, the tray-return facility should be as close as possible to them so that
they don't have to walk a long way. These are just behavioral patterns. So, I think
this is something which we can learn, and we can improve on. Cleaning operators

will have to also upskill themselves, and we need to see how we can help them
mechanize to some extent, and at the same time educate and promote awareness
among their own cleaners... (Cleaners) can do a much better, efficient job if they are
doing things other than just clearing your trays. So, I think these are little things that
we can tweak in the months ahead.
Q: How do cleaning agents and disinfectants help fight the virus?
Prof Wang: The virus has a lipid membrane outside, and for the virus to remain
intact, it needs to maintain the lipid. Many cleaning agents can dissolve this lipid, so
that is why it is very important that we wash our hands either with soap or a sanitizer
or 70 percent ethanol. All of these will not only clean the environment in the general
sort of sense, but more specifically for Covid-19, you can actually disrupt the virus
and then prevent its transmission.
Q: Can Covid-19 help lower global emissions and fight climate change?
Mr. Masagos: Even if there is a positive impact on climate change, the cost to lives is
huge, and I don't think we should be celebrating this. We have set the world on this
journey of reducing emissions and then getting ready to adapt. We must do
everything we can now in our personal habits to use as little energy as possible,
reduce our waste, recycle our waste, put it into the circular economy. At the same
time, we look to new opportunities and new solutions. Fossil fuel versus, say,
hydrogen. All these are very great ideas that we should not dismiss and stop talking

Sources: Importance of Personal, Environmental Hygiene. (2020).SPH Digital News,

Singapore Press Holdings Ltd. Co.
personal-hygiene-first-line-of defenceagainst-covid-19

Activity 8. The Most Important Talk

Below is an excerpt from the talk given by the World Health Organization Director-
General at the media briefing on Covid- 19 on March 20, 2020. Read and
understand the message and do the task that follows

World Health Organization (WHO) has published guidelines for health ministers,
health system administrators, and other decision-makers, to help them provide life-
saving treatment as health systems are challenged, without compromising the safety
of health workers.

During this difficult time, it’s important to continue looking after your physical and
mental health. This will not only help you in the long-term, it will also help you fight
COVID-19 if you get it. First, eat a health and nutritious diet, which helps your
immune system to function properly. Second, limit your alcohol consumption, and
avoid sugary drinks. Third, don’t smoke. Smoking can increase your risk of
developing severe disease if you become infected with COVID-19. Fourth, exercise.

WHO recommends 30 minutes of physical activity a say for adults, and one hour a
day for children. If your local or national guidelines allow it, go outside for a walk, a
run or a ride, and keep a safe distance from others. If you can’t leave the house, find
an exercise video online, dance to music, do some yoga, or walk up and down the
stairs. If you’re working at home, make sure you don’t sit in the same position for
long periods. Get up and take a 3-minute break every 30 minutes.

We will be providing more advice on how to stay healthy at home in the coming days
and weeks. Fifth, look after your mental health. It’s normal to feel stressed, confused
and scared during a crisis. Talking to people you know and trust can help.
Supporting other people in your community can help you as much as it does them.
Check in on neighbors, family and friends. Compassion is a medicine. Listen to
music, read a book or play a game. And try not to read or watch too much news if it
makes you anxious. Get your information from reliable sources once or twice a day.

COVID-19 is taking so much from us. But it’s also giving us something special – the
opportunity to come together as one humanity – to work together, to learn together,
to grow together.


A) Give at least ten important information given by the WHO Director-general in his
talk about Covid-19 pandemic
1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

Are you done with your tasks? Which task is easy for you? Which one is difficult for
you to answer?

Do you find the information taken from news reports, speeches, panel discussions,
and informative talks relevant in your everyday life? Why? Why not?

What reading technique did you use to answer each of the tasks in the Enrichment
Activities? Did they help you get the important information you need in answering the

If your answers to all these questions is a big YES, congratulations! You’ve learned a
lot of things using this module and acquired another skills which will help you
become a twenty-first-century learner.

You are almost done with your first learning journey, and I think you enjoy your
tasks. Answer the questions below for us to know if you could still remember what
you have learned in the first part of this learning adventure!

Activity 9. What I Remember

1) What are the four reading techniques you can use to get relevant information from
different sources of information?



2) Why do you need to learn how to get information from news report, speeches,
panel discussions and informative talks?



Discussion Board
Congratulations! You have come this far in your learning adventure. And I think you
are now ready for the real world! To prove this, can you please do the task below.

Activity 10. What I Learned from Their Talks

Listen to the talks and discussion that your parents, siblings, cousins, aunts and
uncles have at home about COVID- 19 pandemic. Jot down the important details
you’ve heard from them and tell how this information can be of used to you as you
live now in the “new normal”. Present your answer using the graphic organizer

Information I’ve heard about Covid- 19 How can I use these information in my
from the talks of my family “new normal” life

Excellent! And now I can say that you really know the importance of getting
information from different sources so that you can use them in your everyday life. I
am looking forward to your next learning adventure!

Activity 11. Understanding a News Feature Article

Read and understand the excerpt of a news feature article written by April M. Bravo.
You can highlight some important details on the news report. Then answer the
questions that follow.

PWD thanks gov’t workers for act of kindness amid COVID-19 crisis
By April M. Bravo

Here’s a story from a person with disability (PWD) in Bugallon, Pangasinan who
shared how the government extended an act of kindness to her in this time of

“I am a PWD for being chronically ill (rheumatoid arthritis) for five years already, and
I am literally dependent on medicines. Prior to the issuance of guidelines for PWDs

during the enhanced community quarantine, my husband and I were having a hard
time and really desperate on how to purchase my medicine.

One of my maintenance is under strict prohibition, and today is my refill. Without this
med, I will fall ill, and I will experience difficulty in breathing,” she told the Philippine
Information Agency.

Her husband is not allowed to go to Dagupan City, where the medicine is available,
as he was still on quarantine and she, being on an immunocompromised state is
indeed a dilemma.

Then, she chatted with Municipal Registrar, Mrs. Karen Grace Ilano, to ask about her

“Yet, Ma’am Karen is indeed a Good Samaritan and an excellent government

employee, for she did not stop there. She personally called our Municipal Disaster
Risk Reduction Management Officer, Mr. Amado John Jefferson Espino, and she
told me to wait for him because his office is willing to buy my medicine for me,” she
gladly narrated.

“At this moment, I was informed by Ma’am Karen that they already bought my
medicine, and therefore I won’t skip taking it tonight,” she said as a way of
expressing her gratitude to this act of kindness which she described as a “lifesaver.”

“I want to spread the word that there are indeed good people and public servants
here in Bugallon who are genuinely compassionate and willing to serve,” she cited.
(AMB/PIA Ilocos Sur)


1) What is the news feature article all about?


2) What are the challenges the PWD in the article experienced during the lockdown?


3) Why did she call those people who helped her “good Samaritans”?


4) Base on the article, how vulnerable our PWDs in times of pandemic?


5) What message did you get from their story?


Now you are done with this module. I hope you’ve learned how to get information
from different sources of information such as news report, speeches, panel
discussions and informative talks.


DepEd Region V English 10 Module


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