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I. Identification.

Write your answer directly on your

1. A type of nervous system which is composed of
brain and spinal cord.
2. An external male reproductive organ which delivers
sperm to the vagina.
3. A classification of Peripheral N.S which relay
information between skin, skeletal muscles and
central nervous system.
4. A cell division that occurs in reproductive cells or
5. An external male reproductive organ a sac or pouch
which holds the testes.
6. A type of hormone which are water soluble.
7. A part of neurons that receive impulses and carry
them toward cell body.
8. It has a rule that monitors the body for temperature,
pH, other conditions.
9. A female reproductive organ which also called the
birth canal, a tube leading from the uterus to the
outside of the body.
10. It is considered as the “master gland” that signals
other glands to produce their hormones when needed
II. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your choice.
1. Sperm : Testes ; Egg cell : _______
A.Fallopian tube B. Uterus C. Ovary
2. A single extension of the neuron that carries
impulses away from the cell body.
A.Dendrites B. Axon C. Motor
3. This type of neuron carries impulses from inside
and outside the body to brain and spinal cord.
A.Sensory neuron B. Interneurons C. Motor
4. The first cells of a new organism; the time from
fertilization to implantation.
A.Fetus B. Embryo C. Zygote
5. One of the section in the brain that controls the
balance, posture and coordination.
A.Cerebrum B. Cerebellum C. Brainstem
6. a female hormones
a. estrogen
b. androgen c. testorone
7. Female reproductive organ which is also called
oviducts; are two tubes connecting the uterus with the
A.Fallopian Tube B. Ovary C. Cervix
8. A lobe in the cerebrum that is concerned with
A.Temporal B. Occipital Lobe C. Parietal
9. It controls involuntary activities such as heart rate
and breathing.
A.Temporal Lobe B. Cerebellum C. Medulla
10. Secretes fluid that make up the most of the
component of the semen
A.Seminal Vesicle B. Prostate Gland C.
Bulbourethral Gland

III. True or False. Write T or F only.

1. Estrogen is the hormone for males.
2. During the process of ejaculation, semen will pass
through the fallopian tube to the seminal vesicle.
3. A total of 46 chromosome in total, 44 somatic cells
and 2 gametes cell.
4. Female menstrual cycle will typically last for 26
5. The function of the scrotum is to maintain the
proper temperature of the testes.
6. Ovaries alternate the release of eggs each month.
7. Temporal lobe functions on memory, emotion,
hearing and language.
8. Fertilization occurs when one sperm cell unite with
the egg cell.
9. Mitosis is the type of cell division that occurs in non-
reproductive cells.
10. Bulbourethral Gland secretes slightly alkaline milky
fluid that is discharged as part of the semen

IV. Enumeration:
1. What are the three types of neurons
2. The Central Nervous System consists of what
two parts?
3. External Organs of the Male Reproductive
4. Organs of the Female Reproductive System

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