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2- llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ilililililililililililil ililililililililil ilil lililffilililfll 020112046/0521

Q. No. 6. Define contract of sale and distinguish contract of sale from (b) 'X' employees 'Y' to recover the debt of Rs. 1,500/-
an agreement to sell. Marks : 16 trom'Z'. The debt become time barred, because of 'Y's
dnoaud doad$ EJD"&n"ctu dl$ d>ooud doad: d:d: r negligence. ls Y'entitled to remuneration for his services ?
e'ard droar#d1 e+1. 'X'd)'Y'Ori'Z' &od 1,500/- domog:o$d1 a".,-oO dndq:
Q. No. 7. Explain tn" l"r"Oies available to a seller and buyer for dea:xbqd. u;ne.:$ 'Y'd Oe.rrd*ddaoemn roe a)ga)eod
breach of contract of sale. Marks: 16 FDed?R dOraa:Xd.:. 'Y'd) d{ dednan Soqndd ddo$er:
d>ooonad d>e $oeoaao*bri (dnst>dddori) d>oao doaod
we-r_of,do9:od elpdr^ld>oad dbmadddd: ado:,. edrd ?

Q. No. 8. Who is an agent ? Explain the duties of an agent towards

(c) Narayan agrees to supply 100 tons of Sugarto Pradeep.
principal. Marks: 16 Narayan despatches 150 tons. Pradeep refuses to
rcoS:rgao aodd qJD$ ? oJ:rdnd&ri douoddq, receive Sugar that he has supplied excess. Decide.
ro o$rtp ooJc rUrdrdddl adoxr. oaoaoJ:eodr 1 00 ri6f nErdo$dl {, oed0ri iduoaxr d>ds>
Q. No.9. Definepartnership.\ffhataretheessentialelementsof partnership? Marks:16 .{dre*. orooollead) {,oedCIri 150e,idr Sdddcldr4
melerrodo$q doDdaDdOR.,O. De)crro8o$ eddrd eroddde$ ? iduooao d>d:ad. da|3S ndddo$dl dduoaxr drDad
z$tsr*. aodeaaooA {Oed$ u idudod:dtr x*edo$e.rr &oodo$ed.

Q. No. 10. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks :2x8=16 0drol.
€r ddnd oln$orddo oddf* e,rfiu r^l{ed zudou:o:
(a) Rights of Surety
esail)€dJo"dd ddJdrl*)
(b) Procedure of registration of firm
ae::6"Odo$ dodoJ:d2, droeoeroob$d AeEd
(c) Rights of unpaid seller.
deadocnojraaiid dnoao,irrod.
Q. No. 1 1. Solve any two of the following problems : 2x1O=2O
€r dstnd cJndoaddo addc da${dddiuridot:
(a) 'A', 'B' and 'C' enter into a partnership agreement to run
motor buses on ceftain routes for a period of 20 years.
It was found that during 4 years the business resulted
in a loss each year.'A' however insists on the business
being continued for the remaining period. Can 'A' so
insist ? lf he can, state the way open to'B'and 'C'who
are not willing to continue the business.
'&' .adcb usr [.Gxbd mer:oaou'o udoddd.:o
^?', .z]'+*
20 ddrilpd'ilEadrod. d?e.D. ddr ddoail & N?er
ddrd {,e ddrdB f,d udorioaa.,aodd{ un$.'
'or' odlG 6?.dJd dr:od:ddSe,ll "z.ororrf.,:ofr 'o' otrlJ
arrl d>dr,,#de z aarndd 'E' dJdi'a'rf d'dad:dodd
"add #Ddrrlsadd r
'o'r'd '€oFe ?.cFFyPes2tr)
eFypeon ehnar"a (p.Fa*y.Fotb.cP)
Pgs \Fw6ery(lucc(tl:l
' 'l' o
'cscFo-FOF o.m%N
pqFsq,ee 88ee0c@ yp)qg pFJpn pctoGs.5w s.s
'unoc e lo Jopjo alll
I L : sIJeU\
{q paryosslp sl turll e qc!q^ uo spunot6 luata;;lp oq} u;e;dx3 '9 'oN 'O
hpyeh* FqF hF fgpr ppec2co@ +o"gop pQecoe@
'lrlJu aql lo
I L: sIrBtAl
srauped oql uoomleq soglllqell pue qqOU lenlnu aql ssncslg '? 'oN 'O
'q:EeF fopccaoe .peopetp qep yS&Be
foppeeoel ,d3qPqqP ypp e4f'aetpecpo,, A cP)PPoe pechscpoee
g l : slrenl
A;1:?"J:,'-?t;l 'e 'oN 'o
,,ereoa;ep lselod-uou snlebereo,, ssnosra a
'qoge ippyprpp hqp tpe ppeslePu 'qctc€%se h.soepu
: suentr 'ee6pa1d lo solmp pue slrl0p er.tr1
uleldx3 'a0pe;d aullag 'Z 'oN 'O
i, Puee+da Fovaeo8
'q6e tP&ygoa pppa Ppppe"
Faee:(p)cees yrp qpeo3 :€'C?Fp
&qF qc%cst" tppy.peoF ctogeec+)cees ip.p .p*p :eC&P
I L : slreyu e oolueJen9 lo lcelluoc
tuorl sJolllp ftguuepul lo lcelluoC /v\oH 't{loq lo sle!}uosso
aql aIeIS 'aslugleng puB {ttuwepul lo }cPJIuoC aullac '[ 'oN 'O
'Aletadutoc BpBuueX Jo
qs;gbu3 u! reqila usugrn eq plnoqs Jetnsuv '8
'qcee slreu gI frrec suollsenb
6u;u;eula, eql pue s)Ueu 0Z soulec I I 'oN'O 'Z
'suollsanb 6u1u;eue.l
eqt to engl Aue pue t l 'oN 'O larnsuv '! .' suollcrulsul
001 : slre[Al 'xer\l sJnoH I : uo[ejncl
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'g'-t'-t 'v'g'gfg"l'l 'v'g reo^ I lalsotuos /\fg'l'l 'uroc'g/'8'11 'v'g'8
(urotsAs 'u!fU-'JeW) 'g'ff 'V'g 'sr1 I lolsotuos W'g'1'l 'sl1 t rolsotuog ll
rz$Olgvoelt0z0 il|| ilt 1]till|lilll lllllllil llllllllllllllllI

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