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Student’s Name:
(Last Name First 2020-2021
Name Middle School Year:
Track/Strand Technical Vocational and 🞅 11
Livelihood (TVL) 🞅 12
Grade Level
Information and 🞅 1st Quarter
Communication Technology 🞅 2nd Quarter
(ICT) 🞅 3rd Quarter
Specialization PROGRAMMING 🞅 4th Quarter

Subject Code:
Teacher: SIR IEAN 6
Week(s) Covered:


<lastname_coursecode_section_Weekno_quarter_InsightsNo.docx> Example: delacruz_CP1212_ICT2MA_Week1_1stQuarter_Insights1.docx

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Essay: We wanted to know how deep are your understanding about the topics presented in
the module. Your answer will be graded accordingly using the prescribed rubrics. In your own
words (at least 200 words for each diagram), on the Insights Sheet provided in this module,
write down the importance of knowing the following:

1. Use Cases Diagram.

These diagrams are like a set of scenarios that describes interactions between the user and system itself.
It specifies the expected behavior and not the method on how to make something to work. One of the
main purposes of use case diagrams is to capture dynamic aspects in a system. Well, the other diagrams
have the same purpose too. But it is used to gather requirements from internal and external influences.
These diagrams can be both textual and through visuals. The main components of this diagram are: an
actor and use cases. Wherein the actor is going to be the one interacting with the system. Use cases are
mostly used in projects or almost in every project that we see. These types of diagrams will be highly
helpful with the planning of a project. To start, you will be starting by listing the order that the user will
do to complete an action. You can create a diagram online and will be a highly helpful tool in
requirement analysis. Use case diagrams specify the events of a system and their flows too but can’t
describe how it was implemented. These cases are used in a high level of design, this design is refined to
reach a practical picture of the system. The diagram might not be a good one for forward and reverse
engineering- it can still be used in a slightly different way. In forward engineering, these are used for
test cases. In reverse, it is used to prepare requirement details from an existing application.
2. Sequence Diagram.

Sequence diagrams are a type of UML diagrams to show and see how objects interact in a system or
classes within codes with each other, shows the details on how they carry out. Commonly, these
diagrams show the interactions in order since these types of diagrams are time centered. It is like a
sequence of events inside. Sequence diagram sometimes capture the interactions in a use case diagram
and sometimes in high-level interactions between a user and the system. They use the Sequence
Diagram to describe the aspects of a new system that changes over time. These are events that mark
changes, sequences of events in a system and others. to put it simply, this model is used to specify and
implement the controls of a system. The main purposes of a sequence diagram are the following: it
models the high-level interactions between the objects in a system, the interactions of collaborations
that realizes a use case, interactions that realizes an operation, either model generic interactions or
specific instances of interactions. The objects involved in this are listed from left to right according to
their order. Of course, there will be advantages presented when one uses a sequence diagram. First,
sequence diagrams are language neutral. Second, non-coders can also use sequence diagrams since it is
quite easy. Just a note that sequence diagrams are easier to do as a team.

3. Collaborative Diagram.

A collaborative diagram or also known as communication diagram is an illustration of relationships

among software or systems in the UML. These are created by first identifying the elements required to
carry out a functioning interaction. After, a model will be created through those interactions.
Collaborative diagrams are like flow charts. It gives out the function of something and the behaviors of
the objects in real time. The notations involved in this diagram are: objects, actors, links, and messages.
Objects are shown in the diagram as the rectangles with naming in it that represents an object or the
class name. Actors on the other side is the one that invokes the interaction inside the diagram. Each of
those actors has its own role to play. Next one is the Links, these are the ones that connects the objects
using a solid line to create interactions. Messages are seen at the arrow that describes the action that
has been done and serves as a means of communication between the objects whereas they convey
information. When do we use these types of diagrams? It is used when it is highly needed to show the
relationship with the objects. It can be used for the following: to provide an overview of collaborative
objects, to capture information between the objects, to visualize a logic that is behind an operation.

4. Activity Diagram.

As the name states, it is an activity diagram. It presents the actions and flow of control in a system that
is also quite similar to a flowchart. These are commonly used in business modeling. It can also describe
the steps used in a use case diagram which is not stated before in the past essays which makes it quite
different. An activity diagram has the following notations: start point, action state, action flow, object
flow, decisions and branching, guards, synchronization, time event, merge events, sent and received
signals, interrupting edge, swim lanes, and the end point. To explain all of those, let’s go on to the
starting point. The starting point or as the name states, it is the point where everything starts. It is a dot
with an arrow that helps us identify where the diagram starts. The action state, is the non-interruptible
action of an object. The object flow on the other hand is referring to a creation and modification of an
object/objects. The decision branch is represented by a diamond shape where something crucial is need
to be decided, and there are arrows around it to represent the paths that you want to choose. The
guards are also a part of the decision branch which helps you decide something and it needs to be
factual too. Sometimes it is known as the “yes” or “no” statements. The synchronization is used to split
an upcoming flow. The time event on the other hand is the one that stops the flow or the time which is
represented by an hour glass. As the name says, a merge event merges the multiple flows that are
concurrent. Sent and received signals often appears in pairs to represent the sent and received signals.
And interrupting edge is the one that interrupts an event by a lightning symbol. Swim lanes is what we
all see as events that are connected to each other as a whole. Finally, the end point which ends the

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