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Bible Quiz Chapter by Bible Quiz Chapter by

Chapter Chapter

h. Forest
Genesis Chapter 9 & 10
Genesis Chapter 9 & 10

1. What did God command Noah and 6. Noah became drunk and lay in
his sons to do? his tent _________. 1. What did God command Noah and 6. Noah became drunk and lay in
his sons to do? his tent _________.
a. Build an altar. a. with wine
b. Be fruitful and multiply. b. with a woman e. Build an altar. e. with wine
c. Pray that rain would not again c. crying f. Be fruitful and multiply. f. with a woman
destroy the world. d. naked g. Pray that rain would not again g. crying
d. Disassemble the ark. destroy the world. h. naked
7. Which son saw him? h. Disassemble the ark.
2. Whoever shed’s a man’s blood 7. Which son saw him?
_________________________________. a. Shem 2. Whoever shed’s a man’s blood
b. Ham _________________________________. e. Shem
a. shall answer to God c. Japheth f. Ham
b. by man, his blood shall be shed d. Noah Jr. e. shall answer to God g. Japheth
c. must stand before the f. by man, his blood shall be shed h. Noah Jr.
congregation g. must stand before the
8. What did that son do?
d. shall in no wise enter heaven congregation 8. What did that son do?
h. shall in no wise enter heaven
a. Covered his father.
3. God made a covenant, that He
b. Told his brothers. e. Covered his father.
would never ______________________. 3. God made a covenant, that He
c. Woke him. f. Told his brothers.
would never ______________________.
d. Keep it a secret. g. Woke him.
a. give man dominion over the
h. Keep it a secret.
animals e. give man dominion over the
9. What did the other sons do?
b. destroy the earth with a flood animals
9. What did the other sons do?
c. restrict man’s action f. destroy the earth with a flood
a. Covered their father.
d. hold man guiltless g. restrict man’s action
b. Told their mother. e. Covered their father.
h. hold man guiltless
c. Woke their father. f. Told their mother.
4. What did God give as a token of
d. Keep it a secret. g. Woke their father.
this covenant? 4. What did God give as a token of
h. Keep it a secret.
this covenant?
10. What did Noah say about his
a. A rainbow
younger son? 10. What did Noah say about his
b. A mountain e. A rainbow
younger son?
c. A fountain f. A mountain
d. A river a. He would be servant to his g. A fountain
brethren. h. A river e. He would be servant to his
5. Noah planted a ____________. b. He would rule his brethren.
brethren. 5. Noah planted a ____________. f. He would rule his
a. Wheat field c. He would rule nations. brethren.
b. Orchard d. He would be a man of e. Wheat field g. He would rule nations.
c. Vineyard honor. f. Orchard h. He would be a man of
d. Forest g. Vineyard honor.


Bible Quiz Chapter by Bible Quiz Chapter by
Chapter Chapter

Genesis Chapter 9 & 10

Genesis Chapter 9 & 10

11. This chapter lists the generations 11. This chapter lists the generations
of the sons of _____________. of the sons of _____________.

a. Noah e. Noah
b. Moses f. Moses
c. Abraham g. Abraham
d. Adam h. Adam

12. Shem, Ham and Japheth had sons 12. Shem, Ham and Japheth had sons
after _______________. after _______________.

a. their own likeness e. their own likeness

b. their heart f. their heart
c. their money g. their money
d. the flood h. the flood

13. He was a mighty hunter before the 13. He was a mighty hunter before the
Lord. Lord.

a. Noah e. Noah
b. Nimrod f. Nimrod
c. Cain g. Cain
d. Abel h. Abel

14. Eber named one of his sons Peleg, 14. Eber named one of his sons Peleg,
for in his day was the earth ________. for in his day was the earth ________.

a. rejoicing e. rejoicing
b. burned by the sun f. burned by the sun
c. divided g. divided
d. holy h. holy

15. By the families of the sons of 15. By the families of the sons of
Noah, the earth was divided into ____. Noah, the earth was divided into ____.

a. Nations e. Nations
b. War f. War
c. Confusion g. Confusion
d. Turmoil h. Turmoil


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