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Name-Nirakar Behera

Roll no-UR21031

Personal Reflection Paper-I

In my opinion there is a huge change in Palampur village viewing from each and every aspect if
we consider. Whether it may be agricultural sector or any form of livelihood I can see a great
change now as compared to the one in the past. The population in villages were less which indicate
that it was suffering a huge setback in terms of money. Time changes everything likewise Palampur
villages have started evolving and if we see future, I think the village will improve a lot in terms
of agricultural sectors, land holding, etc. and it will be a very good sign because it will improve
the living condition of the village as well as it will improve the economic condition of villages as
well as India. Considering the rural aspect, the major source of work and livelihood is agriculture
and with time the agriculture practices will definitely evolve and in future it will create a big
In future agriculture will be there but with the development of technology other source of
occupation will be added on and we can see a new face of Palampur village. It took a long time to
improve the condition but as it is improving it will show much more improvement. The kaccha
roads will be replaced by pakka roads and the huts will be replaced by houses. Being from a below
poverty line the people did not enjoy any facilities but as they started interacting with people from
nearby villages, they might have known how to improve the condition of the village. With time
the awareness program has been conducted so that their condition can be improved. They have
become self-sufficient to earn their own source of living.
Considering the developmental aspect, the village has transformed themselves from agricultural
activity to non-agricultural activity with is obviously a positive sign. There should be growth for
everyone let it be higher class or be it lower class. Everybody has a right to live peacefully and
this is what village of Palampur did. With time their development was remarkable. Looking at the
educational aspect the majority of the villagers were uneducated but few decades back people have
started imparting education which can be a major driving factor which can bring changes to the
life of the people. With education people will start to move to the towns, city etc. which will be a
good sign for village. This will become a positive factor for children as everyone will try to impart
education and move out to work. The people have started to move to non-agricultural work and
they are getting paid more than what they could have got remaining in agricultural sector.
I can see from the analysis of Palampur village is that this village has survived a lot of hardship
and still found a way to survive. They switching of agricultural to non-agricultural opened a
gateway for the economic improvement. The higher section as well as lower section both were
suffering. Every time I see lower section keeps on suffering but in the Palampur village lower
section also worked very hard and they found their way of living. Mostly the villagers preferred

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non-agricultural activity which shows they always wanted to have a good standard of living. They
preferred to work in near buy areas but if they would have shown the real living of urban areas
they might have also preferred to work there considering the monetary aspect.

In the end I would like to put my thought that with the inventions and technology every section
of the society is evolving. With the analytics as given I think the people are understanding and
knowing that there are more opportunity lying ahead if they move out of the villages and start
working in the urban. As people are shifting their focus to non-agricultural grounds the agricultural
ground might face same setbacks. But the agricultural scenario will not be completely uprooted.
In future more modernized techniques will come which can also make agricultural process to gain
good amount of profit as compared to the work people are doing outside villages. With time and
the scope which Palampur village is getting it might turn out to be a city or towns with a proper
economic and monetary stability.

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