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Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes For Official Use 由職員填寫

Reference Number 參考編號 :

專 上 課 程 電 子預 先 報 名平 台 (E-APP)

Application for Account Creation / Update

申請帳戶建立 / 更改
Notes 注意事項:
1. Applicants can apply for E-APP account creation or update of personal particulars by submitting this form.
申請人可遞交此表格申請帳戶建立 / 更改資料。

2. Only applicable to those who are Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) candidate in the current academic year and not able
to create the account online, or require to update the personal information (i.e. ID Type & No., Chinese & English Name and Date of Birth, etc.) in E-APP.

3. Applicants can update most of their personal particulars, such as login password, contact number, corresponding address, etc. via E-APP (
and do not required to fill in this form.

4. Applicants are required to fill in and submit this application form by email with attachment:
(i) copy of HKID card or other proof of identity; and
(ii) “HKDSE Candidate Entry Information Checklist” or Admission Form issued by Hong Kong Examinations And Assessment Authority (HKEAA)
to Application will be processed within 10 working days upon receipt. Applicants will be notified via e-mail.
(i) 香港身份證或其他身份證明文件副本;及
(ii) 香港考試及評核局(考評局)發出的「考生報考資料核對表」或准考證的副本
以電郵發送至 以辦理相關手續。申請會在10個工作天內處理,並以電郵形式通知結果。

Personal Particulars 個人資料

1. English Name
英文姓名 Surname First Name

2. Chinese Name
中文姓名 姓氏 名字

3. HKID Card No.


* Passport / Travel Document Number

* 護照/旅遊證件號碼
* To be completed by applicant who do not have HKID Card. 只供沒有香港身分證的申請人填寫。
* Please delete where appropriate. 請將不適用者刪去

4. Date of Birth 日 Day 月 Month 年 Year


5. Telephone No.
6. Contact Email Address

EDB/EAPP001 (Rev 11/2021)

Account Creation / Update 帳戶建立 / 更改

☐ Apply for creation of E-APP account 申請建立 E-APP 帳戶

Reason of being unable to create E-APP account online (e.g. late application to HKEAA)
申請人無法在網上建立 E-APP 帳戶的原因(如:逾期申請香港中學文憑考試)

☐ Apply for update of following personal particulars 申請更改以下個人資料

☐ English From

英文姓名 Surname First Name Surname First Name

☐ Chinese From to
由 改為
中文姓名 姓氏 名字 姓氏 名字

Day Month Year Day Month Year

☐ Date of Birth From 日 月 年 to 日 月 年
出生日期 由 改為

☐ ID Type From to
證件類別 由 改為

☐ ID No. From to
證件號碼 由 改為

Declaration by the Applicant 申請人聲明

I declare the information given in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Please attach the following copies of documentary proof before submission:


☐ (i) copy of your HKID Card or other proof of identity; and

☐ (ii) copy of “HKDSE Candidate Entry Information Checklist” or Admission Form issued by HKEAA.

Signature of Applicant

Please insert a in the appropriate box. 請在適當方格內填上 號

EDB/EAPP001 (Rev 11/2021)

Personal Information Collection Statement
Purpose of Collection

1. The personal data provided in the form will be used by Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes
(E-APP) for the following purposes:
(a) processing E-APP applications;
(b) processing the data correction request;
(c) facilitating communication between staff in Education Bureau and yourself; and
(d) serving as part of the official record.
(a) 處理E-APP申請;
(b) 處理改正資料的要求;
(c) 方便教育局負責人員與你聯絡;及
(d) 作為官方記錄。

2. The provision of personal data is on voluntary basis. However, lack of the requested information will affect the Education
Bureau in processing request of changing personal particulars.

Classes of Transferees

3. Personal data provided in the form will be kept confidential and handled by the staff who are responsible for taking forward the
aforementioned activities.

Access to Personal Data


4. Applicants have the right to access and correct the personal data provided in accordance with sections 18 and 22 and Principle
6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Their right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of their
personal data provided in the form.


5. Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of this form, including access and corrections of data should contact:

Further Education Division, 香港

7/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices, 添馬添美道2號
2 Tim Mei Avenue, 政府總部東翼7樓
Tamar, Hong Kong 延續教育分部
Tel: 3104 2560 電話: 3104 2560
Fax: 3579 5097 傳真: 3579 5097

EDB/EAPP001 (Rev 11/2021)

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