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Mini Case No. 5 The Business Manager and His Goals Parallel to the evolution that has occurredin the business world in the decade's past is the evolution of views on participative leadership among manager. Participative leadership refers to the manner in which employers have come to treat their employees. This treatment has evolved from days of traditional, autocratic relationships ~ in which employees were told exactly what tasks to do, without regard to their feelings or what intelligent input could be made - to today's spectrum of treatment defined by two terms, human relations and hurnan resources. Managers’ approaches today consider not only the employees’ feelings but the potential added benefits they might be able to bring to the firm. The difference between human relations and human resources lies in the goals and expectations of the manager. With human relations, the mangers primary concern is reducing employees resistance to authority with the satisfaction of the employees’ basic needs to feel accomplishment and belongingnessto the company. On the other hand, managers who practices human resources look to empower their employees by encouraging them to take initiative and reach goals by their own capabilities and resources. With the sense of self-accomplishment gained by doing things in new ways, then the employees’ moraleis inevitably raised. Not only with the employee's presence truly matter but the company's productivity and success will also be greater. Managers’ stances today are headed in the direction of human resources model, a beneficial move indeed. Questions 1. What do you think managers can do to augment their success in managing their businesses? 2. What are other roles of a manager not mentioned that you think should be practiced in order to be more effective?

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