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The Working Principle of An Air Conditioner Mostly
Depends Upon These Five Components

• Evaporator

An evaporator is working like a heat exchanger coil that is responsible for collecting
heat within the room by a refrigerant gas, where the liquid refrigerant gas sucks heat
and evaporates to become gas. Some of the commonly used refrigerant gas is R-410,
R-22, and R-600A that absorbs heat inside the room and sent to the next component
for further process.

• Compressor

The compressor is an outside air conditioner unit where the compression of gaseous
refrigerant occurs to propel the cold air.

• Condenser

Condenser is also an external unit that collects vaporized refrigerant from the
compressor and changes it into liquid and pushes heat outside.

• Refrigerant

The refrigerant gas is the chemical that keeps the incoming air cool. It is called as
Freon gas or R-22 refrigerant that is found either a liquid or gaseous form.

The air conditioner collects warm air from the given space, processes it with Freon
gas with the help of a set of coils, and propels cold air in place of hot. This is the
summary of the ac works on the principle of cooling air inside the given interior. The
air conditioner does not produce cold air as it works on the principle of physical and
chemical phenomenon where it effectively cools the air inside the space. It helps you
in getting the desired temperature with the help of coolant gas filled inside the AC.
The refrigerant gas collects warm air and becomes a hot gas and then it falls on the
evaporator coil that absorbs heat, humidity, and moisture contents present in the air.
The overall process is repeating itself to achieve the desired temperature until no
more warm air left inside the room.

Air Conditioner Working Principle
An air conditioner collects warm air from a given location, processes it with the help of a
refrigerant and a series of coils within it, and then releases the cold air to the place where the
hot air was initially collected. Virtually all air conditioners system works on this principle. Most
of us believe that an air conditioner produces fresh air with the help of machines installed
inside it, which can cause it to cool a room so quickly. Hence, they say why it consumes so
much electricity. However, this is a delusion. The air conditioner is not a magic device as it
follows a set of physical and chemical phenomena to cool a place very effectively when you
turn on an AC and set your desired temperature around 20-25 degree, the thermostat installed
in its senses that there is a difference between the room air temperature and the temperature
you choose.

This hot air is drawn from the base of the indoor unit through the grille; the air flows through
some of the pipes through which the refrigerant or the cooling fluid is leaking. The refrigerant
liquid absorbs heat and becomes hotter than before. In this way, how the weather is removed
from the air falling on the evaporating coil. The evaporator coil not only absorbs heat but also
expels moisture from the incoming air, which helps reduce condensation from the room. This
hot refrigerant gas is then passed to the compressor located on the external unit in case of
split AC. The compressor compresses the cooling gas so that it heats up because compressing
the gas raises its heat. This hot, high-pressure gas then moves to the third section called a

The Standard Ac Principles That Effect the Cooling

Again, the condenser condenses the hot air vapor so that it becomes a liquid. The refrigerant
reaches the capacitor in the form of hot gas, but quickly becomes a cold liquid as the heat of
the hot gas is transmitted to the surrounding atmosphere through metal fins. So, as the
refrigerant left the condenser, it loses its high temperature and turns out to be a more cooling
liquid. It flows through an expansion valve - a small hole in the system's copper tubing - that
controls the flow of cold liquid refrigerant into the evaporator. Hence, the refrigerant arrives at
the point where its journey began.

Although all the types of machinery involved in the air conditioning process in the window AC
are located inside the same metal box, the basic operation of cooling remains the same. The
entire process is repeated until the desired temperature is attained in the given space. In short,
an AC unit draws hot air in and exits back into the room until more hot air cools. So, these AC
principles can offer you to achieve optimum cooling as per the unique issue.

As many as we depend on an air conditioner, it is surprising to note that they were not planned
for human comfort when they were initially industrialized. The inspiration for the first modern

air conditioning system was to eliminate some of the problems in the AC working principle so,
that the AC gives you optimum cooling because of the strict AC principle.

Why Is Air Conditioner Capacity Measured In

What do you think as soon as you hear the word "ton"? Most people remember how massive a
ton is: 2,000 pounds. But when we are talking about the capacity of air conditioners, a ton
means completely different. A three-ton air conditioner does not weigh three tons - can you
imagine installing a 6,000-pound air conditioner in your home? The word "three tons" is a
phrase of how cold an air conditioner can cool a building in an hour.

So, where did that phrase come from? Why do we measure the capacity of air conditioners in
tons? It contains about 12,000 BTU, which is the amount of energy required to heat one pound
of water by one British Thermal Units (one BTU is one degree Fahrenheit) - needed to melt one
ton of ice during 24 hours.

As cooling methods in the home were changed from old-fashioned ice to more modern air
conditioning, such as today's coil models, industry professionals continue to measure the
amount of heat an air conditioner makes from a building. It can be extracted as tons. So if you
have a three-ton air conditioner, And in HVAC parlance a ton is equal to 12,000 BTU, then that
air conditioner can remove about 36,000 BTU of heat in an hour from your home.

You can contact AC near me to provide service to your air conditioner, so the working principle
of your air conditioner works correctly. Every time they will take the low cost for cleaning your
air conditioners, and they also provide superior service. After going through all the aspects of
the AC working principle, it is found that the air conditioner is born to give you extra comfort in
any harsh condition.

The basic AC principle is a vapor compression cycle to minimize the air temperature with the
help of a condenser, compressor, expansion valve, and evaporator. The complete cooling
process is a heat transfer taking place among the room air and refrigerant gas. With the
repetition of the cycle, the inner air becomes cooler until it touches the desired point. AC works
on the principle of collecting hot air from the room and processing it to release a pleasant

The Working Principle of An Air Conditioner Mostly

Depends Upon These Five Components
An air conditioner makes your building cool because it removes excess heat from the indoors
to the outdoors. A refrigerant gas inside the system absorbs the unwanted heat and pumps it
outside through a piping system. The fan, fitted in the external unit, blows outside air through
the coil, transferring heat by the refrigerant gas to the outdoor air.

Most central air conditioner units are operated by a split type system that consists of a hot side
as the condensing unit in coordination with the condensing coil, the compressor and the fan
situated outside the home, and a cold side that is placed inside your home.

The cold side comprises an expansion valve along with a cold coil, and it is usually part of your
air handler. The existing air blows air through an evaporator coil, which cools the air thoroughly.
Then the cool air is routed throughout your home with the help of air ducts. A window unit works
on the same principle; the only difference is that the cold side is located within the same unit.

The compressor is controlled by the thermostat that is one of the air conditioner systems. The
compressor works as the pump that pushes the refrigerant to flow through the system. Its job
is to draw in a low-pressure, low-temperature refrigerant gas in a gaseous state and, by
compressing the gas, surge the pressure and temperature of the gas refrigerant. This high-
pressure gas then flows to the condenser coil.

The condenser coil is a series of piping along with a fan that draws air from outside. As the
refrigerant goes through the condenser coil and the cold air passes across the coil, the air
absorbs heat from the refrigerant that causes the refrigerant and converts gas to a liquid state.
The high-pressure liquid then reaches the expansion valve and does the rest.

The evaporator coil is a series of piping attached to an air handler that blows indoor air across
it, causing the coil to soak heat from the outside air. The cooled air is then flooded to the entire
house through ducts. The liquid refrigerant then reverts to the compressor, where the cycle
starts over to do the same. Extracting heat from the atmosphere and adding to the refrigerant
gas is the primary function of the evaporator coil.


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