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Be A Modern Master

The Path Of The Sutras

Initiations Of The Threshold

Initiation marks your ability to stand firmly planted in the light. It's a long extended process,
some of which takes place before your incarnation into this lifetime and after you have died
and are no longer in a physical body.

The first initiation is that of the physical Self, called Birth. This is a symbolic new birth, like
the evangelical concept of being "born again." Here you begin your long journey in service
of your Higher Self towards mastery. At this level, you have a desire to do good in the
world and start to develop a sense of responsibility and a deep appreciation of nature.
The second initiation is the Astral (Emotional Self), called Baptism because it relates to the
control of the watery emotional body. You start the process of mastering your feelings and
desires and kickstart the awakening of kundalini. Many people stay stuck at this level
because they don't love themselves, which is a prerequisite for advancement to the third

The third initiation is known as Transfiguration, or the Soul Merge —when you develop a
level of mastery over your thoughts. Your Earth-bound psyche merges with your soul on
Earth and you no longer respond with desire to the lower vibrations of the world. This level,
and from here on in, normally requires the assistance of a facilitator like myself, working
with you from another plane.

This completes the first stage of the Antahkarana, the bridge of consciousness that links
the personality to Spirit, which is done by moving through everyday life in a disciplined
way. You are now happy to serve your soul's purpose. Once you have reached the third
initiation, you have an inner certainty about your connection to Source that cannot be

The fourth initiation is called the Crucifixion. From now on, Spirit, not the soul, is your
guide. This level is where you start to seriously let go of attachment. It’s the “Job
initiation” (you’ll remember Job’s story from the last Chapter) where everything he
treasured was stripped away.

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